`US008S400l BB2
`(12) United States Patent
`Donald et al.
`um Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,540,018 B2
`*Sep. 24. 2013
`ltm Doutlld. .-'\l31:t’I:lt.!t.‘l'|h'l1l.l'\.' {GB}: John
`Reid. Dundee (GB)
`(7.1) Assignee: Cameron Syste|1s(li-eland) Limited.
`[ ‘ ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. l54{h) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject
`to a terminal dis-
`App]. No.: 10536.43]
`Jun. 28. 2012
`Prior Publication Dttitt
`US 201210267094 Al
`Oct. 25. 20l2
`Related U.S.Appl|etttion Dina
`Division ofapplication No. 1254] .934. filed on Aug.
`15. 2009. now Pat. No. 8.272.435. whicit is a division
`ol'::pplit:a1tio1t No. l 0"5 58.5 93. filed as application No.
`l’('l‘!(.il32004I002.12‘) on Jon. 1. 200-1. now Pat. No.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60’548.'.l2'l'. iiled on Feb.
`26. 2004.
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Ma_v3l. 2003
`Mar. ll. 2004
`Mar. H. 2004
`(GB) ................................. .. 0312543-.2
`(GB) ..
`{GB} ................................. .. 0405471 .4
`Int. Cl.
`E213 34/02
`(52) U.S.(.‘I.
`16685.1: l66t"'l'5.l2: lIS6t'9?.5: lfit‘sJ9l.l:
`{S3} Field of Classification Search
`USPC ................. ..
`l66!'9S.I. 75.12. 97.5. 9I.l. 36$.
`if-(n*88.I. 75.13. 86.2: 137059?
`See application file for complete search history.
`References (Tiled
`U.S. I’.-\'['l€N'I' DO('l.IMl3NTS
`519.!-U Slum:-r
`I I934 Williarnsei a|_
`3 2(1)‘!
`UTI IIER l’UI3i.l(‘.I\'l‘|ONS
`l":ttrop.-an |)eeision to Grant dated Mar. I5. 2|Jl3; liumpum Appli-
`cation No. i.II')80'i"3‘.-‘.9 H p.).
`Prirmrr_1' E.mrrrr'rr.rr Ullltlecn I-Iutchins
`(74) .irrurm.-3-. .4_t{P?t't'. or J’-irrrr — Conley Rose. i‘.(.‘.
`Methods and apparatus litr diverting fluids either into or from
`at well are described. Some embodiments include a divcrter
`t.‘l.1l1Clu‘llllL'11 is located in a bore ofa tree. The invention rclales
`especially but not exclusively to 3 divcrter assetnbiy con-
`nected to a wing branch of :1 tree. Some embodiments allow
`diversion of fluids out ofrt tree to a subset processing appa-
`mtus followed by the return ttfat least some oftltesc liuids to
`the tree for recovery. AllertJ.ative embodiments provide only
`one llotwpath and do not include the return ofany fluids to the
`tree. Some entbodimcnts can be retro-titted to existing trees.
`which can allow the perlbmtanee ofa new function without
`having to replacing the tree. Multiple diverter assembly
`embodiments EIl'I.‘ also described.
`38 Claims, 4'! Drawing Sheets
`OSS Exhibit 2001, pg. 1
`FMC vs. OSS
`US 8,540,018 B2
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`Iiurnpcan Response to 015:: .-\q:lion Dales! Nov. Id. EDI I; I:.urop4.-an
`Application No. um lfi85.2'. Response filed May 22. 2012 (3 11.)
`l'.S. (_'om:u.1od Nolicc offilluwahilily datn.1IJI.In. 8. II] I 3; ILS. Appl.
`No. |2'7t'-IL324 I III p.].
`Auslralian Rcspnnsc lo 0Il'u:c Action; Auslmlian Applicaliou No.
`20! I201] I (I5! Ilcsponsc Fill.-d Inn. 20. 2I1II.‘. I I24 '1).
`[European Ilflicc .-\clion dalcd Feb. 1''. IOI2; liuropcan Applicaliun
`No. 0'.-Hifial-183.0 I K p.].
`(LS.IIIII|:e:\cli0I1tIalcdJI|l.20.2l}l2; L'.S..\ppI. No. I3: II'I4.29I l'r'l
`Eumpmn Rcsponm.-lo I)l’f'Ic:.-.‘\.criun Dialed Feb. 3'. 20 I 2; Applicaliun
`No. 07864-182.0‘. Rmpnnsu: I-‘ilul.-\l.I_g. 9. .’,0I3I l.I}p.].
`European SI:‘aItI'l Report 1:141 Opinion Dalcd Aug. 6. EDI 2: Applica-
`tion No. l20IJ3I32.fI :1 9.].
`(‘a.mu.Ii1n Uflitc Acliun Dated Mag. II. 20!}. Cn.I'm(.Ii-‘lfl .v'\|1pIi::n1iom
`xo. 2.515.114 II’. p.].
`l?.5. DIE-cc .!\u.1ion dnlod S4.-11.4. 2Illl;l.?.S.:\[1pI. No. I]. 4 I ‘.635 I S
`Auslralian Iixanimlinn Repml nlalu.-1| Jul. 3. 2003'. J\fi'l'IC3II«0I'| No.
`-17694-=D0{.! p.).
`Ausijaliafl Rcsponscm Ewmmatioa II¢pon;.-spgalicnaion No. 4769-1
`(10. Responaa: filed Jul. 5. 200-! I20 51.}.
`.-\ustr.1]in.n F_t.1min.-uinn Ilepnn nL1.Iud Jul. 2 I. 2006; Afinli-calion No.
`20022 Izszs 12 p. 1.
`Austznlian Ruponsc In Fxnminmion Repon. Applicalion No.
`2002213535; Rnrspunsc filed Jun. 22. 300? [33 5).}.
`Australian E:€amim:r's. Rcpor! dated Sep.
`[-1. 2010: r\1'||'|Iicali0I'1 N0.
`EIIJ-1289864 I2 p.}.
`.-\us1.mlian Resporisc Io l€x:uI1iner‘s Repon;
`.'III@89864.' Ruspflllst‘ I‘-LII.'\I D132. 7. 20 IU I33 p.).
`.-\ustra]i:I.n EJun1incr‘i Rcporl No. 3 dated Du.-c. I3. EIJIIJ; Applica-
`lion .\'o.200-138986-‘II p.J.
`Iimzilinn Iiununutoa Rcpofl IIHIIIII Apt. .1. 2008; e\ppIiL'a.liu:1 No.
`I-‘I01 Ifili?-6 {J |'J.‘,|.
`Ru.-mnnsc lo liraziliun Fxnmination Rqaon: Applicalion No.
`l‘l0l I515?-6;R1.'s]:Ionsc l:'IlaIJI.I1.2I. 2003 [? p.].
`Crulndinn ()ITicn.-
`.'\l.‘lIOIl dalcd Jim II}. 200?: Applicalioa ‘No.
`3.3?3.I64 [2 pt].
`Response In Canadian lllficc .-\I:tiun: Applicalion No. 3.33.16-I;
`Response filed Jul. I0. 200? I If: p. }.
`Canadian [mice Action dated Oct.
`2.-i2EI.IfI5 I2 p.}.
`I2. ZIJIJT; Applicarion .\'o.
`.=\pp.'lica.lion No.
`OSS Exhibit 2001, pg. 3
`FMC vs. OSS
`US 8,540,018 B2
`Page at
`S. 2003; Application
`.’_0l0; Application .\‘o.
`ltesponse to Canadian tttliee .-\<:tion; Application No,
`Response Iilevrl Jan. 3. 2008 (I0 p_].
`Cnrtadian ttliice Action dated Dec. 6.
`2.520.? I4 1 .1 pa.
`Ii!’ Preliminmy lixnmination Report 0% Written 1 )pi.nion dated Sep -1.
`200i‘. l’("l' I‘.il?ot.‘IZ)"0lT85 (I? p.].
`Europa-an International Search Report iL1.ted -.\‘!.1.r. 4. 2002:
`(iiifll D4‘)-‘H1 (3 p. J.
`European Otlicinl (brrununication dated
`No. UU‘)29FI'Jl.I.fi t_2 p. 1.
`European Response to ttttieial Communication: App|ie:ttion No.
`0()*)29690.t'-'. Response filed Inn. 27. 200.! (S 31.).
`European Ufiicial Communiczttion dated Aug. 29. 2003; Application
`No. lI0‘929fi‘)0.fI (3 p. I.
`European Examination Report dated Apr. 23¢. 2004; Application No.
`00s:29690.0 is 5).].
`European Response to Ilitamination Report; Application No.
`(J0‘}J969fl.6'. Response filed Aug. .10. 200-1 (E p.J.
`European t.'omrnttnic.'ttion dated Sep.
`I9. 2006; Application No.
`0l‘}30T.i'.F.9I] 1).].
`European Response to I.-Z1-‘U Cottttttttnieationt Application No.
`0|0s0m.9; Response filed Uct. 0. 200015 p.].
`Iiuropean .-Uticle 96:2] (‘onununicatiou dated Feb. 5. 20Ill?.- Appli-
`cation No. 04'.l'35S‘)6.l [6 p.].
`Iiuropean Response to littamination Repon: Application No.
`04735396 I: Response filed Aug. Id. 1007115 p.J.
`Iitlmpean Search Report dated Apr.
`I0. 2007: Applicallott N0.
`06024-0UI.T {3 p.}.
`liuropettn :\rtiele 96(2) Contm-unication dntod Jun. I2. 2007; Appli-
`cation No. [|5?I7RD6.3 (3 p.}.
`European Response to Article 96(2) (‘o.rnrntInicatiort datotl Jun. I2.
`2D0'l"..-\pplit'nIion 'No.0S?IT80fi 3'. Response filed &'[I I9. 2007! I?
`liuropean Examination Report tinted Jun. I5. 2007; Application No.
`019301319 is p.).
`I5. 200?:
`Response to European Examination Report dated Jun.
`Application No. I] IIJSOTSI9: Response tiled (let. 9. 200? {I2 p.]-.
`Fnropean Iixatnination Report dated Nov. 22. 2007; Application -.\'o.
`[I-1?.'t559('I.l (3 p.L
`European Response to Exainination Report dated Nov. 22. 2007:
`Application No. (M'l'35S96.l; Response tiled. Feb. 19. 20'DS(l0l p.}.
`European Examination Report dated Doe. I}. .200‘:-'; Application No.
`0502-i001.m [1].
`Response to liuropean Iixarrtination Report dated Dee. I3. 2007;
`,-\ppIication No. 060240011 Reqtonse filed .\'IaI. I0. 2008 to 11.].
`European Search Rt'.'p0fl dated .\rla,t. 23. 2003; Application No.
`0100009‘)-'Ut4 5).).
`European Response to Written Opinion dated Aug. 8. 2008; Appli-
`cation .\'o. 03000994.? [II] p.}.
`littropean I’.'4arrtinntion Report dated Oct. 30. 2008: Application No.
`03000994.? (2 11.).
`European Response to Examination Report datul Del. 30. 2003
`w-amended specification: Application No. llittt-Dt]I‘)'3|4.'J': Response
`filed Dee. ll. 20:13:94 p.i.
`Iittropenn Examination Report dated .\l.1y lit. 200‘); .-\ppiie:ttiort No.
`0sI03t49.2 is p.).
`European Response to Examination Repon d..-net! May ltt. 2009:
`Application .\'o. 08 I62 I492: Response filed Nov. I8, 2009 t I 32 p.}.
`Response to Aniele 94(3) and Rule '.'I{|) dated May 13. ELIIJ9;
`Attpiicalion No. 03 [62 149.2 [3 p.].
`European Examination Report dated May 4. 2010; Application .\'o.
`(t7ti64«1S6.l (3 pt
`I-Luropean Response to lixarttinntion Report dated May 41. 2010;
`Application No. Et'T3t'»-1436.1; Response Iileti Nov. I2. 2010 I I0 p.).
`[European [Examination Repon dated May 4. 2fJI(lI: .-\ppIicatiori No.
`07864482.!) I3 p.).
`iitlropean Search Report dated Jun. 25. 2010; Application No.
`I0i6lIIr-[2 p.].
`European Search Report dated Jun. 25. 2010; Application No.
`ioimi li-"[2p.}.
`Iitiropean Se-.m.'h Report dated Jun. 25. 2010: Application No.
`I0l6ll20[2 p.t.
`European Search Report dated Aug. 2. 2010; Application No.
`lt)i6ll |T.(> II p.].
`European Response to Fx.-tntination Report dated Aug. 2. 2010;
`Application No. II.II.(il I1'.F.tt: Response filed Dev. 2. 20ltt (6 p. J.
`Europertn lixaiuinalion Repnn datorl Aug. 2. 2|Jl0; .-‘\pplie:ttion No
`1016] I lfi.S [l [3,].
`European Response to I-Ixamination Report dated Aug. 2. 1010;
`Application .\'o. I016] llfinli; Response tiled Dec. 2. 2010 t I3 PI}\
`European Examination Report dated Aug. 4. 2010'. Application No.
`I016] I300 [I p.}.
`Iitiropean Response to F_'camin.-ttion Repon dated Aug. 4.
`Application No. Ittlfnl |2D.0: Response filed [)ee. 2. 2D1D{6 p.).
`I-Iuropean I-Zxantination Report datetltlet. I-I. .'!0lD: Application No.
`|IJIt$7l8l.6[3~ i-.1.
`Response to [European l3x:tI11ination Report dated Uel.
`Application No. !0I6?l8l.6: Response filed F0119. 2|Jl I I6 p.‘,I.
`Iitirtapi.-an}5xarnin.1tion Report dateiltlct. I4. 2010: Application No.
`I0Iis'r|x3.2 (.1 pt.
`Response to iiurizpean lixamination Report dated Oct. 14. EEIIIJ;
`.»\pplit::I.tion No. I0l6Tl33.2: Response filed Feb. III. 20I| (4 p.).
`European litamination Report dated Oct. I4. 20l0: Appliezition .\'o.
`llJl6'.I'I82.4 (3 p.}.
`I4. 2l}IlJ-.
`Response to Ettropean Examination Report dated Oct.
`Application No. 10 I67 I824; Response filed Feb. II). 201 I I6 pi
`European I:'x=t.t1tin:ttion Repon dated Oct. I4. 2010; Application .\'o.
`lottrtlts-1.0 (.1 p.}.
`I4. 2010:
`Response to Furopean lixantination Report dated Oct.
`Application No. I016‘.-"tE*I.0; Response filed I‘eb. II). .'!0lI I8 p.].
`liumpt.-.‘t.t1 Examination Reptjfl dated Nov. IU. 20 ID‘. .*\p]1Iit:aliot: Nu.
`l]F84246-1.5 :3 p. 1.
`ll]. .'!0l0:
`Response to Iittmpean FJ{flJ'I'ti.t'I2tlit)t1 Repon d.-ttetl Nov.
`Application No. I‘l?$t246-1.5: Response tiled Mar. I8. 20l I
`I I I 13.].
`liuropeart Search Report and Opinion tlated Dec. 3. 2lJlIJ'. Applica-
`tion No. lUI3$?95.I [4 p. ]_
`European Search Report dated Dec. 9. 20:0: Application No.
`ICl0l3l‘)2 [3 9.1.
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`2010:.-\pplicatinn .\'o. 0602-1ODl.'.l' (4 p.).
`Rom-egian Examination Repmt tinted Aug.
`No. 2Wl543l i6 1).).
`Rusponsle to Norwegian I":xarr.in.'tIioit Report dated Aug.
`Application .\'o. 20015431 (I9 p.).
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`No. 20032037 is p.).
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`l-’(_"l' L'S2IJDT-'l.lI$48'J";' i‘) p. 3.
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`OSS Exhibit 2001, pg. 4
`FMC vs. OSS
`US 8,540,013 B2
`I’agc S
`Aka.-1 Iiucmcr: .'\-"IuIIi|3oosIu: Syslcm "Il"{t1:1tI.a1cdI [-1- It I-
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`Introduce to Subs;-n Mad“:-I.“ Jun. I3. 200.‘. I2 11.}.
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`2002 l I: pi.
`livacrncr Uiltic-Isl Pmducts 4-\.S. .\1cmo-Mulliphnsc PtIl'I‘I[|I.I1}_l "loch-
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`A750 ‘B9.
`In the E'ou|1 of Session.
`I.fllI.‘llI.’1.‘lI.|flJ Pnapcny L’.*msc'.
`Response to the Pursucts to I11: Note of.-Ugumcm for the Defenders
`5-‘Ia: 3. BOI I [I2 [1].
`A150 09. In lbs: (‘nun ofscssio II. II‘I.lI.‘II|.'\3I|.I€l.I Property Action. flpen
`Rccottl. 0.5.5 Upa'mt.I'tm.t i',i‘n'I't'tm', Fault-uni: .S_|-st:-m.t I'r:'i'r1.rm‘.|‘.tn:-
`find‘ [Pursnim] ngainsl Ii-rm Gray. I'ur.. Paul [I'M-‘¢'. I":m.I .1fi!iu'. niul
`.-\’oni-In flmnim-1‘ 1 IJc!'i:mle.':s I Adjusted for line Pursucis Fcb. 9. 2010
`as funhcr adjusted Io: Ihc Pursucrs .-\pr 6. ENG I fiflppj.
`Initiation of Proceedings Bcfon: the Htcnpitolls-r. Oct. 2!. 2009; In
`the Mailer oI'DE-IS Opera Ions Limitocl uzul (‘am cmn Sysl um: Irclnnd
`lirnilcd arid Vi.-tcu (iray Inca. nru! In the Matter of mi Applicnlinn
`l..‘nd::: Si.-c1ion5 I31. 9I;\. IEIA. and NI of the Patent An.-I
`5lfl.I1:£I|I.'I'Il uITirvouni|a. Oct. ?2.2{l(1“lt3lr|PJ.
`Singapore Fxnrninntion Rs-pox! d:|l|.1l.Ian. Ill. 3007'. Application Nu.
`3l¥.'ISl'lT390-3 {S [L1
`Singnpom Wtilicn Upinion |.I.I.l|.1.l May 3, 2010: Application No.
`2009032211-2 I5 3!. I.
`Singnpotc Wtittcn Opinion l.IilII'.'I.l Gel. I3. 2D|D: Application No.
`Response In Singapore Written Opinion D.-in.-d Oct. I 2. 3010: Appli-
`cnlion No. 300903-2.'.’l-0; Response: filcil Mar. 3. 3l'.III {II p.].
`I..‘.S.01’ficuJ\ction||:n¢1lI'-1.>hJ6.20D3;L'.S Appl. so. I0«'0D*).'J9t rs
`Rcspxmse to Oflicc Action \!.1lcd Feb. 26. 200.1. U5. .-\p|'I|. No
`10 009.991‘. Response filed .\-In)? I2. 2003 I? p-I.
`Notice Gr-'\Il|I|U|'I'IIl1!l.'.{.liIll.'I.I !\-lay 23. 200.1; 1.'.S. .*'\p]'JI. No. Ill D()‘J.‘)')I
`{S p.).
`I’rm-iaionnl Applicnlion filed Ucl. 32. 2003. 1.15. Anal.
`60513.29‘ (I5 p.J.
`i’ro\'isior1al Application filed Feb.
`on-5-13.630 :33 it).
`i\|JpliL‘:Iliun filed Feb. 26. Elli}-1'. U5. Appl. No.
`605-I8.?27 [36 p. }.
`l’.S.(IIlicc.-\cti0n dated .\a‘Ia.r.2S,20U4'. IE5 .-‘\ppl..\‘o.
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`I0 415.156 I‘) [L].
`Nolicq: OI".-‘\Il<’.'I\-\'.1nn:|:tI:Ili.1'I.ILIl. Ifi. BOIH; l..'.S..-‘\[IpI No. Ill‘-1|.‘ I55
`I4 11.}.
`l.7.S. {)IT|i:w\clion dated INC. 3|]. 3005. I.'.S. ."\ppI. No. II}-'65 1 J03 III
`Rcspunse to flificc .-\c.Iion tlnturl Dec 20. 2005;
`[0 t'a5I.‘!03 I I} p.).
`Notice of.-\JloM-‘ante dated.-\pr. 16.2005. l" .9. .-\ppl. No. II] {-5 I J03
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`in. 2004'.
`|0'-1 l5.lS6(fi
`'I.‘..'§. App}. No
`I9. 2003".
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`I I.
`II} 553.59} (It
`l.'.5. App]. No.
`‘I. 2010:
`l_'.S. Appl. No.
`.‘.|. 2010. I35.
`J\fl'|I— No.
`l.7.S. App]. ‘No.
`Response to Notice oI’e\l|ownnci.- :1.-itccI.\pr. 16. E006: l'.S. Appl. No.
`no-5:303 :7 9.;
`t'ra\‘ision.1| Application lilcd Nov.
`fit 190.1153 124 p.].
`{.25. (Jfficc Action tltcslriciion Rcqiiiri.-muntl daiod Duh. II. 2008;
`:.'.s. App]. .\'o. I0 553.5931? [1].
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`3003: l.‘.S. Appl. .\‘o. I0-'55I£.993 I II p. 1.
`l.-‘.8. (lflicc .t\I.'lI0.I'l IRn:sIrii:Iion Rn.-quircmcnll «lain.-11 Jul. I0. 2009!;
`l.'.S. .-\fi1l. No. II) 553.593 ll‘! [1].
`Rcspotlstt Io (mics: Action tkcsuiction Ra.-quircmcnti lIi‘I-lI.‘l.l Jul
`2003; US. Afl1I..\'o. I0'fiSlI.5‘l3 II2 |'I.].
`l..'.5. (').EficL'Ai.'tion dated Jan. 8. 200"); U.S.4\|'|p‘I. No.
`Rcsponsi: to UIIici.- Action dated .l.1.n. 8. 200*)".
`lU'5SII.5‘).! l3I F.)
`Final Ufficr: Aclion tlalcd Jul. 7. M09: l‘_S.¢\p|'Il. Nu I0 '55II.5‘)3 [6
`Ruspcnw Io I-"inn! t)f|'n:2 Action Ilatctl Jul. 7. .100‘); L‘ S Appi. Na.
`IlJ'55K.5'J3 I36 [I.].
`()tTu.‘c .-‘\i:lion tlicstticlion lloquirvcnicnlll tinted Jan. ‘I. 30021. [.15.
`App]. No. I:-5-H.934 {S p.].
`Response to Uflicc Action datod J.1.n.
`12 5.-n.934 I6 p.J.
`I7.5.(ll‘I1cci\c1ionil:uuIJtIl. 2 I . EIJIIJ: lI.S..\ppl. No. It} 558.503! III
`P- I-
`ilcspousc to Dflici: .*\l.‘IIDIl d.11I:tI Jul.
`II) 555.593 I9 p.l.
`Uflicc Action dnlodjkug. I2. IDIO: U.S. An-II. No. II 4-I-I.I I9 {I4
`Rcspnnsc to Otlicc Action clalcil Aug.
`I2-4-ll.||');II.I:spm1sc fiIuI9\io\r.1‘I. 2l|I0l|3p.I.
`l'.S. ()t‘ficcm:t:'on ll-'Ilt'lI¢\l|g. 3|. 2010: l..'.S. Appl. No. I0-‘$90,563
`I 3 [L].
`Response to Ulfcc Airlion dnlusl Aug. 3]. 2010: 13.5. Appl. No.
`ID "$90.56!; Response filed Nov. .3‘). Zll ll) (8 p.).
`ITS.UlliccflcliontIa!od{‘lcI.6,2OIIl;l‘.S. Appl. No. I15-1l.9]I-{[7
`Response to Offiuc .-\cIion I.I:ItccI Ucl. G. 2010; 1.7.3. App). No.
`I3. S-1|.‘J.'l8: Response fill.-d Jan.
`I I. ZIHI {lip J.
`0f!'li.'ct.\1.'lionulnIou.l])ur:.'I.2I.|I0;lI.5.A;1pI. 2-co. I:-5-an.-.a.1mI2p.}.
`Response to Uilici: Aclion tlnlcd Dec 1'. EDID: IRS. Appl. No.
`i2'5-'lI.'J35'. RI.'spDns1.' filed J:I.l|. 20. EDI I (9 ill.
`Notice oiflllounncc data.-Ll Jan. 6. 201 1'. L25. .-'\ppI. No.
`I26 p. 1.
`Final (llfiw .\ctic-n tinted lid). 1. IOU; I35. Appl. No I2‘-I~lI.l I9
`[ I 1 p I.
`Ollicu.-Ictiun dalrtl Feb. I6. 2lIII:L7S.a\[1pl.?x'o. I2 S-1I.‘J37 (7 p.).
`i’inn.l0I'lice.\1:!iond:lleI.I.\-1n.r. L‘. 20lI;l.' S..-\ppI No ID-590.563 [7
`Rcsponse Io Finn! (II‘ficu.- .-\r:Iiun slated MM. 1. 2IJl I: l'.S. Appl
`10-590.563; Rcsponsc fiIi.1.I Apt. 26.2011 (8 p. ].
`Norwegian Olficc Action tinted Mm. 28. ZDII; Application No.
`2001543] I.‘ [|.}.
`Response to I‘in.n] Uflicc .-Kction dated Feb. 3. 101 I; l-KS. App]. So
`Il'-‘HLI I9‘. Rcspoust: filed “air .10. Jill I II I 5‘-I
`Finn! t)fI'1.ci.- Action dated M11. 30. lol I: l?.S. .-‘\mI. No I2 5=lI.!'«I3tl
`l5 {L}.
`Hcsponsoto Final Uflicvz.-\i.'Iio.'1 dated .\-1.11.30. 20! I .' L‘.S.A[:|1l.t‘Co.
`l2"S=ll.9.18;Rcspcnsn: filed.-‘\pr. is.2otI no p.}.
`;\'I1lk:|::Jl'MIo\HI.I1I:I:d:I.t|.'Il.»‘\[II‘. I. I0] I: I .591 A]‘If|I. No.
`I‘\'o|I)icc of:\Ilnu-anxc dntcd .-111:. 4. EU! I; l'.5. .-\;Ipl. No.
`[7.£. 0ffit.‘I.'."\l.'IInlI Llalcll .-'\pI. I3. '.?l'.lI I; l.'.S. .-\]1pI. So. I14-lI.I I‘?
`-: I0 p.I.
`Ufllccaciion Dalud.-Xpi.
`|~1.2.'I}lI;l.'.S..»\p1:|..\'o. 12 168,324 ('1' p.}.
`Dllicc Action Dated .-\pr. lit. 20! l:l.;‘.S. Appl. No 12.7-51t.3.12Ifi p.}.
`'.\’oIicc of Allowmcc Dated May 6. Jill I ; LES. Appl. No. ll 54 I .933
`[lg llfficc Action .~\d\risor;.' Action dated May 6. 2'0! l; L'.S. Appl.
`in 590.55? up.)
`OSS Exhibit 2001, pg. 5
`FMC vs. OSS
`ICS. ()lTtce Action dated May 2S.20ll;'II.S..~‘\pp1.!\‘o. I2 5 I55}-I
`Supplemental Notice Of.'\Il0‘\$'m‘lI:I.‘ dated Jun. 8. 3|)! I; L15. Appl.
`No. I3'$4l.‘.'IJ-fl (251).
`Notice oi‘.-‘tliowttrtce (I£t.|1.\‘I Jun. 215. 201 I; l.'.S. Appl. No. It) 590.563
`Response to l'J!'f'tce .-\ction dated Dec. I». II) II]; ( 'an.1tIian :\pplica.tion
`No. 2.526.'?t4: Response filed Jun. 6. IDII tl6p.).
`Rt.-sponse to Search Opinion: Etuopean Application .\'o. 10 I 356 I33;
`Response filial Jun. 19. 201 I
`l I311].
`I‘.x:I.tnitlation Rcpofl dttletl Jun. 30. 2l.I1I; litatope:t.n Applictttion No.
`Iixzunination Report d:tIcd Jun. .10. 1|]! I; Iittrnpean Application No.
`l0l6| I
`|'.-‘.6 [.'!p.).
`I-Lxatrtinatton Repon dated Jun. 30. .'.’UI I; European Application .\'o.
`IDIGI l3.D.0 [Zn].
`Iivmmination Report dated Jun. 30. EDI I; European .—\pplic.1tion No.
`I-Lxatrtination Report dated Jun. 30. EDI I; European Application No.
`l0l67lII2.4 {2p.].
`Fxatnination Repon dttted Jun. 30. EDI I; I:'t.tto[:tenn Applittation .\'o.
`iot57ts3.2 (2;-.1.
`Ileamination Repod dated Jun. 30. 1l]I I; European Application No.
`i0l67|84.0 I3p.].
`Supplemental Notice ot'.-‘-Illowanee dated ht]. T. 20 I I '. I 3.5. Appi. No.
`to 553.593 l'?p.].
`I4. 2011; US. .-\pp|.
`Response to Oflice Action dated Apr.
`!l'?68._'I24; Response fIlt:t.l Jul. I4. ZIJII ITp.J.
`Response to 0‘.lItcc Action dated Apr. 28. 20] l; L'.S. Appi. No.
`12 T6I€.332 (T p.].
`Notice of Allowance dated Jul. 22. 10 I I: (LS. Appl. .\'o. [244 I .1 I‘)
`(I5 p. J.
`European Search Rcpon dated Dec. 2. 2010; Etttopatn .*\p|'JIII§aIIC|l'l
`No. l|JI§I56!I.3 {4 p.).
`-.\'or\-regitttt Response to OtTtee .-\t.'Iiot1 dated Jun. 21. EDI I; Applica-
`tion No. EDEII S-I31 ll*)p_}.
`Iiuropenn Response to Search Upinionz.-\pplicaIion .\'o. ID I 35795.];
`Response filer! .-'-tttg. 3. 20!] [I2 pt
`I;l3.S.AppI. No. II 5I5.?29lS3
`Snpplernental Notice oi‘.-‘tlioumnce datod Aug. 8. Nil; 13,8. .-\ppl.
`No.12 44-l.l1')I9 p.',|.
`Summons to Oral Proceedings dated Aug. 3. 3.Dl I; European .-‘\ppli-
`‘.'lIlOIl No. II I‘JR()'?3-'?.9 [3 [1.].
`[European Response to Search Opinion: European Application No.
`lDtJl3l92.*). Response filed Aug. 10. 20:1 no Pt.
`Notice of .-‘\IIow:tbilit3.r dated Aug. 26. 201 I.
`I-Tttropeatt Oflice Actiorl dated Aug.
`l0IS56I2.8 (2 p.}_
`I33. Final Office Action dated Sep.
`II! 541.937 ([3 9-).
`European Responsetoflrnl Surrlmotts d.'1ts.\l22.20l I: l-'.I’.-\ppli-
`cation No. 0 l9807'37.‘) (42 p.).
`Supplemental Notice aI':\llowa.nce dated Oct.
`No. II 4-I-|.II9[E [L].
`Office.-‘\ctioI1 dated Oct. IT. Ifll I; ILS. Appl. No. II! 768.337 [64 p. I.
`Notice of«\l|o\trLn<:e da.tet.I Oct. I7. 20 l I: l.'.S. App]. No. I2 '.I"68.332
`{So p.].
`OI'Iic:c.v\ction dated Oct. IT. 20 I I; I..'.S. Appl. No. I 2- 763.324 [ I 8 p. I.
`(':tnadi:u1 0lTtce Action dated Oct. I4. 201 I; Canadian Application
`No. 2.526.‘! [-1 :3 p. 1.
`\'oIiceol‘All(.‘M-‘ancc datctl (kl. 2-1. ZIJI I: lI.S. AppI..Vo. 12 515.534
`(7 PJ«
`(‘orrceted Notice of Allowance dated Oct. 26. ml 1; 17.5. Appl. No.
`ll 5-'1I.938|S 5).].
`European Exam Report dated Nov. I4. MI I; Iiumpcan Application
`No. U5‘.-'8l62IS.2 (3 p. I.
`Iitttopeztn Dcxtisiun to Grant dated .\im-. 4. EDI I; I-Jnropt.-an Applica-
`tion .\'o. (I I‘)3I)'!3'.r'.9 (4 :1. I.
`Sttpplctnental Notice oI'.-\llowahiltty dated Dec. 6. 20] I; 17.5. Appl.
`No. II ?fi$.332IIU p.).
`.12. 20 I l; Application No.
`.-\ppI. No.
`'3. 261 l; 1.7.5. Ami. No.
`I l. EU! I: I_i.S. Appl.
`US 8,540,018 B2
`.-\ppI. No.
`.\'[)I‘9CE(JI‘:\llIEI\\-"II-I'h21.'.(l..1J(!KI Dec. Ifi.ZI'.Il I: I.f..'i.;‘\ppl.Xo. 13- I l6.l§8‘}
`I? p. 1.
`Rcsponsetoflffceaction dtttocl .-Mtg. 22. 20! I: Responscdztletl Dec.
`22. 201]: lhtrupean .-\pplic:ttion No. I(lIElSt'1I2.8 II p.].
`I.Jl‘ficeActiondaIed Dee.22.2flIl;La'.S..1\ppl.No. I2-S|S.‘J'2‘}I.Il p.).
`.\'oliceol‘.-\llou.':mce ¢L1led Dec. 2.1. 2I.'tI I: l.‘.S. App]. No. 12 768.33?
`(5 p.1
`I-Isttttnination Report dated Dec. 20. 201 I: (EB Application No.
`082 1072.6 :2 p. I.
`Ubser\'ations dated M.-t;.' I0. EDI I; (if! Application No. (J$2