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`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Filing Date:
`Title of Invention:
`System for monitoring health, wellness and fitness
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Michael Samuel Pavento/Christy Flagler
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Filed as Large Entity
`inter partes reexam Filing Fees
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Basic Filing:
`Filing Appeal Brief Inter Partes Reexam
`623 of 900

`Sub-Total in
`Total in USD (S)
`624 of 900

`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`1 8806793
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`System for monitoring health, wellness and fitness
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Customer Number:
`Filer Authorized By:
`Michael Samuel Pavento
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Filing Date:
`Time Stamp:
`Application Type:
`inter partes reexam
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`625 of 900

`Appeal Brief—Owner
`Reexam Certificate of Service
`Affidavit/Dec/Exhibit after Notice of
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`626 of 900

`Reexam Control No.
`Confirmation No.
`U.S. Patent No.
`Patent Issue Date
`Title of Patent
`Examiner / Art Unit
`Atty. Docket No.
`: March 30, 2010
`System for Monitoring Health, Wellness and Fitness
`: Majid A. Banankhah / 3992
`Mail Stop “lnter Partes Reexam”
`Central Reexamination Unit
`Office of Patent Legal Administration
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P. O. Box 1450 Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Patent Owner Body Media, lnc. (“Patent Owner”) filed a Notice of Appeal in this case on February
`18, 2014 and now submits the attached Appeal Brief and appeal brief fee. Other than the appeal brief fee, no
`fee is believed due. However, if an additional fee is due, please charge Deposit Account No. 20-1430.
`Respectfully submitted:
`/Michael S. Pavento/'
`Michael S. Pavento
`Reg. No. 42,985
`1100 Peachtree Street
`Suite 2800
`Atlanta, Georgia 30309-4530
`Tel. (404) 815-6213
`Fax (404) 541-4676
`Certificate of Electronic Filing
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being electronically filed with The
`United States Patent Office Via EFS Web on April 18 2014.
`/Christy k. flagler/
`Christy K. Flagler
`627 of 900

`Table of Contents
`Real Party in Interest .............................................................................................................................. .. 1
`Related Appeals and Interferenees ......................................................................................................... ..1
`Status of Claims ...................................................................................................................................... ..1
`Status of Amendments ............................................................................................................................ ..1
`Summary of Claimed Subject Matter ..................................................................................................... ..l
`Grounds of Rej eetion to be Reviewed on Appeal .................................................................................. ..2
`Introduction ............................................................................................................................................
`A. Overview of Teller ......................................................................................................................... ..3
`The Amano Reference .................................................................................................................... ..6
`The Myllymaki Reference .............................................................................................................. ..6
`. The Mault Reference ...................................................................................................................... ..6
`The Pottgen Reference ................................................................................................................... ..7
`Argument ................................................................................................................................................ ..7
`A. Ground 1: I11depe11de11t claim 32 was erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102 based on
`erroneous findings that Amano discloses directly calculating, from first and second
`parameters, quantitative status information indicative of a relative degree of achievement of
`an individual‘s performance with relation to a physiological status goal ...................................... ..7
`Ground 2: Dependent claims 39 and 45 were erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103
`based on eironeous findings that the combination of Amano and Myllymaki discloses
`generating data relating to calories burned using data generated by a skin conductance
`sensor and indicative of the resistance of an individual’s skin to electric current ....................... .. 10
`Ground 3: Dependent claims 38 and 44 were erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103
`based on erroneous findings that the combination of Amano and Pottgen discloses
`generating data relating to calories burned data using both motion data and heat flow data ....... .. 16
`Ground 4: Claims 1-10, 13-16, 18, 19, 21-31, 52, and 55 were erroneously rejected under
`35 U.S.C. § 103 based on erroneous findings that it would be obvious to combine the
`teachings of Amano and Mault .................................................................................................... .. 19
`Ground 5: Dependent claims 12 and 20 were erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103
`based on erroneous findings that the combination of Amano, Mault, and Myllymaki
`discloses determining quantitative status information indicative of a relative degree of
`achievement toward a physiological status goal using data generated by a skin conductance
`sensor and indicative of the resistance of an individual’s skin to electric current ....................... ..22
`Ground 6: Dependent claims 11 and 17 were erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103
`based on erroneous findings that the combination of Amano, Mault, and Pottgen discloses
`generating data relating to calories burned data using both motion data and heat flow data ....... ..26
`G. All of the rejected dependent claims are allowable for the same reasons as the independent
`claims ........................................................................................................................................... ..28
`H. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... ..28
`Appendix of Claims
`Evidence Appendix
`Related Proceedings Appendix
`628 of 900

`Real Party in Interest
`The real party in interest is Body Media, Inc., the assignee of record, which is a subsidiary of
`Aliph, Inc. d/b/a Jawbone.
`Related Appeals and Interferences
`The following proceeding is identified as related to the instant reexamination. U.S. Patent No.
`7,689,437 to Teller er al. (the patent at issue in this reexamination) is asserted against third party requester
`Basis Science in a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware,
`B0dyMedia, Inc. V. Basis Science, Inc., Civil Action No. 1:12-cv-00133 (GMS).
`Status of Claims
`Claims 1-55 stand rejected as of the Right of Appeal Notice mailed on January 16, 2014
`(“RA ”). Claims 1-55 are original. The rejections of all claims 1-55 are appealed.
`Status of Amendments
`No amendments have been presented in this reexamination.
`Summary of Claimed Subject Matter
`Claims 1-55 appeared in the original patent, U.S. Patent No. 7,689,437 to Teller (“Teller”)
`(EXHIBIT A hereto), and have not been amended in the underlying reexamination. 1n the following
`paragraphs references in bolded parentheticals, e. g., (COLUMN:LlNE—LlNE), designate exemplary
`support for the claimed subject matter in the Teller specification and figures:
`1. A method for assisting an individual to monitor, control and modify certain aspects of
`the individual’s physiological status according to a preset physiological status goal, said
`individual wearing a wearable physiological monitoring device, the method comprising:
`establishing said physiological status goal according to certain physiological
`parameters of said individual (13:53-67);
`generating data with said wearable device, said generated data indicative of a
`first parameter of said individual wearing said wearable physiological monitoring device
`generating data indicative of a second parameter of said individual with at least
`one of said wearable device and a second device (4:39-56);
`receiving data related to the life activities of said individual (9:48-65);
`629 of 900

`calculating, from said first and second parameters, quantitative status infoimation
`indicative of the relative degree of achievement of said individual’s performance with
`relation to said physiological status goal (14:36-52);
`generating individual status information relating to the status of said individual
`from said life activities data (10:21-33; 16:18-24; 16:50-58; 17:9-33); and
`communicating to a recipient said calculated quantitative status information
`regarding said individual and said individual status information (14:31-38),
`wherein said first and second parameters are produced by at least one of said
`individual’s body and the environment adjacent said individual’s body (4:39-56).
`32. A method for assisting an individual to monitor, control and modify certain aspects of
`the individual’s physiological status according to a preset physiological status goal, said
`individual weaiing a wearable physiological monitoring device, the method comprising:
`establishing said physiological status goal according to certain physiological
`parameters of said individual (13:53-67);
`generating data with said wearable device, said generated data indicative of a
`first parameter of said individual wearing said wearable physiological monitoring device
`generating data indicative of a second parameter of said individual with at least
`one of said wearable device and a second device (4:39-56);
`calculating, directly from said first and second parameters, quantitative status
`information indicative of the relative degree of achievement of said individual’s
`performance with relation to said physiological status goal (14:36-52; 18-18-47); and
`communicating to a recipient said calculated quantitative status information
`indicative of a suggested change in said individual’s performance to assist said individual
`in the achievement of said physiological status goal (14:31-38),
`wherein said first and second parameters are produced by at least one of said
`individual’s body and the environment adjacent said individual’s body (4:39-56).
`Grounds of Rejection to be Reviewed on Appeal
`Patent Owner identifies the following issues for this appeal, as raised by rej eetions imposed in the
`Right of Appeal Notice mailed January 16, 2014 (“RAN”).
`§ 102 based on
`A. Whether independent claim 32 was erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C.
`erroneous findings that Amano discloses directly calculating, from first and second parameters,
`quantitative status information indicative of a relative degree of achievement of an individual’s
`performance with relation to a physiological status goal. (RAN, Ground 1)
`. Whether dependent claims 39 and 45 were erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 based on
`erroneous findings that the combination of Amano and Myllymaki discloses generating data
`relating to calories burned using data generated by a skin conductance sensor and indicative of
`the resistance of an individual’s skin to electric current. (RAN, Ground 2)
`. Whether claims 1-10, 13-16, 18, 19, 21-31, 52, and 55 were erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 103 based on erroneous findings that it would be obvious to combine the teachings of Amano
`and Mault. (RAN, Ground 4)
`630 of 900

`D. Whether dependent claims 12 and 20 were erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 based on
`erroneous findings that the combination of A1na11o, Mault, and Myllymaki discloses determining
`quantitative status
`information indicative of a relative degree of achievement
`toward a
`physiological status goal using data generated by a skin conductance sensor and indicative of the
`resistance of an individual’s skin to electric current. (RAN, Ground 5)
`A. Overview of Teller
`Teller describes systems and methods for monitoring health, wellness, and fitness. See Teller
`1:5-7, 2:9-10. The system includes sensor devices that generate data indicative of one or more
`physiological parameters and, in some embodiments, generate derived data from at least a portion of the
`data indicative of one or more physiological parameters when placed in proximity with at least a portion
`of the human body. See id. at 1:50-56. The system provides an individual with a unique tool to monitor
`his or her progress toward achieving a healthier lifestyle. For example, the Teller invention can provide
`an individual with quantitative indicators of a healthy lifestyle, such as stress level, activity level, sleep
`quality, etc. See id. at 1524-16.
`The sensor devices can be worn by an individual user on his or her body such as, for example, by
`including the sensor device as part of a garment (e.g., a form fitting shirt), as part of an arm band, or the
`like). See Teller 4:28-30. Physiological parameters of an individual can be detected by the sensor
`devices. See id at 4:38-40. Examples of such physiological parameters can include the individual’s heart
`rate, pulse rate, skin temperature, etc. See id at 4:39-44. Teller, Table 1 provides several examples of
`physiological parameters, associated methods for generating data indicative of the various physiological
`parameters parameter, sensor devices used to generate the data, and signals that are generated by the
`sensor devices.
`631 of 900

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`The system also includes a microprocessor that can be used to derive additional information relating to an
`individual’s physiological state based on the data indicative of one or more physiological parameters. See
`Teller 6:40-47. Table 2 provides examples of the type of information that can be derived and the types of
`data indicative of physiological parameters that that can be used to derive the additional information. See
`id. at 6:47-49.
`632 of 900

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`The system of Teller can also provide feedback to a user regarding his or her performance and the
`degree to which he or she has succeeded in reaching a healthy daily routine. See Teller 15:1-5. Examples
`of such feedback include feedback for categories such as Activity Level, Mind Centering, and Sleep. See
`id. at 15 :5 -10. The Activity Level category relates to how much a person moves around. See id. at 15:12-
`13. The Mind Centering category relates to the quality and quantity of time a person spends engaging in
`some activity that allows the body to achieve a state of profound relaxation while the mind becomes
`highly alert and focused. See id. at 15:13-16. The Sleep categoiy relates to the quality and quantity of a
`person’s sleep. See id. at 15:17-18.
`In some embodiments, quantitative status information indicative of a relative degree of
`achievement toward physiological status goal of a user may be directly calculated from multiple
`physiological parameters monitored by the sensor device. For example, a web page rclatcd to a uscr’s
`sleep can be generated using Teller’s invention and can provide quantitative status information indicative
`of a relative degree of achievement toward a physiological status goal with respect to the user’s sleep.
`633 of 900

`See Teller, Fig. 9 and 18:20-47. Parameters such as motion and heat flow can be directly used in the
`calculation of the quantitative status information depicted in Fig. 9. See Teller 18:29-38.
`B. The Amano Reference
`U.S. Patent No. 6,030,342 to Amano er rd. (“Amano”) (EXHIBIT B) discloses a calorie
`expenditure measuring device. See Amano 6:53-56. The calorie measuring device uses a regression
`formula to determine calorie expenditure as a function of pulse rate. See id. at 18:39-45. Pulse rate is
`detected by a pulse wave indicator. See id. at 18: 13-15. The device is configured to input the pulse rate
`value to a first regression formula when the user is active or a second regression formula when the user is
`resting. See id. at 18:16-33. A motion detector and a body temperature detector are used to determine
`whether the user is active or resting. See id. at 18:16-25. Amano further discloses that the device can
`display either the calorie expenditure or data detected by the pulse rate and body motion sensors. See,
`e.g., id. at 1950-53, 26:60-57.
`C. The Myllymaki Reference
`U.S. Patent No. 5,670,944 to Myllymaki (“Myllymaki”) (EXHIBIT C) discloses a body-held
`device that monitors a physical condition or performance condition. See Myllymaki 1:45-48. The device
`includes sensors or transducers that monitor a user‘s physical condition. See id. at 1:49-50. Myllymaki
`also discloses that information about a physical or performance condition is delivered to the user through
`a sound signal and/or the display of a wrist unit. See id. at 1:51-55. Myllymaki discloses that the
`information is delivered as a result of a processor monitoring the sensors and executing an appropriate
`algorithm. See id. at 3:2-6.
`The Myllymaki device uses a plurality of different transducer signals so as “to compensate for
`false data caused by an individual transducer.” See Myllymaki 3:3—8. In this regard, Myllymaki suggests
`an analysis that involves reporting alarm conditions using readings by individual sensors. As discussed
`further herein, Myllymaki does not appear to disclose providing any data to a user outside of such an
`alarm. See, e.g., Myllymaki 2:47-52; 2:66-67; 3:3—6. By comparison, Teller discloses providing
`quantitative data that is derived from the data generated by multiple sensors. See, e. g., Teller 14:45-65.
`D. The Mault Reference
`U.S. Patent No. 6,478,736 to Mault (“Mault”) (EXHIBIT D) discloses a health management
`system for a person in which the person’s resting metabolic rate is determined using an indirect
`calorimeter. See Mault, Abstract. The resting metabolic rate is used in setting and revising goals for a
`weight control program. See id.
`634 of 900

`E. The Pottgen Reference
`U.S. Patent No. 5,524,618 to Pottgen er al. (“Pottgen”) (EXHIBIT E) discloses determining the
`caloric expenditure of a subject using a modified heat flow sensor. See Pottgen, Abstract. The improved
`heat flow sensor includes an overlay material that allows the fluid evaporating from a monitored surface
`(i.e., skin) to migrate from the monitored surface to the ambient air side of the heat flow sensor element,
`and to subsequently to evaporate from the surface of the heat flow sensor element. See Pottgen 3:6—l 1.
`VIII. Argument
`A. Ground 1: Independent claim 32 was erroneously rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102
`based on erroneous findings that Amano discloses directly calculating, from first
`and second parameters, quantitative status information indicative of a relative
`degree of achievement of an individual’s performance with relation to a
`physiological status goal
`Claim 32 expressly requires directly calculating quantitative status information from a first
`parameter and a second parameter, where the quantitative status information is indicative of a relative
`degree of achievement of an individual’s performance with relation to a physiological status goal.
`Specifically, claim 32 recites “calculating, directly from said first a11d second parameters, quantitative
`status information indicative ofthe relative degree of achievement of said individual’s performance with
`relation to said physiological status goal.”
`In rej eeting claim 32 over Amano in Ground 1, the Examiner alleges at pp. 7-8 of the RAN that
`Amano discloses:
`calculating ,directly fi*om said first [e.g., pulse rate] and second [e.g., body temperature]
`parameters, quantitative status information [e.g., achievement rate, achievement rate is
`calculated from caloric expenditure, caloric expenditure is calculated from pulse rate and
`body temperature; pulse rate & body temperature, pulse rate and body temperature are
`calculated from pulse rate and body temperature] indicative of the relative degree of
`achievement of said individual’s’ perfonnance with relation to said physiological status
`goal [e.g., target value, achievement rate is a relative degree of achievement of
`performance with relation to target value; normal biorhythms, pulse rate and body
`temperature are indicative of the relative reason].
`The Examiner therefore alleges that the disclosed pulse rate and body temperature are the claimed first
`and second parameters, respectively, and reads the achievement rate of Amano as the claimed quantitative
`status information. Accordingly, the rejection of claim 1 relies on the erroneous position that the
`achievement rate of Amano is calculated directly from both pulse rate and body temperature.
`To the contrary, however, the achievement rate of Amano is directly computed from only a single
`variable, specifically, caloric expenditure. Furthermore, Amano discloses that caloric expenditure is itself
`directly calculated from only one variable, pulse rate, rather than from pulse rate and body temperature,
`as alleged by the Examiner. As discussed below, Amano does not disclose that calorie expenditure is
`635 of 900

`calculated from body temperature and body motion, and instead simply discloses that body temperature
`and (in some cases) body motion are used to select a regression formula in which calorie expenditure is
`calculated fi‘om pulse rate alone. Therefore, because Amano fails to disclose that the achievement rate is
`directly calculated from two parameters, Amano fails to disclose directly calculating quantitative status
`information from a first parameter a11d a second parameter, as recited in claim 32.
`The Examiner cites to portions of Amano at col. 18, lines 7-43 and col. 19, lines 36-39 and 44-45
`as allegedly disclosing the recited feature of claim 32. The cited portion of Amano first discloses
`determining a pulse rate. See Amano 18:13-15 (“First, at step Sal, CPU 20] inputs the pulse wave
`signal from pulse wave detector 111 via pressure sensor interface 210, and determines the pulse rate.”)
`(emphasis added). The disclosed device then selects a mathematical formula for calculating calorie
`expenditure using the pulse rate. Specifically, Amano discloses that the selection is made based on the
`subject’s body temperature:
`from body
`inputs the

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