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` "I.-'nJI.I.m»L' 4 ?*-{LIrn|.'1¢.': 35
`Duwunhur ]{_J'. 193:":
`It %Wii!% ‘
`The? Pi/:_Iy-‘.-H‘»'I.Jr'._l’F.”tJf_IP' .'
`‘PC La|.'I5' I
`9 Hflt_1Lflji!:I?p5_
`{The Hardcardgf 7
`‘A ll]-ntteg
`—'[_’mgrammin"g Column:
`iFr'e~e 1-2-3 Munuchmme
`Graphics Ugilitjr -
`-Finally... [BM"s New"
`Iuken-iii'ng Network
`E A

`fl2l'|'l.1fi|Al 41.-a:rmr:
`1.5.71 DIRI1'I13fi
`A1l|5I.i.h‘T all IIIIJEI-.I:'Il.‘II.'£
`H.|Bl|I.' IE1 J\'|'H'¥-3 HJIN'H.'-El
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`i.'|'H|.'li|Ju'|'|1:I'4 Hnflklifl
`II:IIIrI.'I.A.'rruII .~5ar1'r.'w'r:
`BIT-‘FT A.|'|- FFIIfi.U.‘|'||ZN I-TA-‘I|iI|.'.ER
`Nil PWH3.'C.'THH|I| 4:5-5l."7|'.'WT
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`Cl1HP‘l.|"l‘EI F'L|IL.I.lI.l.'l'I.lII'HS DI":-'IBIflN
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`In-.-I.-nw:.- E .IIF| and arms
`-an In-Ir.-ww -Dull!-I-!-..-clan!
`-|3a|H-vuuliuunu I T-r-'-DI-HI‘!
`- l\-\.HI.|i- nun-.-up---n
`mu --ul-an-uh-rt-n-I-I-p
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`-I-u-u Hrln-nu-ravbuluu--niulwn
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`Pc-ain nusrcs m,21a.m. 5. 235
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`Jtun:I.-unkl. an-mmuncn.|u.n-u.u.
`Mn: F--nu. W-rm-L.IbwL+x L":-; 5lmuI1. J-u1'hu-In.
`5A.u.lI1P|I' S-'|II:I
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`Pi’! 'I'nI'I. NT Hull‘: ITIII I11-fiII'I?I

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`JuS! as 2,400 bps is becoming a widespread starnJard,
`DCA 'sFASTLINK leapfrogs ove r 2.400and 9,600
`with an impressive new modem technology that may be
`ideal for heavy-duty data transfe r,
`10,000 BPS AND UP
`Tooo· .. _...,. ..... _ " " ' · " '_
`... "" """""- _ . - . .. 1,(0)
`. . . . _
`.. . _
`.... ""Q.OO)
`... .., ... -..... -~-.
`--" -....... ..
`-........ , ~-;,~ .....
`_01._""'_ ..... _
`......... _lO_ ...... _ ..
`--"''''-'-- ''
`,--"'_ ....... ,... ....
`-..... """""'" ., C,:::::,::.:
`""""""",. FASTUJ<K ~..;n .....
`-..... ~--,
`-"""""--~ ...
`~,.,.· .. "'_f"""'-''' __
`_ A_,."-_
`'m'" fik,.,. _ . , ...... .... "
`....... '"""------------------------------------------------------•• ;, I
`\ ........ ""oc..'"""""0i
`..... _
`.... . _ W .... _
`.. ..... . J. __ ft' f'" ,,,,, """"~
`......... , " ..-l ,... ... ,
`~ b!' """' .... <00_"""""", ..
`.-.... ,... .. ..... """;, IRMA',
`..... ~ C _

`'f .... ___
`__ , '
`. fASTU~ K _" __ ""
`..;0 ... . , ._ " " , . . . ._ .
`, ..
`"""'"iooo.. F~"'·
`UN K ~· ;II,_ . ..... .. " .000,.
`".oo>bpo.~."'"", . _
`" ... d ... PC ..... 'I' .,..,. • ......, bpo,
`... """"""'" OCA . ... ',<'OJ..ilp""
`.... IBM .. ""_....,. . . .. " . .. ,
`" U~;""" 'y, ," 'im"i"l fK .... f<x
`_"" ... PC~ ... ';oo~ .. ...
`.. yo< _
`'." .. yo. DCA """""' Y
`... .. t,,, .......... " 'y "'_ .-rIo
`........... ,'.
`"' ... ~ . ,.,200 ..... _ '
`.. ,.... .......... """ .......
`-u.... ... _
`. _ ......... ""_ .. -..
`... -................ -..... ...
`""" .... __ ... _ ..
`-..,_ ............ -
`""".".,_ ........... -..
`.... "'_.- ........... -
`...... ""' .. __ ....... ..
`mx:Iems COlYTll.Ilicale.
`they cootiruously monitor
`the qua~ty 01 the phooe
`line ;WId adjust It1eir
`",_) _
`~' .. IIod ... _
`• .fflO __ ~ ...
`.. ,",,', _...,.
`Io f"',F.'STlJNK ........... ...
`_ .PC ... _
`....... __
`...... .,. "'" - ' ......... '" OCA.
`"IBM ........... "' ....,.,. ,..,. .. .
`"""'.,""' " .1
`_ , " ... ... _
`• ..,. .. _ . A.oo;I ... ..
`..--. "" PC ........ .
`""' ... _
`or ...... "" ... ) _ ,... PC •
`.. .lOO ... _ . . . .
`C/IOm'All( XVI. ""'" CIrQm"All(.
`FIIST.""" __ , -_
`... boo "" <000 \>0)" CIrQm".v.K·
`FIIST_'Yb I I~ ", -"" ,.""
`CIrQ5Sf'AI"' ., a OSIT.v.K·n sr ..
`... .... '. ,.... .. ...... 0I0ss.
`r All(./ '.sT .... ," C/IOm' All( XVI ,
`10 . .. ' ....... ,_ ....... , .......
`_ - ' ....... _ . I
`... _
`"""'.".,. ..... F.'STlJNK.
`II,.,. ....,. _ C/IOm'.v.K, ,.,.',
`_"""''Y, ~"'·'...,r ...... ..-·
`K "",,' .. """ .. CI!Om".v.K. "",,',
`, ... .......... _ """ ..;0 ... ,.,.
`... _
`. ... ........ .... ·fl """ ....

`:it efiotzlinrolgr I.'.i.'iI1'.Ii.l'lfl1:fi- the
`Ibo ntode.-ttt.
`|:aob}ete1.lf3rou want to use some other
`pmgtattt, howotretr, you olvould be aware
`fltattttbaudratcdivietort are |ilceIympro-
`dune ape-ads that amjust out nftolerance
`range for my git-‘En mostcm on the other
`end utthe line. .|\|:Iv'.'J-Uttliltg to t:-CA. if this
`i‘I7t'l'|.'.|].'.':Tl5-. FASTILNK will usually be ab}:
`|D1I'.]i'I: witlt the otltcr modem at 3|II and
`ltltflhps. hut titer: will he rr.-oat: ertuts
`than you would lF:|1'|!1'.|BIi.]"I:t|.]:IGt.1.
`Attta: montom‘. -If'lt't'.'.l.'i'.'5'tl"Jt.[.I'lf-F.-t..E.'.l"rs
`ti1oort|].I 9ocFtwa:e|
`adtralttngo of F.5I.S'l'L.tNK‘a oapabuitieas.
`Butlhis wort'thot:rI.1-eI'oelo11g. .n5tI3t!||'I'l|:la!'|j|
`spolaesp-eraon says that ainoe aonottneirtg
`F.ltSTl.INK.. DCA has beaert swonutod by
`irtqluiries From aufiwwe comp-ames nut is
`tun‘-mly wotting with sewn-at $oItwa:t'¢
`hows: no modiF}' their |:l;I'I'tl'|'.|lI1'I'itT-l|.'i|Jl1tS
`ptogratnas for optimum performance.
`Some a£lI:lit:iI:a1ot packages nay to avail-
`able by '!l'It!_'g’£!»1.L!'v.'..a.|:i.|'J!iS.
`Home Full: It Ilteullylf
`It’: all well mdgrn.'n:l to talk about opti-
`miairtg comm uni-ca-Iiotts with F.ttST-
`LINK. but it's more helpful to Lutdmtittcl
`whatthat rn-eatt-si:1I.errrL-3 ntacnul speed.
`Unfonunaiely, given FASTLJNJC5
`variable speed, any specific ournlje-r you
`chooaolu ltangott-tl1e rnutlcmisautnemltatt
`ttbitraty. A51‘--e already mentioned.
`[$3. claims that IU.lIfl|bpu is: ot;trtaI:nra-
`tiw: mI:t.-.:tI'u ofthc mo-I:lI:It1‘: tttruugltpal
`l:|-'].'.|itT-Ii. lira: ooatditions. As a corn-
`]:|-l2l'i:5J2|l:l.. DCA stresses that tttroughp-tn. for
`atypiral 9.61}-bps tr.-I:-dent iaahottl '1‘.IIlII|
`tJ:rE.[|[|Dbpa 'A'i:rt!l!lt2‘I1't3I'It3l:|l'l!'|5ttl:iI:lrti5 uaetzl.
`But thc ixsuc of the modem‘: spout de-
`Dru: tIcr:.r rtioe touch built into FAST-
`Llhlli is a. pair ofoonuttatuia tint will to-
`putt the insetu-tttutooun. ratee f1‘:I1'Itt'.'rfl'I traine-
`missicnaod re:oq.1t.iot1 ofdata.1t:oortaI:be.t:l
`two F.n|tS'I'LlNlii.a with a I5-:|'oot photto at-
`'b]: ho prodttottattrotacntilllgr ttoiac-Ito: line
`andtt-'outH:l up wititioatmttutuotta re-adhtga
`of]5.ilI i2|].'.Gil'liIll.I1|:iiIl1!!:tiI2|1'fl.
`Itheottaatstv.-.:n-ed a Iflfitifilehaelcaod
`forth amoral titnntt hetwoettaflo-op}-'-basod
`PC‘ and a lttrI:l-el't:5l'.4Jnsu.'I AT. using the
`XMIT eurnmaarct in C.ROS.5'J".et.£.tf-FeL5'T.
`Stattzing from th: rnornertt Eltat CEtJ.'5'.5'-
`TALX x:t'Ltal]}' began 5|!-'l'ldi3'lg the Iii: and
`,g with the mo.rt|ont it t'LtI.i5]tod aeoli-
`_ _ ... .--_00-._, ... __ .. _
`‘fllthhltthanflmbofl-dwuit Ilrn-¢HtwtrtI1In‘tn|rIgI tbtlli Hl¢t'run1ItIt.l-‘|' lath!
`and wurtttirul lnrrrlrntfl-Iuu'I|iI'lIlI.tttIi1trtlmolaItunItd.
`_____ . . _
`.... __
`lrlthfllrucll tlflntnrllmlt Infnclhra Iplodilttcumnlld |:trFnI.E'l'l.llll|
`llitlulhttnqwlltv-m‘tt‘n||rI.EfitImtltm.uh.ulhrrInurIl-from thlmotrt-II
`DHOGSTJLK-FAST ltttahl to-otttel tlwllattltttirntnrtltttlttttrtntrttealuoatttttfltettt.
`...,..f .... ~ .. f .. _
`.. _
`.......... _
`. _
`--_ .... _ ... __ ........ , ..... _ ....... ..
`"" ...... _----_ .. _--(cid:173)
`--_ .. -.' -...... _ ... -
`_ ... _ ..... _-_ .. __ ... -
`-_ .. __ .. __ ....
`-_ ..... __ .. _---_ ... --_ ..
`.. .. _-
`tnmerstupp-out inlm-matiun rm 3.-nursurreen.
`and -‘til-Fi'3| aslsz. the mucleun tor the cor-
`ntnn shin met. 3: Fflmwwmd. huwtu-IE1.
`that CFI!'0‘.Eu'.'.i':".-'I.|'.F-' is not an c:La:«' [:I1'I.1g1'.ttn
`to master. and the n'.u1nI.Ia| bI:l13er'reI'ut-
`crtoe guide tbatt luborial.
`If you have El. I'a'tro-rib: communications
`pcrugrarn other than CRIDSSTALK. you
`might at:ilJ hoabloto us: it. Aooordittgto
`EHZA. most BI:Ifi.'WlJ1.‘.cB.I1 he set to ELISOCI
`bus or slower amt wiJl worlr with FAST-
`L]NK's fact mo-dc. though it will not per-
`li:t.'tn u]:.Itn‘n|];'. I tt'io1l:it1alI'jIEltl“C-?':1:.r1.KHl'
`'§|.l‘I|I| brrs and had no prtthlcrrto. Bur
`DCA s.u~ests.:>_t:1tta1toma.I:untisIoett'.ein1:_-,u,
`the computer-n:-~-nodem $1934.’-ill really
`should ho higher than the -::ap:1It:ilir}'n[1In=:
`l'.I''l'|. mat that moan.-. using C3035‘-
`T.-t.Ut'-F.-t..'§T. or §t":|1II.EI[I'|i.'|E!' paclrugt: capa-
`hlc of |9.2|]}ltpe and hatdu.-are ll-ow oom-
`Thane is ab-uanmher c-u1npticatingfa-<:-
`rur. Given tit-E high speozis of tilt FAST-
`LINI‘. moderrl. error 'i.1*.1l'|'U.7L'i|:|t'| :is a l'IH|:'-'r
`aity. Recognizing that. DEA. built an
`verror-oou1't:1:.I'ao:It Feature into the ntt:d-r.:rt1t't-
`su|!|'. U]'Iffl'l.l.lFlEJit:I}'. ntatstutntuttunitcatitlts
`1:13-grants alaoittaiat on doing uaut chock-
`ittg dtring file: teamfora, which D:l1J}' sorwta
`to slow things down. To tatrc host .adI.'tn-
`tag; of FAST'LINI{'S etrocr correction.
`tin-rt-ing and block size to ioeee1mct1I'.t tbat
`are large enough not to 'u'l.crt'-ero with the
`1}-me :is atyu-one-ttrerpotaauialsoftu-are
`problem, at loss: with tiu:1'ob:mal trursioo
`of the rno-clccm. 1'hot'rm:roal FA5'l1J.NK
`use: -I d'iITc1t:t1t cryatal tittut the -ot1I:I‘cH..Irr.l
`on: atmI:lmlPCa5y111: boanl. This rite-fltts
`that the iobetnat FASTLINK hoods a dif-
`fitrcttt bmid rat: dit-:iao1't.o tn-'o1'k at I::I:actJ;u'
`tho right
`spoeazl for 300- and l.2JJ|'.l-bps
`CRGSFFALK-FAN doll: with this
`problem by ocatting in a apocialvcttst-ort1‘u1'
`the inberoal FASTL1NI{. And boczusc
`C'R0$TA£.K-FA.5't" cornoa bundtotl with

`How f'ASTLlNK \-\-'orks
`FASTLINK lJses some 1I11eresbog. and smart new
`tschrlology 10 ach>!We its breathtaking speed,
`.. m ""'" ._ .. '" .. _
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`Un~1 MId unless
`FASTLINK becomes a
`widespread standard on
`its cmn. ~ may aclually
`slow daM1 yoor
`corrmrications by
`tmtng you 10 1.200
`bps is available,
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