`(12) United States Patent
`(12) United States Patent
`(12) United States Patent
`(io) Patent No.:
`(10) Patent No.:
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,155,342 B2
`US 8,155,342 B2
`US 8,155,342 B2
`* Apr. 10,2012
`*Apr. 10, 2012
`*Apr. 10, 2012
`Ira Marlowe, Fort Lee, NJ (US)
`(76) Inventor: Ira Marlowe, Fort Lee, NJ (US)
`Ira Marlowe, Fort Lee, NJ (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 516 days.
`U.S.C. 154(1)) by 516 days.
`U.S.c. 154(b) by 516 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis­
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis(cid:173)
`(21) Appl.No.: 11/475,847
`(21) Appl. No.: 11/475,847
`(21) Appl. No.: 11/475,847
`Jun. 27, 2006
`(22) Filed:
`Jun. 27, 2006
`(22) Filed:
`(22) Flled:
`Jun‘ 27’ 2006
`Prior Publication Data
`PI‘iOI‘ PllblicatiOIl Data
`Prior Publication Data
`Us 2007/0015486 A1
`Jan 18, 2007
`US 2007/0015486 A1
`Jan. 18, 2007
`US 2007/0015486 Al
`Jan. 18,2007
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Related U‘s‘Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 11/071,667,
`(63) Continuation-impart of application NO_ 11 /071,667,
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 111071,667,
`filed on Mar. 3, 2005, which is a continuation-in-part
`filed on Mar. 3, 2005, which is a continuation-in-part
`?led on Mar. 3, 2005, Which is a continuation-in-part
`of application No. 10/732,909, filed on Dec. 10, 2003,
`of application No.1 0/732,909, filed on Dec. 10,2003,
`of application No. 10/732,909, ?led on Dec. 10,2003,
`which is a continuation-in-part of application No.
`which is a continuation-in-part of application No.
`Which is a continuation-in-part of application No.
`10/316,961, filed on Dec. 11, 2002, now Pat. No.
`10/316,961, filed on Dec. 11, 2002, now Pat. No.
`10/316,961, ?led 011 1360- 11, 2002, HOW Pat NO-
`(51) Int. CI.
`(51) Int_ CL
`Int. Cl.
`H04B 1/00
`H043 1/00
`H04B 1/00
`(52) U.S. CI. ...
`381/86; 701/36; 455/345
`(52) us. Cl. ........................... .. 381/86; 701/36; 455/345
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................. 381186; 701/36; 455/345
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search .................. .. 381/86;
`(58) Field of Classification Search .................... 381186;
`340/825.24; 700/94; 710/303; 455/99,3.06;
`340/82524; 700/94; 710/303; 455/99’ 306;
`340/825.24; 700/94; 710/303; 455/99,3.06;
`348/837, 838; 725/75; 701/36
`348/837, 838; 725/75; 701/36
`348/837, 838; 725/75; 701136
`See application file for complete search history.
`See application ?le for Complete Search history,
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`References Cited
`References Cited
`3,940,743 A
`2/1976 Fitzgerald
`3,940,743 A
`211976 Fitzgerald .................. 340/172.5
`3,940,743 A
`2/1976 Fitzgerald ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 340/1725
`1474252 A
`1474252 A
`1474252 A
`Gilroy, Amy, “Blitz Safe Bows New SkyLink,” This Week in Con
`Gilroy, Amy, "Blitz Safe Bows New SkyLink," This Week in Con­
`Gilroy, Amy, "Blitz Safe Bows New SkyLink," This Week in Con(cid:173)
`sumer Electronics (TWICE), Nov. 24, 2003 (1 page).
`sumer Electronics (TWICE), Nov. 24, 2003 (1 page).
`Sumer Electronics (TWICE), NOV 24, 2003 (1 Page)
`Primary Examiner — Xu Mei
`Primary Examiner - Xu Mei
`Pr’mry Examl’qer * Xu Mel
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Anatoly S. Weiser, Esq.;
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Ftrm *Anatoly S. We1ser, Esq.;
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - Anatoly S. Weiser, Esq.;
`Acuity Law Group
`Acuity LaW Group
`Acuity Law Group
`_d d O
`d_ d _
`S13) If
`An multimedia device integration system is provided. One or
`An multimedia device integration system is provided. One or
`mu 1me 1a ev1ce1n e a 1on s s em 1s rov1 e . ne or
`more after-market audio irr videoydevicesl,3 such as a CD
`more after-market audio or video devices, such as a CD
`more after-market audio or video devices, such as a CD
`player, CD changer, digital media device (e.g., MP3 player,
`player, CD changer, digital media device (e.g., MP3 player,
`player, CD changer, digital media device (e.g., MP3 player,
`MP4 player, WMV player, Apple iPod, portable media center,
`MP4 player, WMV player, Apple iPod, portable media center,
`MP4 player, WMV player, Apple iPod, portable media center,
`or other device) satellite receiver (e.g., XM or Sirius
`or other device) satellite receiver (e.g., XM or Sirius
`or other device) satellite receiver (e.g., XM or Sirius
`receiver), DAB receiver, video device (e.g., DVD player),
`receiver), DAB receiver, video device (e.g., DVD player),
`receiver), DAB receiver, video device (e.g., DVD player),
`cellular telephone, or any other device or combinations
`cellular telephone, or any other device or combinations
`cellular telephone, or any other device or combinations
`thereof, is integrated for use with an existing OEM or after-
`thereof, is integrated for use with an existing OEM or after(cid:173)
`thereof, is integrated for use With an existing OEM or after
`market car stereo or video system, wherein control com­
`market car stereo or video system, wherein control com(cid:173)
`market car stereo or video system, Wherein control com
`mands can be issued at the car stereo or video system and data
`mands can be issued at the car stereo or video system and data
`mands can be issued at the car stereo or video system and data
`from the after-market device can be displayed on the car
`from the after-market device can be displayed on the car
`from the after-market device can be displayed on the car
`stereo or video system. Control commands generated at the
`stereo or video system. Control commands generated at the
`stereo or video system. Control commands generated at the
`car stereo or video system are received, processed, converted
`car stereo or video system are received, processed, converted
`car stereo or video system are received, processed, converted
`into a format recognizable by the after-market device, and
`into a format recognizable by the after-market device, and
`into a format recognizable by the after-market device, and
`dispatched to the after-market device for execution. Informa­
`dispatched to the after-market device for execution. Informa(cid:173)
`dispatched to the after-market device for execution Informa
`tion from the after-market device is converted into a format
`tion from the after-market device is converted into a format
`tion from the after-market device is Converted into a fOImaI
`recognizable by the car stereo or video system, and dis­
`recognizable by the car stereo or video system, and dis(cid:173)
`recognizable by the car stereo or video system, and dis
`patched to the car stereo or video system for display thereon.
`patched to the car stereo or video system for display thereon.
`patched to the car stereo or video system for display thereon.
`One or more auxiliary input sources can be integrated with the
`One or more auxiliary input sources can be integrated with the
`One or more auxiliary input sources canbe integrated With the
`car stereo or video system, and selected using the controls of
`car stereo or video system, and selected using the controls of
`car stereo or video system, and selected using the controls of
`the car stereo or video system. A docking station is provided
`the car stereo or video system. A docking station is provided
`the car stereo or video system. A docking station is provided
`for docking a portable audio or video device for integration
`for docking a portable audio or video device for integration
`for docking a portable audio or video device for integration
`with the car stereo or video system. Wireless integration
`With the car stereo or video system. Wireless integration
`with the car stereo or video system. Wireless integration
`between the portable audio or video device and a car stereo or
`between the portable audio or video device and a car stereo or
`betWeen the portable audio or video device and a car stereo or
`video system is provided, and voice recognition and speech
`video system is provided, and voice recognition and speech
`video system is provided, and voice recognition and speech
`synthesis capabilities are provided in the portable audio or
`synthesis capabilities are provided in the portable audio or
`synthesis capabilities are provided in the portable audio or
`video device or the car stereo or video system.
`video device or the car stereo or video system.
`video device or the car stereo or video system.
`121 Claims, 36 Drawing Sheets
`121 Claims, 36 Drawing Sheets
`121 Claims, 36 Drawing Sheets
`Car Radio
`Car Radio
`Car Radio
`1 2 -
`1.2;; ___________ _\
`C?ggé" 5
`l ______ __ ______ ._
`20^ i i
`20\ , i
`CD Player
`Radio / DAB
`CD Player ~ Interface ~ Radio 1 DAB
`7 Radio / DAB
`CD Player # Interface
`Input # 1
`Input # 1
`Input # 1
`' *
`MP3 ~
`Input #n
`Input # n
`Input # n
`TOYOTA Ex. 1012

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`10/732,909 (16 pages).
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`11/071,667 (9 pages).
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`11/805,799 (10 pages).
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`Substantive Examination Adverse Report mailed by the Malaysian
`Patent Office on Mar. 13, 2009 in connection with Malaysian Patent
`Patent Office on Mar. 13, 2009 in connection with Malaysian Patent
`Application No. PI 20060884 (5 pages).
`Application No. PI 20060884 (5 pages).
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`Of?ce Action with English translation, dated May 8, 2009, issued by
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`the Chinese Patent Of?ce in connnection with Chinese Patent Appli
`cation No. 200610059421.7 (12 pages).
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`Examiner's First Report dated Mar. 30, 2009, issued by the Austra­
`Examiner’s First Report dated Mar. 30, 2009, issued by the Austra
`lian Patent Office in connection with Australian Patent Application
`lian Patent Of?ce in connection with Australian Patent Application
`No. 2003297898 (3 pages).
`No. 2003297898 (3 pages).
`Supplementary European Search Report dated Jun. 30, 2009, issued
`Supplementary European Search Report dated Jun. 30, 2009, issued
`by the European Patent Office in connection with European Patent
`by the European Patent Office in connection with European Patent
`Application No. EP03796968 (5 pages).
`Application No. EP03796968 (5 pages).
`Office Action mailed by the Japanese Patent Office on Aug. 15, 2008
`Of?ce Action mailed by the Japanese Patent Of?ce on Aug. 15, 2008
`in connection with Japanese Patent Application No. JP2006-056718
`in connection with Japanese Patent Application No. JP2006-056718
`(3 pages).
`(3 pages).
`Office Action mailed by the Japanese Patent Office on Mar. 27, 2009
`Of?ce Action mailed by the Japanese Patent Of?ce on Mar. 27, 2009
`in connection with Japanese Patent Application No. JP2006-056718
`in connection with Japanese Patent Application No. JP2006-056718

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