Exhibit 2064
`Bradium Technologies LLC - patent owner
`Microsoft Corporation - petitioner

`From-Lllllnz cl Lilllnl
`December 2000. Our invention also dates back prior to Robotham‘s provisional application.
`which was filed August. 7, 2000.
`The hewein invention was first defined in October 1999, we had a working model in
`December 1999 and we can establish that we had the fixst working pmtluct on about 24 January
`Our company was originally lcnown as Flyover Technologies, Inc. and only changed to
`3'DVU. Trio. relatively recently, so the original materials bear the company name Flyover
`Attached hereto is a copy ofthe Zip drive directory" which shows the files with the
`program constituting the invention. It can be seen that the dates ofthese files go all the way back
`into 1999. We have the source code and the images oftlic application dazed 1111999 and. if
`requested by the PTO, copies can be made and provided It may be appreciated that they are
`exceptional voluminous, so we do not want to burden the Pro with so much paper unless it is .
`really required. An old FED fi'om 1999 was locaiaed and it shows files pertaining to this
`invention. bearing dates 29 November 1999, 1 December 1999, 8 December 1999 and 30 V
`November 1999
`Also attached hereto is the June 2000 4 —page description of the design that was
`distnbuted to selected people.
`In September and October 2000, we i:nitially consulted with the Israeli patent attorney
`Avner Kotman at the patent firm Reinhold Colm & Associates in Tel Aviv, Israel. I‘here-afier, we
`met with the patent amomey Gerald B. Rosenberg, NewTechLaw, Suite 520, 285 Hamilton
`Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94301, to discuss this invention, companion inventions and
`preparation of patent applications. Over the succeeding tnonths, Mr. Rgsenbexg pg-epued the
`provisional applications, which was filed by his office on 27 December 2000.
`PAGE 4l11 ' RCVD AT 9I25l20D5 9:45:10 AM [Eastem Daylight Time] ’ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6l25 * DNlS:2i38300 ‘ CSlD29146840304 ' DURATION (mm-ss):02-36

`Frorl-Ll|||n3& Lllllnl P.C.
`_ T-103
`we hereby declare mm on statamems made herein of our own knowledge are true and
`than aJl statements made on infotmation and belicfam: believed to bc true; and further that than
`statements weremade withthe knowledge tlm1wi.l.1fi.1l. false stnnexnents andthe like so made are
`plmishablc by fins or imprisonrnent; or both, under Section 1001 ofTitle 18 oftbe Uniled sxmes
`Code and that such willful false statements mayjeopardize the validity ofthc application or any
`patent issued thereon
`Yoni Lavi
`om 52} M 2.404
`pm Se,» 24
`20 as
`PAGE 5111 ‘ RCVD AT 912512005 9:45:10 AM [Eastern Daylight Time] ‘ SVRIUSPTO-EXRF-6125‘ DNlS:2?38300 ‘ CSID:91-16840304 ’ DURATION (mm-ss):02-36

`From-Llllinl &.L|||In8 PC‘
`Bruce Lilling
`Nurit Levanon []
`Wednesday. September 21. 2005 4:08 PM
`Isaac Levanon
`RE: Top Level Design) - FIyOver.doc
`Importance: High
`Please look at the 24-‘IO-01.Zip file inside the patetzip
`You can see clearfy the dates.
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`From: Bruce Lilling []
`Sent: Wednsday, September 21, 2005 2:42 PM
`1'0: 'Nurit Levanon'
`Cc: ‘Isaac Levanon'
`Subject: RE: Top Level Design) - FlyOver.doc
`PAGE 7111 ‘ RCVO AT 012512005 9:45:10 AM [Eastem Dayligm Time] * SVRIUSPTOEXRF-0125 ‘ 0NlS:2?38300 * CSlD:0140840304‘ DURATION (mm-ss):02-36

`From-Lllllnl G Ll|||nB P.C.
`Version 1.0 I
`June 27, 2000
`First version date: June 22, 2000 I
`Page 1 of4
`(C) JI-me. 2000 - F|Y0Ve|' Technologies. Inc.. Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information
`PAGE 8111 *RCVDAT 9125120059:45:10AM[Easmm Daylight Timel’SVR:USPTO~EFXRF-6!25‘DN|S:2?3433lJ0‘CS|D:9146840304*DURATION(mm-ss):fl2-36

`From-Llllinz 8 Llllinz P.C.
`FUNCTIONAL ovmzvmw .......................................................................... .......................
`.........------ --2
`WORK PROCESS DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................2
`END usnn COMPONENTS.................................................................................................................--2
`SERVER sum COMPONENTS ..................................................................................................................3
`win; INTERFACE ..........................................................................................................................L......3
`GENERAL Issun .................................................................................................................................-.3
`Functional Overview
`End User Components
`1. General overview
`Operating systems
`Operating hardware
`Sofiware structure design (engineering issues)
`Future use design issues
`Thin client limitations
`First time download & installation
`Automatic version upgrading
`Man machine interface design
`Page 2 of4
`(C) June. 2000 - Flyover Technologies. Inc.. Inc. Proprietary and Confidential lnfomlation
`PAGE 9111 ’_RCVD AT 9I25!2005 9:45:10 AM [Eastern Daylight Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO-EXRF-5!25 ' DNlS:2l38300 ‘ CSlD:9146840304 ‘DURATION (mm-ss):02-36

`From-Llllinsélilllnz P.C.
`Sewer Side Components
`1. General overview
`Functional design
`Operating systems
`hardware & sofiware requirements
`Software structure design (engineering issues)
`Future use design issues
`Billing ofmerchantper usage approach and design
`Merchant ‘s design tool
`8.1. Add new region
`8.2. Add new photo
`8.3. Link photo and gid/map
`8.4. Add 2d links
`8.5.‘ Update existing photos
`9. Merchant ’s usage control tool
`9.1. Calculate monthly dept to flyover inc.
`9.2. View the following end user statistics:
`9.2.1. Which photo is used and when
`9.2.2. Common end user’s profile
`9.2.3. Which links are most commonly used out
`9.2.4. List of end user’s complaints and merchant’s response to them
`9.2.5. High, low and average photo downloading response time.
`10. Photo is streaming server
`10.1. Average load requirements-
`10.2. Peak hours load issue
`10.3. Synchronize with Flyover inc. (for version upgrades and billing data)
`Web interface
`1. Company ’s web site
`2. Software downloading area
`3. Online system demo for new merchants
`General Issue
`1. Security 0'irewaIl, hacking, privacy)
`2. Analytical toolsfor web activities
`3. Users ' password regulation
`4. Quality Assurance
`5. Documentation (functional, User's guide, troubleshooting)
`6. Production server issues (24*7, online support, sofiware upgrades methods)
`Page 3 of 4
`(C) June, 2000 —"Fly0ver Technologies. lne., Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Infonnation
`PAGE 10l11 ‘ RCVD Al 9l25l2005 9:45:10 AM [Eastem Daylight Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6125 ‘ DNlS:2?33300 ' CSlD:9146840304 ’ DURATION (mm-sS):02-35

`From-LI11|nl& Llllinl P.C.
`Page 4 of 4
`(C) June. 2000 — Flyover Technologies, Inc., Inc. Proprietary and Confidential lnfonnation
`PAGE 11111 ‘ RCVD AT 912512005 9:45:10 AM [Eastem Daylight Time] ' SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6125 ' DNlS:2733300 ' CS|D:9146840304 ‘ DURATION (rmn-ss):02-35

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