`Patent Owners



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`U.S. Patent No. 6,331,415
`Appl. No. 07/205,419, filed June 10, 1988
`Issued: Dec. 18, 2001
`Title: Methods of Producing Immunoglobulins, Vectors
`and Transformed Host Cells for Use Therein
`IPR Trial No. IPR2016-00383
`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 6,331,415


`INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ .. 1
`REQUIREMENTS FOR INTER PARTES REVIEW ................................. ..3
`Grounds for Standing ......................................................................... ..3
`Identification of Challenge ................................................................. ..3
`III. OVERVIEW OF THE '415 PATENT .......................................................... ..4
`Technology Background of the '415 Patent ....................................... ..5
`The Purported Invention of the '415 Patent and the Challenged
`Claims ................................................................................................. ..9
`PERSON OF ORDINARY SKILL IN THE ART ..................................... .. 15
`CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ....................................................................... .. 16
`Prior Art Platform Technologies for Expressing Foreign Genes
`in Mammalian Cells ......................................................................... .. 17
`The Axel Patent ...................................................................... .. 17
`The Southern Reference ......................................................... .. 19
`The Prior Art Taught Expression of Single Immunoglobulin
`Chains in Transformed Mammalian Host Cells ............................... ..21
`Owners’ Arguments During Reexamination Regarding Axel .......... ..22
`THE CHALLENGED CLAIMS ................................................................ ..26
`%. %$! 05$% ..........................................................................................
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`%G. "!6  1 !0%#!6a%bb%$/#!$....................................... 
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`#"!%b #0 \!6^#!5$605!%!c#......... 7
`#. ",)*,#,(":2(=*,E$'BC+*:*D)'4=*,d9,'44)+D1*,')D+'+'4
` . $C'#d':"2('+(........................................................................
`<. $C'6*@(C',+!'=','+B'........................................................... 
`]. $C'",)*,#,($2@DC(d9,'44)*+*=6)+D:'%EE@+*D:*F@:)+
`. 3+',4^#,D@E'+(40@,)+D!''d2E)+2()*+!'D2,>)+D#d':............<<
`G%%.6$#$$ 1! 5061 !$/5"#$$#]%b%$ 1
`#. ,*@+> A$C'62:4',"2('+(#+()B)92('4:2)E4 H8&& & <&
` H< 2+>5+>',5.6..e <f'g............................................<7
` . -',-)'3*=(C'62:4',"2('+(0)4B:*4@,'4..............................<7
`Ground 1: The Salser Patent Anticipates Claims 1-4, 9, 11, 12,
`15-20 and 33 Under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) .......................................... ..26
`Overview of the Salser Patent Disclosures ............................ ..26


`Applicable Law of Anticipation............................................. ..30
`The Salser Patent Anticipates Independent
`Claims 1, 15, 17, 18 and 33 ................................................... ..33
`Independent Process Claim 1 ...................................... ..33
`"A process for producing an
`immunoglobulin molecule or an
`immunologically functional
`immunoglobulin fragment comprising at
`least the variable domains of the
`immunoglobulin heavy and light chains, in a
`single host cell..." ............................................. ..33
`". . .comprising the steps of: (i) transforming
`said single host cell with a first DNA
`sequence encoding at least the variable
`domain of the immunoglobulin heavy chain
`and a second DNA sequence encoding at
`least the variable domain of the
`immunoglobulin light chain..." ......................... ..36
`<. #99:)B2F:'b23*=#+()B)92()*+...............................................
`. $C'62:4',"2('+(#+()B)92('4%+>'9'+>'+(
`:2)E4 & & & 2+>.....................................................
`2. %+>'9'+>'+(",*B'44:2)E ........................................
`). h#9,*B'44=*,9,*>@B)+D2+
`)). hiB*E9,)4)+D(C'4('94*=Af)g(,2+4=*,E)+D
`))). hi2+>f))g)+>'9'+>'+(:_'d9,'44)+D42)>
`F. %+>'9'+>'+(",*B'44:2)E......................................88
`B. %+>'9'+>'+(*E9*4)()*+:2)E4 2+> ................88
`>. %+>'9'+>'+(*E9*4)()*+:2)E ..............................8
`8. $C'62:4',"2('+(#+()B)92('40'9'+>'+(:2)E4<&&8&
`& & <& 7& 2+>< ............................................................87
`". .. and (ii) independently expressing said
`first DNA sequence and said second DNA
`sequence so that said immunoglobulin heavy
`and light chains are produced as separate
`molecules in said transformed single host
`cell." ................................................................... ..41
`Independent Process Claim 33 .................................... ..44
`Independent Composition Claims 15 and 17 .............. ..44
`Independent Composition Claim 18 ............................ ..45
`The Salser Patent Anticipates Dependent Claims 2, 3, 4,
`9,11,12,16,19 and 20 .......................................................... ..46


`Ground 2: All of the Challenged Claims Are Obvious Over
`Salser in View of Ochi (I) ................................................................ ..47
`Claims 1-4, 9, 11, 12, 15-20 and 33 ....................................... ..47
`Claim 14 ................................................................................. ..50
`Explanation of Ground 3 for Unpatentability: Claims 2, 18 and
`20 Are Obvious Over Salser in View of Southern ........................... ..51
`The Immunoglobulin Co-Expression rDNA Work Reflected in
`the Boss Patent and Ochi (II) Supports a Finding of
`Obviousness ...................................................................................... ..54
`The Publicly Available Licensing Record of the '415 Patent
`Does Not Rescue the Challenged Claims from Obviousness .......... ..56
`VIII. MANDATORY NOTICES ........................................................................ ..5 8
`]. ,*@+><A#::*=(C'C2::'+D'>:2)E4#,' F-)*@4 -',
`62:4',)+G)'3*= BC)f%g..................................................................8
` . :2)E4 H8&& & <& H< 2+>.........................................8
`<. :2)E 8...................................................................................
`. d9:2+2()*+*=,*@+>=*,5+92('+(2F):)(_A:2)E4<& 2+>
`< #,' F-)*@4 -',62:4',)+G)'3*=6*@(C',+.............................
`0. $C'%EE@+*D:*F@:)+*Hd9,'44)*+,0#\*,`!'=:'B('>)+
`(C']*44"2('+(2+> BC)f%%g6@99*,(421)+>)+D*=
` F-)*@4+'44........................................................................................8
`. $C'"@F:)B:_#-2):2F:'b)B'+4)+D!'B*,>*=(C'^8 "2('+(
`0*'4*(!'4B@'(C'C2::'+D'>:2)E4=,*E F-)*@4+'44............7
`G%%%.#0#$ ! $%6..........................................................................
`#. !'2:"2,(_H%+H%+(','4(.........................................................................
`]. !':2('>2((',4...................................................................................
`. b'2>2+>]2B`H@9*@+4':2+>6',-)B'%+=*,E2()*+........................
`%c.  b56% .............................................................................................7
`Real Party-In-Interest ....................................................................... ..58
`Related Matters ................................................................................. ..58
`Lead and Back-up Counsel and Service Information ...................... ..59
`CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... ..60


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`1)+2: ==)B'#B()*+
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`#:F',(4f< <g
`Final Office Action
`Owners Resp. (6/6/08)
`Cohen & Boyer patent
`Alberts (2002)


`#B)>4!'4'2,BC&7A H< f g
`@B:')B#B)>4!'4'2,BC&A H
`f g
` BC)'(2:.&™€rwz~vr|‚oo€rvpv€~r
`6B)'+B'456#& A7 Hf g
`X®WU 2((2+'*2+>'@F',D',&˜v‘oq}~w
`$C'] ?*@,+2:&7A<Hf g
`!'4'2,BC& A<8 H7f  g
`X®W³ ],@_+B`'(2:.&„x|}|wzq}~y|z~vrvž|
`?*@,+2:*=2+B',&7A87H8 f g
`X®W´ !')BC2,(&{|}œqzqƒxq}|…q€z~w
`nrz~vƒ~qy„vo…qrƒ~€o&E#F4&8A8 H
` f< <g
`X®Y® ]')>:','(2:.&„vr~rp|rƒu~pxŽqsq
` BC)f%%g


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` 8 A8 H7 f g
`X®YX 62C2D2+'(2:.&#'+'()B2::_+D)+'','>
`%EE@+*:*D_& A 77H8f 7g
`X®Y¯ )4C)E@,2'(2:.&qwvo~r|rzu€o|r
`8AH f g
`d9',)E'+(2:%EE@+*:*D_& A H 7
`f g
`X®YY 1)+2:0'B)4)*+&"2('+(%+(',=','+B'
` <&<&"29',*.f?@:.7& g
`X®YZ {qƒ‚oo€rqŠ‚rwtst”qrqrzqwxŠ‚rwt&*.
` H <7f.0.2:.#@D. &< g&
`X®YU *E9:2)+()+{qƒ‚oo€rqst”qrqrzqwx&
`*. H <7f.0.2:.g
`X®Y² 6()9@:2()*+2+>*,>',*=>)4E)442:)+
`{qƒ‚oo€rqst”qrqrzqwx&*. H <7
`X®Y³ *E9:2)+()+„qrzvwv}st”qrqrzqwx&
`*. HGHf.0.2:.g
`X®Y´ ,>',*=>)4E)442:)+„qrzvwv}st
`”qrqrzqwx&*. HGHf.0.2:.g
`Complaint in Centocor v. Genentech,
`No. 08-CV-3573 (C.D. Cal.)
`Order of dismissal in Centocor v.
`Genentech, No. 08-CV-3573 (C.D. Cal.)
`Interference Final
`Walton Expert Rep.


`Baron D601’
`Complaint in Glaxo Group Ltd. v.
`Genentech, No. 10-02764 (C.D. Cal.)
`Order of dismissal in Glaxo Group Ltd.
`v. Genentech, No. 10-02764 (C.D. Cal.)
`Complaint in Human Genome Sciences
`v. Genentech, No. 11-CV-6519 (C.D.
`Order of dismissal in Human Genome
`Sciences v. Genentech, No. 11-CV-6519
`(C.D. Cal.)
`Complaint in Eli Lilly and ImClone
`Systems LLC v. Genentech, No. 13-CV-
`7248 (C.D. Cal.)
`Stipulation of dismissal in Eli Lilly and
`ImClone Systems LLC v. Genentech, No.
`13-CV-7248 (C.D. Cal.)
`Complaint in Bristol-Myers Squibb v.
`Genentech, No. 13-CV-5400 (C.D. Cal.)
`Stipulation of dismissal in Bristol-Myers
`Squibb v. Genentech, No. 13-CV-5400
`(C.D. Cal.)
`X®Z® *E9:2)+()+”|Œv”}v€…Žzƒtst
`”qrqrzqwx&*. H <78f.0.2:.g
`X®ZX ,>',*=>)4E)442:)+”|Œv”}v€…Žzƒt
`st”qrqrzqwxŠ*. H <78f.0.2:.g
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`”qrqrzqwx&*. HGH8 f.0.2:.g
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`†’€~st”qrqrzqwx&*. HGH8
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`*.7& &8 
`Declaration of Margaret H. Baron, M.D.,
`Ph.D., in Support of Genzyme's Petition
`for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent
`No. 6,331,415


` T 

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`^8 92('+(&d. g)+2BB*,>2+B'3)( ¢ .
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`)+-'+(*,4^9@,9*,('>B*+(,)F@()*+(*(C'=)':>324:2)>_'2,4F'=*,'(C'^8 92('+(^4
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`"2('+( ==)B'>@,)+D(C',''d2E)+2()*+*=(C'^8 92('+(&)+B:@>)+D(C'#d':92('+(
`fd. < g.$C' 3+',4*=(C'^8 92('+(3','2F:'(*4@BB'44=@::_2,D@'(C'
`>'E*+4(,2('(C')+-2:)>)(_*=(C'^8 92('+(B:2)E4.$C*4'-',_>)4B:*4@,'4&


`the Salser patent (Ex. 1002). For this reason, the present Petition is not simply the
`'415 patent reexamination redux.
`According to Owners, Axel failed to disclose multiple (two or more)
`different genes of interest in a single genetically engineered host cell. (Axel
`disclosed only multiple copies of the same gene.) Such a disclosure would be
`necessary to support the Office's assertions that the Axel process
`specifically teaches production of intact antibodies, because only that
`interpretation leads to the possibilig; that two different polypeptides §i.e.,
`the heafl and light chains of the immunoglobulin) would be produced by
`the Axel process.
`Ex. 1016, Owners’ Resp. (10/30/06), at 44, n. 26 (emphasis added).
`The Salser patent does not suffer from the infirmities of Axel. Salser
`expressly discloses the introduction of "two or more" genes into a single
`genetically engineered mammalian cell; and it makes it clear (including by way of
`example) that these can be multiple different genes of interest—e.g., a "plurality of
`unrelated genes." Salser also teaches that immunoglobulins are among the wide
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`Variety of proteins that can be produced by the inventors’ disclosed methods. Taken
`together, those teachings would have been understood by a person of ordinary skill
`in the art (POSITA) as an unambiguous instruction to introduce into a single
`mammalian cell the two DNA sequences needed to make an immunoglobulin. The
`Salser patent therefore anticipates the challenged claims or makes them obvious in


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`I G
`Salser + Southern
`There is no redundancy between any of the grounds of the Petition. Ground 2 with
`respect to claims 1-4, 9, 11, 12, 15-20 (i.e., all of the challenged claims except
`claim 14) is argued in the alternative to Ground 1 should the Board find that the
`Salser patent's disclosure of the small genus of "globulins" would not permit a
`POSITA to at once envisage the species of "immunoglobulins" that is the subject
`of the '415 patent claims. Likewise, Ground 3 is presented as an alternative to
`Ground 1 should the Board find that the Salser patent

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