`Exhibit 1004
`Page 1 of 9

`Production Control of Horizontal
`Wells in a Carbonate Reef
`Bill Ellsworth - Husky Onl
`Marty Mull’ - Husky Oll
`John Gray - Allore Petroleum Management
`Dan Themtg - Halltburlon I Guiberson AVA
`1999 CM Horizontal Welt Conference
`The Rambow Lake area of northern Alberta commns several
`pools wlth carbonate reef structures. The rormauon tends to
`be a prolufic producer due to my: malm
`pcrmeabnhty and porosity Vemcal walls have
`generally served as me primary producers and
`rngcctars However, as dnllmg capubtlmes have
`the use of dtrectionnl, honzomal,
`and mullt-leg well gcome1ry's have been
`uutncd to both accelerate pmducfion. and
`rmprove ulltmate recovery Whtle these walls
`have allowed Improvements m lhc producmg
`strategy of the field,
`II has also provldcd
`challenges. mamly
`and procedures
`One of
`challenges as provndmg long-term tsolauon an
`these mostly Open hole horizontal complcltons
`Open hole complenons have been the accepted practtce far
`horcontal well:
`In the Ratnbow Lake area of Northern
`.4: these fields mature. and the
`at! bank tn these strucmrcs mm. the use
`technology has
`become parttcularly
`The destgn of the well
`the abrltry to Intervene to
`{If Ratnbow Lake
`strategtc praducmg plan for the area has
`pushed the edge of technology Many
`aspects of the planned explottattan of
`these reef pool: have changed based
`upon xttccessfttl appltcattons of evafvtng
`Prodttcnon control tsrues are paramount
`to these change:
`771:: paper prese.-at:
`several well case histortes that tthtstrate
`appltcmton of advancement:
`utabltshtng rsolarton tn the open hole
`horcantal comp/t.-Iron:
`to accamphsh
`objecttves m the
`appltcatton of laorconto! wells tn the
`R‘“"50“' Lake/39”
`I L
`‘ L
`Flgure 1 - The Rainbow Lake
`Field tn Northern Alberta.
`Field Background
`Banff Oil and Gas dtscovcrcd the first Keg
`Rlver Pool of Rambow Lake Fleld tn the late
`series of owncrshlp
`changes, lhls pool as now operated by Husky
`The field consists of several separate
`pruducmg pools
`Rambow Lake area of Albcna
`Some of the
`producmg pools m the field contam vaulted
`I 999 C[M Horcontai Well Conference
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`Page 1 of 9

`Praifricliori control oflmri:oIiIaI ii-ell: iii a carbonate reefxlrucliire
`Flgure 2 - Vertical injectors and producers have
`historically been used in the Rainbow Litlte Field reel’
`arch atrifcttires
`is run and cemented through these gas intervals, and then the
`remainder of the horizontal is drilled with 984mm (3-W8")
`slim hole MWD This produces a smaller borehole. but
`effective in isolating the gas while still allowing effective
`packer scars in the horizontal
`Achieving Isolation
`With several hundred meters of open hole horizontal wcllbore
`exposed. water or gas breakthrough can be a problem for
`some ofthese wells Also, d_uring drilling, the traycctory ofa
`well may be low or high within the structure, causing i:
`problem with premature coming of gas or water
`in the
`Figure 3 - Part oflhe Field is under solvent flood,
`which Is used to lrncrctise oil recovery.
`each with variations
`figure 2).
`horizontal and vertical permeability as well as substantial
`reserves of oil and gins
`The field was initially produced
`through prlmar)‘ production, mainly using gas lift Both gas
`rc»in_iection and water inieciion have been used as recovery
`mechanisms and to provide pressure maintenance for the field
`Part ofthe Rainbow Lake Field is now under teniary recover
`utilizing ii solvent flooding procedure (See figure 3)
`process requires that rich solvent gas be iniccted into the
`upper portion of the reservoir followed by chase gas
`chase gas moves
`through the structure pushing solvent
`through the rock. and sweeps
`incremental oil
`from the
`During the process.
`the solvent front
`is moved
`either up or down using both water and gas injection to move
`the oil/water and the gasfoil contacts vertically through the
`Ralntiow Horizontal Program
`Although many parts of the reservoir are prolific, with high
`expected recovery, there are portions of the field that contain
`significant reserves. but are held in lower quality reservoir
`Also. some of these areas may not be effectively
`drained during the primary production or the solvent flooding
`process The ODJCCIIVCS ofsome of the horizontal wells drilled
`to date have been to access these ponions of the reservoir
`Some of these segments could not be reached economically
`using vertical wells due to surface and facilities costs.
`Producing uriswept Oll
`:1 primary application of these
`horizontal wells
`Innovative designs of well geometry and
`configuration are required to reach these segments of the
`lrriproving the efficiency of the tertiary rccovcry is also a
`primary objective in the application of horizontal technology
`This application is somewhat more difficult due to the vertical
`mobility and movement of the oil
`in the reservoir
`Utilization of horizontal wells within the active solvent flood
`requircs timing as well as precise well placement and segment
`isolation in the horizontal leg
`The application of horizontals creates several challenges The
`primary challenge IS to produce oil without excessive gas or
`water breakthrough (contng) While most of the horizontal
`wells lie
`in the lower segment of the reservoir,
`the biitld
`section of the well must pass through the upper gas cap.
`sometimes in two or more formations
`lsolation ofihe gas has
`historically been accomplished using liners and cement New
`drill horizontal wells are generally cased through these gas
`layers However, an added challenge in re-entry horizontal
`wells is to isolate these zones without
`the benefit of the
`primary casing string When possible. zi llamm (st-la") liner
`I 999 CM! Horizontal Well Conferencc
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`Production CUIlIr0/ of Hot-i:on!al Well: in a Corbonale /€ecfStriii:Iiire
`The ability to establish long term isolation of
`segments within the reservoir
`is key to controlling and
`optimizing production from these horizontal wells
`inflatable packers were used for water shui~olf,
`stimulation, and segment testing More recently. solid body
`packers lSBP‘s)
`(see Figure 4) have been used to establish
`open hole isolation
`These tools provide a mechanical
`packing element that is hydraulically activated The objective
`of using this type of tool is to provide a long-term solution to
`open hole isolation without
`the aid ol” cemented liners
`Although the expansion ratios for these packets are as large as
`the carbonate fomiation in Rainbow Lake
`generally drills very close to gauge hole. and effective
`isolation is possible with these SBP's Effective isolation in
`open hole greatly increases the capability to incorporate
`horizontal wells into the producing strategy For the Rainbow
`Lake Field
`isolation points
`Establishing effective
`a mechanical
`approached, both
`from a
`the reservoir Objectives are established
`Issues such as seismic, log data, and drilling fluid losses and
`production are considered
`Based upon this data, general
`areas of low porosity are selected to set packers in
`secondary consideration is
`the mechanical sealing of the
`:1 caliper log is available,
`is used to choose
`competent packer seats
`The forrnations in Rainbow Lake
`often contain vugs and fractures When possible, the packers
`are run in pairs to minimize the chance of failure clue to
`setting in a vug Wlien caliper logs for the horizontal wells are
`not available. alternative data is used including drilling ROP's
`and log data
`Case Histories
`Case hlstory #1 — Rainbow 14-12-110-8W6
`This well was drilled in l993, and was cased to 90 degrees
`using 245mm (9-5/8") casing The producing leg was drilled
`using 216mm (8-l/'2") bit from casing shoe to TD lriitially,
`the well produced clean oil At the time of this worltover. the
`well had excessive (unwanted) gas production The objective
`of the workover was to isolate a segment of the well.
`attempt reduce gas production The well was to be segmented
`into three sections. with the ability to produce any or all of
`these sections
`Well and Completion Design
`Two isolation points were selected and the SBP's were
`configured in pairs in order to improve the effectiveness ofthe
`isolation points The tailpipe assembly consisted ofa 73mm
`The packers
`pLimp~oul plug, and no-go style profile nipple
`were supported with ccntralizers to aid in run-in Between the
`sets of pacliers was ti 73mm (2-7/8") sliding sleeve
`allows for either producing or shutting olfthe center segment
`of the well 73mm tubing was run throughout the lateral The
`tubing was crossed over to 38 9mm (3-lfl") inside the casing
`Art expansion Jolnl was run to allow for testing of the open
`hole packers A sliding sleeve was run in the vertical potion
`oflhe well This provided an inflow point for the heel ponion
`of the well
`It also allows non-rig intervention (slickline) to
`control two of the three wcll segments A cased hole double
`grip packet and enroll‘ tool was run in the 244mm (9-5/8")
`casing to anchor the assembly as well as to provide well
`control (Figure 5)
`Installation an Operations
`The assembly was run ‘into the well, and tubing pressure was
`applied to selectively set all of the open hole packers Once
`they were set. tubing weight was applied to confinn the set
`The cased hole packer was then set, and the on—off tool was
`used to circulate inhibited fluid into the annulus
`Setting Cylinder
`Shear Release
`Setting Shear
`Maridrel Lock
`Five Piece
`Figure 4 - The solid body packer is
`hydraulic scl
`instead olinllzitable
`(Guibersott I Halliburtori Wizard II
`packer shown)
`I999 CIM Horizontal ll'eIl Conference
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`Page 3 of 9

`Production Cantral afHorI:onIai’ Well: in a Carbonate ReefSIrm:1iirc
`, .
`Cased Hole Packer
`WI On-Ofl Tool
`Sliding Sleeve
`Open Hole Packers
`Sliding Sleeve
`Figure 5 » The Solid Body Pncliers were used to segment the well, and provide isolation ofthe center portion or
`the well.
`:1 mulc-shoe re-entry guide that hung up near the casing shoe
`item was
`Production testing afterwards indicted that successful isolation
`was achieved as fluid ratios changed with changes in inflow
`sleeve selection (figure 6)
`The well initially had a high (uneconomic) GOR After the
`worltovcr, the well was produced only from at single interval
`(section 3)
`The GOR was initially lowered and water
`production increased
`the high COR returned
`Later. 8 sleeve was shifted to add section 2 to production The
`GOR remained unchanged, but
`the water production was
`Case History #2 - Rainbow 13-32-109-8W6
`from the
`Well #2 was dcsigned to produce unswept oil
`reservoir structure
`Based upon reservoir modeling. and
`seismic, it was determined that several "fingers" were present
`with recoverable reserves, that would not be swept with the
`existing recovery modes due to their location within the pool
`This re-entry well included a ‘U4 3mm (4-1/2") liner that was
`run and cemented through the build section to isolate
`unwanted productive intervals The remainder ofthe well was
`drilled tiller the liner was set using a 98mm (3«7/8") bit
`[999 CM! Horizontal Well Conference
`Page 4 of 9
`Page 4 of 9
`This was the first installation of‘ SBP's for Husky in Rainbow
`Lake Although the radial clearance between packer OD and
`Elwater (mllld)
`ION [m3ld)
`D633 (E3m3ld)
`Figure 6 ~ Testing indicates change in production
`drilled hole was small, the packers were successfully run and
`set Some operational problems were encountered in the use of

`Produclmn Canlrol ofHoruontal Wells m a Carbonate ReefStructure
`Undramed Resen O|l'
`Sltding Sleeve
`Cased Hole Packer
`Shdtng Sleeve
`Ftgurc 7 — Honzontal well profile and xsolatnon patltcrs provide the ability to produce unswept ml wtthm the field
`Well and Completion Design
`A honzontal well path was designed to pass through each of
`these unswept
`traps to allow exlstmg l|'lJ€CllOl’\
`and field
`pressunzanon to push productton to these dramuge pomts
`segments were
`Isolallnn pomts were selected to factluate zonal shut-off and
`productlon optlmtuuon, should It be necessary (Flgure 7)
`Installation an Operatlons
`Prior to running the productton assembly, SBP's were run to
`actdizc the to: of the well These were pulled, and the
`productnon assembly was run The assembly was run Into the
`well, and tubing pressure was applied to selectlvely set all of
`the open hole packers Once they were set, tubing wclght was
`appllzd to confirm the set The cased hole paclur was then
`set, and the on-oft‘ tool was used to ctrtulate unhibned flood
`The completton dcslgn contatncd two |SDl8\lOl’\ pomts
`posluoned between the rescrvolr segments
`Each lsolalton
`pomt was
`established usnng
`two SBP's
`separated by a full _|0ll'\l (IOM) of tubing
`The Iatlptpe assembly consisted of a no-go
`profile nipple and a pump-out glass plug to
`allow pressunzmg the mbmg The glass plug
`was uuhzcd (instead of metal pump-out plug)
`to eltmmatc equipment debns (the expended
`borehole, whtlc
`mechanical access to the toe ofthe well The
`open hole packers were run on 603mm
`tubtng and anchored to a mcchamcal cased
`hole packer An expanslon _]0ll'lI was used to
`allow for testing of the SBP':. before semng
`the cased hole packer A shdmg sleeve was
`mstnlled between the tsolatxon points to allow
`an mflow point for the mtddle well Interval
`A second sltdmg slccvt: was run bclow tho:
`cased hole packet
`to provtdc
`producnon from the heel of the well
`sleeve was run m the verttcal pomon of the
`so that
`xl would be
`servtccablc vta
`DGas (E3m3ld)
`Elwater (milld)
`I on (m3Id)
`Core 8.
`Core Toe Only
`Flgure 8 — Wlrellnc changes allow for Isolation ofseparat: productng
`mtervnls and productton optimtzntton.
`I 999 CIM Horconlal Well Con erence
`Page 5 of 9
`Page 5 of 9

`Production Conrral of Horizontal Walls in a Carbonate Reefsrrucmre
`Cnscd Hole Packer
`Sliding Sleeve
`Isolation Packers
`E’”5"“g Law”!
`New Lmerm
`.’ ’,.o.&I¢a.&’-a.¢Q&Al.IAA£l¢.¢..4¢J?o.A.ll.o.4§$.
`opt" "oh,
`,' ~'“"°‘"'° ‘-4’ , v'4'?2'¢'«~;v'¢'vzvr¢'uvr¢'<:~2'¢'<a'*¢va'¢'?
`¢ 1' Q
`‘AIf /ALMA Ifaafifag &’.a4 fl‘; &IAp.A 'AA,.’.’AA
`"I""?'I'*"¢°?" '4'?"3'?""4"l""¢'“I"' ar'~'va'~"4vr-"av"’
`Figure 9 - When 9 new lntnra! is added to an cxisting open hole horizontal well. solid body packers Isolate and allow
`selective production of either lateral.
`assembly 1716 production packer assembly was successfully
`run. and machanical confinnation indicated that
`the SBP‘s
`were holding
`into the annulus
`the tools
`The initial acid _|0b using SBP‘s indicated that
`successfully provided isolation during the _l0b The acidizing
`assembly was pulled. and some rubber was left
`in the hole
`This required a clean-out trip before running the production
`""°““‘ 1
`Production testing afterwards, as well as slecvc changes
`during the first
`l8 months indicted that successful
`was achieved as oil/water/gas ratios during production have
`been changed significantly
`following changes in inflow
`allcmaled between producing
`the we only and adding the
`heel Changes were made in
`months 3. 8 and I6
`production results following
`changes (Figure 8)
` El Water (m3Id)
`I Oil (m3Id)
`DGas (E3m3Id)
`Case History
`Rainbow - 1o2/3-9-
`#3 was an existing
`horizontal well with it single
`The purpose of
`Figure I0 - Isolation the existing and the new leg provides the ability to select
`production either or both laterals (rigless intervention).
`- 6 -
`I 999 C[M Horizontal We/I Conference
`Page 6 of 9
`Page 6 of 9

`Production Control o_fHari:onIul WL-I/5 in 0 Carbonate ReefSlrucmre
`A hybrid
`workovcr was to add :1 second producing leg
`service/drilling rig was used to sidetmck off the e\isttng open
`hole leg. and to drill a directional well
`to access another
`p0l‘lIOl'l of the reservoir
`Well and Completion Design
`Well #3 has 178mm (7“) casing run to horizontal and
`cemented in place to isolate upper gas intervals (Ftgurc 9) A
`horizontal wcll path was designed to drill a sidetrack open
`hole leg to an undrained portion of the reservoir
`drilling the lateral. it was necessary to isolate the old leg from
`the new one,
`in order to produce either
`The selected
`completion design established an isolation point just past the
`open hole lateral JU|’tCl’l.lI’€
`This was done using two SBP‘s
`separated by a
`full _]0ll'tl (l0M) of tubing
`The tailpipe
`assembly consisted of ti no-go profile nipple and a pump-out
`glass plug to allow pressurizing the tubing The glass plug
`was utilized (instead of metal pump~ot)l plug) to eliminate
`equipment debris (the expended plug) in the borehole. while
`allowing mechanical access to the toe of the well The open
`hole packers were run on 73mm (2-7/8") tubing and anchored
`to 8 mechanical cased hole packer An expansion iotni was
`used to allow for testing of the SBF‘s before setting the case
`hole packer A sliding sleeve was run below the cased hole
`packer to provide access to production from either lateral in
`or lateral #2 (the newly drilled lateral) This sleeve was run in
`the vcntcal portion ofthe well so that it would be serviceable
`via wtreline
`Installation and Operations
`Prior to running the production assembly, a clean-out trip was
`made with a bit and tubing (no directional equipment) The
`objective was to install the packet assembly in the new lateral
`When the assembly was run,
`it entered the old lateral by
`mistake The assembly was pulled and a second clean-out trip
`was made The packet assembly was then re-run and entered
`the second leg as planned Tubing pressure was applied to
`selectively set all of the open hole packers Once they were
`set. tubing weight was hpplied to confimi the set The cased
`hole packer was then set, and the on—ofl‘ tool was used to
`circulate inhibited fluid into the annulus The glass plug was
`expended, and the well produced from the toe olthe leg #2
`";inAL”; “ Cased Hole Packer
`*"-“ Sliding Sleeve
`t._-._.._ ‘— Su|pburPomtGas
`Isolation Packers
`Zone Segregation
`‘* Muskeg (tight)
`o '3 \
`, //,///.//4///,2//C///r//(5
`an ! E—_'.-=\_'i
`'1 River
`.x/ . z//.-////7/,///,///,// ./x/XH .3//,z//,///6
`Sliding Sleeves
`Figure ll - Lining the build section for re-entry horizontal wells using tubing and solid holly isolation packers has proven
`feasible to isolitte upper gns sands.
`I999 CIM Horizontal Well Conference
`Page 7 of 9
`Page 7 of 9

`Some problems were encountered while attempting to get into
`the correct lateral However, the production packer assembly
`was successfully run. and mechanical confirmation indicated
`that the SBl"'s were holding
`Production testing afterwards, as well as sleeve changes
`during the First 6 months indicated that successful
`was achieved as oil/waterlgas ratios during production have
`been changed significantly following changes
`selection to the different
`in particular,
`the gas
`production changed significantly during this process
`chart shown contains production results following downhole
`flow control changes (figure I0)
`Case History #4 - Rainbow 16-20-110~7 W6
`Well #4 was a re-entry horizontal well from l39mm (5-I/2")
`casing The stderrack was done from an existing well. and the
`build section ofihis well drilled through unwanted productive
`intervals Two horizontal legs were drilled into the producing
`fonnation The completion assembly was designed to isolate
`between these tags and within the build section ofthe well
`also required testing of the interval
`in the build section to
`verify isolation
`Well and Completion Design
`Production Cantral ofHorizontal ll’eIl.r in a Carbonarc ReefSlrllclltre
`mechanical access to the toe of leg #2 The open hole packers
`were run on 73mm tubing and anchored to a mechanical cased
`hole packer A downhole tubing swivel
`installed gust below
`the cased hole packet to facilitate setting and releasing
`lnstallaliori and Operations
`Prior to running the production assembly. zi clean-out trip was
`made with a bit, reamer and drill pipe
`The packers were
`spaced using tubing to place them at the appropriate isolation
`points. with the spacing of the build section packers being
`particularly crucial
`The assembly was run and logged on
`depth The mechanical cased hole packer was set to place the
`SBP‘s at the chosen isolation points The cased hole packet
`then pressure tested (annulus test)
`to insure casing
`integrity After the casing packer was set, tubing pressure was
`applied to selectively set all of the open hole packers and the
`glass plug was lefi
`in place during production testing,
`later expended
`To confirm that the packers providing zonal isolation, a series
`of production flow tests were performed The flow tests were
`conducted using wireline plugs and shifting tools to provide
`rigless intervention
`The top sliding sleeve was opened, and the Sulfur Point was
`tested Gas and water were produced, with pressure to How to
`surface The sleeve was closed, sliding sleeve H2 was opened.
`and the Muskeg was tested
`Pressure bled offi and thc
`ion-nation was swabbed dry to indicate isolation
`Sleeve #2
`was closed, and the tubing was pressured to blow out (expend)
`the glass pump-out plug. Lateral #2 was produced with oil
`cum of35-50% The leg was then acidized through the tubing
`A sidentick
`This well was originally a vertical producer
`window was cut in the l39mm casing. and both the build
`section and horizontal legs were drilled using a I20 6mm (4-
`3/cl“) bit
`The target producing segment of the well had a
`second open hole lateral drilled using an open hole sidetrack
`A single isolation point was selected in the primary producing
`leg (leg #2) to allow selective
`production from either or both
`legs This was done using two
`SBP‘s separated by a full Joint
`(lOM) of tubing placed in the
`primary producing leg (Figure
`The build section of the well
`intervals using two
`These were separately
`spaced using tubing JDmL5 and
`sleeves to permit flow tests to
`confirm isolation within the
`assembly consisted of a no-go
`profile nipple and a pump-out
`glass plug to allow pressurizing
`tubing_ While
`Build Section Segregation Tests
` L'_lWater (m3Id)
`I Oil (m3Id)
`ElGas (E3m3/d)
`Sulphur Point
`Keg River
`Figure 12 - Isolation tests indicate that the formations in the build section are isolated
`lrom each other and from the two producing legs.
`- 8 -
`I 999 CM! Horcontal We” Conference
`Page 8 of 9
`Page 8 of 9

`Production Control ofHori:onial Well: in a Carbonate ReefSiriicmre
`Slicltline was rigged up, and the
`string and swzibbed back
`sliding sleeve For
`leg lit was opened. with this production
`added to leg #2 The well was put on production Long ten-n
`production results were not available at
`the time this paper
`was written, but the primary objective of zonal segmentation
`in the build section of this well was clearly demonstrated
`(figure if!)
`The ability to establish long-term zonal isolation in open hole
`producers opens
`the door
`to many new well producing
`configurations The goal of cost effective use at’ horizontals
`can be enhanced with the ability to segment. and control
`production without the need to run and cement liners
`it is
`also possible to change producing configurations by working
`over the well. and changing the production intervals its some
`future date
`Another key to the completion design IS to configure the
`installation to minimize well
`intervention costs
`In the
`Rainbow Lake area. coiled mbing costs are quite expensive
`Where possible, the flow control devices were moved to the
`near vertical portion of the well
`to allow for slick-line
`changing of
`inflow devices
`(sliding sleeves or ported
`mrtndrels) This strategy has proven very effective when it is
`operationally feasible
`Other considerations such as sour
`deposition. and corrosion have been addressed ll’1_]Ob designs
`These case histories illustrate examples some of the various
`production control applications in horizontal wells using
`These types of completion capabilities are now
`considered diti-trig the well planning stages As capabilities
`have beep successfully verified.
`the aggressive use of
`horizontal drilling technology in conyunction with innovative
`completion and depletion srrutegies have enhanced the ability
`to produce the Rainbow Lake Field.
`The horizontal well design is often predicated on
`completion capabilities
`SBP‘s have successfully provided zonal isolation
`The potential use of horizontal wells has been enhanced
`- When designing a producing installation. minimizing
`lnlErV€n110n costs is an important consideration
`Candidate selection is important
`The authors of this paper wish to thank the management of
`Husky Oil. Mobil Oil and Halliburton Energy Service for the
`penrtission to present and publish this paper
`Marty Muir is D Complciron's Staffingincer with Husky Oil
`Operations Ltd He is a Profession
`nginccr, and ti member of
`both SPE and the Petroleum Society ot‘ClM Prior to JDlll|T\g
`Husky Oil he held positions
`in production and reservoir
`engineering with a senior Canadian Oil rind Gas Exploration
`and Production Company Previous to that as 8 field engineer
`with an international wireltne company
`He has a BSc
`degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of
`Bill Ellsworth, P Eng . is Engineering Manager. Drilling and
`Completions for Husky Oil Operations Ltd He has :1
`Bachelor ofchemical Engineering from Nova Scotia
`Technical College, Halifax (TUNS/DALTECH) and an
`Engineering Diploma From St Francis Xavier University
`(STFXU Aniigonish) Work experience as a drilling engineer
`include both domestic and intemntionril operations, land and
`offshore protects Bill is a member of APEGGA, SPE and
`John Grey is a Petroleum Engineering Consultant with
`extensive drilling and completion experience He hits it B Sc
`degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of
`Saskatchewan and is it Registered Professional Engineer as
`well as a member of'SPE
`Dan Thermg is Account Leader For Guiberson AVA I
`Halltburton Energy Services He has sewed in various job
`responsibilities in Canada and the U S including team leader
`for Multilateril Development Pmiects for Dresser Oil Tools in
`Dallas, Texas He received 8 BS in Engineering from the
`University of minors and an MBA from Oklahoma State
`He IS a Registered Professional Engineer,
`is a
`member of SPE, and has authored various articles and SP8
`papers on completion related subyccts
`1999 CM! Hori:omaI Wei’! Conference
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