Paper No. 70
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`Petitioners move to exclude the following exhibits and testimony pursuant to
`Rule 42.64:
`Ex. 2039 (Weatherford Presentation)
`Objections: (1) Authentication – Federal Rule of Evidenec (“FRE”) 901(a); and
`(2) Hearsay – FRE 801(c), 802.
`Location of prior objections: Paper 571 at 1-2.
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by Rapid Completions (“RC”): Patent
`Owner’s Response (“POR” – Paper 56) at 23, 28-29; and, to the extent considered,
`Exs. 2081/2084 at 33-51/51.
`Explanation: RC has not proven authenticity. RC has not filed a declaration of
`any person purporting to have personal knowledge of Ex. 2039, nor presented any
`other evidence of Ex. 2039’s authenticity Therefore, Ex. 2039 should be excluded
`under FRE 901.
`In addition, whatever portions2 of Ex. 2039 RC relies on are offered to prove
`the truth of each matter asserted. On page 23 of its POR, RC cites Ex. 2039 to
`support its assertion that Weatherford sells and markets a competing system using
`an open hole ball drop system. Similarly, on pages 28-29 of its POR, RC cites Ex.
`1 This is Paper 57 of IPR2016-00596 (as are all papers cited in this motion)
`2 RC does not provide pinpoint cites in its POR, though it does reproduce a figure
`on page 33/53 of Ex. 2039.


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`2039 to support its assertion that Weatherford’s advertising and marketing
`documentation establishes a nexus between the Challenged claims and its alleged
`commercial success. However, RC has not shown that any hearsay exception
`applies, and has not presented the testimony of anyone with first-hand knowledge
`of the information from Ex. 2039 on which it relies. Therefore, Ex. 2039 (and,
`more specifically, whatever information from Ex. 2039 RC (through its POR or its
`expert’s declaration) relies on) should be excluded under FRE 801(c) and 802.
`Ex. 2047 (Rystad Energy report)
`Objections: (1) Authentication – FRE 901(a); (2) Hearsay – FRE 801(c), 802; and
`(3) Relevance – FRE 401, 402, and 403.
`Location of prior objections: Paper 57 at 5-6.
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by RC: POR at 17, 26-27; and, to the extent
`considered, Exs. 2050/2051 at 45:25-29 and Exs. 2081/2084 at 26:15-27:5.
`Explanation: RC has not proven authenticity. RC filed a declaration by its
`paralegal (Ex. 2082 at ¶¶ 1, 2), purporting to authenticate Ex. 2047 (Ex. 2082 at
`¶ 11), but failed to establish a foundation that would enable Mr. Delaney to
`competently testify about the exhibit’s authenticity. The fact that Petitioners
`produced Ex. 2047 in litigation is irrelevant. See POR at 17. Furthermore, Mr.
`McGowen also took no steps to authenticate or otherwise verify the Ex. 2047


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`information on which he relied. Ex. 1134 at 142:7-145:17.3 Therefore, Ex. 2047
`should be excluded under FRE 901.
`In addition, whatever portions4 of Ex. 2047 RC relies on are offered to prove
`the truth of each matter asserted. On page 17 of its POR, RC cites Ex. 2047 to
`support its assertion that its system was the first in the industry. See also Ex. 1134
`at 151:5-24. Similarly, on pages 26-27 of its POR, RC cites Ex. 2047 to support its
`assertion that “the market for this technology … has overtaken competing
`fracturing methods” in one formation and grown in other formations. See also Ex.
`1134 at 143:1-144:21 and 148:16-151:4. However, RC has not shown that any
`hearsay exception applies, and has not presented the testimony of anyone with
`first-hand knowledge of the information from Ex. 2047 on which it relies.
`Therefore, Ex. 2047 (and, more specifically, whatever information from Ex. 2047
`RC (through its POR or its expert’s declarations) relies on) should be excluded
`under FRE 801(c) and 802.
`3 The exhibit discussed during this deposition – Ex. 2021 of IPR2016-00598 – is
`identical to Ex. 2047. Likewise, the declaration referenced by Mr. McGowen
`during this deposition (Ex. 2034) is identical to Ex. 2050.
`4 RC does not provide pin cites in its POR, though its expert asserted that pages
`2/14 and 10/14 were the source of his testimony. See Ex. 1134 at 142:7-151:24.


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`Finally, RC has not shown in its POR that any system or technology (or use
`of same) from Ex. 2047 on which it relies is covered by any Challenged Claim.
`See also Ex. 1134 at 146:4-149:14. Therefore, Ex. 2047 (and, more specifically,
`whatever information from Ex. 2047 RC (through its POR or its expert’s
`declarations) relies on) is irrelevant under FRE 401 and inadmissible under FRE
`402. Exhibit 2047 should also be excluded under FRE 403 because allowing RC to
`rely on Ex. 2047, despite RC not showing that the relied-on aspects are covered by
`a Challenged Claim, would be unfairly prejudicial to Petitioners.
`Exs. 2050 and 2051 (unredacted and redacted McGowen Declarations)
`Objections: Hearsay as to (i) each sliding sleeve, packer, and fluid conveyed
`sealing device name and number referenced in the claim charts of Exhibit B (to
`Exs. 2050/2051) that supports RC’s contentions about claims 24 and 27: EX
`Sleeve, H80915, H80916, H80987, H80990, EX-C, H80940, H80949, EXPress,
`H80908, H81006, H81008, H81045, H81070, OH MP, H81027, and H81029 for
`sliding sleeves; OH Packers, H40936, RE Packers, H30187, H30192, and H30407
`for packers; and “Balls,” H81020, H81021, and H81022 for fluid conveyed
`sealing devices; and (ii) each of BH00001776, BH00125568, BH00188257,
`BH00125568, BH00188257, BH00001986, and BH00000949 – FRE 801(c), 802;
`Lack of Foundation as to (i) each sliding sleeve, packer, and fluid conveyed
`sealing device name and number referenced in the claim charts of Exhibit B (to


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`Exs. 2050/2051) that supports RC’s contentions about claims 24 and 27: EX
`Sleeve, H80915, H80916, H80987, H80990, EX-C, H80940, H80949, EXPress,
`H80908, H81006, H81008, H81045, H81070, OH MP, H81027, and H81029 for
`sliding sleeves; OH Packers, H40936, RE Packers, H30187, H30192, and H30407
`for packers; and “Balls,” H81020, H81021, and H81022 for fluid conveyed
`sealing devices; and (ii) each of BH00001776, BH00125568, BH00188257,
`BH00125568, BH00188257, BH00001986, and BH00000949 – 37 C.F.R. § 42.65;
`and Relevance as to detailed opinions set forth in Sections 6, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6, 9.1, 9.2,
`9.3, 10, 11.2, 11.4, 11.6, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4,
`and 14.5 of Exs. 2050/2051 and Exhibits A and B of Exs. 2050/2051 – FRE 401
`and 402.
`Location of prior objections: Paper 57 at 7-13.
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by RC: for Hearsay: to the extent considered,
`Ex. 2050 (McGowen, unredacted) and Ex. 2051 (McGowen, redacted) at pages
`2/15, 3/15, 4/15, and 6/15 of Ex. B (discussing ’774 patent claim 1, which is a
`predicate for RC’s mapping of ’505 patent claim 24), and pages 9-12/15 of Ex. B
`(discussing ’505 patent claims 24 and 27); for Lack of Foundation: to the extent
`considered, Ex. 2050 (McGowen, unredacted) and Ex. 2051 (McGowen, redacted)
`at pages 2/15, 3/15, 4/15, and 6/15 of Ex. B (discussing ’774 patent claim 1, which
`is a predicate for RC’s mapping of ’505 patent claim 24), and pages 9-12/15 of Ex.


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`B (discussing ’505 patent claims 24 and 27); and for Relevance: POR at 10-11
`(citing Ex. 2050 at 40-41 (Section 14.3)), POR at 13 (citing Ex. 2050 at 7 (Section
`6) and Ex. B), POR at 21 (citing Ex. 2050 at 43 (Section 14.5) and Exs. A, B), and
`POR at 26 (citing Ex. 2050 at 42 (Section 14.4)).
`Explanation: The sliding sleeve, packer, and fluid conveyed sealing device
`names/numbers and “BH” documents identified above are hearsay because RC
`relies on them for the truth of the matters asserted – namely, that they establish that
`Petitioners’ products meet certain claim limitations. However, RC has not shown
`that any hearsay exception applies, and did not submit as exhibits any documents
`corresponding to the names/numbers or “BH” document on which they (and/or Mr.
`McGowen) relied. Therefore, such portions of Exs. 2050/2051 should be excluded
`under FRE 801(c) and 802.
`RC also did not meet the requirement of 37 C.F.R. § 42.65 to disclose the
`underlying facts or data on which the opinion is based by failing to submit as
`exhibits any documents corresponding to the names/numbers or “BH” document
`on which they (and/or Mr. McGowen) relied. Therefore, such portions of Exs.
`2050/2051 should be excluded under 37 C.F.R. § 42.65.
`Finally, the above-cited Sections of Exs. 2050/2051 are irrelevant because
`they are directed to the invention of the ’774 Patent, which claims fracturing (see
`claim elements 1a and 1f on pages 1/14 and 7/14 of Exhibit B of Exs. 2050/2051),


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`rather than the invention of the ’505 Patent, which does not claim fracturing (see
`claims 24 and 27 of Ex. 1001; Ex. 1134 at 20:11-21:11) or even a particular fluid
`pressure level (Ex. 1134 at 21:12-14). Mr. McGowen includes footnote 8 on page
`47 of Exs. 2050/2051, which recites: “To the extent Petitioners rely on the same
`theories and opinions with regard to ‘505 claims 2[4] and 27 . . ., my criticisms of
`those theories are applicable in that context as well.” However, RC does not cite
`this footnote or even this page of Mr. McGowen’s declaration in its POR.
`Moreover, Mr. McGowen not explain what he means by “criticisms” or how his
`opinions in the above-cited Sections—which are focused on fracturing—“are
`applicable” to contentions and opinions by Petitioners directed to claims that do
`not require fracturing. Therefore, the above-cited Sections of Exs. 2050/2051
`should be excluded under FRE 401 and 402.
`Ex. 2052 (Baker Hughes Design Documents)
`Objection: Relevance – FRE 401 and 402.
`Location of prior objection: Paper 57 at 13-14.
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by RC: POR at 18-20; and, to the extent
`considered, Exs. 2081/2084 at section 11.2 on pages 24-26.
`Explanation: RC has not shown that anything in Ex. 2052 makes it more probable
`that Petitioners copied the claimed technology. RC relies on only two pages of this
`exhibit (BH00363833 and BH00363820) to assert that Petitioners obtained “a


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`confidential Packers Plus document while [Petitioners] were designing their own
`competing system” (POR at 18-19 (emphasis added)) and “actually developed their
`own system by copying Packers Plus” (POR at 21). But RC offers no evidence of
`when Petitioners were in possession of BH00363820 or when Petitioners were
`“designing their own competing system.” Moreover, neither Petitioners’ FracPoint
`system on which RC relies or Packers Plus’s StackFRAC system allegedly shown
`in Exs. 2052 and 2053 is more similar to the system recited in any of the
`challenged method claims than is the Lane Wells-Ellsworth prior art system. See
`Petition (Paper 1 in IPR2016-01496) at 30-57 (addressing claims 1-7, 11, and
`14-27); compare Exs. 2050/2051 claim 24 and 27 charts for StackFRAC and
`FracPoint systems; see also Ex. 1132 at 121:11-124:1 (agreeing that the Lane
`Wells-Ellsworth system meets structural limitations of ’505 Patent claims).
`Therefore, Ex. 2052 should be excluded under FRE 401 and 402.
`Ex. 2053 (Packers Plus Design Document)
`Objections: Authentication – FRE 901(a); Relevance – FRE 401 and 402.
`Location of prior objections: Paper 57 at 14-15.
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by RC: POR at 20.
`Explanation: RC has not proven authenticity. RC filed a declaration by its
`paralegal (Ex. 2082 at ¶¶ 1, 2), purporting to authenticate Ex. 2053 (Ex. 2082 at
`¶ 13), but failed to establish a foundation that would enable Mr. Delaney to


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`competently testify about the exhibit’s authenticity. Therefore, Ex. 2053 should be
`excluded under FRE 901.
`Furthermore, RC has not shown that anything in Ex. 2053 makes it more
`probable that Petitioners copied the claimed technology. RC compares Ex. 2053 to
`page BH00363820 of Ex. 2052 to support its assertions that Petitioners obtained “a
`confidential Packers Plus document while [Petitioners] were designing their own
`competing system” (POR at 18-19 (emphasis added)) and “actually developed their
`own system by copying Packers Plus” (POR at 21). But RC offers no evidence of
`when Petitioners were in possession of BH00363820, or of when Petitioners were
`“designing their own competing system.” Moreover, neither Petitioners’ FracPoint
`system on which RC relies or Packers Plus’s StackFRAC system allegedly shown
`in Exs. 2052 and 2053 is more similar to the system recited in any of the
`challenged method claims than is the Lane Wells-Ellsworth prior art system. See
`Petition (Paper 1 in IPR2016-01496) at 30-57 (addressing claims 1-7, 11, and
`14-27); compare Exs. 2050/2051 claim 24 and 27 charts for StackFRAC and
`FracPoint systems; see also Ex. 1132 at 121:11-124:1 (agreeing that the Lane
`Wells-Ellsworth system meets structural limitations of ’505 Patent claims).
`Therefore, Ex. 2053 should be excluded under FRE 401 and 402.
`Ex. 2054 (Article Regarding Schlumberger)


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`Objections: (1) Authentication as to entire document – FRE 901(a); (2) Hearsay
`as to: (i) the portion(s) of the document on which RC relies to establish that “the
`largest oil and gas service company in the world—Schlumberger—opted to work
`with Packers Plus to provide this technology” (POR at 17); and (ii) the portion(s)
`of the document on which RC relies to establish that Schlumberger “desire[d] to
`obtain rights to the technology” (id. at 17-18) – FRE 801(c), 802.
`Location of prior objections: Paper 57 at 15-16.
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by RC: POR at 17-18; and, to the extent
`considered, Exs. 2050/2051 at section 14.7 on page 46.
`Explanation: RC has not proven authenticity. RC filed a declaration by its
`paralegal (Ex. 2082 at ¶¶ 1, 2), purporting to authenticate Ex. 2054 (Ex. 2082 at
`¶ 14), but failed to establish a foundation that would enable Mr. Delaney to
`competently testify about the exhibit’s authenticity. Therefore, Ex. 2054 should be
`excluded under FRE 901.
`In addition, the portion(s) of the document on which RC relies to establish
`that “the largest oil and gas service company in the world—Schlumberger—opted
`to work with Packers Plus to provide this technology” (POR at 17) are hearsay
`because they are offered for the truth of the matter asserted – namely, that
`Schlumberger opted to work with Packers Plus to provide the Packers Plus
`technology that RC contends is relevant to industry praise. Similarly, the


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`portion(s) of the document on which RC relies to establish that Schlumberger
`“desire[d] to obtain rights to the technology” (id. at 17-18) are also hearsay
`because they are offered for the truth of the matter asserted – namely, that
`Schlumberger desired to obtain rights to the technology, which RC asserts supports
`its industry praise argument. However, RC has not shown that any hearsay
`exception applies, and has not presented the testimony of anyone with first-hand
`knowledge of any agreement between Schlumberger and Packers Plus or of any
`Schlumberger “desire” relating to any such agreement. Therefore, such portion(s)
`of Ex. 2054 should be excluded under FRE 801(c) and 802.
`Exs. 2081 and 2084 (unredacted and redacted McGowen Supp. Declarations)
`Objections: Relevance as to opinions set forth in Sections 8.1-8.3 and 10
`(directed claims that require fracturing), Section 9 on pages 11-19/29 (discussing
`invalidity theories proposed by a third party in different proceeding), in subsection
`11.1 on page 22/29 (discussing Weatherford’s ZoneSelect system), and in
`subsection 11.2 at 22:23-24:7 of pages 22-24/29 (discussing success of Baker
`Hughes FracPoint system) of Exs. 2081/2084, and in pages 33-51/51 of Exs.
`2081/2084– FRE 401 and 402. Lack of Foundation as to opinions set forth in
`pages 33-51/51 of Exs. 2081/2084 – 37 C.F.R. § 42.65.
`Location of prior objections: Paper 57 at 29-37.


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by RC: POR at 26 (referencing only “§ 11” of
`Ex. 2081), POR at 42 (citing Ex. 2081 at Section 8.1).
`Explanation: The above-cited Sections of Ex. 2081 are irrelevant because they
`are directed to the invention of the ’774 Patent, which claims fracturing (see claim
`elements 1a and 1f on pages 1/14 and 7/14 of Exhibit B of Exs. 2050/2051), rather
`than the invention of the ’505 Patent, which does not claim fracturing (see claims
`24 and 27 of Ex. 1001; Ex. 1134 at 20:11-21:11) or even a particular fluid pressure
`level (Ex. 1134 at 21:12-14). Mr. McGowen includes footnote 1 on page 3 of Exs.
`2081/2084, which recites: “To the extent Petitioners assert that the same art
`directed to the ’774 patent also renders obvious the open hole claims of the ’505 . .
`. patent because they would motivate a POSITA to perform open hole multi-stage
`fracturing, my opinions expressed herein apply to those claims as well.” However,
`RC does not cite this footnote or even this page of Mr. McGowen’s supplemental
`declaration in its POR. Moreover, Mr. McGowen not explain how his opinions in
`the above-cited Sections—which are
`focused on
`contentions and opinions by Petitioners directed to claims that do not require
`fracturing. The opinions set forth in Section 9 are also irrelevant to this proceeding
`because they address invalidity theories presented by a party that is not a party to
`this proceeding. They are therefore inadmissible under FRE 401 and 402. The
`above-described opinions set forth in subsections 11.1 and 11.2 and pages 33-


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`51/51 of Exs. 2081/2084 are also irrelevant under FRE 401 and 402 because they
`address only two systems (Weatherford’s ZoneSelect and Petitioners FracPoint
`systems) that Mr. McGowen did not show were used in the performance of the
`challenged method claims. See Ex. 1132/1133 at 124:2-17 (ZoneSelect) and
`124:18-128:15 (FracPoint). Mr. McGowen’s purported mapping of claim 1 of the
`Challenged Claims to the ZoneSelect system (Exs. 2081/2084 at 33-51/51)
`provides no evidence of any actual use of that system (as required by each
`Challenged Claim) nor attempts to tie the single image cropped from Ex. 2039
`therein to any of his market share allegations at 22:16-22 (on page 22/29 of Exs.
`2081/2084). See Ex. 1132/1133 at 124:2-17. RC also did not disclose the
`underlying facts or data on which the above-described opinions set forth in pages
`33-51/51 of Exs. 2081/2084 are based because it did not submit as exhibits any
`documents corresponding to any of the Weatherford components specified.
`Therefore, such opinions should be excluded under 37 C.F.R. § 42.65.
`Ex. 2082 (Delaney Declaration)
`Objections: Relevance – FRE 401, 402, and 403; Foundation – FRE 601.
`Location of prior objections: Paper 57 at 37.
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by RC: None.
`Explanation: RC does not rely on Ex. 2082 in its POR or in any expert
`declaration submitted with its POR. Ex. 2082 should therefore be excluded as


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`irrelevant under FRE 401 and 402 and otherwise unfairly prejudicial under FRE
`403. Moreover, Ex. 2082 is a declaration from a paralegal for counsel for RC (Ex.
`2082 at ¶¶ 1, 2) purporting that 37 different third-party documents upon which RC
`relies are “true and correct copies” of what Mr. Delaney described them to be. Ex.
`2082 at ¶¶ 3-39. However, RC has not provided any evidence (such as within Ex.
`2082 itself) that demonstrates the bases for Mr. Delaney’s contentions that Exs.
`2047, 2053, and 2054 are true and correct copies of what he describes them to be,
`including whether and how Mr. Delaney has personal knowledge that Ex. 2047
`“was produced by Baker Hughes in the litigation” (2082 at ¶ 11), that Ex. 2053 is a
`“Packers Plus Design Document” (2082 at ¶ 13), and that Ex. 2054 was “accessed
`from the URL identified in the exhibit on the date noted on the exhibit” (2082 at ¶
`14). Ex. 2082, and at least the paragraphs 11, 13, and 14 thereof, should therefore
`also be excluded under FRE 601.
`Exs. 2074 (Yuan), 2078 (Abass), 2079 (Damgaard), 2098 (Austin), and 2099
`Objections: Hearsay – FRE 801(c), 802.
`Location of prior objections: Paper 57 at 26-29 and 41-42.
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by RC: POR at 7-8 (citing Ex. 2078 at 2, Ex.
`2079, Ex. 2098 at 1, 2099 at 2), 25 and 28-29 (citing Ex. 2074); and, to the extent
`considered, Ex. 2081/2084 at 20:8-21:3, 21:4-22:2, and 29:2-9.


`Case IPR2016-01496
`Patent 7,134,505
`Explanation: The portions of these exhibits cited above in the POR are offered to
`prove the truth of each matter asserted. On pages 25 and 28-29 of its POR, RC
`cites to Ex. 2074 to support its assertion that Weatherford’s ZoneSelect system
`accounts for twelve percent of its fracture system sales. On pages 7-8 of its POR,
`RC cited to Exs. 2078, 2079, 2098 and 2099 to support its assertions that pre-
`invention wisdom was, in fact, that effective fracturing required cementing casing.
`However, RC has not shown that any hearsay exception applies, and has not
`presented the testimony of anyone with first-hand knowledge of the information
`from Exs. 2074, 2078, 2079, 2098, and 2099 on which it relies. Therefore, these
`exhibits should be excluded under FRE 801(c) and 802.
`Exs. 2092 (Rao 2007), 2093 (Rao 2005), and 2100 (Murray)
`Objections: Relevance – FRE 401, 402, and 403.
`Location of prior objections: Paper 57 at 39-40, 42-43.
`Locations exhibit is relied upon by RC: None.
`Explanation: Exs. 2092, 2093, and 2100 are not cited in the POR and is therefore
`inadmissible and should be excluded as irrelevant under FRE 401 and 402 and/or
`as unfairly prejudicial (given its absence from the POR) under FRE 403.
`September 28, 2017
`/Mark T. Garrett/
`Mark T. Garrett


`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e), the undersigned certifies that on September
`28, 2017, a complete copy of PETITIONERS’ MOTION TO EXCLUDE was
`served on Patent Owner’s Exclusive Licensee via email (by consent), as follows:
`/Mark T. Garrett/
`Mark T. Garrett(Reg. No. 44,699)

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