Visualization System for SRI's Digital Earth Proposal
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`Visualization System
`We have described how we wish to organize and store georeferenced data. However, data are useless without
`an effective interface to communicate their meaning to the user. We therefore propose the development of a
`revolutionary application that enables users to browse and interact with the Digital Earth in a novel manner.
`We intend to radically enhance SRI International's terrain visualization system, TerraVision, to provide this
`next-generation capability. However, it is also our intention that these data be accessible to a wide range of
`users---although perhaps with less functionality---using standard and freely available commercial of-the-shelf
`(COTS) software on personal computers.
`The TerraVision System
`TerraVision is a real-time, distributed terrain visualization system that has been developed over several years
`at SRI International (see Figure 3). It was originally developed as part of the DARPA-funded Multi-
`dimensional Applications Gigabit Internet Consortium (MAGIC) and Battlefield Awareness and Data
`Dissemination (BADD) projects and has been specifically designed to browse massive terrain and other data
`distributed over a fast network [Leclerc and Lau 1995,Reddy et al. 1999]. It incorporates features such as an
`active map display, 2-D pan and zoom display, 3-D flythroughs, time of day and fog selection, incorporation
`of georeferenced models such as buildings or roads, and support for virtual reality (VR) devices such as head-
`mounted displays (HMDs) and the CAVE.
`Figure 3 Screenshot of the TerraVision terrain visualization system showing the 3-D viewer with embedded
`building models, and the co-registered Map viewer.
`Exhibit 2066
`Bradium Technologies LLC - patent owner
`Microsoft Corporation - petitioner

`Visualization System for SRI's Digital Earth Proposal
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`TerraVision offers the following powerful capabilities that make it a suitable springboard to develop a Digital
`Earth application.
`Network Awareness
`TerraVision was designed from the onset to browse large quantities of data distributed over a wide-area
`network. As such, TerraVision is able to gracefully handle situations where high-resolution data for an
`area have not been received over the network yet. It will simply fall back to the highest-resolution data
`that are available and continue to let the user interact with these data. As the higher-resolution data are
`streamed into the application, the display is progressively updated.
`Real-Time Performance
`TerraVision employs various sophisticated optimizations to deliver maximum performance to the user.
`These include level-of-detail management to optimize the bandwidth of the network and the graphics
`pipeline, caching techniques to store recently used data so that they are not continually retransmitted
`over the network, high-performance visibility culling algorithms that are specialized to the hierarchical
`nature of the data, and prediction algorithms that attempt to pre-load data for regions where the user is
`heading so that these data are instantly available.
`Dataset Scalability
`Many contemporary terrain visualization packages work by first loading all terrain data into main
`memory first. These systems are therefore limited by the size of available memory. In contrast,
`TerraVision requires only a small subset of the total dataset to be in memory at any one time: that
`portion of the terrain that is visible to the user, and at the appropriate level of detail. As a result,
`TerraVision can browse arbitrarily large terrain datasets and has already been demonstrated with
`datasets in the order of tens of gigabytes.
`Cross-platform Capability
`In the past, TerraVision has been deployed largely on SGI graphics workstations such as the O2 and
`Octane. However, we have engineered TerraVision to be easily portable to other platforms and we have
`recently performed a port to Microsoft's Windows NT platform.
`These features are basic requirements for a Digital Earth application. However, we propose to build on these
`foundations to create an application with advanced capabilities that redefines the state of the art. The Digital
`Earth is a potentially enormous undertaking and so we are required to build an application that is uniquely
`enabled to manage vast volumes of data distributed over advanced NGI networks.
`In addition to engineering TerraVision to support the Digital Earth framework, we propose to make profound
`advances to TerraVision's capabilities. These will encompass the following features.
`We believe that a vital capability is to allow numerous, remotely located users to interact with each
`other while navigating the Digital Earth. This would allow collaboration between colleagues and
`friends, as well as enhancing mission planning operations and communication with workers in the field.
`This collaboration should involve the ability to communicate with each other in real time; to see some
`representation of each other in the Digital Earth for visual feedback; and some ability to work together,
`such as with a virtual whiteboard.
`One way in which this could be achieved is through the use of the Open Agent Architecture, developed
`at SRI International. The OAA is a framework for integrating a community of heterogeneous software
`agents in a distributed environment through a central facilitator which coordinates agents capabilities
`and message passing.
`Intelligent Network Agents

`Visualization System for SRI's Digital Earth Proposal
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`A useful facility would be if the user could be automatically informed about certain events that occur.
`For example, if new data have been recently added for a region of interest or if a colleague or friend has
`just gone online. This might also be achieved through the use of the OAA. Clients could register
`interests with the OAA's facilitator, and the facilitator would inform them whenever any of these events
`Multimedia Support
`The Digital Earth should be a rich medium for storing many types of information, for example,
`QuickTimeVR movies, RealAudio sounds bites, HTML texts, and VRML animations. The Digital
`Earth application therefore needs to be able to understand all of these formats and be able to present
`these to the user in a suitable fashion. It is likely that this will be done by using several COTS helper
`applications, in much the same way that current Internet browsers use external applications to support
`file formats that are not understood by the browser itself.
`Novel Navigation Schemes
`Standard navigation techniques such as flying over terrain or zooming into small regions will be
`insufficient for a Digital Earth application. TerraVision already supports a variety of input devices such
`as the mouse, HMDs, and the CAVE. However, more sophisticated interaction techniques are required
`to ease the user's ability to navigate effectively around a large, multi-resolution, global network of
`information. We propose to investigate the integration of the following novel navigation schemes to
`maximize a user's efficiency in the Digital Earth:
`Speech Recognition
`Through the OAA, we have the capability to introduce speech recognition into TerraVision so
`that users could enter commands verbally, thus enabling a hands-free and intuitive interaction
`with the system.
`Place Name Queries
`It is likely users know where they want to go in the Digital Earth. They should therefore be able
`to directly specify this to the system. For example, if a user requested, ``Take me to Edinburgh,''
`then the system should automatically descend to this city, perhaps asking the user for further
`clarification if there exist multiple places with the same name. This would require a database of
`place names along with their latitude/longitude extents for TerraVision to cross-reference. Such a
`database might be potentially massive and should be queryable over the network so that the entire
`database does not need to be stored locally.
`Co-registered Maps
`A user may also be interested in investigating a particular region, but does not know, or does not
`wish to specify, a particular place name. An intuitive way to do this is to present a 2D map of the
`world with which the user can point and click to home into the region of interest. This interface is
`useful because it is generally easier to locate a place on the earth by using a map rather than
`trying to navigate through three dimensions.
`Selective Views
`The Digital Earth could contain a diverse selection of many different types of information.
`Presenting the user with all of these at one time would be obfuscating and complex. Instead, the
`user should be able to customize a view of the Digital Earth by specifying the types of
`information to be made aware of. A simple example might be to display only airport buildings
`and suppress all other kinds of buildings.
`Off-the-shelf Browser Software
`An important goal of this proposal is to enable open solutions. We have no desire to restrict the utility of the
`Digital Earth to a single application or operating system. Instead, we have proposed a framework that gives a
`wide cross-section of users access to the content. This is done through the adoption of various open standards,
`such as VRML.

`Visualization System for SRI's Digital Earth Proposal
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`By employing VRML as the file format to represent the multi-resolution structure of the Digital Earth, we
`allow for the possibility of users interacting with it using standard off-the-shelf VRML browser software.
`VRML browsers are produced by several companies and are available for a range of platforms. These are
`often provided for free as plug-ins for Internet browsers such as Netscape Communicator (NC) or Microsoft's
`Internet Explorer (IE). In fact, Windows 98 was shipped with a pre-installed VRML plug-in for IE4, and it is
`hoped that in the future, VRML support will continue to be integrated directly with Internet browser software.
`This would mean that users would not need to download any supplemental software to view the Digital Earth.
`A user could just direct an Internet browser to the appropriate location and instantly begin accessing its
`By default, a VRML browser will display a 3-D scene, perform any key-frame animations that are specified,
`and allow the user to interact with the scene by using a mouse. Certain objects can be defined as hyperlinks so
`that when the user clicks over them, an action is performed such as loading a new VRML scene or displaying
`an HTML page. It is possible to extend the base functionality of a scene by embedding Java code directly into
`objects to define their behavior, or to control the VRML browser from an external Java applet running in the
`Internet browser. These features enable us to encapsulate much of the Digital Earth functionality into a
`standard VRML application. For example, we will be able to navigate around a multi-resolution, 3-D
`representation of the globe; embed multiple terrain datasets as well as other features such as buildings, roads,
`and textual annotations; and click over features to display other multimedia objects. However, it is likely that
`certain capabilities will not be available in a standard VRML browser, or that they will be available at a lower
`performance level. For example, TerraVision currently offers the following advantages over a standard
`VRML browser. (N.B. it is feasible that some of the following could be implemented for a standard VRML
`browser through the use of various Java scripts embedded in the scene, or running externally to the browser.)
`TerraVision is a high-performance, multi-threaded application that has been designed with the sole
`purpose of rendering large geographic databases in real time. As such, it can employ more efficient,
`optimized solutions to various generic real-time graphics operations, for example, visibility culling is
`performed using a fast quad-tree search of the multi-resolution hierarchy.
`Interaction Techniques
`Many of the novel interaction techniques that we have suggested for TerraVision will not be available
`in a standard VRML browser. For example, the use of speech recognition, intelligent agents, or
`collaboration will not be available by default. VRML does provide a good suite of interaction
`techniques, however, so useful interaction will be still be possible.
`Seamless Terrain
`Any tiled, multi-resolution representation will suffer from the problem of tearing. That is, adjacent tiles
`of different resolution do not share all the same vertices, and so holes can appear in the terrain along tile
`boundaries. In TerraVision, we employ specialized techniques to stitch these holes so that we display a
`continuous landform. Also, TerraVision can employ the more accurate criterion of projected screen size
`to decide when to reduce terrain detail, whereas a VRML browser performs level of detail based upon
`the user's presence or absence inside a predefined volume.
`Advanced Tile Management
`TerraVision employs tile management techniques to improve interactivity, for example, it attempts to
`predict where the user will be in the near future by a simple extrapolation of the current flight path and
`then pre-fetches the tiles for that region so that they will be immediately available for rendering.
`TerraVision also maintains a local cache of tiles so that it does not need to reload and parse data for
`regions of the terrain that have been recently browsed.
`Despite these points, it is clear that VRML introduces an attractive scalability feature to our proposal. If the
`resources are available, then a user can use TerraVision running on a fast graphics workstation to quickly and
`intuitively navigate around the Digital Earth. Alternatively, these same data can be accessed from a laptop

`Visualization System for SRI's Digital Earth Proposal
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`machine with a standard VRML browser. This level of capability may be of particular use to military
`personnel performing mission planning and battle damage assessment, or to emergency teams coordinating a
`natural disaster relief effort. To summarize, the support of VRML adds the following benefits to this proposal:
`• Encourages the use of commercial off-the-shelf software.
`• Enables the Digital Earth to be automatically browsable with numerous third-party applications, thus
`not tying it to a single application.
`• Uses VRML browsers that are freely and widely available, so a large number of users will have access
`to the features of the Digital Earth.
`• Supports multiple delivery platforms, including lower-end platforms such as Macs and PCs, so that the
`Digital Earth is not reserved for people who have access to high end graphics workstations.
`• Introduces scalability, in terms of performance as well as available features, hardware support, and so
`Sample Digital Earth Applications
`The existence of massive quantities of georeferenced data distributed over a Next Generation Internet,
`coupled with an application to navigate these data appropriately, could have profound commercial,
`educational, and societal impact. For example, the following application areas could benefit from the
`existence of the Digital Earth.
`Students could easily perform investigations about the history, culture, and people of an area by simply
`flying to that region of the world. They could perform virtual field courses by visiting remote sites that
`are represented in the Digital Earth. In addition, given the ability to communicate with other online
`users, students could collaborate with each other on projects, or groups of students could be directed by
`a teacher.
`Virtual Tourism
`Tourists could use the Digital Earth to plan a holiday or experience the attractions at some remote
`location. This could be used by travel companies to advertise a particular site, or to provide local
`information for tourists who are visiting an area. We might also envisage a portable computer that can
`link to the Digital Earth, coupled with a GPS, to provide a portable map system.
`Crisis Management
`The availability of a high-resolution, 3-D terrain representation could provide crisis management teams
`with powerful tools to oversee, plan, and coordinate disaster relief efforts, for example, emergency
`teams fighting a forest fire or organizing hurricane relief efforts, or environmental workers evaluating a
`flood or other time-critical conditions.
`Military Mission Planning
`The Digital Earth framework could be used to greatly enhance DoD operations and its warfighting
`capability. For example, access to a real-time 3-D representation of a target site could enable greater
`mission planning and assessment flexibility. This could be coupled with a collaborative capability
`where commanders can make and communicate annotations to 2-D maps or 3-D terrains to highlight
`strategies, targets, or enemy capabilities.
`Virtual Real Estate
`It is likely that portions of data in the Digital Earth will be available for purchase or lease, just as is the
`case on the Internet today. This establishes an environment for commercial entities to provide data and
`services for a fee. It is possible that business may also grow out of the acquisition and control of certain
`regions of the Digital Earth.

`Visualization System for SRI's Digital Earth Proposal
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`Global Circulation Models (GCMs)
`The Digital Earth data indexing method proposed here can provide enormous advantages for the
`dissemination of GCM results and enable the distribution of GCM's computation. The global change
`community uses GCMs to analyze what changes have occurred and will likely occur. The five primary
`models in use (i.e., GISS, NCAR, GDFL, OSU, and UKMO) all use a similar data representation of a
`three-dimensional grid of widely spaced points. A current grand challenge in climate studies is to
`substantially increase the resolution of these models and to incorporate regional analyses. Currently,
`most models have grid cells of 2.5 degrees or 5 degrees square. A doubling of resolution requires more
`than an order of magnitude increase in the required computing. Using the geo domain addressing
`system these models will be able to distribute their data access and storage. Further, this referencing
`scheme will aid the dissemination of these data to diverse users.
`Previous: 3D Representation
`SRI's Digital Earth Project
`SRI's Digital Earth Proposal
` -- Fri Apr 16 11:21:17 1999

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