Petitioner Microsoft Corporation’s Demonstratives
`Microsoft Corporation
`Bradium Technologies, LLC
`Case IPR2016-00448
`Patent No. 7,908,343 B2
`Case IPR2016-00449
`Patent No. 8,924,506 B2
`Oral Argument
`April 18, 2017
`Petitioner Demonstrative 1
`Microsoft, Ex. 1047
`Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-00448


`The Challenged ‘343 and ‘506 Patents
`Ex. 1001 (‘343 Pat.), 6:4-6
`‘343 Patent (Ex. 1001), Fig. 2
`Id. at 6:56-59
`Id. at 10:10-14
`Petitioner Demonstrative 2


`Williams, “Pyramidal Parametrics”
`(1983) (Ex. 1005, App. L.)
`Microsoft TerraServer
`(System released 1998; white paper
`1999-2000) (Ex. 1030)
`Reddy TerraVision (1999) (Ex.
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448 Paper 1 at 7; Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 70-71, 84; Ex. 1016 ¶¶ 70-75; Paper 34
`at 11, 14; Ex. 1004, Fig. 1 cited in Papers 1 and 34 and Exs. 1005 and 1016, passim;
`IPR2016-00449 Paper 1 at 7-8; ; Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 71-72, 83; Ex. 1016 ¶¶ 70-75; Paper 31 at 10.
`Petitioner Demonstrative 3


`Exemplary Claim- ‘343 Patent Claim 13
`Petitioner Demonstrative 4


`Other disputed claim elements
`‘343 Patent:
`‘506 Patent:
`Petitioner Demonstrative 5


`16 Using this representation, we can recursively resolve
`certain data set regions in more detail than other
`regions. For example, Figure 1b showsthe lower-right
`cornerin high resolution with the surrounding regions
`displayed in progressively lower resolution. Assumi
`a tile size of 128 x 128 pixels,
`inapproprizag for oerappliomion bacause swinching no ;tharis, i
`dispiyed in progresivalylowormsolurion.Assuming
`aie sta of 128 = 128 paals, thisexmpe mquirs
`downkeadingand rendering coy 491 Kies [10 cles)
`insmad of che anrine 2.1-Mopoo bigh-resciudion image.
`Ocha wsar’slocamion is cha
`the polygon count constantfor any viewpoint.
`Ifthe user’s location is the bottom-rightcorner, then dis-
`tho highestmsoturion silcvobres loadingawry poin
`of che original dara sac. Insmad, we require a view
`tant imagery is rendered at lower resolution than near
`dependent necheaque than lerus warythedegeae o's
`Blifica ionwith respect op che cure onwiepie**
`ofandone usinga branchial dara structure, sud
`imagery and we have achieved distance-based LOD.
`asa quad-ime. Further, iho LOOalgorithm must no
`mequim che enna bigh- msolecionwrsion o
`17 As Figure 2 shows, our image pyramids techniques
`deg dace sor,asarwould limesseo view ing only d
`soc dha camditonche wsor’s:kcalecmage sso. rm
`can be applied to elevation grids and othertypesofter-
`chase mquirgments, 2 cled, pyramad mpor seniacio
`bosrsair oarmeds*"
`imageryand we hare ackbwed distance-based LOD
`A permed is a oulniesolution hierarchy for adara
`rain data. Because we use a tiled pyramid representa-
`sat For
`le, f che original image is LOd4-« Lo) 717As Figure 2 shows,our image pyramids mchoques
`pital, then tie
`pyramid might conmin che origina
`cn baapplied meleraciongrickand cchar yrpsof er-
`image donpwichdown-sampbdversionsa1 rescturiccs
`Taindat. Becwes we ws 2 tiledpyramid mpresania-
`ofS12« 512
`b, 756 =256,
`i, 128 = 128
`Gonforche geomecryand che imagery,wera opcimine
`nd snondeFags aa showcach pyramid tee
`che amore of dace ransomed over che necwork, che
`chan segsmed ino mcrmguiar tiles,whore all cle
`number of pobgons in the sceng, amd che amount of
`Asamsul,we aad
`hae the samepixel dimensions.A a ma gran pp
`mud keelwill thus:map-oneotour iiason tha cer high
`iswawing, and on ana suffice msoluconfor che
`ursviewpaine Thissobsion scaleswelloarbicrarity
`large dara serboner inedincive lyamempes a hoop
`(ha polygon COUN conswanr forany ew pou
`715 We cates Raw peneVMfiles0 mpresem a
`Large, oiled mukinesoturion higrarchy of the globe: r-
`rain tle fla, arufiles, good Miles, and moe Mes.
`Figur 3 shows thas flies and cheir mlaiocships Tha
`mma files mcursieaty implamanc the LOD hiaraschyby
`inlining a single: grotile fle at one LOD and tour higher
`msoluion tee files ac che naz DOD: The geocile fle
`inlineail of the faanem and nerrain tiles thar comra
`peographicalama and LOD A wrrain eile fie conics:
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448 Paper 1 at 26, 29, 34-35; Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 116, 118, 139; Paper 34
`Se mage mecrure dacater a pen
`Lama, and LOD. Faarure files:
`doserdan a oograpiaralanae’scljocs,such abuilding:
`at 21-22; Ex. 1016, ¶ 125; IPR2016-00449, Paper 1 at 27, 29, 35-36; ; Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 115,
`and roads. We disoess cheso m2 lariccships amd chose
`adamniapes balow.
`117, 168; Paper 31 at 21-22; Ex. 1016, ¶ 125
`number of polygons in the scene, and the amountof
`memoryrequired for texture maps. Asa result, we need
`only fetch and display data for the region that the user
`is viewing, and only at a sufficient resolution for the
`user’sviewpoint. This solution scales well to arbitrarily
`large data sets because it effectively attempts to keep
`Petitioner Demonstrative 6


` of the US Defense Advanced Research ProjecsAgency's
`4948 TerraVision II can be implemented on a graphics
`workstation connected to a gigabit-per-second ATM net-
`work with high-speed disk servers for fast response
`times. However, TerraVision can also be implemented
`ona PC connected to the Internet, or a standard VRML
`browser on a laptop machine can be used to browse the
`same data. This makes the system particularly useful in
`military mission planning and battle damage assess-
`ment, emergency relief efforts, and other distributed
`time-critical conditions.
` Any standard VAML browser can interact with these
`Multidimensional Applications Gigabit Insemmer Con-
`data However, ‘Terra¥Vision U introduces am attractive
`sortium (Magic) project and has been demonstrated
`withdara secs on the order of ensofGbytes. TerraVig q4g. TeravisionTl can be reieunited cson aSa
`sion inchides fearuressuch active map display,
`connected to a gigabu-per-second.ATM net
`work with high-speed disk servers for fast response
`panandzoomdisplay, 3D fythroughs, and time-of-day
`and fog selection ft also incorporates buildingmode}
`times. However, TerraVision can also be implemenied
`and vehicles, animasesvehicles based on live orrecord
`ona PC connected co the Inmet, ora standardVAML
`ed GPS dara, and supports 6-degmes-ofireedom inp
`browser ona lapoop machine can be wse.d to browse the
`devices and head-mounted displays.
`same data. Thismakes the system particularly useful in
`Military mission planning and bamle damage assess
`39 GenencVAML brayserscannot perform mrrain-spe
`ment, emergency reliefefforts, and other distributed
`Gific optimizations because they have no knowledge
`Lime-critical conditions.
`the underlying data's represemtanion and applicasion
`TeraVision]auendsEerraVision | funcionaliryby sup-
`Conclusions and tuture work
`poring our VAML 97 representations. In effect, i's a
`customVAMLbrowserspecificallydesigned topaimally q49 As we show here, it's possible co represent massive,
`navigasz ourVEMLterrain darabases.
`discribured terrain dambases inVAML [r's.also possible
`TerraVision I] offers the following advantages wera
`forwers 10navigate efficiently around these siructures
`standard VRMLbrowser,
`using either a standard VAML browser or our special
`izedTerraVision [I browser.
`€41 = Opumiced, compiled code. TerraVision Il is a muli- 950 In the fore, we might apply orexend this work in
`several ways.
`threaded applicationwriten inANS!C. Wedesigned
`it for the sole purpose of rendering large geographic
`diaabases in real time. Assuch, we can use more effi?4a Disdhuredinteractivesammlarion (DIS). The Java-DIS-
`Gent, Optimized solutions toseveral penericrealime
`VEMLworking group is working onways to lerusers
`share state information about a VRMLworld—such
`graphics operations. Forexample, visibiliry culling is
`aS entity Posiions and orientaLions—actoss a ner
`performed using a fast quac-tree search of the mul-
`tiresolunion hierarchy.
`work. This highly relevance toourwork, as it would
`let us introduce dynamic encines, such as moving
`G42 w Level ofderi. The LODseleceson in the VMLbrews-
`er is based on whether of mota user is im a volume
`vehicles, which multiple users could experience
`screen size to decide when tw reduce werrain derail
`around thetile. However,SEeyee neowork.
`Darendemand. Currently, we statically generateall
`required terrain data offline in VAML formar How-
`‘This technique conssders such display size
`and the angle atwhich che userviews the errain.
`ever, it's possible 1 ansparently generar allVAM
`data on che fly from some underlying geographic
`G43 mw Tike itching. Any wed, mulumesolurion mepreena-
`database. We might do thisvia a Common Gareway
`Gon suffers from wearing problems. These occurwhen
`adjacenttiles ofdifferent resoluaon do not share all
`Inerface script that ineerprecs the UAL path name as
`the same verices and thus create holes inthe terrain
`a database lookup request and generates the VAML
`Tepresentation on demand.
`along tile boundaries. In TerraViston, we use special-
`ined vechniques to stitch these holes, so it displays ay Ocherplanets. Although we have comentrated onrep-
`cominuous landform. A standardVRML browserwill
`resenuing the earth, we couldeasily apply thedesign
`mt generally perform this operation. and conepes inmoduced here1model other celes-
`tial bodies.
`‘944 sg Neowork log wleronce. TerraVision abways mainiains
`in memory a low-resolurion terrain representation
`and uses a progressive coarse-to-fine algorithm to'§54 Bymaking the workwe describe herefreelyavailable,
`Joad and display new dara. Therefore, if some high-
`we hope co help foster furtherinnovation anc, through
`the GeoVEML Working Group, to see gTea®T support
`resolution ties have yet to arrive over the neowork,
`TerraVisionsimplyuses the highest resoluwon daca it
`has so thatthe user can continue toinseracrwith rhe
`jerain Ineffect, erraVision implements. basic form
`ofstreaming for bothgeometry and imagery.
`45 Wi Efficient tile caching. TerraVision mainiainsatile
`We thank Karil Vidimee for his work on the VRML
`cache, whicheliminases the need to meload and parse
`odes. Qurworkwas funded in partunder che following
`data for errain regions that the user has recently
`Darpa program: Mulidimensional Applicaaons Giga
`‘bir memerConsortium Il, subcontract 12165581 ofcon-
`46 = Predicnon ondprefetching. Teravision ale mpes 1
`tact F19628-95-0-0215, and Bale Assessment and
`Predict users’ fuure moves byasimple ex mapolarion
`Data Dissemination conmact no, MDAQ?2-97C-00g7,
`oftheircurencflight pach It then pregecches ules, so
`they areimmediasly available for rendering.
`Darpa has approved this article for public release. Ter-
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448 Paper 1 at 15, 23, 26; Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 124, 131, 136, 167, 181,
`Tain imagery and elevation data were supphed by the
`47 TerraVision Il & not equired to view the VAML er
`US Geological Survey EarthResourc:sObservationSys-
`tem Data Cemer.
`rain data sets; itsimply increases brawsingefficiency.
`212; Paper 34 at 3-4; Ex. 1016, ¶¶ 34, 36, 48; IPR2016-00449, Paper 1 at 16, 24, 27; Ex.
`1005, ¶¶ 123, 130, 135, 169, 170, 175, 196; Paper 31 at 3-4; Ex. 1016, ¶¶ 34, 36, 48
`IEEE Computer Graphicsand Applications
`Microsoft et al. Exhibit 1004
`Petitioner Demonstrative 7


`Hornbacker (Ex. 1003) at 13:28-14:7
`Hornbacker (Ex. 1003) at 14:26-28
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448 Paper 1 at 24, 27-28; Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 125, 134, 136; IPR2016-
`00449 Paper 1 at 24, 27-28; Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 124, 133, 135
`Petitioner Demonstrative 8


`Ex. 2066 at 2
`‘Visualization System for SRTDigital EarthProposal
`This particular dictionary
`Ex. 2066 at 2
`Ex. 2066 at 4
`and textual annotations; andclick over featares to displayother multimedia objects. However, itis likely that
`Cerincapabilitieswill not be availableina standard VRML toowser, on that they willbe available at a lower
`perfomance level For
`TanaVision comenily offers the
`over a Standard
` Visualization System
`VEML browser.
`We have described howwewish to organize and store georeferenceddata. However, dataare useless without
`aneffective Interface te communicatether
`tothe user. We therefore
`hat natesss:one and ierwath he Dialahinaaveanne
`Ex. 2066 at 4
`We intendtoradically enhance SRTInternational's terrainvisualization system, TemaVision, toprovide this
`next-generationcapabiliny. However, it is.also our intentionthat thesedatabe accessibleto a widerange of
`age—Sthguehperhapswith lessSunctonality—-using stancardandSeehyavailable commercialof-the-shelt
`(COTS) sodtware onpersonalcomputers.
`The TerraVision System
` TemaVisionis a real-time, diseibunedtemainvisualization systemthat hasbeandeveloped over several years
`desmaapt aeatcMGT)sdSalAvene
`Ey diedto
`distibmedover a fast marwork [Leclerc and Lan 100%Ry et a) 1999). Tt mrorporates
`active ap splay2D Fam andzoomdisplay, +-D Sytiroqshs, ime ofday andfog secon, incorporasoe
`of georeferencedmodels suchas budding: of roads, andsupport forvirtual reality (VE) devices suchas head-
`mounted displays (HMDs) andthe CAVE.
`definition, Exhibit 2073, doesn't mention the
`other aspects of Windows NT that you just
`referred to.
`It refers to high-end work stations,
`advanced servers, corporate networks,
`MR. DAY: Object
`to form.
`A. Well,
`this document is very partial,
`and it"s not explaining the complete nature
` Figure3 Screenshot ofthe TemaVisiontexainvisualization system showing the 3-Dviewerwithembedded
`puildingmodels, and the co-registered Mapviewer.
` birp.// 1132016
`Exhibit 2066
`Bradium Technolegies LLC - patent owner
`Microsoft Corporation - petitioner
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448 Ex. 1016, ¶¶ 50-54; Paper 34 at 5; Paper 48 at 3-4 (Response
`to Observation No. 6); IPR2016-00449 Ex. 1016, ¶¶ 50-54; Paper 31 at 5-6; Paper 45 at
`5-6 (Response to Observation No. 6)
`of Windows NT.
`Ex. 2078
`(Michalson Tr.) at
`Ex. 2078
`(Michalson Tr.) at
`Petitioner Demonstrative 9


`Progressive Resolution Enhancement
`‘343 Patent (Ex. 1001) Claim 13
`- See also ‘506 Patent claims 8,
`Petitioner Demonstrative 10


`Reddy (Ex. 1004), ¶ 3
`Reddy (Ex. 1004), ¶ 21
`Reddy (Ex. 1004), ¶ 44
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448, Paper 1 at 8, 16-18, 29, 45-46, 56; Ex. 1005 ¶¶ 139, 190-194,
`199, 216, 238; Paper 34 at 6-8, Ex. 1016 ¶¶ 57-60; IPR2016-00449, Paper 1 at 8-9, 17-18,
`30, 41, 43, 51; Ex. 1005 ¶¶ 138, 144, 168, 172, 200; Paper 31 at 6-7; Ex. 1016 ¶¶ 57-60
`Petitioner Demonstrative 11


`Tile Structure
`‘343 Patent (Ex. 1001) Claim 13
`- See also ‘506 Patent claims 8,
`Petitioner Demonstrative 12


`Reddy TerraVision (1999) (Ex.
`1004), Fig. 1
`‘343 Patent, Fig. 2
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448, Papers 1, 34 and Exs. 1005, 1016, passim; IPR2016-00449,
`Papers 1, 31 and Exs. 1005, 1016, passim
`Petitioner Demonstrative 13


`• Q: “I’d like you to look at the
`image pyramid that’s shown
`in Figure 1(a) [of Reddy], and
`choose, at random, one of the
`tiles that’s shown in that
`image… I want you to
`describe to me in words
`where the tile that you were
`thinking of is located in Figure
`• A: “In the depiction that
`you’re showing me, I chose a
`tile which is in the second – in
`the second column, second
`row of the full resolution
`– Ex. 1018 (Agouris Deposition) at
`Reddy TerraVision (1999) (Ex.
`1004) (as annotated in Ex. 1016, ¶
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448, Paper 34 at 16, 20; Ex. 1016, ¶ 78; IPR2016-00449, Paper 31
`at 16, 20; Ex. 1016, ¶ 78
`Petitioner Demonstrative 14


`Reddy TerraVision (1999) (Ex.
`1004), Fig. 3
`Petitioner Demonstrative 15


`Hornbacker (Ex. 1003) at 8:30-9:12
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448, Paper 1 at 7, 28, 30, 32, 39; IPR2016-00449, Paper 1 at 7, 31,
`33, 40, 46-47
`Petitioner Demonstrative 16


`Motivations to Combine (‘343 Patent)
`• References are analogous art
`– Petition (Paper 1) at 14-21
`– Ex. 1005 (Michalson Decl.), ¶¶
`103-107, 122-123
`– Reply (Paper 34) at 16-17
`– Ex. 1016 (Michalson Decl.), ¶¶
`• Compression to optimize
`bandwidth use
`– Petition at 21-23, 34-35, 37-38,
`– Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 126, 135, 145,
`166-168, 186
`– Reply at 19
`– Ex. 1016, ¶ 41, 132,
`Limited channel access,
`mobility in “distributed, time-
`critical scenarios”
`– Petition at 23-24, 26-28, 42
`– Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 124-125, 131-136,
`– Reply at 3-6, 18-19
`– Ex. 1016, ¶ ¶ 42-45, 128-133
`• Method of identifying tiles by
`– Petition at 30-31, 38-40
`– Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 127, 138-144, 147,
`169-177, 216-220
`– Reply at 19, 20
`– Ex. 1016, ¶ 136
`Petitioner Demonstrative 17


`Motivations to Combine (‘506 Patent)
`• References are analogous art
`– Petition (Paper 1) at 14-22
`– Ex. 1005 (Michalson Decl.), ¶¶
`102-106, 121-123
`– Reply (Paper 31) at 16-17
`– Ex. 1016 (Michalson Decl.), ¶¶
`• Compression to optimize
`bandwidth use
`– Petition at 22-24, 42, 44-45
`– Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 125, 133-134,
`143, 170, 174-176
`– Reply at 19
`– Ex. 1016, ¶ 41, 132
`Limited channel access,
`mobility in “distributed, time-
`critical scenarios”
`– Petition at 23-25, 26-29, 42, 44
`– Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 123-124, 130-135,
`– Reply at 3-6, 18-19
`– Ex. 1016, ¶ ¶ 42-45, 128-133
`• Method of identifying tiles by
`– Petition at 29-31, 45-47,
`– Ex. 1005, ¶¶ 126, 137-143, 145,
`– Reply at 19, 20
`– Ex. 1016, ¶ 136
`Petitioner Demonstrative 18


`“Limited Bandwidth Communications Channel”
`• Microsoft: Plain and
`ordinary meaning, no
`construction necessary
`• Bradium: “a
`narrowband or
`‘343 Patent (Ex. 1001) at 3:9-14
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448, Paper 34 at 1-2; IPR2016-00449, Paper 31 at 1-2
`Ex. 1019 (Levanon
`Tr.) at 40:18-41:10
`Petitioner Demonstrative 19


`“Limited Communication Bandwidth
`Computer Device”
`• “Consequently, there
`• Microsoft: Plain and
`remains a need for an
`ordinary meaning, no
`image visualization system
`construction necessary
`that can support small
`• Bradium: “a small client, for
`client systems, place few
`example, smaller, typically
`requirements on the
`dedicated function devices
`supporting client hardware
`often linked through
`and software resources,
`wireless network
`and efficiently utilize low to
`connections, such as PDAs”
`very low bandwidth
`network connections.”
`– Ex. 1001 (‘343 patent) at
`See, e.g. IPR2016-00448, Paper 34 at 2-3; IPR2016-00449, Paper 31 at 2-3
`Petitioner Demonstrative 20

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