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`Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture
`Version 1.0, 08 Jun 2000 10:41 AM .
`© 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
`Table of contents
`0. Addressing
`1. Discovery
`2. Description
`3. Control
`4. Eventing
`5. Presentation
`What is Universal Plug and Play?
`Universal Plug and Play is an architecture for pervasive peer-to-peer network connectivity of intelligent appliances, wireless devices,
`and PCs of all form factors. It is designed to bring easy-to-use, flexible, standards-based connectivity to ad-hoc or unmanaged networks
`whether in the home, in a small business, public spaces, or attached to the Internet. Universal Plug and Play is a distributed, open
`networking architecture that leverages TCP/IP and the Web technologies to enable seamless proximity networking in addition to control
`and data transfer among networked devices in the home, office, and public spaces.
`UPnP is more than just a simple extension of the plug and play peripheral model. It is designed to support zero-configuration, "invisible"
`networking, and automatic discovery for a breadth of device categories from a wide range of vendors. This means a device can
`dynamically join a network, obtain an IP address, convey its capabilities, and learn about the presence and capabilities of other devices.
`DHCP and DNS servers are optional and are used only if available on the network. Finally, a device can leave a network smoothly and
`automatically without leaving any unwanted state behind.
`UPnP leverages Internet components, including IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, and XML. Like the Internet, contracts are based on wire protocols
`that are declarative, expressed in XML, and communicated via HTTP. IP internetworking is a strong choice for UPnP because of its
`proven ability to span different physical media, to enable real world multiple-vendor interoperation, and to achieve synergy with the
`Internet and many home and office intranets. UPnP has been explicitly designed to accommodate these environments. Further, via
`bridging, UPnP accommodates media running non-IP protocols when cost, technology, or legacy prevents the media or devices attached
`to it from running IP.
`What is "universal" about UPnP? No device drivers; common protocols are used instead. UPnP networking is media independent. UPnP
`devices can be implemented using any programming language, and on any operating system. UPnP does not specify or constrain the
`design of an API for applications running on control points; OS vendors may create APIs that suit their customer's needs. UPnP enables
`vendor control over device UI and interaction using the browser as well as conventional application programmatic control.
`UPnP Forum
`The UPnP Forum is an industry initiative designed to enable easy and robust connectivity among stand-alone devices and PCs from many
`different vendors. The UPnP Forum seeks to develop standards for describing device protocols and XML-based device schemas for the
`purpose of enabling device-to-device interoperability in a scalable networked environment. The UPnP Forum oversees a logo program for
`compliant devices.
`The UPnP Forum has set up working committees in specific areas of domain expertise. These working committees are charged with
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`Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture
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`creating proposed device standards, building sample implementations, and building appropriate test suites. This document indicates
`specific technical decisions that are the purview of UPnP Forum working committees.
`UPnP vendors can build compliant devices with confidence of interoperability and benefits of shared intellectual property and the logo
`program. Separate from the logo program, vendors may also build devices that adhere to the UPnP Device Architecture defined herein
`without a formal standards procedure. If vendors build non-standard devices, they determine technical decisions that would otherwise
`be determined by a UPnP Forum working committee.
`In this document
`The Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture (formerly known as the DCP Framework) contained herein defines the protocols for
`communication between controllers, or control points, and devices. For discovery, description, control, eventing, and presentation,
`UPnP uses the following protocol stack.
`UPnP vendor [purple]
`UPnP Forum [red]
`UPnP Device Architecture [green]
`HTTPMU (multicast)
`HTTPU (unicast)
`UDP [black]
`IP [black]
`SOAP [blue]
`TCP [black]
`At the highest layer, messages logically contain only UPnP vendor-specific information about their devices. Moving down the stack,
`vendor content is supplemented by information defined by UPnP Forum working committees. Messages from the layers above are hosted
`in UPnP-specific protocols, defined in this document. In turn, the above messages are formatted using the Simple Service Discovery
`Protocol (SSDP), General Event Notification Architecture (GENA), and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). The above messages are
`delivered via HTTP, either a multicast or unicast variety running over UDP, or the standard HTTP running over TCP. Ultimately, all
`messages above are delivered over IP. The remaining sections of this document describe the content and format for each of these
`protocol layers in detail. For reference, colors in [square brackets] above indicate which protocol defines specific message components
`throughout this document.
`The foundation for UPnP networking is IP addressing. Each device must have a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client and
`search for a DHCP server when the device is first connected to the network. If a DHCP server is available, i.e., the network is managed,
`the device must use the IP addressed assigned to it. If no DHCP server is available, i.e., the network is unmanaged, the device must use
`Auto IP to get an address. In brief, Auto IP defines how a device intelligently chooses an IP address from a set of reserved addresses and
`is able to move easily between managed and unmanaged networks. If during the DHCP transaction, the device obtains a domain name,
`e.g., through a DNS server or via DNS forwarding, the device should use that name in subsequent network operations; otherwise, the
`device should use its IP address.
`Given an IP address, Step 1 in UPnP networking is discovery. When a device is added to the network, the UPnP discovery protocol allows
`that device to advertise its services to control points on the network. Similarly, when a control point is added to the network, the UPnP
`discovery protocol allows that control point to search for devices of interest on the network. The fundamental exchange in both cases is
`a discovery message containing a few, essential specifics about the device or one of its services, e.g., its type, identifier, and a pointer
`to more detailed information. The UPnP discovery protocol is based on the Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP). The section on
`Discovery below explains how devices advertise, how control points search, and details of the format of discovery messages.
`Step 2 in UPnP networking is description. After a control point has discovered a device, the control point still knows very little about the
`device. For the control point to learn more about the device and its capabilities, or to interact with the device, the control point must
`retrieve the device's description from the URL provided by the device in the discovery message. Devices may contain other, logical
`devices, as well as functional units, or services. The UPnP description for a device is expressed in XML and includes vendor-specific,
`manufacturer information like the model name and number, serial number, manufacturer name, URLs to vendor-specific Web sites, etc.
`The description also includes a list of any embedded devices or services, as well as URLs for control, eventing, and presentation. For
`each service, the description includes a list of the commands, or actions, the service responds to, and parameters, or arguments, for
`each action; the description for a service also includes a list of variables; these variables model the state of the service at run time, and
`are described in terms of their data type, range, and event characteristics. The section on Description below explains how devices are
`described and how those descriptions are retrieved by control points.
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`Step 3 in UPnP networking is control. After a control point has retrieved a description of the device, the control point can send actions
`to a device's service. To do this, a control point sends a suitable control message to the control URL for the service (provided in the
`device description). Control messages are also expressed in XML using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Like function calls, in
`response to the control message, the service returns any action-specific values. The effects of the action, if any, are modeled by
`changes in the variables that describe the run-time state of the service. The section on Control below explains the description of
`actions, state variables, and the format of control messages.
`Step 4 in UPnP networking is eventing. A UPnP description for a service includes a list of actions the service responds to and a list of
`variables that model the state of the service at run time. The service publishes updates when these variables change, and a control
`point may subscribe to receive this information. The service publishes updates by sending event messages. Event messages contain the
`names of one of more state variables and the current value of those variables. These messages are also expressed in XML and formatted
`using the General Event Notification Architecture (GENA). A special initial event message is sent when a control point first subscribes;
`this event message contains the names and values for all evented variables and allows the subscriber to initialize its model of the state
`of the service. To support scenarios with multiple control points, eventing is designed to keep all control points equally informed about
`the effects of any action. Therefore, all subscribers are sent all event messages, subscribers receive event messages for all evented
`variables that have changed, and event messages are sent no matter why the state variable changed (either in response to a requested
`action or because the state the service is modeling changed). The section on Eventing below explains subscription and the format of
`event messages.
`Step 5 in UPnP networking is presentation. If a device has a URL for presentation, then the control point can retrieve a page from this
`URL, load the page into a browser, and depending on the capabilities of the page, allow a user to control the device and/or view device
`status. The degree to which each of these can be accomplished depends on the specific capabilities of the presentation page and
`device. The section on Presentation below explains the protocol for retrieving a presentation page.
`The audience for this document includes UPnP device vendors, members of UPnP Forum working committees, and anyone else who has a
`need to understanding the technical details of UPnP protocols.
`This document assumes the reader is familiar with the HTTP, TCP, UDP, IP family of protocols; this document makes no attempt to
`explain them. This document also assumes most readers will be new to XML, and while it is not an XML tutorial, XML-related issues are
`addressed in detail given the centrality of XML to UPnP. This document makes no assumptions about the reader's understanding of
`various programming or scripting languages.
`Required vs. recommended
`In this document, features are described as Required, Recommended, or Optional as follows:
`Required (or Must).
`These basic features must be implemented to comply with UPnP.
`Recommended (or Should).
`These features add functionality supported by UPnP and should be implemented. Recommended features take advantage of the
`capabilities UPnP, usually without imposing major cost increases. Notice that for compliance testing, if a recommended feature
`is implemented, it must meet the specified requirements to be in compliance with these guidelines. Some recommended
`features could become requirements in the future.
`Optional (or May).
`These features are neither required nor recommended by UPnP, but if the feature is implemented, it must meet the specified
`requirements to be in compliance with these guidelines. These features are not likely to become requirements in the future.
`Address Resolution Protocol
`Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
`Domain Name System
`Flexible XML Processing Profile
`General Event Notification Architecture
`HyperText Markup Language
`HTTPMU HTTP Multicast over UDP
`Simple Service Discovery Protocol
`Universal Product Code
`Universal Plug and Play
`Uniform Resource Identifier
`Uniform Resource Locator
`Uniform Resource Name
`Universally Unique Identifier
`Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture
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`HTTP (unicast) over UDP
`Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
`Simple Object Access Protocol
`Extensible Markup Language
`References and resources
`RFC 2616
`HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol 1.1. IETF request for comments. <http://search.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt?number=2616>.
`RFC 2279
`UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646 (character encoding). IETF request for comments.
`Extensible Markup Language. W3C recommendation. <http://www.w3.org/XML/>.
`Each section in this document contains additional information about resources for specific topics.
`The UPnP team at Microsoft gratefully acknowledges the help we received from the many technical reviewers representing the UPnP
`Forum Steering Committee and the UPnP vendor community. These reviewers contributed technical information, insights, and wisdom in
`developing this document.
`We are also grateful to the software engineers, testers, and program managers at Microsoft who contributed feedback and technical
`content to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and timely.
`0. Addressing
`Addressing is Step 0 of UPnP networking. Through addressing, devices get a network address. Addressing enables discovery (Step 1)
`where control points find interesting device(s), description (Step 2) where where control points learn about device capabilities, control
`(Step 3) where a control point sends commands to device(s), eventing (Step 4) where control points listen to state changes in device(s),
`and presentation (Step 5) where control points display a user interface for device(s).
`The foundation for UPnP networking is IP addressing. Each device must have a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client and
`search for a DHCP server when the device is first connected to the network. If a DHCP server is available, i.e., the network is managed,
`the device must use the IP addressed assigned to it. If no DHCP server is available, i.e., the network is unmanaged; the device must use
`automatic IP addressing (Auto-IP) to obtain an address.
`Auto-IP defines how a device: (a) determines if DHCP is unavailable, and (b) intelligently chooses an IP address from a set of link-local IP
`addresses. This method of address assignment enables a device to easily move between managed and unmanaged networks.
`The operations described in this section are further clarified in the reference documents listed below. Where conflicts between this
`document and the reference documents exist, the reference document always takes precedence.
`0.1 Addressing: Determining whether to use Auto-IP
`A device that supports AUTO-IP and is configured for dynamic address assignment begins by requesting an IP address via DHCP by sending
`out a DHCPDISCOVER message. The amount of time this DHCP Client should listen for DHCPOFFERS is implementation dependent. If a
`DHCPOFFER is received during this time, the device must continue the process of dynamic address assignment. If no valid DHCPOFFERS
`are received, the device may then auto-configure an IP address.
`0.2 Addressing: Choosing an address
`To auto-configure an IP address using Auto-IP, the device uses an implementation dependent algorithm for choosing an address in the
`169.254/16 range. The first and last 256 addresses in this range are reserved and must not be used.
`The selected address must then be tested to determine if the address is already in use. If the address is in use by another device,
`another address must be chosen and tested, up to an implementation dependent number of retries. The address selection should be
`randomized to avoid collision when multiple devices are attempting to allocate addresses.
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`0.3 Addressing: Testing the address
`To test the chosen address, the device must use an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) probe. An ARP probe is an ARP request with the
`device hardware address used as the sender's hardware address and the sender's IP address set to 0s. The device will then listen for
`responses to the ARP probe, or other ARP probes for the same IP address. If either of these ARP packets is seen, the device must
`consider the address in use and try a new address.
`0.4 Addressing: Periodic checking for dynamic address availability
`A device that has auto-configured an IP address must periodically check for the existence of a DHCP server. This is accomplished by
`sending DHCPDISCOVER messages. How often this check is made is implementation dependent, but checking every 5 minutes would
`maintain a balance between network bandwidth required and connectivity maintenance. If a DHCP offer is received, the device must
`proceed with dynamic address allocation. Once a DHCP assigned address is in place, the device may release the auto-configured address,
`but may also choose to maintain this address for a period of time to maintain connectivity.
`To switch over from one IP address to a new one, the device must cancel any outstanding advertisements and reissue new ones. The
`section on Discovery explains advertisements and their cancellations.
`0.5 Addressing: Device naming and DNS interaction
`Once a device has a valid IP address for the network, it can be located and referenced on that network through that address. There may
`be situations where the end user needs to locate and identify a device. In these situations, a friendly name for the device is much easier
`for a human to use than an IP address.
`Moreover, names are much more static than IP addresses. Clients referring a device by name don't require any modification when IP
`address of a device changes. Mapping of the device's DNS name to its IP address could be entered into DNS database manually or
`dynamically according to RFC 2136. While computers and devices supporting dynamic DNS updates can register their DNS records directly
`in DNS, it is also possible to configure a DHCP server to register DNS records on behalf of these DHCP clients.
`0.6 Addressing: Name to IP address resolution
`A computer that needs to contact a device identified by a DNS name needs to discover its IP address. The computer submits a DNS query
`according to RFC1034 and 1035 to the pre-configured DNS server(s) and receives a response from a DNS server containing the IP address
`of the target device. A computer can be statically pre-configured with the list of DNS servers. Alternatively a computer could be
`configured with the list of DNS server through DHCP, or after the address assignment through a DHCPINFORM message.
`0.7 Addressing references
`Automatically Choosing an IP Address in an Ad-Hoc IPv4 Network. IETF draft. <http://search.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-
`Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities. IETF request for comments. <http://search.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1034.txt?number=1034>.
`Domain Names - Implementation and Specification. IETF request for comments. <http://search.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt?
`RFC 2131
`Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. IETF request for comments. <http://search.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2131.txt?number=2131>.
`RFC 2136
`Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System. IETF request for comments. <http://search.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2136.txt?
`Dynamic DNS Updates by DHCP Clients and Servers
`Interaction between DHCP and DNS. IETF Draft. <http://search.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-dhc-dhcp-dns-12.txt>.
`1. Discovery
`Discovery is Step 1 in UPnP networking. Discovery comes after addressing (Step 0) where devices get a network address. Through
`discovery, control points find interesting device(s). Discovery enables description (Step 2) where control points learn about device
`capabilities, control (Step 3) where a control point sends commands to device(s), eventing (Step 4) where control points listen to state
`Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture
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`changes in device(s), and presentation (Step 5) where control points display a user interface for device(s).
`Discovery is the first step in UPnP networking. When a device is added to the network, the UPnP discovery protocol allows that device to
`advertise its services to control points on the network. Similarly, when a control point is added to the network, the UPnP discovery
`protocol allows that control point to search for devices of interest on the network. The fundamental exchange in both cases is a
`discovery message containing a few, essential specifics about the device or one of its services, e.g., its type, identifier, and a pointer to
`more detailed information.
`When a new device is added to the network, it multicasts a number of discovery messages advertising its embedded devices and
`services. Any interested control point can listen to the standard multicast address for notifications that new capabilities are available.
`Similarly, when a new control point is added to the network, it multicasts a discovery message searching for interesting devices,
`services, or both. All devices must listen to the standard multicast address for these messages and must respond if any of their
`embedded devices or services match the search criteria in the discovery message.
`To reiterate, a control point may learn of a device of interest because that device sent discovery messages advertising itself or because
`the device responded to a discovery message searching for devices. In either case, if a control point is interested in a device and wants
`to learn more about it, the control point must use the information in the discovery message to send a description query message. The
`section on Description explains description messages in detail.
`When a device is removed from the network, it should multicast a number of discovery messages revoking it's earlier announcements,
`Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture
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`effectively declaring that it's embedded devices and services will not be available.
`To limit network congestion, the time-to-live (TTL) of each IP packet for each multicast message must default to 4 and should be
`Discovery plays an important role in the interoperability of devices and control points using different versions of UPnP networking. The
`UPnP Device Architecture (defined herein) is versioned with both a major and a minor version, usually written as major.minor, where
`both major and minor are integers. Advances in minor versions must be a compatible superset of earlier minor versions of the same
`major version. Advances in major version are not required to be supersets of earlier versions and are not guaranteed to be backward
`compatible. Version information is communicated in discovery and description messages. In the former, each discovery message includes
`the version of UPnP networking that the device supports. As a backup, the latter also includes the same information. This section
`explains the format of version information in discovery messages and specific requirements on discovery messages to maintain
`compatibility with advances in minor versions.
`The standard multicast address, as well as the mechanisms for advertising, searching, and revoking, are defined by the Simple Service
`Discovery Protocol (SSDP). The remainder of this section explains SSDP in detail, enumerating how devices advertise and revoke their
`advertisements as well as how control points search and devices respond.
`1.1 Discovery: Advertisement
`When a device is added to the network, the UPnP discovery protocol allows that device to advertise its services to control points. It does
`this by multicasting discovery messages to a standard address and port. Control points listen to this port to detect when new capabilities
`are available on the network. To advertise the full extent of its capabilities, a device multicasts a number of discovery messages
`corresponding to each of its embedded devices and services. Each message contains information specific to the embedded device (or
`service) as well as information about its enclosing device. Messages should include duration until the advertisements expire; if the
`device remains available, the advertisements should be re-sent with (with new duration). If the device becomes unavailable, the device
`should explicitly cancel its advertisements, but if the device is unable to do this, the advertisements will expire on their own.
`1.1.1 Discovery: Advertisement protocols and standards
`To send (and receive) advertisements, devices (and control points) use the following subset of the overall UPnP protocol stack. (The
`overall UPnP protocol stack is listed at the beginning of this document.)
`UPnP vendor [purple]
`UPnP Forum [red]
`UPnP Device Architecture [green]
`HTTPMU (multicast) [black] GENA [navy]
`SSDP [blue]
`HTTPMU (multicast) [black]
`UDP [black]
`IP [black]
`At the highest layer, discovery messages contain vendor-specific information, e.g., URL for the device description and device identifier.
`Moving down the stack, vendor content is supplemented by information from a UPnP Forum working committee, e.g., device type.
`Messages from the layers above are hosted in UPnP-specific protocols, defined in this document. In turn, the above messages are
`delivered via a multicast variant of HTTP that has been extended using General Event Notification Architecture (GENA) methods and
`headers and Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) headers. The HTTP messages are delivered via UDP over IP. For reference, colors
`in [square brackets] above indicate which protocol defines specific headers and values in discovery messages listed below.
`1.1.2 Discovery: Advertisement: Device available -- NOTIFY with ssdp:alive
`When a device is added to the network, it multicasts discovery messages to advertise its root device, to advertise any embedded
`devices, and to advertise its services. Each discovery message contains four major components:
`a potential search target (e.g., device type), sent in an NT header,
`a composite identifier for the advertisement, sent in a USN header,
`a URL for more information about the device (or enclosing device in the case of a service), sent in a LOCATION header, and
`a duration for which the advertisement is valid, sent in a CACHE-CONTROL header.
`Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture
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`To advertise its capabilities, a device multicasts a number of discovery messages. Specifically, a root device must multicast:
`(cid:122) Three discovery messages for the root device.
`1 root device UUID **
`2 device type : device version root device UUID and :: and device type : device version
`3 upnp:rootdevice
`root device UUID and :: and upnp:rootdevice
`root device UUID
`USN *
`(cid:122) Two discovery messages for each embedded device.
`1 embedded device UUID **
`2 device type : device version embedded device UUID and :: and device type : device version
`embedded device UUID
`USN *
`(cid:122) Once for each service.
`USN *
`1 service type : service version enclosing device UUID and :: and service type : service version
`* Note that the prefix of the USN header (before the double colon) must match the value of the UDN element in the device description.
`(The section on Description explains the UDN element.)
`** Note that the value of this NT header must match the value of the UDN element in the device description.
`If a root device has d embedded devices and s embedded services but only k distinct service types, this works out to 3+2d+k requests.
`This advertises the full extend of the device's capabilities to interested control points. These messages must be sent out as a series with
`roughly comparable expiration times; order is unimportant, but refreshing or canceling individual messages is prohibited.
`Choosing an appropriate duration for advertisements is a balance between minimizing network traffic and maximizing freshness of
`device status. Relatively short durations close to the minimum of 1800 seconds will ensure that control points have current device status
`at the expense of additional network traffic; longer durations, say on the order of a day, compromise freshness of device status but can
`significantly reduce network traffic. Generally, device vendors should choose a value that corresponds to expected device usage: short
`durations for devices that are expected to be part of the network for short periods of time, and significantly longer durations for devices
`expected to be long-term members of the network.
`Due to the unreliable nature of UDP, devices should send each of the above discovery messages more than once. As a fallback, to guard
`against the possibility that a control point might not receive an advertisement for a device or service, the device should re-send its
`advertisements periodically (cf. CACHE-CONTROL below). Note that UDP packets are also bounded in length (perhaps as small as 512
`Bytes in some implementations) and that there is no guarantee that the above 3+2d+k messages will arrive in a particular order.
`When a device is added to the network, it must send a multicast request with method NOTIFY and ssdp:alive in the NTS header in the
`following format. Values in italics are placeholders for actual values.
`CACHE-CONTROL: max-age = seconds until advertisement expires
`LOCATION: URL for UPnP description for root device
`NT: search target
`NTS: ssdp:alive
`SERVER: OS/version UPnP/1.0 product/version
`USN: advertisement UUID
`(No body for request with method NOTIFY, but note that the message must have a blank line following the last HTTP header.)
`The TTL for the IP packet must default to 4 and should be configurable.
`Listed below are details for the request line and headers appearing in the listing above. All header values are case sensitive except
`where noted.
`Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture
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`Request line
`Method defined by GENA for sending notifications and events.
`Request applies generally and not to a specific resource. Must be *.
`HTTP version.
`Required. Multicast channel and port reserved for SSDP by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Must be
`Required. Must have max-age directive that specifies number of seconds the advertisement is valid. After this duration, control
`points should assume the device (or service) is no longer available. Should be > 1800 seconds (30 minutes). Specified by UPnP
`vendor. Integer.