`Borealis AG
`Berry Plastics Corporation
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2016-00564
`In re Inter Parte Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,883,280
`Page 1 of 14

`I, Hojung Cho, make the following Declaration pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§ 1746:
`I am an attorney at the law firm of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,
`Garrett and Dunner LLP.
`I provide this Declaration in connection with the above-identified
`Inter Partes Review proceeding. Unless otherwise stated, the facts stated in this
`Declaration are based on my personal knowledge.
`On November 25, 2015, I visited
` and searched a journal article
`published between 2001 and 2009 using a keyword text, “PP-blends.” I found a
`link to the abstract of a paper, Reichelt et al., “PP-Blends with Tailored
`Foamabiltiy and Mechanical Properties,” Cellular Polymers, Volume 22, No. 5
`(2003), pp. 315-327 at
`ournalType=cp and printed a copy of these webpages. That copy is now Exhibit
`1027. On November 20, 2015, I also purchased and downloaded a copy of the
`paper, Reichelt et al., “PP-Blends with Tailored Foamabiltiy and Mechanical
`Properties,” Cellular Polymers, Volume 22, No. 5 (2003), pp. 315-327, from the
`same webpage
`Page 2 of 14

`ournalType=cp. The copy of this paper is now Exhibit 1014.
`On November 20, 2015, I visited
` and printed
`a copy of it. That copy is now Exhibit 1028. The webpage includes an abstract of
`a paper, Ratzsch et al., “Radical Reactions on Polypropylene in the Solid State,”
`Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 7, Issue 7, September 2002, pages 1195-
`1282, and indicates that the associated paper was published online on January 29,
`2002. On November 20, 2015, I also downloaded a copy of the associated paper
`from the same webpage
` The copy
`of this paper is now Exhibit 1015.
`On February 6, 2016, I visited
` and printed a copy of it. That copy
`is now Exhibit 1078. The webpage includes an abstract of a paper, Naguib et al.,
`“Effect of Supercritical Gas on Crystallization of Linear and Branched
`Polypropylene Resins with Foaming Additives,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2005, 44,
`6685-6691, and indicates that the associated paper was published on July 8, 2005.
`On February 6, 2016, I also downloaded a copy of the associated paper from the
`Page 3 of 14

`same webpage, The copy of this
`paper is now Exhibit 1043.
`On February 6, 2016, I visited
` and printed
`a copy of it. That copy is now Exhibit 1079. The webpage includes an abstract of
`a paper, Tabatabaei et al., “Rheological and Thermal Properties of Blends of a
`Long-Chain Branched Polypropylene and Different Linear Polypropylenes,”
`Chemical Engineering Science 64(2009), 4719-4731, and indicates that the
`associated paper was published online on April 14, 2009. On February 6, 2016, I
`also downloaded a copy of the associated paper from the same webpage,
` The copy
`of this paper is now Exhibit 1044.
` On February 8, 2016, I visited
` and printed a
`copy of it. That copy is now Exhibit 1086. The webpage includes an abstract of a
`paper, Almanza et al., “Applicability of the Transient Plane Source Method to
`Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Low-density Polyethylene Foams,” Journal
`of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, Volume 42 (2004), 1226–1234, and
`indicates that the associated paper was published online on February 11, 2004. On
`February 8, 2016, I also downloaded a copy of the associated paper from the same
`Page 4 of 14

`webpage, The
`copy of this paper is now Exhibit 1045.
`On February 6, 2016, I visited
` and printed a
`copy of it. That copy is now Exhibit 1080. The webpage includes an abstract of a
`paper, Antunes et al., “Heat Transfer in Polypropylene-Based Foams Produced
`Using Different Foaming Processes,” Advanced Engineering Materials, 2009, 11,
`No. 10, 811-819, and indicates that the associated paper was published online on
`August 21 2009. On February 6, 2016, I also downloaded a copy of the associated
`paper from the same webpage,
` The copy of
`this paper is now Exhibit 1056.
`On February 6, 2016, I visited
` and
`printed a copy of it. That copy is now Exhibit 1065. The webpage includes a
`summary of a paper, Michel Biron, “Chapter 4 – Detailed Accounts of
`Thermoplastic Resins,” Thermoplastics and Thermoplastic Composites, Technical
`Information for Plastics Users, Elsevier Ltd. (2007), 217-714 and indicates that the
`associated paper was available online March 4, 2008. On February 6, 2016, I also
`downloaded a copy of the associated paper from the same webpage,
`Page 5 of 14

` The copy of
`this paper is now Exhibit 1064.
`10. Ex. 1073 is a copy of the paper, Martinez-Diez et al., “The Thermal
`Conductivity of a Polyethylene Foam Block Produced by a Compression Molding
`Process,” Journal of Cellular Plastics, Volume 37, January 2001, pp. 21-42, along
`with the cover, title pages, table of contents of the journal. Page 3 of Ex. 1073
`includes a January 26, 2001, Library of Congress Copyright Office stamp. On
`February 9, 2016, I visited, and printed a copy of the
`Library of Congress Online Catalog Record of this journal under LC 64009474
`from The copy of this record is now Exhibit 1082.
`11. Exhibit 1017 is a copy of excerpts from a book, Encyclopedia of
`Polymer Science and Technology: Plastics, Resins, Rubber, and Fibers, Vol. 2,
`John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1965), obtained from the Library of Congress. A title
`page of Exhibit 1017 includes a Library of Congress Card Number 64-22188 and a
`June 14, 1965 Library of Congress Copyright Office stamp. On November 20,
`2015, I visited, and printed a copy of Library of Congress
`Online Catalog Record of this book under LC Control No. 64022188 from
` The copy of this record is now Exhibit 1031.
`12. Exhibit 1020 is a copy of excerpts from a book, Shau-Tarng Lee et al.,
`Polymer Foams: Science and Technology, CRC Press (2007), obtained from the
`Page 6 of 14

`Library of Congress. A title page of Exhibit 1020 includes a Library of Congress
`Card Number 2006043863 and an October 24, 2006 Library of Congress
`Copyright Office stamp. On November 20, 2015, I visited,
`and printed a copy of the Library of Congress Online Catalog Record of this book
`under LC Control No. 2006043863 from The
`copy of this record is now Exhibit 1032.
`13. Exhibit 1039 is a copy of excerpts from a book, Lorna J. Gibson and
`Michael F. Ashby, Cellular solids: structure and properties, Cambridge University
`Press, 1997, obtained from the Library of Congress. Exhibit 1039 includes a
`Library of Congress catalog card number 96-31571 and a July 15, 1997 Library of
`Congress Copyright Office stamp. On November 20, 2015, I visited
`, and printed a copy of Library of Congress Online Catalog
`Record of this book under LC Control No. 96031571 from
` The copy of this record is now Exhibit 1029.
`14. Exhibit 1040 is a copy of excerpts from a book, C. Maier and
`T. Calafut, Polypropylene: the Definitive User’s Guide and Databook, Plastics
`Design Library, William Andrew Inc. (1998), obtained from the Library of
`Congress. A title page of Exhibit 1040 includes a Library of Congress catalog card
`number 97-076233 and an April 23, 1998 Library of Congress Copyright Office
`stamp. On November 20, 2015, I visited, and printed a
`Page 7 of 14

`copy of Library of Congress Online Catalog Record of this book under LC Control
`No. 97076233 from The copy of this record is now
`Exhibit 1030.
`15. Exhibit 1060 is a copy of excerpts from a book, Frank Kreith,
`Principles of Heat Transfer, 3rd ed., Intext Educational Publishers (1973), obtained
`from the Library of Congress. A title page of Exhibit 1060 includes a Library of
`Congress catalog card number 73-1784 and a May 3, 1973 Library of Congress
`Copyright Office stamp. On February 6, 2016, I visited,
`and printed a copy of Library of Congress Online Catalog Record of this book
`under LC Control No. 73001784 from The copy of
`this record is now Exhibit 1083.
`16. Exhibit 1061 is a copy of excerpts from a book, James M. Gere,
`Mechanics of Materials, 5th ed., Brooks/Cole (2001), obtained from the Library of
`Congress. A title page of Exhibit 1061 includes a Library of Congress catalog card
`number 00-02931 and a June 13, 2000 Library of Congress Copyright Office stamp.
`On February 6, 2016, I visited, and printed a copy of
`Library of Congress Online Catalog Record of this book under LC Control No.
`00029231 from The copy of this record is now
`Exhibit 1062.
`Page 8 of 14

`17. Exhibit 1066 is a copy of excerpts from a book, Cornelia Vasile,
`Handbook of Polyolefins, 2nd ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc. (2000), obtained from the
`Library of Congress. A title page of Exhibit 1066 includes a Library of Congress
`Card Number 00037685 and a September 15, 2000 Library of Congress Copyright
`Office stamp. On February 6, 2016, I visited, and printed a
`copy of Library of Congress Online Catalog Record of this book under LC Control
`No. 00037685 from The copy of this record is now
`Exhibit 1085.
`18. Exhibit 1071 is a copy of excerpts from a book, M.C. McCrum et al.,
`Principles of Polymer Engineering, 2nd ed., Oxford Science Publications (1997),
`obtained from the Library of Congress. A title page of Exhibit 1071 includes a
`Library of Congress Card Number 97-12589 and a December 11, 1997 Library of
`Congress Copyright Office stamp. On February 6, 2016, I visited
`, and printed a copy of Library of Congress Online Catalog
`Record of this book under LC Control No. 97012589 from
` The copy of this record is now Exhibit 1081.
`19. Exhibit 1072 is a copy of excerpts from a book, Robert H. Perry,
`Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, 7th ed., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
`(1997), obtained from the Library of Congress. A title page of Exhibit 1072
`includes a Library of Congress Card Number 96-51648 and an August 25, 1997
`Page 9 of 14

`Library of Congress Copyright Office stamp. On February 8, 2016, I visited
`, and printed a copy of Library of Congress Online Catalog
`Record of this book under LC Control No. 96-51648 from
` The copy of this record is now Exhibit 1084.
`20. Exhibit 1033 is a copy of a brochure, “Borealis Daploy™ HMS
`Polypropylene for Foam Extrusion” linked to the Borealis webpage archived in the
`Internet Archive’s “Wayback Machine” at
`iterature/borealis-borouge/brochure/K_IN0020_GB_FF_2007_10_BB.pdf. Based
`on the information provided by the Affidavit of Christopher Butler of Internet
`Archive (Ex. 1004, page 1, ¶¶ 2-5), I understand that this copy of the Borealis
`brochure (Ex. 1033) was available and archived on November 16, 2008.
`21. Exhibit 1050 is a copy of a webpage archived in the Internet
`Archive’s “Wayback Machine” at
`rams/resource.cfm?c=1&a=3. Based on the information provided by the Affidavit
`of Christopher Butler of Internet Archive (Ex. 1004, page 1, ¶¶ 2-5), I understand
`that this copy of webpage was available and archived on September 26, 2008.
`22. Exhibit 1051 is a copy of a webpage archived in the Internet
`Archive’s “Wayback Machine” at
`Page 10 of 14

`/general_info/table.php. Based on the information provided by the Affidavit of
`Christopher Butler of Internet Archive (Ex. 1004, page 1, ¶¶ 2-5), I understand
`that this copy of webpage was available and archived on May 17, 2008.
` Exhibit 1052 is a copy of webpage accessed on February 5, 2016,
`, indicating that the date created is
`November 17, 2010.
`24. Exhibit 1053 is a copy of webpage archived in the Internet Archive’s
`“Wayback Machine” at
`/TatyanaNektalova.shtml. Based on the information provided by the Affidavit of
`Christopher Butler of Internet Archive (Ex. 1004, page 1, ¶¶ 2-5), I understand
`that this copy of webpage was available and archived on October 10, 2007.
`25. Exhibit 1054 is a copy of webpage archived in the Internet Archive’s
`“Wayback Machine” at
`on/ate/faqs/microwaveovenq&a.html. Based on the information provided by the
`Affidavit of Christopher Butler of Internet Archive (Ex. 1004, page 1, ¶¶ 2-5), I
`understand that this copy of webpage was available and archived on March 2, 2009.
`Page 11 of 14

` Exhibit 1055 is a copy of webpage accessed on February 5, 2016,
`27. On February 4, 2016, I visited
`4b2c-8674-8b7b781a1796 and downloaded a copy of the associated “Technical
`Data Sheet” of HIFAX CA 60 A. This copy is now Exhibit 1063, and the second
`page of the Technical Data Sheet indicates that the data sheet was released on
`December 16, 2009.
`28. On February 9, 2016, I visited
`, and printed a
`copy of it. That copy is now Exhibit 1087. The webpage includes an abstract of a
`paper, Williams, R. J. J. and Aldao, C. M., “Thermal Conductivity of Plastic
`Foams,” Polym Eng Sci, 23: 293–298 (1983), and indicates that the associated
`paper was published online on August 25, 2004. On February 9, 2016, I also
`downloaded a copy of the associated paper from the same webpage,
` The copy of
`this paper is now Exhibit 1069.
`29. Ex. 1088 is a copy of the paper, R. Coquard and D. Baillis, “Modeling
`of Heat Transfer in Low-Density EPS Foams,” Journal of Heat Transfer, 2006,
`128(6): 538-549. Page 3 of Ex. 1088 includes a June 21, 2006, Library of Congress
`Page 12 of 14

`Copyright Office stamp. On February 10, 2016, I visited,
`and printed a copy of the Library of Congress Online Catalog Record of this
`journal under LC Control No. 61019573 from The
`copy of this record is now Ex. 1089.
`30. On February 11, 2016, I visited
` and printed a copy of it. That copy
`is now Exhibit 1093. The webpage includes an abstract of a paper, A. R. Katritzky
`et al., “Correlation and Prediction of the Refractive Indices of Polymers by QSPR,”
`J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 1998, 38 (6), pp 1171–1176, and indicates that the
`associated paper was published online on October 22, 1998. On February 11, 2016,
`I also downloaded a copy of the associated paper from the same webpage,
` The copy of this paper is now
`Exhibit 1090.
`31. On February 11, 2016, I visited
` and printed a copy of it. That
`copy is now Exhibit 1094. The webpage includes a paper, M Antunes et al., “Heat
`Transfer in Polyolefin Foams,” in Heat Transfer in Multi-Phase Materials, A.
`Öchsner and G. E. Murch, Eds., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp.
`131–161. On February 11, 2016, I also downloaded a copy of the associated paper
`from the same webpage, The
`Page 13 of 14

`copy of this paper is now Exhibit 1092, and indicates on page 131 of Ex. 1092 that
`it published online on January 26, 2011.
`I declare that all statements made herein of my knowledge are true,
`and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true, and
`that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements
`and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under
`Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`Dated: February 12, 2016 By: /Hojung Cho/
` Hojung Cho
`Page 14 of 14

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