`comp.dcom.modems ›
`checkblazer.c -- get spectrum data from last connection
`1 post by 1 author
`Steve Murphy
`Here's something (checkblazer.c) maybe someone might find useful. Enjoy.
` --murf
`#include <sys/types.h>
`#include <signal.h>
`#include <setjmp.h>
`#include <stdio.h>
`#ifdef USG
`#include <termio.h>
`#ifndef USG
`#include <sgtty.h>
`#include <sys/stat.h>
`#define OUTPUTDIR "/usr/spool/uucp"
` /* A program to grab Telebit TrailBlazer Status Data and dump to ascii files */
` /* by Steve Murphy */
` /* Some say the globals, etc. seem similar to some used in a particular
` version of uucp. This is, of course, purely accidental, but those with
` discernment may be able to take advantage of this accident.
` People with discernment usually take advantage of "accidents".
` Wouldn't it be nice if, while closing the modem in uucp, you generated
` data files that showed the status of the connection?
` */
` /* For the rest of us: this little standalone will,
` IF the proper command line args are supplied,
` IF the modem is set up with just the right defaults in its regs,
` (I have E0 F1 M1 Q6 T V1 X3, and s51=5, for example)
` extract all the S70 type registers revealing the status of the last
` connection made, fast or slow (depending on the regs) */
` /* This data is dumped out to files in x,y pairs suitable for progs like
` gnuplot, or just echoed back to the user if non-array oriented. */
` /* I developed my own hp7475A interface to GNUPLOT and use it to generate
` nice-looking and informative pen-plots of connections. This info is really
` informative at times about what kind of problems I'm seeing. */
` /* here's an example GNUPLOT.INI.telebit file to display the files generated
` on an hp pen plot:
` set term hp74
` set samples 2048
` set output "hp.noise.telebit"
` plot [0:4000] [-80:10] "blazer_noise.telebit" with lines,
` "blazer_rbits.telebit" with impulses,
` "blazer_tbits.telebit" with lines
` quit
` This will display the noise profile on the bottom and the two bitrates
` each other above.
` Because This generates several files if run with several sys names,
` I generated a pile of these GNUPLOT.INI files, AND
` I have a generic GNUPLOT.INI submitter:
` file: plotsys (mode 666)
` contents follows:
`Page 1 of 9

`cho $argv[1]
`cp GNUPLOT.INI.$argv[1] .gnuplot
`And, of course, a lpr -Php hp.noise.telebit (in this case) would
`be the next thing (go stick paper in the plotter first!)
`Now, some clever person could do this much more neatly with sed scripts,
`I'm sure. Have at it. Have fun. Go for it.
` */
` /* As usual, This will most likely require modification to run on your modems.
` I set up my registers like few others on the net, because of constraints
` my control.
` I doubt that this will work on anything but sun 3's.
` Releasing even this peice of junk is charity on my part; Don't bother me with
` anything but something better -- I didn't generate this for money, really,
` and so I really can't support it either. It may be a little work for you to
` it run, but hey, I think I did more than you, OK?
` Purpose: For those who want to grab this kind of data bad enough to make this
` work, but not bad enough, obviously, to write their own from scratch
` Encouragement: This code actually runs on my machine (sun3/160) with my OS
` (SunOS3.2) with my modems (Telebit Trailblazer Plus, rev 3 roms. */
`jmp_buf Sjbuf;
`jmp_buf Pipebuf;
`#define STBNULL 0
`#define CF_DIAL 5
`#define BAND (4000.0/512.0)
`int blazer_slow=0, blazer_fast = 0;
`int onesys = 0;
`int turntime = 30 * 60; /* 30 minutes expressed in seconds */
`char *ttyn = NULL;
`extern int errno;
`char devSel[200],Rmtname[200];
`#ifdef USG
`struct termio Savettyb;
`#ifndef USG
`struct sgttyb Savettyb;
` signal(SIGALRM, alarmtr);
` longjmp(Sjbuf, 1);
`char *str;
` char *p = str;
` char bug[10];
` if (setjmp(Sjbuf))
` {
` fprintf(stderr, "TIMEOUT\n");
` return CF_DIAL;
` }
` signal(SIGALRM, alarmtr);
` alarm(10);
` again:
` while( *p && read( fd,bug,1) == 1 && *p == bug[0] )
` p++;
` if ( !*p )
` {
` alarm(0);
` return 0;
` }
`Page 2 of 9

` else
` {
` p = str;
` goto again;
` }
`ogent( what, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)
`char *what,*arg1,*arg2,*arg3,*arg4;
` FILE *lo;
` char buff[300];
`/* lo = fopen("/usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE","a"); For those who enjoy permanent
` if( !lo )
` return; */
` sprintf(buff,what,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
` printf(buff);
`/* fprintf(lo,"checkblazer: %s",buff); to go a log file
` fclose( lo ); */
` return;
`ain(argc, argv)
`int argc;
`register char *argv[];
` int seq,localbits,Ifn;
` char *q, tty_port[100];
` if( argc < 4)
` {
` fprintf(stderr,"usage: checkblazer SLOW|FAST device label\n");
` exit(0);
` }
` Ifn = setreuid(geteuid(),geteuid());
` if( Ifn )
` {
` logent("Couldn't setuid to %d\n",geteuid());
` }
` Ifn = setregid(getegid(),getegid());
` if( Ifn )
` {
` logent("Couldn't setgid to %d\n",getegid());
` }
` ttyn = tty_port;
` if( !strcmp(argv[1],"SLOW") || !strcmp(argv[1],"slow") )
` blazer_slow = 1;
` else
` blazer_fast =1;
` strcpy(tty_port,argv[2]);
` strcpy(Rmtname,argv[3]);
` if( ttyn )
` strcpy(devSel, ttyn);
` else
` strcpy(devSel,"");
` cleanup(0);
` int dh = -1;
` char dcname[40];
` sleep(2);
` strcpy(dcname,devSel);
` if (setjmp(Sjbuf))
` {
` logent( "TIMEOUT\n");
` return CF_DIAL;
` }
` signal(SIGALRM, alarmtr);
` alarm(10);
` dh = open(dcname, 2); /* read/write */
`Page 3 of 9

` alarm(0);
` /* modem is open */
` if (dh >= 0)
` {
` char spdy[30];
`#ifdef USG
` ioctl(dh, TCGETA, &Savettyb);
` Savettyb.c_cflag = (Savettyb.c_cflag & ~CS8) | CS7;
` Savettyb.c_oflag |= OPOST;
` Savettyb.c_lflag |= (ISIG|ICANON|ECHO);
`#else !USG
` ioctl(dh, TIOCGETP, &Savettyb);
` Savettyb.sg_flags |= ECHO;
` Savettyb.sg_flags &= ~RAW;
` Savettyb.sg_ispeed = Savettyb.sg_ospeed = DEFSTARTSPEED;
` (void) ioctl(dh, TIOCHPCL, STBNULL);
`#endif !USG
`#ifdef USG
` ioctl(dh, TCSETA, &Savettyb);
`#else !USG
` ioctl(dh, TIOCSETP, &Savettyb);
`#endif !USG
` sleep(1);
` if( blazer_slow )
` blazer_status_slow(dh);
` if( blazer_fast )
` blazer_status_fast(dh);
` close(dh);
` if( !strcmp("/dev/cua",devSel) )
` strcpy(spdy,"/dev/ttya");
` else
` strcpy(spdy,"/dev/ttyb");
` }
` else
` {
` logent("CAN'T OPEN %s\n",dcname);
` exit(dh);
` }
` char *cp,sss[300],qqq[100],*cq;
` char freq_offset[40],line_qual[40];
` int i;
` write(fd, "ATS77?\r", 7);
` /* freq offset */
` cp = freq_offset;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > 0x20 )
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &freq_offset[39] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n')
` ;
` cq = qqq -1;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1 /* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` /* line quality */
` write(fd, "ATS78?\r", 7);
` cp = line_qual;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > ' ')
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &line_qual[39] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n')
` ;
`Page 4 of 9

` cq = qqq;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1 /* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` sprintf(sss,"Modem reports freq offset=%s, Line Quality=%s\n",
` freq_offset,line_qual);
` logent( sss );
` char freq_offset[40],line_qual[40],tdr[20],rdr[20],retrans[20],
` packacc[20];
` char *cp,sss[300],*cq,qqq[100];
` double noise[512];
` struct sgttyb mode1;
` int i,bitpersec[512];
` /* freq offset */
` write(fd, "ATS77?\r", 7);
` syncup:
` cp = freq_offset;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > ' ')
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &freq_offset[39] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n')
` ;
` if( freq_offset[0] != '+' && freq_offset[0] != '-')
` goto syncup;
` sync_1:
` cq = qqq-1;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1 /* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` if( strcmp(qqq,"OK\n") )
` goto sync_1;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` /* transmit data rate */
` write(fd, "ATS70?\r", 7);
` cp = tdr;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > ' ')
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &tdr[19] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n')
` ;
` sync_2:
` cq = qqq-1;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1 /* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` if( strcmp(qqq,"OK\n") )
` goto sync_2;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` /* receive data rate */
` write(fd, "ATS72?\r", 7);
` cp = rdr;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > ' ')
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &rdr[19] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n')
`Page 5 of 9

` ;
` sync_5:
` cq = qqq-1;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1 /* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` if( strcmp(qqq,"OK\n") )
` goto sync_5;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` /* packets retransmitted */
` write(fd, "ATS74?\r", 7);
` cp = retrans;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > ' ')
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &retrans[19] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n')
` ;
` sync_3:
` cq = qqq-1;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1 /* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` if( strcmp(qqq,"OK\n") )
` goto sync_3;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` /* packets accepted */
` write(fd, "ATS75?\r", 7);
` cp = packacc;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > ' ')
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &packacc[19] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n')
` ;
` sync_4:
` cq = qqq-1;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1 /* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` if( strcmp(qqq,"OK\n") )
` goto sync_4;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` write(fd, "ATS58=4\r", 8);
` if (expect("OK",fd) != 0)
` logent( "TB did not respond to ATS58=4\n",devSel);
` ioctl(fd,TIOCGETP,&mode1);
` mode1.sg_flags |= CBREAK|TANDEM;
` ioctl(fd,TIOCSETP,&mode1);
` if (setjmp(Sjbuf))
` {
` logent( "TIMEOUT\n");
` close(fd);
` return CF_DIAL;
` }
` signal(SIGALRM, alarmtr);
` alarm(30);
` /* noise sprectrum */
` sleep(1);
` write(fd, "ATS76?\r", 7);
` if(1)
` {
`Page 6 of 9

` FILE *graphout;
` sprintf(sss,"%s/blazer_noise.%s",OUTPUTDIR,Rmtname);
` graphout = (FILE *)fopen(sss,"w");
` for( i=0; i<511; i++)
` {
` double atof();
` cp = sss;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > ' ')
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &sss[20] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n' && *cp != ' ')
` ;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` noise[i] = atof(sss);
` if( graphout )
` {
` fprintf(graphout,"%g
` fflush(graphout);
` }
` }
` if(graphout)
` fclose(graphout);
` if(1)
` {
` double nmax, nmin, nave;
` nmax = -50000.0;
` nmin = 50000.0;
` nave = 0;
` for( i=0; i<511; i++)
` {
` if( noise[i] > nmax )
` nmax = noise[i];
` if( noise[i] < nmin )
` nmin = noise[i];
` nave += noise[i];
` }
` nave /= 511.0;
` sprintf(sss,"noise:min=%g,max=%g,ave=%g\n",nmin,nmax,nave);
` logent( sss);
` }
` }
` cq = qqq;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1/* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` alarm(0);
` alarm(30);
` /* transmit sprectrum */
` sleep(1);
` write(fd, "ATS71?\r", 7);
` if(1)
` {
` FILE *graphout;
` sprintf(sss,"%s/blazer_tbits.%s",OUTPUTDIR,Rmtname);
` graphout = (FILE *)fopen(sss,"w");
` for( i=0; i<511; i++)
` {
` cp = sss;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > ' ')
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &sss[20] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n' && *cp != ' ')
` ;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` bitpersec[i] = atoi(sss);
` if( graphout )
` {
`Page 7 of 9

` fprintf(graphout,"%g
` fflush(graphout);
` }
` }
` if(graphout)
` fclose(graphout);
` if(1)
` {
` double nmax, nmin, nave;
` int nfirst, nlast,ntotal;
` nmax = -50000.0;
` nmin = 50000.0;
` nave = 0;
` nfirst = -1;
` nlast = ntotal = 0;
` for( i=0; i<511; i++)
` {
` if( bitpersec[i] && nfirst == -1 )
` nfirst = i;
` if( bitpersec[i] && bitpersec[i-1] )
` nlast = i;
` if( bitpersec[i] > nmax )
` nmax = bitpersec[i];
` if( bitpersec[i] < nmin )
` nmin = bitpersec[i];
` nave += bitpersec[i];
` ntotal += bitpersec[i];
` }
` nave /= 511.0;
` sprintf(sss,"tbits:min=%g,max=%g,ave=%g,
` logent( sss );
` }
` }
` cq = qqq;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1/* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` alarm(0);
` alarm(30);
` /* rec bit sprectrum */
` sleep(1);
` write(fd, "ATS73?\r", 7);
` if(1)
` {
` FILE *graphout;
` sprintf(sss,"%s/blazer_rbits.%s",OUTPUTDIR,Rmtname);
` graphout = (FILE *)fopen(sss,"w");
` for( i=0; i<511; i++)
` {
` cp = sss;
` while (read(fd, cp ,1) == 1)
` {
` if (*cp > ' ')
` break;
` }
` while (++cp < &sss[20] && read(fd, cp, 1) == 1
` && *cp != '\n' && *cp != ' ')
` ;
` *cp-- = '\0';
` if (*cp == '\r')
` *cp = '\0';
` bitpersec[i] = atoi(sss);
` if( graphout )
` {
` fprintf(graphout,"%g
` fflush(graphout);
` }
` }
` if(graphout)
` fclose(graphout);
` if(1)
`Page 8 of 9

` {
` double nmax, nmin, nave;
` int nfirst, nlast,ntotal;
` nmax = -50000.0;
` nmin = 50000.0;
` nave = 0;
` nfirst = -1;
` nlast = ntotal = 0;
` for( i=0; i<511; i++)
` {
` if( bitpersec[i] && nfirst == -1 )
` nfirst = i;
` if( bitpersec[i] && bitpersec[i-1] )
` nlast = i;
` if( bitpersec[i] > nmax )
` nmax = bitpersec[i];
` if( bitpersec[i] < nmin )
` nmin = bitpersec[i];
` nave += bitpersec[i];
` ntotal += bitpersec[i];
` }
` nave /= 511.0;
` sprintf(sss,"rbits:min=%g,max=%g,ave=%g,
` logent( sss);
` }
` }
` cq = qqq;
` while (++cq < &qqq[99] && read(fd, cq, 1) == 1/* collect OK */
` && *cq != '\n')
` ;
` alarm(0);
` sleep(3);
` write(fd, "ATZ\r", 4); /* this'll return the modem to normal */
` if (expect("OK",fd) != 0)
` logent( "HSM did not respond to ATZ\n",devSel);
` /*ioctl(fd,TIOCGETP,&mode1);*/ /* turn off XON/XOFF */
` /* mode1.sg_flags &= ~TANDEM | RAW; why bother?
` ioctl(fd,TIOCSETP,&mode1); */
` sprintf(sss,"Foff=%s,tdr=%s,rdr=%s,retrans=%s,acc=%s\n",
` freq_offset,tdr,rdr,retrans,packacc);
` logent( sss);
` sleep(4);
` Steve Murphy, CAECO, Inc., 7090 South Union Park Avenue,
` Suite 200, Midvale, UT 84047
` (801)255-8880
` <WORLD>!{byuadam,utah-cs,nrc-ut,wicat}!caeco!murf
`Click here to Reply
`Page 9 of 9

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