`SPE 39941
`of Petroleum
`..-— .
`A Case Histo~: Completion and Stimulation of Horizontal Wells with Multiple
`Transverse Hydraulic Fractures in the Lost Hills Diatomite
`MA. Emanuele,
`Chevron U.S.A. Production Company, W.A. Minner and L. Weijers, Pinnacle Technologies,
`Broussard and D, M. Blevens, Chevron U.S.A. Production Company
`and B. T. Taylor, Dowell Schlumberger
`E. J.
`1998. SWiefy of Petroleum Engineers,
`pepsr %3
`Conference. Oenver. U.S.A.,
`for presentation
`i 998.
`the 1998 SPE Rocky Mountain Regional
`pa~r wss selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
`information contairsti
`in sn abstre~
`subfnlffed by the author(s). Contents of the psper, ss
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`by Ihe author(s). me material, as presented,
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`of the society of Petroleum Engineers,
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`Field Diatomite
`The Lost Hills
`with multiple
`vertical wells
`the main
`the field is nearing full development
`at 2Yz-acres per
`the setich
`for additional
`reserves has moved out
`the flanh
`of the field’s anticlinal
`structure. Due to limited pay
`thickness, ”these
`flank portions
`the field will not support
`economic WrticaI welI deve~opment.
`The use of horizontal
`wells was determined
`to have the best chance to economically
`deveIop_thgse areas of the _field. To evaluate this development
`three horizontal wells were drilled
`and completed
`over the time period from November
`1996 to December
`To assist with the horizontal well design and evaluation,
`several vertical data wells were drilled offset and parallel
`the intended well path of each horizontal well. Additionally,
`two verticaI core weIIs werg-drilled
`in line with the toe and
`heel of
`the horizontal well paths.
`data wells were
`utilized to e~fimate properties
`such as in-situ stress profiles,
`pore pm~~-
`ro;k properties
`and fluid saturations,
`and to determine
`horizontal well vertical
`depth placement.
`The horizontal welk were
`then ‘drilled
`in the direction. of
`minimum horizontal
`and completed with multiple-
`staged propped hydraulic
`fracture treatments.
`horizontal welIs,.
`behavior was characterized
`fracture mapping
`In the
`third horizontal well, downhole
`fracture mapping was also used. This combination
`fracture diagnostics provided significant
`insights into hydraulic
`of anomalous
`and evaluation
`remediation measures.
`Fracture diagnostics
`during the first horizontal well
`an unexpectedly
`near- wellbore
`fracture geometry, ”a
`result of fracture initiation problems.
`These problems
`the completion
`process and severely harmed the effectiveness
`the fracture-to-wellbore
`In the subsequent’
`horizontal wells, a number of design and execution
`were made which resulted
`in simpler
`geometry and a greatly improved production
`The paper provides
`an overview of
`the completion
`of all
`three horizontal wells, describes
`the” lessons.
`along the way,
`and discusses
`the implications
`future Lost Hills horizontal well devcl”bpment.
`Lost Hills Field Setting
`and Horizontal Well Rationale
`Field Description.
`The Lost Hills Field is an asymmetric
`anticline, approximately
`one mile wide and twelve miles long,
`located in Kern County, California,
`45 miles
`(see Figure
`1). The anticline
`northwest of Bakersfield
`NW-SE, nearly parallel
`to the San Andreas Fault. The main
`is approximately
`1000 ft thick, occurring
`at “depths
`ranging from 1000 to 3000 ft.
`diatomite, which
`The main reservoir
`rock is the Belridge
`a primary
`are ,the
`shallow marine
`during the late ‘Miocene (5- 10 million_years
`in what
`is now California’s San Joaquin Valley;
`open structure and round shape of the small
`(50 pm-diameter)
`diatoms, porosity can be as high as 65%, while permeability
`typically much less than 1 mD (see Table
`1). With such high
`are relatively
`at 0.79-0.82
`The thickness
`1200 ft. Throughout
`at a depth varying
`600 and,
`the reservoir
`the field, key reservoir properties
`1900 and 2700
`ft, where
`1 of 13
`Ex. 2042
`. .
`S~E 39941
`Development History.
`at Lost Hills
`in generally
`quality with depth,
`which is reflected in the development
`In the early part
`of this century, wells were drilled only to the upper parts of the
`and the flowing wells were completed with slotted
`By mid-century, wells were generally
`limited to the
`upper half of the reservoir
`and slotted liners were the norm.
`rates in these wells were greatly diminished
`earlier wells due to partial
`reservoir depletion and the general
`in reservoir
`quality with depth.
`the mid-
`1970’s, wells have commonly targeted the entire Belridge
`intervals with the development
`of hydraulic
`stimulation technology.
`from the
`to enable
`on a large
`and low
`formations, However,
`the low permeability
`Young’s modulus of the rock make achievable
`fracture lengths
`quite short. Thus, well drainage radius is small,
`leading to the
`current primary development
`at 21/2 acre well spacing while
`areas under waterflood
`are at 1-1/4 acre spacing (one injector
`per 2% acre pattern).
`infill drilling to spacing as small
`Such tight
`as 5/16 acre
`is under
`and testing.
`spacing may be necessary
`to effectively
`the mobile
`fraction of the estimated 2 billion barrels of oil-in-place
`in the
`Lost Hills Field.
`horizontal wells are being tested as a way to develop reserves
`in the relatively thin pay interval along the flanks of the Lost
`Hills Field. As shown in Figure
`2, vertical wells with multiple
`stacked fracture stages are advantageous where the gross pay
`is thick and multiple reservoirs
`are targeted. However,
`as the
`pay thins
`the flanks of
`the anticline,
`of stages becomes
`very limited
`and verticaI weI1s
`less economic.
`In these areas, horizontal wells with
`propped fractures
`targeting a selected
`Commingled Muld-fracHorizontal
`k ‘
`Horiz.THoriz. Wel #3%
`Horiz. Well #1
`1.Horizontal WeUs
`I Evaluation Wells
`1: Location of the three horizontal wells and the
`vertical wells in the Lost Hills Field im
`the San Joaquin VaIley
`in California.
`(Opal A)
`into a tetragonaI
`or hexagonal
`(OpaI CT). With the biogenic
`phase change, porosity
`and permeability
`on the total
`rock constituent
`Young’s modulus
`also varies with these
`The Ycrung’s modulus
`of Lost Hills Opal A
`100,000 psi whereas
`Opal ~ modulus
`is about 500,000 psi,
`of Lost HIIIs
`1: Rock mechanical
`:. --,
`Young’s modulus
`Oil Saturation
`Frac closure gradient
`(avg. 0.1)
`25 – 50
`2000 ft
`drilling and multi-zone
`for horizontal
`Figure 2: Motivation
`at the flank
`of the Lost Hills Field.
`2 of 13
`Ex. 2042
`SPE 39941
`can provide
`reserves. Horizontal wells have been
`thus, provide
`but wellbore-to-fracture
`in other diatomite
`shown that successful
`of horizontal wells may be
`(O.I mD average), both
`Due to the very low permeability
`in the Lost HIIIs Field
`vertical wells
`and horizontal welIs
`required for a given reservoir volume is the
`same regardless
`of how they are connected
`to the wellbore.
`The actual
`for drilIing
`and completing
`the horizontal
`wells is about 450% that of a conventional
`vertical multi-stage
`in the heart of Lost Wills. However,
`in the flank
`the horizontal weIls to date are only 75% of the cost
`vertical wells.
`to reduce
`to only 50V0
`that which would be
`to include
`by vertical wells.
`numerous fracture
`in a single horizontal wellbore,
`vertical wells
`and the
`opportunity for reserve additions
`along the flanks of the field.
`initial phase of
`and production
`behavior of horizontal wells, using
`a combination
`field measurements
`and downhole
`anaI sis%g,
`5, and post-fracture
`fracture mappingl”
`Figure 1 shows the location of the welIs that were involved
`in this pilot study.
`Horizontal Weli Design
`Section. With the goal of
`the Horizontal
`to the wellbore),
`the horizontal
`oriented roughIy perpendicular
`wells were drilled in a direction of about N 25-40° W, which
`is approximately
`to the Lost Hills Field average
`as determined
`by surface
`IQI1 me Smatigraph”icpIacement
`the horizontal
`sections were determined
`using stress profiles
`(micro-frac data,
`dipole sonic logs and reservoir pressure tests7’lG) and reservoir
`and Iog data)
`from offset vertical wells.
`wells were
`horizontal well paths
`for data
`evaluation wells were also completed to obtain production data
`prior to drilling each horizontal welI.
`fracture modeling,
`and 3D visualization
`interval selection and horizontal wellpath definition. All of the
`to date have medium radius build rates and near-
`to stay within ‘a specific
`interval. The final
`inclination of a wellbore is dependent upon
`the desire to maintain a wellpath that
`is roughly orthogonal
`anticipated fracture azimuths, constraints of existing wellbores,
`alignment with the vertical well development
`of course,
`the structural attitude of the target zone.
`To date,
`the target zone for the horizontal wells is within
`from Opal A to Opal
`interval offers the best combination
`of oil saturation,
`and permeability.
`Shallower, Opal A zones, which have
`higher permeability
`(1 mD),
`reduced” oil
`likely reflects
`and reservoir
`vertical weIl
`Below the transition
`in the Opar ~,
`matrix permeability
`is extremely
`low (< 0.1 mD) and nattiral
`fractures may allow the
`are more prevalent.
`secondary hydrocarbon migration vertically into the transition
`zone where natural
`are reduced
`and effective
`porosity and permeability
`has not been reduced by the silica’
`phase transition.
`the transition
`By targeting
`high oil saturation
`the natural
`Opal CT.
`the horizontal well
`the wellbore
`zones with
`and porosity while their Tower
`that are prevalent
`in the
`The mechanical
`Casing Design.
`string of 9-3R”
`horizontal wells consisted
`of an intermediate
`casing cemented at the end of the build section (see Figure 3).
`of no more than 95°,
`the lateral
`sections of
`1350’ and 2000’ were drilled for wells #1 and #2 “respec~?ve~y.
`from ~
`5Yz” casing
`The horizontal
`80° inclination, where it was then crossed over
`to a T’ casing string to surface.
`The 5W cas~g was then
`9 5/S” Intermediatecasing
`cemt’d@ 90 degrees
`7“ casing
`to sutiace
`I 5 1/2”x T cming
`5 1/2’ casing
`Figure 3: Horizonbl
`well #1 and #2.
`wellbore mechanical
`diagram for
`3 of 13
`Ex. 2042
`top several
`in place, with a programmed
`hundred feet above the 5%’x 7“ crossover.
`The partird string of 7“ casing was installed in the first two
`Soon after
`the initial production
`of wells 1 and 2,
`it became
`the wells
`did not
`Iift equipment,
`thus the change
`to 5~z” casing from
`TD to surface
`in welI #3. Additionally,
`the 5W’ x 7“ casing
`crossovm” a@ as a receptacle
`for wellbore debris (proppant).
`The debris
`in the crossover
`severe plugging
`during fracture
`on well #1 (the problems
`associated with Wls plugging
`on fracture
`and net
`be addressed later in the paper). At the
`it was unknown what was
`initiation pIugging probIems.
`After encountering
`stages- ~h
`IittIe to no fluid infectivity,
`the source
`pIugging problem was finally identified
`as debris
`in the
`during wellbore
`between frac stages in well #1 was
`to be the primary
`for debris
`to the circuiting
`and procedures were
`in an attempt
`to achieve satisfactory
`cleaning of
`both the horizontal
`section and crossover.
`in cleanout
`continue, but still did not entire~y solve the plugging problems
`during fracture initiation on well #1. By the time the SW’ x 7“
`casing crossover
`problem was identified,
`horizontal well #2
`had already been completed with an identical
`casing string
`Aa stated previously, weIl #3 received 5W’ casing from TD
`to surface,
`and was driIIed at a maximum inclination
`of 88°.
`associated with wells #1 were
`never. seen on wells #2 and #3, as adequate
`reverse circulating
`had been implemented
`to cfean
`out sand from the fracture treatment.
`Similar cement programs were utilized
`on alI three welI. The intermediate
`casing was cemented with
`a foamed Iead sIurry followed by a Class C tail slurry. The tail
`slurry was targeted to cover
`the build section, up to the initial
`kick off point. The foamed lead slurry was required to keep
`section was aIso cemented with a Class C base
`SIUXTY with several additives.
`The main requirements
`for this
`slurry were 1) light weight, 2) excellent
`3) no free water, and 4) low fluid loss.
`on the horizontal
`Cement bond evaluation was attempted
`section of weIl #1. The resuIts were inconclusive.
`to evaluate
`the cement bond on the remaining wells
`was not
`is possible
`bond may have played a role in the abnormal
`growth ofiacture;seen-in.
`bo[h wells #1 and #3.
`and Isolation.
`Stage Spacing
`To minimize
`of muItiple
`upon initiation,
`Each stage was perforated with 12
`perforating was utilized.
`(W’) jet holes over one foot. The perforating
`charges were
`phased at 30°.
`guns were conveyed
`via coiled
`tubing and fired utilizing a pressure actuated firing head.
`Stage spacing was determined
`from a number of factors.
`In well #1, frac stages were spaced approximately
`130_ft apart,
`due to the lower average permeability
`in this part of the field
`and due to limitations
`by offset vertical wells.
`170 ft
`existing wells
`budgetary constraints.
`stages was achieved with & use of
`other methods,
`-of stage
`isolation were considered
`(i.e. a multi-set
`stacking several
`bridge plugs,
`etc.] but all
`were deemed to have greater
`risk than the operating company
`was willing to accept.
`Completion Operations.
`All operations were planned to be
`rigless, performed
`only with the use of a 2“ coil
`tu_@ unit.
`such as perforating,
`and setting bridge plugs, were
`and without
`As ~reviously
`mentioned, debris collection in the casing crossover
`c~uld not
`be removed by the maximum circulating
`rates ac~jeved with
`the coil tubing. Modifications
`to the cleanout procedures were
`made which
`between stages,
`during drill-out
`bridge plugs,
`along with occasional
`sweeps during both operations.
`bridge plugs with a progressive
`Drilling of the composite
`the most
`cavity motor
`to be
`Initial attempts
`to drill
`the composite bridge plugs
`met with limited success
`as insufficient
`combination with fluid loss to the hydraulic
`limited cuttings
`to surface. A rig had to be utilized
`this portion
`the completion
`the first
`two wells,
`in well #3,
`the installation
`of 5 Y2° casing to surface
`the coil
`tubing unit
`to successfully
`drill out all 11
`composite bridge plugs.
`Hydraulic Fracture Design and Evaluation
`Over the course of the three_horizontal
`wells, real-data feedback was utilized to the maximum extent
`for completion
`and fracture design,
`in this approach
`is the recognition
`fracture behavior
`is complex and variable,
`limiting the usefulness of traditional
`predictive mode or “one
`size fits all” approaches.
`Key issues for successful hydraulic
`a horizontal well are:
`to assure
`the intended pay interval height; and,
`(2) to assure that
`the connection
`between the wellbore
`and the far-field fracture
`is adequate4,
`4 of 13
`Ex. 2042
`SPE 39941
`treatment execution and post-frac production response,
`Based on information
`from vertical “data wells”
`the horizontal
`vertical weII
`were developed
`for each of the horizontal wells. A fracture
`closure stress profile was developed
`using micro-frac
`and pore
`pressure measurements,
`log results.
`~his closure
`and an estimate
`of net
`-3-D fracture
`simulator was
`the horizontal wel[ vertical depth location,
`and to
`decide initiaI fracture treatment
`in each horizontal
`the course
`fracture diagnostic
`well, a combination
`of direct and indirect
`techniques were utilized to provide
`feedback for fracture and
`mapping*0”13 and real-time
`analysiss’g were
`to: (a) estimate
`fracture dimensions;
`(b) determine
`fracture location with respect
`to the perforations;
`(c) eva~ua~=the
`‘ad<lon, fracture height was directly measured
`in we~ #3 using
`a wireline-deployed
`tiltmeter array located in a nearby vertical we11]4’ls.
`performed prior
`to each propped fracture stage,
`including two
`water” (K~
`was to: (a) provide
`such as” fracture
`Ieakoff behavior,
`and net pressure
`for net pressure
`history matchingg;
`the wellbore-to-
`using a combination
`testss and proppant
`Net pressure
`histgr~ matching
`actual or. “observed” _net pressure within the fracture, and then
`to match
`“model” net pressure with the observed net pressure response.
`While net pressure history matching does not assure that
`is modeled,
`it at
`least provides
`and the
`to actual
`treatment behavior.
`is higher) Borate
`(higher geI loading when tortuosity Ievcl
`gel fluid system, at rates of 45-50 BP,M, with
`20/40 Ottawa sand proppant.
`ramped quickly to a maximum of 12 PPG. The last 75%
`of the sand contained a fibrous proppant
`flowback control
`bridge plug via coiled tubing half
`Set a composite
`distance between last perfs and next stage perfs;
`Clean the remaining proppant
`from wellbore using coiled
`next point source (1 ft @ 12 SPU in[er~al via
`coiled tubing; and,
`for subsequent
`Overview of Hydraulic Fracture Completion
`and Conclusions
`and concliutions -for
`the general observations
`In this section,
`‘“ The
`. well
`following section will
`then address
`selected issues and-results
`in a more detailed manner.
`fracture behavior was
`In general, highly variable hydraulic
`there were consistent behavior
`trends in each
`The transition
`from the routine, manufacturing-mfide
`of conventional
`vertical Lost Hills wells
`to the
`horizontal well completions
`involved a steeper
`learning curve
`than originally
`in terms of wel~ore
`and fracture
`there were significant
`changes in procedures
`from well to well.
`fracture treatment behavior
`and results for aI1 tfiiee
`horizontal wells. Figure 4 summarizes
`the estimated propped
`frac vertical height coverage for all fracture stages:
`Well #1.
`of Chevron’s
`fracture behavior
`The hydraulic
`horizontal well
`in the Lost Hills Field was dominated
`from insufficient
`between stages.
`in the crossover
`Starting with stage 3, proppant
`5-1/2” to 7“ production casing (located at the beginning of the
`problems with fracture
`and breakdown.
`The initial breakdown
`tended to
`and transport-
`the leftover
`to the’”perfs.
`Before any significant
`fracture width was created,
`resu?ting in
`partial or total plugging of the near-wellbore
`The problem worsened with succeeding
`stages,, as the voIume”
`and the per~orated
`interval decreased.
`region with
`The plugging and packing of the perforation
`in highly
`fracture behavior,
`as the preferred
`initiation pIane(s)
`out and formation
`in the perforation
`region was increased. Breakdown
`injection ISIP’S clim%ed to
`5 of 13
`Ex. 2042
`Fracture Design.
`frac design
`The basic
`fluid injections were ended with a rate
`testG to assist with evaluating
`the near-wellbore
`(a) proppant
`a crosslinked
`2) Conduct
`the perforations
`using linear gel;
`slug(s), overflushed
`3) Tailor
`the pad volume with respect
`to the observed leakoff
`to shorten
`and thus
`lessen proppant
`during fracture closure;
`4) Adjust
`size (within practical
`achieve desired geometry);
`a 25-35 PPT
`ti.A. EWUELE,
`Table 2: Cornpa~son
`of f;acture
`in the three horizontal weils.
`. ... -. .-. .
`. . . .
`. ..
`. ___
`Number of stages
`Horizontal section len~th (ft)
`Horizontal section.TVD DepthfRl_
`Overall fracture behavior summary
`Fracture inltlatlon procedure
`Near-wellbore & far-field
`fracture complexity,
`abnormally high net pressure,
`dominant upward growth
`Water (KCI substitute),
`low flow rate,
`conventional oerforatina
`stage 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
`stage 7
`N43”E - N56”E
`Within 6° from vertical
`stages 4 and 5
`stage 6 and 7
`(% of total
`Well #-
`Nomal net pressure, frac
`height growth centered at
`wellbore, good wellbore-
`fracture connection
`Avoid pert in high natural frac
`intensity, 60# HEC viscous
`Dill, high flow rate,
`overbala~ce perforating,
`N39”E - N50°E
`Within 5° from vertical
`Weii #3
`Dominant upward growth into
`low stress interval, low net
`pressure, fractures offset from
`perf interval
`60# HEC viscous pill,
`extreme overbalance
`tigh flow rate
`Stage 3
`165 —41O*
`N38”E - N51 “E
`Within 8“ from vetical
`stage 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10
`not available
`Fracture initiation perf plugging problems
`Average proppant per stage (Ibs.)
`Closure stress gradient (psi/ft)
`Average near-wellbore fracture tortuosity during
`End propped frac net pressure range (psi)
`Average end propped frac net pressure (psi)
`Average number of “equivalent” far-field fractures
`to explain prop frac observed net pressure
`Propped fracture half-length range (ft)
`Average propped half-length (ft)
`Propped fracture height range (ft)
`height (ft)
`Primary fracture azimuth
`Fracture dip
`Average horizontal fracture component
`frac volume)
`longitudinal vertical fractures
`Main frac offset from Perforation interval
`(displaced along well~re)
`All stages
`Dominant upward fracture height qrowth
`Initial production (BOPD)
`Production @ 6 months (BOPD)
`* Height growth cfifictly measured utifrzing downhole tiltmeter fracture mapping in stages 7-10
`two stages,
`fricture mapping
`a significant
`(15-30% of fracture
`Iongifudinal Vertical
`from the main transverse
`other stages- showed significant
`fracture offset
`(50 ,to 125 ~)
`alo’ng the wellbore
`from the perforation
`pressures were also abnormally
`in far-field
`fiai[urS31s’19’20. - As a result of
`the high net
`fracture height was generally smaller
`than desired.
`The we~l’s production-response
`from the seven frac stages
`. .. .
`placed was disappo]nting~ with an IP of 140 BOPD and a 6-
`month rate of 10 BOPD (see Figure
`5). The primary reason
`for the pooi productivity
`~s believed to be a poor connection
`and the far-field fractures,
`a resu~t of
`the perforation’
`and consequent
`fracture initiation.
`The !OWproductivity may also have been
`by post-frac
`creanout problems,
`the result of poor
`transport of compotite
`bridge plug debris during circulation up
`the annulus.
`the circu9at~on-rate,
`Despite pumping gels pills,
`and additional
`circr,da(ion time in the crossover
`it was
`the crossover
`could not be effective~y c~eaned
`by circulating
`up the
`reverse” circulation
`techniques were used in the following wells.
`. :-
`this well also had a 7“ x 5-1/2”
`to well #1,
`Wefi #2. Similar
`the beginning
`the horizontal
`section. ”
`casing crossover
`fracture stimulation
`in well #l were mostly eliminated,
`due to
`of different
`fracture stages, and a different
`fracture initiation procedure.
`As on well #1, a “point
`source” perfora~ion “itrfiegy was
`empIoyed, with 12 large holes spaced over
`I’”foot’of interval:
`dufing-’well- #2 were
`changed, with the goals
`rninirnqi~ng near-
`the weI~ore
`fracturesZ1”23. The
`of multiple
`consisted OE
`6 of 13
`Ex. 2042
`SPE 39941
`--. —
`.-. ——
`. _.=
`! I
`Mstincc (feet)
`- lxx)
`5 }
`% 1’“‘ ‘ ‘:‘:‘:~~: ‘:‘1
`injection rate as fast as
`Initiating with a 60 PPT HEC linear gel “pill” (as opposed
`to low-viscosity KC1 substitute),
`coiled tubing; and,
`the initial breakdown
`perforating was used during stages 4-9 with
`the bottomhole
`set at 0.75 psi/ft
`fracture closure gradient but below overburden
`and a
`fluid-filled wellbore, Extreme overbalance
`(with a
`nitrogen cushion and a bottomhole
`gradient of 1.4 psi/ft) was
`tested on the last stage, and yielded the lowest near-wellbore
`friction (tortuosity) of all of the stages and a low net fracturing
`pressure at the end of the treatment.
`appeared to be
`These revised fracture initiation procedures
`in reducing
`reducing the number of far-field multiple fractures
`required to
`explain observed levels of net pressure.
`fracture mapping
`showed a simple fracture geometry in the expected transverse
`orientation, with no significant
`center depth shift or
`offset from the perforation
`interval along the casing axis. As a
`result of the good interval height coverage
`and the favorable
`initial production was better
`than expected at about 440 BOPD, with a 6-month production
`rate of about 100 BOPD (see Figure 5).
`Well #3. With the success of well #2, nearly all drilling and
`procedures were held constant
`for well #3, but
`there were several significant
`First, well #3 was completed with 5-1/2” casing from TD
`to surface.
`This change