oss Exhibit 2008, pg. 1
`FMC vs. oss
`OSS Exhibit 2008, pg. 1
`FMC vs. OSS

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`OSS Exhibit 2008, pg. 2
`FMC vs. OSS

`oss Exhibit 2008, pg. 3
`FMC vs. oss
`OSS Exhibit 2008, pg. 3
`FMC vs. OSS

`We forming the end of a neural
`’='~'€Ptor with its associated nervesgiglfildIlla.’
`IISV endogenous
`+ morphine] (1
`“ll Potent
`,3“: ENKEP::fn%e51C Properties that 0
`dors-mg [alter. of gin e
`- to put on the back,
`to write on the back of; 3l
`on ‘he bslc
`med on ml; gale? check) in order
`b :
`to ll'lSCl'lbe (2,?
`as an official dnc
`I,dum °., 2‘:;"<
`m’ 0’ “Wei bl’ ins
`e caller to another ( U‘
`to war
`zdsc receipt of (a siigi $§.:ir'i§d“) ‘atria
`esp; to ‘
`f publit:‘l;efl?l’;e?lltE}iir(]’i:efi,n31°32.
`— en-do .
`- _
`.. en-dm-s.3b]e \_idér_Sa_baI\"";}1;9ral
`e act or proces
`en:\ n (1 gfifir
`glor sar\ ri
`iat is written in the pr
`isurance contract all
`ocess of endorsing‘
`fling “5 “One or
`(1861) 2
`an instrument for Vlsuan
`s the rectum or urethra) _ en,
`adj (I861 ,
`[PE or endogc Of, relating to, or
`0P3’ —
`“’.n\ n (ca. 1347) : an inte
`rnal skelet
`‘_ _
`F eridosperme f
`en do skel.e.ga1 \_]g_,aJ\ '13:.‘
`1 3 l'lUIl'lIlV¢rll§:l.fYe iii sceielilsiglea
`: the triploid nucleus formed in the V
`” °f 3 Sperm nucleu
`' h
`an asexual spore
`-\ n r_is"x5’i (‘i§i§')°,f ‘he ""“"”’"°1°'
`a. 1868) 1- of
`or relating to the end.
`NL. f.
`adv, .
`_ca. 1381) : the lgiyer of-v:£'tiTila-i!‘cc(j3l:
`' cavities of bone
`end- + Gk
`illar - mo
`longitudinal rsélvlos P
`ds PF0_lectingintgetl?:
`i_furrow lined with g]
`andular °i”3lE,d
`l\ n[ d .
`,H6Cf6’bfs jgaiuilgugés-an] ( i 962) :, ll
`in the control
`sas -b‘.
`- -
`hin the bog) (ii &asylr:(>(i)t)ticsg$'blo-
`be \ n
`i-:?,’.‘,‘i‘i.e’." "’ "~"“ \-We-ax mm
`_ _
`ti! \—ma-t;i'\
`’rorii endgtllileslizilr“£151,123-
`‘ "- P’-1ia.\-IE-=\ [NL. n and.
`3 311 epithelium of mesodei-i-nil
`lfhin flattened cells tha
`t lines inter.
`:r of the seed
`coat of some plants ~
`-6): awann-blooded
`Id)‘ [Is
`g .2, Yv1l(‘M_§‘Li)Ooglibcharacterized
`mS]l§2‘)?S.P physiological regulation of
`the Property or state 9;
`nal Von-
`V] (1904) - a toxin of inter
`\a J
`:i:r::.‘,2“.i:°“i“ ‘as ‘he
`b°dY 0111)’ on its
`'10) 1:
`!?§_0u)gh tg:€r¢;g}V]Vt;lhln
`the trachea
`99 f
`endouer fr M}? E"
`' + dauer to
`m‘;":';>; g “'1?l’efatDATE] (159)
`la“ ° m°|'|§Y Providing
`,;}§‘,‘j‘;f__;>1ffi§].~ 2: hospital) 2 2 to
`"'9 ‘P601!’ or naturally
`:°.i:‘§:,r'°:=s 9* e-dqwing. 2
`uralcapacittl an lnS(lll1tl0l1:s m.
`. a on
`Yv Power, or ability -
`ce-folded sheet of paper
`nmde °f ”.‘° front or back cover
`Iase to the first or last page
`131 tfeelike branching of a motor
`13 the co
`itration aT€v§i£inaOd:fi'Ei?::Sf?e%i
`endpoint‘: either of two points
`egment or interval; also : a point
`(1952) :
`fBOlSOmC: (‘if doll:-lll(I;|li'l!I‘ldaI}£l“i'lt,E(.::1?l‘l|—'
`it which the ballcarrier
`an evasive
`specif: sw£EP3e 2;
`d‘_5topped \'en(d)'apt\ adj(l877) 2 marked by a logical or rhetor-
`‘uw pause at the end (an ~ line of verse) —- compare RUN-ON
`gable ii (1851) : a small table_usu. about the height of the ann of a
`33,- that is used beside a larger piece of furniture (as a sofa)
`due \in-'dii, -'dyii, en-\ vi en-dued; en-du-ing [Ml3, fr. MF eriduire
`bring in, introduce, fr. L inducere -—- more at lNDUCE] (lie)
`1 : rho
`DE enoow 2 :
`IMBUE. TRANSFUSE 3 [ME induen; influenced by I.
`bal, -'dyur-, en-\ mi} (1800) : capable of being
`ur~ably \-b1e\ adv
`wdured :
`dur-ance \m-'dur-ap(t)s, —'dyi'ir-, en-\ n (l5c)
`110}: 2 : the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; esp: the
`[y to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity (a marathon
`ner’s ~) I 3 : the act or an instance of enduring or suffering (~ of
`any hardships)
`dure \in-'dur, -'dyur, en-\ vb en-dured; en-dur-mg [ME, fr. MF
`duper, fr. (assumed) VL indurare. fr. L, to harden. fr. in- + durare to
`hm-‘den, endure — more at DURING] vt (l4c)
`1 2
`to undergo (as a hard-
`ship) esp. without giving in :~ SUFFER 2 2
`to regard with acceptance or
`tolerance (could not ~ noisy children) ~ vi
`1 :
`to continue in the
`was state : LAST 2 2 to remain firm under suffering or misfortune
`iliout yieldin
`aur-ing adj 15c) : LASTING, DURABLE-—— en-dur-ing-ly \-'d(y)i‘ir-nJ-
`en-dur-ing-ness ll
`.)6. -’dy\‘ir-\ ri, pl en-dur-os [endurance + -a (It or Sp
`so. ii. ending)] (1935) : a lon race (as for automobiles or motorcy-
`cs) stressing endurance rather t ian speed
`end user vi (ca. 1945) : the ultimate consumer of a finished product
`eng1.ways \'en-.dwfiz\ adv or adj (ca. 1608)
`1 :
`in or toward the direc-
`than of the ends : LENGTHWI ' ‘ (~ pressure) 2 2 with the end forward
`toward the observer) 3 : on end 2 UPRlGH1‘(boxes set ~)
`d.wise \'en-.d 'z\ tidy or adj (1657) : ENDWAYS
`Enidym-i-on \en di-me'—on\ n [L. fr. Gk Endymion] : a beautiful youth
`awed by Selene in Greek mythology
`il zone ii (ca. 1916) :
`the area at either end of a football field between
`me goal line and the end lint:
`e \,En\ ll suffix [ISV, tr. Gk -Erie. fem. of -Enos, adj. suffix] : unsatu-
`rated carbon com ound (benzene); esp : carbon compound with one
`uble bond (ethy eiie)
`rna \'e-na-ma\ n. pl enemas also ene-ma-ta \.e-no-‘ma-ta, 'e-iia-
`;-ta\ [LL, fr. Gk, fr. enieiiai‘ to inject, fr. en- + hienai to send —
`more at JET] Use)
`1 2 the injection of liquid into the intestine by way
`of the anus
`2 : material for injection as an enema
`my \'e-no-mé\ n. pl -mfes [ME eneml fr. OF, fr. 1. inimicus, fr. in-
`+ amlcus friend —- more at AMIABLE] (Be)
`1 : one that is antago-
`nistic to another; exp : one seeking to injure, overthrow. or confound
`an opponent
`2 : something hunntul or deadly 3 a : a military ad-
`, vcrsary b: ahostll unit or force
`eweroget-ic \,e-nor-'
`-tik\ adj [Gk energetikor, fr. euergein to be active,
`energat] (1651)
`1 2 operating with or marked by vigor or effect
`, marked by energy : STRENUDUS 3 : of or relating to energy (~ equa-
`sym see VIGOROUS — en-er-get-i-cal-ly \-ti-k(o-)lé\ adv
`-er-get-ics \-tiks\ ll pl but ring in constr (1855)
`1 : a branch of me-
`elianics that deals primarily with energy and its transformations
`: the total energy relations and transformations of a physical. chemi-
`cal, or biological system (the~ of an ecological community)
`én-er-gise Brit var ofENI-ZRGIZE
`rogize \'e-nor-.ji2\ vb —gized; -giz-lng vi’ (1752) :
`to put forth en-
`’ ergy : ACT N v!
`1 :
`to make energetic, vigorous, or active
`2 2 to
`I energy to 3 2 to apply voltage to —— en-er-gi-za-tion \.e-n:;r-
`,p- za-shan\ ii — en-er~giz-er n
`-cr-gy \'e-nar-_ie\ n, pl -gies [LL eiiergia, fr. Gk eriergeizi activity, fr.
`ergos active, fr. en in + argon work — more at WORK] (1599)
`dynamic quality (narrative ~) In :
`the capacity of acting or being
`‘active (intellectual ~)
`vigorous exertion of power : EFFORT (in-
`.vesting time and ~)
`3 2
`the capacity for doing work
`4 : usable
`'power (as heat or electricity); ‘also 2 the resources for producing such
`syn see POWER
`energy level ii (1910) : one 9f the stable states of constant energy that
`fmay be assumed by a physical system — used esp. of the quantum
`statm of electrons in atoms and of nuclei; called also energy state
`‘ciier-vate \i-‘nor-vet\ adj (1603) 2 locking physical, mental, or moral
`__ n-er-va e
`v -va -e ; -va -mg
`eiierva us, pp. o ener-
`1:430“ Eimiynw ‘t\
`t d
`-Avare, tr. e- + nervus sinew — more at NERVE] E1614)
`1 : to reduce the
`see UNNERVE— en-er-va- on \.e-uar- vi-s an n
`'_I_I‘lEl'IlZ|l or moral vigor of 2 : to lessen theKita\lity or strength of syn
`en-fant ter-ri- le \Ei"~ a
`e-rébl‘\ n. pl enfants terribles \same\ [P,
`lit.. terrifying child] (1351)
`ll : a child whose inopportune remarks
`cause embarrassment
`b : a person known for shocking remarks or
`S n in yunort 0 ox. innovative. or avant-gar e
`ottit‘i;age?us behzfivigr 2
`a usu. young and siaecessful person who is
`en-fcc-file \in-'fé-bal, en-\ vt en-fee-bled; en-fee-bling \-b(a-)lii3\
`[ME enfeblen. fr. MF erifeblir, fr. OF, fr. en- + feble feeble] (14c) 2 to
`‘make feeble : deprive of strength
`syn see WEAKEN —— en-fee-ble-
`at-it\ ri
`en-feoff \in-'fef, -'téf. en-\ vl [ME enfeoffevi, fr. AF enfeaffer, fr. OF en-
`’+ fief fief] (l5c) 2 to invest with a fief or fee — en-feuff-ment
`en-fet-ter \in-‘ft:-tar. en-\ vi (1599) : to bind in fetters : ENCHAIN
`E51-fe_-ver \i
`-var, en-\ vt (1647) 2 FEVER
`En-field rifle \'en-.feld-\ n [E21,/leld, England] (1854) 2 a .30 caliber
`repeating rifle used by U.S. and British troops in World
`‘en-fi-lade \'en-fa-.I§d, -.l'dd\ ri [F, fr. enfiler to thread, enfilade, fr. OF,
`to thread, fr, 211- + fil thread —— more at FILE] (ca. 1730)
`1 : an inter-
`connected group of rooms arranged usu.
`in a row Wlth‘ each room
`0 ening into the next
`2 : gunfire directed from a flanking position
`23 Bug the length of an enemy battle line
`cnfilade vt -ladeed; -lad-ing (1706) 2
`to rake or be in a position to
`rake with gunfire in a lengthwise direction
`enflame var afi FLAME
`h\ n [F, fr. eiifleurer to saturate with the per-
`fume of flowers, fr. en- 1en- + fleur flower. fr. OF flar —— more at
`end-stopped 0 engineering
`FLOWER] (1855) 2 a process of extracting perfumes by exposing absor-
`bents to the exhalations of flowers
`en-fold \in-‘fold, en-\ vt (ca. 1674)
`3 :
`to cover with or as if with
`folds 2 ENVELOP h : to surround with a covering : corrriun 2 : to
`clasp within the anus : EMBRACE
`en-force \in-‘tors, -‘tors, en-\ vt [ME, fr. MF enforciizr. fr. OF, fr. en- +
`force force] (MC)
`1 :
`to give force to 2 STRENGTHEN 2 : to urge with
`energy 3 : CONSTRAXN. COMPEL 4 abs 2 to effect or gain by force
`2 to carry out effectively (~ laws) — en-force-abil-1-ty \-.for-so-'bi-
`la-té. -.for-\ n — en-force-able \—'f6r—sa-bal, -‘for-\ adj - en-force-
`merit \-‘for-smont. -‘for-\ ri
`en-farc-er \in-‘for-sar, -'fr'Jr—\ n (1580)
`I : one that enforces
`2 a 2 a
`violent criminal employed by a crime syndicate; esp : HIT MAN 1 b : an
`aggressive player (as in ice hockey) known for rough play and fighting
`en-frame \in-'fram\ vi (1848) : FRAME 6 — en-frame-ment \-'fr§m-
`mant\ n
`en-fran-chise \in-'fran-.chiz, en-\ vi -chised; -chis-ing [ME, fr. MF
`erifranchiss-, stem of enfraricliir. fr. OF, fr. en» + franc free —— more at
`FRANK] (1549
`1 :
`to set free (as from slavery) 2 : to endow with a
`franchise: as a 2 to admit to the privileges of a citizen and esp. to the
`right of suffrage b : to admit (a municipality) to political privileges or
`rights — en-fran-chise-mcnt \-.cliiz-rnant, —chsz-\ n
`en-gage \in~'gaj. en-\ vb en-gaged: en-gag-ing [ME, fr, MF erigagier,
`fr. OF, fr. en- 4- gage token, gage] vl U50)
`1 2 to offer (as one‘s word)
`as security for a debt or cause 2 a obs: to entangle or entrap in or as
`if in a snare or bog b : to attract and hold by influence or power
`2 to interlock with : Ml-‘.91-l; also : to cause (mechanical parts) to mesh
`3 z to bind (as oneself) to do something; esp 2 to bind by a pledge _to
`marry 4
`a 2 to provide occupation for 2
`INVOLVE (~ him in a new
`I: : to arrange to obtain the use or services of : HIRE 5
`to hold the attention of : ENGROSS (her work ~s her completely) b
`to induce to participate (engaged the shy boy in conversation) 6 a
`to enter into contest with b 2
`to bring together or interlock (weap-
`ons) 7 :
`to deal with esp. at length *4 vi
`a 2 to pledge oneself
`: PROMISE 1:: GUARANTEE (he ~s for the honesty of his brother) 2 a
`2 to begin and carry on an enterprise or activity (engaged in trade for a
`number of years)
`Is 2 to take part 2 PARTICIPATE (at college she en-
`gaged in gymnastics) 3 : to enter into conflict 4 : to come together
`and interlock (as of machinery parts) : be or become in gear
`en-ga-gé \.'zi"-.g'ai—'zha\ adj [F, pp. of engager to engage, fr. MF engagier]
`(1946) : committed to or sup ortive of a cause
`en-gaged \in-'gajd, en-\ ar}j( 665)
`1 : involved in activity: OCCUPIED
`2 : pledged to be married 2 BETROTI-IED 3 : greatly interested : COM-
`MITTED 4 2 involved esp. in a hostile encounter
`5 : partly embedded
`in a wall (an ~ column) 6 2 being in gear 2 MESHED
`en-gage-ment \in-'gaj-mont. en-\ ti (1601)
`a ; an arrangement to
`meet or be present at a specified time and place (a dinner ~) b : 8 job
`or period of employment esp, as a perfonner
`2 : something that en-
`gages: PLEDGE 3 n: the act of engaging: the state of being engaged
`I: : emotional involvement or commitment (seesaws between obsessive
`~ and ambiguous detachment ~—Gary Taylor)
`E the state of being in gear
`5 : a hostile encounter between military
`en-gag-ing ad} (1673) : tending to draw favorable attention 2 A'rrimc-
`‘flVE— emgag-ing-ly \~'gfi-jig-lé\ adv
`en-gar-land \in-‘gar-land. en-\ vt (1581) : to adorn with or as it with a
`En-gel-mann spruce \.ei3-gal-man-\ it [George Engelmami 1-1884 Arn.
`botanist] (1903) : a large spnice (Picea eiigelmannii) of the Rocky
`mountain region and British Columbia that yields a light-colored wood
`\in-'jen-dar, en-\
`vb" en-gen-dered;
`\-d(a-)rin\ [ME engendreri. fr. MF engeridrer, fr, L ingenerare, fr. iii- +
`generare to generate] W (No)
`1 2 EEG!-ZT. PROCREATE 2 2 to cause to
`exist or to develop 2 PRODUCE (angry words ~ strife) ~ vi : to assume
`en-gild \in-'gild. en-\ vt (l5c) :
`to make bright with or as if with light
`‘en-glne \'en-jon\ n [ME erigin, fr. MF, fr. L ingeiiiunz natural disposi-
`tiou. talent, fr. i'n- + gigriere to beget - more at KIN] (Be)
`1 ob: a
`INGENUITY b: cvilcontrivunce: wiLi-: 2: something used to effecta
`purpose : AGENT, INSTRUMENT (mournful and terrible ~ of horror and
`of crime —E. A. Poe) 3
`a : a mechanical tool: as
`(l) 2 an instru-
`ment or machine of war
`(2) abs : a torture implement
`la '. MACHIN-
`FRY c : any of various mechanical appliances — often used in combi-
`nation <fire ~) 4 : a machine for converting any of various forms of
`energy into mechanical force and motion; also 2 a mechanism or object
`that serves as an energy source (black holes may be the ~s for quasars)
`5 : a railroad locomotive
`Iengine vt en-gfned; en»gin-fng (1868) 2 to equip with engines
`engine driver vi (1828) Brit: ENGINEER4
`len-gi-neer \,cn-ja-'nir\ ll [alter. of earlier enginer. fr. ME, alter. of en-
`ginnur. fr. MF eriglgneur, fr. OF engignier to contrive, fr. engin] (Me)
`1 : a member of a military group devoted to engineering work 2 ob:
`: a crafty schemer : FLOTTER 3 a : a designer or builder of engines b
`2 a person who is trained in or follows as a profession a brnnchlof engi-
`neering c : a person who carries through an enterprise by skillful or
`artful contrivance 4 : a person who runs or supervises an engine or an
`‘engineer vi (1843) 1 : to lay out. construct, or manage as an engineer
`ll : to contrive or plan out usu. with more or less subtle skill and
`craft b : to guide the course of
`3 : to modify or produce by genetic
`engineering (grain crops ~ed to require fewer nutrients and produce
`higher yields)
`syn see GUIDE
`en-gi-neer-ing n (1720)
`1 : the activities or function of an engineer 2
`a : the application of science and mathematics by which the properties
`of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to people
`b : the design and manufacture of complex products (software ~) 3 -
`\a\ abut
`\°\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \§\ ace \'a\ mop, mar
`\ai‘i\ out
`\ch\ chin
`\c\ bet
`\E\ easy
`\g\ go
`\i\ hit
`\R ice
`\.i\ job
`\IJ\ sing \6\ go \o\luw \oi\ boy \th\ thin \m\ the \ii\luot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \a. lg, “, oe, E. IIE. E, ’\ see Guide to Pronunciation

`OSS Exhibit 2008, pg. 4
`FMC vs. OSS

`motive 0 mountain man
`ties or increases energy or ardor (fear was a spur to action). GOAD
`suggests a motive that keeps one going against one’s will or desire
`(thought insecurity a good to worker efficiency).
`‘mo-tive \'mCi-tiv\ adj [MF or ML; MF motif. fr. ML mativus] (1502)
`1 : moving or tending to move to action 2 : of or relating to motion
`or the causing of motion (~ energy)
`motive power vi (1889)
`1 : an agency as water or steam) used to
`Jmo-tive \'mo-tiv\ vt mo-tived; mo-tiv-ing (ca. 1650) : MOTIVATE
`impart motion esp. to machinery 2 : something (as a locomotive or a
`motor) that provides motive ower to a system
`ducing motion
`mo-fiv-i-ty \mo-'ti—va-té\ n l)
`. 1687) : the power of moving or pro-
`mot juste \m6-zhr‘Est\ n, pl mots justes \same\ [F] (1912) : the ex-
`actly right word or phrasing
`lmot-ley \'m§t-le\ adj [ME, perh, fr. mot mote. speck] (Into)
`1 : varie-
`gated in color (:1 ~ coat)
`2 : composed of diverse often incongruous
`elements (a ~ crowd)
`‘motley n [ME, prob. fr. lmolley] (l4c)
`1 : a woolen fabric of mixed
`colors made in England between the 14th and 17th centuries 2 : a
`garment made of motley; esp :,the characteristic dress of the profes-
`sional fo'ol
`3 : IESTER. F001. 4 : a mixture esp. of incongruous ele-
`mot-mot \'m':it-.m‘zit\ n [NL momot, motmal] (1837) : any of a family
`(Momotidae) of long-tailed mostly green nonpasserine birds of Central
`and So. American tropical forests
`mo-to-cross \'m6-to-.kros\ n [F, fr. molo motorcycle (short for matacy-
`clene) + cross-country, fr. B} (1951) : a closed-course motorcycle race
`over natural or simulated rough terrain (as with steep inclines, hairpin
`turns, and mud); also: the sport of engaging in motocross races
`mo-to-neu-ron \.m6-ta-'ni'.'i-.riin. -'nyl.‘i-; -'ni'ir-.'a'n, -'ny\'ir-\ n [motor 4-
`neuran] (1908) : a neuron that passes from the central nervous system
`or a ganglion toward a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes
`movement —— called also motor neuron ~— mo-to-ncu-ro-nal \-'ni‘ir-a-
`n’l. -'nyur-
`i'i-'r6-n‘l. -nyu-\ adj
`tmo.tor \'mo-tat\ n [L. fr. movére to move] (1586)
`1 : one that im-
`parts motion; specif: PRIME MOVER 2 : any of various power units that
`develop energy or impart motion: as
`a : a small compact engine b
`INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE; esp : a gasoline engine c : a rotating
`machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy . 3
`: MOTOR VEHICLE; esp : AUTOMOBILE — mo-tor-dom \-dam\ in -— mo-
`for-less \~lcs\ adj
`‘motor ai1j(1840)
`1 n: causing or imparting motion b: of. relating
`to. or being a motoneuron or a nerve containing motoneurons (~ fi-
`c : of. relating to, concerned with. or involving muscular move-
`ment (~ areas of the brain) 2 a : equipped with or driven by a mo-
`b 2 of. relating to, or involving an automobile c : designed for
`motor vehicles or motorists
`imotor vi (1396)
`1 : to travel by automobile : DRIVE 2 : .to move or
`‘proceed at a vigorous steady pace (~ed down the field for a touch-
`down) ~ vi‘: to transport by automobile
`mo-tor-bike \'m6-tar-.bik\ n (1903) : a small USUA lightweight motor-
`cycle —— motorbike vi
`mo-tor-boat \\ n (1902) : a boat propelled usu. by an internal
`combustion engine — mo-tor-boat-er \\ n — mo-tor-boat-
`ing \—tir3\ ri
`motor bus ri (1901) ' BUS la ~called also motor coach
`mo-tor-cade \'m6-
`.kad\ n (1913) : a procession of motor vehicles
`——- motorcade vi
`mo-tor-car \-.kai-\ in (ca. 1890)
`1 : AUTOMOBILE 2 usu motor car : a
`railroad car containing motors for propulsion
`motor court :1 (1936) : MOTEL
`mo-tor-cy-cle \'\ ri [motor bicycle] (I896) : a 2-wheeled
`automotive vehicle having one or two saddles —- motorcycle vi‘ -
`mo-tor-cy-clist \-l<(a-)1ist\ 21
`motor home n (1965) : a large motor vehicle equipped as living quar-
`ters -— compare MOBILE HOME
`mo-tor-ic \m6-‘tor-ik, -'t2'ir-\ adj (1930) : MOTOR lc — mo-tor-l-cal-ly
`\-i-k(a-)lé\ adv
`motor inn n (1951) : MOTEL: esp : a large multistory motel —- called
`also motor hotel
`mo-tor-ise Brit var ofMOTORIZE
`mo-tor-lst \'m6-ta-rist\ n (1896) : a person who travels by automobile
`mo-tor-ize \'m6-to-.riz\ vt -ized; -iz-ing (ca. I913)
`1 : to equip with
`a motor 2 : to equip with automobiles — mo-tor-i-zn-tion \.m6-ta-
`re-'25-shan\ 71
`motor lodge n (1949) : MOTEL
`mo-tor-man \'ml'5-tar-mon\ n (1890) : an operator of a motor-driven
`vehicle (as a streetcar or subway train)
`mo-tor-mouth \-.mai'ith\ n (1971) : a person who talks excessively
`motor pool n (1942) : a group of motor vehicles centrally controlled
`(as by a governmental agency) and dispatched for use as needed
`motor sailer n (1923) : a motorboat with sailing equipment
`motor scooter ii (1919) : a low 2- or 3-wheeled automotive vehicle
`resembling a child’s scooter and having a seat so that the rider does not
`straddle the en 'ne
`motor ship n 1915) : a seagoing ship propelled by an internal com-
`bustion engine
`motor torpedo bout n (1940) : PTBOAT
`mo-tor-truck \'m6-tar-.trak\ n ( 1930) : an automotive truck used esp.
`for transporting freight
`motor unit it (1925) : a motoneuron together with the muscle fibers on
`which it acts
`motor vehicle n (1890) : an automotive vehicle not operated 'on rails;
`esp : one with rubber tires for use on highways
`mo-tor-way \'m6-tar-.wa\ n (1903) chiefly Brit: SUPERHIGHWAY
`matte \'m‘zit\ in [ME mote, fr. OF mole, matte] (l3c) : MOUND. HILL; esp
`: a hill serving as a site for a Nommn castle in Britain
`motte and bailey ri (1900) : a medieval Nonnan castle consisting of
`two connecting ‘ditched stockaded mounds with the higher mound
`surmounted by the keep and the lower one containing barracks and
`other buildin s
`lmot-tle \'m‘a-t’l\ ri [prob. back-formation fr. motley] (1676)
`1 : a
`colored spot
`1 a : a surface having colored spots or blotches
`: the arrangement of such spots or hlotches on a surface 3 , M0
`mot-tled \-t'ld\ adj
`‘motile vt mottled; mobtling \'miit-lin. ‘ma-t'l-ii:|\ (I676) ;
`— mot-tler \'m2-it-lar, 'm§-t'l-cr\ ri
`with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as ifsl".‘3Il
`mottled enamel in (l92_B) : spotted tooth enamel caused by
`drink‘ 2
`are Cale}.
`Fvater containing excessive fluorides during the time the teeth
`mot-to \'m‘a-(.)t6\ n. pl mottoes also mottos [It, fr, LL muttum
`fr. ‘L muttire to mutter] (1538)
`1 : a sentence. phrase, 0; “Ed ,1.
`scribed on something as appropriate to or indicative of its Characg m‘
`use 2 : a short expression of a guiding principle
`" 0?
`moue \'mii\ n [F, fr. MF — more at MOW] (1850) : a little grime‘
`mou-flon also mouf-flon \m'ii-'fl<_'>"\ n [F mouflon. fr. It dial. mm
`fr. LL mufron-, mufro] (I774) : either of two_wild sheep (Ow; on-e,:”',$
`and O. musimon) of the mountains of Sardinia, Corsica and Wm”
`Asia that have large curling horns in the males and are sumenmesim
`chided in a single species
`mou- 'ik \mii-'zhek, -'zhik\ var ofMUZHlK
`mow age \mii-'lazh\ n [F. molding, fr. MF, fr. moulizr to mold, f, OF
`modle mold — more at Maw] (1902)
`1 : an Impression or cast mad
`forvuse esp. as evidence in a criminal investigation 2 : the taking of
`impression for use as evidence in a criminal investigation
`mould \'mold\ var_of MOLD
`mould-ing \'mfi1-di \ var of MOLDING
`moult \'molt\ var o MOLT
`1 archaic: to enclose 0
`‘mound \'mal1nd\ vt [origin unknown] (1515)
`fortify with a fence or a ridge of earth 2 : to form into a mound
`lmound 7:, often altrib [origin unknown} (1551)
`1 archaic : HEM
`FENCE 2 a (1) : an artificial bank or hi 1 of earth or stories; esp; one
`constructed over. a burial at ceremonial site (2) : the slightly elgvamd
`ground on which a baseball pitcher stands h : a rounded hill or am.
`ral formation 3 a : HEAP.
`l>iI.E (~s of work)
`It : a small roundod
`mass (a ~ of mashed potatoes)
`Mound Builder rt (I838) : a member of a prehistoric American Indian
`people whose extensive earthworks are found from the Great Lag“
`down the Mississippi valley to the Gulf of Mexico
`lmount \'ma\'int\ Ii [ME, fr. OE mun! & OF marit. both fr. L manl.
`mans: akin to W m n dd mountain, L minari to project. threaten] (bef
`1 : a high
`: MOUNIAIN —— used esp. before an identi
`name (Mount Evemt) 2 archaic: EARTHWORKI 3 : MOUND 2a(l
`‘mount vb [ME, fr. MF manter, fr. (assumed) VL montare, fr. 1. mom-,
`mans] vi ( Me)
`1 : ruse. ASCEND 2 :
`to increase in amount or extent
`(expenses began to ~) 3 : to get up on something above the level or
`: to go up: CLIMB b (1): to seat or place oneself on
`2); cove“,
`the ground; esp :
`to seat oneself (as on a horse) for riding N V!
`2 u : to lift up : RA_ISE b (1) : to put or have (as artillery) in position
`(2) : to have as equipment c (l) : to organize and equip (an attack.
`ing force) (~ an army)
`(2) : to launch and carry out (as an assault or
`a campaign)
`3 :
`to set on something that elevates . 4 n : to cause to
`get on a means of conveyance b : to furnish with animals for riding
`5 :
`to post or set up for defense or observation (~ed some guards)
`a :
`to attach to a support b : to arrange or assemble foruse or display
`a : to prepare (as a specimen) for examination or display b :
`prepare and supply with materials needed for performance or execution
`(~ an opera) — mount-able ('mai'in-ta-hal\ adj_—- mount-er n
`3mount n (l5c)
`1 : an act or instance of mounting; specif : an oppor-
`tunity to ride a horse in a race 2 : mama SUPPORT: as a: the material
`(as cardboard) on which a picture is mounted b : a jewelry setting c
`(1) : an undercarriage or part on which a device (as a motor or an anil-
`lery piece) rests in service (2) : an attachment for an accessory rl : a
`hinge, card, or acetate envelope for mounting a stamp e : a glass slide
`with its accessories on which objects are placed for examination with a
`microscope 3: ameans of conveyance; esp: SADDLE]-IORSE
`moun-tain \'mai‘in-t°n\ rt. often zmrib [ME, fr. OF monlaigne, fr. (as-
`sumed) VL montanea, fl’. fem. of mantaneus of a mountain, alter. of L
`monlanus. fr. man!-, mans] (llc)
`n : _a landmass that projects con-
`spicuously above its surroundings and is higher than a hill
`h : an
`elongated rid e 2 a : a great mass_ b : a vast number or quantity
`mountain as
`it (1597) ; any of various trees or shrubs (genus Sorbus)
`of the rose family with pinnatc leaves and red or orange-red iniits
`mountain bike in (1984) : an all-terrain bicycle with wide knobby
`tires, straight handlebars, and typically 18 or 21 gears —— mountain
`biker n — mountain biking II
`mountain bluebird n (1860) : a bluebird (Sialia curmcoides) of west-
`ern No. America having a blue-breasted rather than red-breasted male
`mountain cranberry ri (I848) : a low evergreen shrub (Vacclmum
`vitis-idaea minus) of north temperate uplands with red edible bernes —
`called also lingonberrzy
`mountain dew II (18 7) : MQONSHINB 3
`1 : a native or inhabitant of a
`moun-tain-eer \.mai'm-t°n-'ir\ n (1610)
`moun-tain-eer-ing )1 (1803 : the sport or technique of scaling moun-
`mountainous region 2: a person who climbs mountains for sport
`mountain goat rt (I833) : a ruminant mam-
`mal (Oreamnos americanus) of mountainous
`nortliwestem No. America that has a thick
`white coat and slightly curved horns and
`resembles a goat
`mountain gorilla vi (1939) : a gorilla (Gorilla
`gorilla beririgei) inhabitingthc Virunga moun-
`tziin range
`mountain laurel n (1759) : a No. American
`ever reen shrub or small
`tree (Kalmia lati-
`folia of the heath family with glossy leaves
`and umbels of rose-colored or white flowers
`mountain lion 2: (1859) : COUGAR
`mountain mahogany n (1810) : any of a
`genus (Cercocarpus) of western No. American
`mountain goat
`ami y
`evergreen shrubs or small trees of the rose
`mountain man :1 (1839) : an American frontiersman (as a trapper) 81
`home in the wilderness
`OSS Exhibit 2008, pg. 5
`FMC vs. OSS

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