`Patent Owner
`Case: IPR2016-00461
`Patent 6,049,607
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`I, Bertrand M. Hochwald, declare the following to be true and correct
`to the best of my knowledge. Except where otherwise indicated, I have personal
`knowledge of the facts below and, if called to do so, would and could testify
`regarding the matters stated in this report. I make this Declaration in support of inter
`partes review of US Patents 6,049,607.
`I have been retained by Denko Lauff LLP on behalf of Waves Audio,
`I have been asked to provide my technical review, analysis, insights,
`and opinions on the materials I have reviewed in this case related to the ‘607 patent,
`including the references that form the basis of the grounds of rejection.
`A. Educational Background
`In 1995 I received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, and in 1993 an
`M.A. in Statistics from Yale University. My primary area of study was Statistical
`Signal Processing. I received an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Duke
`University in 1986, and a B.S. in Engineering from Swarthmore College in 1984.
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`B. Career History
`I have twenty years of combined industry and academic experience in
`the research and design of systems for signal processing, and wireless and wireline
`6. My most recent appointment, starting in 2011, is with the University of
`Notre Dame, where I am currently a Freimann Chaired Professor of Electrical
`Engineering. I teach both graduate and undergraduate classes in Communication
`Systems and in Signals and Systems, where the emphasis is on the processing of
`analog and digital signals. My primary areas of research include communication
`systems, radiofrequency circuits, and signal design and processing. I advise
`graduate students who are attaining Ph.D. degrees through research and coursework.
`Prior to Notre Dame, I worked from 2005-2010 at Beceem
`Communications, a cellular wireless communication chipset start-up company in
`Santa Clara, California, where I was Chief Scientist and Vice President of Systems
`Engineering. I was an integral part of the chipset development team. Beceem was
`bought by Broadcom Corporation in 2010 and no longer exists as a separate
`Prior to Beceem, I worked from 1996-2005 at Lucent Bell Laboratories
`in New Jersey, where I was as a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff doing
`research into communications systems and multiple-antenna systems. This resulted
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`in many patents and publications across a variety of areas in communication theory,
`information theory, and circuit design.
`Prior to Bell Laboratories, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the
`University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign during the 1995-1996 academic year,
`where I worked on a broad range of research topics related to signal processing and
`10. Prior to completing my Ph.D., during 1986-1989 I worked at the
`Department of Defense as a system engineer for signal processing and wireless
`communication systems.
`11. As indicated in detail in my CV (attached and incorporated as Exhibit
`1), I have published approximately 95 articles in scholarly journals, many of them
`within the journals of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE),
`one of the premier societies for electrical engineers. I have 37 granted patents in a
`variety of areas related to communication and signal processing systems. I have
`been an invited and plenary speaker at several international conferences throughout
`the world and have received awards and recognition for my research and
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`D. Other relevant qualifications
`In addition to my academic and practical experience, I have worked as
`an expert in the areas of communication and signal processing systems, as detailed
`in Exhibit 1. I have had experience drafting and successfully prosecuting my own
`patents, and have worked with other experts in signal processing systems as co-
`authors and co-inventors.
`I am being compensated for my time at the rate of $500 per hour for my
`work in connection with this matter. This compensation is not dependent in any way
`on the contents of this Declaration, the substance of any further opinions or
`testimony that I may provide or the ultimate outcome of this matter.
`In formulating my opinions, I have relied on my knowledge and
`experience in the field of signal and audio processing, and on the documents and
`information described below. I have reviewed the following materials:
`U.S. Patent No. 6,049,607 (the ‘607 patent) and its file history;
`Sources listed in Exhibit 2.
`I will not offer opinions of law because I am not an attorney. However,
`I have been informed of several principles of patent law, which I used in formulating
`my opinions.
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`In formulating my opinion, I understand that I must use a “broadest
`reasonable interpretation standard” for interpreting the claims in an inter partes
`Review. Further, there is no presumption of validity of the claims.
`A. Anticipation
`I understand that each patent claim is considered separately for
`purposes of invalidity. I have been informed that a patent claim is invalid as
`“anticipated” if each and every feature of the claim is found, expressly or inherently,
`in a single prior art reference or product arranged as recited in the claim. Claim
`limitations that are not expressly found in a prior art reference are inherent if the
`prior art necessarily functions in accordance with, or includes, the claim limitations.
`It is acceptable to examine evidence outside the prior art reference (extrinsic
`evidence) in determining whether a feature, while not expressly discussed in the
`reference, is necessarily present in it.
`B. Obviousness
`I have been informed that the combination of familiar elements
`according to known methods is likely to be obvious when it does no more than yield
`predictable results. In other words, when a claim simply arranges prior art elements
`with each performing the same function it had been known to perform and yields no
`more than one would expect from such an arrangement, then such a combination is
`obvious. Moreover, when a patent claims a structure already known in the prior art
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`that is altered by the mere substitution of one element for another known in the field,
`the combination is likely to be obvious unless the combination yields and
`unpredictable result.
`I have been informed that when a work is available in one field of
`endeavor, design incentives and other market forces can prompt variations of it,
`either in the same field or a different one. If one of ordinary skill in the art can
`implement a predictable variation, such a variation is likely unpatentable. For the
`same reason, if a technique has been used to improve one device, and one of ordinary
`skill in the art would recognize that it would improve similar devices in the same
`way, using the technique is obvious unless its actual application is beyond his or her
`skill. One question to consider is whether the improvement is more than the
`predictable use of prior art elements according to their established functions.
`I am informed that it may often be necessary, in a validity analysis, to
`look to interrelated teachings of multiple patents; the effects of demands known to
`the design community or present in the marketplace; and the background knowledge
`possessed by one of ordinary skill in the art, all in order to determine whether there
`was an apparent reason to combine the known elements in the fashion claimed by
`the patent at issue.
`I am informed that a validity analysis need not seek out precise
`teachings directed to the specific subject matter of the challenged claim; it is
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`appropriate to take account of the inferences and creative steps that one of ordinary
`skill in the art would employ.
`I understand that a claim composed of several elements is not proved
`obvious merely by demonstrating that each element was, independently, known in
`the prior art. I understand that it can be important to identify a reason that would
`have prompted a person of ordinary skill in the relevant field to combine the
`elements in the way the claimed new invention does. Therefore, I am informed that,
`in determining whether a claimed combination is obvious, the correct question is
`whether the combination was obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time
`the patent application was filed. I am told that one of the ways in which subject
`matter can be proved obvious is by noting that there existed at the time of invention
`a known problem for which there was an obvious solution encompassed by the
`patent’s claims. I understand that any need or problem known in the field of endeavor
`at the time of alleged invention and addressed by the patent can provide a reason for
`combining the elements in the manner claimed.
`I am informed that one should not assume that a person of ordinary skill
`in the art attempting to solve a problem will be led only to those elements of prior
`art designed to solve the same problem. Instead, I understand that since familiar
`items may have obvious uses beyond their primary purposes, in many cases one of
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`ordinary skill in the art will be able to fit the teachings of multiple prior art references
`together like pieces of a puzzle.
`I am informed that, when there is a design need or market pressure to
`solve a problem and there are a finite number of identified, predictable solutions,
`one of ordinary skill in the art has good reason to pursue the known options within
`his or her technical grasp. If this leads to the anticipated success, then it is likely the
`product is not of innovation but of ordinary skill and common sense. I understand
`that, in such an instance, the fact that the combination was obvious to try may show
`that the combination is obvious.
`I am informed that, when determining whether a claimed combination
`is obvious, the correct analysis is not whether one of ordinary skill in the art, writing
`on a blank slate, would have chosen the particular combination of elements
`described in the claim. Instead, I understand the correct analysis considers whether
`one of ordinary skill, facing the wide range of needs created by developments in the
`field of endeavor, would have seen a benefit to selecting the combination claimed.
`C. Written Description
`I am informed that a patent must contain a written description of the
`invention to ensure that the patentee had possession of the claimed invention at the
`time of the application, i.e., that the patentee invented what is claimed. I am informed
`that there are two closely related requirements to meet the written description
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`requirement. First, it must describe the process or manner in the specification in a
`way that enables one of ordinary skill in the art to make and use the invention without
`undue experimentation. Second, the disclosure must describe the invention in a
`manner that one of ordinary skill in the art would know that the patentee had
`possession of all of the claimed invention at the time of the application.
`I am informed that a recitation of how to make and use the invention
`across the full breadth of the claim is ordinarily sufficient to demonstrate that the
`inventor possesses the full scope of the invention. I am also informed that a claim
`will not be invalidated for lack of written description grounds simply because the
`embodiments of the specification do not contain examples explicitly covering the
`full scope of the claim language. However, I am also informed that there are
`situations in which a specification that describes a species might fail to adequately
`describe a claim to the genus. I am informed that a single embodiment would support
`such a generic claim only if the specification would reasonably convey to a person
`of ordinary skill in the art that the inventor had possession of the full scope of the
`claimed invention at the time of filing.
`I also understand that a patent must conclude with one or more claims
`particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which the
`applicant regards as his invention. To satisfy this definiteness requirement, the
`claims of a patent must adequately perform their function of notifying the public of
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`the scope of the patentee’s right to exclude. This standard is only met when the
`claims clearly distinguish what is claimed from what went before in the art and
`clearly circumscribe what is foreclosed from future enterprise.
`29. Consequently, the claims must be sufficiently precise to permit a
`potential competitor to objectively determine whether or not his actions would
`I reserve the right to amend and/or supplement this declaration if new
`evidence, arguments, or testimony is presented, for example, in discovery for this
`I understand from counsel that I should consider what is called the
`intrinsic evidence which includes the specification, including the claims and figures
`and text, and the file history as well as materials that have been incorporated into the
`specification from the perspective of a person having ordinary skill in the art at the
`time of the invention.
` Based on my experience and research in the field and knowledge of
`colleagues and co-workers and my experience as a professor of students ranging
`from candidates for the B.S. degree to Ph.D. candidates in electrical engineering, I
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`would characterize a person having ordinary skill in the art at the time of the
`invention (“PHOSITA”) as having either of the following qualifications:
`A Master’s degree in electrical engineering, computer science or
`physics or a related degree and familiarity and experience with
`digital signal processing; or
`A Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, computer science or
`physics or a related field with at least two years of industry or
`academic research experience in digital signal processing.
`33. The ’607 patent, filed on September 18, 1998, describes an apparatus
`and method for echo-canceling in a full-duplex communication system like a
`teleconference. Full-duplex refers to the fact that there is a “near-end” and “far-end”
`(where “near” depends on the observer’s location) and that both ends may talk
`simultaneously. Both ends have loudspeakers and in the preferred embodiments,
`plural microphones. The microphones are intended for capturing conversations at
`their respective ends, but may also capture audio coming from the nearby
`loudspeakers, thus creating feedback from the loudspeaker into the microphone that
`is perceived as echo at the source.
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`34. The ‘607 patent describes canceling the echoes in the system by
`adaptively filtering the interference signal from the target signal. This is
`accomplished through splitting the signal into a plurality of signals that have
`differing frequency bands. The adaptive filters then operate on a per-band basis.
`35. The notion of adaptive filtering dates from the 1960’s, and is well-
`summarized in Widrow et al, “Adaptive Noise Canceling: Principles and
`Applications,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 63, no. 12, Dec. 1975. Widrow is an
`early pioneer in adaptively filtering signals, and the system used for such filtering is
`called an “adaptive filter.” Figure A shown below is reproduced from page 1693 of
`Widrow’s 1975 paper.
`Figure A: Adaptive filter block diagram (from Widrow, 1975)
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`In this figure the Noise Source, after propagating through a first
`channel, adds as “n0” to the Signal Source at the Primary Input and, after propagating
`through a second different channel, is provided as “n1” to the Reference Input.
`37. Typically the Adaptive Filter operates using a so-called least mean-
`square (LMS) algorithm to adapt filter coefficients that act on the signal n1 or
`“reference signal” introduced into the Reference Input. The filter coefficients,
`sometimes also called “weights,” determine the behavior of the filter and are
`dependent on the signals introduced at the Reference Input and Primary Input. The
`adaptive (e.g. LMS) algorithm is shown in the Figure as an arrow through the
`Adaptive Filter block.
`38. A variant of the LMS algorithm is called the NLMS algorithm, where
`the “N” stands for “normalized,” where the adaptation of the filter coefficients. A
`description of NLMS algorithms is given by S. Douglas, “A Family of Normalized
`LMS Algorithms,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 1, no. 3, March 1994. Such
`algorithms have better weight adaptation properties than their LMS counterparts and
`more stable behavior independent of the input data statistics. Because the NLMS
`normalizes by the energy in the input vector, it is less prone to transients in the
`reference signal level.
`39. A PHOSITA, at the time of the September 18, 1998 filing of the ‘607
`Patent, would be familiar with these concepts since they originated in the 1960’s,
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`and development continued through the ensuing decades, especially its application
`to echo canceling in speech and audio signals.
`In its preferred embodiments, the ‘607 patent combines acoustic multi-
`microphone beamforming with adaptive filtering. The basic goal of beamforming,
`which involves “steering” a beam by delaying and summing the outputs of an array
`of microphones, is to emphasize a signal of interest coming from a direction of
`interest, while simultaneously de-emphasizing signals coming from other directions.
`A PHOSITA would be familiar with the concepts of acoustic beamforming, since its
`origin dates to the early 1900’s.
`B. Notational Convention
`In the sections that follow, I discuss the Claims of the ‘607 patent and
`the prior art references. It is shown how the prior art either anticipates or renders
`obvious the ‘607 Claims. I use italic emphasis in my discussion when referring to
`specific terms in the Claim language of the ‘607 patent. I use “quotations” when
`referring to specific terms in the prior art and references.
`C. The Claims of the ‘607 Patent
`42. The Claims discussed in this Declaration include Claims 1-4, 8, 25-28,
`and 32.
`I reproduce Claim 1 for ease of reference:
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`Claim 1. An interference canceling apparatus for canceling, from a
`target signal generated from a target source, an interference signal
`generated by an interference source, said apparatus comprising:
`a main input for inputting said target signal;
`a reference input for inputting said interference signal;
`a beam splitter for beam-splitting said target signal into a plurality of
`band-limited target signals and beam-splitting said interference
`signal into band-limited interference signals, wherein the amount and
`frequency of bandlimited target signals equal the amount and
`frequency of band-limited interference signals, whereby for each
`band-limited target signal there is a corresponding band-limited
`interference signal;
`an adaptive filter for adaptively filtering, each band-limited interference
`signal from each corresponding band-limited target signal.
`44. A PHOSITA at the time of the filing of the ‘607 patent would interpret
`this claim as an apparatus for canceling a source of interference in an audio signal
`that uses a beam-splitter and an adaptive filter. The beam-splitter is said to split the
`target signal into multiple band-limited signals. An adaptive filter is used for each
`such band-limited signal.
`45. Some terms are not defined in this claim, such as beam-splitter.
`Furthermore, the phrase a reference input for inputting said interference signal is
`atypical and would need to be clarified by reading the Specification. Normally the
`term reference input is stated as being input with a reference signal, not an
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`interference signal (we do not normally have access to the interference signal
`separately since could otherwise simply be subtracted off from the target signal,
`leaving the clean audio signal).
`46. Claim 2 depends on Claim 1, and limits the apparatus to a
`teleconference system.
`47. Claim 3 depends on Claim 2, and limits the structure of the filter to an
`adaptive filter array.
`48. Claim 4 depends on Claim 2, and constrains the behavior of the filter
`to estimating a transfer function.
`49. Claim 8 depends on Claim 2, and incorporates a beam selector for
`selecting a direction from which said main signal is received.
`50. Claim 25 is a method claim similar to the apparatus Claim 1,
`reproduced here:
`Claim 25. An interference canceling method for canceling, from a target
`signal generated from a target source, an interference signal generated
`by an interference source, said method comprising the steps of:
`inputting said target signal;
`inputting said interference signal;
`beam-splitting said target signal into a plurality of band-limited target
`signals and beam-splitting said interference signal into band-limited
`interference signals, wherein the amount and frequency of band-
`limited target signals equal the amount and frequency of band-limited
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`interference signals, whereby for each band-limited target signal
`there is a corresponding band-limited interference signal; and
`adaptively filtering, each band-limited interference signal from each
`corresponding band-limited target signal.
`51. Claim 26 depends on Claim 25 and adds a teleconference limitation.
`52. Claim 27 depends on Claim 26 and adds per-band adaptive filters.
`53. Claim 28 depends on Claim 26 and limits the behavior of the adaptive
`filter to estimating a transfer function.
`54. Claim 32 depends on Claim 26, and incorporates the step of beam-
`selecting the direction from which said main signal is received. Note that there is
`no antecedent to the main signal in this claim. I interpret main signal to be the target
`signal of Claim 25.
`A. Dreiseitel (1998)
`In my opinion, Dreiseitel anticipates ‘607 Claims 1-4, 8, 25-28, and 32.
`56. Dreiseitel, presented at a EUSIPO conference in early September 1998,
`provides an overview of some aspects of the art of echo and noise control as of
`publication. The paper touches on many different subjects including the physics of
`the problem, and the nature of their solutions, including adaptive algorithms,
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`subband processing, and beamforming. It is shown how these solutions can be used
`individually or in combination for echo suppression.
`Anticipation of ‘607 Patent
`57. Claim 1: From the Abstract of Dreiseitel:
`“This paper presents an overview of the wide range of algorithms which
`are applicable to echo cancellers and noise reduction. Practical problems
`associated with implementation and overall system control are also
`58. Dreiseitel therefore considers an interference canceling apparatus and
`the target signal can be identified as the speech signal that contains noise and echoes.
`59. From Section 2.1 of Dreiseitel:
`“Audio communication systems include at least one loudspeaker and one
`microphone housed within the same enclosure. Consequently, the
`microphone picks up not only locally generated signals like speech and
`environmental noise but also the signal radiated by the loudspeaker as well
`as its echoes caused by reflections at the boundaries of the enclosure.”
`Hence Dreiseitel provides for a main input for inputting said target signal.
`60. Figures 1 & 2 on page 2 show a speaker signal available as a reference
`signal. In Section 3.2, Dreiseitel discusses “pre-whitening the input and reference
`signals”. Dreiseitel also discloses an “excitation vector” as another term for
`“reference signal” (for example immediately after Equation 2). This reference signal
`is input into the reference input of the adaptive filter in Figure 2. Note that the ‘345
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`Patent denotes the signal being input to the reference input as an interference signal,
`which I interpret interchangeably with reference signal.
`61. Section 3.7 of Dreiseitel includes the description: “Until now, our
`discussion of adaptive filters has dealt only with fullband signals, since this is the
`most straightforward method of implementation…If a signal is split up into
`subbands, once can subsample the resulting signals leading to shorter adaptive echo
`cancellers. All of the adaptive algorithms mentioned above are suitable for subband
`implementation”. Section 5.6 includes the sentence “Microphone arrays offer
`further improvements of noise reduction. A simple approach consists of delay and
`sum beamforming, where a control system adapts the direction of maximum
`sensitivity toward the near-end speaker”. Hence Dreiseitel discloses a method for
`splitting the target and interference signals into a plurality of band-limited signals.
`Dreiseitel also clearly discloses an adaptive filter for adaptively filtering, each band-
`limited interference signal from each corresponding band-limited target signal.
`62. Therefore all the limitations of Claim 1 of the ‘607 Patent are disclosed
`and Claim 1 is anticipated.
`63. Claim 2: Figures 1 & 2 in Dreiseitel depicts a far-end speaker as input
`to the loudspeaker and as a reference signal (“excitation vector”) for the adaptive
`filter. The near-end speaker then broadcasts speech generated at the far-end of the
`teleconference (target signal from far end). The signal entering the near-end
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`microphone includes the near-end speaker’s voice and one or more echoes of the
`reflected far-end speaker’s voice (interference signal represents echo). Therefore,
`Claim 2 of ‘607 is anticipated.
`64. Claim 3: Section 3.7 of Dreiseitel includes the sentences: “Until now,
`our discussion of adaptive filters has dealt only with fullband signals, since this is
`the most straightforward method of implementation…If a signal is split up into
`subbands, once can subsample the resulting signals leading to shorter adaptive echo
`cancellers. All of the adaptive algorithms mentioned above are suitable for subband
`implementation”. Figures 4 and 5 depict an array of filters for such subband
`processing. Dreiseitel therefore clearly discloses an adaptive filter array, and Claim
`3 is anticipated.
`65. Claim 4: Section 2.3 includes: “The second unit consists of an adaptive
`filter functioning as a replica of the LEMS [loudspeaker-microphone enclosure
`system].” In Dreiseitel’s terminology, the “enclosure” could be anything from a
`small physical enclosure such as a box, or the interior of a car, to a room that has
`significant echoes. Hence, Claim 4 of ‘607 is anticipated.
`66. Claim 8: Section 5.6 of Dreiseitel includes the comments:
`“Microphone arrays offer further improvements of noise reduction. A
`simple approach consists of delay and sum beamforming, where a control
`system adapts the direction of maximum sensitivity towards the near-end
`speaker. Assuming that the different microphone signals are comprised by
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`correlated speech and uncorrelated noise one yields an improved estimate of
`the noise power spectral density.”
`As demonstrated by Dreiseitel, arrays of microphones can be included as part
`of an adaptive filter for echo canceling. Hence there is a beam selector for selecting
`at least one of a plurality of beams for adaptive filtering, and Claim 8 of ‘607 is
`anticipated. Furthermore, if Claim 1 is interpreted so that the “main input” requires
`a plurality of signals from a plurality of microphones, Dreiseitel, as described above,
`anticipates this case.
`67. Claims 25-28 & 32: These Claims are method claims equivalent to the
`apparatus Claims 1-4 & 8. All of the discussion already presented therefore applies
`and, hence, Dreiseitel anticipates these ‘607 claims as well.
`B. Nakagawa (1996)
`In my opinion, Nakagawa anticipates Claims 1-4 and 25-28 of the ‘607
`69. Nakagawa in US Patent 5,774,561 details a subband acoustic echo
`canceller which has some improvements over the state of the art in subband
`cancellers at the time of filing in 1996. Reference is given to US Patent 5,272,695,
`filed in 1991, which is also a description of a subband echo canceller.
`70. Figures 2 and 6 of Nakagawa provide a system overview. In Figure 6,
`in particular, some aspects of the patent relevant to the ’607 patent are disclosed.
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`This figure has two inputs, at blocks 11 and 13. Block 13 is connected to a
`microphone (near-end), and block 11 is a signal that is to be broadcast as a speaker
`and also provided as a reference input into block 18X, which contains an analog to
`digital converter and provides subband analysis.
`Anticipation of ‘607 Patent
`71. Claim 1: Nakagawa in Figures 2 and 6 show an input for the target
`signal, which comes from the microphone in block 13. As described in col. 1, lines
`4-9 of Nakagawa, there are echoes present in the acoustic signal which act as
`interference and hence there is an interfering signal. The invention in Nakagawa is
`thus an interfering canceling apparatus.
`72. Figures 2 and 6 of Nakagawa contains a main input for inputting the
`microphone signal (target signal).
`73. Figures 2 and 6 of Nakagawa also contains a reference input, block
`18X, for the signal that interferes with the main input.
`74. Figures 2 and 6 of Nakagawa show the signal entering the main input
`and the reference input being split into multiple subbands in blocks 20 and 30,
`respectively. Col. 8, lines 6-11, describe block 20 as “a received signal subband
`analysis part”, and block 30 as an “echo signal analysis part.” Hence Nakagawa
`discloses a method for splitting the target and interference signals into a plurality
`of band-limited signals.
`Petitioner Waves Audio Ltd. 607 - Ex. 1014

`75. Figures 2 and 6 of Nakagawa also show blocks 15k that are described
`in col. 1, lines 55-65 as a digital FIR (finite impulse response) filter. Block 16k “uses
`an LMS (Least Nean Square), normalized LMS (NLMS) algorithm or similar
`algorithm”. Col. 12, line 48 describes the blocks

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