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`Attorney Docket No.
`First Inventor
`Scott Fullam
`Express Mail Label No. N/A
`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria VA 22313-1450
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`1 Date June 1 0, 2011
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`1 of 275
`Application Data Sheet
`Application Information
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`CD~ROM or CD~R?::
`June 10, 2011
`Attorney Docket Number::
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`Small Entity::
`Petition included?::
`Secrecy Order in Parent Appl.?::
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`Applicant Authority type::
`Primary Citizenship Country::
`United States of America
`Given Name::
`Family Name::
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`Full Capacity
`Palo Alto
`2 of 275
`State or Province of Residence::
`Country of Residence::
`United States of America
`Street of mailing address::
`3982 Sutherland Dr.
`City of mailing address::
`Palo Alto
`Country of mailing address::
`United States of America
`State or Province of mailing address::
`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address:: 94303
`Applicant Authority type::
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`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address:: 94085
`3 of 275
`Correspondence Information
`Customer Number::
`Kokka & Backus, PC
`Street of mailing address::
`703 High Street
`City of mailing address::
`Palo Alto
`Country of mailing address::
`State or Province of mailing address:: CA
`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address:: 94301
`(650) 566-9921
`(650) 566-9922
`Representative Information
`Representative Customer Number::
`Registration Number::
`Scott S. Kokka
`Assignee Information
`Name:: A!iphCom, Inc.
`Mailing address:: 687 W. Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
`4 of 275
`FIG. 1
`FIG. 2
`5 of 275
`FIG. 3
`10~. . \:-"""41 0
`40o-jl • ~
`106 208
`FIG. 4
`..... ··
`6 of 275
`0. *4/*9 * "9 '9 ’/*2-'0. *4/*9 * "9 '9 ’/*2-'
`- “.‘t“3l“!v“¥“5"?‘Vb‘Vb‘VJ"i“‘i*“’b“¢‘“:"i\“{\“‘}“‘}“é"{\“i\“’}“§“‘}“¢“{\“i\‘- “.‘t“3l“!v“¥“5"?‘Vb‘Vb‘VJ"i“‘i*“’b“¢‘“:"i\“{\“‘}“‘}“é"{\“i\“’}“§“‘}“¢“{\“i\‘
`FIG. 58
`FIG. 5C
`7 of 275
`Forrn protective layer
`Form inner molding
`Perform function test
`Form outer molding
`Perform final test
`Perform visual inspection
`FIG. 6A
`8 of 275
`Selectively apply
`protective material over
`e!ernents coupled to
`Forrn inner molding over
`framework, elernents, and
`protective material
`Forn1 outer molding over
`inner molding, framewor~<:,
`elements, and protective
`Perform inspection of
`outer rnolding to
`determine if defect is
`Rernove outer molding
`.. ~
`FIG. 68
`9 of 275
`Selectively apply securing
`coating over components
`on frame\'l.lOrk
`Form molding over
`securing coating,
`cornponents, and
`FIG. 6C
`10 of 275
`Place elements on
`Secure elements to
`framework using curable
`Perform inspection of
`curable materia! after
`!a~lering on framework
`and elements
`Forrn one or more
`moldings over curable
`material, framevmrk, and
`Perform inspection for
`defects in moldings
`Reform molding over
`curable material ;
`framework, and elements
`Remove defective
`FIG. 6D
`11 of 275
`-~ oc
`12 of 275
`0 -0\
`13 of 275
`"""""" c,
`14 of 275
`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Scott Fullam
`Customer Number:
`Scott Susumu Kokka
`Filer Authorized By:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
`Filing Date:
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`16 of 275
`By Inventors:
`Scon Fullam
`3982 Sutherland Dr
`Palo Alto, CA 94303
`A Citizen of the United States of America
`Skip Orvis
`687 W. Maude Avenue
`Sunnyvale, CA 94085
`A Citizen of the United States of America
`Assignee: AliphCom, Inc.
`70) High Street
`Palo Alto. CA 94JO I
`Tel: (650) 566-9921
`17 of 275
`[000 I]
`The present invention relates generally to electrical and electronic hardware,
`computer software, wired and wireless network communications, and computing devices.
`5 More specifically, techniques for component protective ovem10lding are described.
`[0002] With the advent of greater computing capabilities in smaller mobile form
`factors and an increasing number of applications (i.e., computer and Internet software or
`programs) for different uses, consumers (i.e., users) have access to large amounts of data;
`I 0
`personal or otherwise. Information and data are often readily available, but poorly
`captured using conventional data capture devices. Conventional devices typically lack
`capabilities that can record, store, analyze, communicate, or use data in a contextually-
`meaningful, comprehensive, and eflicient manner. Further, conventional solutions are
`often limited to specific individual purposes or uses, demanding that users invest in
`I 5 multiple devices in order to perfonn different activities (e.g., a sports watch for tracking
`time and distance, a GPS receiver for monitoring a hike or run, a cyclometer for
`gathering cycling data, and others). Although a wide range of data and information is
`available, conventional devices and applications generally fail to provide effective
`solutions that comprehensively capture data for a given user across numerous disparate
`Some conventional solutions combine a small number of discrete functions.
`Functionality for data capture, processing. storage, or communication in conventional
`18 of 275
`devices such as a watch or timer with a heart rate monitor or global positioning system
`("GPS") receiver are available, but are expensive to manufacture and typically require
`purchasing multiple, expensive devices. Other conventional solutions for combining data
`capture facilities often present numerous design and manufacturing problems such as size
`specifications, materials requirements, lowered tolerances for defects such as pits or holes
`in coverings for water-resistant or waterproof devices, wueliability, higher failure rates,
`increased manufacturing time, and expense. Subsequently, conventional devices such as
`fitness watches, heart rate monitors, GPS-enabled fitness monitors, health monitors (e.g.,
`diabetic blood sugar testing units}, digital voice recorders, pedometers, altimeters, and
`I 0
`other conventional data capture devices are generally manufactured for conditions that
`occur in a single or small groupings of activities and, subsequently, are limited in tenns
`of commercial appeal to consumers.
`Generally, if the number of data inputs accessible by conventional data
`capture devices increases, there is a corresponding rise in design and manufacturing
`requirements and device size that results in significant consumer expense and/or
`decreased consumer appeal, which eventually becomes prohibitive to both investment
`and commercialization. Still further, conventional manufacturing techniques are often
`limited and ineffective at meeting increased requirements to protect sensitive hardware,
`circuitry, and other components that are susceptible to damage, but which are required to
`perform various data capture activities. As a conventional example, sensitive electronic
`components such as printed circuit board assemblies ("PCBA"), sensors, and computer
`memory (hereafter "memory") can be significantly damaged or destroyed during
`19 of 275
`manufacturing processes where protective overmoldings or layers of material occurs
`using techniques such as injection molding, cold molding, and others. Damaged or
`destroyed items subsequently raises the cost of goods sold and can deter not only
`investment and commercialization, but also innovation in data capture and analysis
`technologies, which are highly compelling fields of opportunity.
`Thus, what is needed is a solution for efficiently manufacturing devices
`without the limitations of conventional techniques.
`20 of 275
`Various embodiments or examples ("examples") are disclosed in the
`following detailed description and the accompanying drawings:
`FIG. l illustrates a cross-sectional view of an exemplary process for providing
`protective material in component protective ovem1olding;
`FIG. 2 illustrates another cross-sectional view of an exemplaty process for
`providing protective material in component protective overmolding;
`FIG. 3 illustrates a cross-sectional view of an exemplary process for forming
`an inner molding in component protective overmolding;
`FIG. 4 illustrates another cross~sectional view of an exemplary process for
`forming an outer molding in component protective overmolding;
`[00 l I)
`FIG. 5A illustrates an exemplary design applied during component protective
`FIG. 5B illustrates another exemplary design applied during component
`protective overmolding;
`[00 13]
`FIG. 5C illustrates a further exemplary design applied during component
`protective ovennolding;
`FIG. 6A illustrates an exemplary process for component protective
`FIG. 6B illustrates an alternative exemplary process for component protective
`21 of 275
`[00 16]
`FIG. 6C illustrates another alternative exemplary process for component
`protective overmolding;
`[00 17]
`FIG. 6D illustrates yet another alternative exemplary process for component
`protective overmolding;
`FIG. 7 illustrates a view of an exemplary data-capable strapband configured to
`receive overmolding;
`FIG. 8 illustrates a view of an exemplary data-capable strapband having a first
`molding; and
`FIG. 9 illustrates a view of an exemplary data-capable strapband having a
`I 0
`second molding.
`22 of 275
`Various embodiments or examples may be implemented in numerous ways,
`including as a system, a process, an apparatus, a user interface, or a series of program
`instructions on a computer readable medium such as a computer readable storage medium
`or a computer network where the program instructions are sent over optical, electronic, or
`wireless communication links. In general, operations of disclosed processes may be
`perfonned in an arbitrary order, unless otherwise provided in the claims.
`A detailed description of one or more examples is provided below along with
`accompanying figures. The detailed description is provided in connection with such
`examples, but is not limited to any particular example. The scope is limited only by the
`claims and numerous alternatives, modifications, and equivalents are encompassed.
`Numerous specific details are set forth in the following description in order to provide a
`thorough understanding. These details are provided for the purpose of example and the
`described techniques may be practiced according to the claims without some or a II of
`these specific details. For clarity, technical material that is known in the technical fields
`related to the examples has not been described in detail to avoid unnecessarily obscuring
`the description.
`FIG. I illustrates a cross-sectional view of an exemplary process for providing
`protective material in data-capable strapband ovennolding. Here, device I 00 includes
`framework I 02, elements 104-106, and covering I 08. In some examples, framework I 02
`may be referred to interchangeably as a substrate, wafer, board (printed, unprinted, or
`otherwise), or other surface upon which elements 104-106 may be mounted, placed, or
`23 of 275
`otherwise fixed. The type and configuration of clements may be varied and arc not
`limited to any given type of electrical, electronic, or mechanical component. For
`example, element I 04 may be implemented as a microvibrator or motor configured to
`provide a vibratory signal for an alarm or other indicator. Element 104 may also be a
`printed circuit board assembly ("PCBA"), logic, processor, microprocessor, memory
`(e.g., solid state, RAM, ROM, DRAM, SDRAM, or others), or other computing element
`and is not limited to any specific type of component. Further, element I 04 may be
`coupled electrically or electronically to element I 06, which may also be an electrical,
`electronic, or mechanical component that can be placed on framework 102. When placed
`I 0
`on framework I 02, elements 104-106 may be fixed using various techniques, including
`adhesives, mechanical fixing stmctures (e.g., posts and holes), or others, without
`As shown, covering I 08 may be placed over element I 04 in order to protect
`the latter from damage resulting from the application of subsequent layers, coverings,
`15 moldings, or other protective material, regardless of environmental conditions (e.g.,
`temperature, pressure, thickness, and others). As shown, element I 04 is covered by
`covering I 08 and element I 06 is uncovered. However, other protective materials may be
`used to cover element I 06. In still other examples, protective materials such as covering
`108 may not be used if elements 104 or 106 are manufactured to resist the formation,
`deposit, layering, or covering of other protective materials at various temperatures,
`pressures, or other atmospheric conditions. In other examples, device 1 00 and the above~
`described elements may be varied and are not limited to those shown and described.
`24 of 275
`FIG. 2 illustrates another cross-sectional view of an exemplary process for
`providing protective material in data-capable strapband overmolding. Here, device 200
`includes framework 102, elements 104-106, covering 108, syringe 202, arrows 204-206,
`and protective coating 208. In some examples, covering I 08 and protective coating 208
`5 may be referred to as "protective material" interchangeably and without limitation. As
`shown, like numbered elements shown in this drawing and others may refer to the same
`or a substantially similar element previously described.
`.,.. In some examples, an applicator (e.g., syringe 202) may be used to selectively
`apply protective coating 208 to cover as a protective layer over element I 06. As used
`I 0
`herein, "selectively applying" may refer to the application, placement, positioning,
`formation, deposition, growth, or the like, of protective material to one, some_, all, or none
`of any underlying elements (e.g., elements 104-1 06). In some examples, "protective
`material" may also be used interchangeably with "protective layer," "covering,"
`"housing," or "structure" regardless of the composition of material or matter used,
`without limitation. In other words, covering I 08 and protective coating 208 may each be
`referred to as "protective material" and used to protect underlying elements (e.g.,
`elements 104-106 (FIG. I)) as described herein.
`[0027] When the plunger of syringe 202 is depressed in the direction of arrow 204,
`protective coating 208 is forced through applicator tip 210 and applied as a protective
`layer over element I 06. As an example, protective coating 208 may be applied at
`substantially atmospheric pressure by applying 1-2 psi of pressure to the plunger of
`syringe 202. When applied, protective coating 208 may be, for example, an ultraviolet
`25 of 275
`("UV") curable adhesive or other material. In other words, when protective coating 208
`is applied (i.e., layered over element 106) and exposed to ultraviolet radiation (or other
`curing conditions) at levels similar to those found in natural sunlight or artificial light, it
`coalesces and hardens into a covering that prevents the underlying element (e.g., element
`1 06) from being damaged when other protective materials or layers are applied such as
`those shown and described below. Exemplary types of protective coating 208 may
`include coatings, adhesives, gels, liquids, or any other type of material that hardens to
`protect, prevent, minimize, or otherwise aid in avoiding damage to a protected element.
`Examples of UV curable coatings include Loctite® coatings produced by Henkel & Co
`I 0 AG of Dusseldorf, Gem1any such as, for example, Loctite® 5083 curable coating. Other
`types of curable coatings, in addition to those that are UV curable, may be used to protect
`underlying elements without limitation or restriction to any given type.
`In some examples, protective material such as Loctite® or others may be
`applied selectively to one, some, or all electrical, electronic, mechanical, or other
`elements. Protective coating 208 may also be applied in different environmental
`conditions (e.g., atmospheric pressure, under vacuum, in a molding cavity or chamber,
`within a deposition chamber, or the like) and is not limited to the examples shown and
`described. As shown, protective coating 208 has been selectively applied to element 106,
`but not element 104, the latter ofwhich is being protected by covering 108. As an
`alternative, covering I 08 may be used as protective material in the fonn of an enclosure
`or physical structure that is used to protect an underlying element. As described herein,
`protective coating 208 may be selectively applied by determining whether sensitive
`26 of 275
`components, parts, or other elements ("clements") arc susceptible to damage or
`destruction from subsequent processes, for example, to deposit additional protective
`layers, such as those described in greater detail below. In other examples, device 200 and
`the above-described elements may be varied in function, structure, configuration,
`implementation, or other aspects and are not limited to those provided.
`FIG. 3 illustrates a cross-sectional view of an exemplary process for forming
`an inner molding in data-capable strapband ovennolding. Here, device 300 includes
`framework l 02, elements l 04-1 06, covering I 08, syringe 202, arrows 204-206,
`protective coating 208, mold cavity 302, nozzle 304, arrows 306-310, and inner molding
`I 0
`312. In some examples, framework I 02 and elements I 04-l 06 having selectively applied
`protective coating 208 may be placed in mold cavity 302 where another protective layer
`or coating (e.g., inner molding 312) may be applied from nozzle 304 in the direction of
`arrows 306-310. Types of materials that may be used for inner molding 312 include
`plastics, thermoplastics, thennoplastic elastomers, polymers, elastomers, or any other
`organic or inorganic material that can molded in mold cavity 302. As shown, mold
`cavity 302 may be implemented using a variety of molding techniques. For example, an
`injection molding machine may be used to inject a thennoplastic polymer elastomer
`("TPE") into mold cavity 302. When injected under temperature (e.g., 400 to 460
`degrees Fahrenheit) and pressure (e.g., 200 to 600 psi, but which may be adjusted to
`higher or lower pressure, without limitati.on), inner molding 208 forms a protective layer
`around framework I 02, elements I 04-106, covering I 08, protective coating 208,
`providing a layer of additional protective material (e.g., inner molding 312), which may
`27 of 275
`completely or incompletely surround an object (e.g., framework 102). In some examples,
`inner molding 312 may be formed to provide a watertight or hennetic seal around
`framework I 02 and elements I 04-106. Types of materials that may be used as inner
`molding 312 include TPEs such as Versaflex 9545-l as manufactured by PolyOne
`5 Corporation ofMcHenry, Illinois. Other types of materials such as epoxies, polymers,
`elastomers, thermoplastics, thenuoplastic polymers, thenuoplastic polymer elastomers,
`and others may be used to form inner molding 312, witliout limitation to a specific
`material. In other examples, device 300 and the above-described elements may be varied
`in function, structure, configuration, implementation, or other aspects and are not limited
`I 0
`to those provided.
`FIG. 4 illustrates another cross-sectional view of an exemplary process for
`forming an outer molding in data-capable strapband overmolding. Here, device 400
`includes framework I 02, elements 104-106, covering I 08, syringe 202, arrows 204-206,
`protective coating 208, inner molding 312, mold cavity 402, nozzle 404, arrows 406-41 0,
`and outer molding 412. In some examples, mold cavity 402 may be the same or different
`from that described above in connection with FIG. 3. In other words, mold cavity 402
`may be the same mold cavity as mold cavity 302, but which is used to injection mold
`outer molding 412. As shown, framework I 02, elements 104- I 06, protective coating
`208, and inner molding 312 are placed in mold cavity 402. Material (e.g., TPE) may be
`injected through nozzle 404 in the direction of arrows 406-410 into mold cavity 402 in
`order to form outer molding 412. Once fonned, sprue or other extraneous material may
`be present in inner molding 312 or outer molding 412, which may be removed after
`28 of 275
`device 400 is taken out of molding cavity 402. A visual inspection, in some examples,
`may be perfom1ed to determine if defects are present in either inner molding 312 or outer
`molding 4 I 2. If defects are found in outer molding 412, then removal may occur and a
`new outer molding may be formed using mold cavity 402. The inspection and, if defects
`are found, the removal of outer molding 412 allows for higher quality moldings to be
`developed at a lower cost without requiring the discarding of sensitive, expensive
`electronics. Outer molding 412, in some examples, may also be used to provide surface
`ornamentation to a given object. The use of thermoplastics or TPE material may be used
`to form outer molding 412 and to provide material in which a surface texntre, design, or
`I 0
`pattern may be imprinted, contoured, or otherwise formed. In so doing, various types of
`patterns, designs, or textures may be formed of various types. For example, miniature
`"hills" and "valleys" may be formed in the protective material of outer molding 412 in
`order to produce a "denim" feel or texture to a given object. Examples of different
`patterns for outer molding 412 may be found in FIGs. 5A-5C, as shown by patterns 502,
`I 5
`512, and 522, respectively. Patterns 502, 512, and 522 are provided for purposes of
`illustration and are neither limiting nor restrictive with regard to the types, patterns,
`designs, or textures of surface ornamentation that may be applied to outer molding 4 I 2,
`as described herein. Protective material (e.g., TPE) injected into mold cavity 402 may be
`used to form these pattems. Various types of injection molding processes and equipment
`20 may be used and are not limited to any specific type, make, manufacture, model, or other
`speci ftcation.
`29 of 275
`Referring back to FIG. 4, the usc of the described techniques allows for more
`precise tolerances in forming moldings that are fonn-fitting to various types of devices.
`Still further, the use of the above-described techniques also allows for relatively small
`devices having sensitive electronics to be subjected to harsh environmental conditions
`during molding processes in order to fonn protective layers (e.g., inner molding 312,
`outer molding 412) over various types of devices. As shown and described, the disclosed
`techniques may be used on a variety of devices, without limitation or restriction. In other
`examples, device 400 and the above-described elements may be varied in function,
`structure, configuration, implementation, or other aspects and are not limited to those
`l 0
`FIG. 6A illustrates an exemplary process for component protective
`ovennolding. Here, the start of process 600 includes fom1ing a protective layer on, for
`example, framework 102 (FIG. 1) (602). In some examples, a protective layer may refer
`to protective material, layers, or covers such as protective material 108 (FIG. 2) or
`structures that are fom1ed to protect und