May 19, 1953
`Filed Sept 6, 1950
`2,638,9 1 7
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`FMC 1005

`Filed Sept. _6, 1950
`3 Sheets--Sheet 2
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`A 7705/VEV ;

`May 19, 1953 ‘
` onG0kmW.
`Filed Sept
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`Patented May l9, ‘ 1953
`UNmé:o STATES tPATr.N.'r o1=F1cE.t
`Louis (J. Clair. Bernice, La. _ Vi
`Application September 6, 1950, Serial-No. 183313.
`7 Claims.
`(cl. 137-340) '_
`My invention relates broadly to oil and gas
`well systems and more particularly to an im-
`proved method "of operation and construction of
`non-freezing reduction choke for use in such
`one of the objects of-my invention is to pro-
`vide an improved construction of reduction choke
`for oil and gas well ‘systems in which the thermo-
`dynamic characteristics of the oil and/or gas’
`"flow are employed to provide a temperature
`in a reduction valve system insuring
`continuous flow of oil and/or gas without‘ chan-
`neling and without freezing.
`Another object of my invention ‘is to provide a
`construction of reduction choke for. oil and gas
`well systems in which a continuous flow of oil
`and/_or‘ gas may be" maintained andthe thermo-
`dynamic properties thereof utilized for main-
`taining flow, while prohibiting channeling and
`avoiding freezing in the flowpath through the
`Still another object of my invention is to. pro-
`vide an improved construction of expansion’
`chamber for oil and gas reduction chokes which
`is disposed axially within a -cylindrical warming
`chamber which is elevated in temperature-by the
`nascent temperature of the incoming oi1'and/or
`gas and the temperature cycle through the as-
`sembly balanced to insure -against freezing while
`effecting the required reduction in pressure from -
`2000*lbs. or more to separation pressure.
`Still another object of my invention is- to pro-
`vide a combined temperature controlled valve
`chamber and expansion‘ valve by which the ‘nas-
`cent oil and/or gas well pressure and‘tem'pera_-
`ture may be applied to the temperature'con-
`trolled valve chaimberand reduction in pressure
`efiected through the expansion" valve, ‘while
`“avoiding freezing during the drop from nascent
`-oil-and/or gas pressures to separation pressures.
`— Still another object of my invention is to pro-
`vide a construction of reduction choke for oil
`-and gaswell systems in which an expansion
`is concentrically disposed within a
`warming chamber and a reduction valve ar-
`ranged within the expansion chamber and_the
`said expansion chamber secured to a'tempera-
`Eture-gradient extending longitudinally ‘thereof
`and a pressure now in a controlled spiral direc-
`tion from nascent gas and/or oil well" tempera-
`ture to a separation temperature and pressure
`while maintaining the systemjfree of freezing.
`‘Another object -of my invention is to. provide
`an improved construction ofcomposition tem-
`"perature control system» and reduction choke for 55 chamber for reducing a thermo-dynamic change
`oil and gas; well systems in which a spirally ar-
`ranged-bafile surrounds an-expansion chamber
`in which I provide a regiilatable reductionvalve
`ass_oci.a1_;e_d' -with the spirally arranged baffle with-
`in cornpactvdimensi-_o_ns renderingthe installation
`practicable in. —oil and gas well systems where
`pressures of theorder of 2000 lbs. per square inch,
`or more, and temperatures of the order of, 120° F.
`to 145° F. may be effectively controlled to develop
`temperatures of_ the order of 35° F-40° F. at sepa-
`rator pressures of the order of 500-800 lbs. per
`square inch,-the entire process being accom-
`plished without freezing.
`A further object of my invention is to ‘provide
`a method of operation of oil and gas well systems
`whereby a spiralling movement of oil and/or gas
`is employed for controlling temperatures within
`' an expansion chamber and pressure and tem-
`perature reductions effected without freezing.
`Another and further object of my invention is
`to provide an, improved method of operation of
`oil and gas well systems and an improved con-
`struction thereof as set forth more fully in the
`specification hereinafter following by reference
`to the..accompanying' drawings, in which:
`-Figure 1. illustrates the application of my im-
`proved method and apparatus to oil and gas well
`systems in connection with the separator system;
`Fig. 2 showsthe application of my i-nvention to
`the well head," or Christmas tree of an oil or gas
`well; Fig. 3 is -a theoretical diagram explaining
`the theory of operation of the improved method
`and apparatus of my invention ;.Fig. 4 is a trans-
`verse sectional diagram taken on line ti-4 of
`Fig. 1; Fig.5 is "a transverse sectional diagram
`on line 5-5 of Fig. 1; Fig. 6 is a side elevational
`view of the apparatus of my invention; Fig.
`is a longitudinal sectional view on -an enlarged
`scale through the apparatus of my-invention;
`Fig. 8_ is a_ view on anenlarged scale of the hous-
`ing structure for the reduction valve and the re-
`duction valve juxtaposed thereto‘ as provided
`in the apparatus of my invention; and Fig. 9
`shows thesmanner of assembling the parts of the
`apparatus ofmy invention.
`Myinvention is directed to an improved method
`and ap_paratus for use in oil and gas well systems
`by which reductions -in temperature encountered
`in oil and/or gas wells may bereduced and con-
`trolled without channeling and without freezing.
`I have determined‘ after considerable research
`and development that the nascent temperatures
`and pressures of oil and/ or gas may be employed
`in the production-of forces around an expansion

`through the expansion chamber which may be so
`proportioned and regulated as will eifect delivery
`of oil and/or gas at required reductions in tem-
`perature and pressure, but without channeling
`and without freezing.
`I have applied my inven-
`tion to gas and/or oil wells having bottom hole
`pressures of 2000 lbs. per square inch, or more,
`at temperainire ranges of from 120°'F.—145° F.
`where the oil? and/or gas" is distributed through‘
`a spirally arranged warming chamber which is
`concentrically regulated to an expansion chamber
`and a. reduction in temperature and/or pressure‘
`effected along a gradient whichat th'e~‘ou'fi '
`the expansion chamber may reach a pressur”
`500-800 lbs. over a temperature range of from
`35° F.--40 E,
`this control being acc'o"n“:iplish’6d'
`without channeling and witliout‘:€reezin‘g.— Here-'
`tofore in the art reduction of pressure and tem-
`perature in oil and gas __well systems has been
`accomplished by an accumulation of frost and ice
`which eveiitually automatically shuts down~'the
`oil and/or gas well".
`I-Ieretoforerit‘ has bee‘n-nieces:
`sary to thaw out suchvfro'z”e'n' flow lines by specially’-
`constructed li-he heaters with a’ ‘ loss" by‘ evapo‘ra-‘-
`tion of the lighter end prc'ducts'.- The value or
`butane, urethane, propane-and ethane,’ and-other
`end products; has considerably increased with in-
`dustrial‘ developinents and it-is important" that
`these produ’cts- be p‘rese'r-ved'- which? is‘ accent-
`p1ished'by_ri1y method and-sy'st'ern. The preserva-
`tion of-"these end products is one of the major
`accomplishments” of the‘ method and equi-pnieiit
`of my invention. Municipal and government
`regula.tio‘ns. which make mandatory the preven-
`tion- of waste in th'o‘.rec'overy' arid pre's’erva—‘ti'on‘ of
`all oil and gas" well products are complied with
`by use of the improved method a.r1‘d'systeni'-of my
`Rcferrin'g to the"drawi'ngs' in more‘ detail-',. refer‘-
`ence character‘ lscherna-tically represents‘ a"sepa-
`rater connected through‘ fluid discharge line- 2
`and‘ control valve 3 to the inlet 4 of‘ the cylindrical
`warming chamber 5 of the equipment of my in‘-
`vention. The cyl.indri'ca1- warming. chamber 5 is
`connected with a coupling 6 at one: end and with
`a; header‘ 7 at the other end. Because of the'pr'es-
`sures involved these connections tre made with
`strong welds. The material of the cylin’drica'l
`‘warining chamber Eris seamless steel pipe of very
`substantial strength. The coupling 6 projects
`beyond the end of a cylindrical warrning chamber
`5 and there is attached thereto’ by aweld co’11nec-
`tion the choke cylinder 8-. The’ choke cylinder 8
`is also formed from Schedule 80, sean1]:ess- steel
`pipe having a..header 9 adjustably’cl
`into‘ the interior of the choke cylinder‘ 8.
`A 180-“ tube turn I9‘ formedor Schedule 80,
`seamless steel pipe connects between“ the side of
`the warming cylinder '5 adjacent the coupling 6
`to a position at one side of the choke cylinder 8
`and immediately adjacent the coupling. 6. The
`tube turn forms a- pathior the oil and/or gas
`which is moved at high velocity in— a spiral path
`through the interior of cylindrical warrning cham-
`ber 5 by reason of the construction of spiral baflle
`H which I provide therein. ,.The spiral balile ll
`is formed on the exterior of the tubular expan-
`siozrchaniber I2 which extends axially through
`the cylindrical warming chamber 5 and is screw-
`threaded into header '1 at one end. and welded.
`thereto at ‘la and is screw-threaded into coupling
`,6 at lib at the opposite end and wcl-dedv thereto.
`These welds are accomplished during fabrication
`9«.nc1.t:@f01'<% the .al.3s1icaii.Gn‘.9f cy1in.¢iriBa1.warmins
`chamber 5 over the coupling 6 and to the header
`_ ‘i. The assélnbly is ac¢omp1‘1s‘héa by lin'e'arly slid- 5:5 I
`ing warming chamber 5 over header '1 and cou-
`pling S with choke cylinder connected with warm-
`ing chamber 5 through turn pipe I!) as shown in
`Fig. 9.
`The tubular expansion chamber i2 is axially
`aligned with the discharge pipe I4 screw-threa.-ded
`into the end of header T and which may lead to
`the separator or the storage tanks. The tubular
`e>':pai'ision.chamber E 2 receives at its opposite end
`the longitudinally extending choke seat 15; formed
`as illustrated more particularly in Fig. 8. The
`choke seat it has the end thereof screw-threaded
`in‘ coupling 5.=b'y'-' means of screw-threads Ilia on
`the? exterior thereof, engaging the screw-threads
`_ Ea interiorly of coupling 6. The choke seat [5 is
`diiliridiilzali in contour and extends from the
`scre\v'-threade‘d-recess ta. in coupling (5 into the
`interior of tubular expansion chamber I2. The
`clio’ke"se'at I5 is provided at its inlet with a 12°
`frusto-conical valve seat or taper represented at
`'i-‘he-o‘ut1et'for the‘ choke seat I 5‘ is» provided
`w-ith an‘ expanding or outwardly fl'are'd»no'z’zle- l'5"c'
`discharged‘ into‘ tubular expansion cham'b'er- la’.
`Aicoriically shaped--valve’ I6 is aligned with the
`seat 1511 and is variably controlled by mcansof
`rod" I1‘ which extends“ through header 91.
`In t1’1_‘e‘fo'rrr1" of my invention shown insFig'.
`rodl I-1=-‘is automatically operated by a dia.phi'agm'
`motor‘ valve shown generally at
`IS. The dia-
`ph'r”agii1-‘n'1"ot'or valve'c‘omprisest~a casing I-»9 which
`is'suital5ly supported‘ with respect to theheader
`9 ‘for aligning the ‘diaphragm niotor’v'a1ve' l'fl' with
`the longitudinal axis’ of the Warming cylinder
`Rand» the choke cylinder 8. The rod 11-, carrying
`' valve’ 1'6 thereo'n»c'o'nnects with an actuatingrod
`21!; the’ axial’ position‘ of which is‘ controlled by
`the’ di'aphra"g’m' 2|‘. The" diaphragm 2'!‘ is con-
`tained within a housing 22‘, one side of whichis
`shown1at'2‘3*‘contain'ing a. gas inlet connection 24
`vantl a‘, gasdischarge’ connection 25: The supply
`of gas through inlet connection 24 is controlled
`by the'- fluid level invtheseparator. As the‘ fluid
`level in theseparator rises to as givenpoint a
`valve (not shown) is automatically openecl-ad--
`mitting gas ‘to inlet connection 24' thus raising
`the ‘diaphragm. 2| and moving rod 20 and con-
`necting rod I1 to-move valve is away from-seat
`l5b, al-lowing fluid‘ to discharge from-. the sep-
`arator, After the fluid level is lowered-in" the
`separator the gas-, ‘that increased the -pressure
`against d-iaphragm 2i,-is d=isch~arged au-tomatical-u
`ly throughx discharge connection 25% closing the
`valve is against seat I52) and stopping the flow
`01’ gas and-/or oil in choke cylinder 4 to tubular
`expansion chamber I2. Diaphragm 24 is biased
`to a position in which valve I6 is normally seated
`-against valve seat I-5b by means of coil spring 2-S
`located‘ Within housing 22- and agdj-ustedirozn
`the ex_-t_e_rior— thereof by a screw device 2l.— Thus,
`anW_autoInatic- control of valve I6 may be effected.
`there are numerous
`instances in
`which the control of valve 18 is required tohe
`.¥31.811U311-5' atilustable, as .I have represented in
`Figs. .2 and-"7.
`3 In-_ this arrangement, valve rod ll’
`iswexternally screw-threaded as represented at
`[Ta and is engaged in internal screw-threads
`9_d inheader 9. The screw-threaded rod I1 ex-
`tends exteriorly of thechoke cylinder 8 and is
`pr_ovided__with a manually engageable handle 2'8
`thereon which may be tripped manually for mov-
`mg‘ valve .16 to any desired position, with re-
`spectvpto seat l5lb. A stufliing box 2‘9'_is provided
`around rod _ ll" for_co'ntrolling the gasket seal an
`and preventing leakage from choke cylinder ’a__
`_ Thé'§%iS ‘afld/O1‘_Di1 at 2600 lbs, or more, bottom
`hole’ pressure, enters inlet connection '4" at one

`2',‘68_8‘,'9.1"Z 3
`side or the end of cylindrical ‘warming chamber’-
`5 and is directed in a spiral path around tubular.
`expansion chamber I2 by the spiral baille U. The
`mass of spirally moving gas and/or oil traveling
`at high velocity is released at the opposite side
`of cylindrical warming chamber 5, at the op-
`posite end thereof. into turn tube Ill and directed
`into one side of the end of choke cylinder 8.
`From choke cylinder 8 the high velocity high
`pressure flowing gas and/or oil
`is admitted in
`a selected quantity by choke valve I6 through
`valve seat I51: and through a choke seat 15 for
`release through expanding nozzle I50 into tu-
`bular expansion chamber I2 from which the flow
`is directed into discharge pipe I4.
`While the apparatus and method of my in-
`vention is applicable to a wide variety of con-
`ditions existing in the petroleum industry, in-
`volving various temperatures and pressures, I
`have selected for purposes of illustration cer-
`tain characteristics to which I have found my
`invention applicable. That is. for bottom hole
`pressures of 2000 lbs. per square inch, or more.
`at a temperature range of 120“ E-145‘ F. a spiral
`flow is secured confined by spiral baffle ll within
`cylindrical warming chamber 5 and directed
`through the turn tube In into choke cylinder 3.
`The temperature gradient
`through the cylin-
`drical warming chamber 5 reduces longitudinally
`of the cylindrical warming chamber 5 because of
`the cooling eifect of the expansion chamber I2,
`particularly at the nozzle position I5c.
`In cer-
`tain-installations this temperature gradient has
`been such that the turn tube I0 for the initial
`temperatures of 120° F.-145° F., and the pressure _
`heretofore noted, has been of the order of 80° F.-
`105° F. The gas and/or oil, of the characteris-
`tics noted, when passed through the reduction
`valve Ill and valve seat
`l5b and through choke
`seat 15 and expansion nozzle l5c reach a tem-
`perature range of the order of 35° F.-40° F. The
`oil ‘and/or gas_is discharged at dischargevpipe
`Id at this temperature range and at pressures
`of the order of- 500-800 lbs. per square inch, and
`without freezing. The spiral control of the gas
`and/or oil prevents channeling and the concen-
`tric relationship of cylindricalwarming cham-
`ber 5 and tubular expansion chamber 12 insures
`operation of the system above freezing tempera-
`ture. Thus I am able to obtain within compact
`dimensions highly eflicient operation of the meth-
`od and system of my invention.
`In Figs. 2 and 6, I have shown the application
`of my invention as herein described to the Christ-
`mas tree 3| of an oil or gas well leading through
`connection 32 to the valve 3 and inlet connec-
`tion 4, as heretofore explained.
`It will be observed that the piping leading to
`the cylindrical warming chamber 5 and the turn
`pipe I0 and the discharge pipe M are all of an
`interior diameter substantially equivalent to the
`radial distance between the cylindrical expansion
`chamber I2 -and the inside wall of the warming
`cylinder 5 to eliminate all constrictions in the
`flow path except the constriction provided by
`the expansion valve I6 and coacting with the
`seat I5b. That is to say the internal diameter
`of turn pipe H) is always greater than the radial
`distance between the outside Wall of cylindrical
`expansion chamber 12 and the inside surface of
`warming cylinder 5 and also the diameter of the
`pipe constituting inlet connection 4. The reduc-
`tion therefore is effected in a zone which is at
`elevated temperature and freezing during the
`expansion process is thus prevented.
`In Fig. 9 I have shown the manner of assem-
`bling. the apparatus of my invention in which the ._
`unit _i?o_rm_ed_by_j the coupling 6 and header 1,.
`united by the tubular expansion chamber
`constitutes thebase structureover which the
`cylindrical, warming. chamber
`5' connected‘
`throughturn tubelll with choke cylinders slides
`to. assembled or disassembled position. The ar-'
`row indicates_‘~the direction "of movement of the
`unit formed by cylindrical warming chamber 5,
`turn tube I0 and choke cylinder 8 during the
`disassembling of the apparatus. A reverse trans-
`latory mo_vemen't'is. employed in assembling the
`,',I‘husVth'e assembly and disassembly
`of the appa_ratus_ is ‘very simple and may be ef-
`fectedwithout any requirement for any consider-'
`able degree of skill. That is the assembly mere-
`lyrequires the sliding of the cylindrical warm-
`ing chamber 5 and the choke cylinder 8 into po-
`sition over coupling 6 "where the unit may be re-
`volved to connect the end of warming cylinder 5
`with theethreaded header 1.
`Sealed relationship is maintained. between
`warming cylinder 5 and header 1 by a very tight
`screw-threaded connection supplemented by ap-
`propriate gaskets. A similar sealing connection
`is provided "between the other end of warming
`cylinder 5 and coupling member »6 and between
`the end of choke cylinder 8 and coupling member
`The header 9.
`6 through appropriate gaskets.
`connects with choke cylinder 8 through atight
`screw.-threaded connection supplemented by ap-
`propriate sealing gaskets.
`The temperature of high pressure oil and gas
`wells with which the equipment of my invention
`is associated is related to the rate of production
`flow taken from the well. The greater the flow
`at thehighx well pressures, the higher will be the.
`temperature. The internal freezing tempera-
`tures of high pressure oil and gas‘ are much dif-
`ferent than the freezing temperatures at atmos-
`pheric pressure. These factors have_ all been
`taken into account in the development of the
`equipment of my invention. The performance
`Of the equipment of my invention has been very
`effective in preventing the freezing of hydrates
`that form in oil and gas lines at the point of
`pressure reduction. The fact that. the incoming
`hot oil and gas is forced to flow.-in a path adia.
`cent the choke cylinder 8 and around the expa,n..
`sion chamber I2 prevents freezing at the pres-
`sure reduction position. The gradual cooling of
`the incoming oil and gas which is caused by pass-
`ing over the expansion chamber insures a very
`close temperature range for the expanded oil and
`gas that has passed ‘through reduction chamber,
`and without the wide range temperature drop,
`therefore allowing hydrates that form in lines
`at 1311? Teductlon 1101111‘: to pass without freezing.
`While I have described my invention in certain
`of its preferred embodiments I realize that modi-
`ficatlons may be made, and I desire that it be
`understood that no limitations upon my inven_
`tion are intended other than may be imposed by
`the scope of the appended claims.
`What I claim as new and desire to secure by
`Letters Patent is as follows:
`1. A reduction choke for oil and gas well sys-
`tems comprising a tubular expansion chamber, a
`cylindrical screw-threaded header on one end
`thereof, a coupling member on the other end
`thereof and extending radially therefrom, a spiral
`baflie formed on the exterior of said chamber be-
`tween said header and said coupling member, a
`cylindrical warming chamber, a choke chamber, a
`75 tubular member interconnecting said chambers,

`said "cy1ind1‘-ica:1~- warm-in'g--=ch‘am-ber~‘-being:-screw:
`threaded‘-”co ‘-vengagee sa-ic1'~ screwv-th—readec_i--‘A heacier;
`both ’‘ warming‘: c1iamb’er-"and-"sa.1d' choke
`c1-Iafrnber“ being intercormected ~by*'said_-}' c0uD1ii1§«
`rnemberra cylindiicai-‘header-ca:'r1ed by-the-=en'd— "
`of‘ said"c11"oke‘chamber ‘and ‘an~'ad;iustab1e'- valve.
`member‘ ca;rrie'd"by. said last; mentioned» header»
`and adj iistabie ‘therein-for““controlling—’said 1tub'u#
`131-. ‘exp'a’.n‘sion3" chamber.-
`2: A"reductiorr‘choke for"-oil angl gas well sys-‘v ~-
`tcnis comprising 2;tubu1air~'ex1:~ians1on=chamber,‘ a‘
`cyli11dri'ca‘1 header on‘=oIie' ‘end thereof; a. cou-=
`p‘1in‘g"niember' on the‘ other end ‘thereof and ‘pro-
`jectirig radially th'erefrom;'a; spiral-b'afi'1eformed'
`o1r"saic'1"’c1'i"a:mb‘er‘ b'et.we'en' ‘said-header and ' said
`coupling; n1‘em‘b'er ‘ and extending ‘ radia;-l1'y "for ‘ a.
`di§tan‘ce"correspon'diIIg to the radii‘ of’ said'~cy1i-n-—
`dricatlhezi-der and-said coupling member, a. cylin-
`dr'ica:1"warmi'I'rg‘ ‘ch‘amb’er, a choke ci:_t'amb'er'cor1'-
`nected‘ 'w‘it1-_f= the end of ‘"- cylindrical warming
`chamber, the diamete1's ofsaidcchambers being
`such"th‘a’t th“ey‘esta.-b1ish‘a snug-fiiiwhen moved in
`an” axi"a;1 direct.ion'*over‘ said coupIi'ng”cha.mb'er
`and:*1'13ea-der, and: mea;ns-securing‘ said: cylin-
`drical" Wa1"mi—ng*' chamb‘er ‘to -'said- header and‘ to
`said "c0up1it1g’ m-ember.’
`3'2‘ A'~-reci1'1ction'- chokefor ‘oiiand gas well 'sys-
`tems‘as'~ set‘ ‘forth in claim" 2’in whichan expan-
`siorrvaxlve is —carried by' -coupling memberand
`connected —-with‘"sa'id~‘tubu1ar "expansion chamber.
`42 A-irecliic-tion choke for oil and gas well sys-
`tems as set forth in claim’ 2"in which an expan-
`sion ‘va'.1ve;is~carried-by said couplingmeans and
`p1'ojects=i;]:1‘r'ough said coupiing member and con-
`centricavligh inter-said'~tubu1ar expansion chamber
`and!-wh3erein~an adjustable vaive iscarried ‘by said
`chol<'e--- c‘ha;~mber:' and -variably adjustable for" ad'-
`justing -said"-*expansion* valve.
`5.3 A1/1'eduotion= -choke for-'oi1'and gas'we11' Sysé
`tems-'a.s~set fo'1'th*-ir'1= claim-‘ 2'in which the dis-
`char»ge:-conhection- is-- established through said
`head 1with'~'~said*tubu1ar* expansion’ chamber and
`in ‘which’ an‘-“intake connection is"providcd ' in .one
`side” or: said»-i -warming >ch‘amb’er and" in which a.
`discharge connection extends -from said‘ warming
`chamber! in» positiorr adjacent said"coup‘1i'ng
`menu-beri an'd"-opposite-~said- intake connection.
`6; AAreciucti‘on'choke for oil anc1'gas’we1l'sys-
`terns‘ as-:set»"forth.'.-in’-.'.2 in" vtnchztheeriis:-—
`.. ‘C~0I1'11ECtiOn- is, estabiishe
`hrongh ‘said.-i
`head with said stubular expansion“ chambertand
`in iwhi chiani in‘ta1«:e.=con.rxection: is‘ provided ‘in: one
`sic1e.o:f sa.ic‘1‘.wa.'r111iI1g chamber, a dischargezconrv
`nectic-n extending-."from.v sa.i.d:e‘warming , chambcm:
`in’ a,‘ position ' adj zicentxsaid rcoupiingsmember‘-‘and.
`opposite sa=id'.inta1:e"- connection, an expansion
`Valve caz=rieo"Jb3z said: coupling - member‘ and::.a.c1¥-
` va1'ious,:positions in said'cho1:e‘-chem‘-..
`her, and a connection from; sa-‘ic11iast".1nentioned;
`discharge connection to said‘ choke:-ch2.1i:ber“'on”
`tho.» 0; _ osite =eide'. of-I‘;i-ng; ‘chamber’: ends
`in a position: immedia;te1y-..a;d‘ja;centE said‘. expan'—'
`sion valve.
`'7’. A1 reduction .choice:‘for:<oi_i‘ and: gas ..w.ei].:sys-
`tems. including at cylindrice.-1..-warming ., chamber’
`having. an intake’ . in , one side :a‘d.j a.cent': the"; end":
`thereof; an: outlet -located at..the:‘o-ppositexside
`ad.ja.ceni:..the other end thereof‘,-.:a. choke=:cham+
`ber. coa:<i'a11y1'a1i'gned twith one;end,of rsaidm/,arr:té»
`ing ‘ chamber, a‘ cc1r1::1ing,.memhe1r extending;
`tween said warming .chamber and said."-choke:
`chamber‘oo:incir3;eni'. withrthez axis of each’
`a. connection‘ between said": choke
`chamber and the .said.outiet! of, said‘ warm-ing.
`chamber,‘ an expansion V21-1ve.~h'2.ving: a» tubulait
`expansion . ch amber. supported by .- eaici'=.coupi.i1ig.
`member a.nci».pro_ie:3i;ing i;h1'o'L1gh,sa;id' xvalrming;
`charnber, an adju.stab1e=.vaive supported/.by'!said~
`choke cha.m»ber' and adjustable ; aXm11y..
`i;u.‘oL11a.1'- expansion ohambe.r.~=f1'om= the-.exi:£:'ior.of
`said choke,chambe1r, antirazdiscliaiige connection‘
`forithe tubular expansion chamber-iocateclriatithe
`emiox‘ said cha-tuber adjacent-the'inta,ke
`end thereof.
`References Cited in the file of'this'.pa.tent‘-.
`\'Vooc1sl ___________ __ Aug‘. 13, 1935
`D2.venpor.tn______ __ Nov-.= 28-,-1939
`Steenstmp _______ __ Feb. 20,‘ 19%}
`1V1'a1'tini_ _________ __ Mar. 8, 1949
`Platon —.____________ _. Ma,y.31,_1949 .
`2,‘-01 1,100
`2,18 1,654 .
`2,191,323. .
`2,47 1,448

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