`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`10 November 2011 (10.11.2011)
`I lllll llllllll II llllll lllll lllll lllll llll I II Ill lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2011/138801 Al
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
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`a patent (Rule 4.17 (ii))
`as to the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of
`the earlier application (Rule 4.17 (iii))
`ofinventorship (Rule 4.17(iv))
`with international search report (Art. 21 (3))
`before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`A61K 9100 (2006.01)
`A61K 3115377 (2006.01)
`A61K 311557 (2006.01)
`A61K 47132 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/IN201 l/000320
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`6 May 2011 (06.05.2011)
`(30) Priority Data:
`1448/MUM/20 l 0
`7 May 2010 (07.05.2010)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): SUN
`LTD. [IN/IN]; 17/B, Mahal Industrial Estate, Off Ma(cid:173)
`hakali Caves Road, Andheri - East, Mumbai 400 093
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): KHOPADE, Ajay
`Jaysingh [IN/IN]; Sun Pharma Advanced Research Cen(cid:173)
`tre, Nima Compound, Near Pratham Enclave, Tandalja
`Road, Baroda 390 020 (IN). HALDER, Arindam
`[IN/IN]; Sun Pharma Advanced Research Centre, Nima
`Compound, Near Pratham Enclave, Tandalja Road, Baro(cid:173)
`da 390 020 (IN). BHOWMICK, Subhas Balaram
`[IN/IN]; Sun Pharma Advanced Research Centre, Nima
`Compound, Near Pratham Enclave, Tandalja Road, Baro(cid:173)
`da 390 020 (IN).
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`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
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`-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -
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`(57) Abstract: An ophthalmic solution comprising therapeutically effective amount of a prostaglandin or its analog and water sol(cid:173)
`uble excipient( s) dissolved in a pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle, wherein the solution is free of a surfactant.

`WO 2011/138801
`The present invention relates to a novel ophthalmic solution prostaglandin or its analogs
`alone or in combination with other antiglaucoma agents.
`Prostaglandins are well known active substances administered to humans or animals via
`the topical route in the form of ophthalmic solutions for the treatment of glaucoma. The
`prostaglandins may also be used in combination with a second anti-glaucoma agent such
`as a beta-blocker, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor or an alpha-adrenergic agonist.
`Prostaglandin or its analogs, particularly the ester derivatives such as latanoprost,
`travoprost or the amide derivatives such as bimatoprost have notoriously low water
`solubility. The use of compounds which exert a surfactant like activity in to solubilize
`them is therefore, very common. Currently available prostaglandin ophthalmic solution,
`are found to contain a typical surfactant or a quaternary ammonium salt which is known
`to have a surfactant like activity apart from preservative property. Representative
`examples of typical surfactants incorporated in the ophthalmic solutions of prostaglandin
`analogs alone or in combination with other antiglaucoma agent, like for example, beta
`adrenergic blocking agent or alpha adrenergic blocking agent or any other active agent,
`20 . are tabulated here:
`Active Ingredient
`Benzalkonium chloride
`polyoxyl 40 hydrogenated castor oil
`Benzalkonium chloride
`Latanoprost and timolol
`Benzalkonium chloride
`Bimatoprost and timolol Benzalkonium chloride
`Benzalkonium chloride
`Travoprost and timolol
`Unoprostone isopropyl
`Apart from the approved products, the patent literature also represents numerous efforts
`of solubilizing prostaglandins with the help of solubilizers such as polyoxyethylene-20-
`sorbitan-monooleate, polyoxy stearates like Solutol® with or without other antiglaucoma
`agent like beta adrenergic blocking agent. Below is a list of patent documents that

`WO 2011/138801
`disclose the use of surfactant in a prostaglandin ophthalmic solution alone or in
`combination with other antiglaucoma agent.
`Product disclosed in
`Latanoprost and Timolol
`monooleate and Benzalkonium
`5 Generally, the formulation development of ophthalmic solution of prostaglandin or their
`combination with other active ingredient, over the years, is directed towards achieving a
`stable composition particularly in view of the fact that prostaglandins are also known to
`chemically unstable. Further, the literature provides evidences that the prostaglandins
`were associated with an adsorption problem to the poly-ethylene multidose containers.
`Some solutions to solve these problems are described in patent documents such as, for
`example, United States patent number US 6,235,781 which discloses that use of a
`surfactant to prevent the adsorption of prostaglandin analogues on to the plastic
`containers. The inventor of the present invention also faced and tackled this problem of
`adsorption of prostaglandin as described in WO 2009/084021. It was found out by
`inventors that a micro-emulsion formulation of prostaglandin containing polyoxy
`hydroxystearate (commonly known as Solutol HS) provides the solution to stability
`problem associated with adsorption. Another patent application, namely, United States
`Patent number US 20090234013Al, discloses a solution which include a therapeutic
`agent and a relatively low amount of surfactant for providing higher bioavailability of
`prostaglandin such as travoprost. Thus, this prior art as well teaches to include some
`amount of a surfactant such as ethoxylated and/or hydrogenated vegetable oil. This
`implies that the surfactant is always desirable to make the solution however it is
`preferable to keep it as low as possible.

`WO 2011/138801
`Now, the inventors surprisingly and unexpectedly found that the prostaglandin analogs
`can be effectively formulated into an ophthalmic solution vehicle having a water soluble
`excipient(s) dissolved in the vehicle, wherein the ophthalmic solution is free of a
`surfactant. When the efficacy of the ophthalmic solution was compared with an
`ophthalmic solution comprising a surfactant, it was found that the ophthalmic solution
`provided equivalent or improved efficacy in reducing the
`intraocular pressure.
`Particularly, the ophthalmic solution of present invention was found to provide equivalent
`efficacy at half the dose compared to the marketed product available under the tradename
`of Xalatan® when tested in animals. This achievement of equivalent efficacy at half the
`dose of latanoprost was indeed unexpected and surprising. It was further found that the %
`intraocular pressure reduction at 12 hour time point, which apparently provides a peak
`IOP reduction was higher compared to the% intraocular pressure reduction at 12 hours,
`for Xalatan® which is a latanoprost ophthalmic solution having benzalkonium chloride as
`a surfactant. This effect of improved efficacy inspite of the absence of a surfactant, was
`also observed when the ophthalmic solution of the present invention was made of a
`prostaglandin or its analog and another antiglaucoma agent like a beta adrenergic
`blocking agent. The ophthalmic composition comprising prostaglandin or its nalog and a
`beta-adrenergic blocking agent that is free of surfactant, the composition remained stable
`and did not show any hazyness. The composition was clear on storage and was
`chemically stable .. Thus, the invention not only provided a physically stable composition
`comprising the two active ingredients, but also provided an ophthalmic composition that
`was more efficacious. Since the compositions are intended for ophthalmic purposes, it is
`always desirable that the compositions are devoid of excessive additives. Therefore, the
`present invention can be said to achieve not only the patient compliance but also achieved
`an improved efficacious composition.
`Thus, the ophthalmic composition of the present invention comprises a combination of a
`prostaglandin and a beta-adrenergic blocking agent, characterized in that it does not use
`any surfactant or a surfactant preservative in a concentration that acts as a solubilizer
`such as those from alkyl quaternary ammonium surfactant like benzalkonium chloride,

`WO 2011/138801
`benzdodecinium chloride and like and mixtures thereof. In one preferred embodiment,
`the ophthalmic composition includes a vehicle that is free of surfactants and added
`preservatives and is able to provide a beta-adrenergic blocking agent when administered
`topically such that effect is sustained for 24 hours, that is the ophthalmic composition is
`said to be suitable for once-a-day administration. Therefore, one of the embodiment of
`the present invention can be said to provide an ophthalmic composition comprising
`latanoprost and once-a-day composition of a beta-adrenergic blocking agent, wherein the
`composition is free of surfactant and optionally, free of added preservative and is found
`to be suitable for treating the affected eye of a glaucoma patient.
`The ophthalmic solution of the present invention is free of a surfactant as well as free of
`anti-microbial preservatives defined by the class of quaternary ammonium compounds,
`organo-mercurials and substituted alcohol and phenols. It is known that these
`antimicrobials are often toxic to the sensitive tissues of the eye. The present invention
`thereofore fulfils the need of an ophthalmic solution which is stable as well having
`improved efficacy while not compromising on the antimicrobial activity. The present
`invention provides an ophthalmic solution comprising prostaglandins which obtains dual
`benefits of improved efficacy and avoidance of undesirable effects of the preservatives.
`The object of the invention is to provide an ophthalmic solution that allows dose
`reduction of the prostaglandin while achieving equivalent efficacy.
`The present invention relates to an ophthalmic solution comprising therapeutically
`effective amount of a prostaglandin analogue and another active ingredient, wherein the
`solution provides therapeutic effect sustaining for 24 hours i.e. to provide a once -a-day
`The object of the present invention to provide a stable ophthalmic solution of
`prostaglandin analogs.
`The object of the present invention to provide a stable ophthalmic solution of
`prostaglandin analogs and beta adrenergic active agents.

`WO 2011/138801
`Thus, the present invention provides an ophthalmic solution comprising prostaglandins
`5 which obtains dual benefit of improved efficacy and avoidance of undesirable effects of
`the preservatives. The ophthalmic solution of the present invention is free of a surfactant
`as well as free of anti-microbial preservatives defined by the class of quaternary
`ammonium compounds, organo-mercurials, and substituted alcohol and phenols, It is
`known that these antimicrobials are often toxic to the sensitive tissues of the eye. A need
`therefore exists for ophthalmic solutions which have a stability, efficacy, but whose
`antimicrobial efficacy is not compromised.
`The present invention provides an ophthalmic solution compnsmg therapeutically
`effective amount of a prostaglandin or its analog and optionally, one or more other
`therapeutic agents and water soluble excipient(s) dissolved in a pharmaceutically
`acceptable vehicle, wherein the solution is free of a surfactant.
`The present invention also provides a method of treating glaucoma or ocular hypertension
`which comprises topically administering to an affected eye an ophthalmic solution
`comprising therapeutically effective amount of a prostaglandin or its analog and
`optionally, one or more other therapeutic agents and water soluble excipient(s) dissolved
`in a pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle, wherein the solution is free of a surfactant.
`Figure I: A comparative % reduction in the intraocular pressure of the dogs within 24
`hours when the ophthalmic solution of the present invention was administered and %
`reduction in the intraocular pressure after the administration of already available
`marketed products like Xalatan®, Xalacom®, Timoptic®·. It was found that the ophthalmic
`solution of example 3 provided a 29.43 % IOP reduction at 2 hr compared to 18.19 %
`IOP reduction when Xalatan® was administered or 12.02% IOP reduction when
`Xalacom®was administered or 19.82 %IOP reduction when Timoptic®was administered.

`WO 2011/138801
`Similarly, example 3 provided a 29.67 % IOP reduction at 12 hr compared to 25.31 %
`IOP reduction when Xalatan® was administered or 21.28 %IOP reduction when
`Xalacom®was administered or 7.16 %IOP reduction when Tim.optic® was administered.
`Similarly, example 3 provided a 24.87 % IOP reduction at 24 hr compared to 12.77 %
`IOP reduction when Xalatan® was administered or 9.84 %IOP reduction when Xalacom®
`was administered or 9.72 %IOP reduction when Tim.optic® was administered.
`Figure II: A comparative % mean reduction in the intraocular pressure of the affected eye
`of dogs when the solution of the present invention was administered Vs % mean
`reduction in the intraocular pressure after the administration of marketed reference
`products such as like Xalatan®, Xalacom®, Tim.optic®. The % mean reduction of the
`intraocular pressure was found to be higher compared to the marketed product which
`either contains a beta-adrenergic blocking agent such as Tim.optic® or a Xalatan® which
`alone or their combination (Xalacom®). It was found that the mean intraocular pressure
`reduction achieved by administration of the ophthalmic solution of Example 3, was
`34.377 % compared to 26.765 % achieved by Xalatan® or 28.258 % achieved by
`Xalacom® or 21.088 % achieved by Tim.optic® alone.
`Figure III: It is a graph of comparison % IOP reduction when the ophthalmic solution of
`the present invention was administered, with % IOP reduction after the concomitant
`administration of marketed latanoprost and timolol products like Xalatan® and Timoptic®
`to the dogs· It was found that the overall, mean intraocular pressure reduction achieved by
`the ophthalmic solution of the present invention administered once a day was 28.63 %
`compared to 26.49 % which was achieved by the concomitant administration of the
`25 marketed product of latanoprost (once a day) and timolol (twice a day) present alone in
`the products.
`Figure IV: A comparative % mean reduction in the intraocular pressure of the affected
`eye of dogs when the solution of the present invention Example.3 was administered Vs %
`30 mean reduction in the intraocular pressure after the administration of marketed reference
`products Xalacom ® over 2 h and 12 h which represent the peak effect of Timolol and

`WO 2011/138801
`latanoprost, respectively. It is noted that the solution of example 3 has a significantly
`higher IOP reductions at both time points. At 2 hp= 0.0054, p < 0.01, at 12 hp= 0.0019,
`p < 0.01.
`The term 'surfactant' as used herein means an amphiphilic compound that has the
`following properties
`It has hydrophobic groups and hydrophilic groups
`• Can form micelles
`• Capable of migrating to the water surface, where the insoluble hydrophobic alkyl
`chains may extend out of the bulk water phase, either into the air or, if water is
`mixed with oil, into the oil phase, while the water soluble head group remains in
`the aqueous phase.
`• Can solubilize water insoluble substances through micellar solubilization.
`The ophthalmic solutions of the present invention are characterized as being clear
`aqueous solution. These "solution" as stated herein, are defined as those solutions which
`do not cause any visual disturbance and/or do not affect vision, upon topical instillation
`to the eye and when examined under suitable conditions of visibility, are practically clear
`and practically free from particles. Ophthalmic solutions containing polymers which
`show percent transmission greater than 90% are referred to as 'solution'. When light is
`allowed to pass through the ophthalmic solution of the present invention, the percentage
`of incident light which is transmitted through the solution is referred to as "Percent
`Transmission". The clarity of the solution is poor if percent transmission is less than
`85%. Preferably the percent transmission is greater than 90%. Generally, the percent
`transmission is determined at a wavelength of about 650 nm, but any other suitable
`wavelength may be selected for determining the clarity of the solution.
`The prostaglandin or its analog used in the ophthalmic solution of the present invention
`includes, but are not limited to, all pharmaceutically acceptable prostaglandins, their
`derivatives and analogs, and their pharmaceutically acceptable esters and salts

`WO 2011/138801
`(hereinafter collectively referred to as "prostaglandins" or "PG's"), which are useful for
`reducing intraocular pressure when applied topically to the eye. Such prostaglandins
`include the natural compounds, such as for example PGE i, PGE 2, PGE 3, PGD 2, PGF
`1a, PGF 2a, PGF 3a, PGii (prostacyclin), as well as analogs and derivatives of these
`compounds which are known to have similar biological activities of either greater or
`lesser potencies. Analogs of the natural prostaglandins include but are not limited to:
`alkyl substitutions (e.g., 15-methyl or 16,16-dimethyl), which confer enhanced or
`sustained potency by reducing biological metabolism or alter selectivity of action;
`saturation (e.g. 13, 14-dihydro) or unsaturation (e.g., 2,3-didehydro, 13, 14-didehydro ),
`10 which confer sustained potency by reducing biological metabolism or alter selectivity of
`action; deletions or replacements (e.g. 11-deoxy, 9-deoxo-9-methylene), which enhance
`chemical stability and/or selectivity of action; and omega chain modifications (e.g.,
`18, 19,20-trinor-17-phenyl, or
`17, 18, 19,20-tetranor-16-phenoxy), which
`selectivity of action and reduced biological metabolism.
`Derivatives of these prostaglandins that may be formulated in the solution of the present
`invention include all pharmaceutically acceptable esters or amides, which may be
`attached to the 1-carboxyl group or any of the hydroxyl groups of the prostaglandin by
`use of the corresponding alcohol or organic acid reagent, as appropriate. The terms
`"analogs" and "derivatives" include compounds which exhibit functional and physical
`responses similar to those of prostaglandins per se. Prostaglandins are well known in the
`art. Particular prostaglandins that may be formulated in the solutions of the present
`invention include for example trimoprostil, rioprostil, cloprostenol, fluprostenol,
`luprostiol, etiproston,
`travoprost, bimatoprost,
`unoprostone and its derivatives like unoprostone isopropyl, misoprostol, sulfoprostone,
`gemeprost, alfaprostol, delprostenate, and the like. Pharmaceutical solutions of the
`present invention include one or more prostaglandins as described above in an amount
`between about 0.0001 % w/v and about 0.2% w/v. The presently preferred amount of
`prostaglandin or its derivative is from about 0.001 % to 0.05%, preferably about 0.0015%
`to about 0.03%.

`WO 2011/138801
`In one embodiment, the ophthalmic solution of the present invention is free of surfactant
`and preservative as well as free of any cyclodextrin which solubilizes the prostaglandins
`by inclusion complexes. The ophthalmic solutions disclosed in patent application
`EP0435682 A2 uses cyclodextrin to solubilize the TRIS derivatives of the prostaglandins.
`5 This patent also teaches to include one or more preservatives.
`In one embodiment of the present invention, latanoprost which is a prostaglandin F2a
`analogue, namely
`phenylpentyl]cyclopentyl]-5- heptenoate is used. It may be present in an amount ranging
`from about 0.0001 % w/v to about 0.2% w/v. Preferably, latanoprost is used in amounts of
`about 0.005% w/v. In another embodiment, travoprost is used as ·the prostaglandin
`derivative in amounts ranging from about 0.0001 % w/v to about 0.2% w/v preferably in
`an amount 0.004% w/v. In yet another embodiment, bimatoprost is used as the
`prostaglandin derivative in amounts ranging from about 0.0001 % w/v to about 0.2%w/v,
`preferably in an amount 0.03% w/v. In yet another embodiment tafluprost is used in
`amounts ranging from about 0.0001 % w/v to about 0.2%w/v, preferably in an amount
`0.0015% w/v.
`In one preferred embodiment of the present invention, the ophthalmic solution is free of
`surfactant as well as free of a preservative or antimicrobial preservatives defined by the
`class of quaternary ammonium compounds, organic mercurial compounds, and
`substituted alcohol and phenol. Particularly, the ophthalmic solution is free of surfactant
`as well as free of a antimicrobial preservatives defined by the class of quaternary
`ammonium compounds such as for example, benzalkonium chloride. These classes of
`compounds are known to have a surfactant effect as well.
`In one embodiment, the ophthalmic solution of the present invention consisting
`essentially of therapeutically effective amount of a prostaglandin esters or amides,
`cosolvent(s) and self preserving systems and optionally, pharmaceutically acceptable
`excipients selected from the group consisting of viscosity enhancing agents and buffers.
`Examples of the self preserving systems are used in the ophthalmic solution of the

`WO 2011/138801
`present invention are Polyquad®, disappearing preservatives include stabilized hydrogen
`peroxide, stabilized oxy-chlorocomplex, sodium perborate, borate-polyol complex and
`5 Therefore, the present invention may be further described as an ophthalmic solution
`consisting essentially of therapeutically effective amount of a prostaglandin or its analog
`and, cosolvent(s) and self preserving systems and optionally, pharmaceutically acceptable
`excipients selected from the group consisting of viscosity enhancing agents and buffers.
`Since the quaternary ammonium compounds are known to exhibit surfactant activity, the
`'consisting essentially of means that the ophthalmic solution is free of
`preservatives, particularly, quaternary ammonium preservatives such as Benzalkonium
`(BAK), Benzethonium Chloride, Benzyl Alcohol, Busan, Cetrimide,
`Chlorhexidine, Chlorobutanol, Mercurial Preservatives, or · phenylmercuric Nitrate,
`Phenylmercuric Acetate, Thimerosal, phenylethyl Alcohol and like. However, the safer
`preservative systems and preservative efficacy enhancers such as edetate disodium,
`borates, pyruvates, parabens, stabilized oxychloro compounds, Sorbic Acid/Potassium
`Sorbate Polyaminopropyl Biguanide, Polyquaternium-1, Polyhexamethylene biguanide
`(PHMB), PVP-Iodine complex, metal
`ions, peroxides, aminoacids, arginine,
`tromethamine and mixtures thereof may be included within the scope of the present
`invention. These compounds are generally regarded as safe and are recommended for
`long term use.
`In certain embodiments qf the present invention, another active ingredient may be
`included in the ophthalmic solution. The another active ingredient that may be included
`in the ophthalmic solution of the present invention, may be a beta-adrenergic blocking
`agent which is selected from the group consisting of timolol maleate, betaxalol,
`levobunolol hydrochloride and their therapeutically active salts or esters. The most
`commonly used and first line drug for the treatment of glaucoma is timolol maleate.
`Timolol, a non-selective beta-adrenergic blocking agent, when applied topically as an
`ophthalmic solution, reduces the intraocular pressure in the eye. It is thus indicated in
`patients with ocular hypertension or open angle glaucoma. It also shows certain systemic

`WO 2011/138801
`effects which includes (1) beta-adrenergic blockade in the heart causing reduction in
`cardiac output in both healthy subjects and patients with heart disease and (2) beta(cid:173)
`adrenergic receptor blockade in the bronchi and bronchioles resulting in increased airway
`resistance from unopposed parasympathetic activity. Therefore, the drug must be used
`5 with caution in patients in whom beta-adrenergic blockade may be undesirable. Timolol
`for glaucoma therapy is thus contraindicated in patients with compromised pulmonary
`functions and in patients who cannot tolerate its systemic cardiovascular action. Hence it
`is also desirable to reduce the frequency of the use of Timolol maleate wherever possible,
`preferably as a solution that provides once-a-day administration. Timolol maleate is used
`in the solutions of the present invention in therapeutically effective amounts. Timolol
`maleate may be used in an amount ranging from about 0.01 % w/v to about 2.0 % w/v by
`weight of the solution, preferably from about 0.05 % w/v to about 1.0 % w/v by weight of
`the solution and most preferably from about 0.1 % w/v to about 0.5 % w/v by weight of
`the solution. Other beta-adrenergic blocking agent, that is suitable for the present
`invention is levobunalol or its pharmaceutically acceptable salt. It is used m
`therapeutically effective amounts 0.5 %. In another embodiment, betaxolol or its
`pharmaceutically acceptable salt is used in amounts ranging from 0.1 % w/v to 0.8 %
`w/v, preferably, 0.5 % w/v of the ophthalmic solution of the present invention. The
`preferred amount of beta-adrenergic blocking agent may be included in the concentration
`of 0.1 % w/v to 0. 7% w/v, preferably from 0.25% w/v to 0.5% w/v.
`The ophthalmic solution of the present invention comprises one or more water soluble
`excipients selected from a group consisting of a water soluble polymer and a penetration
`enhancer and mixtures thereof. Examples of the water soluble polymers that may be used
`in the ophthalmic solution of the present invention, include, but are not limited to,
`polymers- natural and synthetic, polysaccharides, polyaminoglycosides, cellulose
`derivatives, guar gum, xanthan gum, geltrite, dextran, hyaluroante, chondroitin sulfate,
`locust bean gum, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, hydroxypropyl methyl
`cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, carbopol, polystyrene sulfonate and like and mixtures

`WO 2011/138801
`The ophthalmic solution of the present invention may further comprise pharmaceutically
`acceptable excipients conventional
`the pharmaceutical art. Typical of such
`pharmaceutically acceptable excipients include osmotic/tonicity-adjusting agents, one or
`more pharmaceutically acceptable buffering agents and pH-adjusting agents, viscosity
`enhancing agents, penetration enhancing vehicles and other agents conventional in art
`that may be used in formulating an ophthalmic solution or imparting a functional
`property such as gel-forming, bioadhesion, penetration enhancement and like. In certain
`embodiments, a combination of two water soluble such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
`and guar gum; hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and a carboxyvinyl polymer;
`methylcellulose and hyaluronic acid; hyaluronic acid and a carboxyvinyl polymer;
`hyaluronic acid and guar gum; or a carboxyvinyl polymer and guar gum may be
`The ophthalmic solution of the present invention may be required to be isotonic with
`respect to the ophthalmic fluids present in the human eye. These solutions are
`characterized by osmolalities of 250-375 mOsm/kg. Osmolality of the solutions is
`adjusted by addition of an osmotic/tonicity adjusting agent. Osmotic agents that may be
`used in the solutions of the present invention to make it isotonic with respect to the
`ophthalmic fluids present in the human eye, are selected from the group comprising
`sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium bromide, sodium
`phosphate sodium sulfate, mannitol, glycerol, sorbitol, propylene glycol, dextrose,
`sucrose, polyethylene glycols (PEG), PEG-400, PEG-200, PEG300 and the like, and
`mixtures thereof. In preferred embodiments of the present invention, PEG-400 is used as
`the osmotic agent. PEG-400 may be present in the solutions of the present invention in an
`amount ranging from about 1.0 % to about 5.0 % by weight of the solution, preferably
`from about 2.5 % to about 4.0 % by weight of the solution and most preferably in an
`amount of about 3.0 % by weight of the solution.
`30 According to one embodiment, the preservative systems that are considered safer than
`quaternary ammonium preservatives are preferred such as polyquad®, stabilized oxy-

`WO 2011/138801
`chlorocomplex, stabilized peroxides and perborates, EDT A, tromethamine, borates,
`sorbates (such as potassium sorbate and sodium sorbate), parabens (such as methyl(cid:173)
`propyl, isopropyl and butyl- paraben) may be used. According to another embodiment of
`the present invention, the ophthalmic solution may be self preserving. The ingredients
`that make the solution self preserving includes, but are not limited to, inorganic metal
`salts such as zinc salts, boric acid, pyruvic acid presence of tromethamine, arginine,
`histidine, guanidine, disodium edetate or like and mixtures thereof.
`In order to achieve, and subsequently maintain, an optimum pH, the ophthalmic solution
`10 may contain a pH adjusting agent and/or a buffering agent. The preferred range of pH for
`an ophthalmic formul

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