Pet., Exh. 1019, p. 1
`Pet., Exh. 1019, p. 1

`copyright© 1998 Harry Newton
`personal web site:
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions, including the right to reproduce this
`book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
`Published in the United States by
`Telecom Books,
`An Imprint of Miller Freeman, Inc.
`12 West 21 Street
`New York, NY 10010
`212-691-8215 Fax 212-691-1011
`1-800-999-0345 and 1-800-LIBRARY
`ISBN Number 1-57820-023-7
`October, 1998
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Fourteenth Considerably Expanded and Updated Edition
`Cover Design by Saul Roldan
`Printed at Command Web, Secaucus, New Jersey
`Pet., Exh. 1019, p. 2

`I execution of an application under development. At
`as1c level, a debugger lets you look at running mac
`ind fiddle around with the contents of memory~
`understand machine code (and are looking at m
`ou've written from scratch). Not great if you don't
`1e code, or are looking at machine code output
`:vel language compiler (e.g., Ctt compiler). A
`lie debugger references the symbol table of an
`:, providing readable variable names, function
`etc., more or less as they appear in source. Eas·
`le-language folks (because of the labels). Not
`lor high-level language folks, because you're still
`~machine code. A source-level symbolic debugge
`> both the symbol table of an executable and v
`·oduced during compilation; and lets you work
`vel language source directly, during target pro
`on. Fully-integrated debuggers like this are built
`oil's Visual/)( products. Functions common to
`1ers include the ability to set "breakpoints" (i.e., run
`n until you reach this step, then stop), "watch
`(i.e., show me how the value of this variable chan
`I possibly stop if it assumes a predetermined v
`-step execution" (i.e., do this step and stop), ch
`i values in mid-execution, etc.
`olic language A computer programming lang
`express addresses and instructions with symbols
`to humans rather than machines.
`olic logic The discipline in which valid argu
`1erations are dealt with using an artificial lang
`id to avoid the ambiguities and logical inadequaci
`1etric Balanced in proportion. In the networked w
`tric or symmetrical (either is acceptable) can refer
`balance of bandwidth. For example, ISDN BRI pro
`tric bandwidth, as each of the two B channels provi
`s in each direction and the D channel operates at
`1 each direction. Symmetric also can refer to the p
`ology of the network. For example, a point-to-point.
`1nnects one device directly to one other d
`etric, on the other hand, refers to something whi
`fectly balanced. See the next several definitions.
`:etric Connection A connection with the
`Jth value specified for both directions.
`etric Multiprocessing SMP. A type of multi
`in which more than one processor can execute ker
`d_e at the same time. The degree of symmetry can
`mted, where there is very little concurrency of e
`the theoretically ideal fully-symmetric system w
`ction can be executed on any processor at any t
`:ors within the same system share all proce
`1g disk 1/0, network 1/0 and memory. Compar
`1ETRIC MULTIPROCESSING, wherein processo
`e or different systems are dedicated to specific t
`disk 1/0, network 1/0 or memory management.
`these tasks from the main system CPU, which ge
`responsible for running the operating system.
`or usually has its own dedicated memory. See
`etrical Channel A channel in which the sen
`directions of transmission have the same data si
`etrical Compression A compression s
`oquires equal processing capability for compre
`ompression of an image. This form of compression
`in applications where both compression and decompres(cid:173)
`ill be utilized frequently. Examples include: still-image
`sing, still-image transmission (color fax), video pro(cid:173)
`n video mail, videophones, and videoconferencing.
`'etrical DiQital Subscriber Line See SDSL.
`etrical Pair A balanced transmission line in a mul(cid:173)
`cable having equal conductor resistances per unit length,
`impedances from each conductor to earth, and equal
`dances to other lines.
`Syn Character, Synchronous Idle In synchro(cid:173)
`transmission. Control character in character-oriented
`ols used to maintain synchronization and as a time-fill
`absence of data. The sequence of two SYN characters in
`ssion is used to maintain synchronization following each
`urnaround. Contrast with flag.
`1. Synchronization character.
`portion of an encoded video signal that occurs during
`g and is used to synchronize the operation of cameras,
`rs, and other equipment. Horizontal sync occurs within
`king period in each horizontal scanning line, and ver(cid:173)
`ync occurs within the vertical blanking period.
`Bits Synchronizing bits (more properly bytes or char(cid:173)
`) used in synchronous transmission to maintain syn(cid:173)
`ization between transmitter and receiver.
`Generator A video term. A device that generates syn(cid:173)
`izing pulses need by video source equipment to provide
`equipment or studio timing. Pulses typically produced
`nc generator include subcarrier, burst flag, sync, blank(cid:173)
`& V drives, color frame identification, and color black.
`Pulse Timing pulses added to a video signal to keep
`tire video process synchronized in time.
`hronet Service Dedicated point to point and multi(cid:173)
`digital data transmission service offered by BellSouth at
`s of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 56 and 64 Kbps.
`hronization 1. A networking term which means that
`tire network is controlled by one master clock and trans(cid:173)
`ns arrive and depart at precise times so that information
`er lost nor jumbled. For a bigger explanation, see NET(cid:173)
`ninterruptible power supply (UPS) definition. Specially
`d circuitry is "synchronized" to your AC power outlet
`ure continuity of power. Without this feature, power
`al can occur on the input.
`multimedia term. Synchronization is very precise real-time
`ssing, down to the millisecond. Some forms of multimedia,
`as audio and video, are time critical. Time delays that might
`e noticeable in text or graphics delivery, but are unaccept(cid:173)
`for audio and video. Workstations and networks must be
`le of transmitting this kind of data in a synchronized man(cid:173)
`Where audio and video are combined, they must be time
`ped so that they can both play back at the same time.
`rt with a database on your server. Now, take a copy of part
`n your laptop -
`for example, your very own sales leads.
`veling. Come back in a week. You want to update the
`se with your changes. But you don't want to destroy other
`les' changes. Some people are calling this "file synchro(cid:173)
`ion." Synchronization is a critical part of what is increas-
`being called "Groupware." See also REPLICATION.
`Video term referring to the timing of the vertical and hor(cid:173)
`tal presentation of the multiple still images. Vertical
`h prevents the picture from flipping, or scrolling unnat(cid:173)
`ly. Horizontal synch keeps the picture from twisting. If
`vertical and horizontal are out of synch, the picture
`s truly wretched.
`Synchronization Bit A binary bit used to synchronize the
`transmission and receipt of characters in data communications.
`Synchronization Bits Bits transmitted from source to
`destination for the purpose of synchronizing the clocks of the
`transmitting and receiving devices. The term "synchronization
`bit" is usually applied to digital data streams, whereas the term
`"synchronization pulse" is usually applied to analog signals.
`Synchronization Code In digital systems, a sequence of
`digital symbols introduced into a transmission signal to
`achieve or maintain synchronism.
`Synchronization Pulses Bits transmitted from source to
`destination for the purpose of synchronizing the clocks of the
`transmitting and receiving devices. The term "synchronization
`pulse" is usually applied to analog signals, whereas the term
`"synchronization bit" is usually applied to digital data streams.
`Synchronize The word synchronize means "to cause to
`match exactly." When you're synchronizing, you're causing
`one file on one computer to precisely match another one on
`another computer. Why would you want to do this? Let's say
`you have a database of sales contacts on a file server. One of
`your salesman takes a copy of his sales contacts with him on
`his laptop. He travels and makes changes to his contacts. Now
`he dials into the office via modem and wants to "synchronize"
`his changed database with the now-changed main database,
`and make them both the same, i.e. into synch. This process is
`far more difficult than it sounds because it means allowing for
`the changes made at the server and by the salesman. You have
`to set up elaborate rules.
`In operating systems, such as Windows NT, the word "syn(cid:173)
`chronize" has a narrower meaning. Windows NT instruction
`manual defines "synchronize" as "to replicate the domain con(cid:173)
`troller to one server of the domain, or to all the servers of a
`domain. This is usually performed automatically by the sys(cid:173)
`tem, but can also be invoked manually by an administrator."
`See also REPLICATE.
`Synchronizing Achieving and maintaining synchronism.
`In facsimile, achieving and maintaining predetermined speed
`relations between the scanning spot and the recording spot
`within each scanning line.
`Synchronizing Pilot In FDM, a reference frequency used
`for achieving and maintaining synchronization of the oscilla(cid:173)
`tors of a carrier system or for comparing the frequencies or
`phases of the currents generated by those oscillators.
`Synchronous The condition that occurs when two events
`happen in a specific time relationship with each other and both
`are under control of a master clock. Synchronous transmission
`means there is a constant time between successive bits, char(cid:173)
`acters or events. The timing is achieved by the sharing of a sin(cid:173)
`gle clock. Each end of the transmission synchronizes itself with
`the use of clocks and information sent along with the transmit(cid:173)
`ted data. Synchronous is the most popular communications
`method to and from mainframes. In synchronous transmission,
`characters are spaced by time, not by start and stop bits.
`Because you don't have to add these bits, synchronous trans(cid:173)
`mission of a message will take fewer bits (and therefore less
`time) than asynchronous transmission. But because precise
`clocks and careful timing are needed in synchronous transmis(cid:173)
`sion, it's usually more expensive to set up synchronous trans(cid:173)
`mission. Most networks are synchronous these days. See
`Synchronous Completion A computing domain issues a
`service request and need not wait for it to complete. If the com(cid:173)
`puting domain waits for this completion, this is known as
`SYNCHRONOUS, but if it is sent off to another system entity
`Pet., Exh. 1019, p. 3

`electromagnetic waves by scattering as a result of irregularities
`or discontinuities in the physical properties of the troposphere.
`A method of transhorizon communications using frequencies
`from approximately 350 MHz to approximately 8400 MHz. The
`propagation mechanism is still not fully understood, though it
`includes several distinguishable but changeable mechanisms
`such as propagation by means of random reflections and scat(cid:173)
`tering from irregularities in the dielectric gradient density of
`the troposphere, smooth-Earth diffraction, and diffraction over
`isolated obstacles (knife-edge diffraction).
`Tropospheric Wave A radio wave that is propagated by
`reflection from a place of abrupt change in the dielectric con(cid:173)
`stant or its gradient in the troposphere. In some cases, the
`ground wave may be so altered that new components appear to
`arise from reflection in regions of rapidly changing dielectric
`constant. When these components are distinguishable from the
`other components, they are called "tropospheric waves."
`Trouble Number Display The operator will know what
`the trouble is with the phone system by seeing a number pop
`up on her/his console. That number may pop up automatical(cid:173)
`ly or the operator may have to hit the ALM (for ALARM) or
`similar button.
`Trouble Ticket Form used to report problems. Often incor(cid:173)
`rectly filled-in. Check.
`Trouble Unit A weighting figure applied to telephone circuit
`or circuits to indicate expected performance in a given period.
`Troubles Per Hundred Troubles per hundred is a crite(cid:173)
`rion for acceptable customer service which telephone compa(cid:173)
`nies and public utility commissions have agreed upon. It's
`measured in terms of the number of complaints received per
`hundred telephones in one month. Six complaints per hun(cid:173)
`dred is considered the maximum for acceptable service. See
`TRS·SO Tandy Radio Shack-80. One of the early PCs. It was
`introduced by Tandy Corporation through its Radio Shack
`stores. It was based on the Zilog Z80 chip and began selling
`in the late 1970s. Along with Apple and Commodore it proved
`the viability of personal computers. The TRS-80 helped
`ensure the success of later generations of PCs by introducing
`a spreadsheet called Visicalc, word processing such as
`Electric Pencil, WordStar and databases such as dBASE. It
`also was one ·Of Microsoft's earliest customers for their Basic
`language package. There were several TRS-80 models includ(cid:173)
`ing the original Model 1, Model 2, Xenix (UNIX), Model 3
`with integrated drives and Model 4. Some of the models could
`run CP/M or TRSDOS. Tandy later also introduced the Model
`100 which was, arguably the first Laptop/Notebook, and for
`which Bill Gates is alleged to have written much of the soft(cid:173)
`ware code. Detractors of the TRS-80 referred to it as the
`"Trash-80." The TRS-80 Model 2 actually had a cage
`designed for the specific purpose of accepting printed circuit
`cards. Sadly, Radio Shack never released the technical specs
`on the cage. No one (including Radio Shack itself) produced
`cards and the machine was quickly superseded by the IBM
`PC. In short, Radio Shack once had the market for PCs right
`at its fingertips. But blew an incredible opportunity. Sad. ·
`TRU Inside a telephone system, the TRU (the Tone Receiver
`Unit) is used to retrieve and interpret touch-tone data received.
`Those tones might be sent by a TSU -
`Tone Sender Unit.
`TrueSpeech TrueSpeech is a low-bandwidth method of dig(cid:173)
`itizing speech, which was created by a company called DSP
`Group, Inc. Santa Clara, CA. TrueSpeech uses compression to
`drop one minute of voice down to 62 kilobytes with remark(cid:173)
`ably little degradation. It is used in many digital telephone
`answering devices for storing and reproducing voice
`TrueSpeech's compression is not meant for high fidelit ·
`music. But it is more than acceptable for such business appli~
`cations as voice mail, voice annotation, dictation, and educa(cid:173)
`tion and training. The small file size means that it can be
`transferred more easily to other users by using either a cor(cid:173)
`porate network. The DSP Group describe TrueSpeech an
`enabling technology for speech compression in personal
`computers and future personal communications devices
`Speech compression is key technology to the effective con~
`vergence of personal computers and telephony. TrueSpeech
`compression is a technology based on complex mathematical
`algorithms which are derived from the way airflow from our
`lungs is shaped by the throat, mouth, and tongue when we
`speak. This shaping is what our ear finally hears. TrueSpeech
`is 5 to 15 times ~ore efficient than other f'.lethods of digital
`speech compression. For example, a one minute long speech
`file which uses other PC audio technology would consume as·
`much as 960 kilobytes. With TrueSpeech, the same file would
`be just over 60 kilo~ytes. TrueSpeech is used in the Microsott
`S~und Syste~, which also ,lets you choose the voice sam"i
`piing you wish when you re recording material. Here is
`Microsoft Sound System's recording options:

`Sampling Rate Technology
`62K per minute
`8 KHz
`234K per minute
`8 KHz
`322K per minute
`11 KHz
`1291 K per minute
`22 KHz
`5176K per minute
`44 Khz
`The above is for mono recordings. For stereo, double
`amount of space.
`Truetype A Windows 3.1 feature. Fonts that are seal
`and sometimes generated as bitmaps or soft fonts, depen
`on the capabilities of your printer. True Type fonts can be
`to any height, and they print exactly as they appear o
`screen. Using TrueType, you'll be able to create docu
`that retain their format and fonts on any Windows 3.1 mac
`even if the fonts aren't installed on that computer.
`makes Windows 3.1 documents portable.
`Truevoice 1. In the fall of 1993, AT&T announced that it
`introducing new voice quality throughout its long dist
`network. And that it was calling that quality "true v ·
`AT&T set up a demo line. Some people thought they
`notice an improvement. Some thought they couldn't.I:
`sonally thought true voice sounded pretty good.
`2. The trademark name of Centigram's text-to-speech pro
`which they acquired from SpeechPlus.
`Trumpet Winsock A once-popular Windows 3:XX,
`munications program and TCP/IP stack which allowed
`to dial into the Internet and use browsers to surf the J
`I never liked the program and had great di(ficulty
`Fortunately the program has effectively bee~ killed by ..
`networking capabilities now part of every Windows 95.
`Truncated Binary Exponential Back Off A
`name for exponential back off used in IEEE 802.3 !o.
`networks. In an exponential back-off pr?cess, th~ .11
`between successive attempts to transmit a spec1f1c
`increased exponentially.
`Truncation In data processing, the ?elet1on or orrn
`a leading or a trailing portion of a string in accorda
`· h;
`specified criteria.
`Trunk A communication line between two. swrtc
`terns. The term switching systems typically includd
`men! in a central office (the telephone company) an .•
`Pet., Exh. 1019, p. 4

`tie trunk connects PBXs. Central office trunks connect a PBX
`to the switching system at the central office.
`trunk Access Number 1. The number of the trunk over
`which a call is to be routed.
`2: The number that needs to be dialed in order to gain access
`to an outbound trunk. This applies to both local and local dis(cid:173)
`tance trunks, as the access number can be different.
`Trunk Answer A phone system feature. This feature allows
`a ringing call to be answered from any telephone in the sys(cid:173)
`ern. Typically the feature must be activated in phone system
`Trunk Answer From Any Phone A phone system fea(cid:173)
`ture. When a call comes in, something rings. You can now
`answer the incoming call from any phone. To do so, you must
`dial a special code or hit a special feature button on your
`one. When my office phone system bells ring, all we have
`do is to touch "6" on any phone and we can answer the
`oming call. Typically the feature must be activated in
`e system programming.
`nk Data Module TDM. Provides the interface between
`.DCP signal and a modem or Digital Service Unit (DSU).
`nk Direct Termination An option on switch(cid:173)
`ards which terminates a trunk group on one key (or but(cid:173)
`n).on the console.
`unk Encryption Device TED. A bulk encryption
`vice used to provide secure communication over a wide(cid:173)
`d digital ·transmission link. It is usually located between
`output of a trunk group multiplexer and a wideband radio
`able facility.
`nk Exchange A telephone exchange dedicated primar(cid:173)
`o interconnecting trunks.
`nk Group A group of essentially like trunks that go
`en the same two geographical points. They have similar
`ical characteristics. A trunk group performs the same
`ion as a single trunk, except that on a trunk group you
`':carry multiple conversations: You use a trunk group when
`r1traffic demands it. Typically, the trunks in a trunk group
`accessed the same way. You dial your Band 5 WATS trunk
`up by dialing 62, for example. If the first trunk of that
`'up is busy, you choose the second, then the third, etc. See
`nk Group Alternate Route The alternate route for
`igh-usage trunk group. A trunk group alternate route can(cid:173)
`ts of all the trunk groups in tandem that lead to the distant
`minal of the high-usage trunk group.
`nk Group Multiplexer TGM. A lime division multi(cid:173)
`xer whose function is to combine individual digital trunk
`ups into a higher rate bit stream for transmission over
`eband digital communication links.
`nk Group Warning Alerts the attendant when a pre(cid:173)
`t number of trunks in a group are busy. See TRUNK GROUP.
`unk Holding Time The length of time a caller is con-
`. ctedwith a voice processing system. Defined from the time
`n the system goes off-hook to the time the port (i.e. the
`k) is placed back on hook.
`IJnk Hunting Switching incoming calls to the next con(cid:173)
`cutive number if the first called number is busy.
`k Make Busy A fancy name for saying that, by
`. nching a few buttons on the console, you can make any
`runks in your PBX or key system busy, effectively putting the
`rurk out of service. You may want to do this if your trunk is
`cting up. By busying it out at the console, you are effective(cid:173)
`den~ing its use to anyone in the company. Thus you are
`.rotecting yourself from further complaints. Hopefully, it will
`be repaired promptly.
`Trunk Monitoring Feature which allows individual trunk
`testing to verify supervision and transmission. You dial an
`access code and then the specific trunk number from the
`attendant console. You want the ability to test a specific trunk
`because normally you might be only accessing a trunk group
`when you dial an access code. Thus, each time you dial into
`the trunk group, you might end up on another individual
`trunk. Some PBXs have a variation of trunk monitoring,
`whereby if a user encounters a bad trunk, he can dial a spe(cid:173)
`cific code, then hang up. The PBX recognizes these digits and
`makes a trouble report on that specific trunk, possibly report(cid:173)
`ing it to the operator, keeping it in memory for later analysis
`or dialing a remote diagnostic center and reporting its agony.
`Trunk Number Display The specific trunk number of an
`incoming call can be displayed on the attendant console,
`enabling your attendant to instantly identify the origin of cer(cid:173)
`tain calls. For example, if you have several tie lines to b'ranch
`offices, your attendant knows immediately which office is
`calling. Many newer PBXs have displays on individual tele(cid:173)
`phones, which show the actual trunk being used for outgoing
`and incoming calls. This provides an additional measure of
`control. You might, for example, speak faster if you knew the
`call was coming in on your IN-WATS line. You might also
`answer the call differently if you know what trunk it's coming
`in on. For example, you might be running several, totally-sep(cid:173)
`arate businesses from the same console. Each business has a
`different number. The.only way you know what to answer~
`Joe's Bakery or Mary's Real Estate,_ is by the trunk.
`Trunk Occupancy The percentage of .time (normally an
`hour) that trunks are in use. Trunk occupancy may also be
`expressed as the carried CCS per trunk.
`Trunk Order A document (or data system equivalent) used
`in an operating telephone company to request a change to a
`trunk group.
`Trunk Queuing A feature whereby your phone system
`automatically stacks requests for outgoing circuits· and
`processes those requests on, typically, a first-in/first-out
`Trunk Reservation The attendant can hold a single trunk
`in a group and then extend it to a specific phone. This'tneans,
`for example, that a WATS line can be held for someone spe(cid:173)
`cial - a heavy caller, the president of the firm, etc.
`Trunk Restriction Some people may not be allowed to
`use certain trunks at certain times. The sophistication of trunk
`restriction depends on the switch and the way it's pro(cid:173)

`Trunk Segment The main segment of cable in an Ethernet
`network is called the trunk segment.
`Trunk Side Connection A carrier term. Trunk side con(cid:173)
`nections are within the carrier network. lnterMachine Trunks
`(IMTs) connect carrier switches to other carrier switches .
`Such switches include circuit switches such as Central
`Offices (COs) and Tandem switches, Frame Relay switches
`and routers, packet switches, and ATM switches. End user
`organizations can lease local loops with trunk side connec(cid:173)
`tions, as well; such a loop would appear to the carrier network
`as being a part of it, and would be used for access to ANI
`(Automatic Number Identification) information. Compare with .
`Line Side Connection. ·
`Trunk Type TT. Trunks that use the same type of equipment
`going to the same terminating location.
`Trunk Type Master File TTMF. An MCI definition. A
`comprehensive listing of all trunk assignments on the MCI
`Pet., Exh. 1019, p. 5

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