`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`10 July 2003 (10-07-2003)
`(10) Intemational Publication Number
`W0 03/056493 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification’:
`(21) lnternationalApp|ication Number:
`(223 ''"e'’“‘"'°'“‘' F"”'3 99":
`33 D*’°‘="‘b"‘ 3"” ('-’3'‘3-'-’”“3)
`G06F l9i'09
`(81) Designated States ('r.-aiionat): AE. AG,AI., AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG. BR. BY. B2, CA, CH, cu, co, CR, CU,
`Pcririozzotose ‘ill? 1£('_C‘l5v)‘:&
`LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW.
`MX, M2, NO, NZ, ()M, P11, PL, PT, RO, RU, so. so, SE,
`vc, VN. YIl.?.A,I‘1M,?IW.
`(25) Filing Language:
`(84) Designated States {regt'0nal): ARTPO patent (Gil. GM,
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`Ifse Mw- 002- SD 31'» 32s
`liurastan patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, Ml), RU, 'LI, 1 M},
`liuropean patent (AT, BE, BG, (21-I, CY, (:2, on, on, E15,
`23 December 2001 (23.12.2001) H E’(':§I,I.Ii',J1
`31 May 2002 (31.05.2002) H
`Gw’ ML MI’; NE 81;, Tb ,'rG) '
`(71) Applicant and
`(72) Inventor: LAHTEENMAKI, Pertti [stir-1]; Parkkikuja
`7. FIN-00850 Helsinki (Fl).
`— with international search report
`(74) Agent: BERGGREN OY AB; I-’.(). Box 16, l7lN—00l0l
`Helsinki (VI).
`For two-fetter codes and other abbreviations. refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andxt bbreviartions " appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeack regular issue ofine PC?" Gazette.
`Hlil.I’ 0!’ A IDATABASIE ARR/-\NGliMlEN’['
`uuunuclnuunn nun _
`uuouoncrnona out:
`(57) Abstract: The invention relates to the nutrition dispenser (100). More specifically, the invention relates to the nutrition dis-
`penser (100) producing doses 01' nutrition andlor medication anti to the method for producing the doses with the help of the nutrition
`3 dispenser. A database arrangement is linked to the nutrition dispenser (100), and further, the nutrition dispenser typically cornpri sets
`the user interface (102) for feeding at least the information of the user, and rooms {I 08) for storing different nutrition andfor medical
`O substances.
`In addition, the nutrition dispenser is arranged to define the optimal dose of nutrition and.-‘or medication intended for
`the person consuming the dose, and its ingredients, amounts and proportions of ingredients at least partly with the help of the said
`database arrangement. The nutrition dispenser can further comprise the equipment (1 10) for measuring out the defined nutrients.
`W0 03J"056-I93
`The invention relates to ainutrition dispenser. More specifically, the invention re-
`lates to a nutrition dispenser producing doses of nutrition andfor medication to the
`user, and to a system and method for the production of doses of nutrition andfor
`medication to the user with the help of the said nutrition dispenser.
`In the past decades, the average life expectancy of human beings has grown consid-
`erably because of the advanced medical methods of treatment. At the same time,
`new diseases and illnesses have come out, such as different kinds of allergies, espe-
`cially to foodstuffs. In addition, obesity has become common especially in devel-
`oped countries, in which the daily motion of humans has continuously decreased, for
`example, due to work performed by humans becoming lighter and due to automa-
`tion. At the same time, humans’ eating habits have changed, for example, as so-
`called fast-food restaurants have become more common. Nowadays, the busy way of
`life and the number of people living alone in relation to previous times have further
`increased so that more and more people resort to foods offered by fast-food restau-
`rants, to ready-prepared products that can be consumed fast, or to products to be
`bought from separate food vending machines, such as rolls and soft drinks.
`Although specific special foodstuffs and health foods are now in good supply, nev-
`ertheless, the major part of people cats in an unhealthy or unsuitable way, for exam-
`in relation to the energy consumption, illness or latent illness, and does not
`think about the nutrients contained in the nutrition consumed or the effects on their
`health. The significance of nutrients contained in the nutrition frequently consumed,
`for example, in the generation and progress of illnesses is not even realised, and
`staying healthy is considered obvious.
`However, the consumed nutrition plays an important role in the generation and pro-
`gress of almost all illnesses. Especially for persons following a special diet, such as
`sportsmen, weight-watchers, allergic persons, pregnant women, diabetics, and per-
`sons suffering from illnesses, and persons otherwise taking care of their health, the
`additives and nutrients contained in the nutrition, and their amounts and/or propor-
`tions are especially important for the optimal result, for increasing or maintaining
`physical fitness, for staying healthy andfor for preventing the worsening of an ill-
`ness. However, it has to be noted that also healthy persons should watch the quality,
`W0 lI3J"ll56-I93
`amounts and proportions of nutrients contained in the nutrition they consume in or-
`der to stay healthy, fit for work and vital.
`However, monitoring the nutrients contained in the consumed nutrition is often con-
`sidered diffrcult or laborious, and it is only thought to be relevant mostly for persons
`following a special diet for one reason or another. In some cases, it may also be dif-
`ficult for people to monitor the nutrient contents in the consumed food andfor drink
`or other substances contained in foods and medicaments, which may, for example,
`cause illnesses or make allergies worse. For example, people may have difficulties
`in remembering or generally in knowing all nutrients harmful for them, in which
`case, for example when shopping, it may be difficult for a person to know the suit-
`ability of a certain product for him. Especially, if one thinks of the overall effect of
`nutrients acquired in one day or even one week, it is almost impossible to find out
`the suitability, goodness andfor effect of a certain foodstuff in relation to the overall
`effect of nutrients obtained in one day or one week. Further, a high threshold to just
`the user in question in the manufacture of optimal nutrition is often to find suitable
`nutrients and optimise them in relation to other substances and to the user’s condi-
`tion, and also the manufacturing process of the nutrition in itself. The manufacturing
`process of nutrition is easily thought to be a too time-consuming and sometimes
`even frustrating, messy and complicated or unpleasant process.
`However, some solutions are previously known for monitoring the supply of nutri-
`ents of a person, for example, during a diet or weight watching. For example, the
`publication US 5,412,564 presents a solution, in which the consumption of nutrition
`of a consumer can be monitored and information concerning the consumption of nu-
`trition can be stored. The publication US 5,233,520 again discloses a solution for an
`interactive, computerised measuring apparatus of nutrition, which can be used for
`measuring the food, nutrients and other food components consumed by the person.
`Further, solutions are known from the state-of-the-art technology also for manufac-
`turing a prepared dose of nutrition, for example, different kinds of baking machines
`(eg. US 6,321,641), to which appropriate amounts of ingredients needed in the bak-
`ing of bread are placed in advance, and the baking machine can then mix the ingre-
`dients at a predetermined moment and make the bread. In addition, a solution for of-
`fering a dose of nutrition is known, among others,
`from the publication US
`5,299,529, in which the size of doses of nutrition to be served and the time of serv-
`ing can be determined in advance.
`it is not possible to fully eliminate the above disclosed problems for
`automatically manufacturing and serving fast a dose of nutrition andfor medication
`W0 ll3J'056-I93
`optimised for the user with the arrangements of the known solutions so that, for ex-
`ample, the user’s health and physical condition, the user’s possible allergies and re-
`strictions, and the information about the nutrients andfor medical substances con-
`sumed by the user and the energy consumption could be taken into account.
`The object of the invention is to create a solution for a nutrition dispenser so that the
`said drawbacks related to the state-of-the-art technology can be reduced. The inven-
`tion aims to solve how a dose of nutrition andfor medication best suited for the user
`in relation to the user’s characteristics, such as his physical condition and energy
`consumption, can be prepared automatically, fast, easily and cost-effectively. In ad-
`dition, it is the object of the invention to make possible a solution, with the help of
`which an individualised and optimal dose of nutrition and metabolic state and possi-
`ble medication can be personified for the user, taking into account the user’s geno-
`type, possible illnesses and medication and environmental conditions.
`The objects of the invention are achieved by an arrangement, in which information
`concerning the user’s condition are analysed in relation to information obtained
`from medical and biological researches for identifying nutrition optimal for the user,
`and the nutrients for achieving the optimal dose of nutrition andfor medication are
`defined from the library of nutrients fed to the system at least partly with the help of
`neurofuzzy systems and methods. Further, the objects of the invention are achieved
`by arranging the said arrangement to a nutrition dispenser, which further comprises
`nutrients and/‘or medical substances needed in the manufacturing of a dose of nutri-
`tion andfor medication, a dosing device and a mixer.
`It is characteristic of the nutrition dispenser of the invention for producing a dose of
`nutrition andfor medication that the nutrition dispenser is provided with a database
`arrangement, that the nutrition dispenser comprises a user interface for feeding at
`least information related to the user, rooms for storing at least two nutrients and/‘or
`medical substances, and that the nutrition dispenser is arranged to define an optimal
`dose of nutrition andfor medication to the person consuming the dose, and the in-
`gredients, quantities and proportions of ingredients at least partly with the help of
`the said database arrangement, and that the nutrition dispenser comprises means for
`measuring out the defined nutrients and/or medical substances.
`The system of the invention for producing a dose of nutrition andfor medication is
`characterised in that a database arrangement is connected to the system, that the sys-
`tem comprises a user interface for feeding at least information related to the user,
`room for storing at least two nutrients andfor medical substances, and that the sys-
`W0 lI3J"ll56-I93
`tem is arranged to define an optimal dose of nutrition andfor medication intended
`for the person consuming the dose, and the ingredients in the dose, the quantities
`and proportions of the ingfsdients at least partly with the help of the said database
`arrangement, and that the arrangement comprises means for measuring out the de-
`fined nutrients andfor medical substances.
`It is characteristic of the method of the invention for producing a dose of nutrition
`and/or medication with the help of a nutrition dispenser that, in the method, at least
`information related to the user are fed to the nutrition dispenser, an optimal dose of
`nutrition andfor medication is defined for the person consuming the dose, and the
`ingredients in the dose, the quantities and proportions at least partly with the help of
`the database arrangement, and the defined nutrients andfor medical substances are
`measured out.
`Some advantageous embodiments of the invention are disclosed in the dependent
`patent claims.
`Among others, the following concepts are used in this patent application:
`— “User” is any individual or group of individuals, which can use the nutrition dis-
`penser of the invention. Especially, the user is a person consuming the dose of nutri-
`tion andfor medication, the information on the state of health and genetic back-
`ground of which considered sufficient for the system can be delivered to the system,
`and the nutrition information on the product consumed or ordered or intended to be
`consumed by which can be delivered to the system possibly used by the nutrition
`dispenser for identifying the nutrition optimal for the user. In addition, user is any
`individual or group of individuals, to which optimal nutrition information identified
`by the nutrition information service of the invention can be delivered. The user can
`be a human being or an animal or a larger entity formed of these, for example, a
`sports team engaging in a certain sport.
`- “Nutrient andfor medical substance” is a substance significant for the relation be-
`tween nutrition and an illness. A nutrient and/or medical substance can typically be,
`for example, a water-soluble or lipo-soluble vitamin, protein, micro-nutrient, carbo-
`hydrate, amino acid, unsaturated or saturated fat, mineral, soluble or insoluble fibre,
`flavonoid, other phospholipid or phenolic substance or plant estrogen. In this con-
`nection, nutrient can also be understood to comprise harmful substances, such as
`environmental estrogens. Further, in this connection, nutrient can also be understood
`wo 033055493
`to comprise medicaments, bacteria, such as the lactobacillus group, or some other
`microbe and water.
`- “Nutrition information” is information representing the nutritive contents of a
`foodstuff, food product or medicament andfor its suitability for a user.
`- “Dose of nutrition andfor medication", foodstuff, food product, product or food is
`any product comprising one or several nutrients andfor medical substances fit or un-
`fit to be consumed, such as a food portion, drink, mixture or medicament, or a com-
`bination of these. A dose of nutrition andfor medication is typically a dose of nutri-
`tion suggested andfor prepared by the nutrition dispenser of the invention. Respec-
`tively, foodstuff refers to a product consumed by the user, for example, fish and,
`more specifically, pike. In this application, foodstuff can also comprise hygienic
`products, such as washing agents and chemicals, for example, shampoos, make-ups
`and suntan creams. The dose of nutrition can also be a dose consisting merely of
`medical substances; for example, a dose defined for a certain patient.
`- “Reference information" is information concerning a reference group, such as in-
`formation representing relations between health, physical performance andfor food
`habits characteristic of the said group. The reference group can, for example, be a
`tribe, race or nationality, or some population group, sports group, or profession. The
`smallest element in a reference group can be an individual.
`- “lntake limit” is an intake limit comprising the upper and lower limit, defined for a
`certain nutrient andfor medical substance for a certain time period; for example,
`with salt, the daily intake limit can be 1 — 5g. Also a time limit is typically con-
`nected with the intake limit, within which the nutrient and/or medical substance re-
`lated to the intake limit should be obtained in an amount which is within the area de-
`fined by the lower and upper limits of the intake limit.
`- “Health property” is a psycho-physical condition, such as an illness. The health
`property can also comprise information, for example, about the user’s energy con-
`sumption and need.
`- “Scientific research information” is information obtained from scientific re-
`searches, such as biological, medical and psychological researches. In this applica-
`tion, scientific research information especially refers to information about genetics,
`properties determined by genes, functionality of genes, and connections between
`different foodstuffs and illnesses, obtained from biological and medical researches.
`In its minimum, scientific research information comprises information about the ge-
`W0 l]3f056-I93
`netic backgrounds of different illnesses in relation to nutrition and environmental
`factors and the effective agents in at least one medicament. Most preferably, in the
`system of the invention, the said scientific research information is in a processed
`form so that, for example, a certain probability has been formed between different
`genes and illnesses, to which the said gene exposes, with which the said gene causes
`the said illness. Scientific research information can also be information about what
`illnesses andfor symptoms certain substances cause either to all people or, for exam-
`ple, to a certain group of people, such as tribes, races or even families or individuals
`with a certain probability. For example, the information can comprise information
`that obesity and western nutrition cause diabetes with a certain probability, choles-
`terol and salt cause cardiac and vascular disease and osteoporosis, western nutrition
`causes allergies and asthma, environmental estrogens and western nutrition cause
`hormone-dependent cancers, carcinogens cause the cancer of the colon, fibres pro-
`tect from the cancer of the colon, and that some infections cause a certain type of
`Considerable advantages are achieved with the present invention compared with
`state-of-the-art solutions. The invention makes it possible to prepare a close of nutri-
`tion and/or medication personified for
`the user
`fast, automatically and cost-
`effectively, without the user having to take considerable measures for the actual
`20 manufacturing process. In addition, the method of the invention makes possible the
`utilisation of medical and biological research information and of the information de-
`scribing the user’s environmental conditions, physical load, energy consumption,
`genetic properties, possible illnesses and nutrient limitations caused by these when
`defining and manufacturing an individualised dose of nutrition andfor medication
`optimal for the user with the help of the nutrition dispenser of the invention.
`With the help of the nutrition dispenser of the invention, also information about the
`quality and quantity of the nutrients consumed by the user can be maintained in the
`database arrangement of the information system, with which the nutrition dispenser
`of the invention can be in data transmission connection. Alternatively, at least part
`of the information system and its database arrangement can be integrated to the nu-
`trition dispenser. In addition, the database arrangement makes it possible for the
`user andfor the medical personnel treating the user to observe the quantities and
`proportions of the nutrients, additives, medical substances and other respective sub-
`stances daily obtained by the user, and also the deficiencies of some substances in
`real time. With the help of the nutrition dispenser of the invention, it is also possible
`to take into account in real time nutrient, medication and research information con-
`W0 lJ3r'056-I93
`cerning the user and/or other general nutrient, medication and research information
`and probability weighting coefficients defined to the database arrangement by the
`medical personnel or some other authorised organ, with which a certain nutrient
`andfor medical substance exposes to a certain illness, and the intake limits for nutri-
`ents andfor medical substances within a certain period, such as NaCl 1 — 5g/24h.
`At its simplest, the nutrition dispenser according to the invention can be realised by
`providing the nutrition dispenser with a user interface, such as a keyboard, with
`which the user can feed information to the nutrition dispenser, for example, about
`his gender and age, and possibly information about the need or consumption of en-
`ergy at a certain time. In addition, at its simplest, the nutrition dispenser can be
`equipped with rooms, such as separate containers or storages, in which substances
`required for a dose of nutrition and/or medication optimised for the user can be
`separately stored. The nutrition dispenser can filrther be provided with equipment,
`such as an information arrangement or its part and a related information unit, with
`the help of which nutrients andfor medical substances, their amounts and propor-
`tions suitable for the user are defined in relation to the information fed by the user,
`with a closing device, with which suitable amounts of the defined substances are
`measured out, and with a mixer, with which the defined substances are mixed to a
`form to be consumed by the user.
`20 Nutrients andfor medical substances can be, for example, semifmished products,
`processed products, synthetically manufactured substances, or combinations of
`these, such as blueberry, compressed blueberry, blueberry juice, antocyane separated
`from blueberry, synthetically manufactured antocyane, or a combination of these.
`Substances in the nutrition dispenser can, for example, be in form of a liquid, con-
`centrate or powder, an emulsion, tablet, effervescent tablet, capsule, pill, granule or
`pieces of ice; however, most preferably in a form to be easily mixed with water.
`Besides water and flavour substances, nutrients can further comprise, for example,
`medical substances, amino acids, carnitine, taurine, nucleotides, choline, inocitol,
`fibres, flavonoids, such as pygnogenols, isoflavonoids, such as fomiononetin, lig-
`name, aminoacids, proteins, minerals and micronutrients, such as magnesium, potas-
`sium or chrome, lycopen, fibres, carbohydrates, such as glucose and fructose, salts,
`fats, minerals, substances containing scents, components of green tea, such as cate-
`chin andfor epicatechin, caffeine, guarana, green tea extract, pygnogenol, betaine,
`methyl sulphonyl methane (MSM), magnesium, potassium, chrome, camitine,
`taurine, peptides, amino acids, such as taurine chonroitin sulphate, mucopolysaccha~
`rides, such as chonroitin sulphate, glucosamino glycan, curcuma, alpha-lipoin acid,
`W0 lI3J"ll56-I93
`antibodies, colostrums preparation, probiotics, prebiotics, herbs, such as maidenhair
`tree (Ginkgo biloba), passion flower (Passiflora incamata), milk thistle (Carduus
`matianum), hop, oat sprout, lemon balm and ethereal oils, such as aniseed, nutmeg
`or cinnamon, adaptogenic plant extracts, such as roseroot (Rhodiola rosea), ginseng,
`Russian root (Acanthopanax scnticosus), and maral root (Leuzea carthamoides), vi-
`tamins, such as Vitamin C and vitamins of the group B; carotenoids, garlic prepara-
`tion, secoiridoids, soluble fibres, fatty acid and phospholipids.
`Vitamins can be, for example, vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12, and C, retinol,
`retinyl acetate, retinyl palmitate, beta-carotene, cholecalcipherol, ergocalcipherol,
`D-alpha-tocopherol, DL-alpha-tocopherol, D-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, D-aIpha-
`tocopheryl acid succinate, phyllochinone, thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine mononi-
`trate, riboflavin, sodium riboflavin-5’-phospate, nicotine acid, nicotine amide, cal-
`cium-D-pantotenate, natrium—d-pantotenatc, dexpanthenol, pyridoxine hydrochlo-
`ride, pyridoxine-5’-phosphate, pyridoxine dipalmitate, pteroyl-monoglutamin acid,
`hydroxo-cobalamin, D-biotin, L-ascorbin
`ascorbate, calcium-L-ascorbate, potassium-L-ascorbate, and L-ascorbyl-6-palrnitate.
`Minerals can be, for example, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, iodide, zinc, man-
`gane, sodium, potassium, selenium, chrome (III) and hexahydrates, molybden, fluo-
`ride, carbonate, chloride, salts of lemon acid, gluconate, glycerophosphate, lactate,
`salts of ortophosphoric acid, hydroxides, oxides, acetate, sulphate, ferrocarbonates,
`ferrocitrates, ferriammoniumcitrate, ferrogluconate, ferrofumarate, ferrisodiumdi-
`phosphate, ferrolactatc, ferrosulphate, ferridiphosphate, ferrisaccharate, iron in form
`of elements, copper carbonate, copper citrate, copper gluconate, copper sulphate,
`copper-lycine complex, potassium iodide, potassium iodatc, sodium iodide, sodium
`iodate, bicarbonates, sodium celenate, sodium -hydro-celenitc, sodium celenite,
`ammonium molybdate, sodium molybdate, potassium fluoride, and sodium fluoride.
`Amino acids can be, for example, L-alatine, L-arginine, L-cystene, L-cystine, L-
`histidine, L-glutamine acid, L-glutamine, L-isoleucine, L-leucirie, L-lycine, L-lycine
`acetate, L-metionine, L-ornitine, phenylalanine, L-treonine, L—tryptophane, L-
`tyrosine, and L-valinc.
`Carnitines and taurines can be, for example, L—camitine, L—camitine hydrochloride,
`and taurine.
`Nucleotides can be, for example, adenocine-5’-phosphoric acid (AMP), sodium salts
`of AMP, cytidine-5’-monophosphoric acid (CMP), sodium salts of CMP, guano-
`W0 lI3i"ll56-I93
`cine-5’—phosphoric acid (GMP), sodium salts of GMP, inocine-5’—phosphoric acid
`(IMP), sodium salts of IMP, uridine-5’-phosphoric acid (UMP), and sodium salts of
`Cholines and inocitols can be, for example, choline, choline-chloride, cholon-
`bitartrate, choline-citrate, and inocol.
`Amino acids can be, for example, L-asparagine acid, L-citmlin, glycine, and L
`Further, the dose of nutrition andfor medication to be manufactured with the nutri-
`tion dispenser of the invention can be, for example, a drink composition, which can
`contain medical substances,
`for example, medical substances influencing blood
`pressure, asthma, allergy or the well-being of the skin.
`The nutrition dispenser of the invention includes considerable advantages. When us-
`ing separate rooms, substances that easily go bad with other substances can be kept
`in own rooms in conditions that are advantageous for the substances in question.
`Nutrients and/or medical substances to be mixed can be, for example, substances
`that are not preserved in water phase, but which are preserved dry. Such a substance
`is, for example, lycopen. In addition, flavonoids among others decompose when ex-
`posed to sunlight, in which case such substances can be kept in a room of the nutri-
`tion dispenser protecting from sunlight. Cleaner doses can be achieved with the nu-
`trition dispenser, because when using the optimal rooms of the nutrition dispenser,
`no preservatives need necessarily be added to the substances at all, or at least to a
`considerably lesser extent than typically.
`The operation of the nutrition dispenser is substantially based on the utilisation of
`the information system and the database arrangement in it. With the information sys-
`tern it is possible to analyse, among others, information about the user’s genetic
`properties, possible illnesses, environmental conditions and/or consumed nutrition
`in relation to information obtained from medical and biological researches for iden-
`tifying nutrition optimal for the user. With the information system, suitable nutrients
`andfor medical substances for preparing an optimal individualised dose of nutrition
`and/or medication can be defined by utilising at least partly learning neurofuzzy sys-
`tems and methods.
`Besides the information mentioned above, the database arrangement of the informa-
`tion system can also comprise reference information, scientific research information
`and information related to the user, such as, information about the user’s age, gen-
`W0 ll3fll56-I93
`der, weight, length, genetic background and structure, genotype (DNA), functional
`state of genes, tribe, group, nationality, illnesses, allergies, mental state, medication,
`living environment, working environment, type of work, family relations, individual
`history, and work or sports performance. Information concerning the user can also
`be a value or information about the fat percentage, blood pressure, blood sugar, he-
`moglobin andfor cholesterol. Most preferably, the information is in a processed
`form in the database arrangement, for example, as probabilities that a certain nutri-
`ent andfor medical substance exposes to or protects from a certain illness with a cer-
`tain probability when taken as doses of a certain size.
`Preferably information related to the user is a sufficient piece of information about
`the user's genetics, functionality of genes andfor physiological characteristics, on
`the basis of which the user’s nutritive and medical basic needs can be determined.
`With the help of information related to the user, also the limitations caused by ill-
`nesses can be taken into account and found out for the manufacturing process of a
`dose of nutrition to be manufactured for the user, or for the preparation, planning
`and realisation of medication intended for the user. Information can also be informa-
`tion about the user’s diseases of the locomotor system, depression, cardiac disease,
`hypertension, allergy, asthma, headache, migraine, mental illness, illnesses caused
`by alcohol, dementia and hormone-dependent cancer.
`The database arrangement can especially comprise at least one probability weighting
`coefficient for at least one gene influencing at least one health property with a cer-
`tain probability, and for at least one nutrient and/or medical substance influencing at
`least one health property in a healing or harmful manner with a certain probability.
`In addition, the database arrangement can comprise at least one probability weight-
`ing coefficient for at least one gene influencing at least one health property with a
`certain probability, and at least one probability weighting coefficient for at least one
`nutrient andfor medical substance influencing at least one health property in a heal-
`ing or harmful manner with a certain probability. Further, the database arrangement
`can comprise at least one probability weighting coefficient for at least one gene to-
`gether with at least one nutrient andfor medical substance influencing at least one
`health property in a healing or harmful manner with a certain probability, and at
`least one probability weighting coefficient for the user to be allergic to at least one
`nutrient andfor medical substance with a certain probability. The database arrange-
`ment can firrther comprise information about the optimal quantity proportions of at
`least two nutrients andfor medical sub