`My name is Ali Daneshy. I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years,
`of sound mind, and capable of making the statements set forth in this Declaration.
`I am competent to testify about the matters set forth herein. All the facts and
`statements contained herein are within my personal knowledge and they are, in all
`things, true and correct.
`I have been asked by Baker Hughes Incorporated (“Baker Hughes”) to
`submit this declaration to rebut certain arguments that I have been informed have
`been made by Rapid Completions and/or Mr. McGowen. This declaration will
`address the ’505, ’634, ’774, ’009, and ’451 Patents.
`I have reviewed Mr. McGowen’s two declarations – Ex. 2006 and Ex.
`2036. I have also reviewed the transcript of his deposition, the drawings he made
`at the deposition (Ex. 1033), the drawing he reviewed (Ex. 1032), and the
`references I discuss below. I have also reviewed the redacted version of the Patent
`Owner Response for the ’774 Patent, and the redacted version of the Patent Owner
`Response for the ’505 Patent.
`I understand that Rapid Completions made the following arguments in
`Section V.C. of the Patent Owner Response for the ’505 Patent:
`- 1 -
`Page 1 of 28


`My name is Ali Daneshy. I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years,
`of sound mind, and capable of making the statements set forth in this Declaration.
`I am competent to testify about the matters set forth herein. All the facts and
`statements contained herein are within my personal knowledge and they are, in all
`things, true and correct.
`I have been asked by Baker Hughes Incorporated (“Baker Hughes”) to
`submit this declaration to rebut certain arguments that I have been informed have
`been made by Rapid Completions and/or Mr. McGowen. This declaration will
`address the ’505, ’634, ’774, ’009, and ’451 Patents.
`I have reviewed Mr. McGowen’s two declarations – Ex. 2006 and Ex.
`2036. I have also reviewed the transcript of his deposition, the drawings he made
`at the deposition (Ex. 1033), the drawing he reviewed (Ex. 1032), and the
`references I discuss below. I have also reviewed the redacted version of the Patent
`Owner Response for the ’774 Patent, and the redacted version of the Patent Owner
`Response for the ’505 Patent.
`I understand that Rapid Completions made the following arguments in
`Section V.C. of the Patent Owner Response for the ’505 Patent:
`Page 1 of 28


`Moreover, Petitioners fail to show that Thomson could be used
`with Brown’s movable mandrel packer. As shown below
`Petitioners’ annotated Figures 1 and 2 (further annotated by Rapid
`Completions to identify the mandrel in orange), Brown’s packer
`includes a central mandrel 11 that supports an anchoring and sealing
`assembly 12. (Ex. 1005, Brown, 4:33–36.)
`[The annotated Brown Figures 1 and 2, which I repeat below,
`were included next.]
`Brown’s anchoring and sealing assembly 12 includes seal
`elements 13 and 14, slip elements 15, a piston ring 19 that moves over
`mandrel 11, and a retaining end piece 20 that is fixed to mandrel 11.
`(Brown, 4:38–39, 63–66.) Moving piston ring 19 towards end piece
`20 forces lower and upper cone spreaders 21 and 22 toward each
`other, wedging slip elements 15 outwardly into anchoring engagement
`with a casing C. (Brown, 4:68–5:6.) Once slip elements 15 are set,
`“the forces exerted by the setting fluid cause the mandrel 11 to move
`downwardly.” (Brown, 6:16–18.) Brown further describes “continued
`downward movement of the mandrel after the upper cone 22 engages
`the slips.” (Brown, 6:20–23.)
`Thomson, unlike Brown where the mandrels move, teaches
`away from using packers that have a movable mandrel, stating that
`packers with no mandrel movement is an “important requirement”:
`An important requirement in completions using multiple
`hydraulic-set packers is that no mandrel movement in relation
`to the slips of the packer should occur while setting. This
`enables any number of hydraulic-set packers to be set
`Page 2 of 28


`simultaneously without the requirement for expansion devices
`between the packers to account for mandrel movement.
`(Ex. 1002, Thomson, p. 98.) Thomson continues to emphasize
`the importance of no movement with the mandrels by identifying
`packers having no mandrel movement as a “key element”: “The key
`elements that contributed to these successful installations were . . . :
`[p]ackers with no
`(Thomson, p. 100 (emphasis added).)
`Because Thomson’s system requires a non-movable mandrel, a
`POSITA would not only have been discouraged, but would have been
`lead in a different direction. The teaching away means that the
`combination of Thomson, Echols and Brown is nonobvious. See KSR
`Int'l Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 550 U.S. 398, 416 (2007) (When the prior art
`teaches away from combining known elements, the combination is
`likely nonobvious); see also, In re Gurley, 27 F.3d 551, 553 (Fed. Cir.
`1994) (A prior art reference teaches away when a person of ordinary
`skill, after reading the prior art reference, would be (1) discouraged
`from following the path set out in the reference or (2) led in a
`direction divergent from the path that was taken by the applicant.)
`I do not agree that a packer like Brown’s could not be used in
`Thomson’s system, or that Thomson’s teachings would have discouraged a
`POSITA from using Brown’s packer.
`Thomson states: “An important requirement in completions using
`multiple hydraulic-set packers is that no mandrel movement in relation to the slips
`Page 3 of 28


`of the packer should occur while setting. This enables any number of hydraulic-set
`packers to be set simultaneously without the requirement for expansion devices
`between the packers to account for mandrel movement.” Thomson at 98, 100
`(“The use of these packers enabled any number of packers to be run in a one trip
`completion without having to run travel joints between them to ensure that all
`packers would be set at the same time.”).
`In other words, Thomson teaches avoiding packers—like tension
`operated packers that are set by pulling the tubing string rather than by hydraulic
`pressure—that require mandrel movement to set slips unless expansion joints or
`devices are included between them. Otherwise, such mandrel movement could set
`some slips before others, precluding simultaneous packer setting (Thomson’s
`stated goal); but that is not how Brown’s packer works.
`As Brown’s Figures 1 and 2 show (below), the movement of fluid
`pressure-driven cone spreader elements 21 and 22 sets slips 15, not pulling on the
`packer mandrel 11, which is denoted “PACKER BODY” below:
`Page 4 of 28


`Page 5 of 28
`See Brown at 4:49-5:6.


`Brown’s mandrel does move downward to a small degree relative to
`its slips, but that movement occurs after the slips are set. Brown at 6:11-23 (“Once
`the slips are [in] anchored [engagement with the casing C], the forces exerted by
`the setting fluid cause the mandrel 11 to move downwardly relative to the slips.
`Continued downward movement of the mandrel … radially expands the seal 13.”).
`In other words, such mandrel movement is not required to set the slips. Brown
`also explains that this movement is permitted by either stretching the tubing string
`T or moving it downward from the well surface. Brown at 6:23-26. Such
`stretching routinely arises from temperature changes in the tubing when lowered
`into a well (which is hotter at greater depths) or when fluids are pumped into the
`well (which can dramatically lower temperatures of the tubing).
`Furthermore, because Brown’s packers are set by hydraulic pressure
`rather than tension, the entire tubing string can be pressurized at once to set
`multiple ones of Brown’s packers simultaneously (in the same manner as
`Thomson’s hydraulically-set packers). As a result, the above-described mandrel
`movement would occur simultaneously in each of the packers, so expansion joints
`between packers would not be needed. To the extent the length of the tubing
`caused any asynchronies in the moment at which each Brown packer sets, such
`differences would be small and easily absorbed by stretching of the tubing itself,
`which Brown recognized was possible and which was common due to temperature
`Page 6 of 28


`changes as discussed above. Thus, a POSITA would have recognized that
`Brown’s packers are not subject to the same concerns that drove Thomson’s
`comment about mandrel movement, and that no expansion joints between Brown’s
`packers would be required if all of Thomson’s packers were replaced with Brown’s
`Thomson’s Operational Issues
`Thomson discusses plug-setting issues experienced with the M1 and
`M3 wells.
`The completion assembly for the M1 well included a pump-out plug
`that failed after the packers were set. Thomson reported that, as a result, there
`were “problems in pressure testing of the completion and tubing hanger.”
`Thomson at 99. However, Thomson reports that testing did get completed and
`that, afterward, the pumping operations were “continuous.” Id. Thomson also
`reports that the completion assembly worked, and that all seven zones were
`stimulated. Id.
`Thomson then increased the number of stages from seven to ten for
`the last three wells, and replaced the pump-out plug with a cycle plug. Thomson at
`99-100. Thomson reports that the cycle plug on the completion assembly for M3
`could not be expelled, and that the assembly’s secondary pump-out shear ring also
`refused to shear. Thomson at 100. However, a leak developed somewhere below
`Page 7 of 28


`the top packer after numerous pressure cycles at the maximum allowable surface
`pressure, and that allowed the balls to be flowed down to their seats. Id. The
`bottom zone could not be stimulated because the plug did not expel, and the
`smallest ball did not seat, so the second zone was not stimulated, but the remaining
`eight zones were stimulated. Id.
`In a section entitled “Important Points to Be Considered for Future
`Completions,” Thomson points out that “the cycle/pump-out plug in the tail pipe is
`the one area in which problems did occur” and emphasized that “it is actually one
`of the most crucial” parts of the completion. Thomson at 100. “If the plug
`expends early, the packers cannot be set, and the completion cannot be tested. If it
`does not expend, there is no flow path to enable the balls to be pumped to their
`mating seat.” Thus, Thomson itself provides an explicit motivation to try other
`types of plugs in its tool string.
`These were plug issues, not issues with either Thomson’s MSAF tools
`(the ball-activated sliding sleeves) or Thomson’s packers, and a person of ordinary
`skill in the art would not have been dissuaded from using Thomson’s tool string as
`a result of them, though such a person would have considered using a different
`Thomson also planned on using a “conventional shear-pinned
`PBR/seal assembly” in its M1 completion assembly. Thomson at 98. PBR stands
`Page 8 of 28


`for polished bore receptacle, a special piece of tubing for landing a seal assembly.
`But a change was made, based on concerns over induced torque (which could have
`occurred during installation into the horizontal section of the liner, as explained on
`page 99), to use a special, annular pressure release that fitted on top of the
`PBR/seal assembly. Id. at 98. Thomson explained that, in the closed (running)
`position, the PBR and seal assembly were clutched together to handle applied or
`induced torque. Id. Thomson also explained that, as a backup, the assembly had a
`secondary shear-screw release mechanism that was isolated from any torque that
`could be applied or induced. Id.
`Thomson described the change as occurring “at the last minute.”
`Thomson at 99. And instead of running the M1 assembly as a single completion,
`Thomson ran the assembly from the PBR downward, as described in the
`“Completion Installation – M1” section. Once that was on depth, the packers were
`set by pressuring up against the pump-out plug, and the upper half of the assembly
`was then spaced out and stung into the PBR. Thomson at 99.
`For the next three assemblies, which were designed for ten zones,
`Thomson explains that an annular pressure release assembly was fitted to each
`PBR/seal assembly so that the main completion could be run in one trip, without
`fear of premature release of the PBR/seal assembly. Thomson at 100.
`Page 9 of 28


`Thomson does not state that there was an actual failure due to the
`premature release of the PBR/seal assembly when any of the M3, M4, or M5
`completion assemblies were run in.
`20. As a result, a person of ordinary skill in the art would not have been
`dissuaded from using Thomson’s MSAF tools and packers, even if the same
`PBR/seal assembly and annular pressure release assembly were used.
`The fact that Thomson’s system was used several times and that the
`authors considered the use of the system worth publishing is an endorsement of the
`usefulness of the system. The authors’ listing of these plug-setting issues and the
`addition of a pressure release assembly to the PBR/seal assembly to proactively
`address the possibility of induced torque during insertion into the horizontal
`segment indicates thoroughness, and it reflects that authors’ preparedness to
`overcome the kinds of issues that inevitably come up in the period during which a
`new system is first used.
`These types of issues are very common in the oil and gas industry,
`even when the operations involve very common and well-proven tools and
`systems. The fact remains that the benefits of the system were important enough
`for Thomson to repeat its application in several other wells. One strong indication
`of the usefulness of the system is the following quotation from the Abstract of the
`Page 10 of 28


`This technique provided a substantial reduction in the operational time
`normally required to stimulate multiple zones and allowed the
`stimulations to be precisely targeted within the reservoir. The case
`history data will provide comparisons in operational times between
`traditional stimulations and this new method as well as the significant
`to cost efficiency
`that resulted from
`its use.
`Additionally, this completion method allowed the stimulations to be
`designed and matched to the requirements of each reservoir zone,
`which provided the most cost efficient treatments possible.
`Furthermore, the authors state in the Conclusions section:
`The successful installation of four multiple packer/MSAF completions
`in chalk formation in the North Sea proved that the system was not
`only feasible but highly efficient, both from an operational standpoint
`and from a reservoir treatment standpoint, since the stimulations could
`be designed and matched to the requirements of each reservoir zone.
`This ensured that the most cost efficient treatments possible were
`applied and that there would be no compromise to the effectiveness of
`the procedures to enhance production. Also, since this completion
`technique substantially reduces operational time normally required to
`stimulate multiple zones, cost savings are realized from the time
`reduction. As more experience is obtained with the system, increased
`efficiency will undoubtedly be generated, allowing additional time
`reduction and even greater cost savings when compared to traditional
`stimulation procedures.
`Page 11 of 28


`The above Thomson paragraphs are strong endorsements of the system and would
`have been a motivating factor for a person of ordinary skill in the art to consider
`using the Thomson system in other applications.
`In Mr. McGowen’s deposition, he explains at 53:9-24 that he believes
`that a person of ordinary skill in the art would have had “ultimate responsibility”
`for a completion assembly they suggested:
`Q. Is it possible that a POSITA would be able to solve problems
`conceptually and then rely on experts around him or her to work
`out the operational details?
`A. So could the -- let me see if I understand the question. Could the
`POSITA create a design and then he’s relying on other people to
`make that design function? Is that the question?
`Q. Well, the question is, the POSITA makes decisions and relies on
`other people with more operational experience to carry out those
`decisions or to give feedback about the feasibility of those
`A. I think the POSITA has ultimate responsibility for the outcome.
`So relying on other individuals to clean up your mess, so to speak,
`doesn't seem like something that a POSITA would do to me.
`Mr. McGowen discusses his views on such ultimate responsibility at 56:17-58:10.
`24. Mr. McGowen ascribed an unreasonably high level of risk aversion to
`a POSITA. This is reflected in his testimony at a number of places, including at
`40:8-41:20, 43:7-44:21, and 53:16-24. For example, in his testimony at 40:8-
`Page 12 of 28


`41:20, Mr. McGowen indicated that, based on Thomson’s plug setting issues and
`the potential induced-torque issue with the PBR/seal assembly, he thought that a
`POSITA would find the entire Thomson system—including apparently the
`unaffected MSAF tools and packers—to be an experimental system that is
`untested, and that is not functioning as planned, causing the operator to have to “on
`the fly to try to figure out how to make it work,” and that should not be used over
`“the tried and true plug and perf methodology” because to use it would be to
`attempt “to break new ground with an untested system.”
`25. Mr. McGowen even indicated at 43:7-22 that a person who suggested
`using Thomson’s new tool string would have been fired over the results in
`Thomson, because they are in a position of “extreme risk”:
`Q. So I’m just asking you whether you think that a POSITA, who’s in
`possession of Thomson and who’s read what happened in the four
`completion trips that are described, would have the ability based
`on their education and experience level to make similar adaptations
`when they face similar issues?
`A. Okay. So we’re assuming that he still has a job, right? Because he
`screwed up the first one? That he wasn’t fired for the problem that
`he had before? Because the POSITA is in a position of extreme
`risk. He’s only three years out of school, as I understand it. The
`gentlemen that are doing this work I don’t think are positas. I don't
`know how much experience they had at this point. But it’s a big
`Page 13 of 28


`leap, I think, to think that somebody at that level of skill would be
`able to figure out all these complex fixes on the fly.
`I do not share Mr. McGowen’s views.
`Specifically, based on the explanation I provided in the section of my
`first declaration entitled “A Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art,” a POSITA would
`not have had ultimate responsibility for a completion project, even if the POSITA
`were the one who suggested the use of a new system like Thomson’s.
`That responsibility would have rested with someone at a much higher
`level, such as a senior executive in the division where the POSITA worked. I have
`personally been such an executive and, in the oil and gas industry at the relevant
`time, a POSITA would have been part of a larger team engineering the use of such
`a system. Neither such a team nor any of its individual members would have been
`summarily fired if such a system failed. If engineering teams had been ruled with
`such an iron fist, the oil and gas industry would have ceased to innovate long ago.
`Thus, a POSITA would not have been a person who felt like they
`were in a position of “extreme risk,” as Mr. McGowen put it. They would not, as a
`result, have been as risk averse to using Thomson’s system as Mr. McGowen
`Instead, a POSITA would have had enough education, training, and
`experience to recognize the potential benefits of using Thomson’s system, and
`Page 14 of 28


`would have been encouraged to recognize such potential benefits. And, given that
`they possessed only a few years of experience, a POSITA would not have had so
`much responsibility for the outcome of a given completion project that they would
`have refused to even consider a system like Thomson’s, solely due to past
`operational issues that did not concern the main tools in the assembly (the MSAF
`tools and hydraulically-settable packers). This is especially true given the amount
`of time that Thomson reports having saved with their completion assembly.
`III. Conventional Wisdom
`I have considered the arguments in Mr. McGowen’s Ex. 2036 Section
`9.3 “Convention Wisdom Regarding Fracture Initiation Teaches Away from 774
`Patent.” The Emanuele paper that he cites (Ex. 2042) concerns, in part, three
`horizontal wells drilled in the Lost Hills diatomite formation in California. Ex.
`2042 at 335. During the completion of the wells, which involved plug and perf,
`“hydraulic fracture growth behavior was characterized using surface tiltmeter
`fracture mapping and real-time fracture pressure analysis.” Id. The authors
`explain that downhole tiltmeter fracture mapping was also used in the third well.
`The authors also explained:
`This combination of fracture diagnostics provided significant
`insights into hydraulic fracture behavior, allowing diagnosis of
`anomalous fracture growth behavior and evaluation of remediation
`measures. Fracture diagnostics during the first horizontal well
`Page 15 of 28


`revealed an unexpectedly complex near-wellbore fracture geometry, a
`result of fracture initiation problems. These problems slowed the
`completion process and severely harmed the effectiveness of the
`fracture-to-wellbore connection. In the subsequent horizontal wells, a
`number of design and execution changes were made which resulted in
`simpler near-wellbore fracture geometry and a greatly improved
`production response.
`The paper provides an overview of the completion and
`stimulation of all three horizontal wells, describes the lessons learned
`along the way, and discusses the implications for future Lost Hills
`horizontal well development.
`32. Mr. McGowen quotes a sentence of Emanuele that begins on page 343
`and that states, “Unfavorable fracture initiation may cause problems with both
`fracture execution (screen-out) and with production response, by harming the
`wellbore-to-fracture connection.” The paper then explains that, “Due to proppant
`plugging during fracture initiation, well #1 had the worst fracture initiation
`problems, but well #2 and well #3 also had some degree of near-wellbore
`complexity (tortuosity or multiple fractures).” The authors had earlier expounded
`on the proppant plugging problem for well #1 on pages 339-340, explaining it was
`due to several problems, including the crossover from 5-1/2” to 7” production
`casing, and insufficient wellbore cleanout between stages.
`Page 16 of 28


`The authors took steps to deal with some of these issues for wells 2
`and 3 (see 340-342), but “well #2 and well #3 also had some degree of near-
`wellbore complexity (tortuosity or multiple fractures).” Page 344.
`34. Mr. McGowen also cites to a Crosby paper (Ex. 2039) on page 25 of
`his declaration, as supporting his argument that “[m]any operators thought that the
`way to minimize fracture tortuosity was to control the fracture initiation process
`through the use of decreased perforation density (limited entry).”
`Like Emanuele, Crosby recognized the near-wellbore tortuosity issues
`that arose from fracturing through perforations in a cemented casing. As Crosby
`explained in the Abstract, “Multi-stage, transversely fractured horizontal wellbores
`have the potential to greatly increase production from low permeability formations.
`Such completions are, however, susceptible to problems associated with near-
`wellbore tortuosity, particularly multiple fracturing from the same perforated
`36. Crosby was studying the “wellbore pressures required to initiate
`secondary multiple transverse hydraulic fractures in close proximity to primary
`fractures.” Abstract and page 2 (addressing “the horizontal wellbore fluid
`pressures required to initiate additional, closely-spaced transverse multiple
`fractures from horizontal wellbores”).
`Page 17 of 28


`37. And like the Emanuele paper, the Crosby paper recognized the near-
`wellbore tortuosity problems that fracturing through perforations in cemented
`casing caused:
`Unfortunately, transversely fractured horizontal wellbores are
`still plagued by a number of problems, most of which stem from the
`complex fracture geometries connecting the wellbore to the main
`fracture. These complex fracture geometries usually take the form of
`multiple fractures, twisted fractures, H- or S-shaped fractures( 8, 9).
`The above complex fracture geometries are more commonly
`collectively known as “near wellbore tortuosity,” and result in
`narrower than anticipated fracture widths. Near-wellbore tortuosity
`ultimately leads to unacceptably high fracture treatment pressures,
`proppant bridging and pre-mature near-wellbore screenout, shorter
`than expected final fracture lengths, and poor fracture conductivities.
`The origin of these fracture complexities may be traced back to
`the manner in which hydraulic fractures initiate from the
`wellbore. (Page 2 – emphasis mine).
`The Ellis paper (P.D. Ellis, et al., Application of Hydraulic Fractures
`in Openhole Horizontal Wells, SPE/Petroleum Society of CIM 65464 (2000)
`(“Ellis”)) explains what the Emanuele and Crosby papers reflected: restricting
`access to the formation through perforations in cemented casing caused the kind of
`near-wellbore fracture tortuosity, sometimes described as complex near-wellbore
`Page 18 of 28


`fracture geometry, that resulted in stimulation issues like an increased risk of
`39. At the time of the invention, and as the Ellis paper reflects, it was
`known that completing horizontal wells open allowed stimulation fluid to have full
`access to the wellbore. See Ellis at page 1 under “Common Uses.” This allowed
`for a fracture to initiate at a natural weak point in the formation, instead of through
`a perforation that may not be aligned with the natural weak point.
`40. As Ellis explained, “Typically, the most common method of isolation
`[of undesired gas/water] is cementing the casing in the horizontal. Unfortunately,
`this isolates not only the problem but also the reservoir from the wellbore.” Ellis
`goes on to explain that “selective perforating may re-establish communication with
`the reservoir, restoring production usually is more difficult.” Ellis also explains
`that “if the production comes primarily from natural fractures, perforating into the
`natural fractures to restore production is highly unlikely.” Page 2.
`Ellis explains that for propped fracture treatments, cemented casing
`that is perforated is typical. Ellis states that concerns about wellbore stability,
`isolation between stages, and fishing stuck pipe in an openhole environment are the
`primary reasons for cementing casing in the horizontal wellbore. He also explains
`that, “when pumping a propped fracture treatment in a cased, cemented, and
`perforated horizontal well, high breakdown and treating pressures have been
`Page 19 of 28


`reported and are prone to premature screenouts if not mitigated. These problems
`have generally been attributed to tortuosity (turning of the fracture), multiple
`competing fractures, or a poor cement job.” Ellis reports some “common
`techniques to minimize the near wellbore effects include pumping proppant slugs,
`breaking down the formation with cross-linked gel, and extreme overbalanced
`perforating prior to pumping the main fracture treatment.” Page 2.
`42. However, as Ellis reported in his “Near-Wellbore Connection
`Problems” section on pages 3-4, the use of some such techniques—like proppant
`slugs and cross-linked gels—even in a cemented and cased segment in which
`perforations were placed “to reduce the possibility of developing multiple
`competing fractures in the interval” still did not avoid near-wellbore connection
`problems, which resulted in screen-out. See the discussion of the first stage in
`“Red Oak” on pages 3-4.
`Ellis explained that the “costs and subsequent production results” in
`the Red Oak and another project (Gallup) required a different approach, and he
`stated that their new approach dramatically reduced near-wellbore effects. See
`“New Approach Required” on page 4.
`Ellis’s approach was to use a series of spaced-apart ported subs (one
`such sub being shown in Fig. 8) on a single tool string, through which a single
`treatment stage was pumped in a horizontal, open hole. This is discussed on pages
`Page 20 of 28


`5 and 6. Ellis reports: “A single treatment was used for the entire horizontal
`section and no near-wellbore problems were observed.”
`The result was that the complex near-wellbore fracture geometry that
`caused problems in the cased and cemented wellbores (and which occurred in
`Emanuele) were eliminated. See Ellis at 6, under “Results”: “This process has
`been used successfully for matrix and fracture stimulation of over 100 laterals in
`fields throughout Texas, New Mexico, Utah, California, and Illinois. Acid and
`water fractures as well as propped fractures have been successfully pumped as a
`single stage in openhole completions with no near-wellbore problems as were
`seen in conventional cased, cemented, and perforated completions. Both
`longitudinal and transverse fractures have been successfully generated. While the
`process was initially developed for wells in carbonate formations, it has been used
`in over eight wells in four different fields for propped fractures. No fracture to
`wellbore connectivity problems have been observed and no screenouts have
`occurred.” (Emphasis mine).
`In the Conclusions section, Ellis explained that “1. Hydraulic
`fractures in cased, cemented, and perforated horizontal wells can experience
`wellbore to fracture connection problems. This results in high treating pressures
`and propped treatment are prone to premature screenouts if these problems are not
`mitigated. 2. Hydraulic fractures in openhole horizontal wells have shown little or
`Page 21 of 28


`no wellbore to fracture connection problems. This results in lower treating
`pressures and the ability to pump high (>10 ppg) proppant concentrations.”
`47. A POSITA would have appreciated from Ellis’s paper that cemented
`casing was the cause of fracture-to-wellbore connection problems, not the solution
`to them. While cemented casing was sometimes necessary where wellbores were
`not stable or issues like unwanted water control could not be addressed any other
`way, cemented casing was not required or even desirable for avoiding near-
`wellbore fracture complexity issues. Instead, leaving the wellbore open and
`stimulating directly into the formation through the open wellbore solved those
`IV. The FIG. 6 Embodiment of the ’009 and ’451 Patents
`I discuss the operation of this embodiment in my earlier declaration. I
`have read Mr. McGowen’s section “7 Priority Date Analysis” in his Ex. 2006
`declaration, and I have considered his deposition testimony about it (167:5 to the
`end). I do not agree with his explanation of what a POSITA would have allegedly
`recognized from FIG. 6.
`49. As explained in my earlier declaration section “A Person of Ordinary
`Skill in the Art,” such a person would have had a bachelor in science degree in
`mechanical, petroleum, or chemical engineering, or similar degree and had at least
`Page 22 of 28


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