I8G'IEC 8802·3 : 11193
`ISG'IEC 8802·3 : 11193
`ANSlIIEEE Sid 802.3. 1993 Edition
`ANElIlEEE Sid S02.3. 1993 Edition
`UH Numocr ofoctctttl'ransmittedOK: Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter. [M Numocr ofoctct8TrllnamittedOK: Recommended, Read only, 32 hit counter.
`'l'! contains a count of data and padding octet. of fram ... that are su«e""fully transmitted. Thi.o
`Thia contains II rount of data and padding octet!! of frame!! that are au«e""fully transmitted. Thill
`counter is incremented when the TranmnitStatus is reported"" tranMlitOK. 'The update occurs in rounter ia incremented when t.he Tnll"""itStatu8 is reported U If"an&ll\itOK. 'The update oocuu in
`the LayerMgmtTrarumritCounten proced.un ( the LayerMgmtTrarumritCouDten procedlll"<' (
`(6) Number of Frames with deferred'I'ran.missioIUl: Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter. (6) Number of Frames with deferred'i'rIlD.miBl!ion.s: Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contain.'! a count of frame. wh06e tl"ansnrillBion was delayed on it. first attempt beo::aWle the This contaiM a oount offromeo whoee transmillilion iii .... delayed /Ill it.g first aUAlmpt beo::auae the
`medium wM busy. Thill rounter i8 incremented when the Boolean variable deferred haa been medium wl\5 buay. '!'hi.! counter i& incremented when the Boolean vllriahle deferred haa been
`asserted by the TransmitLinkMgmt function (4.2.8). Frames involved in any collisiOlUl are not ..... ......ted by the TrlllUlmitLinkMgmt function (4.2.8). Frameg involv&d in allJ' collisionll are not
`Munted. The update OCCIIrll in the LayerMgmtTJ"all8mitCOunte .... procedure ( counted. The update oe,,,,,,, in the LayerMgmt'I'ranamitCountem procedure (
`(7) Number ofmulticastFrame.Tran.mittcdOK: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter. (7) Number ofmulticastFramesTranomittodOK: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contain.s a count of frames that are 8Uuesdu.l!y tmnsmitted, WI indicated by the 8tatus value This contailUl II count offrame8 that are 8Utte88fuUy transmitted, WI indicated by the 8tatu.o value
`tranMlitOK, to a group destination address other than broadcast. The update occu .... in the Layer. tran!lm.itOK, to a group deotination address other than broadcast. The update ""curs in the Layer.
`MgmtTran8mitCounte .... procedure ( MgmtTrll.D.8mitCounters prooed"", (
`(8) Numher ofbroadca.tFramesTransmittedOK: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter. (8) Numher ofbroadca.tFrsmesTrlll\8Ilri.ttedOK: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contains a count of the frames that were Bw:c<)S!Ifully transmitted 88 indicated by the Trans· This contains a count of the frames that were allCQlll;!lfully transmitted ao indicated by the Trans·
`mitStatUli tranomitOK, to the broadcast IIddre .... Frame. tranamitted to multicast addres_ are
`mitStstus b"anomitOK, to the broodcast addIe ..... Fram ... tran..mitted to multicast addres_ are
`not Irroadcastfram ... and are eIcluded. The update OCcur. in the La.f{'rMgmtTranBlIlitCountem pro(cid:173)not broadcastframeo and are eIcluded. The update OCCur. in the LaY<'rMgmtTran!lm.itCountenl pro(cid:173)
`cedure ( cedure (
` MAC Transmit Errw Statistic. Deacriptions. This section defines the MAC 8ublayer
` MAC Transmit Errvr Statistic. Deacriptions. Thi.I! section defines the MAC 8ublayer
`transmission related error stati.ti08. transmission related error stati"tiCli.
`(11 Number oflateColiision, Recommended Read only, 32 bit counter. (1) Number oClateCol\ision' Rerommended Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contain.'! 8 oount of the tim ... that a collision hal been detected later than 512 bit times into the Thi.o contaiM 8 count of the tim ... that a coIli.ion hal been detected later than 512 bit timeB int<> the
`trllMmitted packet. A late colli. ion i. rounted twice, i.e., both as a collision and .... a tranamitted packet. A late colli.ion is counted twice, i.e., both as a collision and l1li11 lat.eCol..liHion.
`Thill counter is incremented when thc lateCollisionCount variable is nontero. Tho update i. incre(cid:173)Thia counter is incremented when thc lateCollisionCount variable is nOmero. The update i. incre·
`mented in the LayerMgmtTraru!mitCounters procedure (5.2.4 .2). mented in the LayerMgmtTrarumitCountenl procedure (
`(2) Number offram ... aborted due to exre!I.iveColli.ion, Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter. (2) Number ofCrames aborted due to exre!I.iveCollioion: Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contain. II count of the frames that due to ""Cll!!8:ive collisions are not tl"anomitted sucCCIIOfuily.
`Thi. contain" II COWlt of Ute frame. that due to eIcesRYe collisions are not tranomitted succea8fully.
`Thi8 counter is incremented when tho value of the attempts variable equal. IIttemptLimit during a '!'hi.! coWlter is incremented when th .. value oCthe attempu. variable equal. IIttemptLimit during a
`l:ransmiBBion. The update occ\U"fl in the LayerMgmtTransmitCoonters procedure ( transmiBsion. The update occurII in the LayerMgmtTransmitCoonters procedure [
`(3) Number effram ... lo..t dueto internaIMACl'rIlWlmitError, Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter. (3) Number offram"" lost dueto intcrnaIMACl'raWlmitError: Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This containB a count offi-ames that would otherwise he transmitted by the station, but could not be This contains a count offrame" that would otherwise be transmitted by the station, but could not be
`sent due to an internal MAC 8ublayer tranllIDit error. If this counter i8 incremented, then none of
`sent due to an internal MAC .ublayer transmit error. If this counter i. incremented, then nono of
`the other counters in this ""dion are incremented. The eI8.ct meaning and mechanism for incre(cid:173)the other countenl in till. ""d;ion are incremented. The eIact meaning and mechanism for incre(cid:173)
`mentin~ thia counter i. implementation-dependent. menting thia counter is implementation·dependent.
`(oi) Number of carrierSenaeErrors: Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter. (4) Number ofcauierSenseErro .... : Recomm .. nded, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contairu a count oC tim"" that the carrierSenoe variable W8Il not all.llened or WIIS dea ..... rted
`Thi. contains a count of tim"" that the ""rrierSense variable WBB not asserted or was dea ..... rted
`during the tran.'!miMion ofa framo without collision (l!Ce 'Ihi8 counter is incremented when during the traDllmiMion ofa framo without collision (""" Thia counter iB incremellted whell
`the carrierSen.eFailure flag is true at the end oftran.mi .... ion. The update 0C<:\1I"II in the LayerMg_ the carrierSen.eFailure flag i8 tMle at the end oftran.miMion. The update 0CCut1I in the LayerMg.
`mtTrllWlmitCountera procedure ( mtTrllJll!mitCountenl procedure (
`(5) Number of fram"" with """"""iveDeferral: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(II) Number of frameR with exce .... iveDeferral' Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contaiWl a count of fram ... that were deferred for on eu ... mve period of time. This counter may This containo II. count of frames that were deCerred Cor on eu""sive period of time. '!'hi.! counter may
`only be incremented once per LLC trllDllmiSllion. Thia counter i. incremented when the exoo\IBDefer
`only be inaemented once per LLC tran.mi!lllion. ThiB counter Is incremented when the exre\IsDefer
`flag is llet. The update """u ... in the LayerMgmtTranamitCountero procedure ( flag ill ",,1. The update """Unl in the LayerMgmt'I'raD8tnitCountero procedure (
` MAC Receive Statistics DellCriptlollA MAC Receive Statistics De..,riptloDll
`(I) Number offramcaReeeivcdOK: Mandatory, Read only, 32 bit «lUnter.
`(1) Number offioamc..Rec:eivedOK Mandatory, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`Thi. contam. II count of frames that Il1"O successfully received (.-eceiveOK). ThiB doeo not include Thi" contam. a count of frames that are 8uccessfully received (receiveO£{). Thia doeo not include
`frame. rcceivod with frame-too-long, FCS, length Ill" alignment e:rToro, or frames lost due to internal frame. rcceivod with frame-too-long, FCS, lengih or alignmenterro .... , or frame. lost due to internal
`MAC .ublayer error. This counter i. incremented when the ReceiveStatus iB reported "" rcreivcOK. MAC .ublayer error. This counter i. incremented when thc ReceivoStatlu iB reported "" rcceivcOK.
`The update 0C<:\1I"II in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounte ... procedure ( The update 0CC1U"II in the LayerMgmtReceiveCountef1l procedure (
`(2) Number of odetllReceivedOK, Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(2) Number of oc:tet!!ReceivedOK: Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`Thil contain. a count of data and padding octets in fram ... that are oUCCOflofully received. Thi. does Thil contain. a count of data and padding octets in fram ... that are oucceaofully ~ived. Thio do ...
`not include octet. in frames rec:eived with frame-too-iong, FCS, length or alignment errors, or not include ""teu. in frames roceived with fram .... too-long, FCS, length or alignment errors, or
`frames ]""t due to internal MAC 8ublayer error. Thi. oounter i. incrementod when the result of a
`fremesJ""t due to internal MAC auhlayer erT<ll". ThiIo counter iB incremented when the reIlult of a
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00076

`ISOIIEC 8802-3 : 1993
`ISO/IEC 8802-3 : 1993
`A"SI1EEE .std BO~.;j, 18l:10 ~dltlOn
`A?,SIflEEE Std 80~.;j, 18\:10 J<;dltlOn
`reception is reported as a receiveOK status, The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters
`reception is reported as a receiveOK status. The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters
`procedure (5.2 .4.3).
`procedure (
`(3) Number of multicastFramesReceivedOK: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(3) Number of multicast Frames Received OK: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contains a count of frames that are successfully received and are directed to an active non(cid:173)
`This contains a count of frames that are successfully received and are directed to an active non(cid:173)
`broadcast group address. This does not include frames received with frame-too-Iong, FCS, length or
`broadcast group address. This does not include frames received with frame-too-Iong, FCS, length or
`alignment errors, or frames lost due to internal MAC sublayer error. This counter is incremented as
`alignment errors, or frames lost due to internal MAC sublayer error. This counter is incremented as
`indicated by the receiveOK status, and the value in the destinationField. The update occurs in the
`indicated by the receiveOK status, and the value in the destinationField. The update occurs in the
`LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (
`LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (
`(4) Number of broadcast Frames Received OK: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(4) Number of broadcast Frames Received OK: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contains a count of frames that are successfully received and are directed to the broadcast
`This contains a count of frames that are successfully received and are directed to the broadcast
`group address. This does not include frames received with frame-too-Iong, FCS, length or alignment
`group address. This does not include frames received with frame-too-Iong, FCS, length or alignment
`errors, or frames lost due to internal MAC sublayer error. This counter is incremented as indicated
`errors, or frames lost due to internal MAC sublayer error. This counter is incremented as indicated
`by the receiveOK status, and the value in the destinationField. The update occurs in the LayerMg(cid:173)
`by the receiveOK status, and the value in the destinationField. The update occurs in the LayerMg(cid:173)
`mtReceiveCounters procedure (
`mtReceiveCounters procedure (
` MAC Receive Error Statistics Descriptions. This section defines the MAC sublayer
` MAC Receive Error Statistics Descriptions. This section defines the MAC sublayer
`reception related error statistics. Note that a hierarchical order has been established such that when mul(cid:173)
`reception related error statistics. Note that a hierarchical order has been established such that when mul(cid:173)
`tiple error statuses can be associated with one frame, only one status is returned to the LLC. This hierar(cid:173)
`tiple error statuses can be associated with one frame, only one status is returned to the LLC. This hierar(cid:173)
`chy in descending order is as follows:
`chy in descending order is as follow~:
`alignmen tError
`The following counters are primarily incremented based on the status returned to the LLC, and there(cid:173)
`The following counters are primarily incremented based on the status returned to the LLC, and there(cid:173)
`fore the hierarchical order of the counters is determined by the order of the status.
`fore the hierarchical order of the counters is determined by the order of the status.
`(1) Number of frames received with frameCheckSequenceErrors: Mandatory, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(1) Number of frames received with frameCheckSequenceErrors: Mandatory, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contains a count of frames that are an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the
`This contains a count of frames that are an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the
`FCS check. This counter is incremented when the ReceiveStatus is reported as frameCheckError.
`FCS check. This counter is incremented when the ReceiveStatus is reported as frameCheckError.
`The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (
`The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (
`(2) Number of frames received with alignmentErrors: Mandatory, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(2) Number of frames received with alignmentErrors: Mandatory, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contains a count of frames that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass
`This contains a count of frames that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass
`the FCS check. This counter is incremented when the ReceiveStatus is reported as alignmentError.
`the FCS check. This counter is incremented when the ReceiveStatus is reported as alignmentError.
`The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (
`The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (
`(3) Number of frames lost due to internalMACReceiveError: Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(3) Number of frames lost due to internalMACReceiveError: Recommended, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contains a count of frames that would otherwise be received by the station, but could not be
`This contains a count of frames that would otherwise be received by the station, but could not be
`accepted due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. If this counter is incremented, then none of
`accepted due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. If this counter is incremented, then none of
`the other counters in this section are incremented. The exact meaning and mechanism for incre(cid:173)
`the other counters in this section are incremented. The exact meaning and mechanism for incre(cid:173)
`menting this counter is implementation-dependent.
`menting this counter is implementation-dependent.
`(4) Number of frames received with inRangeLengthErrors: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(4) Number of frames received with inRangeLengthErrors: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contains a count of frames with a length field value between the minimum unpadded LLC data
`This contains a count of frames with a length field value between the minimum unpadded LLC data
`size and the maximum allowed LLC data size, inclusive, that does not match the number of LLC
`size and the maximum allowed LLC data size, inclusive, that does not match the number of LLC
`data octets received. The counter also contains frames with a length field value less than the mini(cid:173)
`data octets received. The counter also contains frames with a length field value less than the mini(cid:173)
`mum unpadded LLC data size. The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure
`mum unpadded LLC data size. The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure
`(5) Number offrames received with outOfRangeLengthField: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(5) Number offrames received with outOfRangeLengthField: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contains a count of frames with a length field value greater than the maximum allowed LLC
`This contains a count of frames with a length field value greater than the maximum allowed LLC
`data size. The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (
`data size. The update occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (
`(6) Number of frames received with frameTooLongErrors: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`(6) Number of frames received with frameTooLongErrors: Optional, Read only, 32 bit counter.
`This contains a count of frames that are received and exceed the maximum permitted frame size.
`This contains a count of frames that are received and exceed the maximum permitted frame size.
`This counter is incremented when the status of a frame reception is frameTooLong. The update
`This counter is incremented when the status of a frame reception is frameTooLong. The update
`occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (5 .2.4.3).
`occurs in the LayerMgmtReceiveCounters procedure (5 .2.4.3).
` MAC Actions. This subsection defines the actions offered by the MAC sublayer to the LME
` MAC Actions. This subsection defines the actions offered by the MAC sublayer to the LME
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00077

`I.'IQ/J.EC M02-3; 1993
`JS<liI.!W ~: 199~
`ANSlIIEEE Sid <I02.a, 1!19~ Edition
`ANSUlEEE Std 802.3, 1993 Edition
`These actiona enable the LME client to inJluenoo the behavicr of the MAC sublayer, Le., to execute
`These action. enable the LME client to inJluenoo the behavior of the MAC sublayer, Le., to execute
`"actiOIlll' on the MAC sublayer for management purposes. Many of the following actioos onable or disable "actions" on the MAC Bublayer for mana,:ement pul")lOSetl. Many of the following actions enable or disable
`""'me function; if either the enable or disable action is implemented, the corresponding di~able or enable
`SOme function: if either the enable or disable action iB implemented, the corr ... ponding disable or enable
`action must also be implemented. If the enable/disable actill1l is supported, then its corresponding read action mll$t also be implemented. If the enableldi"able action is supported, then its corresponding read
`action muot al8(l be supported.
`llCtion muot also be supported.
`In implementing any of the following actions, receptions and tranllmi!lllions that are in progre&" arc com(cid:173)In implementing any of the following actions, receptions and tranJlmi!llliona that are in progrt:I!" are com·
`plctcd before the action take~ effect..
`pleted before the action take~ effect.
`The ""curity con6iderationa related to the following action. should be properly addres!iOd by the SMAE. The security con8iderations related to the following actiOllB shonld be properly addre$ed by the SMAE.
`The items in parenthe"io in the descriptiOIlll arc the procedUrCII that "Tn affected by these actions.
`The items in parenthOllio in the de&eriptiOJlll are the proced......,. that "Ttl affocted by these aetioDS.
` MAC Action Definitions 11.2.2..2.1 MAC ActioD DefinitioDS
`initialiuMAC; Mandatory initialiuMAC: Mandatory
`Call the Initialize proecdurc (4.2.7,5). This action al:!oO reQults in the initialization of the PLS. Call the Initialize proecdure (4.2.7,5). This acti"" al:!oO reaulta in the initialization of the PLS.
`(2) enablePromiscuou.Rec..ive: Recommended
`(2) enableE'romiscuouaReceive: lte<:ommended
`Cause the LayerMgmtRecognizeAddr""s function to accept fram"" regardle8$ of their destination
`Cause the LayerMgmtRe<ognizeAddr"". function to accept from .... regardloos (If their destinatiun
`address (LayerMgmtRecugnizeAddres. function).
`IIddrea" (LayerMgmtRecognizeAddres" function).
`Frames without erTUT!l received solely because this action io set are counted as frame\! received cor_ Frames without erru", received solely because this action is set are counted 811 fram"" receive<! cor_
`rectly; frames ~ived in this mode that do <>:>ntain cn'(Il'fl update the appropriate error countera.
`rectly; frames rec:cived in this mode that do <»I1tain errors update the appropriate error counter •.
`(3) di .... bleProm;8cuousRe""ive: Recommended (3) disablePromiacuousReceive: Recommended
`Cause tho MAC sublayer to return to the normal operation of carrying out address I'C<X>gnition pro·
`Call1l<l the MAC sublayer to return to the normal operation of carrying out addl'(;9~ rocognition pro·
`cedUTC. for station, broadcast, and multicast group addresses (LayerMgmtRecognizeAddress func(cid:173)cedure. for station, broadcast, and multicast group addl"C~sel (LayerMgmtRecognizeAddreA!l func(cid:173)
`readPromiscuousStatus: Recommended (4) rewiPromisr:uousStatu.: Recommended
`Return true if promiscuous mode enabled, and false otherwiso (LaycrMgmtRecognizeAddl'Clls func(cid:173)
`Return true ifpromi.cuous mode enabled, and falae otherwise (r...ycrMgmtRecolfl\i~eAddl'CSll func(cid:173)
`tion). tion).
`(5) addGroupAddreBs: Recommended (ri) addGroupAddreEl8: Rerommended
`Add the supplied multicast group addrcM to the address rooognition filter (Reo:>gnizedAdd!'CM func(cid:173)
`Add the supplied multicast I:l'\lup addre .. to the address rooognition filter (Recogniz.edAddreM func(cid:173)
`tion). tion).
`(6) deleteGroupAddresa: Recommended
`(6) deleteGroupAddrea": Recommended
`Delete the 8Upplied multicast group address from the addrell" rl'>C:Ogl)ition filter (RecognizeAddre"" Delete the supplied multiCllllt group addr""" from the addr"",. rl'>CX>gllition filter (RecognizeAddress
`function). function).
`readMulticastAddresaLiBt: Recommended readMulticastAddressLiIlt: Recommended
`Return the current multicast address list. Return the current multicast addre!l~ list.
`(8) enableMacSublayer: Optional
`(8) O1llIbleMacSublayer: Optional
`Cau&<! the MAC sublayer to entarthe normal operational state at idle. The PLS is reset by this oper_
`Cauo.e the MAC sublayer to enter the normal operational state at idle. The PLS is reset. by this oper_
`ation (ace This is acwmplillhcd by setting receiveEnabled and transmitEnahled to true. ation (see This iB at<:OO1plillhcd by setti"8 raoe:ivcEnablcd and tr!lnsmitEnabled to true.
`(9) disableMacSubiayer: Optional
`(9) di.ableMacSublayer: Optional
`Cau..e the MAC .ublayer to end all transmit and receive operatio"", leaving it in a disabled state.
`Cau"" the MAC aublayer to end aU transmit and receive operatiolUl, leaving it in .. disabled state.
`Thi. is aCC<lmplished by setting roooiveEnablcd and Uall8UlitEnabled to falOle.
`Thi. i~ accomplished by settingroceiYeEnablod and tTansmitEnahied to falOle.
`(10) readMACEnablestatus: Optional (10) readMACEnableSt:otus: Optional
`Return true if MAC Bublayer is enabled, and fabe ifdinbled. Thi. is accomplished by checking the
`Return true if MAC Bubbyer is enabled, and false ifdinbled. This is acromplished by checking the
`valucs of tho reccivcEnabied and traDllmitEnabled variabl"",. values (If the reccivcEnabled and tra!lllmitEnabl~d variabl ....
`(il) enableTransmit: Optional
`(11) enable'Iransmit: Optional
`Enable MAC sublayer frame transmi9llion (Tran$D\itFrame fundion). Thia is accomplished by set(cid:173)Enable MAC "ublayer frame tra11llJIli9Sion (Tran:smitFrame fundion). Thill is accomplished byoet(cid:173)
`ling transmitEnabled to true.
`ting transmitEnabled to true.
`(12) di ... ble'Iranamit: Optional (12) di ... bleTrangmit: Optional
`Inhibit the tran&Jllission offurther frames by the MAC 8ublayer (Tran$D\itFramc function). This is Inhibit the transmission of further frame. by the MAC aublayer (TransmitFt-ame function). Thi. is
`accomplished by setting tranamitEnabled to false.
`accomplished by settiug lransmitEnabled to false.
`(13) rcadTransmitEnableStatus: Optional
`(13) rcadTranBmitEnableStatus: Optional
`Return true if tran$D\iSslon i8 enabled and fal"" otherwiso. This is ac<:umplished by checking the Return true if trllll:smission is enabled and fallle otherwise. This io =mpli.hed by checking the
`value of the tra!l8!IlitEnabled variablo.
`value of tho tra=itEnabled variable.
`(14) enableMultica.stRecei",,: Optional
`(14) enableMulticastReceive: Optional
`Cause the MAC sublayer to return to the nannal operation of multica..t frame ~ion. Cause the MAC sublayer to return to the normal operation ofmulticast frame l'O(:<)ption.
`(15) di.ableMultkastReceive: Optional
`(15) di.ableMultkastRereive: Optional
`Inhibit the roception offurther multicallt frames by the MAC sublayer. Inhibit the reception offurther mult:icallt frames by the MAC sublayer.
`" "
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00078

`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - -
`---------------~-- -----
`ISOfIEC 8802-3 : 1993
`ISOfIEC 8802-3 : 1993
`r..Ti..'T/TD1 .... T~ ( .. ,1 ,..., ,...n '"'
`.. ", ..... r..
`"r..Ti..'TlTr;"ll:-T~ , .. ,1 ,...,,,n '"'
`.. "' .... '" ..-...~".
`....... ~. ,.
`L U'oJ.l1 J..l..JDD "-'!.At OU"::',.), i::1::10 ~UJL.IUH
`' U'oJ.I,l..l.Jl.:.OJ.,J 0lAl OU.::i.V , ii1~0 ~UJl"lU£l
`(16) readMulticastReceiveStatus: Optional
`(16) readMulticastReceiveStatus: Optional
`Return true if multicast receive is enabled, and false otherwise.
`Return true if multicast receive is enabled, and false otherwise.
`(17) modifyMACAddress: Optional
`(17) modifyMACAddress: Optional
`Change the MAC station address to the one supplied (RecognizeAddress function). Note that the
`Change the MAC station address to the one supplied (RecognizeAddress function). Note that the
`supplied station address shall not have the group bit set and shall not be the null address.
`supplied station address shall not have the group bit set and shall not be the null address.
`(18) readMACAddress: Optional
`(18) readMACAddress: Optional
`Read the current MAC station address.
`Read the current MAC station address.
`(19) executeS elf test: Optional
`(19) executeSelftest: Optional
`Execute a self test and report the results (tlUCces::, or failure) . The mechanism employed to carry out
`Execute a self test and report the results (omcces~ or failure). The mechanism employed to carry out
`the self test is not defined in this standard.
`the Relftest is not defined in this standard.
`5.2.3 Physical Layer Management Facilities. This section ofthe standard defines the Layer Manage(cid:173)
`5.2.3 Physical Layer Management Facilities. This section ofthe standard defineR the Layer Manage(cid:173)
`ment facilities for the Physical Layer.
`ment facilities for the Physical Layer.
` Physical Statistics. The statistics defined in this section are implemented by means of
` Physical Statistics. The statistics defined in this section are implemented by means of
`In the following definition, the term "Read only" specifies that the object cannot be written by the client
`In the following definition, the term "Read only" specifies that the object cannot be written by the client
`of the LME.
`of the LME.
`Note that the carrierSenseFailed statistic is a statistic relating to the physical layer, but is listed and
`Note that the carrierSenseFailed statistic is a statistic relating to the physical layer, but is listed and
`maintained in the MAC sublayer for ease of implementation.
`maintained in the MAC sublayer for ease of implementation.
` Physical Statistics Descriptions
` Physical Statistics Descriptions
`(1) Number of SQETestErrors: Recommended, Read only, 328 bit counter.
`(1) Number of SQETestErrors: Recommended, Read only, 328 bit counter.
`This contains a count of times that the SQE_TEST_ERROR was received. The SQE_TEST_ERROR
`This contains a count of times that the SQE_TEST_ERROR was received. The SQE_TEST_ERROR
`is set in accordance with the rules for verification of the SQE detection mechanism in the PLS Car(cid:173)
`is set in accordance with the rules for verification of the SQE detection mechanism in the PLS Car(cid:173)
`rier Sense Function (see 72.4.6).
`rier Sense Function (see
`5.~.4 Layer Management Model. The following model provides the descriptions for Layer Manage(cid:173)
`5.~.4 Layer Management Model. The following model provides the descriptions for Layer Manage(cid:173)
`ment facilities.
`ment facilities.
` Common Constants and Types. The following are the common constants and types required
` Common Constants and Types. The following are the common constants and types required
`for the Layer Management procedures:
`for the Layer Management procedures :
`maxFrameSize = ... ; {in octets, implementation-dependent, see 4.4}
`maxFrameSize = ... ; {in octets, implementation-dependent, see 4.4)
`maxDeferTime = ... ; {2 x (maxFrameSize x 8), in bits, error timer limit for maxDeferTime}
`maxDeferTime == ... ; {2 x (maxFrameSize x 8), in bits, error timer limit for maxDeferTime}
`maxLarge == 4294967295; {maximum value (2 32 - 1) of wraparound 32 bit counter}
`maxLarge = 4294967295; {maximum value (2 32 - 1) of wraparound 32 bit counter)
`max64 == xxxxxxxx.x; {maximum value (264 - 1) of wraparound 64 bIt counter}
`max64 = xxxxxxxxx; {maximum value (264 - 1) of wraparound 64 bIt counter)
`oneBitTime == 1; {the period it takes to transmit one bit}
`oneBitTime = 1; {the period it takes to transmit one bit)
`CounterLarge = O .. maxLarge--See footnote.;
`CounterLarge == O .. maxLarge--See footnote.;
` Transmit Variables and Procedures. The following items are specific to frame transmis(cid:173)
` Transmit Variables and Procedures. The following items are specific to frame transmis(cid:173)
`excessDefer: Boolean; {set in process DeferTest}
`excessDefer: Boolean; {set in process DeferTest)
`carrierSenseFailure: Boolean; {set in process CarrierSenseTest}
`carrierSenseFailure: Boolean; {set in process CarrierSenseTest)
`transmitEnabled: Boolean; {set by MAC action}
`transmitEnabled: Boolean; {set by MAC action)
`lateCollisionError: Boolean; {set in Section 4 procedure WatchForCollision}
`lateCollisionError: Boolean; {set in Section 4 procedure WatchForCollision)
`deferred: Boolean; {set in Section 4 function TransmitLinkMgmt}
`deferred: Boolean; {set in Section 4 function TransmitLinkMgmt)
`carrierSenseTestDone: Boolean; {set in process CarrierSenseTest}
`carrierSenseTestDone: Boolean; {set in process CarrierSenseTest)
`83 2 bit counter size specification is not a part of this ISOfIEC standard. Resolution of 32 vs. 64 bit counter size will he addrpssed
`832 bit counter size specification is not a part of this ISOfIEC standard. Resolution of 32 vs . 64 bit counter size will he addrpssed
`during the further work required to develop this section into a specification sufficient for ISOfIEC interoperability requirements.
`during the further work required to develop this section into a specification sufficient for ISOfIEC interoperability requirements.
`AMX and Dell, Inc.
`Exhibit 1026-00079

`JSGonI!C MOlI-3 : 1993
`I8()U:IC ~ , llll!
`ANlIlITEKlt 8\11110:1.3, 1M Edit ....
`A1ISvrIBII II1II IOU, 11183 EditioB
`latGColliUoo.Cau.nt: O ... ~r...,t -
`l.tcCollioionCount: O .. aUwnptLim,t -
`I: '_nt of late ... IliIiOD that ia uaed in Section • I, I_ t of illite: ron; .... that .. uaad in So.etian "
`'l'rIuumid ,jnkNKmtl
`(MAC transmit muote ... J
`IMAC ""'milt ecw\waI
`I'raWM'l'ranamittedOK: CounlA!rLup: lmudatory!
`~OK: Count.r~; (mendet<ryj
`aiDileColllilionFram ... , CounterLarp; lmand.llIoryJ
`~f'nom.., Cou.atari..,.-; (mandatary!
`multipl.,corlioimFnun., Oou.atuLa..-; (mal>ll..toryl
`multipleCollmonFram ... : CountuLa.rie: (mandatory)
`... UilionF'ramea: array (l..ettemptLimit -II ofCounlerwge: I ...... mmel'dad

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