`Kelin Kuhn
`University of Washington
`ASML 1223
`AS1\/IL 1223

`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Kuhn, Kelin 1.
`Laser engineering I Kelin J. Kuhn
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-02-366921-7 (hardcover)
`1. Lasers-—Design and construction. 2. Nonlinear optics.
`I. Title.
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`Technical Background
`Pedagogy xii
`Part 1 Laser Fundamentals
`A Brief History
`The Laser Market
`Energy States in Atoms
`Basic Stimulated Emission
`Transitions Between Laser States, 10
`Population Inversion, 13
`Power and Energy
`Monochromaticity, Coherency, and Linewidth

`Spatial Coherence and Laser Speckle
`The Generic Laser
`Transverse and Longitudinal Modes
`The Gain Profile
`Laser Safety
`Symbols Used in the Chapter
`Energy States
`Laser States, 35
`Multiple-State Laser Systems, 36
`Linewidth and the Uncertainty Principle, 39
`Broadening of Fundamental Linewidths, 41
`Basics of Gain, 43
`Blackbody Radiation. 47
`Gain, 55
`Symbols Used in the Chapter
`Longitudinal Modes in the Laser Resonant Cavity
`Using an Etalon for Single Longitudinal Mode Operation, 64
`Quantitative Analysis of a Fabry-Perot Etalon
`Optical Path Relations in a Fabry-Perot Etalon, 65
`Reflection and Transmission Coefficients in a Fabry-Perot Etalon, 67
`Calculating the Reflected and Transmitted Intensities for a Fabry-Perot
`Etalon with the Same Reflectances, 70
`Calculating the Reflected and Transmitted Intensities for a Fabry-Perot
`Etalon with Different Reflectances, 72
`Calculating the Q and the Finesse of a Fabry-Perot Etalon, 73
`Hlustrative Fabry-Perot Etalon Calculations
`Symbols Used in the Chapter

`TEM,,_, Transverse Modes
`The Par-axial Approximation, 84
`4.2.2 Mathematical Treatment of the Transverse Modes, 86
`TEMo‘o Gaussian Beam Propagation
`The TEMo_o or Gaussian Transverse Mode, 88
`Properties of the TEM0_o Mode of the Laser, 94
`Ray Matrices to Analyze Paraxial Lens Systems
`Ray Matrix for a Distance d, 103
`Ray Matrix for a Lens, 104
`4.4.3 ABCD Law Applied to Simple Lens Systems, 108
`Gaussian Beams in Resonant Cavities
`4.5.1 Modeling the Stability of the Laser Resonator, 113
`4.5.2 ABCD Law Applied to Resonators, 117
`Symbols Used in the Chapter
`Saturation of the Exponential Gain Process
`Gain Saturation for the Homogeneous Line, 134
`5.1.2 Gain Saturation for the Inhomogeneous Line, 134
`The Importance of Rate Equations, 134
`Setting Up Rate Equations
`Rate Equations for Four-State Lasers, 137
`Laser Output Power Characteristics
`Optimal Coupling, a Simple Approach, 142
`Pm versus Pg... an Engineering Approach, 147
`Po“; versus Pin, the Rigrod Approach. 152
`Symbols Used in the Chapter
`Relaxation Oscillations
`A Qualitative Description of Relaxation Oscillations. 164
`6.1.2 Numerical Modeling of Relaxation Oscillations, 165
`Analytical Treatment of Relaxation Oscillations, 171
`A Qualitative Description of Q-Switching, 177

`6.2.2 Numerical Modeling of Q-Switching, 177
`6.2.3 Analytical Treatment of -Q-Switching, 178
`The Design of Q-Switches
`6.3.1 Mechanical Q-Switches, 183
`Electrooptic Q-Switches, 184
`6.3.3 Acousto-Optic Q-Switches, 190
`Saturable Absorber Dyes for Q-Switching, 191
`A Qualitative Description of Mode-Locking, 193
`6.4.2 Analytical Description of Mode-Locking, 195
`The Design of Mode-Locking Modulators, 198
`Symbols Used in the Chapter
`Nonlinear Polarizability
`Second Harmonic Generation
`The Process of Conversion, 210
`Phase Matching, 215
`7.2.3 Design Techniques for Frequency-Doubling Laser Beams, 220
`Optical Parametric Oscillators
`Stimulated Raman Scattering
`Self-Focusing and Optical Damage
`Nonlinear Crystals
`7.6.1 Major Crystals, 233
`7.6.2 Other Crystals Used in Nonlinear Optics. 235
`Symbols Used in the Chapter
`-Multilayer Dielectric Films
`The Fundamentals of Multilayer Film Theory, 243
`8.2.2 Anti-Reflection Coatings from Multilayer Films, 245
`8.2.3 High-Reflectance Coatings from Multilayer Films, 248
`Birefringent Crystals
`Positive and Negative Uniaxial Crystals. 252
`8.3.2 Wave Plates from Birefringent Crystals, 254

`Thermal Detectors, 261
`Photoelectric Detectors, 262
`Photoconductors, 263
`Junction Photodetectors, 265
`8.4.5 MOS Capacitor Devices. 268
`Symbols Used in the Chapter
`Part II Design of Laser Systems
`HeNe Lasers
`9.1.1 History of HeNe Lasers, 274
`9.1.2 Applications for HeNe Lasers, 276
`The HeNe Energy States, 280
`9.1.4 Design of a Modem Commercial HeNe Laser, 283
`Argon Lasers
`History of Argon- and Krypton-Ion Lasers, 289
`9.2.2 Applications for Argon- and Krypton-Ion Lasers. 290
`9.2.3 Argon and Krypton Laser States, 292
`9.2.4 Design of a Modern Commercial Argon-Ion Laser, 294
`Laser Materials
`10.3.1 Crystalline Laser Hosts, 309
`10.3.2 Glass Laser Hosts, 310
`10.3.3 The Shape of the Solid-State Laser Material, 311
`The Laser Transition In Nd:YAG 312
`Pump Technology
`10.5.1 Noble Gas Discharge Lamps as Optical Pump Sources for Nd:YAG
`Lasers, 316
`10.5.2 Power Supplies for Noble Gas Discharge Lamps, 321
`10.5.3 Pump Cavities for Noble Gas Discharge Lamp-Pumped Lasers, 324
`10.5.4 Spectra-Physics Quanta-Ray GCR Family, 327
`10.5.5 Semiconductor Lasers as Solid-State Laser Pump Sources, 329
`10.5.6 Pump Cavities for Diode Laser Pumped Solid-State Lasers, 333
`10.5.7 Coherent DPSS 1064 Laser Family, 337

`Laser Materials
`11.3.1 Ruby—Primary Line at 694.3 nm, 349
`11.3.2 Alexa.ndrite—-Tunable from 700 nm to 818 nm, 351
`11.3.3 Ti:Sapphire—Tunable from 670 nm to 1090 nm, 353
`11.3.4 Comparison between Major Solid-State Laser Hosts, 355
`Tizsapphire Laser Design
`11.4.1 Ring Lasers, 356
`11.4.2 Birefiingent Filters, 362
`11.4.3 Coherent Model 890 and 899 Ti:Sapphire Lasers, 365
`Femtosecond Pulse Laser Design
`11.5.1 Dispersion in Femtosecond Lasers, 370
`11.5.2 Nonlinearities Used to Create Femtosecond Pulses. 371
`11.5.3 Measuring Femtosecond Pulses, 373
`11.5.4 Colliding Pulse Mode-Locking. 373
`11.5.5 Grating Pulse Compression, 374
`11.5.6 Solitons, 375
`11.5.7 Kerr-Lens Mode-Locking (KLM) in Ti:Sapphire, 376
`11.5.8 Coherent Mira Femtosecond Lasers. 377
`The Design of Carbon Dioxide Lasers
`Introduction to CO2 Laser States, 386
`12.1.2 The Evolution of CO2 Lasers, 389
`12.1.3 Waveguide CO; Lasers, 393
`12.1.4 A Typical Modern CO2 Industrial Laser, 394
`12.1.5 Optical Components and Detectors for CO2 Lasers, 403
`The Design of Excimer Lasers
`Introduction to Excimer Laser States. 405
`12.2.2 The Evolution of Excimers, 408
`12.2.3 General Design Background. 409
`12.2.4 A Typical Modern Excimer Laser, 414
`12.2.5 Laser Beam Homogenizers, 417
`12.2.6 Application Highlight. 418
`Overview of Semiconductor Diode Lasers
`12.3.1 History of Semiconductor Diode Lasers. 421
`12.3.2 The Basics of the Semiconductor Diode Laser, 424
`12.3.3 Confinement in the Semiconductor Diode Laser, 428
`12.3.4 The Quantum Well Semiconductor Diode Laser, 432
`12.3.5 Application Highlight: The CD Player, 435

`Laser Safety
`Electrocution, 441
`A.l.2 Eye Damage, 444
`A.1.3 Chemical Hazards, 446
`A.l.4 Other Hazards, 447
`Significant Figures
`The Electromagnetic Wave Equation
`A.3.l Maxwell's Equations, 450
`A.3.2 A General Wave Equation for Light Propagation in a Material, 452
`A.3.3 Light Propagation in a Vacuum, 453
`A.3.4 Light Propagation in a Simple Isotropic Material with No Net Static
`Charge, 454
`A35 Light Propagation in a Simple Laser Material with No Net Static
`Charge, 454
`A.3.6 A One-Dimensional Wave Equation for a Less Simple Isotropic
`Material, 454
`Lenses and Telescopes
`Lenses, 456
`A.4.2 Classical Lens Equations, 457
`A.4.3 Telescopes, 459
`Reflection and Refraction
`A.5.l Nomenclature, 461
`Snell's Law, 462
`A53 Total Internal Reflection, 462
`A.5.4 Brewster's Angle, 462
`Fresnel Equations
`The Effective Value of the Nonlinear Tensor 465
`Projects and Design Activities
`A.8.l Gas Laser Activities, 466
`A.8.2 Nd:YAG Laser Activities, 472
`A.8.3 Transition Metal Laser Activities, 473
`Successful Student Projects, 474
`Laser Alignment
`A.10 Glossary of Basic Laser Terms
`....- -_..

`0 To describe the general design principles underlying excimer lasers. These include
`preionization, corona discharge circuitry, and main discharge circuitry.
`c To describe the construction of a commercial excimer laser.
`Semiconductor diode lasers
`Carbon dioxide lasers
`0 To summarize the generic characteristics of the C0; laser.
`0 To describe the various energy states of the C0; laser and to summarize how these
`states interact with each other.
`0 To summarize the sequence of historical events leading to the development of the
`C0; laser.
`c To describe the major characteristics of waveguide versus free space CO2 lasers.
`c To describe the construction of a commercial waveguide C0; laser.
`Excimer lasers
`0 To summarize the generic characteristics of the excimer laser.
`0 To describe the various energy states of the excimer laser and to summarize how
`these states interact with each other.
`0 To summarize the sequence of historical events leading to the development of the
`excimer laser.
`0 To summarize the sequence of historical events leading to the development of the '
`semiconductor laser.
`c To describe the energy band structure of the semiconductor diode laser.

`Sec. 12.1
`The Design of Carbon Dioxide Lasers
`c To summarize the process of pumping the semiconductor diode laser with a PN-
`o To describe the process of creating a semiconductor laser cavity by cleaving the
`semiconductor material.
`0 To describe the similarities and differences between homostructure and heterostruc-
`ture semiconductor diode lasers.
`0 To describe the importance of vertical and horizontal confinement in designing
`semiconductor laser structures.
`0 To describe the major vertical and horizontal confinement structures.
`0 To describe the general physical principles governing the design of quantum wells,
`with special emphasis on the importance of the width of the quantum well
`detennining the optical properties of quantum well laser diodes.
`CO2 lasers operate over a series of vibrational and rotational bands in the regions 9.4 and 10.6
`am. They are both high—average-power and high-efficiency laser systems. Commercially
`available cw CO2 lasers range in power from 6 watts to 10,000 watts, and custom lasers are
`available at even higher powers. Small (2 to 3 feet long) CO2 lasers can produce hundreds
`of watts of average power at an efficiency of 10%. Larger CO2 lasers can produce many
`kilowatts of cw power. CO2 lasers are widely used in such diverse commercial applications
`as marking of electronic components, wafers, and chips; marking on anodized aluminum;
`trophy engraving; acrylic sign making; rapid prototyping of 3D models; cutting of ceramics,
`textiles, and metals; carpet, sawblade, and sail cutting; drilling; thin film deposition; and
`wire stripping (see Figure 12.1). They find application in the medical field for laser surgery,
`and in research for spectroscopy and remote sensing. Military applications include imaging,
`mapping, and range-finding. They have also been used in inertial confinement fusion as an
`alternative to large glass lasers.
`CO2 is a laser material totally unlike the materials discussed so far in this text. Con—
`ventional lasers lase off of electronic transitions between various atomic states. CO2 lasers
`lase off molecular transitions between the various vibrational and rotational states of CO2.
`Among other things, this means that CO2 lasers have a longer wavelength and higher effi-
`ciency than most conventional lasers. Additional information on CO2 lasers can be found
`in Cheo,1 Duley,2 Tyte,3 and Wittemanf‘ Additional information on high peak power and
`gas dynamic CO2 lasers can be found in Anderson,5 Beaulieu,5 and Losev.7
`‘Peter K. Cheo, Handbook of Molecular Lasers (New York: Marcel-Dekker Inc., 1987).
`3W. W. Duley, C02 Lasers.‘ Efiects and Applications, (New York: Academic Press, 1976).
`3D. C. Tyte, Advances in Optical Electronics, Vol. 1, ed D. W. Goodwin, (New York: Academic Press,
`1970), pp. 129-198.
`“W. J. Witteman, The C0; laser (Berlin: Springer-Verlsg, 1987).
`5John Anderson. Gasdynamic Lasers: An Introduction (New York: Academic Press. 1976).
`61. A. Beaulieu, Prac. IEEE 59;e57 (1971).
`7S. A. Losev, Gasdynamic Laser (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1981).

`Chap, 1
`I-x _. l\)
`>—l \J

`Sec. 12.1
`The Design of Carbon Dioxide Lasers
`F Carbon dioxide molecule
`D Symmetric stretch mode
` Asymmetric stretch mode
`Figure 12.2 Normal modes of the carbon dioxide molecule.
`The CO; molecules can also rotate, resulting in a series of closely spaced states char-
`acterized by the rotational quantum number J. The rotational energies of a given vibrational
`state i relative to the J = 0 level are given as
`E,-_, = hcdB,-J(J +1) — hc,,DJ2(J +1)2
`where B, and D are constants.9
`The principal laser transitions in C0; are the (001) to (100) 10.6 /.tm transitions and
`the (001) to (020) 9.4 um transitions (see Figure 12.3). Each of the levels (001), (100), and
`(020) consists of a series of rotational states. Transitions in CO2 occur between states where
`Jddd —-> (J + l)dVd,, (termed the P-branch) and Jddd —> (J — l)d,,d,, (termed the R-branch).
`(See Figure 12.4.)
`If no wavelength discrimination is provided in the cavity, the P-branch of the (001) to
`(100) 10.6 um transition will dominate. However, if wavelength selection is provided (by a
`grating, for example), it is possible to lase on any of the allowed P- or R-branch transitions.
`Notice, however, that since both the (O01)—>(100) and the (001)—+(020) transitions share
`the same upper laser level,
`then the (001)—>(100) transition must be suppressed for the
`(OO1)—>(100) transition to lase.
`The majority of CO2 lasers contain a mixture of three gases (CO2, N2, and He) in a
`roughly O.8:1:7 ratio.” The CO2 is the laser gain material. The N; has only one excited
`mode (the symmetrical stretch mode) and the energy of the (1) N; vibration nicely aligns
`with the (001) upper state of the CO2 molecule (see Figure 12.3). Since the N2 vibrational
`states are metastable (very long lifetimes) the energy in the (1) N2 transition (plus a little
`kinetic energy) can be transferred to a C02 molecule as a means of populating the (001)
`9Amnon Yariv. Quantum Electronics, 2d ed. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1975). p. 213, Appendix 3.
`10W. W. Duley. C02 Lasers: Effects and Applications (New York: Academic Press, 1976), p. 16.

`Other Major Commercial Lasers
`Chap_ 12
`ea 9 Ge _ , %'i900€33;‘0
`Symmetric stretch
`Asymmetric stretch I
`Next quantum state in
`helium is 67.7 times thg
`I V’-‘0t0v=1spacing
`in nitrogen
`__.. 2000

`U4 1000
`0 oea
`I @
`Figure 12.3 Laser states of the carbon dioxide molecule. (From LASER ELECTRONICS 2E. by
`VERDEYEN, J.T. @1989, Figure 10.14, p. 336. Adapted by permission of Prentice-Hall. lnc.,
`Upper Saddle River. NJ.)
`.5 O
`Absorption(percent) 0.)O
`P Branch
`Fi Branch .
`P Branch
`Run) R Branch
`\_ ‘
`-—A O
`Figure 12.4 Absorption spectrum of the carbon dioxide molecule. (From E. F. Barker
`and A. Adel, Phys. Rev. 44:l85 (1933))
`Frequency (cm")

`Sec. 12.1
`The Design of Carbon Dioxide Lasers
`upper CO2 level (notice that the Nz—CO2 energy transfer is very similar to the He—Ne en-
`ergy transfer in HeNe lasers; see Section 9.1.3). The helium in the gas mixture provides
`cooling by means of thermal transfer to the walls (helium is a very thermally conductive
`gas). Helium also plays a role in optimizing the kinetic energy of the N2 molecules for
`maximum energy transfer between the N2 and CO2.
`Because of the metastable N2 and the match between the (1) N2 level and the (001)
`C02 level, the conversion efficiency between input electrical power to power in the upper
`laser state is 50 to 70%. Since the quantum efficiency is roughly 45%, this means that CO2
`lasers can operate at extremely high efficiencies (10 to 35%).
`12.1.2 The Evolution of CO2 Lasers
`in 1964.“'”'”
`The first demonstration of laser action from CO2 was reported by Patel
`The concept of using N2 to transfer vibrational energy from the electrical discharge to the
`CO2 was recognized by Legay and Legay-Sommaire in the same year” and the idea of
`incorporating helium for cooling was first proposed by Patel a year later.” During this
`period of rapid development on the C0; laser, Patel and other researchers were able to
`improve Patel’s original 1 mW output to roughly 100 watts.16‘ ”* 13
`The first CO2 lasers were constructed from long tubes of glass where the desired laser
`mixture flowed through the glass tube (see Figure 12.5). Electrodes in the gas generated
`a plasma arc to excite the N2 molecules into their symmetrical stretch mode. Although
`the very first demonstration of laser action from C0; used RF excitation, systems soon
`converted to DC excitation for increased power.”
`The original glass tube CO2 lasers operated at low pressures with the electrical dis-
`charge running longitudinally down the cavity. As a consequence, operating pressures were
`low due to the necessity to create and maintain a plasma over a long distance. However, in
`1970, Beaulieu2° first reported operation of an atmospheric pressure C0; laser by exciting
`the discharge transversely to the cavity (see Figure 12.6). These Transverse Excited At-
`mospheric (TEA) lasers offered higher gains and greater output powers than longitudinally
`excited lasers.
`"C. K. N. Patel. Phys. Rev. Len. 12:588 (1964).
`“C. K. N. Patel, Phys. Rev. Len. 13: 617 (1964).
`“C. K. N. Patel, Phys. Rev.
`l36:A1l87 (1964).
`“F. Legay and N. Legay-Sotnmaire, C. R. Acad. Sci. 259B:99 (1964).
`'5C. K. N. Patel, P. K. Tien, and J. H. McFee, Appl. Phys. Len. 7:290 (1965).
`‘EC. K. N. Patel, Phys. Rev.
`l36:Al 187 (1964).
`“N. Legay-Sommaire, L. Henry, and F. Legay, CR. Acad. Sci. 26OB:3339 (1965).
`“C. K. N. Patel, P. K. Tien, and J. H. McFee. Appl. Phys. Len. 7:290 (1965).
`'9c. K. N. Patel, Appl. Phys. Len. 7:15 (1965).
`20A. J. Beaulieu, Appl. Phys. Len. 16:504 (1970).

`Other Major Commercial Lasers
`Chap, 12
`is 11/0 DISCHARGE
`PUMP glsagli lNTE'r?ACT'0N
`Figure 12.5 Early carbon dioxide laser construction. (From C. K. N. Patel, Phys. Rev. Len‘. 13:
`617 (1964). Reprinted with the permission of the author.)
`The CO2 laser Q-switches exceptionally well and Q-switched operation was reported
`in 1966 by a number of researchers including Flynn,2"22 Kovacs,” Bridges,” and Patel.”
`the narrow bandwidth of CO2 (approximately 50 MHz), means that physically
`long lasers are required to effectively demonstrate mode-locking. In spite of this difficulty,
`the first mode-locking of a conventional C0; laser was reported in 1968 by Caddes,” and
`Wood and Schwartz.” I-Iigh-peak power can also be obtained from C0; lasers by pulsing
`or gain switching the lasers.” TEA lasers are especially well-suited for production of
`high-peak power C0; laser pulses.”
`In a conventional C0; laser, the output power will increase as the gas flow is increased.
`This increased power is thought to be due to enhanced cooling and more effective removal
`of dissociation products such as CO and 02 from the CO2 discharge.-3° However, in many
`it is not possible to support the peripheral equipment for handling flowing
`gases and a sealed laser configuration is required.
`In a sealed laser, the lack of gas flow
`means that some mechanism must be provided to regenerate the dissociated gas products
`“G. W. Flynn, M. A. Kovacs, C. K. Rhodes, and A. Javan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 8:63 (1966).
`22G. W. Flynn, L. O. Hocker, A. Javan. M. A. Kovacs, and C. K. Rhodes, IEEE J. Quan. Elec. QE-2:378
`23G. W. Flynn, L. O. Hocker, A. Javan, M. A. Kovacs, and C. K. Rhodes, IEEE J. Quart. Elec. QE-2:378
`241“. J. Bridges.Appl. Phys. Letr. 9:174 (1966).
`25C. K. N. Patel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16:613 (1966).
`“D. E. Caddes, L. M. Osterink, and R. Targ. Appl. Phys. Len. 12:74 (1968).
`270. R. Wood and s. E. Schwartz, Appl. Phys. Len. 12:263 (1968).
`28A. E. Hill, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121324 (1968).
`29W. W. Duley, C02 Lasers: Ejfects andApplications (New York: Academic Press, 1976), Chapter 2.
`3°Tyte, D. C., in Advances in Optical Electronics, Vol 1, ed D.W. Goodwin (New York: Academic Press,
`1970), pp. 167-168.
`_—,- r 7‘
`:— -N: _._.q..—_.+—1.
`._. _

` Sec. 12.1
`NaC| window
`The Design of Carbon Dioxide Lasers
`A schematic of an early
`Figure 12.6
`Transverse Excited Atmospheric (TEA)
`laser. (Reprinted with permission from A. J.
`Beaulieu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 161504 (1970).
`©1970 American Institute of Physics.)
`(particularly the oxygen species) back into CO2. If these products are pennitted to react
`with the tube walls,
`the chemical equilibrium of the plasma is disturbed and additional
`dissociation products are formed. Various regeneration methods include adding additional
`gases, periodically healing the tube, or incorporating catalyst alloys on the electrodes. Sealed
`lasers demonstrating such regeneration methods were first developed by Wittman in 19653‘
`and further developed by Wittman” and Carbone.”
`The initial use of flowing gases to improve the output performance of CO2 lasers led
`to the development of another fascinating way to pump C02. The basic idea is to begin
`with a hot equilibrium gas mixture and then to expand the mixture through a supersonic
`nozzle. This lowers the temperature and pressure of the gas mixture in a time short compared
`to the upper state lifetime. When this occurs, the upper laser level cannot track with the
`temperature and pressure changes and so remains at its initial values. In contrast, the lower
`level population drops dramatically. The result is a population inversion that extends some
`distance downstream of the supersonic nozzle (see Figure 12.7). Lasers using this type
`of pumping are called gas dynamic lasers and were first suggested by Konyukhov and
`Prolchorov“ in 1966 and demonstrated by Gerry” and Konyukhov.“
`The most spectacular forms of gas dynamic lasers are those run using jet or rocket
`engines as the pump source. The basic idea is to create a laser gas mixture by burning some
`type of fuel that generates the C02. The fuel source is often ignited with a methanol burner,
`“W. J. Witteman. Phys. Lett. 13:125 (1965).
`32W. I. Witteman. IEEE J. Quan. Electron. QE-5:92 (1969).
`3311.1. Carbone, IEEE J. Quart. Electron. QE-5:48 (1969).
`“V. K. Konyukhov and A. M. Prokhorov. JETP Len‘. 3:286 (1966).
`35E. T. Gerry, IEEE Spectrum 7:51 (1970).
`36V. K. Konyukhov. I. V. Matrosov, A. M. Prokhorov, D. T. Shalunov, and N. N. Shirokov, JETP Lett.
`12:321 (1970).
`[1 j

`Subsonic section
`Other Major Commercial Lasers
`Expansion nozzle —>,
`Lower laser level
`Upper laser level
`g a population inversion via gas
`expansion through a nozzle. (From E. T. Geri)/, "Gasdynamic Lasers." IEEE Spectrum
`7:51-58 (1970). ©1970 IEEE.)
`those run using jet
`, IEEE Spectrum 7:51 (1970).

`The Design of Carbon Dioxide Lasers
`P= 8cm
`._—eAs //v
`GAS oz/7.:
`r?= Bern
`/O % r?E'F;'.5C7'0F?
` Sec. 12.1
`i-— 7.5cm. ————+——/2.25cm.——+— 7. 5cm.-i
`Figure 12.9 The construction of an early waveguide carbon dioxide laser. (Reprinted
`with permission from T. J. Bridges, E. G. Burkhardt. and P. W. Smith, Appl. Phys. Len‘.
`202403 (1972). ©1972 American Institute of Physics.)
`12.1.3 Waveguide CO2 Lasers
`One very good method for improving C0; laser performance is to decrease the bore size
`of the laser. This increases the number of gas collisions with the bore and significantly
`enhances the cooling rate (see Figure 12.9). If the electrodes are located transversely (rather
`than longitudinally) in the laser cavity, then the possibility also exists of using the electrodes
`themselves as an optical waveguide, thus permitting an even smaller bore size. The use of
`such a waveguide allows increased gas pressure with the attendant advantages of improved
`gain and larger linewidth. Operation in a waveguide mode also offers some additional
`advantages in alignment stability. The concept of a waveguide C0; laser was first proposed
`in 1964 by Marcatili and Schmeltzer“ and later demonstrated by Steffen and Kneubuhl”
`and Smith.“ Transverse-excited waveguide lasers are disclosed by Smith in U.S. Patent
`Waveguide lasers use a small bore to confine the laser beam. The bore is itself an
`optical element, composed of two or four optically reflecting walls. Conventional mirrors
`are placed on either end of the cavity, but (unlike a conventional free space laser) these
`mirrors do not define a Gaussian beam in the cavity. Instead, the laser establishes various
`stable modes inside the bore (not unlike the modes in a laser fiber or a zig-zag slab laser).
`It is also possible to control the mode formation by introducing artifacts inside the bore that
`force the development of stable reflecting points.“
`“E. A. J. Marcatili and R. A. Schmeltzer, Bell Sys. Tech. J. 43:1783 (1964).
`39H. Steffen and F. K. Kneubuhl, Pliys. Len. 27A:6l2 (1968).
`“°P. w. Smith. Appl. Phys. Len. 19:132 (1971).
`“Peter W. Smith, “Transversely Excited Waveguide Gas Laser," U.S. Patent #3.8l5.047. June 4, 1974.
`“Peter Laakmann, “Sealed Off RF-Excited Gas Lasers and a Method for Their Manufacture," US. Patent
`#5,065.405, November 12, 1991.

`Chap_ 12
`Other Major Commercial Lasers
`Waveguide lasers are typically differentiated from free space lasers by a number caged
`the Fresnel number. This is defined as
`sealed CO2 lasers can be operated in air-cooled mode up to approximately 25 watts. Past
`that power level, water-cooling is typically required.“
`The basic series 48 module
`Design and manufacture of the series 48 module.
`is described in U.S. Patent #5,065,405 (Peter Laakmann, “Sealed Off RF-Excited Gas Lasers
`and a Method for Their Manufacture,” November 12, 199]) and the technology is discussed
`in U.S. Patent #4,805, 1 82 (Peter Laakmann, “RF-Excited All-Metal Gas laser,” February 14.
`“Peter Laakmann, “Sealed Off RF-Excited Gas Lasers and a Method for Their Manufacture," U.S. Patent
`“Peter Laakmann. "Using Low Power CO3 Lasers in Industrial Applications," Synrad Application Note.
`“Peter Laakmann, "Using Low Power CO3 Lasers in Industrial Applications,” Synrad Application Note.
`#5,065,405. November 12, 1991.

`Sec. 12.1
`The Design of Carbon Dioxide Lasers
`Figure 12.10 Typical products marked by a carbon dioxide laser. (Courtesy of Synrad)
`1989). The key points of the design and manufacturing are described below and additional
`details may be found in the patents.
`The basic series 48 module consists of two extruded aluminum electrodes and two
`extruded aluminum ground plane strips (see Figure 12.12). The inner surfaces of the elec-
`trodes and ground strips are optically reflective at 10.6 pm.
`(The electrodes are typically
`anodized with a 5 um hard anodization to improve discharge stability and RF breakdown
`characteristics.“5) The top and bottom electrodes are identical and measure approximately
`1 cm by 2 cm by 40 cm long. The left and right ground plane strips are also identical and
`measure approximately 2 cm by 4 cm by 40 cm long. To reduce costs. the overall shape
`of the electrodes and ground planes is predefined by the extrusion process and only minor
`post-extrusion machining operations need to be performed.
`The inner surfaces of the electrodes and the ground strips define the optical cavity of
`the laser. The bore of this cavity measures roughly 5 mm square, which gives the overall
`“Y. F. Zhang, S. R. Byron, P. Laakmann. and W. B. Bridges, Cleo '94. 1994'. Tech. Digest Series. Vol. 8.
`94CH3463—7. PPs 358-9.

`Other Major Commercial Lasers
`Inner, optical
`quality surface
`Inner. optical
`quality surface
`Basic extruded
`ground plane strip
`Basic extruded electrode
`The Synrad electrodes and
`Figure 12.12
`ground plane strips.

`Sec. 12.1
`The Design of Carbon Dioxide Lasers
` Electrodes
`Outer case
`Ceramic disk
`Laser bore
`Ground plane strips
`Figure 12.13 The Synrad series 48 cross-section.
`front mirror. The taper angle is quite small, typically less than a milliradian. The second
`artifact consists of introducing small, sharp bends in the optical surfaces. The bends can
`be in one electrode and its adjacent ground strip, or in two opposing electrodes (or ground

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