`Approved for use through 02/28/2013. OMB 0651-0064
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`(Also referred to as FORM PTO-1465)
`Address to:
`Mail Stop Inter Partes Reexam
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Attorney Docket No_: 28043_21094
`Date: September 14, 2012
`This is a request for interpartes reexamination pursuant to 37 CFR 1.913 of patent number
`August 12, 2003
`. The request is made by a third party requester, identified herein below.
`a. The name and address of the person requesting reexamination is:
`b. The real party in interest (37 CFR 1.915(b)(8)) is: BAS|S Science, inc.
`A check in the amount of $
`is enclosed to cover the reexamination fee, 37 CFR 1.20(c)(2);
`The Director is hereby authorized to charge the fee as set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(c)(2)
`to Deposit Account No. 192555
`; or
`Payment by credit card. Form PTO—2038 is attached.
`credit to Deposit Account No. l9'2555
`|: Any refund should be made by l:l check or
`37 CFR 1.26(c). If payment is made by credit card, refund must be to credit card account.
`A copy of the patent to be reexamined having a double column format on one side of a separate paper is
`enclosed. 37 CFR 1.915(b)(5)
`|: CD-ROM or CD-R in duplicate, Computer Program (Appendix) or large table
`E‘ Landscape Table on CD
`Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`If applicable, items a. — c. are required.
`a. C‘ Computer Readable Form (CRF)
`b. Specification Sequence Listing on:
`i. D CD-ROM (2 copies) or CD-R (2 copies); or
`|:| paper
`c. D Statements verifying identity of above copies
`A copy of any disclaimer, certificate of correction or reexamination certificate issued in the patent is included.
`Reexamination of c|aim(s)
`l!2»14sl5»19'22r 2428» 30'35s 38'46
`is requested.
`A copy of every patent or printed publication relied upon is submitted herewith including a listing thereofon
`Form PTO/SB/08, PTO-1449, or equivalent.
`11. D An English language translation ofall necessary and pertinent non—Eng|ish language patents and/or printed
`publications is included.
`Pa e 1 of2
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.915. The informationlis rgquired tolobtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the USPTO to
`process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 18 minutes to complete,
`gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount
`of time you require to oomplete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark
`Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND
`TO: Mail Stop Inter Partes Reexam, Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`Ifyou need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.
`1 of 1568
`PTO/SB/58 (02-09)
`Approved for use through 02/28/2013. OMB 0651-0064
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`12_ D The attached detailed request includes at least the following items:
`a. A statement identifying each substantial new question of patentability based on prior patents and printed
`publications. 37 CFR1.915(b)(3)
`b. An identification of every claim for which reexamination is requested, and a detailed explanation of the pertinency
`and manner of applying the cited art to every claim for which reexamination is requested. 37 CFR 1.915(b)(1) & (3).
`13. D It is certified that the estoppel provisions of 37 CFR 1.907 do not prohibit this reexamination. 37 CFR 1.915(b)(7)
`It is certified that a copy of this request has been served in its entirety on the patent owner as provided in
`37 CFR1.33(c).
`The name and address of the party served and the date of service are:
`GTC Law Group LLP & Affiliates c/o CPA Global
`P.O. Box 52050
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`Date of Service:
`September 14, 2012
`; or
`. A duplicate copy is enclosed because service on patent owner was not possible. An explanation of the efforts
`made to serve patent owner is attached. See MPEP 2620.
`15. Third Party Requester Correspondence Address: Direct all communications about the reexamination to:
`The address associated with Customer Number:
`B Firm or
`Individual Name
`The patent is currently the subject ofthe following concurrent proceeding(s):
`. Copending reissue Application No.
`a b
`. Copending reexamination Control No.
`C. Copending Interference No.
`d. Copending litigation styled:
`BodyMedia, Inc, v. BASIS Science, Inc.
`District of Delaware, C.A. No. 12-133-GMS
`WARNING: Information on this form may become public. Credit card information should not be
`included on this form. Provide credit card information and authorization on PTO-2038.
`/Rajiv P. Patel/
`Authorized Signature
`Rajiv P. Patel
`Typed/Printed Name
`September 14, 2012
`Registration No., ifapplicable
`[Page 2 of 2]
`2 of 1568
`Privacy Act Statement
`The Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579) requires that you be given certain information in connection
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`abandonment of the application or expiration of the patent.
`The information provided by you in this form will be subject to the following routine uses:
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`this system of records may be disclosed to the Department of Justice to determine whether
`disclosure of these records is required by the Freedom of Information Act.
`in the course of
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use,
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`opposing counsel in the course of settlement negotiations.
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`A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use,
`Congress submitting a request involving an individual, to whom the record pertains, when the
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`World Intellectual Property Organization, pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
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`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to the Administrator,
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`be made in accordance with the GSA regulations governing inspection of records for this
`purpose, and any other relevant (i.e., GSA or Commerce) directive. Such disclosure shall not
`be used to make determinations about individuals.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to the public after
`either publication of the application pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 122(b) or issuance of a patent
`pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 151. Further, a record may be disclosed, subject to the limitations of 37
`CFR 1.14, as a routine use, to the public if the record was filed in an application which
`became abandoned or in which the proceedings were terminated and which application is
`referenced by either a published application, an application open to public inspection or an
`issued patent.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Federal, State,
`or local law enforcement agency, if the USPTO becomes aware of a violation or potential
`violation of law or regulation.
`3 of 1568
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`“.5 .3?’
`5 of 1568
`August 12, 2003
`June 23, 2000
`System for Monitoring Health, Wellness and Fitness
`Not Yet Known
`Not Yet Known
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being transmitted Via the Office electronic filing system in accordance
`with 37 C.F.R. § l.8(a)(i)(C) from the Pacific Time Zone of the United States on the local date shown below.
`hereby certify that this correspondence is also being deposited on the date shown below Via United States Postal
`Service First Class Mail to: GTC Law Group LLP & Affiliates, c/o CPA Global, P. O. Box 52050, Minneapolis,
`MN 55402.
`September 14, 2012
`/Raiiv P. Patel/
`Raiv P. Patel, Re. No. 39,327
`UNDER 35 U.S.C.
`311-318 AND 37 C.F.R.
`Third-party requester, BASIS Science (“Requester”), respectfully requests Inter Partes
`reexamination under 35 U.S.C. §§ 311-318 and 37 C.F.R. § 1.913 (“Request”) of claims 1, 2, 14,
`15, 19-22, 24-28, 30-35 and 38-46 of United States Patent Number 6,605,038, which issued on
`August 12, 2003 to Eric Teller et al. (“Teller”). As set forth in this Request, there is a reasonable
`likelihood that Reqiaeste1* will prevail with i'c_=.5peet to at least one ofthe cla.in1s cliaileiige-Ll in this
`Reexamination Request for U.S. Patent No. 6,605,038
`6 of 1568
`INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... .. 1
`REQUEST REQUIREMENTS UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 1.915(A) (“REQUEST”) ............. .. 3
`REQUEST REQUIREMENTS UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 1.915(3) ...................................... .. 3
`§ l.9l5(B)(l) — An Identification of the Patent by Patent Number and
`Every Claim for Which Reexamination is Requested ......................................... .. 3
`§ l.915(B)(2) — A Citation of the Patents and Printed Publications Which
`Are Presented to Provide a Substantial New Question of Patentability .............. .. 4
`§ l .91 5(B)(3) — Statement Pointing Out That Requester Will Prevail with
`Respect To At Least One Claim Challenged in the Request Based on the
`Cited Patents and Printed Publications, and a Detailed Explanation of the
`Pertinency and Manner of Applying the Patents and Printed Publications
`to Every Claim for Which Reexamination is Requested ..................................... .. 5
`Summary of Teller ......................................................................................... .. 6
`Prosecution History ........................................................................................ .. 8
`Summary of the Prior Art .............................................................................. .. 9
`Prior Art Reference Myllymaki ............................................................. .. 11
`Prior Art Reference Root ....................................................................... .. 11
`Prior Art Reference Mault ..................................................................... .. 12
`Prior Art Reference Pottgen ................................................................... .. 12
`Prior Art Reference Rosenberg .............................................................. .. 13
`First Basis on which Requester Will Prevail on At Least One
`Challenged Claim......................................................................................... .. 13
`Second Basis on which Requester Will Prevail on At Least One
`Challenged Claim......................................................................................... .. 14
`Third Basis on which Requester Will Prevail on At Least One
`Challenged Claim......................................................................................... .. 15
`Fourth Basis on which Requester Will Prevail on At Least One
`Challenged Claim......................................................................................... .. 16
`7 of 1568
`§ 1.915(B)(4) — Copy of Every Patent and Printcd Publication Rclicd
`Upon or Referred To .......................................................................................... .. 16
`§ 1.915(B)(5) — Copy of the Entire Patent for which Reexamination is
`Requested ........................................................................................................... .. 17
`§ 1.915(B)(6) — Certificate of Service on the Patent Owner at the Address
`Specified in 37 CFR§ 1.33(C) .......................................................................... .. 17
`§ 1.915(B)(7) — A Certification by the Requester That The Estoppel
`Provisions of § 1.907 Do Not Prohibit the Inter Partcs Reexamination ........... .. 17
`§ l.915(B)(8) — A Statement Identifying the Real Party In Interest to the
`Extent Necessary for a Subsequent Person Filing An Inter Partes
`Reexamination Request to Determine Whether That Person is A Privy. .......... .. 17
`REQUEST REQUIREMENTS UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 1.915(C) .................................... .. 18
`CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. .. 18
`EXHIBIT A: Obviousness Based on U.S. Patent Nos. 5,670,944 (Myllymaki) and
`6,013,007 (Root) ............................................................................................................ .. 19
`EXHIBIT B: Obviousness Based on U.S. Patent Nos. 5,670,944 (Myllymiiki), 6,013,007
`(Root) and 6,478,736 (Mault) ........................................................................................ .. 53
`EXHIBIT C: Obviousness Based on U.S. Patent Nos. 5,670,944 (Myllymaki), 6,013,007
`(Root) and 5,524,618 (Pottgen) ..................................................................................... .. 56
`EXHIBIT D: Obviousness Based on U.S. Patent Nos. 5,670,944 (Myllyméiki), 6,013,007
`(Root) and 5,142,485 (Rosenberg) ................................................................................ .. 59
`8 of 1568
`A patent to Teller was issued on August 12, 2003. Teller describes a system for
`detecting, monitoring and reporting physiological information and recites claims for a system
`that detects, monitors and reports human physiological information. The independent claim
`recites a system that has a sensor device with at least two sensors that include an accelerometer,
`galvanic skin response (“GSR”) sensor and a heat flux sensor. The system also includes a
`central monitoring unit, a data transfer means and a means for transmitting data generated by the
`sensor device.
`The sensor device is adapted to generate (i) data indicative of at least two of motion, the
`resistance of the individual's skin to electric current, and heat flow of the individual and (ii)
`derived data from at least a portion of said data indicative of at least two of motion, resistance of
`said individual's skin to electric current and heat flow. The derived data is a physiological
`parameter of the individual that cannot be measured directly by any one of the sensors.
`The central monitoring unit is remote from the sensor device. It is adapted for the
`generation of analytical status data from at least a portion of at least one of: (i) the data
`indicative of at least two of motion, resistance of said in individual's skin to electric current and
`heat flow, (ii) the derived data and (iii) the analytical status data. The central monitoring unit
`also includes a data storage device that stores at least one of: (i) the data indicative of at least two
`of motion, resistance of the individual's skin to electric current and heat flow (ii) the derived data
`and (iii) the analytical status data.
`Reexamination Request for U.S. Patent No. 6,605,038
`(2s043—2 I 094)
`9 of 1568
`The data transfer means establishes temporary electronic communication between the
`sensor device and the central monitoring unit. The means for transmitting transmits: (i) the data
`indicative of at least two of motion, resistance of the individual's skin to electric current and heat
`flow, (ii) the derived data and (iii) the analytical status data to a recipient. (See, e. g., Teller,
`claim 1).
`The core of what Teller claims corresponds to a system having a sensor device with at
`least two sensors that collect physiological data, a central monitoring unit that generates derived
`data using the collected data and temporarily stores it, some transfer means to transfer data
`between the sensor device and the central monitoring unit, and some transmitting means to
`transmit data. Devices with these feature existed well before June, 16, 2000, which is the earliest
`possible priority date Teller could claim. For example, U.S. Patent No. 5,670,944 to Myllymaki
`et al. (“Myllyméiki”), which was filed on September, 13, 1994 (with a §l02(c) date of March 8,
`1996) and issued on September 23, 1997, described a device to measure human physiological
`information. In particular, Myllymaki described a sensor device having an accelerometer and a
`GSR sensor which generates data indicative of motion and resistance of the wearer’s skin to
`electric current. The device of Myllymaki further generates derived data in the form of a
`description of the health or physical condition and/or performance condition of the user.
`Additionally, U.S. Patent No. 6,013,007 to Root et al. (“Root”), which was filed March
`26, 1998 and issued on January 11, 2000, described a global positioning system (“GPS”) based
`personal athletic performance monitor which determines athletic performance data based on GPS
`data. Thus Root also described a device that monitors physiological information. The device
`Reexamination Request for U.S. Patent No. 6,605,038
`(2s043—2 I 094)
`10 of 1568
`described by Root includes a data transfer means and transmits data to a remote computing
`Although Myllymaki was before the Examiner during prosecution of the Teller
`application, Root was not before the Examiner. Therefore, as further described herein, had the
`combination of Myllymaki and Root been before the Examiner, it would have rendered obvious
`certain claims of Teller. Similarly, Mault and Pottgen disclose additional features that in
`combination with Myllymaki and Root render obvious certain claims of Teller. Pottgcn was
`provided to the Examiner but not cited during prosecution. Accordingly, there is a reasonable
`likelihood. that Requester will mevaiii Va/'iLl'11"€:5}3f3(.?ET‘i.O at least one offiirie claims <.?l'3?1l lenged in this
`Requester respectfully requests reexamination of claims 1, 2, 14, 15, 19-22, 24-28, 30-35
`and 38-46 of Teller on the basis of the prior art as set forth herein. Each reference relied upon in
`this Request is noted in Section III.B below.
`The fee set forth in 37 CFR §1.20(C)(2) of $8,800 for this Request is submitted herewith.
`§ 1.9151331) — An Identification of the Patent by Patent Number and Everv
`Claim for Which Reexamination is Reguested
`Requester respectfully requests inter partes reexamination of claims 1, 2, 14, 15, 19-22,
`24-28, 30-35 and 38-46 of United States Patent Number 6,605,038, which issued on August 12,
`Reexamination Request for U.S. Patent No. 6,605,038
`(2s043—2 I 094)
`11 of 1568
`2003 to Eric Teller, et al., in View a reasonable likelihood Requester will prevail with respect to
`at least one of claims challenged in this Request.
`§ 1.915gBgg2) — A Citation of the Patents and Printed Publications Which Are
`Presented to Provide a Substantial New Question of Patentability
`The following patents (collectively, the “Prior Art”) provide the basis on which there is a
`reasonable likclihood Rcqucstcr will prevail with rcspcct to at lcast onc of claims of Tcllcr
`challenged in this Request. At least one of these references was not cited during the prosecution
`of Teller.
`1) U.S. Patent No. 5,670,944, filcd September 13, 1994 and issued on September 23,
`1997, to Matti Myllyméiki (“Myllymé'1ki”). Myllyméiki is prior art under 35 U.S.C.
`§102(b). This reexamination request applies Myllymaki as an obviousness
`combination with Root and with Root and Mault under 35 U.S.C. §103(a).
`U.S. Patent No. 6,013,007, filed March 26, 1998 and issued on January 11, 2000, to
`Gary Miller Root and Frank van Hoorn (“Root”). Root is prior art under 35 U.S.C.
`§102(e). This reexamination request applies Root as an obviousness combination
`with Myllymaki and with Myllymaki and Mault under 35 U.S.C. §103(a).
`U.S. Patent No. 6,478,736, filed October 10, 2000 (which is based on 13 provisional
`applications filed between October 8, 1999 and August 29, 2000) and issued on
`November 12, 2002, to Mault (“Mault”). Mault is prior art under 35 U.S.C. §102(e).
`This reexamination request applies Mault as an obviousness combination with
`Myllymaki and Root under 35 U.S.C. §103(a).
`Reexamination Request for U.S. Patent No. 6,605,038
`(2s043—2 I 094)
`12 of 1568
`4) U.S. Patent No. 5,524,618, filed June 2, 1993 and issued on June 11, 1996 to Paul A.
`Pottgen and Neil J. Szuminsky (“Pottgen”). Pottgen is prior art under 35 U.S.C.
`§102(a). This reexamination request applies Pottgen as an obviousness combination
`with Myllyméiki and Root under 35 U.S.C. §103(a).
`U.S. Patent No. 5,142,485, filed July 16, 1990 and issued on August 25, 1992 to
`Jehuda Rosenberg and Patrick Bar-Avi (“Rosenberg”). Rosenberg is prior art under
`U.S.C. §102(b). This rccxamination rcqucst applics Roscnbcrg as an abviousncss
`combination with Myllymaki and Root under 35 U.S.C. §l03(a).
`§ 1.915gB)g31 — Statement Pointing Out That Reguester Will Prevail with
`Respect To At Least One Claim Challenged in the Reguest Based on the Cited
`Patents and Printed Publications, and a Detailed Explanation of the Pertinency
`and Manner of Applying the Patents and Printed Publications to Everv Claim
`for Which Reexamination is Reguested
`In view of the Prior Art listed in the section above, this Request sets forth a substantial
`likelihood that Requester will prevail on at least one claim with regard to the patentability of
`claims 1, 2, 14, 15, 19-22, 24-28, 30-35 and 38-46 of Teller. As noted previously, the claimed
`invention in Teller is for a system for detecting, monitoring and reporting physiological
`During examination the claimed invention was distinguished from the cited prior art by
`claiming as part of the system, a device that derives data from at least two physiological data
`points corresponding to motion, skin resistance to electric current, and heat flow of an
`individual, which are measured by at least two corresponding sensors. The derived data cannot
`be wholly measured by any one ofan accelerometer, a GSR sensor and a heat tlux sensor.
`Reexamination Request for U.S. Patent No. 6,605,038
`(2s043—2 I 094)
`13 of 1568
`However, before the priority date of Teller, at least two prior art references, Myllymaki and
`Root, disclosed these features. These references render obvious the challenged eiaims ofTe1ler
`and provide the grounds on which Requester will prevail on at least one, if not all, the challenged
`1. Summary of Teller
`As noted above, Teller describes a