`Fifth Annual Conference
`"Computers and Communications Integration
`Design, Analysis, Management"
`Technical Sessions: April 8 -10, 1986
`General Chair: B. W. Stuck, Teltron, Inc.
`Vice Chair: S.J. Yuill, RJO Enterprises, Inc.
`Program Chair: B. Gavish, University of Rochester
`Sheraton 8al Harbour
`Miami, Florida
`. • IEEE
`ISBN 0-8186-0694-0

`",;tV.· .. Il,.l···· . 1
`The papers appearing in this book comprise the proceedings of the meeting mentio~ed on the cov~r
`and title page. They reflect the authors' opinions and are published as presented and without change, In
`the interests of timely dissemination. Their inclusion in this publication does not necessarily constitute
`endorsement by the editors, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Communications Society or the Institute of
`Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`Copyright and Reprint Permissions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are
`permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of U.S. copyright law for private use of patrons those
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`Services, IEEE, 345 E. 47 St., New York, NY 10017. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1986 by The
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`ISBN 0-8186-0694-0 (paper)
`ISBN 0-8186-4694-2 (microfiche)
`ISBN 0-8186-8694-4 (casebound)
`IEEE Catalog No. 86CH2284-8
`Library of Congress No. 86-80342
`IEEE Computer Society Order No. 694
`Order from: IEEE Computer Society
`Post Office Box 80452
`Worldway Postal Center
`Los Angeles, CA 90080
`IEEE Service Center
`445 Hoes Lane
`Piscataway, NJ 08854

`Message from the General Chairman
`INFOCOM '86, The Fifth Annual Joint IEEE Computer and IEEE Communications Societies
`Conference, continues the tradition of the previous conferences in both form and function. The
`information sciences of computing and communications continue to mature, but interest is exploding: it
`can honestly be said that we are living in the midst of a revolution that will have a major impact well into
`the next century on the daily lives of many, many people throughout the world.
`Our history has been that of technical excellence, and our technical program, assembled by Bezalel
`Gavish, is the strongest ever. The attraction of top researchers in academia, government, and industry to
`this event has always been its key to success. The intent is to foster interaction between theory and
`practice, to provide formal and not so formal communication channels for participants to interact with
`one another. Take advantage of the meeting rooms, the cocktail parties, and the beach to discuss issues
`of mutual interest-that is really what this is all about.
`This year for the first time the General Chairman has been assisted by a Vice Chairman, Dr. Stuart Yuill,
`who most ably discharged his duties. This has been so successful that it will hopefully become a
`permanent fixture at future INFOCOMs.
`The support of the IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Communications Society is most sincerely
`appreciated. I personally wish to thank all the members of the general program and technical program
`committees, the panelists, the reviewers, the session organizers, the tutorial organizers, the steering
`committee, the staff at the IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Computer Society, and all the
`others not known to me for all your time and effort in making this event a success.
`Bart Stuck
`INFOCOM '86 General Chairman

`Program Chairman's Message
`Extensive developments took place this year both in digital communications and computing. The rapid
`decline in the real cost to end users of computing and communication services is a formidable force
`behind the expanding growth and use of digital communication services. Over the last year we have seen
`a flurry of offerings of new types of services and capabilities. The widespread acceptance and use of
`Local Area and Wide Area Networks raises many operational and management issues for the
`organizations which implement them. Those are reflected in the technical program.
`After a plenary address by Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, who was the Technical Program Chairman of
`INFOCOM '82, the conference attendees will be able to participate in 30 sessions that have been
`clustered into 3 session tracks: Track A concentrates on Local Area Networks and covers Performance
`Modeling and Stability Considerations, Multiple Access Protocols and Medium Access Control
`Mechanisms, Ring Based Local Area Networks, Local Area Networks which support Multimedia
`Services and Mobile Radio Systems; the second track covers issues involved in the design, management
`and operation of Packet Switching Long Haul Networks and Local Access Networks. Those include:
`Network Interconnection Procedures, Local Access Network Design Algorithms, Backbone Network
`Design methods, Packet Network analysis, Network Operations and Management, Modeling and
`Protocols for Satellite Based Networks, and two panel sessions on Evolving Digital Data Networks and
`Packet Switching in the BOC Environment. Track C deals with Advances in Communications
`Protocols, Performance and Queuing Analysis of Networks, Networking Availability and Reliability,
`High Performance Packet Switching Networks, Distributed Computer Systems and Distributed Algo(cid:173)
`rithms, and panel sessions on Networking Standards, Building Wiring for Communications and Recent
`Advances in Military Communications.
`We were fortunate in having so many papers submitted for consideration, which allowed us to be highly
`selective in designing the final program. The conference proceedings contain a collection of papers
`which reflect the present state of the art in research and development. Panelists have been asked to
`provide position statements which are included in the proceedings; these should help in providing a
`stimulus for lively discussions during the panel sessions. In addition to the formal program, every attempt
`was made to encourage technical interchanges during the scheduled coffee and lunch breaks and the
`wine and cheese parties, and through short informal sessions which will take place during the evenings.
`I am deeply indebted to the technical program committee members for their dedication and support, to
`the members of INFOCOM '86 organization; to Ms. Myra Slutsky for handling the proceedings
`assembly and printing process; and especially to my secretary, Ms. Nancy Bales for her tireless efforts in
`keeping me on schedule and handling the administrative tasks needed for an effective refereeing and
`review process, and for her responsiveness to the continuous changes in the schedule.
`I hope you will enjoy the program assembled for you, and look forward to see you again at INFOCOM
`Bezalel Gavish
`Program Chairman

`General Conference Committee
`General Chair
`B.W. Stuck
`Teltron, Inc.
`Program Chair
`B. Gavish
`Graduate School of Management
`University of Rochester
`Publicity Chair
`S. H. Richman
`AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Local Arrangements Chair
`T. Contreras
`Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
`J. Wong
`AT&T Information Systems
`Tutorials Chair
`N. E. Schmidt
`Architecture Technology Corporation

`Program Committee
`B. Gavish
`Graduate School of Management
`University of Rochester
`IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
`University of Rochester
`E. Finkelstein
`AT&T Bell Laboratories
`M. Hluchyj
`AT&T Bell Laboratories
`K. Joseph
`Bell Canada
`J. Kurose
`University of Massachusetts
`v. O.K. Li
`University of Southern California
`M.T. Liu
`Ohio State University
`C. G. Omidyar
`Riverside Research Institute
`H. Pirkul
`The Ohio State University
`K. Sabnani
`AT&T Bell Laboratories
`A. Segall
`Israel Institute of Technology

`INFOCOM '86 Referees
`A. S. Acampora
`S. Aggarwal
`Z. Budrikis
`C. Cassandras
`I. Clamtach
`W.R. Cook
`D. Corkill
`A. Dahbura
`D. S. Daudelin
`P. Dishu
`M. Eisenberg
`KY. Eng
`R.c. Fang
`E. Finkelstein
`A. Ghafoor
`I. Gopal
`M. Gouda
`J. Green
`D. Grillo
`C.A. Jiller
`L. R. Kantola
`K Keummerle
`W. Kohler
`M. Krishna
`P. Kuehn
`J.E Kurose
`M. Kuznetov
`A. Lavia
`B. Liem
`N-C Liu
`E. MacNair
`F.R. Magee
`B.N. MaIm
`G. Martin
`N. Mehravari
`B. Meister
`L. Merakos
`L. Metzger
`U. Mukherji
`H. Murphy-King
`S. Nakamoto
`N. Nounou
`A. J. Plotkin
`E. Pinsky
`T. Robertazzi
`K Sabnani
`T. Saydam
`N. Shacham
`U. Shankar
`G. I. Shechtman
`B. Simon
`D.R. Smith
`J.W. Smith
`D. E. Sproule
`A. Sripad
`D. Stemple
`G.R. Terwilligar
`S. Tilli
`F.A. Tobagi
`D. Towsley
`H.L. Truong
`T. Vojir
`P. E Wainwright
`D.E. Ward
`J.A. Wong
`Y.S. Yeh
`O-c. Yue
`P. Zafiropulo

`Table of Contents
`General Chairman's Message ................. ~ ....................................... iii
`Program Chairman's Message ........................................................ v
`General Conference Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. vii
`Program Committee .................................................................. ix
`Infocom Referees .................................................................... xi
`Keynote Session .................................................................... xix
`Session 1A: Stability Considerations of Multiple Access Algorithms
`(Organizer: Victor 0. K. Li, University of Southern California
`Chair: Ysun-Yee Yan, Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology)
`A Stable Multiple Access Scheme for Satellite Communications Networks .................... I
`Mohsen Sarraf and Victor O. K. Li, University of Southern California
`Delay Analysis of Stable Slotted ALOHA Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10
`Loren P. Clare, Rockwell International Science Center
`Dynamic Behavior of Network Access Congestion Control Mechanisms ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20
`Harmen R. van As, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
`Session .1B: Network Interconnection
`(Organizer: c. Guy Omidyar, Riverside Research Institute
`Chair: J. Joaquin Garcia-Luna-Aceves, SRI International)
`Gatewaying Two ALOHA Networks .................................................... 30
`Simoni Ben-Michael Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,
`Raphael Rom, SRI International
`Topologies and Routing for Bridged Local Area Networks . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34
`Daniel A. Pitt, IBM Corporation and Farhad Farzaneh, Duke University
`GATENET: A Voice/Data Internet Transport System ..................................... 39
`Ian Y. Chiou and Ming T. Liu, Ohio State University
`Session 1C: Advances in Communications Pro.ocols
`(Organizer: Krishan Sabnani, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Chair: Frank Magee, AT&T Information Systems)
`Formal Specification of a File Transfer Protocol. ......................................... 47
`S. Aggarwal and K. Sabnan~ AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Broadcasting Finite State Machines: For Modeling LAN Protocols ......................... 58
`M G. Gouda, University of Texas at Austin
`and A. R. K. Sastry, Rockwell International Corporation
`Interactive Verification and Construction of Communication Protocols in PROSPEC . . . . . . . . .. 67
`Simon S. Lam, Ching-Hua Chow, Mohamed G. Gouda, University of Texas at Austin,
`and A. Udaya Shankar, University of Maryland
`Session 2A: Ring-Local Area Networks
`(Organizer: Dr. Werner Bux, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
`Chair: James B. Staton, IBM Corporation)
`A CSMA/CD-Token Ring Local Network Architecture with CSMA/CD- DAMA Protocol .. 76
`Doug Blass, Polygon Associates, Inc.
`and Suchai Thanawastien, University of Southwestern Louisiana
`Performance Approximations for Multimessage Circuit-Switched Rings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85
`C. B. Silio, Jr., University of Maryland
`Token-Ring Local Area Network Management ........................................... 94
`Barbara Don Carlos and Jacalyn Winkler, IBM Corporation

`Panel 2B: Future Broadband Network Architectures
`(Organizer: Bezalel Gavish, University of Rochester
`Chair: John O. Limb, University of Essex)
`Packets or Circuits for Providing Broadband Network Services ............ , .. , ...... , ...... 99
`John O. Limb, University of Essex
`When Bandwidth Isn't the Issue, What Is? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100
`Robert S. Kennedy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`A Single, High-Bandwidth, Common Packet Network .................................... 101
`W. D. Sincoskie, Bell Communications Research, Inc.
`Fast Circuit Switching-A Middle Ground ............................................. 102
`E. Fletcher Haselton, GTE Laboratories Incorporated
`Panel 2C: Networking Standards
`(Organizer: Lakshmi Dias, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Chair: Lakshmi Dias, AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`ISDN Physical Layer Interfaces ....................................................... 103
`B. J. Trived~ AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Implementing X.25 on a Small Computer System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 103
`Sam Kho, AT&T Information Systems
`Standardizing Supplementary Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 104
`Stephanie M. Boyles, BellSouth Services
`The Integrated Services Digital Network: A Raison de Etre ............................... 105
`Jim Bradlee, lliinois Bell
`Session 3A: Local Area Networking
`(Organizer: Ming T. Liu, Ohio State University
`Chair: David M. Rouse, AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`A New Approach to Mesh Local Area Network Routing ....... ;......................... 106
`Y. J. Kang, J. D. Spragins, H. Jafari, Clemson University
`and J.H. Herzog, Oregon State University
`A Reconfiguration Algorithm for a Double-Loop Token-Ring Local Area Network ........... 115
`Raphael Rom and Nachum Shacham, SRI International
`Trends and Issues in Local Area Networks .............................................. 123
`Mohan K. Malhotra, The MITRE Corporation
`and C. Guy Omidyar, Riverside Research Institute
`Session 3B: Local Access Network Design Algorithms
`(Organizer: Bezalel Gavish, University of Rochester
`Chair: Irina Neuman, New York University)
`Parallel Savings Heuristics for the Topological Design of Local Access Tree Networks ........ 130
`Bezalel Gavish and Kemal Altinkemar, University of Rochester
`Neighbor Finding Algorithms For CMST Calculation .................................... 138
`Aaron Kershenbaum and Shu-Lin Peng, Polytechnic Institute of New York
`Location of Concentrators in Designing Local Access Networks ........................... 148
`Hasan Pirku~ Ohio State University
`Session 3C: Performance Analysis
`(Organizer: Bezalel Gavish, University of Rochester
`Chair: RL. Aveyard, AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`Integrated Office Systems Over Local Area Networks: A Performance Study ................ 155
`Nicholas D. Georganas, University of Ottawa and Najah Naffah, BULL TRANSAC
`An Analytic Model for Window Mechanism with Error Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 162
`Adarshpal S. Seth~ University of Delaware
`and Raja Ghosa~ Hindustan Computers, Ltd
`Response Time Distribution of Information Systems Using Broadcast Delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 172
`M H. Ammar, Georgia Institute of Technology
`and J. W. Wong, University of Waterloo
`An Automated Performance Analysis of a Two Phase Locking Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 180
`Nihal Nounou and Yechiam Yemini, Columbia University

`Session 4A: Multiple Access Protocols: I
`(Organizer: James Kurose, University of Massachusetts
`Chair: James Kurose)
`Channel Allocation in Multiple Contention Bus Networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 189
`Jie- Yong Juang, Northwestern University
`and Benjamin W. Wah, University of Rlinois at Urbana-Champaign
`Conflict Multiplicity Estimation and Batch Resolution Algorithms .......................... 197
`Israel Cidon and Moshe Sid~ Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
`An Optimal Hybrid Demand Access Protocol for Unrestricted Topology
`Broadcast Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 204
`Imrich Chlamtac and O. Ganz, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
`Session 4B: Packet Network Analysis
`(Organizer: Bezalel Gavish, University of Rochester
`Chair: Eugene Finkelstein, AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`Message Delays in Prioritized Packet Switching Systems .................................. 214
`John N. Daigle, University of Rochester
`Priorities and Performance in Packet-Switching Networks ................................. 224
`Carl Tropper, McGill University
`Analysis of Re-Assembly Buffer Requirements in a Packet Voice Network ................... 233
`M K. Mehmet Al~ Concordia University and C. M Woodside, Carleton University
`Panel 4C: Recent Advances in Military Communications
`(Organizer: c. Guy Omidyar, Riverside Research Institute
`Chair: Barry Leiner, Research Institute for Advanced Science)
`Army Experimental Packet Switched Network Communications ........................... 239
`Charles 1. Graff, U. S. Army Communications Electronics Command
`The Multiple Satellite System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
`Richard Binder, M/A - COM Linkabit, Inc.
`Integrated Equipment for Military Data COnlmunications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 239
`Michael Corrigan, Defense Communications Agency
`Computing Technology and Military Communications ................................... 240
`Vint Cerf, MCI Digital Information Services Corporation
`Communications for Command and Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 241
`Michael Franke' SRI International
`Session SA: Multiple Access Protocols: D
`(Organizer: James Kurose, University of Massachusetts
`Chair: C. Guy Omidyar, Riverside Research Institute)
`Performance Analysis of Virtual Time CSMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 242
`James S. Meditch, University of Washington
`and D. H. -L. Yin, State University of New York, Buffalo
`Combined Performance Analysis of Joint Polling/Convolutional Coding Schemes
`in Multiple Access Communication Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 252
`L. F. M de Moraes, Instituto Militar de Engenharia
`and Reginaldo Palazzo, Jr., DEE - FEC - UNICAMP
`Dynamic CSMA/CD with a Priority Scheme ........................................... 258
`Sheldon H. Shen, The Ohio State University
`and Howard T. Liu, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
`A Model for Distributed Scan Channel Multiple Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 264
`N. D. Wilson, S. S. Rappaport
`and T. G. Robertazz~ State University of New York at Stony Brook

`Session 5B: Systems for Backbone Network Design
`(Organizer: Bezalel Gavish, University of Rochester
`Chair: Hasan Pirkul, Ohio State University)
`Performance Analysis for the Traffic Engineering of Packet Networks ....................... 269
`Diane D. Sheng, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Capacity and Flow Assignment in Large Computer Networks ............................. 275
`Bezalel Gavish, University of Rochester and Irina Neuman, New York University
`Degree Realization of Link Redundant Communication Networks
`with Specified Connectivity ........................................................... 285
`Jamil N Ayoub, University of Jordan
`Session 5C: Network Reliability/Availability
`(Organizer: Victor 0. K. Li, University of Southern California
`Chair: John Spragins, Clemson University)
`Reliability Bounds for Networks with Statistical Dependance .............................. 290
`Eddy H Carrasco and Charles J Colbourn, University of Waterloo
`SYREL: A Symbolic Reliability Algorithm Based on Path and Cutset Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 293
`S. Hariri and C. S. Raghavendra, University of Southern California
`Reliability Analysis of a Communication Network with Multimode Components ............. 303
`Sheng-Neng Chiou and Victor 0. K. Li, University of Southern California
`An Efficient Method for the Reinforcement of Topological Reliability
`in a Large Data Network ............................................................. 309
`Asim K. Kundu, Jerrold Stach, Tsoung-Ho Wu, U. S. TELECOM/UNINET
`Session 6A: LAN Standards - Progress Beyond the MACs
`(Organizer: Daniel A. Pitt, IBM Corporation
`Chair: Daniel A. Pitt IBM Corporation)
`Current and Future Medium Access Control Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 319
`Daniel A very Pitt IBM Corporation
`FDDI - Fiber, Farther, Faster ......................................................... 323
`Floyd E. Ross, Sperry Corporation
`Logical Link Control ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 331
`James A. Field, University of Waterloo
`MAP, PROWAY and IEEE 802: A Marriage of Standards for Automation .................. 337
`Robert S. Crowder, SHIP STAR Associates Inc.
`The European Approach to LAN Standardization ........................................ 343
`Gianfranco Enrico, Olivetti - DIDAU /DSM
`LAN Management Standards-Architecture and Protocols ................................ 355
`David M Thompson, Concord Data Systems
`Session 6B: Network Operations and Management-Part I
`(Organizers: Kiyoshi Maruyama, IBM Research Division
`and Douglas N Zuckerman, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Chair: Sidney L. Hantler, IBM Research Division)
`Network Management as Described in Systems Network Architecture ...................... 364
`Leo J Cole, IBM Corporation
`Problem Detection, Isolation, and Notification in Systems Network Architecture ............. 377
`Robert E. Moore, IBM Corporation
`Integrated Information Services:
`An Example of the Evolution of Computing Support Organizations ........................ 382
`David T. Barnard, Queens University

`Session 6C: Distributed Computer Systems
`(Organizer: Hasan Pirkul, Ohio State University
`Chair: Hasan Pirkul, Ohio State University)
`Global Heuristics for Distributed Query Optimization .................................... 388
`Arie Segev, University of California, Berkeley
`Clustering Techniques for Large Distributed Systems ..................................... 395
`C. V. Ramamoorthy, Jaideep Srivastava
`and Wei- Tek Tsai, University of California, Berkeley
`Theory and Implementation of Distributed System Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
`A. Faro, 0. Mirabella, G. Tricomi and L. Vita, Universita di Catania
`Session 7 A: Mobile Radio Systems
`(Organizer: Raphael Rom, SRI International
`Chair: Raphael Rom, SRI International)
`Code-Assignment Policies for Multi-Receiver Nodes in CDMA Packet Radio Networks ....... 415
`Yitzhak Birk and Fouad A. Tobag~ Stanford University
`The Canonical Approximation in the Performance Analysis of Packet Radio Networks ........ 424
`Eugene Pinsky, Yechiam Yemin~ Columbia University,
`and Moshe Sid~ Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
`A Fail-Safe Routing Algorithm for Multihop Packet-Radio Networks ...................... .
`J Joaquin Garcia-Luna-Aceves, SRI International
`Session 7B: Network Operations and Management- Part II
`(Organizers: Kiyoshi Maruyama, IBM Research Division
`and Douglas N Zuckerman, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Chair: Douglas N Zuckerman, AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`Universal Operations Systems for Telecommunications Network Operations ................. 444
`Alan R. Johnston, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Customer Control of Switch-Based Services via MACSTAR ............................... 454
`Jeff Rinscheid, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Application of Expert Systems to Transmission Maintenance .............................. 449
`F. Kaplan and R. C. Omanson, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Session 7C: Distributed Algorithms
`(Organizer: James Kurose, University of Massachusetts
`Chair: Victor 0.K. Li, University of Southern California)
`A Distributed Algorithm for Optimum Static Load Balancing
`in Distributed Computer Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
`James F. Kurose and Suresh Singh, University of Massachussets
`Network and User Optimal Flow Control with Decentralized Information .................. 468
`Aurel A. Lazar and Man-tung T. Hsiao, Columbia University
`Local Distributed Deadlock Detection with Finite Buffers ................................ 478
`L Cidon, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, JM Jaffe, IBM
`T. J Watson Research Center and M Sid~ Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
`File Migration and Process Migration in a Local Area Network Environment ...... ~ ......... 488
`Anna Hac, The Johns Hopkins University
`Session SA: Multiservice Local Area Networks
`(Organizer: Kenneth Joseph, Bell Canada
`Chair: Kenneth Joseph, Bell Canada)
`Flow Control in Intergrated Voice and Data Local Area Networks ......................... 496
`Oliver C. Ibe, Georgia Institute of Technology
`Performance Analysis of Error Control Alternatives in Local Area Networks ................. 503
`Akhtar Syed and James A. Field, University of Waterloo
`Data/Image Local Network: Priority Random Splitting With Conflict Detection ............. 510
`Jian-Cheng Huang and Chia-Lung Yeh, Eastman Kodak Company
`An Approach to Fiber Optics DATA/VOICE/VIDEO LAN .............................. 516
`Ming-Kang Liu, David G. Messerschmitt,
`and David A. Hodges, University of California, Berkeley

`Session 8B: Evolving Digital Data Networks
`(Organizer: Kenneth Joseph, Bell Canada
`Chair: S. Nakamoto, Telecom Canada)
`Private Digital Networks ............................................................. 524
`M Hossain and G. J. Ryva, AT&T Information Systems
`Datalink Evolution Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 530
`C. A. Campbell Bell Canada
`ACCUNET® Switch 56 Service ....................................................... 538
`B. Litofsky, W.R. Moe, and G. W. Printz, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Panel 8C: Building Wiring for Communication
`(Organizer: Michael Hluchyj, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Chair: Michael HluchYl; AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`Franc E. Noel IBM Corporation . ............................................... 544
`Frederick E. Weber, AT&T Information Systems .................................. 544
`Harvey A. Freeman, Architecture Technology Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 544
`Stuart J. Yuill, RJO Enterprises, Inc. ............................................ 544
`Session 9A: Analysis of Local Area Networks
`(Organizer: Ming T. Liu, Ohio State University
`Chair: Richard Y. Oh, AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`Analysis of a Star Local Area Network with Collision Avoidance .......................... 546
`A. E. Kamal and V. C. Hamacher, University of Toronto
`A Unified Queueing Model for Performance Evaluation of Local Ring Networks ............. 556
`Y. J. Tang, Harbin University of Science and Technology
`and S. G. Zaky, University of Toronto
`Traffic Analysis of a Local Area Network with a Star Topology ............................ 564
`M Mehmet-Ali, J. H. Hayes and A. K. Elhakeem, Concordia University
`Session 9B: Satellite Networks
`(Organizer: Bezalel Gavish, University of Rochester
`Chair: Krishan Sabnani, AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`A Reliable Pipelining Protocol for the Message Service of the Mobile Satellite Experiment. . . .. 572
`Victor 0. K. Li, University of Southern California
`and T.-Y. Yan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
`A Performance Evaluation of the PDAMA Satellite Access Protocol ....................... 580
`C. F. Pavey, R. P. Rice, Jr., and E. J. Cummins, E-Systems, Inc.
`Developments in High Speed Computer Communications Via Satellite ..................... 590
`Atanasio Casoria, SELENIA SPAZIO
`Session 9C: Queuing Analysis
`(Organizer: Krishan Sabnani, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Chair: S. J. Yuill RJO Enterprises, Inc.)
`On Mu1ti-CJl~nnel Queueing Systems with Fluctuating Parameters ......................... 600
`Moshe Zukerman and Izhak Rubin, University of California, Los Angeles
`Delay Approximations for File Transfers in Computer Networks ........................... 609
`Bernd E. Wolfinger, University of Hamburg
`Queueing Models for Buffers with Dial-up Servers .............. " .................... " . 616
`Peter J. B. King and Nachum Shacham, SRI International

`Session lOA: Mobile Radio Networks
`(Organizer: Victor 0. K. Li, University of Southern California
`Chair: John Daigle, University of Rochester)
`Adaptive Link Level Protocol for Packet Radio Channels ................................. 626
`Nachum Shacham, SRI International
`Time Synchronization and Ranging for Multihop Mobile Radio Networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 636
`Szu-Lin Su, Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology
`and Victor O. K. Ll University of Southern California
`Link Allocation in Mobile Radio Networks with Noisy Channel ........................... 641
`L Chlamtac and A. Lerner, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
`PanellOD: Packet Switching in the DOC Environment
`(Organizer: Kenneth Joseph, Bell Canada
`Chair: 1. L. Rosado, Southern Bell)
`Operation and Management of the Southern Bell Pulselink Network ....................... 649
`1. L. Rosado, Southern Bell
`Public Packet Switched Network (PPSN) Technology Requirements ....................... 650
`B. Turman, Bell Communications Research
`Packet Switched Service Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 651
`R. F. Albers, Bell Atlantic
`Packet Switching in the BOC Environment-A Designer's Viewpoint ....................... 652
`D. Jeanes, Bell-Northern Research
`Session lOC: High Performance Packet Networks
`(Organizer: Michael Hluchyj, AT&T Bell Laboratories
`Chair: Michael Hluchyj, AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`Burst and Fast-Packet Switching: Performance Comparisons ............................... 653
`Peter O'Reilly, GTE Laboratories
`Design of a Broadcast Packet Network ................................................. 667
`Jonathan S. Turner, Washington University, St. Louis
`Protocol for a Distributed Interactive CATV Network .................................... 676
`T. Saadawl N. Jain and M Schwartz, North American Philips Corporation

`Keynote Session
`Barton W. Stuck, Teltron, Inc.
`Overview of Program
`Bezalel Gavish, University of Rochester
`"The Generic Engineering Model of Telecommunications"
`Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, Mel Digital Information Services

`Recent Advances in Military Communications


`Army Experimental Packet Switched Network Communications
`Charles J. Graff
`US Army Communications Electronics Command
`Ft. Monmouth, NJ
`Communication system survivability and effectiveness may be significantly
`improved for bursty computer to computer communications traffic through
`application of packet switched network and internetwork concepts. While
`current military communications are primarily voice oriented, the introduction of
`automated battlefield systems has given rise to the need for improved communi(cid:173)
`cations to support bursty interactive data traffic. This talk describes the system
`aspects and characteristics of experimental packet switched communications net(cid:173)
`works currently being considered for future applications.
`The Multiple Satellite System
`Richard Binder
`M/ A-COM Linkabit, Inc.
`Vienna, VA
`An adv

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