` Teklicon, Inc.
`96 N. 3rd Street, Suite 301
`San Jose, CA 95112
`Fields of Expertise
`Computer Graphics: Rendering, modeling, signal processing, texturing, shading, shape grammars
`Game Design: Creating and developing fun, participatory social games and entertainments
`Interactive Storytelling: Participatory fiction, multiplayer games
`Fiction: Novels, screenplays
`Non-fiction: Computer graphics, interactive story technique
`Ph.D., Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, July, 1988
`M.S., Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, 1987
`B.S., Computer Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1984
`President and Director of Education, The Imaginary Institute, LLC
`February 2013 – Present
`Novelist, Screenwriter-Director, Consultant, Coyote Wind, LLC
`May 2000 – Present
`Researcher, Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
`July 1997 – May 2000
`Research in 3D computer graphics and new media
`Writer-Director, The Microsoft Network, Redmond, WA
`October 1996 - July 1997
`Created and developed Dead Air, an interactive web-based mystery show for The Microsoft Network.
`Wrote and directed the pilot episode.
`Researcher, Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
`December 1994 - October 1996
`Research in 3D computer graphics and media theory
`Member of the Research Staff, Xerox Corporation, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Palo Alto, CA
`September 1988 - September 1994
`Research in computer graphics
`Visiting Scientist, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
`May 1987 - December 1987
`Organized and taught advanced computer graphics course. Research in multidimensional ray tracing.
`Research Assistant
`University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
`September 1984 - May 1988
`Research in computer graphics, assisted Dr. Frederick P. Brooks









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`Summer Intern, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Palo Alto, CA
`Summer 1986
`Investigated the structure and shape of leaves and built a leaf modeling system
`Consultant, Bell Communications Research, Piscataway, NJ
`December 1983
`Designed and implemented a high-speed 2D rendering library for the Blit graphics terminal
`Summer Engineer, Bell Communications Research, Piscataway, NJ
`Summer 1984
`Created and programmed graphics utilities for the Blit graphics terminal
`Consultant, IBM T.J. Watson Research Laboratory, Yorktown Heights, NY
`December 1983
`Consulted for Benoit Mandelbrot on the simulation of physical processing with fractal models
`Summer Engineer, IBM T.J. Watson Research Laboratory, Yorktown Heights, NY
`Summer 1983
`Designed and implemented a graphics library for the Yoda graphics board
`Software Engineer
`New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) Computer Graphics Laboratory
`New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) Digital Sound Laboratory
`Old Westbury, NY
`September 1980 - August 1981
`Designed and implemented one of the first interactive digital sound editing systems, a variety of sound
`synthesis algorithms, and a real-time image processing library. Modeled and animated 3D polygonal and
`quadric objects.
`Books (Non-Fiction)
`“Processing for Visual Artists,” AK Peters, Natick, 2010
`“Morphs, Mallards & Montages: Computer-aided Imagination”, AK Peters, Natick, 2004
`“Interactive Storytelling: Techniques for 21st Century Fiction”, AK Peters, Natick, 2004
`“Andrew Glassner’s Other Notebook: Further Recreations in Computer Graphics”, AK Peters, Natick, 2002
`“Andrew Glassner’s Notebook: Recreational Computer Graphics”, Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, San
`Francisco, 1999
`“Principles of Digital Image Synthesis”, (two-volume textbook), Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, San
`Francisco, 1995
`“Graphics Gems” Series Creator and Series Editor, volumes I through V, Academic Press, Cambridge,
`“Graphics Gems I”, Editor and Multiple Contributor, Academic Press, Cambridge, 1990
`Japanese translation by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Japan.
`Chinese translation by The National Institute for Compilation & Translation, China.
`“3D Computer Graphics: A Handbook for Artists and Designers”, Design Press, New York, 1989
`Japanese translation 1990 by ASCII Press, Japan
`“An Introduction to Ray Tracing”, Editor and Contributor, Academic Press, London, 1989
`“Computer Graphics User's Guide”, Howard W. Sams & Co., Indianapolis, 1984
`Japanese translation 1987 by ASCII Press, Japan
`Films and Scripts
`“Making Memories,” Writer-Director, 3 minutes 16mm live action, Spring 2003
`“1000 Cranes,” Script treatment, Digital Domain, 2000
`“Flow Interface”, Writer-Director, 6 minutes, live action/stills, Microsoft 1998
`“Red Green Blues”, Director, Composer, and Lyricist, August 1998
`“Chicken Crossing”, Writer-Director and Producer, 3.5 minutes, animated 3D short







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`Siggraph '96 Electronic Theatre, Lucy Saenger Theatre, New Orleans, August 1996
`Visual Fantasy 1997, Tokyo, February 1997
`Computer Graphics Grand Prix '97, Tokyo, Japan, March 1997
`British Broadcasting Corporation, January-December 1997
`ACM 97 Screening Room, March 1997
`Le Festival Du Dessin Anime et du Film D'animation, Brussels, April 1997
`Fujita Vente Theatre, Japan, 1997-1998 program
`10th Computer Animation Film Festival, Geneva, August 1997
`“Space Dog”, Writer (unproduced animated short)
`“Shiela’s Diner”, Writer (unproduced animated short)
`“Shackleton”, Writer (unproduced feature)
`Primary Technical Publications
`Glassner, A., “Reconciling Circular and Elliptical Arcs”, Journal of Graphics Tools, 15(2), 2011
`Glassner, A., “Interactive Storytelling: People, Stories, and Games,” Virtual Storytelling, Olivier Balet,
`Gerard Subsol, Patrice Torguet, Eds., Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2197, 2001, pp. 51-60
`Glassner, A., “A Shape Synthesizer,” IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, May-June 1997, 17(3), pp.
`Glassner, A., Marimont, D., Fishkin, K., and Stone, M., “Device Directed Rendering”, ACM Transactions
`on Graphics, 14(1), January 1995, pp. 58-76
`Glassner, A., “Dynamic Stratification”, Proc. 4th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Michael Cohen,
`Claude Puech and Francois Sillion, ed., Paris, June 1993, pp. 5-14
`Glassner, A., “A Dataflow Architecture for Shape Synthesis” Graphicon '92, Keldysh Institute of Applied
`Mathematics, Moscow, Russia. September 1992
`Glassner, A., “A Tutorial on Geometric Replacements”, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 12(1),
`January 1992
`Glassner, A., “Growing Complex Shapes From Simple Forms (extended abstract)”, Proceedings
`Eurographics '91, September 1991
`Glassner, A., “Ray Tracing for Image Synthesis”, Academic Press Encyclopedia of Physical Science and
`Technology, 1991 Yearbook, Academic Press, New York, pp. 485-492, December 1990
`Glassner, A. “Geometric Substitutions”, Proc. Ausgraph '90, September 1990
`Glassner, A., “A 2D View Controller”, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 9(1), January 1990
`Glassner, A., “How to Derive a Spectrum From an RGB Triplet”, IEEE Computer Graphics &
`Applications, 9(4), July 1989
`Glassner, A., “Spacetime Ray Tracing for Animation”, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 8(2),
`March 1988
`Glassner, A., “Supporting Animation in Rendering Systems”, Proceedings CHI+GI '87 Workshop on
`Rendering Algorithms and Systems, Canadian Information Processing Society, Toronto, April 1987
`Glassner, A.,”Adaptive Precision in Texture Mapping”, Computer Graphics, 20(4), Siggraph '86, August
`Glassner, A., and Fuchs, H., “Hardware Enhancements for Raster Graphics”, Proceedings NATO
`Advanced Study Institute on Fundamental Algorithms for Computer Graphics, Fall 1985
`Glassner, A., “Space Subdivision for Fast Ray Tracing”, IEEE Computer Graphics &Applications, 4(10),
`October 1984 (reprinted in Computer Graphics: Image Synthesis, K. Joy, C. Grant, N. Max, L.
`Hatfield, Ed., IEEE Computer Society, 1988)
`Glassner, A., “Musicbox in C: An Interactive, Graphics, Digital Sound Editor”, Proceedings of the 1980
`International Computer Music Conference, Fall 1980
`Glassner, A., and Kowalski, M., (January 1981), “The NYIT Digital Sound Editor”, The Computer Music
`Journal, 6(1)
`Major Invited Presentations
`“Storytelling for Visual Analytics”, Invited Keynote, IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and
`Technology (IEEE VAST) 2009, New Jersey, October 2009
`“Stories and Graphics”, Human Interface Technology Lab, Canterbury, New Zealand, January 2007
`"Recreational Computer Graphics", Adobe Systems, September 2006


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`"Creating First-Person Interactive Narratives", Research Colloquium, SFU School of Interactive Arts and
`Technology, September 2006
`“Computer Graphics and Storytelling”, Keynote Talk, Graphite 2005, New Zealand, December 2005
`“Interactive Storytelling,” Keynote Talk, International Digital Media and Arts Conference, Florida, March
`“Stories, Games, and People”, Invited Talk, Cartoon Master, La Corona, Spain, April 2004
`“Participatory Narrative”, University of Washington Animation Lecture Series, January 2002
`“Do You See What I See?” Conference Keynote, IEEE Visualization 2001, San Diego, CA, October 2001
`“Online Storytelling: People, Stories, and Games”, Keynote Talk, International Conference on Virtual
`Storytelling, Avignon, France, September 2001
`“Storytelling for a Wired World”, Plenary Talk, AT&T Visualization Days, AT&T Shannon Laboratory,
`New Jersey, June 2001
`“Graphics, Stories, and Games”, 2001 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, North Carolina, March
`“Free Will, Structure, and Narrative: Designing Large Scale Storied Environments for Animation and
`Participation”, University of Washington Animation Production Series, Seattle, WA, January 2001
`“Digital Storytelling for A Wired World”, Simon Fraser University Distinguished Lecture Series, Burnaby,
`British Columbia, November 2000
`“Stories and Computers”, Microsoft Research Lecture Series, Beijing, China, April 2000
`“Fiction: Audiences and Computers”, Conference keynote, Eurographics UK, Swansea UK, March 2000
`“Stories and Structures”, Conference keynote, Eurographics 99, Milan, Italy, September 1999
`“Active Storytelling”, Conference keynote, CGI 99, Canmore, Alberta, June 1999
`“How to Render the World”, Programmer’s Keynote, Game Developer’s Conference, March 1999
`“Is There Hope for New Media?”, CGIX 98, Amsterdam, February 1998
`“Computer Graphics and Cultural Change”, Graphics Interface '97, Kelowna, BC, June 1997
`“Art and Animation”, Computer Graphics Grand Prix '97, Tokyo, Japan, March 1997
`“Networked Shape Synthesis”, Graphicon '92, Moscow, Russia, October 1992
`“The Grammar of Geometric Substitutions”, 1st International Conference on Scientific Visualization,
`Caracas, Venezuela, October 1991
`“Growing Complex Shapes From Simple Forms”, plenary talk, Eurographics '91, Austria, September 1991
`“The Theory and Practice of Ray Tracing”, full-day tutorial at Eurographics '91, Austria, September 1991
`“Ray Tracing”, full-day tutorial at Ausgraph '90, Melbourne, Australia, September 1990
`“Geometric Substitutions”, Ausgraph '90, Melbourne, Australia, September 1990
`“Ray Tracing: From Algorithms to Programs”, full-day course at Graphics Interface '89, 1989
`Commercial Apps
`Designer and Programmer, “Maya Date” iPhone app, iTunes Store, 2009
`Online Teaching
`“2D Animation and Interaction,” 8-week online video course offered through The Imaginary Institute.
`Museum Exhibitions
`The Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Denver, CO, 2013. Mayan artwork and calendar glyphs.
`The Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, Interactive website, 2012. Mayan artwork and
`calendar glyphs.
`Tallinn City Museum, Estonia, 2010. “Time Pillars” exhibition. Mayan artwork and calendar glyphs.
`Shows and Games
`Creator, “Dead Air”, Multiplayer murder-mystery game for The Microsoft Network, 1999
`Writer and Director, “Classical Trio”, the pilot episode for Dead Air, 1999
`Creator, “That’s Bull!”, Game for The Microsoft Network, 1999 (unproduced)
`Game Designer, “Demolition Construction Kit”, Software toy, Dreamworks, 1999 (unproduced)
`Creator, “Spaceship Mars”, Massively-multiplayer game, The Microsoft Network, 1998 (unproduced)
`Creator, “Island Paradise”, Multiplayer online game, The Microsoft Network, 1998 (unproduced)




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`Other Technical Publications
`Glassner, A., “Clipping a Concave Polygon”, in Graphics Gems V, A. Paeth, ed., Academic Press,
`Cambridge, 1995
`Glassner, A., “Building Vertex Normals From An Unstructured Polygon List”, in Graphics Gems IV, P.
`Heckbert, ed., Academic Press, Cambridge, 1994
`Glassner, A., “Darklights”, in Graphics Gems III, D. Kirk, ed., Academic Press, Cambridge, 1992
`Glassner, A., “Anti-Aliasing in Triangular Pixels”, in Graphics Gems III, D. Kirk, ed., Academic Press,
`Cambridge, 1992
`Glassner, A., “Adaptive Run-Length Encoding”, in Graphics Gems II, J. Arvo, ed., Academic Press,
`Cambridge, 1991
`Glassner, A., “Maintaining Winged-Edge Models”, in Graphics Gems II, J. Arvo, ed., Academic Press,
`Cambridge, 1991
`Glassner, A., “A Simple Viewing Geometry” in Graphics Gems, A. Glassner, ed., Academic Press,
`Cambridge, 1990
`Glassner, A., “Useful 2D Geometry” in Graphics Gems, A. Glassner, ed., Academic Press, Cambridge,
`1990 (also in Gems II, III, and IV)
`Glassner, A., “Useful 3D Geometry” in Graphics Gems, A. Glassner, ed., Academic Press, Cambridge,
`1990 (also in Gems II, III, and IV)
`Glassner, A., “Frame Buffers and Color Maps” in Graphics Gems, A. Glassner, ed., Academic Press,
`Cambridge, 1990
`Glassner, A., “Normal Coding” in Graphics Gems, A. Glassner, ed., Academic Press, Cambridge, 1990
`Glassner, A., “Intepretation of Texture Map Indices” in Graphics Gems, A. Glassner, ed., Academic Press,
`Cambridge, 1990
`Glassner, A., “Multidimensional Sum Tables” in Graphics Gems, A. Glassner, ed., Academic Press,
`Cambridge, 1990
`Glassner, A., “An Overview of Ray Tracing” (book chapter in “An Introduction to Ray Tracing”, A.
`Glassner, ed., Academic Press, London, 1989
`Glassner, A., “Surface Physics for Ray Tracing” (book chapter) in “An Introduction to Ray Tracing”, A.
`Glassner, ed., Academic Press, London, 1989
`Glassner, A., “A Ray Tracing Glossary” (book chapter in “An Introduction to Ray Tracing”, A. Glassner,
`ed., Academic Press, London, 1989
`Popular Articles
`Glassner, A., “Ray Tracing in Computer Graphics”, Computers in Science,September/October 1987, 1(2),
`pp. 18-25
`Glassner, A., “Ray Tracing for Realism”, Byte Magazine, December 1990, 15(2), pp. 263-271
`Journal Columns
`Columns in “Andrew Glassner's Notebook” in IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications:
`“Speed Limit 55”, vol. 26, no. 1, January 2005
`“Crop Circles, Part 2”, vol. 25, no. 6, November 2004
`“Crop Circles, Part 1”, vol. 25, no. 5, September 2004
`“Digital Cubism, Part 2”, vol. 25, no. 4, July 2004
`“Digital Cubism, Part 1”, vol. 25, no. 3, May 2004
`“Around and Around”, vol. 25, no. 2, March 2004
`“About Face”, vol. 25, no. 1, January 2004
`“Everyday Visualization”, vol. 24, no. 6, November 2003
`“DMorph”, vol. 23, no. 5, September 2003
`“Venn and Now”, vol. 23, no. 4, July 2003
`“Image Search and Replace”, vol. 23, no. 3, May 2003
`“Digital Weaving, Part 3”, vol. 23, no. 2, March 2003
`“Digital Weaving, Part 2”, vol. 23, no. 1, January 2003
`“Digital Weaving, Part 1”, vol. 22, no. 6, November 2002
`“Getting the Picture,” vol. 22, no. 5, September 2002


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`“Duck!”, vol. 22, no. 4, July 2002
`“Putting the Pieces Together”, vol. 22, no. 3, May 2002
`“Interactive Pop-up Card Design, Part 2”, vol. 22, no. 2, March 2002
`“Interactive Pop-up Card Design, Part 1”, vol. 22, no. 1, January 2002
`“Quantum Computing, Part 3”, vol. 21, no. 6, November 2001
`“Quantum Computing, Part 2”, vol. 21, no. 5, September 2001
`“Quantum Computing, Part 1”, vol. 21, no. 4, July 2001
`“A Change of Scene”, vol. 21, no. 3, May 2001
`“Tricks of the Trade”, vol. 21, no. 2, March 2001
`“Fill ‘Er Up”, vol. 21, no. 1, January 2001
`“Soap Bubbles, Part 2”, vol. 20, no. 6, November 2000
`“Soap Bubbles, Part 1”, vol. 20, no. 5, September 2000
`“Texturing with Symmetry”, vol. 20, no. 4, July 2000
`“The Digital Ceraunoscope: Synthetic Thunder and Lightning, Part 2”, vol. 20, no. 3, May 2000
`“The Digital Ceraunoscope: Synthetic Thunder and Lightning, Part 1”, vol. 20, no. 2, March 2000
`“Celtic Knotwork, Part 3”, vol. 20, no. 1, January 2000
`“Celtic Knotwork, Part 2”, vol. 19, no. 6, November 1999
`“Celtic Knotwork, Part 1”, vol. 19, no. 5, September 1999
`“O Say, Can You See?”, vol. 19, no. 4, July 1999
`“An Open and Shut Case”, vol. 19, no. 3, May 1999
`“String Crossings”, vol. 19, no. 2, March 1999
`“Fourier Polygons”, vol. 19, no. 1, January 1999
`“The Triangular Manuscripts”, vol. 18, no. 6, November 1998
`“Know When to Fold”, vol. 18, no. 5, September 1998
`“Aperiodic Tiles, Part 2”, vol. 18, no. 4, July 1998
`“Aperiodic Tiling”, vol. 18, no. 3, May 1998, pp. 83-90
`“Circular Reasoning”, vol. 18, no. 2, March 1998, pp. 104-108
`“Upon Reflection”, vol. 18, no. 1, January 1998, pp. 86-92
`“Inside Moire Patterns”, vol. 17, no. 6, November 1997, pp. 97-101
`“The Perils of Problematic Parameterization”, vol. 17, no. 5, September 1997, pp. 78-83
`“Net Results”, vol. 17, no. 4, July 1997, pp. 85-89
`“Signs of Significance”, vol. 17, no. 3, May 1997, pp. 79-82
`“Situation Normal”, vol. 17, no. 2, March 1997, pp. 83-87
`“Going the Distance”, vol. 17, no. 1, January 1997, pp. 78-84
`“Hey, Buddy, How Do I Get Into the Siggraph Electronic Theatre?”, co-authored with Jim Blinn, vol. 16,
`no. 6, November 1996, pp. 72-75
`“More Origami Solids”, vol. 16, no. 5, September 1996, pp. 85-91
`“Origami Platonic Solids”, vol. 16, no. 4, July 1996, pp. 85-91
`“Frieze Groups”, vol. 16, no. 3, May 1996, pp. 78-83
`“Computer Generated Solar Halos and Sun Dogs”, vol. 16, no. 2, Mar. 1996, pp. 77-81
`“Solar Halos and Sun Dogs”, vol. 16, no. 1, Jan. 1996, pp. 83-87
`Professional Course Notes & Presentations
`“Introduction to Computer Graphics,” Siggraph 2013
`“Processing for Digital Artists,” Siggraph 2010
`“Modeling, Rendering, and Animation”, invited course, Siggraph 2008
`“Introductory Computer Graphics”, Siggraph 2007
`“Recreational Computer Graphics”, Siggraph 2006, July 2006
`“An Introduction to Modeling”, Siggraph 1994-2005
`“An Introduction to Animation”, Siggraph 1994-2005
`“An Introduction to Rendering”, Siggraph 1994-2005
`“How to Give A Great Talk”, Siggraph 2001, July 2001
`“Fiction 2001: The Future of Storytelling”, Siggraph 2000, July 2000
`“Fiction 2000: Interactive Fiction”, Siggraph 1999, July 1999
`“Logo Design”, Art for Computer Graphicists, Siggraph 1998

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`“The Myth of Online Community”, Computer-Human Interaction 1998, Los Angeles
`“The Dishonesty of Visual Culture”, Panel presentation, Siggraph 1996
`“Spectrum: An Architecture for Image Synthesis, Research, Education, and Practice”, in “Developing
`Large-Scale Graphics Software Toolkits”, Siggraph 1994
`“Ray Tracing Principles” in First International Conference on Scientific Visualization, Caracas, Venezuela,
`“Spectrum: A Proposed Image Synthesis Architecture”, in “Frontiers in Rendering”, Siggraph 1991
`“Current Trends in Ray Tracing”, in “Advanced Topics in Ray Tracing”,Siggraph 1990
`“Implementation Notes for Ray Tracers”, in “Advanced Topics in Ray Tracing”, Siggraph 1990
`“Some Ideas for Future Work”, in “Advanced Topics in Ray Tracing”, Siggraph 1990
`“An Overview of Ray Tracing”, in “Introduction to Ray Tracing”, Siggraph 1987-89
`“Surface Physics for Ray Tracing”, in “Introduction to Ray Tracing” Siggraph 1987-89
`“A Ray Tracing Glossary”, in “Introduction to Ray Tracing” Siggraph 1987-89
`Professional Teaching
`“Computer Graphics for Animation”, Walt Disney Feature Animation, Burbank, CA, May 2000
`“Modern Computer Graphics”, Disney Feature Animation, Burbank, CA, June 1999
`“Art for Computer Graphicists”, Course Organizer, Chair, and Speaker, Siggraph '98
`“Introduction to Computer Graphics”, Speaker, Siggraph 1995 through 2002
`“Fundamentals and Overview of Computer Graphics”, Speaker, Siggraph '93, '94
`“Developing Large-Scale Graphics Software Toolkits”, Speaker, Siggraph '93
`“Frontiers in Rendering”, Course Organizer, Chair, and Speaker, Siggraph '92.
`“Advanced Topics in Ray Tracing”, Course Organizer, Chair, and Speaker, Siggraph '91.
`“State of the Art in Ray Tracing”, Eurographics '91
`“Ray Tracing Fundamentals”, Ausgraph '90, Melbourne, Australia
`“Introduction to Ray Tracing”, Course Organizer, Chair, and Speaker, Siggraph '89.
`“Theory and Practice of Ray Tracing”, Graphics Interface '89.
`“Introduction to Ray Tracing”, Course Organizer, Chair, and Speaker, Siggraph '88.
`“Introduction to Ray Tracing”, Course Organizer, Chair, and Speaker, Siggraph '87.
`Colloquia and Workshops
`“Storytelling for Analytics”, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, August 2009
`“3D and Narrative”, University of Otago, New Zealand, January 2007
`“Interactive Storytelling”, Writer’s Guild of Canada, Toronto, November 2002
`“Participatory Storytelling”, The Institute for Simulation and Training, University of Central Florida, April
`“Interactive Storytelling: People, Stories, and Games”, Florida State University, April 2002
`“Stories, Teaching, and the Future”, ThinkQuest Imagine the Future National Lecture Series, February
`“The Future of Narrative”, University of Washington Animation Lecture Series, January 2002
`“Games, Stories, Computers, and People”, Naval Postgraduate School, April 2001
`“Modern Story Structure”, Electronic Arts, March 2001
`“Story Structure and Interaction”, UC Berkeley, March 2001
`“Stories and Computers”, Stanford University, March 2001
`“Short Story Structure”, University of Washington, February 2001
`“Joe’s Garage: An Interactive Digital Storytelling Workshop”, University of Central Florida, January 2001
`“Digital Storytelling”, Electronic Arts Canada, December 2000
`“Story Structure”, Electronic Arts, December 2000
`“Participative Storytelling” Digital Domain, Los Angeles, CA, October 2000
`“Participatory Stories” Sony Pictures Imageworks, Los Angeles, CA, September 2000
`“Active Storytelling” Detroit New Media Association, Ann Arbor, MI, June 1999
`“Active Storytelling” Interactive Multimedia Arts & Technologies, Toronto, ON, June 1999
`“The Future of Media” University of Washington, Seattle, WA, November 1997
`“Producing A Short Film: The Making of Chicken Crossing” Seattle Siggraph, Redmond, WA July, 1996


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`“New Ideas in Modeling” Pratt Institute of Art and Design, Brooklyn, NY November, 1993 “Device-
`Directed Rendering” Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. June, 1993 “Color Gamut
`Projection for Synthetic Images” University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA.
`March, 1993
`“Device-Directed Rendering” Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. March, 1993
`“Rendering Within Constraints” Stanford University Graphics Lunch, Stanford, CA. March, 1993
`“Two Cool New Techniques for 3D Modeling”, Bay Area Siggraph, San Francisco, CA. April 1992
`“Geometric Substitutions and Shape Synthesis for 3D Modeling”, Fry's Lecture Series, Palo Alto, CA.
`November, 1992
`“Dancing Raisins in Your Refrigerator: Computer Graphics and Ubiquitous Computing” IBM T.J. Watson
`Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. June 1991
`“Growing Complex Shapes from Simple Forms” Sun Microsystems Graphics Forum, Mountain View, CA.
`November 1991
`“Modern Rendering Techniques”, Mitsubishi Corp, Sunnyvale, CA. 1992
`“Shape Synthesis”, Apple Computer, Sunnyvale, CA. April 1991
`“A Survey of Modern Image Synthesis”, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA. November 1992
`“Survival Unix”, 4-part course, Palo Alto, CA. May 1990
`Technical Notes
`Glassner, A., “Cubism and Cameras: Free-form Optics for Computer Graphics”, Technical Report MSR-
`TR-2000-05, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, January 2000
`Glassner, A., “Interactive Pop-Up Card Design”, Technical Report MSR-TR-98-03, Microsoft Research,
`Redmond, WA, January 1988
`Glassner, A., “Efficient Ray Tracing in Subdivided Space”, The Ray Tracing News, 2(1), pp. 11-12,
`February 1988
`Glassner, A., “Efficient Boolean Evaluation of CSG Models for Ray Tracing”, The Ray Tracing News,
`1(1), pp. 3-7, September 1987
`Glassner, A., “The RSRT Template for Pose Interpolation”, Technical Memo #87-4, Faculty of
`Mathematics and Informatics, Technical University of Delft, Delft. December 1987
`Glassner, A., and Post, F., “Two Derivations of the Angular Interpolation Formula”, Technical Memo \#87-
`3, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Technical University of Delft, Delft, The Netherlands.
`December 1987
`Glassner, A., “How to Derive a Spectrum From an RGB Triple”, Technical Memo \#87-2, Faculty of
`Mathematics and Informatics, Technical University of Delft, Delft, The Netherlands. October 1987
`Glassner, A., and Post, F., “On the Transformation of Surface Normals”, Technical Memo #87-1, Faculty
`of Mathematics and Informatics, Technical University of Delft, Delft, October 1987
`Glassner, A., “idb: An Ikonas Symbolic Debugger”, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. July
`Glassner, A., “libgik: An Ikonas Library”, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. July 1985
`Journal Activities
`Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, 2012 - present
`Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Graphics, Games and GPU Tools, September 2008 - 2012
`Co-Guest Editor (with Turner Whitted), Special Issue on Rendering, IEEE Computer Graphics &
`Applications, Volume 18, Number 2, March 1998
`Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Graphics Tools, July 1995 – September 2008
`Editor-in-Chief, ACM Transactions on Graphics, June 1995 - January 1997
`Founding Editor, Journal of Graphics Tools, July 1995
`Member, Editorial Board, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Nov 1989 - 1995
`Letters and Short Notes Editor, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, January 1990 - January 1991
`Book Reviews Editor, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, January 1990 - January 1991
`Editor, The Ray Tracing News, September 1987 - May 1989


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`Conference Activities
`Member, Computer Animation Festival: Real-Time Rendering Program Jury, Siggraph 2008, 2009, 2010
`Member, Board of Directors, Siggraph 2009
`Member, Late-Breaking Contributions Jury, Siggraph 2007
`Member, Unified Program Jury, Siggraph 2007
`Member, International Program Committee, First International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory
`and Applications, Lisboa, Portugal, 2006
`Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 2004
`Member, Emerging Technologies Jury, Siggraph 2004
`Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
`in Australasia and South East Asia, 2003
`Member, ETech Advisory Committee, Siggraph 2002
`Member, Computer Animation Festival Committee, Siggraph 2001
`Member, Emerging Technologies Jury, Siggraph 2001
`Member, Papers Committee, Siggraph 2000
`Member, Art Show Jury, Siggraph 2000
`Member, Emerging Technologies Jury, Siggraph 2000
`Member, Papers Committee, 1999 Eurographics Rendering Workshop
`Member, Panels Jury, Siggraph ’99
`Member, Technical Sketches Committee, Siggraph ‘99
`Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Visual Computing, Goa, India, 1999
`Member, Papers Committee, 1998 Eurographics Rendering Workshop
`Member, International Program Committee, 1998 Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
`Member, Enhanced Realities Jury, Siggraph '98
`Member, Technical Sketches Committee Jury, Siggraph '98
`Member, Ongoings (Fine Art Show) Jury, Siggraph '97
`Member, Electric Garden Jury, Siggraph '97
`Member, Technical Sketches Committee Jury, Siggraph '97
`Member, Papers Committee, Spring Computer Graphics Conference '97
`Member, Papers Committee, Eurographics Rendering Workshop '97
`Member, Electronic Theatre Jury, Siggraph '96
`Member, Technical Sketches Committee, Siggraph '96
`Member, Papers Committee, Graphics Interface '96
`Member, Papers Committee, Spring Computer Graphics Conference '96
`Member, Papers Committee, 1995 Eurographics Rendering Workshop
`Session Chair, Texture Synthesis, Siggraph '95
`Member, Papers Committee, Graphics Interface '95
`Member, Papers Committee, Siggraph '95
`Member, International Programme Committee, Eurographics '95
`Chairman, Papers Committee, Siggraph '94
`Chairman, Technical Sketches Committee, Siggraph '94
`Member, International Programme Committee, Eurographics '94
`Member, International Technical Committee, Compugraphics '93
`Member, International Technical Committee, Graphicon '93, St. Petersburg, Russia
`Session Chair, Techniques For Animation, Siggraph '93
`Member, Papers Committee, Siggraph '93
`Member, International Programme Committee, Eurographics '92
`Member, International Programme Committee, Eurographics '91
`Member, Gunther Enderle Awards Committee, Eurographics '91
`Session Chair, Animation and Illustration Systems, Siggraph '91
`Member, Papers Committee, Siggraph '91
`Academic Teaching
`Guest lecture on Structure for Short Stories and Films, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Fall ’97,
`’98, ’99, ’00, ‘01

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`Andrew Glassner
`Page 10
`“Advanced Computer Graphics” (a one-semester class) class organizer and teacher, Faculty of Mathematics
`and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. Fall 1987
`“Ray Tracing and Radiosity: Fundamental Algorithms of Photorealistic Image Synthesis”, Course
`organizer and lecturer, 3-day short course offered in The Berkeley Series in Visual Computing,
`University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. April 1991. Co-instructor, Peter Shirley.
`“The Theory and Practice of Ray Tracing”, Course organizer and primary lecturer, 3-day short course
`offered in The Berkeley Series in Visual Computing, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley,
`CA. October 1989. Co-instructor, Jim Arvo.
`Guest lecture, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. February 1991
`Guest lectures and Teaching Assistant, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. April 1988
`Glassner, A., “A Method for Constructing and Folding Pop-up Cards,” patent 6,311,142.
`Glassner, A., “Image Rendering System with Local, Adaptive Estimation of Incident Diffuse Energy”,
`Patent 5,488,700.
`Glassner, A., D. Marimont and M. Stone, “Method of Rendering a Color Image for an Output Medium
`From Symbolic Image Data”, Patent 5,384,901
`Glassner, A., D. Marimont and M. Stone, “Rendering a Color Image for an Output Medium from Symbolic
`Image Data”, European Patent 93308229.9
`Glassner, A., “Methods for Converting Concave Polyhedra to Their Convex Hulls”, Patent 5,428,717
`Glassner, A., “Sequencing and Scheduling Moves for Converting Concave Polyhedra to Their Convex
`Hulls”, Patent 5,317,681
`Glassner, A., “Object-local Sampling Histories for Efficient Path Tracing”, Patent 5,305,430
`Cover Images
`“Bubbling”, Communications of the ACM, vol. 41, no. 10, October 1998
`“DDR Box”, ACM Transactions on Graphics, ACM, January 1995
`“Computing Reviews” (cover quote), vol. 23, no. 6, June 1993
`“Graphics Gems III”, Art Director, Academic Press, 1992
`“Graphics Gems II”, Art Director, Academic Press, 1991
`“Graphics Gems”, Art Director, Academic Press, 1990
`“Subdivided Icosahedra”, Arts & Letters, Bryan College, Fall 1988
`“Dino's Lunch”, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 8(3), May 1988
`“Celtic Study 1”, Computer Graphics, 21(2), April 1987
`“Sinc City”, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 4(10), October 1984
`“Three Rings”, Computer Graphics User's Guide, 1984
`Professional Affiliations
`Writer-Director, Founder, Coyote Wind Studios LLC
`Voting Member, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences
`Consultation Clients
`(partial list due to confidentiality agreements)
`AT&T Shannon Labs
`Electronic Arts
`Electronic Arts Canada
`Microsoft Research
`Radical Entertainment
`The Walt Disney Studios




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`Andrew Glassner
`Page 11
`Expert Witness Work
`2013-14: DSS vs. Coupons, Inc. (confidential agreement dispute). Worked with

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