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`Principles of 9
`Polymer Ertgmeermg
`Second edition
`N. G. Mccrum
`[1er/_/"orcl College
`Uniue sity of (bford
`C. P. Buckiey
`Department of brtgtrzeermg Science
`University of Oxford
`C. B. Bucknall
`/ildmmced Materials Department
`Cranfield University
`Page 2 of 6
`d OX2 6DP
`Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxfor
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`G v“ Unfiiersity Press “lip
`O)q‘ord is a trade mark
`Published in the Uri ecl\Stat"e:$"E_l;:
`by Oxford University
`ress Inc.,
`© N. G. MCCrum, C. P.
`First edition published 1988
`Reprinted I989, I990, J99], 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996
`Second edition 1997
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`. ucknall, 1997
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`A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`McCrum, N. G.
`Principles ofpolymer engineering / N.G. McCrum, C.I’. Buckley,
`C.B. Bucknall. - 2nd ed.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0 19 856527 5 (Hbk).
`ISBN 0 19 856526 7 (Pbk)
`1. Polymers.
`2. Polymerization.
`1. Buckley, C. P.
`II. Bucknall, C. B.
`111. Title.
`TA455.P58M334 I997
`ISBN 0 19 856527 5
`ISBN 0 19 856526 7
`Typeset by Technical Typesetting Ireland
`Printed in Great Britain by Bookcrafi Ltd, Midsomer Norton, Avon
`Page 3 of 6
`8.4 Designing for stiffness
`ung’s modulus. An incorrect interference can result on the one
`E is Y0
`cracking of the part, and on the other in loosening of the joint.
`hand 1“
`laxation in the polymer and differences in thermal expansion
`stress Te
`Coefficient must both be taken into account. Knurled metal surfaces
`enabie the polymer to creep into depressions and increase joint strength.
`8 33 Thermosetting polymers
`Manufacture of components from thermosetting resins or from rubbers
`involves not only shaping the material, but also carrying out an exothermic
`Chemical reaction. Proper control of temperature is required in order to
`obtain an acceptable rate of reaction without overheating and causing
`unwanted reactions which lead to thermal runaway. It may therefore be
`necessary to restrict thicknesses. The choice of curing formulation is also
`important, and where solid curing agents are used, as in epoxy resins, the
`state of subdivision of the crystals can be critical. Significant shrinkage
`occurs during curing of resins, and must be allowed for in mould design.
`Constrained shrinkage can cause void formation and internal stress.
`Differential shrinkage causes surface irregularities in fibre composites,
`where the fibres restrict contraction locally. Special ‘1ow—profile’ additives
`have been developed for use in polyester resins to combat this problem in
`applications that demand high—quality surfaces (notably in the car industry).
`The other major problem in the manufacture of components from compos-
`ites is to minimize defects, including broken, kinked, misaligned, or incom-
`pletely wetted fibres, resin-rich areas, voids, or dust contamination. This is
`mainly a question of production engineering, with an emphasis upon
`quality control. Fibre orientation in laminates can be predetermined with
`some precision by means of tape-laying or filament-winding machines,
`but some care is needed to avoid gaps on the one hand and overlap
`on the other.
`8.4 Designing for _stiffness
`8.4.1 Plastics
`Standard tests for the stiffness of plastics are based on either tensile or
`flexural measurements. The tensile test has the advantages that the stress
`is uniform in the gauge length, and that the corresponding strains can be
`measured directly. On the other hand, the three—point bending test illus-
`trated in Figure 8.12 can be carried out with very simple apparatus.
`Young’s modulus is calculated by applying the standard equations for a
`beam undergoing small elastic deflections:
`E : 4bd3A'
`Page 4 of 6
`8.12 The three-point bending test.
`The maximum stress occurs at the midspan, in the outer fibres, and is
`given by
`W: 21142‘
`The maximum shear stress occurs in the neutral plane at the centre of the
`max = W
`These equations hold for small deflections, when the polymer is linearly
`Values of modulus determined in tension or flexure at one or more
`temperatures are provided in tables of data supplied by manufacturers.
`Whilst these single-point data are useful for materials selection, they are
`obviously inadequate for detailed design of load—bearing components. Here
`the engineer must look for information about time-dependence, which is
`usually obtained from tensile creep measurements. Most manufacturers’
`handbooks contain sets of creep curves obtained over a range of applied
`strains up to about 0.03, as
`shown in Figure 8.13;
`some handbooks also include creep curves for one or more elevated
`For ease of reference, the creep data are usually replotted in one 01‘
`more different ways, as illustrated in Figures 8.14(a) and (b). IS0ChT0“°“5
`stress-strain curves (Figure 8.14(a)), which are discussed in Chapter 4, are
`included in most discussions of creep characteristics. From isochronous
`curves of this type, the engineer can determine the secant modulus of the
`polymer at any given strain or applied stress and time under load. T1115
`creep modulus E(o‘,t) is simply the reciprocal of the apparent creep
`compliance at the appropriate stress and time: o-/.=:(tT, 0- Another Come‘
`nient way to present creep data is in the form of isometric curves, as show:
`in Figure 8.14(b), which are helpful in designing plastic C0mP°“emS to
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