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`Christopher Butler,
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`PAGE 2 OF 6
`Exhibit A
`PAGE 3 OF 6
`https: //web.archive.org/web/20 100 1 2 0102738 /http: //www.borealisgroup.com/i
`PAGE 4 OF 6
`DaployTM HMS Polypropylene (PP) extruded foam parts
`1 of 2
`figmfig > lndusn Solutggs > A
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`Daploy HMS PP extruded foam parts
`Recycling cars gets even better
`Amidst the growing uneasiness in rising fuel prices. most governments
`today have taken a stern view on energy and resource efficiency that will
`lead to tougher measures to improve our use and consumption of natural
`resources. The fuel crisis has heightened both public and private sector
`awareness of the need to adopt resource-eflicient practices which will curb
`our consumption of natural resources without sacrificing the level of comfort
`in our daily lifestyles.
`The current European Union 5th environmental action plan is an example of
`how govemments have begun to implement a stronger stance on resource
`related issues. The plan calls for more recycling solutions to be
`implemented in the automotive industry, with targets of 75% of car parts to
`be recycled. Should Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) fall in
`reaching the target, heavy fines will be imposed as a means to push
`industry to operate more environmentally conscious.
`Daploy HMS PP used in vehicles contributes in lowering the weight of cars
`and aids in recycling of materials.
`The action plan also includes an end-of-iifecycle directive which advocates
`solutions that are easy to dismantle, re-use. and I or recycle. As this
`recycling craze gains in political momentum. the automotive Industry will
`need to be particularly adept in choosing the appropriate materials that are
`used in automotive parts and components.
`Mono-material based automotive parts to drive the change
`With time, we can only expect that this recycling trend will even more lead
`to mono-material based solutions, which provide the primary benefit of easy
`recycability. Vvhile the automotive industry has widely accepted
`polypropylene (PP) based car parts. including bumpers. door cladding and
`body panels. additional use of PP in the car's foam structures. such as
`roof panels, water shields and noise absorbing parts, is further increasing
`the materials that are recyclable in vehicles.
`Using foams in high end applications such as automotive parts requires the
`material to offer outstanding insulation properties (thermal and sound
`insulation). without sacrificing the lightweight-ness of the and part. These
`foams should also be long-lasting. recyclable solutions in order to help car
`manufacturers better achieve the targets of the EU 5th environmental action
`For the extruded PP foam market. Borealis has developed Dapioyfl‘ HMS
`PP grades. These long chain branched PP products show the right balance
`of high melt strength in combination with good extensibility, which is
`required especially in extruded low density foam applications.
`The main properties of Daploym HMS PP grades for extruded foams
`0 Easy to recycle
`0 Easy to process
`- Fine. even cell structure
`0 Smooth foam surface
`0 Good insulation properties
`0 Chemical resistance
`a Non hydroscopic solution
`0 High temperature resistance (even without cross linking)
`PAGE 5 OF 6
`Daplo)/I‘M HMS Polypropylene (PP) extruded foam parts
`2 of 2
`From our dedicated DapioyTM HMS PP grade range, customers can select
`the most suitable product according to their end-application requirements:
`0 Dap|oyTM WB130HMS and WB135HMS: PP Homopolymer based
`product especially designed for low density extruded foams
`(densities 45 — 90kg/m’) with good surface quality.
`- Daploym WB260HMS: PP Copoiymer based product especially
`designed for "soft" extruded foam applications.
`o DapioyTMWB140HMS: PP Homopolymer based product which
`represents the next generation of Daploym‘ HMS PP products for
`low density extruded foams.
`PAGE 6 OF 6