`StackFRAC system provides superior production and economics
`Granite Wash, Oklahoma/Texas, USA
`The Granite Wash formation is a tight-sand, oil and gas rich reservoir
`located in the northern Texas Panhandle and western Oklahoma. At
`depths of 9,000 to 12,500 ft, the formation is comprised of several thick
`sequences of sand separated by shale ranging in thickness from 1,500
`to 3,500 ft. Because of the higher market value, the Granite Wash is
`an attractive play for operators due to the high amount of natural gas
`liquids it produces.
`In addition, good pipeline infrastructure and a positive regulatory
`environment in the area contribute to the popularity of the formation.
`Although the Granite Wash was first developed over 40 years ago,
`continued advancements to horizontal drilling and completions are
`allowing operators to improve recovery in the area.
`Due to the heterogeneity in the mineralogy, pore pressure and
`hydrocarbon type in the Granite Wash, production potential varies
`greatly throughout the formation. Because of this, determining the
`best completion method can be difficult and must be evaluated. Low
`permeability and porosity indicate a requirement for hydraulic fracturing
`to effectively drain wells in the Granite Wash.
`The two main methods for completion are the Packers Plus StackFRAC®
`open hole multi-stage fracturing system and cemented liner “plug
`and perf” (CLPP). In order to maximize the productivity and overall
`economics of their wells, an operator working in the Granite Wash
`analyzed these two methods to determine which was most effective.
`A comparison of these two methods was highlighted in a study done
`in the Granite Wash, which analyzed six wells completed using the
`Packers Plus StackFRAC system versus 24 CLPP wells. The area of study
`was selected by categorizing wells in the Granite Wash according to
`completion method. Both StackFRAC and CLPP completed wells were
`found in the Central area, commonly known as Northwest Mendota
`and Hemphill Fields, which included wells in central Hemphill up to
`the Hemphill/Roberts county line. Cumulative production, cost and
`completion time were used to evaluate the production and economic
`performance of each method.
`Although both of the completion methods used in the Granite Wash aim
`to access the reservoir by initiating fractures, they differ significantly in
`operations. Packers Plus StackFRAC systems use RockSEAL® hydraulically
`set mechanical packers to isolate zones together with ball-actuated,
`hydraulically activated FracPORT™ sleeves to provide access to the
`formation. Each fracture treatment can be performed in a single,
`continuous operation, which reduces treatment time and allows for
`immediate flowback after all stages have been stimulated. In contrast,
`CLPP completions require cementing of the casing, pumping down of
`bridge plugs to isolate sections, followed by repeated perforating and
`fracturing in each zone for the number of stages requiring stimulation.
`The bridge plugs are removed after the stimulation process, typically
`with coiled tubing.
`The study showed that, after 12 months of production, the
`StackFRAC system outperformed the CLPP completions by
`120 MMCFGE, a 33% increase. Cost savings were also realized
`using the StackFRAC system, as the operator saw a $350,000
`to $460,000, or ~30%, savings per well compared to the CLPP
`method. These cost savings are largely associated with the
`efficiency of the StackFRAC system as it is able to perform all
`fracture treatments within as little as 24 hours, compared to the
`CLPP method, which can add an additional four days to pump all
`the stages. The most significant costs associated with the CLPP
`method include additional horsepower, as this method requires
`Continued on reverse
`Some or all of the systems, methods or products discussed herein may be covered by one or more patents, or patents pending.
`Copyright © 2015 Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. All rights reserved. 15_04_273 26-MAY-2015
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`12-Month Recovery
`(USD, millions)
`Stimulation Time
`Plug & Perf
`higher pressures to fracture the formation, and the cost of
`employing fracture crews for the extra days. In addition, CLPP
`requires wireline and/or coiled tubing to convey the perforating
`guns and bridge plugs.
`Packers Plus StackFRAC systems ensure efficient completions and
`optimal production to attain economic wells in the Granite Wash.
`The obvious advantages presented by this study motivated the
`operator to use Packers Plus technology in many of their Granite
`Wash wells, as well as their Cleveland Sand wells.
`This information was originally presented at the SPE Tight Gas
`Completions Conference held in San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2 – 3 November
`2010. SPE 138445 © 2010 Society of Petroleum Engineers.
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