`Exhibit 1015
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`Includes index.
`1. English language—Dictionaries. I. Gove,
`Philip Babcock, 1902-1972. II. Merriam—Webster Inc.
`ISBN 0-87779-201-1 (blue Sturdite)
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`presenter var of PRESENTER
`typically expresses
`present participle rr
`: a participlc that
`present action in relation to the time expressed by the finite
`verb in its clause and that in English is traditionally one of the
`principal parts of the verb, is formed with the suffix -ing. and
`is used in the formation of the progressive tenses
`lpresent perfect adj Uprescnl + perfect, adj.] : of, relating to,
`or constituting a verb tense that is traditionally formed in
`English with have and that expresses action or state completed
`at the time of speaking
`iprescm perfect It 1 : the present perfect tense of a language
`2 : a verb form in the present perfect tense
`presents pl 0/ PRESENT, pres 3:1 sing of PRESENT
`present tense n [ME present lens] : the tense of a verb that
`expresses action or state in the present time and is used of
`what occurs or is true at the time of speaking _(as in “I am
`in a hurry" or “he is singing") and of what is habitual or char-
`acteristic (as in “he pays his debts" or “he dresses well") or is
`always or necessarily true (as in “the sun shines cy day“ or
`“a straight line is the shortest distance"),
`that is sometimes
`used to refer to action in the past (as in the historical present),
`and that is sometimes used for future events (as in “Christmas
`falls on Friday next year”)
`present value also present worth :2 : the principal of a sum of
`rate wil amount to the given sum at the date on which this
`money payable at a future date that drawing interest at_a given
`sum is to be paid (at 6% interest the present value of $106 due
`one year hence is $100) — compare ARITHMETICAL DIscoU_Nr
`pre-serv-able \pr6'zarvabsl, pré'-\ adj
`: capable of being
`pre-serv-a1 \~val\ n -3 : PRESERVATION (N and removal of .
`mineral beds —A.M.Bateman)
`pres-er-va-tion \.PIeza(r)'vEshan\ 71 -3 [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML
`przz£'scrVatiori—, praeservatio,
`fr. praerervazus (past part. of
`proeservare to preserve) + L -icrr-, -io -ion] : the act of preserv-
`ing or thc state of being preserved (fostered the N of local
`speechways —~Hans Kurath) (essential to the N of my regard
`—Jane Austen) (in a good state of N -—Amer. Guide Series:
`pres-er-va-tion-ist \—sl1(2)ndst\ r: -s : one that advocates the
`preservation of a species (as of wildlife) from extinction
`l re-serv~a-live \prE'Zorvod-]iv, pro’-, -25v-, -zaiv-, —vat| also
`sv\ adj [Ml:', fr. ML praeservativus, fr. pracsizrvrztus (past part.
`of pracservare to preserve) + L -ivus -ive] : having the power
`of preserving '
`tending to preserve (bound together for ~
`purposes —SprI'ngfzeld (Mass.) Union)
`(need for N action
`'-‘preservative \“\ n -s [MF, fr. preservative, adj.l : something ‘
`that preserves or has the power of preserving: as a archaic : a
`medicine designed to preserve one’s health by preventing or
`providing a protection from disease 1 a safeguard against
`poison or infection (hope his restoratives and his Ns will .
`bc effectual NSamucl Johnson)
`b : a preservative quality,
`principle, or factor (accounts federalism the N of the Ameri-
`can system —G.W.J'ohnson) (their pleasantest N from want
`—Jane Austen) (public life seems to bc a good N .
`. for con-
`gressmen —~Elmer Davis) c : a substance added to chemicals,
`natural products, fabrics, or food products to preserve them
`against decay, discoloration, or spoilage under conditions of
`storage or noncherniczil use (salt, sugar, and spice are com-
`mon food N5)
`(1 : a substance impregnated into or covering
`wood to prevent attack by insects and other organisms
`e : a
`chemical (as sodium sulfitc) for retarding oxidation of photo-
`graphic solutions
`preservative medium 11 : MEDIUM 8b
`pre-serv-a-tize \—va.tiz\ vr -co/-ING/-s [zpreservative + —ize]
`: to treat (as food) with a preservative (preservatizcd butter)
`preservatory 7: rs [ML praeservazus (past part. of praeservare
`to preserve) + E -ory] obs : a charitable house of refuge for
`unemployed, dcscrtcd, or destitute women and girls
`Ipre-serve \pré‘2orv, pr:3'-, -25v, -zoiv\ vb -so/-mo,/-s [ME
`preserven, fr. MF preservcr, fr. ML pmeservare, fr. LL, to
`observe, fr. L prae- pre- + servarc to kccp, guard N more at
`CONSERVE] III 1 : toikeep safe from injury, harm, or destruc-
`tion : guard or defend from evil : PROTECT, SAVE (thornbushes
`. .
`. are prererved by superstition -~O.S..l.Gogarty)
`knowlcdgc of the Marxist conspiracy Should be put to use to
`N the republic —l—Ioward Rushmore) 2 a : to keep alive,
`in existence, or from decay (N an old house) (the
`right of trial by jury shall be preserved NU. 5. Constitution)
`(among the deeds preserved in the courthouse —~Amcr. Guide
`Series.‘ Pa.) b : to retain in one’s possession (N my shaky
`dignity ——Rcginald Kcll) (preserved their detachment -—Dexter
`Perkins) c : MAINTAIN (N a correspondence) 3 a : to keep or
`save f_rom decomposition (as by refrigeration, curing, or treat-
`ing with a preservative) (N specimens or skins to be stuffed)
`as fruits or vegetables) for future use (N peaches) 4 : to keep
`(N milk indefinitely) h : to can. pickle, or similarly prepare
`up and reserve for personal or special use (N game or fish by
`raising and protecting it) (N a stream or field) N vi‘ 1 : to
`remain fresh or in its original state : KEEP 2 : to make pre-
`3 : to raise and protect game for purposes of sport
`4 :
`_to endure or stand the process of preservation (as by
`canning or pickling) (duck eggs do not N satisfactorily ——F.D.
`Smith & Barbara Wilcox)
`ipreserve \“\ n -s 1 : something that preserves or is designed
`to oreserve; specif : GOGGLE 2 2 a : fruit canned or riiade
`into _)a_lTlS or jellies (black-currant N) -— often used in pl.
`13 : fruit cooked ivhole or in large pieces with sugar so as to
`keep its shape (quince N) —— often used in pl. (strawbcrry~s)
`3 : an arca_(as a tract of land or body of water) restricted for
`the protection and preservation of animals,
`trees, or other
`(our Adirondack mountains with their
`enormous forest N V —Averell Hart-iman) (a wildlife N); esp
`: one used primarily for regulated hunting or fishing : RESERVE
`(a state game N) — compare SANCTUARY 4 4 : something
`(as a place, occupation. or sphere of activity) that is sacred
`to or reserved _-exclusively for certain persons (regarded the
`diplomatic serv ‘e as a N for their younger sons —G.B.Shaw)
`(translation .
`. has been the N of scholarlyjargonists ——Dud-
`ley Fitts) (recognizing
`the Baltic states as a Soviet N
`-—Tz'mes Lil. Supp.)
`pr_e-serv_-er \-va{r)\ n -s : one that preserves (as from destruc-
`njury, or decay) (God thc creator and N of all man-
`kin —Blc. of Cum. Prayer) (game N) (steel N)
`pre«serv-er-ess \;varés\ rt -55 czrclzaic ‘ a female preservcr
`pre-service \(‘)pre+\ adj [pre- + sefvice, n.] : of, relating to,
`or taking place during a period of time preceding active serv-
`ice (as In_a profession or the _armed forces) <1:>rotect
`veteran's right to reemployment In his N job —H.S.'l'ruInan)
`—- compare IN-SERVICE
`preserving melon n : CITRON
`pre~ses \‘prE.sEz\
`rz, pl preses [L przzesid-, praescr guard,
`president, ruler, fr. pracsidérc _to guard, preside over] chiefly
`Scot :
`the president or presiding officer (as of a meeting or
`group) : CHAIRMAN
`pre-session \(‘)pre-l_-\ avd/‘ [pre- + session] : occurring bcforc
`a session {as of a legislative body) (a N caucus)
`pre-set \“ +\ vI_[prc- + scjtl : to set beforehand (a new con-
`trol device that IS N to shift the dial and change the volume
`at the desired time NTimc)
`pre-sexual \“+\ adj [pre- + sexual] : preceding sexual de-
`velopmcnt or maturity
`pre-shrink \‘f+\ vt [prc- + shrink] 2 to subject (as yarn or
`fabric) to slirinking during manufacture
`pre-shrunk \“+\ _adj
`[D_ c- l shrunk] : _of, relating to, or
`constituting a fabric subjected to a shrinking process during
`manufacturc_to reduce later shrinking (as from laundering)
`pre-side \pre'zid, pro‘-\ vb -ED,/—Ii\'G/-S [L praesidére to guard,
`preside over, fr. pme- pre- + sedzre to sit — more at sir]
`vi 1 a : to occupy the place of authority (as in an assembly)
`: act_ as president, chairman, or moderator (as of a group or
`meeting? : direct, control, or regulate proceedings as chief
`officer (the mayor N5 in council meetings NF.A.()gg & P.O.
`Ray) (the chief justice Ns over the supreme court) (N at a
`public meeting)
`: to occupy a similar position or perform
`similar duties (N over a funeral service) (N over a literary
`salon) (N at tea) 2 : to exercise superintendence, guidance,
`direction, or control (called to N over her son’s bcrcit family
`—R.K.LcavItt) (presided over one of the . .
`. forges in the
`blacksmith shop ——Ben Riker) (N over a radio program)
`8 : to occupy the most conspicuous position : sit or reign
`supreme (gently rugged country presided over by .
`, moun-
`tains —-R.W.I-latch) (an 18th century tallboy in .
`. the hall
`where it Ns in silent majesty NH._l.Laski) 4 : to occupy the
`position of chief or featured instrumental performer orig. as
`director of a group of Inusicians — used with at (N at the
`organ) N vi
`: to exercise control or supcrintcndence over
`: DIRECT, RULE (those that were to N the naval affairs —Thomas
`pres-i-dance \'pi-ez(a)dan(t)s\ n -5 [MF, office of president,
`fr. ML praesidenfia]
`1 :
`the action or fact of presiding
`: DIRECTION, screxrnrcxosxcr (by the N and guidance of an
`unseen governing power ———Williarn Wollaston)
`2 : PRESI-
`DEN>CY la (preserve both the senate and the N —P.G.Hamer-
`pres-i-den~cy \'prcz(a)donsE, -si alro -zod“ns- or -za,denA(t)s-\
`rz -Es [ML praesidenzia, ir. L pracszderi.‘-. pmcsidcns president. ,
`ruler + -in -y] 1 a : the office of president (elected to the N I
`of .
`. the hotel corporation (Current Biog.) (assumed the N
`e university) b sometimes cap (1) : the office of president
`ofthe U. S. (thc N. .
`. is prceminently a place of moral leader-
`Ship —F.D.Roosevelt)
`(a_n avowed candidate for
`the N
`(2) : the American governmental institution com-
`prising the office of president and the various administrative
`and policy-making agencies directly associated with the
`resident of the U. S. (the N. .
`. was proliferating into count-
`ess people, councils, and commissions —Douglass Cater)
`2 2 the term during which a president holds office (the third
`year of his N) 3 : the action or function of one that prcsidcs
`: SUPERINTENDENCE (such a body .
`. met by his advice and
`under his N —F.M.Stcnton) (the N and guidance of some
`superior agent ~—.Tohn Ray) 4 : one of three great divisions
`(Madras, Bombay, and Bengal) of British India orig. forming
`a district under a president of the East India Company and
`later a province under the administration of a governor
`5 :
`_a council of three in the Mormon Church consisting of a
`president and two counselors and having jurisdiction in s irit-
`ual or temporal matters throughout the church or a sta e or
`within a smaller unit (as a quorum) — compare FIRST PR1-2Sl—
`DENCY 6 : one of the four or five former divisions of the
`British colony of the Leeward Islands (by the Leeward Islands
`Act, 1956
`each of the 4 presizlencie: became a colony
`—-Slatcsmarfs Yr. Bk.)
`Ipres-i-dent \-nt\ )2 -5 [ME, fr. MF, fr. L pracsicicrzz‘-, premi-
`deris president, ruler, fr. pmrrident-, praesidens, pres. part. of
`praesidére to guard, preside over] 1 : an official chosen to
`preside over a meeting or assembly (N of a ball) (N of a
`bullfight) (N of the teachers’ conference) 2 : an appointed
`governor of a subordinate political unit (as a province, colony,
`or city) 3 : the chief officer of a corporation, company, in-
`stitution, society, or similar organization usu. entrusted with
`the direction and administration of its policies (colleges and
`universities arc usu. hcadcd by a N —Kenneth Ilolland)
`(chosen N of the Turkish Historical Society —Current B g.)
`(N of the nation’s largest steel company) 4 a : the presi
`officer of
`a governmental body (as an advisory council,
`administrative board, or legislative assembly) (the constitution
`makes the vicc-prcsidcnt of the U. S. N of the senate
`-—-F.A.0gg & P.O.Ray) (N of the U. N. general assembly) —
`: the presiding
`judge or justice of a court of law (N of the Court of Sess‘
`Scotland) (N of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Di
`of the Supreme Court of Judicature) (joint N: of the shire
`court -—F.M.Stenton)
`c : the elected governor usu. serving
`as head of an executive council in several of the original l3
`states of the U. S. during their existence as British colonies
`and also during the late 18th century after the Revolution (N
`of Pennsylvania) (in 1608 .
`. made N of Virginia —BriL Book
`News) 5 ob: : a presiding deity, patron, or genius : GUARQIAN
`(great N of fire V-«George Chapman) 6 a : an elected official
`serving as both chief of state and chief political executive in a
`republic having 2 presidential governrnent
`(the executive
`power shall be vested in a N of the United States —U. S.
`: an elected official having the position of
`chief of state but usu. only minimal political powers in a
`republic having a parliamentary government (Israel‘s N .
`is not head of the executive and his actual powers are very
`limited —Misha Louvish) (the N of France under the Third
`Republic resembled a constitutional monarch)
`7 : a church
`leader of the Mormon Church who with two counselors forms
`the first presidency or the presidency of a stake or smaller unit
`8 En‘! : the captain of a racing crew
`l Zpresident \“\ adj [.\/IE, fr. L praesident-, praesidens, pres.
`part. of pracsldirej archaic : occu ying the first rank or chief
`place : PRESIDING (residence of tiie ~ priest of the province
`pres-i-den-te \.p1‘ezo'denIE\ rt -5 [AmerSp, fr. Sp, president,
`fr. L pnzcsiderzt—, pracsidens president, ruler]
`: a cocktail
`consisting of rum, curacao, dry vermouth, and grenadine
`shaken or stirred with cracked ice
`pres-i-dent-ess \'prez(o)d:mt:3s\ n -135 1 : a female president
`: a woman that presides (formed a tea society with the parson’s
`wife for N —J.F.Cooper) 2 : the wife of a president
`president general 71 : the chief presiding officer in an organized
`system (as a religious or fraternal order or a federation of
`states or provinces) usu. having subordinate officers of presi-
`dcntial rank or title (president general of the Daughters of the
`American Revolution) (proposed a president general for the
`North American colonies)
`pres-i-den-tial \:preza:dcnchsl sometimes (‘)prcz:-\ adj [ML
`praendcnliulis, fr. praesidemia presidency + _L -alfs -al — more
`at PRESIDENCY] 1 a: of, relating to, or exercised by a president
`(2. man of N stature —N. Y. Times) (N patronage) (N aide)
`(N policy)
`13 2 of or relating to the election of a president (N
`campaign) (N convention)
`G : performing functions dclc-
`gated by or under the authority of a president
`(N_ agent)
`(N commission) 2 abs 2 having the function of presiding or
`watching over (govern them .
`. by a N angel —Ro‘oer_t Gell)
`3 2 of, based upon, or having the characteristics of presidential
`government (N system) (~ republic)
`presidential government rt : a system of government in which
`the position and powers of both chief of state and chief
`political executive are concentrated in a president who is
`chosen independently of the legislature for a fixed term_ and
`who in position, duties, and powers is constitutionally inde-
`pendent of the legislature — compare PARLIAMENTARY GOVERN-
`pres-i-den~tia1-ly \—chal'e‘\ adv 1 : in the character or person
`of a president (each of the great powers will be represented N
`—London Daily News) 2 2 so far as concerns the president
`or the presidency of the U. S. (states voting Republican N
`presidential primary also presidential preference primary
`rt 2 :1 primary in which the voters indicate preferences for nomi-
`necs for
`resident of the U. S, directly by vote or indirectly
`through t e choice of delegates to the presidential nominating
`convention — called also prcfcrerttialprirnary
`pxrelsfidential year rt : 2 year in which a presidential election is
`president pro tempore rt, pl presidents pro tempore : a mem-
`ber of the U, S. senate and usu. a leader of the majority party ‘
`who is chosen to serve as presiding officer of the senate in the
`absence of the vice-president; also : a similar officer in another
`legislative body (president pro tempore of the state senate)
`(president pro Iempore of the provincial congress)
`I presidents
`day n, usu cap P&D : w.«~.sI-u>rGro.\"s BIRTHDAY 2
`pres-i-dentosliip \‘prez(a)dent.ship\ n 1 : the office of presi-
`dent (contests for the N: and chairmanships of civic bodies
`—Hindustan Times) (accepted the N of the .
`. association
`—Modern Language Teaching) 2 : the period of inc-Imbcncy
`of a prcsidcnt (the 17th year of his N —Cottnn Mather)
`pre-sid-er \pre'zido(r), pi-e'—\ n -s : one that presides
`presides pres 311 sing 0/ PRESIDE
`pre-Sid-I‘.-al \pré'sidEel\ adj [LL praesidialis of a garrison,
`fr. L praesidium defense, garrison, fortification (fr. pracsid-,
`pracses guard, president, ruler, fr. pmesi Err» to guard, preside
`over) + -alis -al — more at PRESIDEJ 1 . of, having, or con-
`stituting a garrison (three N castles in this ci y -—Jam<-:s Howell)
`2 [influenced in meaning by LL praesidalis of a provincial I
`governor, fr. L praesid-, praeses guard, president, ruler + -1111‘:
`-al] a : PRESIDENTIAL l (N power) (N cabinet) b 2 PRESIDEN-
`TIAL 2 (judgment holds in me a N seat —Charles Cotton)
`3 [F présidial being a presidial court, fr. MF presizliul, alter.
`(influenced by LL praesidiqlis of a garrison) of presidal, fr.
`LL pmesidalis of a provincial governor] : of or relating to a
`province : PROVINCIAL (N seat of justice) — see YRESIDIAL
`presidial court or presidial ri [prcridfal court part trans. of
`praesidialis of a garrison) 0 com prcsidal, fr. C01-0' court +
`F caur présidial, fr. MF cour presidial, alter. (influenced by LL
`presidal being a presidial court, fr. LL pracsidali: of a pro-
`vincial governor; prcsidial fr. F présidial, fr. présidial, adj. (in
`the term cour pre'sI'dI'al)] : a court of justice under the ancien
`regime in French cizies without a parliament
`pre-sid~i-ary \-d€,erE\
`adj [L pruesidiarius,
`fr. praesidium
`defense, garrison, fortification + —arius -ary] :_ PRESIDIAL 1
`(N cohorts were stationed at every threatened point —Charles
`presiding pres pan‘ of PRESIDE
`presiding bishop n 1 : the president of the executive council
`of the Protestant Episcopal Church who is elected by the
`2 :
`the chief member of the presiding
`bishoprtc of the Mormon Church
`presiding bishopric n : the chief office of the Aaronic priest-
`hood in the Mormon Church filled by three persons and su-
`pervised by the first presidency
`presiding elder
`Dre-sidio \I:>r’
`'dE.6. -sEd-\ >1 —S [Sp, fr. L pracriclium defense,
`garrison, fortification] : a garrisoned place; spccif : a military
`panish control (one of the first settlements in Texas not
`£05! or fortified settlement in areas currently or orig. under
`established as a N --Amer. Guide Series: Ttrxas) (a sleepy
`Mexican N with fortifications rusting —C.C.Dobic)
`pre«sid-i-um \prE'sidEam, pro‘-, -'zi-\
`also prae-sid-i-um
`\“, pri-\ n, pl presid-ia \—dEa\ or presidiums [Russ preli-
`dium, fr. L praesidium defense, garrison, fortification] 1 : a
`permanent executive committee selected in Communist coun-
`tries from a larger body in theory to act for the larger body
`when in recess but usu. regarded as exercising full powers
`for and in the name of the parent body (the N .
`. in practice
`is the effective working part of the Supreme Soviet —J.A.
`Corry) (the N of the central committee .
`, replaced the
`politburo -Julian Towster) (the N of the Yugoslav parlia-
`ment ——-M.S.Handler) — compare POLITBURO 1
`2 : a pre-
`siding or executive committee in a nongovernmental organi-
`zation (elected to the three-man N of the .
`. orchestra
`association ——Sprz'ngfz'eld (tMt1r5.) Union)
`pre~sign \pre+ \ vt —ED/;ING/-S [prc- + sign] archaic : PRt5IG-
`NIFY (agents of destruction _
`. N regeneration —P.J.Bailey)
`presig-ni-Ii-caution \pre,signaf:')'kiishan\
`[LL pracsI'gr1i-
`jicnzion-, praesignificatia, fr. L raesigniflcatus (past part. of
`praesignificare) + -ion-, -in -ionfzzrc/Iaic : PRESAGE (the broad
`arrow, the mysterious N of mischief ———J.P.Kennedy Tl 870)
`pre.sig.ui.fy \prE'signo,fi\ vl -eo/
`G/-Es [L‘pI'lI£’Sl'g}1l‘f!‘CflTE,
`fr. prac- pre- + significare to signify] : to intimate or signify
`beforehand : PRESAGE (a long cloud .
`. presignijied a violent
`storm —Richard Chandler)
`p_re-simian \(')pr§+\ adj [pre- —‘ simian] : existing or happen-
`ing before the existence of anthropoid apes
`Ipre-socratic \IDre+ \ adj. Sometimes cap P & usu cap S [pro-
`+ socratic] : of or relating to Greek philosophy or philoso-
`phers bcforc Socrates; esp : of or relating to the members or
`the ideas of the Ionian, Pythagorean, and Eleatio schools, the
`school of
`the atomists, and sometimes the Sophists (pry.-.
`Socratic thought)
` 3
`Zpre-socratic \“\ II
`-S Sometimes cap P A‘:
`14311 cap S
`prc—Socratic philosopher (a fundamental doctrine on which
`the prc—SocraII'cs had been agreed —Friedrich Solmsen)
`pre-so~ma \pr5's6mo\ n -s ENL,
`fr, pram + -Snma]
`anterior part of
`the body in an invertebrate in which a
`clearly defined head is lacking
`pre-somite_\(')prE+\ yd./' [pre— + somite] : occurring before
`the formation of_somites_(N period of the chick embryo)
`: not yet divided into somites (a N human embryo)
`iprasphenoiq \“+\ n {prc- + sphenoid] : a presphenoid
`bone or cartilage usu, ‘united with the basisphenoid in the
`adult and in man forming the anterior part of the body of
`the sphenoid
`ipresphenoid \“\ also pre-sphenoidal \'.pr6+\ adj Eyre‘
`Spherzoid fr. lpresphertoid; presphenojdal fr. lprerphertoid + -111]
`: indicating or relatinguo a median part of the vertebrate
`skull anterior to the basisphenoid
`prve-sphygmic \(')prE+\ adi [ISV pr2- + sphygmic] : occur-
`ring before the pulse beat (a N arterial thrill)
`pre-spi-nous \pré‘spinos\ adj lZpre-
`.— spine + -ous] : PRE-
`pre~spi_racu1ar \§pr€+\
`adj [prc— + spiracular] : anterior to
`the splracle
`lpress \'pres\ n -as often attrib [ME presse, precs, fr. OF
`people or a ct-owde
`condition : MULIITUDE, Tl-IRONG (there
`presse, fnpresscr todpress N_more at Zpiziassl 1 a. : a crowd of
`was .
`. a N of people trying to force their way past the power-
`ful veomen ushers —Leslie Hotson) (perched on the folded:
`down too of a convertible, to roll down the boardwalk with a
`N of people following her car —~Pete Martin) 13 archaic : the
`crush or melee of cavalry or foot soldiers In battle‘ 9 : a
`keeping iis feet in the N and surge‘ of the mob) (had been
`thronginig or crowding forward or together (had difficulty
`pushed out of their home territories by the N of w
`ment —/lmer. Guide Sr=rI't>s: _IrId.)
`2 a : an apparatus or
`machine by which a substance is cut or shaped (as by pressing.
`drawing, or stamping), by which an impression of a oody is
`taken. by which a material is comprcsscd_or_pa_ckcd, by which
`pressure is applied to a body, by &_vhiC_h 11ClU‘-,d 15 ezipressfid. 01’
`by which a cutting tool (as a drill) is fed into the work by
`applied pressure — compare CHEESE PRESS, DRILL PRESS,
`h : a building
`containing presses or a business using presses
`c : a medieval
`crushed until he yielded or die
`3 : CLOSET. curuoasn -
`apparatus in which an accused ‘person refusing to plead was
`compare CLOTl~ll_-ISPRESS 4 [Zpress] :
`the act of pressing or
`pushing something ‘ PRESSURE (a N of a button) (a N of
`the hand) (finishes with a light N of the earth over he newly
`planted seed) (could no longer stand against the steady N of
`the Roman lines —A.C.Whit_e_head) 5 [zprcssl : thc properly
`smoothed and creasedlcondiiion of a freshly pressed garment
`(a fabric that keeps its N) (a good N on these trousers)
`G a : PRINTING PRESS b chiefly En: : HANQPRESS — compare
`MACHINE c : the act or the process of printing (to sce_a book
`through the N)
`d : a_printing or publishing establishment
`(a university N); also V s personnel
`'7 a : the gathering and
`publishing or broadcasting of n_ews : iot;RNAI_IsM (freedom ‘of
`the N) b : newspapers, periodicals, and often radio and tele-
`vision news broadcasting regarded as a group (the N_ has three
`to inform,
`to influence, and to entertain ——R.E.
`Wolseley) (the American N) (the_Democratic N) (the reli-
`gious N)
`c : news reporters, publishcrs, and broadcasters as
`a group (the N .
`. is very apt to think in the local terms of the
`papers that they represent -F.I)_.Roosevelt) d : comm_ent_ or
`notice in newspapers and periodicals (the navy .
`. Is enjoying
`a good N —~A‘l1fll’l1l'C) 8 a : any of various pressure devices
`(as the standing pross)_ used to compress or _hold cooks
`b : any of various devices ‘used to keep sporting gear (as
`rackets and skis) from warping when not _in use
`t a lift in weight lifting in which the weight is raised from
`the floor to shoulder height and then smoothly extended over-
`head —- called also 771.’lll(17‘,'V Dress,‘ compare CLEAN_ AND JERK,
`: a fencer’s applying of pressure against an op-
`ponent’s blade in order to force an opening for an attack
`c : a method by which a gymnast raises the body into a_hand
`balance by using the muscles only without the aid of a kick or
`throw (1 : a pressuring defense (as in basketball) employed
`over at part or all of the court to hinder movement of theball
`and as an intensive c"ort to gain possession 10 : a pair of
`rolls between which the wet web of paperyis passed to remove
`water and compact the sheet in papermaicing syn see CRO\VD
`— in press : In the process of printing or manufacture — used
`of books or other printed matter
`fipress \“\ vb -ED/-ING/-ES [ME pressen, fr. MP presser, fr. OF,
`Page 3 of 3
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