`Pafßnted Jan. 31, 1911.
`4 wmlESSES @Cady/df" .41.
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`To all whom it may concern:
`it known that I, Emma D. DUNNING,
`a citizen of the United States, residin in
`the cit-y and county of Philadelphia, tate
`of Pennsylvania, haveinvented anew an
`useful Lam for Automobilesor other Ve
`hicles, of W ich the following is a specifi
`Specification of Letters Patent. (cid:173) Patented Jan. 31, 1911.
`Application med November 23, 1909. Serial No.„§_29,v523.
`ed on the vehicle and has pivotally connectedI
`with it the rod J which extends to the hanger
`or arm K, with which it is pivotally con
`nected, said arm‘K being mounted on the
`frame of the vehicle and ada ted to be
`geared with and operated by t e steering
`.device L.
`The operation is as follows :_As the vehi
`cle ~roceeds straight to the front, the light
`of t e burners w1ll be correspondingly re
`flected, as indicated by the arrow 1. If the
`vehicle 1s directed to the right, the burners
`will be correspondingly turned by the steer
`in device and connected mechanism, thus
`re ecting the light in the directiony indicated
`the arrows 2. If the vehicle is directed
`to th'e left, the burners will be correspond
`ingly turned by the steering device and con
`nected mechanism, thus reflecting the light in
`the direction indicated bythe arrows 3. By
`these means, the streets or roads will be
`illuminated‘in all directions of the vehicle,
`a feature of importance when the vehicle
`changes its direction, especially in turning
`corners and curves, thus properly illuminat
`ing the path of the vehicle ahead, whether
`the change of direction.
`ystraight in front or
`It willbe observed that neither the'lamp
`nor the reflector therein change their msi
`tions during the change of direction o' the
`reflected light of the burner.
`«Having thus described my inventiomwhat
`I claim as new and desire to secure by Let
`ters Patent, is :-(cid:173)
`1. In a Vehicle lamp of thc character
`stated, a stationarily mounted reflector, a
`the same, a carrier for»
`burner in front of
`said burner adapted to move the latter
`across said reflector, and a connection for
`said carrier with a member of the steering
`gear of the vehicle adapted to cause the
`movement of the said burner in the manner
`2. 'In a vehicle lamp of the character
`stated, a_ stat'onarily mounted curved rc
`flector, a burner in front of the same, a carf
`rier for said burner adapted` to move the
`latter in a path concentric with the curva
`d 105
`ture of said reflector, and means connecte
`with said carrier and a member of the steer
`in gear of the vehicle adapted to operate
`said burner in its movements.
`3. In a vehicle lamp of the character
`stated, a stationarily mounted curved re
`flector, a burner in front of the same, a
`crank-likearm carrying said lburner adapted
`For the purpose of explaining the inven
`tion, the accompanying drawing illustrates
`¿satisfactory reduction of the same to
`instrumenta ities
`„ tice, but the important
``thereof may be varied, and so it is to be un
`derstood that the invention is not limited
`to the specific arrangement and organization
`shown and described.
`Figure l represents a side elevation of a
`.lamp of an automobile or other ‘vehicle em
`bodying my invention. Fig. 2 represents a
`top or plan view thereof. Fig. 3 represents
`a front View thereof. Fig. 4- represents a
`y bottom plan view of a .detached portion.
`Similar letters of reference indicate cor
`responding parts in the figures.
`Referring to the drawings :-(cid:173)A designates
`the burner of an automo ile lamp B, the
`same being connected with the radial arm .
`or horizontal limb C of an elbow whose
`vertical limb D comprising an axle is jour
`naled in the _boss E, which is fitted to the
`base of said lamp, said burner occupying a
`position in front of the reflector, and the
`lamp being supported in any suitable> man
`ner usual in such cases, so as to be com
`paratively stationary, said reflector being
`curved o_r concave, as well known. The arm
`or limb C acts 'as a crank for turning the
`burner in a. path concentricwith the front
`of the reflector.
`On the lower end of the limb D is a radial
`arm D', to which is attached the cross bar
`H, thelatter joining aradial arm similar to
`D’ on the carrier of a burner. A’ of an oppo
`site lam B', thus coupling the burners of
`a pair o? lam s on the Vehicle. One end of
`the cross bar Ill is pivotally attached to the
`bell crank lever Gr, which is suitably mount
`My invention consists df a lamp for an
`automobile or other vehicle, provided with a
`_burner which is movably mounted, so that
`the light thereof may be deflected with the
`-changes of direction of the vehicle, more
`part1cularly around corners and on curves.
`It consists4 also 1n adapting said burner to
`. be moved by the steering mechanism of the
`vehicle. '
`61o Y
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`in a'patli concentric with stated, a burner, a vradial arm carrying (cid:173)the
`to turn the latter
`the curvature of said reflector, a member of
`same, an axle for
`said arm, a bearing for(cid:173)
`the steering mechanism of the vehicle, and
`sald- axle, a lever connected with said axle,
`means for connecting said' arm with said
`` and operating means for said lever extend
`ing from the same to the steering device of
`(cid:173)the vehicle,> with which it is connected and
`by which it is actuated so as to change' the
`line `of refiection of the light of the burner
`vto the ri ht or left .with the change of di
`rection o the vehicle.
`(cid:173) ELMER D. DUN NING.
`4. In a Vehicle lamp of the character
`stated, a fixed curved reflector, a. radial arm
`mounted on a vertical axle to turn to the
`right or left, a burner carried by said arm
`to move in a path concentric with the curva».
`ture of said reñector, an arm depending
`from the lframe of the vehicle, and a connec(cid:173)(cid:173)
`tion between said arm and axle.
`5. 111 a vehicle lamp of the character
`Witnesses: '
`v HARRY C. DAL'roN.
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