Exhibit 2006
`Bradium Technologies LLC - patent owner
`Microsoft Corporation - petitioner

`Commercial value
`The companies
`Current practice
`Concept of the Innovation
`Analysis of Problem
`Proposed Approach
`Domestic Market
`Product Saies Plan
`Projected Revenue
`3 DVU
`Management Process
`General Information
`Brief History
`Business Division
`General Information
`5- ON

`3D Visual Map Based Car Navigation System (CNS) Development is a joint
`project between a Korean company, Daewoo Precision industries Co., Ltd.
`(hereafter DPI) and an Israel company, 3DVU, Ltd. (hereafter 3DVU) under the
`KORIL-RDF grant. The purpose of this project is to jointly develop the most
`realistic car navigation system.
`The core technologies are;
`1) Aerial photographs orland satellite imageries which would be able to be
`stored and formatted to stream down to the car navigation systems graphic
`display module with limited computing performances and memories while
`maintaining the original image quality and;
`2) A new 3D car navigation hardware platform which would be designed and
`optimized to display a realistic three-dimensional graphics and physical
`storage (DVD—ROM or HDD) for multi GB of satellite imageries or/and aerial
`photographs. 3D Visual Map solution utilizes aerial photographs or high
`resolution satellite images and conventional vector map database with all
`attributes to produce a realistic three-dimensional car navigation system
`The objectives of this joint development is to develop a new generation CNS with
`the most advanced rea|—time three-dimensional display feature utilizing aerial
`photographs or satellite imageries.
`The ultimate goal of a Car Navigation System has been considered to be a
`system that can be installed in a vehicle and is aimed at helping the driver of a
`vehicle by giving him/her directions to the desired destinations. However,
`customers deserve more beyond the original functions of Car Navigation
`Systems. Customers deserve more realistic map display with fancier graphic
`I‘).-inn.-.nn..l in I/F1511 DEE
`l"\a-gnu:-an Drnnininn Ina-uh onlnfnn /"U-.
`'Jn"1l..I'Il Tnauknnlnninn

`In conventional car navigation systems, the map nonnally consists of line
`segments (links), points (nodes), polygons, texts, symbols, and icons to
`represent the world. However, such simplified vector map graphics are often too
`simple to draw the real world, which is in a complex series of various land cover
`types and shapes. However, high resolution satellite imageries or aerial
`photographs show the world as it is with all the shapes, colors and textures
`enabling the driver “landmark navigation." Simply, satellite imageries or aerial
`photographs provide much more information to the drivers.
`Displaying high resolution satellite images or aerial photographs in its full
`resolution used to require workstations with high CPU performances and
`memories with specialized visualization software. Therefore, it has been
`regarded to visualize the high resolution satellite images or aerial photographs in
`Car Navigation Systems since most embedded digital devices nonnally utilize
`very limited CPU performances and memories compared to PCs or workstations.
`However, 3DVU successfully developed and commercialized a visualization
`solution to display a massive 24-bit full color raster images without diminishing
`the original image quality with an embedded device of very limited CPU
`performances and memories.
`To achieve the goal of this project, 3DVU and DPI are ideal strategic partners in
`terms of technological and marketing capabilities.
`Daewoo Precision Industries is the first company developed and commercialized
`car navigation systems in Korea. DPI has also set important milestones in
`Korean Car Navigation history. For instance, DPi is the first company developed
`and commercialized the 122,500 scale detailed town map, DVD-ROM based full
`3-D CNS with real building textures and shapes, and the English car navigation
`Throughout?’ years of experience in the business, DPI has a full capability of
`digital mapping and GIS engineering, application software development, graphic
`controls, data conversion, hardware design and manufacturing, porting and
`testing, and graphic interface designs. Both 3DVU and DPI have thoroughly
`reviewed each other’s technological capabilities and came up with a full
`confidence to develop another milestone product satisfying the progressive
`customers’ needs in automotive industries. DPI is committed to become the
`world leader in car navigation system manufacturer by providing the most
`advanced products and services to the global market.
`Drnnnonf fr: .Wf\.5” .511:
`F‘-:|aIu.n:\ Dnnnfofnn lnrh Jo-§r.I'nn (‘A I fid P ’3l"|IH I

`Commercial Value
`Since DPI first developed and commercialized the Car Navigation Systems in
`1997, DPI has shown steady sales records. In year 2002, DPI sold more than
`20,000 units. Approximately 60% of sales were generated by automotive
`manufacturing customers for O.E.M uses each year. In other words, more than
`12,000 units are demanded by automotive industries for O.E.M. uses.
`Ssangyong Motor Company, one of the major OEM customers, produces luxury
`passenger cars (Chainnan), luxury SUVs (Rexton and Korando), and luxury
`minivans (Rodius). Ssangyong Motor Company is committed to be the market
`leader in the high—end luxury vehicle segment in Korea rather than producing
`economic cars. Thanks to its unique high-end luxury policy, Ssangyong Motor
`Company deserves the most advanced and unparalleled Car Navigation
`Systems differentiating from the competitors withstanding the higher costs.
`Due to the reason above, DPI is prospecting this particular project as a precious
`opportunity to develop the most advanced high-end Car Navigation System
`product exceeding Ssangyong Motor C0mpany’s high-end standards if this
`project is funded and completed successfully. It would be reasonable to say that
`the Ssangyong Motor Company alone demands over 10,000 units each year at
`$1,000 per unit. In other words, revenue of 10 Million U.S. Dollars can be
`generated each year from a single O.E.M customer. DPI is also prospecting GM-
`Daewoo Auto & Technology's positive evaluation on the 3D V"1sua| Map Based
`Car Navigation System for their new high-end luxury passenger car to be
`unveiled shortly.
`<DPl’s Sales Estimation in Domestic Market over 2006 - 2010>
`Other Portable
`$3-235 W0
`$12,000 $12,000 $14400
`Besides O.E.M business, we have the plan to develop portable navigation
`system which is another solution as aftermarket products in CNS market. Annual
`sales of portable navigation in Korea is around 50,000 -- 80,000 units per year.
`The result of this cooperation can be also applied to some modifications.
`Drnnnnaf frn .I(f'I.S“ Er‘:
`rinnlun/\ Dnnnfninn In:-In u-at-w'nn (‘A I
`I-ml D '.'H'\|.H I "l"n..-J-1..-0.-.1‘.-u-..:.-..-.

`The Comgnies
`The companies, in this joint development are Daewoo Precision Industries Co..
`Ltd. and 3DVU. Both DPI and 3DVU have strong backgrounds and technological
`breakthroughs in their respective areas.
`DPI is a major Tier—1 O.E.M. supplier for Ssangyong Motors and GM-Daewoo
`Auto & Technology in Korea. Moreover DPI is the only supplier for car navigation
`system, having its own digital map and POI (point of interest) databases, full
`capabilities of hardware design and mass production, and car navigation
`application software engineering in Korea.
`3DVU is the advanced research development and integration center for 3DVU.
`3DVU (registered in October 2000) has created the most efficient large, high-
`resolution color image streaming technology with full 3D maneuver capabilities
`for geo—referenoed content and commerce.
`3DVU has developed a patented enabling technology platform of packet data
`streaming over Internet Protocol, for aerial or satellite geo—referenced imagery
`for wired or wireless location based applications and services, mobile commerce
`and advanced wireless and Internet products and services.
`3DVU offers the world's most sophisticated and optimized image streaming with
`3D maneuverability for digital navigation systems. The company's strategic
`partners include car navigation makers, mapping data and point of interest
`providers, aerial and satellite imagery sensing entities.
`The relationship of the two companies started through the introduction of each
`other through KORIL-RDF's program. With 3DVU's patented imagery
`technologies and experience and expertise in the field of GIS and remote
`sensing, two key components in this innovation, the two companies found
`synergy in coming together to combine efforts to create a complete and
`innovative solution for the car navigation market. 3DVU's successful reviews on
`Daewoo Precision’s software development and hardware development
`Korea ranked No.6 in automobile manufacturing worldwide and has a fast
`growing market in the automotive industry. The need of the sophisticated car
`navigation system is growing quickly so It will be easy to dominate the market if
`we benefit from the synergy combining the 3DVU and DP|'s technologies in the
`car navigation system.
`Dnnnn run! in l/(‘NEH EPIC
`Dan:-Inn Dannie-inn .I'y-u-Jr n-J-n'nn Pa 1' Jul’
`.9 Of"1'I.!.I'l Tnnhnnlnnfnn

`I Image Compfiation
`- 3!! fingina
`I-Jr:-or\l\I\ouf In I/f‘\D.Il' EEC
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`I.-..-J...-.1.-.'.-..-.. I‘.-..
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`fl 0‘!l'\IH I ‘l"......l........l.. ..:__

`Current Practice
`Since CNS was first introduced to the Korean market in late 1990’s, CD-ROM
`drive was used as the map storage device; consequently a very compact map
`storage format was required due to the slow access speed of CD-ROM. Although
`DVD-ROM drive was introduced in the late model Car Navigation Systems with a
`higher data access speed, the data access speed is not always sufficient for a
`high speed display. Moreover, since Car Navigation Systems commonly utilizes
`processor chipsets, memories, and operating systems of very limited
`performances, the data had to be simplified to meet the reasonable level of
`As mentioned above, a complex vector dataset heavy in size could diminish the
`high speed display performances. Not to mention, a raster data in higher data
`size due to high pixel dimensions requires more rapid data access speed and
`higher CPU power and memories to display. For high resolution satellite images
`or aerial photographs that are in gigabytes of pixel dimensions, it has been
`regarded impossible to display in the embedded system with limited hardware
`and software performances. Image compression was considered to be the only
`method to display huge raster images until 3DVU has developed its unique
`Packet Data Streaming technology. However, compression requires a high
`computing power to compress and decompress the image. For instance, a
`compression engine compresses a raster image of 10 gigabytes with 1:20
`compression ratio to 500 megabytes, a real time display of the 500-megabyte
`image in an embedded device with limited computing performances is still
`impossible. Thus, no one has ever developed a Car Navigation System without
`3DVU‘s Packet Data Streaming technology.
`Trends 0 Ma Dis la
`(a) Conventional Map (Past model : 15‘ and 2”“ generation )
`1')-.. ‘Agni 6... I/f\f"Hl
`l"l4..\....‘.‘. f'I___:_J_._
`l._.J.._A...'__ /‘I-
`I A..l 0 nrwnu I -I-___I___I_ _.:__

`Above pictures show the screenshots of DPl’s model, DNV500
`(b) Conventional Map (Current Model : 3"’ generation)
`-Artificial 3D Buildings! Landmarks
`Above pictures show the screnshot f DPI odel, W150 for S
`(c) Future Map Solution(Future Model : 4"‘ generation)
`- Real image Display: "3D Wsual Map
`Moreover, in the navigation software structure, there are so many processes to
`meet function requirements like map display, route calculation, route guidance,
`map matching and information search simultaneously. Therefore, the computing
`power and memories cannot be allocated for certain function like map display,
`but should be allocated to run all required processes.
`Until now, the only successfully commercialized car navigation system using
`aerial photographs is from Denso and Kenwood in Japan. So called, 4th
`generation car navigation system enables the driver to feel more realistic senses
`(about the terrain). 3DVU was implemented already in CNS in Japan. The
`figures below show that the actual screen of the HDV-910 (the highest grade
`model from Kenwood).
`Dnwnnoal in l({\.DH' _Dnl:
`Plnanntnn Dnnnicninn lnrluc-hr-u'nn (‘n ll-mt‘ P On!!! I 'l"nn.l-.nn.I'a-..n.‘n.n

`3DVU provides 3D Visual Map“ patented “Packet Data Streaming" technoiogy
`to replace static mapping with real high definition imagery (satellite/aerial) for all
`devices, including PCs, PDAs, In-Car Navigation Systems and mobile handsets,
`providing an interactive ability for people to view visual maps with motion (like a
`bird flying) and change the face of mapping. All is accessible over narrowband
`communication with extremely thin client viewer, as a software only solution with
`no hardware support, including DirectX, DireotDraw or OpenGL support.
`To make a supplementation in developing high speed and big size display
`performance DP! will change map storage from CD drive to DVD drive or HDD.
`Because of different user environment of DVD or HDD in office computers, DVD
`and HDD should guarantee the automotive environment
`like very high/low
`temperature condition(-30 degrees -- 80 degrees in Celsius) and many types of
`vibration condition. That will be also another barrier for a new development.
`Concept of the Innovation
`3DVU‘s competitive edge is it's technical and market advantages. Multiple
`Patents and high technical barriers to entry protect 3DVU's Intellectual Property.
`The following is what sets 3DVU apart.
`0 3DVU’s technology is based on proprietary Packet Data Streaming (PDS)
`Technology, overcoming limitations posed by compression. 3DVU can
`stream unlimited image sizes in terms of area of coverage, pixel count and
`color depth.
`0 3DVU Visual Map can be streamed for instant view over Narrowband
`Communication. 3DVU agnostic to the communication medium (wire and
`wireless.) as well as method (Cellular, Wi—Fi, Bluetooth, etc.).
`0 The streamed image can be displayed simultaneously on multiple digital
`devices. Even devices with limited computing power, in terms on processing
`power and memory, can display 3DVU visual map.
`D nnnn and In I(r1DH' Dnc
`nnnum.-. D”-m..'.-..:..... r...¢...-.4..:..... (*4...
`9 -grunt -r-....r......i-_..:__

`The streamed image can be displayed on in—car navigation system. There is no
`need for a special graphic chipset such as 3D accelerator, despite the fact that
`3DVU visual map provides 3D perspective display and 3D maneuverability over
`the image. 3DVU is a software only solution that can be easily ported to a variety
`of devices and operating systems.
`Dnnnnoal in I(r'|.Q“ D.I"‘I.I':
`r'lnrnun/\ flnnnininn In-u-uh ant-H’;-an /‘A I in! D OFIIII I 'l'.-u-..l-...-..-.l'.-.....}.-...-..

`Analysis of Problem
`Current customer requirements of the future CNS is not only accuracy for the
`digital map but also actual feeling of the digital map. To assure the correct
`guidance for the driving direction, digital map should supply image visualization
`like aerialfsatellite photograph.
`Although image visualization has benefited its customers, control of that images
`is highly limited by following reasons.
`High—reso|ution imageries, although information is rich, poses great challenge
`when it comes to making the same available to the user. The reason is the large
`data size. For example 24-bit color IKONOS satellite imagery for an area of 10
`Km. X 10 Km at ‘lmeter per pixel resolution would have a size of 300 MB. A
`larger area or an aerial imagery at 25cm/pixel resolution or higher will have
`larger image size accordingly. Further imagery with higher infonnation content,
`such as, number of bands, the bits used to represent each image pixel, the
`image format used to store image etc. would increase the size of the image for
`given area. The size of the images archives is growing at a fast rate and the
`concerned agencies are challenged with the storage problems leave aside the
`processing of such data.
`At current status, there are some reasons not to use digital images in the CNS.
`0 Requirement of digital image related knowledge.
`0 Huge data size of high resolution digital images and long processing time for
`digital image database.
`0 Requirement of high speed computing;
`Generally speaking, the digital image visualization has been considered to be
`not suitable for the car navigation system.
`Progosed Approach
`3DVU vision is to change the face of mapping from vector lines and color shades
`to real imagery — satellite or aerial imagery. 3DVU believes that the Image is the
`Map and the Map is the Image. 3DVU called its technology — Visual Map”
`13nnnn an! In f/(‘\D.ll' Dht
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`2D Mag Migrating to 3D image
`3DVU has developed a patented technology to stream unlimited image and
`display it on limited computing devices for better navigation. This is done by
`linking each pixel on the image taken from satellite or aircraft to their geographic
`position. This Geo-Link process makes the image into very accurate digital map,
`where geographic references elements can be placed in their geographic
`position on the image. Such geo—referenced elements can be point of interest
`(POIS), route, etc.
`omgtm so osjam
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`I"‘\ .....ram .I“.I.m.-..'.-..'.-.....I'......l'.....1..:....... f'I..
`a '!l"\I)'l'l 'l'_._L.._.1_....:_.._

`Above is generic illustration of 3DVU ability to fuse multiple dataset and bring
`them all on the user display.
`One of 3DVU key technical capabilities is the ability to deal with unlimited image
`size for streaming and display on very limited computing capabilities digital
`devices such as car navigation systems.
`For this, 3DVU developed a technology that converts such unlimited imager to its
`proprietary file format. This process addresses the need to create only once a
`file that is optimized for streaming with multiple resolutions to be display in
`dynamic 3D view on the device.
`All images are very large in size. For example, aerial photography covering a
`small area of 10 by 10 Km is approximately 10Gb is size. In comparison a vector
`data for the dame area may require only a few Kb.
`In order to handle such large size imagery associated with city wide imagery.
`and in order to accommodate the need of embedded devices where the storage
`space is limited, 3DVU has developed its proprietary compression scheme as
`part of its image compilation process that can reduce the image size by a factor
`of 1:12.
` Nutti-«Resolution
`F F"! .
`Dnnnn n--11' In .I/f\.DH' EPIC
`f"|n.-...u-u-. 1'5.-u-.....'.-..€.-...
`l...d'.._.t....‘__ ft-
`J 1-! n !\l'\ll! I H-_ _ L . .r

`In the user device 3DVU developed an efficient and extremely thin application
`program interfaces that comprised of 3DVU proprietary software based 3D
`engine, streaming agent and decoder (uncompress) and real—time filters to
`enhance the image quality and change the image tone to reflect the time of day.
`"Fightzly Coupled Effi-cierzt 3!) Engine and fimart Streaming Agent
`£:?5 cmip-incl
`Development of D1‘giral Image Disgglgy
`The transgression from the vector map to the digital image integrated map in the
`car navigation system require the following technologies
`0 High speed readlwrite and the file size reduction of the digital aerial/satellite
`0 Enable fast zoom in/out and scroll of the map
`I Zooming image in/out by using only single image DB than using the multi DB
`for each map level.
`I Filtering technologies
`Dnflnnoal in .l(.l"\.Dl.I' _l3.I'1E
`Flanunrnn Dnnninfnn laud...-.4.4:.... ft...
`1' 5...!
`a rant :1 I‘ -I-. -:._._u-_ _._-_ _
`A '1

`Though the use of the aerial/satellite photos drastically enhanced realism, still
`the image is plain, 2D, and orthphoto. ( Major cross section and neighborhood
`buildings reflects the real data(height?) but not for the terrain)
`0 One of the possible solution to deal with the orthphoto is adding a "Visual
`Elevation”. It can increases the realism dramatically.
`From the above photos, we can easily see the terrain look extremely realistic.
`Based on the current hardware performance and capabilities, Application of this
`technology will be feasibie after 2 or 3 years. The full use of the this technology
`will guide us to the 4th generation in-car navigation system and it will definitely
`different from the previous generation navigation system like,
`0 Integration with 3D vector data and photograph
`Dr1r\r'I1-ac-cull":-I ICFLQH Cr}:
`r'lnAm.rr-in Dnnninfnn Innlunlyinn 1"‘;-.
`I 1.4
`D |'J.l"‘|'a.Nl'
`'l'.....l.......l.. ..:__
`4 1

`0 Integration with Contour_Line Data
`0 Multiple Sky Texture — Daytime I Night 1 Season
`By development and acquisition of the 3rd car navigation system based on the
`aerial ortho—photograph will enable us to develop the next generation system
`more easily in the future.
`1')...-...-u-...-..-.l' J.-.
`l'\——u..__. F‘l.._..3...'_.__ J_ _l.._t.._:_ _ l\_
`I 1.:
`rural n I -F

`Project Plannig
`Project Planning
`Project Mana_tgement____
`Project Contract
`. 5%to
`E’-7°fi"° 5P933“*7?‘i9“5_._9f...E£°¢¥9?__.,....V
`Define Product Fucncefieeef;
`Eefi1‘.?....H.W 3..i3E.Fifi9EEL9Et.5 WWWwwwwwwit;
`.....W,,,,,,c..c,. ....
`.._,., w_WW,,,,W,W,,,,,,,,,M_, _._W» .._....WMWM
`Detine_SW Specifications
`1Ci'he end of '1st segment
`11 Hgrdware Development
`'_W___|Jmt”=.wt_§i[ Specifications
`Circuit tteceecitnweince PPcBcccettt!9IiL I
`e 14
`' 15: Assemble Prototype
`M...-,._ ...........................................................
`0 06-30
`‘ 03*“
`0 02-28:
`9 Design
`Coding and Debug
`_'''"2"'ig‘GU| Development
`Ul Specifieations
`|| [it[t[it[ffitPitit[itiiIIiIiiitiIPfl:iIiI}f:f[ IQ :
`4iThe 9”“ °f 2”Fi_._5°9"‘§‘E'lt.........................................................
`es of Satellite Pictures
`Ettttctttteeeiteweeereinetceecte the Pie".re
`I telietivcecensictfiergintsfleeewefiiiwm,
`Cortectingmgoior of the Picture
`Testflsnd Verificetion
`Pwlé-H vaiidaterz Ecrocediéicétw
`Lab Test(EMINibrationfEnduranceietc}
`Field Test
`The end of program
`Dnnnnhnf In I/!'\.ElH'
`.l'\ I'')....-..-..'.-..'....... J.....J......|...'...... r\..
`I’ 1.:
`2: rant :1 r -1-. _r__ _t-_ _._-_ _
`4| H

`An increasing need for digital map service in the present mobile platforms will be
`essential to most mobile devices, such as CNS, PDA and smart phone and
`therefore the development of digital map database will be prerequisite for mobile
`device industry. A tendency can be found in nowadays, is adopt network in
`current car navigation. It is required new media that is writable as well as
`readable, to meet this new trend.
`A read only CD has been still equipping in-car navigation system since the early
`type of in-car navigation. However, its storage capacity has become insufficient
`to digital map DB of current high end in-car navigation systems, DVD is now
`being adopt as a large storage media of high end products. in addition to the
`need for the storage capacity media, writable media becomes also in need, to
`realize interactive car navigation. The flash based SD memory or micro HDD will
`soon be generally installed in car navigation system.
`Forecasts of the trend in the car navigation industry is
`0 Move to 2.5D graphic technology from existing 2D graphics, and the display
`eventually evolves to 3D graphics.
`0 To make the utmost 3D effects, the aerial/satellite photography will be
`0 In the case of Japan, the actual price of high positioned CNS is about US
`$2,000. Although in the near future, the price of CNS will be in a little decline,
`total sales are going up, because the adaptation of CNS will be enlarged to
`even small passenger cars.
`Projected tendency of mobile devices in the telecommunication industry is;
`I With no or the slightest modification, 3D Visual Map technology can be bring
`into practice to PDA and smart phone.
`0 The applications related to 3D display will play a great part, as a killer
`solution, in DMB and other mobile internet devices.
`ID»-nnnnnf In f/(NEH! EHWE
`l"| n A . . . an l'I.......:....'_._ l'...J . . _ 1 ...'__. I'\_.
`I 1-:
`n fll'\I :1 I -I-_ _|.

`Growth of sales rate in CNS business
`In-car Navigation Systems Sales 2001-2010
`Benchmark Europe! USF .hpani Giina
`3500 _
`‘(I00units 1500
`Jo nan
`in-car navigation market of Japan, is very matured and the biggest market in the
`world. In-car navigation system sales 2001-2010 chart shows the annual
`production of in-car navigation system in Japan is more than 2,500,000 sets.
`About 50% of the production is O.E.M parts for Japanese car manufactures, and
`the remains are the aftermarket products. Obviously, Japanese manufacturers of
`in-car navigation system have been producing their products with the highest
`level of technology.
`0 Euro 9
`Different from the car navigation market in Japan, European Manufactures have
`been specialized in aftermarket products. The annual production in Europe in
`2004, is about 1,600,000 sets. As shown as above chart, Europe will increase to
`the largest market in 2008.
`0 North America
`The annual production of in-car navigation system in US in 2004, 2 years behind
`Europe, is about 800,000 sets.
`Drnnnnni in l/f"\iD.l.l DH:
`:1 ....... n........:...:...... r.....r......L..:__ /W-
`I‘ 4.1
`a run: na -2-. _1_.__1_ __:_ _
`-I n

`0 China
`The annual production of in—car navigation system in China is small yet. However,
`we expect China will be under fast growth over next decades.
`0 Korea
`O.E.M and aftermarket productions of in-car navigation system in Korea in 2004
`are 40,000 sets and 80,000 sets respectively.
`Growth in adoption rate of CNS
`# of 2984 Vehicles Gffering
`Navigation by Segment {in ‘eons;
`Vehicles Offering Nev Vehicies Not Offering Nav
`The chart shown above is adoption growing in US in 2004. Factory equipped
`(OE) car navigation systems are gaining more and more preference than the
`aftermarket car navigation systems. And they are becoming nearly one of
`standard equipment in the new car.
`As show as above chart, adoption rate in luxury passenger car is at the highest.
`SUV shows a high adoption rate as well.
`Besides the market of PDA based car navigation is also growing as aftermarket
`equipments. This is the common trend around world, only except for Japan.
`Dnnnnn-11 I-n I/(WEN DEC
`IN H n . . ..-...-.. 1"}.-.-.....:....‘...._ l'.._I'.._J....'__ r\.
`I :._|
`n I'|FI| up -u-
`1 -P‘

`2 ‘
`3 '
`Gyro & ops
`Gyro 3. ops
`so Gyro 3. ops
`Product Trend of CNS
`Road Map
`30 Building
`Telephone DB.
`Road Map
`3D Building
`Telephone DB.
`Address DB.
`Road Display
`Detail Town Map
`Road Display
`Real Feeling Map
`Detail Town Map
`Route Calculation
`Route Calculation
`Route Guidance
`Route Guidance
`Road Display
` Route Calculation
`Road Display
`Detail Town Map
`Route Guidance
`Abundant Info.
`Abundant Info.
`Traffic Info.
`According to the about product function trend, most car navigation manufacturers
`are focus on the map display and make product attractive for sales promotion.
`Example of 4th Generation CNS
`Retail Price
`Actual Price
`Ennnnonf in I/(WEN EPIC
`1"! nnnnnA lh I'll.-u-u-u’.-u‘.-..-. I’.-..-J...-..J...'.... I‘\_
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`Domestic Market
`DPI has been supplying OE in—car navigation systems to Ssangyong Motor
`Company and GM Daewoo Auto & Technology, and selling car navigation
`systems and PDA solution as aftermarket device.
`Product Sales Plan
`0 DPI has 80,000 sets of annual manufacturing capacity in car navigation
`systems, and has been supplying car navigation systems to Ssangyong
`Motor Company and Gil/|—Daewoo Auto 8. Technology. Total volume of car
`navigation systems as OEM, is 15,000 sets in 2004.
`0 An increase in sales will be realized by applying the new technology, widely
`being used now, to car navigation systems for aftermarket and PDA.
`Proiected Revenues
`Although, the retail price of digital electronic appliances is dropping year by year,
`a new high end in-car navigation system with 3D visual map technology will
`prevent the inevitable fall in the price of navigation systems. Thus, not only
`sufficient chances of revenue, but also increase in sales, by applying the
`navigation technology to PDA, seem in prospect.
`Projected sales of 3D visual car navigation systems over the next several years
`are same as following table.
`E‘ 0 ii;
`After Market
`$23,870,000 $25,300,000
`US $1,100 of unit price is supposed.
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`Both companies are bringing depth in their respected fields in both technical and
`commercial to this project. The cooperation between the two companies will
`elevate current CNS Map display technology and will expand its market reach
`and potentials beyond traditional CNS systems available today.
`The integration of 3D photo image visualization, coupled with current CNS map
`display, will be the first plationn in Korea and a new set of tools and capabilities
`will be developed as a result of this joint project.
`As a result of this project, both company will be in unique position in that
`business fields and will have the chance to apply this result to LBS, Telematics
`system also.
`0 Without any increase the engineers and any development for 3D photo
`image visualization, DPI can quickly develop and commercialize new product
`0 Provide highly attractive sales point to the customer
`0 With the result of this project there are many applications like PDAfPortable
`CNS, LBS (Location Base Service) & Telematics Platform.
`0 By supplying core technology of 3D photo image visualization and DPI sales
`promotion DVU can get stable position in commercially.
`0 Response from product 3DVU can get more realization information for the
`technology and 3DVU can use DPI as a reference site.
`The benefits of this project will be majored by its commercial success. Both
`companies strongly believe that collaboration and joint project as presented here
`has a clear path to profitability in relatively short time span.
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