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`Page 2 of 6

`New York
`San Francisco
`Washington, D.C.
`Mexico City
`New Delhi
`San Juan
`Prepared by a staff of specialists
`under the editorial direction of
`Late Editor
`Robert H. Perry
`Don W. Green
`Deane E. Ackers Professor of Chemical
`and Petroleum Engineering,
`University of Kansas
`Associate Editor
`James 0. Maloney
`Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering,
`University of Kansas
`Page 3 of 6

`I ~: t 5 !
`' I Li l;.
`\ l\' (;\ '"\
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Perry's chemical eJ~gineers' handbook. -
`7th ed. I prepared by a staff
`of spooinlists under the eclitorittl dir ction oflate editor Robert H.
`Peny : editor, Don W. Green : associate editor, James O'Hara
`Includes index.
`ISB 0-07-049841-5 (alk. puper)
`I. Perry,
`l. Chen'llcal
`t\glneering-Hunubooks, manuals, etc.
`Robert 11., t.late. U. Green, Don W.
`III. Maloney, James 0.
`TP15l.P45 1997
`A Division ofTheMcGraw-HiUCompanies
`Copyright © 1997, 1984. t973, 1963, 1950, 1941, 1934 by The McGraw(cid:173)
`HJll Companles,luc. opyLight renewed 1962, 1969 by Robert H. Perry.
`All righls reserved.
`Prlr1ted in the U1til d States of America. Except n~ permitted nnder the
`tates Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication mny be
`reproduced or distributed in nuy form or by any !)leans, or ~'tared In n Ulltll
`bnse or rehieval ~ystem, wilhoul the prior written pe.m1is~ion of the p11b-
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOW/DOW 9 0 2 1 0 9 8 7
`ISBN 0-07-049841-5
`Copyright® 1997. Exclusive rights by Th • Me raw-Hill ompnnies, lnc.,
`for manufacture and export. This book cannot be re-exported from Lhe
`country lo which II is consigJtcd by McGrnw-lliJI. Tht: Laternntlonul!Ldi-
`tioll Is not nvailnble iu orth Ameri,-a.
`When ordering this title, use ISBN 0-07-115448-5.
`The sponsoring editors fm· this book tvetrB Zne Foundotos and Bob ·r!
`Es-posiW, che-adlth1g supervisor was Marc Clnn:pbdl. and the praductirm
`rrperols11r tliilll PM1cla A. Pelton. l't. ri)(INof. l'r1 Cal~;rumla by Ncntlr Ma·rket
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`Printed and bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company.
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`Page 4 of 6

`'rsion factor; multiply
`mary unit by factor to
`obtain SI unit
`.055 056 E + 02
`.055 056 E + 05
`.. 930 711 E + 01
`.431 744 E + 01
`:.684 520 E + 00
`:.684 520 E + 03
`'.456 999 E- 01
`!.647 780 E + 00
`!.647 780 E + 03
`7.354 999 E- 01
`E + 03
`1.899 101 E + 00
`5.275 280 E - 04
`1.055 056 E + 00
`2.930 711 E- 04
`E + 00
`E- 03
`1.355 818 E- 03
`1.355 818 E - 03
`E- 03
`4.214 011 E- 05
`9.806 650" E + 00
`1.355 818 E + 00
`E + 00
`9.806 650" E- 02
`2.101 522 E- 03
`2.930 711 E- 01
`3.516 853 E + 00
`1.055 056 E + 00
`7.460 43 E- 01
`E- 01
`7.456 999 E- 01
`7.354 999 E- 01
`1.758 427 E- 02
`1.355 818 E - 03
`1.162 222 E + 00
`2.930 711 E- 01
`2.259 697 E - 02
`1.135 653 E + 01
`1.162 222 E- 02
`3.154 591 E- 03
`2.633 414 E + 01
`1.162 222 E + 00
`3.725.895 E+01
`1.034 971 E - 02
`3.930 148 E- 01
`1.689 659 E- 01
`6.082 774 E- 01
`2.777 778 E+02
`1.410 089 E+OO
`2.116 806 E-01
`2.824 807 E+02
`2.352 146 E+02
`4.251437 E -01
`3.540 064 E-01
`E 1 4 Converf on
`T~BL •
`Velocity (linear), spee
`- -
`Corrosion rate
`Rotational frequency
`Acceleration (linear)
`Acoelemlinn (rotational)
`Bending moment, torque
`Bending moment/length
`Moment of inertia
`Mass/area structural loading,
`bearing capacity (mass
`Thermal resistance
`Heat flux
`Thermal conductivity
`Heat-transfer coefficient
`Factors: u.s. Customary and Commonly Used Units to 51 Units (Continued)
`Customary or commonly
`used unit
`SI unit
`Sl unit
`Conversion factor; multiply
`customary unit by factor to
`obtain SI unit
`ln/~nr (lpy)
`m yenr
`U.K. tonf
`U.S. tonf
`U.S. tonf.ft
`U.S. tonf/in2
`U.S. ton£!ft2
`lb£!in2 (psi)
`lb£!ft' (~sO
`U.S. tonlft'
`Miscellaneous transport propmties
`0 C)
`(Btu•lll )/(lo • f}~.•F)
`(tW•IJIII)i(lt·cm'·" )
`l<g· on"
`kW/(m2 K)
`E + 00
`1.609 344" E + 00
`3 048"
`E- 01
`E + 01
`E -03
`8.466 667 E - 02
`3.527 778 E - 03
`3.048" E- 01
`E + 01
`4.233 333 E- 01
`E + 01
`E- 02
`1.666 667 E 02
`1.047 198 E- 01
`E 01
`1.047 198 E 01
`1.382 550 E- 01
`9.964 016 E + 00
`8.896 443 E + 00
`9.806 650' E + 00
`4.448 222 E + 00
`E- 02
`2.711636 E + 00
`9.806 650' E + 00
`1.355 818 E + 00
`1.129 848 E- 01
`5.337 866 E + 01
`4.448 222 E + 00
`4.214 011 E- 02
`1.378 951 E + 01
`9.806 650' E + 00
`9.576 052 E- 02
`6.894 757 E - 03
`4.788 026 E- 02
`E- 01
`1.488 164 E + 00
`9,764 855 E + 00
`4,882 428 E + 00
`9.290 304' E - 02
`E + 06
`2.58064" E-05
`8.604 208 E + 02
`1.761102 E + 02
`3.154 591 E- 03
`1.730 735
`6.230 646
`1.162 222
`1.442 279
`1.162 222
`E + 01
`2.044175 E +01
`1.162 222 E - 02
`5.678 263 E- 03
`2.044175 E+Ol
`5.678 263 E - 03
`1.162 222 E- 03
`Page 5 of 6

`minute (angle)
`minute (mean solar)
`minute (siclewal)
`month (mean c;r]enclal)
`nautical mile (international)
`nautical mile (U.S.)
`nauticnlmile (U .K.)
`uhm (inlurnnUnur.l o l' 1 ~H8)
`l!llll<'<.'•f'u1~" (llYt>irdupoL•)
`U\1\ICi.'·lllllSS (<IVOi rtlupnL')
`lJU UL'e• lllliSS It my or npollll' a1y)
`ounce (U.S. nnid)
`pr:ck( .S.)
`l 14ll"Ch
`picu (]lriutt'l':<)
`pbrt (U.S <11-y)
`pinl (\!.S. Llt ]llirll
`pollll (prlult••,.•l
`ptJIIml-li>rL'' (n,r
`1111111·du poi~)
`JXIllllU-1111~~~ (Ibm
`pmrutl-muss {tl •Y <Jr
`llllulhOCJII )
`.S. tlrv)
`t]•mrl (
`<Jlllll'l (ll. '. liquid)
`riul (niLll!ltion 1lus"
`1\t\ll klllt! (temperature)
`rn >lel)!h (rate of photon
`sc•crmd (mcall solar)
`second (mean solar)
`second (mean solar)
`1neter2/( newton-
`-04 2.908 882
`+01 6.00
`+01 5,983 617
`+06 2.628
`+03 1.852
`+03 1.853 184
`+01 7.957 747
`+00 l.OOO 495
`-01 2.780 138
`-02 2.834 \J52
`-02 3.1] 0 347
`-05 2.957 352
`- 01 7.fi2
`+16 3.083 74
`+00 1.00
`-03 8.808 767
`-03 1.555 173
`+00 5 ,0292
`+04 UlO
`-03 4.217 517
`- 04 5.506 104
`-04 4 731 764
`-04 3.514 588
`+00 5 0292
`+00 4.44R 221
`- OJ 4.535 923
`-01 3,732 417
`- 01 1.382 549
`- 03 1 101220
`-04 9.463 529
`-02 1.00
`t, = (5/9)t,.
`+]0 1.00
`+01 1.00
`+00 5 ,0292
`-04 2.579 76
`- 06 4,848 136
`second (ephemeris)
`second (me<lll solar)
`second (ephemeris)
`second (sidereal)
`scruple (apothecmy)
`stat coulomb
`stat farad
`stat mho
`statute mile (U.S.)
`ton (assay)
`ton (long)
`ton (mei:J•Ic)
`ton (nuclear equivalent of TNT)
`ton (register)
`ton (shmt. !!000 !b)
`torr (0°C)
`unit pole
`volt (ilt1enu11ional of 1948)
`watt (inl~nu\lional of 1948)
`year (calendar)
`year (sideJ eal)
`year (tropical)
`year 1900, tropical , Jan., day
`0, hour 12
`year 1900, tropical, Jan., day
`0, hour 12
`second (mean solar)
`he my
`second (mean solar)
`second (mean solar)
`second (mean solar)
`second (ephemeris)
`+00 l. 000 000
`nnd Nautical
`-01 9.972 695
`+06 2.589 988
`- 03 ] .295 978
`-08 1.00
`+02 1 097 28
`+0 1 ] .459 390
`- 01 2.286
`-10 3.335 640
`-10 3.335 640
`- 12 1.112 650
`+ 11 8.987 554
`-12 1.112 650
`+ 11 8.987 554
`+03 1.609 344
`+02 2.997 925
`+00 1.00
`+04 1.00
`-04 1.00
`-05 1.478 67()
`-OG 4.928 921
`-02 2.916
`+03 1.016
`+03 J.OO
`+09 4.20
`+00 2.831 684
`+02 9.071 84
`+03 1.00
`+02 1.333 22
`+07 9.323
`- 07 l.25fi
`+00 1.000
`+00 1.000 I
`- 01 9,144
`+07 3,1536
`+07 3.15.5
`+07 3.] 55
`+07 3,155
`+07 3.155
`Page 6 of 6

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