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`Telebit modem questions answered
`9 posts by 7 authors
`Super user
` By Michael Ballard, UNIX Program Manager, Telebit Corp.
`Before starting on this document, a caveat: this document is intended
`to address many of the questions and comments about Telebit
`modems that have appeared from the user community. We are
`striving to provide as much information as possible, in such a
`way that will be useful to the widest group of readers. This is
`NOT intended to be a Marketing Article, but rather a technical
`overview for the more sophisticated reader. Its purpose is to
`inform, not to sell product. If anyone is offended by Telebit
`taking this action, please mail directly to me first, to avoid
`cluttering the newsgroup. Thank you.
`I would like to provide some background for Unix users considering
`the use of Telebit's TrailBlazer Plus high speed dialup modem.
`I served as project manager and principal programmer for
`Telebit's protocol support developement. The UUCP "g", Kermit,
`Xmodem and Ymodem protocols are directly supported in the TrailBlazer
`modem's firmware. Peter Honeyman, co-developer of ATT's
`HoneyDanBer/BNU UUCP, coded those portions of the TrailBlazer
`firmware which support the "g" protocol.
`The Telebit modem employs a patented multicarrier modulation scheme
`coined DAMQAM (Dynamically Adaptive Multicarrier Quadrature Amplitude
`Modulation). A CRC-16 based sliding window protocol with selective
`retransmission runs on top of this modulation scheme insuring data
`integrity across the phone line. This telephone line protocol is
`known as the Packetized Ensemble Protocol or PEP. PEP is the
`trademark by which all modems employing this technique can be
`This technique (DAMQAM) divides the voice bandwidth into 511
`individual channels each capable of passing 2, 4, or 6 bits per
`baud based on the measured characteristics of the individual
`frequencies associated with each channel. On a typical phone
`connection, the modem uses a subset of about 400 of those channels.
`Each time the modem connects to a circuit established on the dialup
`Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), the TrailBlazer measures the
`quality of the connection, and determines the usable subset of the 511
`carriers. The aggregate sum of bits modulated on this subset of
`carriers multiplied times the baud rate yields a bit per second
`rate that on a local telephone connection (i.e. round trip through
`your local telco) is 18031 bps. This 18031 bps is then reduced by
`about 20% to allow for the CRC overhead, to about 14400 bps of data
`Long distance line quality varies with location and carrier, but you
`can expect this number to be in the 10000 to 17000 bps range under
`most conditions domestically. By choosing a high quality long
`distance carrier, you will ensure the best throughput overall.
`The modem operates at 7.35 and 88.26 baud, transparently changing
`baud rates to accomodate the pace and quantity of data traffic.
`When in "interactive mode" the modem sends data using 11 msec
`packets (which run at 88.26 baud). Each packet contains 15 bytes
`of data. In "file transfer mode" the modem uses 136 msec packets
`(that transfer at 7.35 baud) that contain 256 bytes of data.
`The TrailBlazer decides which packet size to use on an ongoing
`dynamic basis. No intervention from the user is required.
`At lower speeds, such as 300, 1200, and 2400 bps, the TrailBlazer
`provides emulation (performed in the DSP section, not by a "chip"
`modem) to support these standards. The 300 bps standard is called
`Bell 103C. At 1200 bps, two standards exist, Bell 212A and CCITT
`Page 1 of 6

`V.22. Both are supported. At 2400 bps, the standard is called
`CCITT V.22 bis. These speeds are all available with or without
`MNP Class 3 Error Correction.
`The TrailBlazer employs a Motorola 68000 and a Texas Instuments
`TMS32010 digital signal processor to accomplish this performance.
`Because of this substantial computer horsepower (about 7.5 MIPS),
`the TrailBlazer is really a communications processor, rather than
`a conventional modem.
`The software defined architecture produces a flexible product platform
`that allows broad feature development capabilities while allowing the
`product's installed base to benefit from those developments by installing
`upgrade EPROM sets.
`All four protocols (Kermit, Xmodem/Ymodem, UUCP), V.22bis support, MNP at
`low speeds, multiple releases to improve the interactive performance
`(earlier TrailBlazers utilized only one baud rate), a multitude of
`RS-232 behavior related features, leased line capabilities, remote
`command processor access, echo suppressor compensation, increased
`data rates, and a myriad of user requested features have found their
`way into current production modems and are available to earlier
`revisioned modems via the EPROM uprgrade kits.
`PEP modems provide a full duplex serial interface to an attached computer,
`however they employ a half duplex implementation on the telephone line.
`Telebit refers to this half duplex technique as "Adaptive Duplex".
`As the name implies, the ownership of the line (i.e. the ability
`to transmit) adapts to the quantity of data available to send at
`any single moment. Maximum efficiency is achieved by sending data
`in a nonstop data stream at 19.2Kbps relying on serial interface
`flow control to moderate the data flow into and out of the modem.
`This allows the maximum amount of data to be available every time
`a transmitting modem takes ownership of the line. In this way the
`modem, not the DTE, controls the line turnarounds. The protocol
`provides a ceiling at about 3k of sent data before a transmitting
`modem must give up its turn and allow the other modem an opportunity
`to send. A continuous 19.2Kbps data flow into the modem is required
`to ensure that there is always 3k of data to send each time a
`transmitting modem takes its turn. The serial interface speed must
`exceed the telephone line speed, potentially 18,031 bps, or the maximum
`efficiency of the modems can not be reached).
`UUCP's "g" protocol behavior on dialup lines was a clear contradiction
`of the desired behavior with the PEP protocol. "g" sends 3 small data
`packets at time and then waits for the remote UUCP to ACK or NAK their
`receipt. The resulting throughput when using UUCP and "g" with the
`TrailBlazer was only a little better than a standard 1200 bps modem.
`This was unacceptable.
`What did we do about it?
`The TrailBlazer can be configured to "spoof" the protocol by setting
`a register (S111) to one of several values. The spoof can support four
`different protocols: UUCP "g", Xmodem, Ymodem, and Kermit.
`"Spoof" means to fool the various protocols into thinking that they
`are getting their acknowledgment packets from the remote computer,
`when in reality they are getting them from the modem.
`All of these protocols are what are commonly referred to as
`"send and wait" protocols. This type of protocol builds a packet
`in computer A, sends it out through the modems, where it is received by
`computer B. Next, computer B looks at the packet to determine whether
`or not it arrived intact. If it did, it sends an ACK (acknowledgement)
`packet back to computer A. If it did not arrive intact, it sends a NAK
`(non-acknowledgement) packet. In either case, computer A can't send the
`next packet out until it gets the ACK from the first packet. This is slow!
`Since our modems are error-free between the modems, the only place data
`could get "broken" is between the modems and their respective computers.
`Let me draw the connection diagram below:
` Ca <======> Ta <----------------> Tb <======> Cb
` Ca = Computer A Cb = Computer B
` Ta = Telebit Modem A Tb = Telebit Modem B
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` ====== RS-232 Cable
` ------ Phone Line
`When we are running our protocol support, we look at the packet coming
`from Ca. Ta checks the packet for validity and sends the ACK or NAK.
`Ca can begin building the next packet immediatly upon receipt
`of Ta's ACK. This results in Ca building and sending packets as fast as it
`can. Many packets are now forwarded to Tb. Tb now delivers the packets
`to Cb, observing the rules of the protocol. Tb will deliver the next packet
`or retransmit the previous packet based on the ACK or NAK received from Cb.
`Cb ACKs and NAKs are then thrown away so as not to return to Ca.
`Protocol support can be configured to run in parallel with data compression
`enabled. The real world result of this is to increase protocol transfers
`from 2-3 Kbps to 10-19.2 Kbps.
`This covers most of the commonly asked questions about the TrailBlazer.
`If any of the above information is unclear, or you have questions
`regarding other aspects of modem technology or performance, send mail to:
`Richard Siegel UUCP: {uunet,ames,hoptoad}!telebit!modems
`Senior Systems Engineer ARPA: telebit!modems@ames.ARPA
`Telebit Corporation
`Click here to Reply
`Bill Mayhew
`1. Both my Trailblazer's have General Instruments DSP chips. One
`modem is about 8 months old with rev 3 firmware. The other is
`about 3 months old with rev 4 firmware. I take it that the GI DSP
`chip is a functional equivalent to the Texas Instruments chip?
`2. The older modem has some SMD chips on a little daughter board;
`the newer modem has an AMD "Worldchip". I take it these are then
`strictly for DTMF generation and call progress detection?
`3. Oh yes, here's another. What is the big square (Toshiba, I
`think) chip in the newer telebit design doing?
`Thanks for posting the tech summary.
`Jonathan Clark
`This one is really for Peter Honeyman to answer, since it is claimed that
`he did the relevant bit of the Telebit firmware, but the answer may prove
`to be of general interest.
`Many of us have tweaked our uucico's to use a window of 7 outstanding
`packets, rather than 3. Given this, does it make sense to have two Telebit
`modes for the 'g'-protocol spoof (one for each window size); and iff it
`does, are there any plans to implement this?
`Jonathan Clark, attmail!jonathan
`Any affiliation is given for identification purposes only.
`The Englishman never enjoys himself except for some noble purpose.
`Peter Honeyman
`window size doesn't affect trailblazer throughput -- a window size of 1
`gives the same performance as 3 or 7.
`in fact, the modem converts a request for a large window size into a
`request for a window size of 3. it does this transparently, but you
`can watch it happen with -x9 debugging on.
`we considered knocking the window size down to 1 in all cases, as this
`Page 3 of 6

`eliminates the windowing inside the spoof code, but we were unable to
`assert unequivocally that all versions of uucp would work with a window
`size of 1. (we tested against a long list of uucp versions, but there
`are versions to which we didn't have access.) we were confident that 3
`would work in all cases, so we stuck with that.
`so to answer the question, no, you don't need multiple versions of
`spoof code to accommodate window size variants, the modem takes care of
`that (too!) for you.
` peter
`Carl S. Gutekunst
`In article <> (Peter Honeyman) writes:
`>window size doesn't affect trailblazer throughput -- a window size of 1
`>gives the same performance as 3 or 7.
`Peter and I have argued this one in private before -- and I still disagree.
`I know the modem is perfectly capable of running flat out with window size 1.
`But a lot of computers are not -- and in fact, window size 3 at 9600 or 19200
`bps is too small. We have many connections where the throughput is obviously
`constrained by the system's ability to get ack packets out; I think a bigger
`window size would help immensely.
`Of course, a lot of machines that can barely buffer 3 packets at 19200 are
`going to gag on 7. No problem; they don't have to run a uucico with the window
`size pushed up.
`Peter Honeyman
`carl, i'd buy your argument if uucico's throughout the land knew how to
`piggyback acks. it's admitted by the chesson spec, but i've never seen
`a version that does it.
`if you're not convinced, why not recompile uucico with a window size of
`one and compare? i'm sure the results would be interesting.
` peter
`Jerry Aguirre
`In article <> csg@pyramid.UUCP (Carl S. Gutekunst) writes:
`>In article <> (Peter Honeyman) writes:
`>>window size doesn't affect trailblazer throughput -- a window size of 1
`>>gives the same performance as 3 or 7.
`I know the modem is perfectly capable of running flat out with window size 1.
`>But a lot of computers are not -- and in fact, window size 3 at 9600 or 19200
`>bps is too small. We have many connections where the throughput is obviously
`>constrained by the system's ability to get ack packets out; I think a bigger
`>window size would help immensely.
`I have to agree. If the host were talking at 19200 and able to generate
`acks reasonably fast then throughput shouldn't suffer. But I have to
`run my interface at 9600 bps, to a heavily loaded slow CPU.
`While it might be able to generate acks fast enough on average to keep
`the line going it can't do so at any given instant. There are other
`things like disks and other serial lines to service. Remember that the
`acks are not being generated by the tty driver at interupt level. They
`are being generated by a user process. It reduces overhead if the
`process can process and ack several packets at each context switch.
`Page 4 of 6

`The suggestion that full speed is possible with a window of 1 is
`ludicrous. The modem would be able to send only 1 packet. It would
`then have to wait for an ack before it could send another. At a minimum
`that means 8 bytes of idle time for every 64 bytes received. The line
`would be idle for 12% of the time. Any time to process the incomming
`packet and generate the ACK would add to that.
`If the connection from the modem to the computer has additional delay
`then performance really suffers. By example consider dialing into a
`packet switched network like tymnet or PC persuit. Before switching to
`a window size of 7, I and others experienced terrible thruput on
`networks like that. I also run UUCP over lines with a satellite delay.
`Again, thruput is terrible without a window of 7.
` 3 packets * 64 char/packet * 10 bits/char = 1920 bits
` 1920 bits / 19200 bps = .1 second to send 3 packets.
`If the system takes more than 100 ms. to return any ack then performance
`suffers. (Actually it is 66 ms. because I can't begin generating an ack
`until after the first packet is received.) A satellite circuit has 700
`ms. of delay. Many packet switched networks have several hundred ms. of
`round trip delay.
`If the modem really negotiates the window size with the host then why
`can't it use the value each host asks for? That way systems that can't
`buffer 7 packets can leave their window at 3 and systems that need a
`larger window can do so. (No, 3 is the magic number. Count ye not to
`2, nor on to 4 ...... :-)
`You are too locked into what the modems are doing internally and not to
`the host interface. If I ask for a window of 7 then you should give me
`a window of 7, I might have a good reason.
` Jerry Aguirre
`Peter Honeyman
`if the wire is slower than the host, windowing is a clear win. but
`here, the wire is faster than the host, usually a lot faster. the
`modem immediately fills the window, whatever its size. thereafter, the
`modem sees a window of one -- host acks, modem sends a packet to fill
`the window.
`your point about context switches is well taken -- it depends on the
`scheduler's behavior when the host calls write(ack). you can probably
`convince me that a window of two is worthwhile, but i don't see this
`argument extending to anywhere near seven.
`someone should run an experiment here. (i can't, because i don't have
`a fast computer with a serial board.)
` peter
`William E. Davidsen Jr
`In article <> jerry@oliveb.UUCP (Jerry Aguirre) writes:
`| [...]
`| The suggestion that full speed is possible with a window of 1 is
`| ludicrous. The modem would be able to send only 1 packet. It would
`| then have to wait for an ack before it could send another. At a minimum
`| that means 8 bytes of idle time for every 64 bytes received. The line
`| would be idle for 12% of the time. Any time to process the incomming
`| packet and generate the ACK would add to that.
` If the feed to the modem is at 19.2k, since the ack is generated at
`the modem, and accepted at the modem, the two systems should be able to
`drive the actual line at the maximum of 11-14k (depending on who's
`figures you see).
` I completely agree that this is not a desirable thing from the
`Page 5 of 6

`standpoint of interrupt overhead.
` bill davidsen (
` {uunet | philabs | seismo}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
`"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me
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