Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 1
` :
` :
` Petitioner, :
` :
` v. : IPR2016-00450
` :
` :
` Patent Owner. : IPR2016-00451
` :
` The telephonic conference in the
`above-entitled matter convened at 1:31 p.m. on
`Thursday, May 19, 2016, and the proceedings
`being taken down by stenotype and transcribed by
`Catherine B. Crump, a Notary Public in and for the
`District of Columbia.
` Patent Trial and Appeal Board Judges
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Twilio's Exhibit No. 1022

`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 2
`APPEARANCES: (Telephonically)
`On behalf of the Petitioner:
` Cooley, LLP
` 380 Interlocken Crescent, Suite 900
` Broomfield, Colorado 80021
` (720) 566-4000
`On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLP
` 2555 Grand Boulevard
` Kansas City, Missouri 64108
` (816) 474-6550
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Twilio's Exhibit No. 1022

`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 3
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE McGRAW: This is Judge McGraw on the
`line. With me is Judge Medley and Judge Arbes for
`the conference call for IPR2016-00450 and
`IPR2016-465, Twilio Corporation v. TeleSign
` I would like to begin with a roll call. Who
`is on the line on behalf of petitioner?
` MR. DAVIS: For petitioner, you have Wayne
`Stacy, lead counsel, and Britton Davis. I'll be
`appearing as backup counsel for Twilio.
` JUDGE McGRAW: Who is speaking? Mr. Davis?
` MR. DAVIS: That's correct.
` JUDGE McGRAW: And on behalf of patent owner?
` MR. CAMACHO: Yes, Your Honor. This is Jesse
`Camacho and Elena McFarland.
` JUDGE McGRAW: So as I understand it, there
`are two issues: First, Petitioner is seeking
`permission to file a reply to address whether the
`patent owner has met its burden to show patents at
`issues or titles that claim priority to their parent.
` This is the petitioner's issue. Petitioner,
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
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`do you want to quickly address your request?
` MR. DAVIS: Yes. Thank you, Your Honor.
` So this is Britton Davis, and really what we
`would like is the board's guidance on how to deal
`with the priority date issue that was raised in the
`patent owner's preliminary response.
` JUDGE McGRAW: Mr. Davis, I'm sorry to
`interrupt you. I forgot to ask is there a court
`reporter on the line?
` MR. DAVIS: Yes, there is, on behalf of
` JUDGE McGRAW: Then I'd ask that you provide
`a copy of the transcript of this proceeding when
` MR. DAVIS: We would be happy to do so.
` JUDGE McGRAW: And I'm sorry to interrupt.
` MR. DAVIS: No problem.
` So what Petitioner would like is the board's
`guidance on how to address the priority date issue
`that was raised in the patent owner's preliminary
`response and regarding the petitioned claims, ability
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 5
`to claim priority back to the parent application.
` We don't think that this issue needs to be
`addressed at institution and it's properly decided in
`the final written decision, but if the board is
`inclined to deal with the issue at institution, we
`would like to be able to file a short reply
`addressing the legal requirements, the standard, and
`the burden that Patent Owner must meet to show it's
`entitled to the earlier priority date.
` JUDGE McGRAW: Patent Owner, would you like
`to comment?
` MR. CAMACHO: Sure, Your Honor. This is
`Jesse Camacho, and we did understand the petitioner's
`request to be a request for a reply. So to help
`confirm that we were looking at this correctly, we
`looked and we identified -- I think there's about 108
`cases that address a request for a petitioner to
`reply to a preliminary response.
` Fifty-one of those were granted, really only
`about 30 because many of the cases were related. All
`of those deal with threshold issues, things like
`proper service, whether there's Section 315(b) time
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 6
`bar, that sort of thing.
` There were 18 instances that were really just
`one instance that the court requested additional
`briefing regarding a threshold issue of service of
`the complaint.
` The last bucket is where the majority is.
`There were 39 instances where the request was denied.
`That's where we would say Twilio's request falls in.
`Those requests, there are similar requests before the
`board, things like addressing alleged misstatements,
`addressing case law mischaracterization, addressing
`evidentiary issues, and things like that.
` A couple of relevant IPRs that might help
`guide the board, one is IPR2015-1035. Again,
`IPR2015-1035, that one dealt with a request to
`address the legal standard of printed publications.
`There, the board replied that was just a request for
`a reply and it's not warranted.
` The second one is kind of analogous. It's
`IPR2014-1432. There, the question was the petitioner
`wanted to reply to some comments that the patent
`owner made regarding whether a reference should enjoy
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 7
`the earliest effective 102(e) date. Again, the board
`said that that submission would amount to a reply,
`which is not allowed.
` So the common themes that we see and six
`reasons why we think the board should deny this
`request is, first, replies to a preliminary response,
`they're not allowed on substantive issues, and the
`petitioner, Twilio, hasn't provided a sufficient
`reason to deviate from normal practice.
` The second reason would be that 35 U.S.C.
`Section 324(a) requires an institution be granted
`based on the information presented in the petition,
`not in the petition plus a reply.
` The third is that the issue to be addressed
`here is not a threshold issue. It's nothing like a
`real party in interest or whether there's some time
` The fourth is that Petitioner is essentially
`asking for additional basis to further develop its
` The fifth and sixth are kind of related.
` JUDGE McGRAW: I'm going to interrupt you
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 8
`here. We agree. I do treat Petitioner's request as
`a request for authorization to file a reply and that
`request is denied. Filing a reply here is not
`necessary. We're aware of --
` MR. CAMACHO: Your Honor, this --
` JUDGE McGRAW: Excuse me? Yes?
` MR. CAMACHO: I apologize for interrupting.
` JUDGE McGRAW: You can continue. Identify
`yourself first.
` MR. CAMACHO: This is Jesse Camacho again for
`the patent owner. We had a second issue that we
`wanted to address, but, again, I didn't know if you
`had completed your sentence.
` JUDGE McGRAW: I was saying that the request
`for authorization to file a reply is denied.
` MR. CAMACHO: Your Honor, this is Jesse
`Camacho again for the patent owner.
` The issue that we would like to address is
`the E-mail itself that was sent. We think the E-mail
`that was sent was an improper ex parte communication.
`This E-mail should not have been sent in view of Rule
`42.5(b). That rule does not allow or prohibits
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 9
`E-mails from being sent or any communication with the
`board unless both parties have had an opportunity to
`be involved in the communication.
` Here, we were not allowed to see the E-mail
`that was sent, and the issue in the E-mail is
`substantive in nature. It comments on our reply. It
`characterizes what we said. It comments on lack on
` The problem is it could be viewed as -- you
`know, when we looked into this and we found there
`were 39 cases that seemed on point, our concern was
`that there might be an attempt to do an end run
`around this procedure and actually get argument or we
`weren't sure we -- there's one IPR that seems to be
`on point that if it's helpful to the board, it's
`IPR2012-0035. Again, IPR2012-0035 is Nissan v.
` What happened in that case was someone from
`the petitioner contacted the board. They didn't copy
`opposing counsel. I know counsel for Twilio did.
` They did ask for a call. The thing is,
`though, they commented substantively. The E-mail was
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 10
`substantive and the board said even if opposing
`counsel were copied, the E-mail still would have been
`improper because it contained argument against an
`analysis of the preliminary response, and the board
`described the E-mail as appearing to be an improper
`attempt to file a reply, which was not allowed.
` So it's on point in that regard, and we know
`some cases allow a reply to an E-mail. We're not
`looking for that. We don't want to burden the board
`with any additional paper. We would just like this
`issue addressed and then, really, for all intents and
`purposes, the E-mail to not really have any bearing
`before the board.
` MR. DAVIS: Your Honor, if I may respond.
`This is Britton Davis with Cooley for Petitioner.
` MR. DAVIS: So we disagree with Mr. Camacho's
`characterizations. I provided an E-mail laying out
`the basis for our request to Mr. Camacho in advance
`of requesting the call with the board and sought his
`availability for this call.
` After he provided that, then I confirmed in
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`May 19, 2016
`Page 11
`an E-mail that I would be sending the board the
`communication and sent the communication, which is
`very close to the E-mail that I provided to Mr.
`Camacho ahead of time.
` So we think that his characterizations of
`conduct are improper or inaccurate and we also think
`that the E-mail is a fair characterization setting
`out only the bases that we were requesting the reply
`on, didn't go into addressing the merits of subject
` JUDGE McGRAW: Okay. As it seems both
`parties are aware, communications to the board cannot
`be ex parte. Both parties have to be copied on the
`E-mail and they should not contain any substantive
`arguments in the E-mail. To the extent any such
`arguments are included in the E-mail, they will not
`play a role in any decision to institute or not
` There was one more issue that the petitioner
`did raise in the E-mail, which is seeking guidance.
`It seems like you're requesting, and perhaps you can
`clarify if you're asking if you should file a motion
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 12
`to submit supplemental information or you're asking
`should you wait until the reply.
` I guess I'll let you address what it is
`exactly that you were asking the court to do, the
`board to do.
` MR. STACY: Your Honor, this is lead counsel,
`Wayne Stacy. I think you've answered our question.
`The primary purpose of setting the call up and asking
`all of this is there's enough opinions out there
`where the board has criticized petitioners and patent
`owners for waiting too long to raise important
`issues, and we just wanted to make sure that we
`raised it here because we couldn't find any law on
` So I think your initial decision on the reply
`answers everything we need, and proposed institution,
`not meaning to be presumptive, but the normal reply
`brief will be where this would be addressed.
` JUDGE McGRAW: Well, I think asking whether
`or not you should address an issue through
`supplemental information or through a reply brief,
`it's really addressed after institution. So I think
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 13
`you should wait until the case is instituted or not
`instituted, and if the case is instituted, you can
`revisit this issue again.
` MR. STACY: All right. Thank you.
` JUDGE McGRAW: Are there any further issues
`on behalf of Petitioner?
` MR. DAVIS: If I could impose upon you for
`just one moment, we sent the E-mail to the board and
`there's always the intention on giving information to
`allow the board to be meaningfully prepared and then
`not putting substantive arguments in. I know the
`black letter law.
` In your opinion, did the E-mail we sent skew
`too far one way or the other? This is just for
`future reference. I want to make sure we're on the
`right side going forward, if you're willing to
`provide that input.
` MR. CAMACHO: We could offer a comment if it
`would help the board.
` MR. CAMACHO: Your Honor, in that same case,
`that Nissan case, the IPR -- this is Jesse Camacho --
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 14
`IPR2012-0035, Page 28, Footnote 2 provides an example
`of an appropriate request for a conference, and it
`says it would have said something along the lines of
`Nissan requests a conference call to raise an issue
`of incorrect facts.
` So to the extent that's helpful as providing
`a sample type of E-mail, that would be one.
` JUDGE McGRAW: Well, I think that E-mails to
`the board should have enough information in them so
`that we know what issue is going to be raised, but,
`again, it should not include any arguments or
`substantive presentation of argument or facts.
` So it is a fine line, but we'll figure it out
`as we go along; but for now, I'm not going to do
`anything about this E-mail. So I'm not -- to the
`extent there are any arguments in that E-mail, they
`will not play a role in the decision to institute.
` MR. DAVIS: Thank you for the guidance.
` JUDGE McGRAW: You're welcome.
` Are there any other issues?
` MR. CAMACHO: Nothing from Patent Owner.
` MR. DAVIS: None from Petitioner.
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`Conference Call
`May 19, 2016
`Page 15
` JUDGE McGRAW: An order will follow shortly
`summarizing and discussing what was decided in this
`call, and this call is concluded.
` Thank you.
` [Whereupon, at 1:46 p.m., the conference call
`7 8 9
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Twilio's Exhibit No. 1022

`I, CATHERINE B. CRUMP, the officer before
`I^¡as taken, do hereby
`whom the f oregoing deposition
`the witness whose testimony appears in
`the foregoing deposition $/as duly sÌ^torn by me; that
`the testimony of said witness l¡tas taken by me
`reduced to
`stenographically and thereafter
`that said deposition
`typewriting under my direction;
`is a true record of the testimony given by said
`I am neither counsel for,
`nor employed by any of the parties
`to the action
`l^tas taken; and further,
`which this deposition
`am not a rel-ative or employee of any attorney or
`counsel employed by the parties hereto nor
`in the outcome
`fj.nancially or otherwise interested
`the action.
`Notary PubI
`District of
`: October
`ic in and for the
`3 1, 20L7
`My Commíssion Expires
`Twilio's Exhibit No. 1022

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