. .
`iIIOfIr.o~ t 1_
`19011r.c 5110~"': 1l1l:I
`A.'Ul1II1E1I: 8td IIOU, 1M Edition
`A..'I!IIIIII:Q,,1OU, 1II1II Edilioa
`lDpullOulput VariIobi ....
`lopuUOulpl:lt Vuiableo
`DetoeripllOil of Stfll4 DI~ VariJoblu
`DaWn (X)
`St.t .. or Dataln ioput.t pon X.
`StatUI! af. DaWn input at purt X.
` II" input~ no .ttJvil.1
`VlIlua.: 11 _ inputJdlf!; indieatetl no ao;t.ivily
`_II; IndiCllt"" ow:tivity
`_II; indicat"" activity
`Note that DataIn (X) may be undefined durln,(:<)Ilhion
`Note that DobIn (Xl may be undefined durinl <:OI.Iioion
`but that it is a don't care in..n ill8W.nOllll wheu this is true .
`bIIt thlt it is. dOll't oare in .U ill8tanOM when this is troe.
`Collin 00
`StatUI of Conttcl.In input at port X.
`StatuI of Contltll.lo input at pOI1. X.
`Valu .. : SQE _ .qpuU_qUlllityJ:TfW ; indicate. collision
`Valu.: SQE -aa'IIJCquoJlty.P"I'fN, ind_tee ftllliDx>
`-$QE; io~ no eolIwoa
`-SQE ; inw.:.tH no (QUision
`"'" "" Type or ... tpu.t repeti8 ~ .,urdn, at pow{ X.
`1)rpe at output repeater is .IIOurcill( al pori X.
`Value.: Idle ; Repeater ill not hwlamittinr
`V.hIM: Idle ; ~W' .. not tranamitw.,
`_Idle ; ~pN __ is trlllllllllittlnJ Preamble Pau..m
`_Idle; Repeater ill tralllunittina Pre&m.ble Pattern
`or Data or Jam 0.1'woOneoI.
`or Data or Jam Or TwoONlll.
`Pr.!amhl.e Pattern; RepeatM il . ourciIlJl" alternating 1'" and
`Preamble Patt..m; R.epNUIr Ie lOurd", a1te ..... ting 1" and
`0'1 on p<rrt X.
`O'aon pOrlX.
`Data; Repeater ill repeatill(data frame On pOrt X.
`Data; Repeater is fepeMtln,r data frame 00 pOrt X.
`Jam; Repeater i11011n:iIll'JIlm on port X.
`Jam; Repeater is ...un:inrJIUn on pOrt X.
`TwoOnes; Repe.ter ill IOOurcin,two consecutive Manchester
`'l'woOn1!8 ; Repcator is JIOun:i';' two COnaetlltive Manc:helte,
`encoded 0""'" on pert X.
`etNXIded 0 ..... on PO", X.
`DieableOut 00
`DiMblaOut (X)
`o-.errida of Out (X)
`Override of Out (X)
`VaJ_ ON; DiB&ble ~ter tnAlmi-on repnne. aln.m. alOll!. (X).
`Valu-.: ON ; Diaable repeater tn.Da....-on ~ofvulueofOut 00.
`-ON ; a.,...,te:r tr .... an-n «pend. OIl the .,al .. al Out 00.
`-ON ; Repeater tramnnisaion depend, on the value of Out (X).
`IT"" Trullmit Timer indicat"" number ofblu trflnlmitted on port X.
`Trao_lt 'nm ... ind;'atll" nWllber albile traIUImllted on port x.
`VaJl.I6I: Pa.itin intei9~
`Value.o: Poeitin intege ...
`Iote ... PYoeeu Flap
`All r_i"ed dab £nome bit!! have bI!M.ent.
`All received datil fnune In"" have been len!..
`811 'n-aneraitt.ed
`Bit 'I'nruImitted
`lllwcalel e hit has been ullIlIInIiuec! by the unit.
`bdkatel " bit Me heea. tnMmlu.d by tile ~ unit..
`lndiealel the repeater hu ~ the sm and i. ready to ...... d the r«eivod d.ta. The oearm foo"
`lodic:e.c. the l1'.,...ter hq Oe&ecud th" Sf'O and;.......,. to _d the....m'l«l date. The _rdl fDr
`SFO wll not begin l:Ioefon 1-5 bite have been received. Note, and receive clod< di1fercnces
`SFD IJhaII not ~ ~ ~ big have been NCeiYod. Nute, lranunit and _iv" clod. cWl'..n:o .....
`IlhaJlallO be accommodated.
`shall a1"" be accommodated.
`Wait Timer for the end oftrBllJlmit l"9COVery time (Bee It i, Itarled by StllrlTwl. TwlDone
`Wlllt Time. for the end oftr .... mlt nlIlOVery UJne (lee 9Ji.6.'J. It illtanold by StllrtTwl. 'IWlDone
`Ia utlafled when the end oftranlmit _ery ttme is """,plated.
`is utl,lied when the end oftrllllllmit _err time ill completed.
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00141

`!.'lQllEC 8802." : 1995
`!SCV!J:C 8802..1 , 19911
`M'SI,Il.I'ZE Sid SOiI.a, H'93 \Will""
`M'SI.IIEEE Bid SOU, lP!13 Edition
`Wait Timer for the end of carrier recovery time (000 9.5.S.5). It i3 "tarted by StartTw2. Tw2Done i.
`Wait Timer fur the cnd ofcarrier recovery time (oee It i3 started by StartTw2, Tw2Done i.
`&ati.fiod when the timer ha. expired.
`sati.fiod when the timer ha. expired.
`Wait Timer for length ofoontinU0\l8 oulput (see 9.6.5). It i •• tarted by StartTw3. Tw3Done is .... !is(cid:173)
`Wait Timor for length afoontinU0\l8 output (see 9.6.5). It is startOO. by StartTw3. Tw3Done ill .... tis(cid:173)
`lied when the timer has expired.
`fiOO when the timer has expired.
`Tw< Tw<
`Wait Timer for time to disable output for Jabber Lockup Protection (Ioe 9.6.5>. It is started by Wait Timer for time to disable output ror Jabber Lockup Protection (see 9.6.5). It ;8 Marted by
`StartTw4. Tw4Done ill satimed when the timer has Cl'pired. StartTw4. Tw4Dono is satiMied when the timer h.,. CJ:pired.
`Port Function. Port Function .
`Port (Thot)
`Port (Thot)
`A function that return. the dC8ignation of a port paging the test condition. For eu.mple, Port
`A function that return" the dCllignation of a port pa!Uling the test condition. For example, Port
`(CollIn=SQE) returna the de8iKnation: X for .. port that has SQE true. If multiple port. meet the
`(Collln=SQE) return& the dellifnation: X for a port that has SQE true. If multiple port. meet the
`test condition, the Port fundion will be "'II!igned one and only one. of the 8coeptabJe value._
`test condition, the Port function will be a'llligned one and onlyorul of the acceptable valuea.
`Port D...ngnat ion
`Port Del!ignation
`Portl! are referred to by number. Port infonnation ill obtainod by replacing the X in the desired function
`Ports are referred to by number. Port infonnation is obtainod by replacing the X in the dBBired function
`with tho number of the port of interest. Porn. are referred to in general ay follows:
`with the number ofthe port of interest. Ports are referred to in general 88 follows:
`Indicates all repeater porto are to bo considered. All porta .han moot test conditiollll in order
`Indicate. all repeater porto are to be oomridered. All puTts ahall moot teat conditiollll in order
`for tho t,..;t to paM. for tho ter;t to paM.
`Indicateil aU pOTt.s a"" to be coMidered. On., or more porlIIlIhall meet the test oonditiona in
`Indicateil aU ports am to be coMidemd. One or more porl5 IIhalI meet the test conditiona in
`order for the test to pass.
`order for the test to pa ... ,
`mdicates all ports are to be conaidcrcd. One, but not mom than one, port ~hall meet the test
`Indicates all ports are to be oonaidcrod. One, but not more than one, port ahall meet the test
`condition in order for the test to P"""" condition in order for the test to P",,",
`x x
`N N
`M M
`Generic port designator. When X is used in a state diagram, it!! value 18 local to that diagram
`Generic port designator. When X is used in a state diagram, itll value i. local to that diagram
`and not global to the set nf"tate diagrllID". and not global to the set ohtate diagrllID1l.
`Is defmed by the Port function On exiting the IDLE atate <Jf Fig 9.2. It indicates a port that Is defmed by the Port function On cxiUng the IDLE state of Fig 9.2. It indicates a port that
`caUlled the exit from the IDLE !!tate. caUlled the exit from the IDLE Btate.
`r. defined by the Port function on "",iting the TRANSMIT COLIJSlON atate of Fig 9-2. It indi(cid:173)
`III defined by the Port funetjon on exiting the TRANSMIT COLIJSION state ofFig9-2. It indio
`cate.. the only port where Collln-sQE.
`cate.. the only port where Collln-sQE.
`lndicatea all porta acept N !lhoold be oonaidcrcd. All porta conoidercd shall meet the test con·
`Indicates all ports e",,'''pt N lIhoold be considered. All porta conoidercd shall meet the test con(cid:173)
`ditions in order for the teat to pasa. ditions in order for the t""t to pass.
`Indicates all ports c:rcept M !lhould be considered. All ports considered ahall meet the test COn·
`Indicates all pori>; cuept M should boo! considered. All ports considered a.hall meet the test con(cid:173)
`ditions in order for the test to pas".
`ditions in order for the tCllt to pas •.
`Indicates any port other than N meeting the test conditiona ehRlI cau"" the test to pall$.
`Indicates any port other than N meeting the te8t conditioJll, .hall cau"" the te~t to pass.
`Indicates any port other than M meeting the teot oonditiol18 yhali l'anse the test to paM. Indicates any port other than M meeting the te.tconditionll.hall eauae the teot to paM,
`,<3 ,<3
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00142

`I80IIBC I/l0l4 lWS
`ISOImC !I802·1: 1!193
`.o\HIJII\ItI!:C lIIOI MI'.U, 11183 ...........
`AN~IIIEEE8Id802..3. 1m FA't ....
`., .
`. -
`/tOlE 0ut(lQ _ 1oI. ..... ___ . ;
`l tAl • .
`" .....
`Fl. 9-2
`Rflpeator Ullit St.te Diagram
`Repeau,r Un.1t SC.te Diagraa
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00143

`-- 1 •
`~ .
`. '!. '!'!l ...
`"'00· ~
`TT!XI. ~
`... , ...... ; ....
`,.. T •• u,",,, ..
`o.o[)Q ... ",.
`0.000 • • 10 •
`. :Y~ .....
`. :Y1'~!" ....
`TT()Q. TTOO.' IT(<). TTOO.'
`~ ~
`.. ~~ ...
`... ,- ~, , I 1-· ....
`10..-01 0 11. ..
`.. li ... '" • I
`Fl . . .
`Fig 9-3
`-n-._il n .. ~ Strite Dlianom
`Trau...ail 'TImer State DlalP" ....
`ror Port l[
`for Port X
`19OiI.El: 810!..1, 1_
`AHSIlrrEE ~ 1m I. IWJ _
`A1<iSIIlEE!:!IM IIOlU, 1'IIl11'Jdi1ioD
`~ , .
`........ --~.NV)_'Qf
`. ....... -~AfI"I.\l)I'
`-. . . . . . . , . .
`~""" ..
`.~ .. -1""4·_
`..... _CIO ••
`TWlNolOo ••
`c..!I1ooI.At\) .li5r
`~ .. n l.'RIr
`. .......
`Fig 5-4
`Tw2 St.", Dillgram
`~ .....
`.... .. 1)0"
`• .".
`DioOOl.o... • ON
`000<1"'-4 . .... I
`.... 'Dono·CIoo<IUY). _
`~- ,-
`FIr 9-11
`MAll Jabber Loc:llup 'Proleetloll Stale Di ..........
`MAU Jabber r.oekup l'roteetion Stllte Dillgram
`, ..
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00144

`lsom:c _2-3 : l!1911 lsom:c _2-3: l!l!i~
`ANSlIIJ::EE SId SW.8, 19Y3 Edition
`ANSlIIJ::EE SId 80'l.8, 19Y3 Edition
`9.6.2 Data and Collillion Handling. The repeater unit IIh.all implement the CARRIER...ON function fur
`9.6.2 Data and Colli"ion Handling. The repeater unit shall implement the CARRIE~ON function fur
`all its ports. Upon detection of carrie:r from one port, the repeater unit shall repeat all rereived Qignals in all its port.!!. Upon detection of carrier from one port, the repeater unit shall repeat all """"ived aigrutl~ in
`the Data Frame from. that port to the other port (or portll).
`the Data Frame from. that port to the othe:r port (or portll).
`The repeater unit data and collision_handling algorithm shall be as defined in Fig 9_2. The repeater unit data and collision-handling rugorithm shall be a. defined in Fig 9_2.
`9.6.3 P:r.:t .. nble Regeneration. The repeater unit shall output at 110m 56 bita of preamble followed by
`9.6.3 Preamble Regeneration. The "'peate:r unit shall output at lew 56 bits of preamble followed by
`the SFD. When the repeater unit must ..,nd more than 56 bits, the mlUimum length preamble pattern it the SFD. When the repeater unit must oend more than 56 bits, the marimum length preamble pattern it
`shall..,nd ill the number received plus 6.
`shall send is the number received plus 6.
`9.6.4 Fragment Extension. If the received bit sequence from CARRIER_ON to CARRIER...OFF i.o
`9.6.4 Fragment Extension. If the received bit sequence from CARRIER_ON to CARRIER_OFF i.Q
`fewer than 96 bit/; in length, including preamble, the repeater unit shall extend the output bit oequence
`fewer than 96 bits in length, including prewnble, the repeater unit .hall e::<tcnd the output bit "equence
`with Jam 8uch that the total number afbits output frflrn the repeater unit shall equal 96. with Jam such that the total number nfbits output from the repeater unit IIh.all equal 96.
`9.6.11 MAU Jabber Lockup Protection. MAU Jabber Lockup Protection must operate as shown in the 9.6.11 MAU Jabber Lockup Protection. MAU Jabber Lockup Protection must operate WI shown in the
`MAU Jabber Lockup Protection state diagram. The repeater unit shall interropt i~ output ifit has tram(cid:173)
`MAU Jabber Lookup Protection .tate diagram. The repeateT unit .hall intel'TUpt it.. output ifit has tran.(cid:173)
`mitted contiIluou"iy for longer than I) mS or 50 000 bit time>! - 20% + 50%. The repeater unit shall then, mitted continuously for longer than I) mS or 50 000 bit time!! - 20% + 50%. The repeater then,
`alter 96 to 116 bit times (9.6 to 11.6 ""), re-enable t.ransmiflSions.
`after 96 to 116 bit timeB (9.6 to 11.6 Jl'I), r",enable transmiQSions.
`9.6.6 Auto-PlIIrlitioninIJlRecounection (Optional) 9.6.6 Auto-PartitioninglReconnection (Optional)
` Overview. In large multisegment networks it may be desirable that the repeater unit protect
` Overview. In large multi&egmeut networu it may be desirable that the repeater unit protect
`the network frflm some fault condition. that wnuld halt all network communication. A potentially likely the network from Mme fault conditions that wnuld halt all oetwork communication. A potentially likely
`cause ofthiB condition could be due to a cable break, a faulty connector, or a faulty or missing termination. cauS'! of this condition could be due to a cable break, a faully counector, or 8 faulty or mliloing termination.
`In orner to isolate a faulty segment's collision activity from propagating through the network, the In order to isolate a faulty segmcnt's collision activity from propagating through the network, the
`repeater unit may optionally implement an auto-partition algorithm and, on detection ofilie malfunction repeater unit may optionally implement an auto-partition algorithm and, on detectioo oftha malfunction
`being cleared, an Quto-reconnection algorithm. being cleared, ao auto-reoonnection rugorithm .
` Detailed Auto·ParUtionlRe<:onnection Algorlthm State Diagram. Repeater sets with Detailed Auto·ParlltionlRe<:onnootion Algorithm State Diagram. Repeater sets with
`IOBASE_T MAUs shall implement an auto-partition/reconnection algorithm on thoije part! . The repeater IOBASE_T MAU8 9h,,11 implement an auto-pattitionlreconneclion algorithm on those parts. Tho repeater
`unit may optionally implement an Quto-partitionlreconnection algorithm that protects the rest of the net(cid:173)
`unit may optionally implement an auto-partitinnlremnnection ..J.goritbm that protects the rest of the nct·
`work frflm an open-circuited segment. If the repeater unit provid .... this function, it shall conform to the
`work from an open-circuited segment. If the repeater unit provide!! thm function, it shall c""form to the
`state diagram of Fig 9-6. I>tate dial(raDl of Fig 9-6.
`The algorithm defined in Fig 9-6 shall isolate a segment from the network when one of the followingtwo The algorithm defioed in Fig 9-6 shall isolate a ~egment from the network wheo one of the followingtwo
`conditions has occurred on the segment: conditions has occurred on the segment:
`(1) When a con.secutivo collision count has been reached; or (1) When a consecutivo collision count has been reached; or
`(2) When a single collision duration has ""C<leded a specific amount of time. (2) When II single collision duration has exceeded a specitk IImount of time.
`When a segment is partitioned, DaWn (X) and CollIn (X) from that segment are forced to 11 (input idle) When a segment i.o partitioned, Dataln (X) and CollIn (X) from that yegment are forced to 11 (input idle)
`ond -SQE (no coHioion), respectively, 00 that activity on the port will not affect the repeater unit. Output and -SQE (no colliHion), respectively, so that activity on the port will not affect the repeater unit. Output
`from the repeater to the . egment is not blocked. from thc repeater to the .egment is not blocked.
`The segment will be rein"tatcd when the repeater h"" detected activity on the segment for more than the The segment will be rein"tated when the repeater h~ detected activity 00 the segment for more than the
`number orbits specified for Tw5 without incurring a collision. number ofbils &pecified for Tw5 without incurring a collision.
`'" '"
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00145

`!8CWlEC &1102..1 : 1_
`l<N'S1nEE!!: Sod 8()U. 1m JIlditiao
`ne.cription oISUte Diagn .. Variabl ... and eon ..... nu
`no. lIumbw of coru;ecuI;i .... ftlIli&IDRf lh.t mwt DttUr ~. ~"nt II I*'iliioned The .... Iue
`The number of consecutive eoIfuJiolll that IIIU11t OC<.'Ur bcfOn! a HeKment il jlIU1:itloned. The v&lue
`.hail be IJUter thII.II 30.
`.hall be greater than 30.
`InputlOutput Varl"ble.
`b:tputlOutput Variable.
`Oata;n from the MAU On pOrt X. tTht. input i. pted by the partition -tale machine to prod ......
`Data in from th-e MAU aD port X. (Thia iD""t i. gated by the partition ll14te IIl&ChiDe to produce
`Dataln (X) to the main .tate mac:hille.)
`o.\.l.ln OQ to) the ma.iJI. .tate madLlne. )
`Val\lell: II _ inpuOdle; no artiYity
`Val\lN! 11 a illplll..Jdh; no acb ... ty
`- II ,. Input not idle ; activity
`- II '"' Input ....tidl.; ldivit,.
`CGatnlllllpot f"nmI MAU 011 port. X. mtJ.lllput do pied. by u.. panltiaa . . tc m.dline to , ....
`Control input from the MAU on port X. ('I'IWo Input ilgated by the pnrtit>on atate machine to pro(cid:173)
`du~ CoWD 00 to the main state~.1
`dllte ColUn (X) to the main..tate
`Vll u~; SQE "" ~J1f1lliiq..ftFOl", indlCatot wlliaion
`Val lies: $QE,. ~naCquality_07'OI', indicab collialon
`-SQE; indicaU!l no CGlUaIoIl
`-8QE ; indicat"" no callbion
`Von V"rI"bln
`Pori Variable.
`Consecutive port collimon count on a partkular port X. Partitiomng occurs on a termiDal count of
`Con&eI:uuve port collision count ot"I a plrtlcuJar port x. Partitiomng occurl On a t_nninal cllUnt I1f
`CCUmit bema reached.
`CCLUnit being reached.
`Value&: P"tive int.egl:nl up to a tenninal oount oiCCLimit.
`Val'*!!: Positive intel(tn lip to a tcrminaJ count ofOCLimit.
`... ,
`Wa,t 1lmar for "'ngthof~ WlU-t .... 1i_ . It...-alue Ihall be b.t._ 460 and 5eO hit tl .......
`Wait Timer for length orpacket withoo.otcoililDon. 1m valuuhall be belWWD 460 and 560 bit ti m"".
`It ill _tWo! by Slart'I'.rS. TwtiDoae iI_1:Wocd when the timer hN upir.d..
`It Ia .tarted by StartTw5. Tw5Done", .. tie.fiocd when the timer b"" upiNd.
`Wait Timer for eue8/!We).,ngth Df coIUaion. Itl value &hall be between 1000 and 30 000 bit times. It
`Wall Timer for eueaiw length oIco1l1alon. III .. aJllfllhaJI be between 1000 and 30000 bit tim"". II
`t. .. arWd by Start'J\,·6.1\Io6il(1no Ia _t.iafled when the tim .... hu erpired.
`I. d artod by StartTw6. TwtiDone is .. tialied when the timer hal eIpired.
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00146

`ilIOI\ElC IlIA., , ,l1li
`19OIl£C 88(Q-3 : I~I
`-'.NSIIIII;II;II; Sldeou. 11m ~
`ANSIII1':1':1': SttI IIOU, 19WI Uitiooo>.
`Fill: 9-6
`P_rliliOlllnl'Scale Di ...... ror Po.,. X
`Parlilioniolf State Diaerllill for Pon X
`, ..
`, ..
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00147

`ISOilEC 8SO\!_~ , l!l9~
`ISOilEC 8S02-3 : l!l9~
`ANSIIl1':EE SId 802.3, l!1\I~ Edition ANSll!~~E SId 802.3, l!1\I~ Edition
`9.7 Electrical Isolation. There are two eled:rical power diatribution environmen~ to be con"ide:red that 9.7 EleetricaJ Isolation. '!bere are two eled:rical power di"tribution environm~n~ to be considered that
`require different electrical isolation propertioa.
`require dift'erent electrical isolation propertie •.
`EnvironmentA_ When a LAN or LAN oegment, with all it. a •• ociated interconnected equipment, i"
`EnvironmentA_ When a LAN or LAN aegment, with all ito a •• ociated interconnfcled equipment, i"
`entirely contained within .. singl" low-voltage pow~r di..tribution syst..m and within
`entirely containro within a . ingle low-voltage power diotribution aystem and within
`a .ingle building.
`a .ingle building.
`Environment B - When a LAN cr<>SSeiI the boundary between separate pow~r distribution system. or
`Environment B - When a LAN cr<)gSe8 the boundary between "eparat.. power distribution sy>ltem. or
`the boundarier; of a single building.
`the boundaries of a single building.
`The repeater unit shall comply with applioable local and national code~ related to oafety. See ECMA-97 The repeat..r unit shall comply with .. pplioable local and national cod"" related to safety. See ECMA-97
`""I. ""I.
`9.7.1 Environment A Requirement... Attachment of netwOl"k aegment. via rep~at= (se~) pos_sing
`9.7.1 Environment A R e quirementli. Attochment of network oegmenta via rep~at= (se~) po. _ . ing
`internal MADs requires electrical iaolatim of500 Vnns. 1 minute withstand, between the segment and the
`internal MAUo requirea elecirical ioolatim of5[J() Vrms, 1 minute with.tand, between th~ segment and th e
`proteotive ground of the repeater unit.
`proteotive ground of the repeater unit.
`For repeater porl!! that connect to external MAUs vin an AU Interface, thc requirement for isolation is
`For repeater pom that connect to external MAU" via an AU Interface, the requirement for isolation io
`encompas"ed within the i&Olation requirements of the basic MAli standard. (See, and
`encompa~.ed within the i&>lation requirements of the basic MAU "tandard. (See,, and
`14.3.11,) The repeater unit ilhall not require any eiec!J'icai isolation between eXpoiIed AU Intcrfaoe3 or 14.3.11,) The repeater unit ilhall not require any elec!J"icai isolation between eXJIO"ed AU Interfaoes or
`between exposed AU Interfuceo and chassis ground ofthe repeater unit. No iwlation boundary need there· between exposed AU lnt..rfaceil and chaMis ground oCthe repeater unit. No iwlation boundary need there·
`fore exi. t at any AUI compatible interfaoe (that i. "D" conneotor) provided by a repeater unit. fore exist nt any AUI compatible interfaoe (that i. "D" connector) provided by a repeater unit.
`9.7.2 Environment B Requirement... The attachment of network segments, which ero •• envirmment 9.7.2 Environment B Requirement... The attachment ofnetwOIk segments, which cross envi:rm.mmt
`A boundari ... , requIre. electrical i"",lation of IS00 Vrms. 1 minut.. withatand, between each ""gment and
`A boundarieo, require. electrical i"",lation of IS00 Vrm", 1 minute withatand, between each ""gment and
`all other attached oegmentll and also the proteotive ground of the repeater unit. all other attached ""gments and also the protective ground of the repeater unit.
`It is reoommended that this i""lation be provided by the w;c of extcrnal. MAUs oonnected by AU Inter·
`It is reoommended that this i""lation be provided by the \l8e of extcrnal MAUs connected by AU Inter(cid:173)
`face • . Ifintemal MAU. are u..oo. the &Ogment •• han be in3talled 3uch that it is not po •• ible for an eqnip(cid:173)face • . Ifintemal MAU. are u.oo. the ""gments .hnn be installed 8uch that it is not possible for an equip·
`ment U,""" to touch thc trunk cable .crt>en or .igoal condudor. A repeater of thi. variety reqni= ment user to touch the trunk cable .crt:<Jn or signal conducior. A repeater of thi. variety requi"",
`profe.sional in.tallation.
`profe.sionai inatallation.
`The requirements for interconnected coarial cable/electrically conducting LAN segments that are par·
`The r""'luirements for intereOllllected coaxial cableleleclrically conducting LAN segments that are par·
`tially or fully external to a singl" building environment may :require additional protection against lightning
`tially or fully external to a "ingle building environment may :require additional protection againot lightning
`strikc hazard • . Such requirement. are beyond the scope oflhi •• tandard. It is recommended. that the above strike hazards. Such requirement. are beyond the !leOpe of this .tandard. It is recommended that the above
`5ituation be handled by the usc ofa nonelectrically conducting IRL (for example, fiber optic),
`~ituation be handled by tho usc ofa noncleetrically conducting IRL (for example, tiber optic),
`It is aoswned that any nonel~c!J"ically conducting !IegDl.ents will provide "uffici~nt iooiation within that
`It io ailSWlled that any nonel~ctrically conducting o.egmenta will provide "ufficient i"'liation within that
`medi .. to "atief'ythe i~olation requirements of environment B.
`media to ""tiolYthe ioolation requirements of environment B.
`9.8 ReIiability.A 2-port repeater . et shall be der;igned to provide a mean time between failure (MTBF) of 9.8 ReIiability.A 2-port repeater set shall be d.,.;igned to provide a mean time between failure (MTBF) of
`at least 50 000 houn of continuous operation without causing a communication failure among stations
`at least 50 000 hour. of continuous operation without a communication failure among station.
`attached to the network medium. Repeater 3et. with more than two ports .hall add no mOre than 3.46 x attached to the network medium. Repeater ~et. with more than two ports shall add no mOre than 3.46 x
`IO-Y failure" per hoUl" for each additional port.
`lo-s failures per hoU1" for each additional port.
`The repeater oet electronics shall be designed to minimi"" the probability of component failures within The repeater set electronics shall be de8;gnoo. to minimi"" the probability of component failures within
`the repeater elac:ln>nics that prevent oommunioation among the other MAU. on the individual coaxial
`the repeater electronios that prevent communioation among the other MAU. on the individual coaxial
`cable o.e.:menb. Connector. and other p"".ive componenUl comprising the mean3 of oonnacting the
`cable o.elP"enb. Conneclorl! and other pas"ive component.ll comprising the me""" of connacting the
`repeater to the coarial cable shall be designed to minimize the probability oftobil network failure. repeater to the coaxial cable shall be designed to minimize the probability oftobil network failure.
`9.9 Medium Attachment Unit IWd Baseband Medium Specification for a Vendor-Independent
`9.9 Medium Attachment Unit omd l\ledium Specification for a Vendor-Independent
`FOrnL FOrnL
`9.11.1 Scope
`9.11.1 Scope
` Overview. A vendor-independent FOIRI. provides a standard meaM for ronnecting only two
` Overview, A vendor-independent FOIRI. provides a standard meaM for connecting only two
`repeater unit... It thua extend. the network length and topolollY beyond that which could be achieved by repeater units. It thus extend. the network length and topology beyond that which could be achieved by
`interconnecting coaxial se.:mcnt. via repeater !!eta only, a~ defined in B.6 or 10.7. A vendor-independent int..roonnecling cowal Heliillcnt. via repeater sets only, as defined in B.6 01" 10.7. A vendor-independent
`FOIRL i" particularly suited for interronnectini" coa>:ial segments located in different buildings. The
`FOIRL i" particula:r-ly suited for interconnecting cOlildal segments locat~d in different buildings. The
`FOMAU de.<Tibcd in this document is not intcndod fur use in connocting DTE •.
`FOMAU de.<Tibcd in this document i~ not intended for use in connocting DTE".
`In particular, thi& saction define. the following: In particular. thi& saction defineR the following:
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00148

`lSO'[EC a&n-3, 19\13
`TSOIIEe 1lIlIn.JI: 19\13
`ANSlIlE.:t: Sid 1!O:1.3. 1993 Edition
`ANSJIlEl!:l!: Sid 002.3, 1993 ~t!""
`(1) The functional, optical, electrical, and mech!lIlical charocteristiCII of a fioor optic MAU (FOMAU) (1) The functional, optical, electrical, and mechanical characteristics of a fiber optic MAU (FOMAU)
`suitable for interfadng to a Tepeat.:r unit. either dinlCtly(FOMAU and repeater unit int.:grated into
`suitable for interfacing to a repeater unit, either dindly(FOMAU and repeater unit integrated into
`a single package) or via an AUI mechanical ronnection. a 8ingle package) or via an AUI mecl>anical connection.
`(2) VariOUB optical fiber size!l suitable for connecting only two FOMAUs. (2) V .. riona optical fiber sizes suitable for connecting only two FOMAUs.
`A schematic of the vendor.independent FOIRL sodits relationship to the repeater unit is shown
`A schematic of the vendor.independent FOIRL and ita relationship to the repeater unit is shown
`in Fil( 9-7. The vendor-independent FOIRL rompri_ an optical fiber cable link segment, a vendor(cid:173)in Fill 9-1. The vendor·independent FOIRL compri ....... n optical fiber cable link segment, .. vendor(cid:173)
`independent FOMAU st each end ofllie link segment and, ifprel\ent, AU! cabie". independent FOMAU at each and oftha link segment and, ifpresent, AU! cables.
`The purpose of this specification i. to enable interuperability ofFOMAU8 that ori~nate from dif·
`The purpose ofthi. specification i. to enable interoperability ofFOMAUs that originate from dif(cid:173)
`ferent manufacturers, thereby facilitating the development of simple and inexpensive inter_repeater ferent msnufacturers, thereby facilitating the development of simple and inexpenaive inter.repeater
`linb (lRLa). 'lb BBti8fythis objective, the FOMAU hM the following general characteristics,
`linb (lRLs). To satidythis objective, the FOMAU has the following general characteristi"",
`(8) Enables coupling the repeatu unit PLS directly, or by way of the AU! mechanical connection, (a) Enahlell coupling the repeater unit PLS directly, or by way of the AU! mechanical connection.
`to the explicit baseband optical fiber cable link segment defined in this oection of the .tandard.
`to the explicit baseband optical tiber cable link segment defined in this oection of the standard.
`(b) Supports signaling at a data rate of 10 Mh/s. (b) Supports .ignaling- at a data rate of 10 Mh/s.
`(e) Provide. for driving up to 1000 m of an optical fiber cable link segment.
`(c) Provide. for driving up to 1000 m of an optical fiber cable link ""gment.
`(d) Operate.. indistinguishably from a repeater set MAU, as defined in Section 8, 10, or 14 when (d) Operate... indistinguiahably from a repeater set MAU, as defined in Section 8. 10, or 14 when
`viewed from thoAU Interface. viewed from thoAU Tnterface.
`(e) Supports 10BASE2, 1OBASE:i, and 10BASE-T "ystem configu~ati01ls WI defined in SectiOIlll 8, (e) Supporl!lI0BASE2,10BASEli. and 10BASE-T system ""nfigu~ations ... defined in SecliOIlllB,
`10, and 13 of this standard. 10, and 13 of this standard.
`(0 Allows integration of the FOMAU into a Ringle package with the repeater unit, thereby elimi. (0 Allows integration of the FOMAU into .. oingle package with the repeater unit. thereby elimi.
`nating the need for an All mechanical connection. natinll th<! need for an AU! mechanical connection.
`The implementation may incorporate additional featur""" for ""ample those that allow compatibility The implementation may incorporate additional featur ... , for C'Xample those that allow compatibility
`with vendor-dependent FOMAUs, as in 904.3.1. Tho means to support these features aN! beyond the scope with vendor-dependent FOMAUs, as in Tho meanS to ~upport these features are beyond the 1ICOp<l
`of this subsection. of thiB subsection.
` Application Perspective: FOMAU and Medium Objediveg. This """,tion states the broad 9.9.1,2 Application Pe:r"P"ctive: FOMAU and Medium Objectives. This IKlCtion state.; the broad
`objectivea underlying the vendor-independent FOIRL specification defined throughout thi8 section of tho olliectivea underlying the vendor-independent FOIRL specification defined throughout this Bection of tho
`standard, Theso are as follow8' standard. Theso are as feUcws:
`(1) Provide the pbyBieal meanS for connecting only two repeater unilli. (1) Provide the piIyBical meanS for connecting only two repester nnibi.
`(2) Define a physical interface for the vendor-independent FOMAU component of the vendor-indepen_ (2) Define a physical interface for the vendor-independent FOMAU compooont of the vendor-indepen_
`dent FOIRL that can be implemented independently amOOI( different manufacturers of hardware dent FOIRL that can be implemented independently amonll different manufacturers of hardware
`and achieve tho intended lovcl of compatibility when interconnected in a common IRL. and achieve the intended level of compatibility when interconnected in a commOD IRL.
`(3) Provide a communication channel capable of high bandwidth and low bit error rate perfurmance. (3) Provide a communication channel capable of high bandwidth and Low bit error rate performance.
`Tho resultant BER of the FOlRL should be less than one part in 1010. The rel\ult

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