(12) United States Patent
`Xhonneux et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,545,040 B1
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Inventors: Raymond Mathieu Xhonneux,
`Vlimmeren (BE); Guy Rosalia Eugene
`Van Lommen, Berlaar (BE)
`Assignee: J anssen Pharmaceutica N.V. (BE)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`Appl. No.:
`Jan. 24, 1992
`Ritter, J .M., A Study to Investigate the Mechanism of the
`Vasodilator Effect of Nebivolol Isomers on Forearm Blood
`FloW in Healthy Volunteers, J RD, Clinical Research Report,
`NEB—GBR—29, N106922, 1994.
`Ritter, J .M., et al., A Study to Investigate the Vasodilator
`Action of Nebivolol in Patient Volunteers With Essential
`Hypertension, JRF Clinical Research Report, Jan. 1998.
`Ritter, J.M., et al., A Study to Compare the Effect of
`Nebivolol and Atenolol on Forearm Blood FloW in Healthy
`Volunteers, JRF, Clinical Research Report on NEB—
`GBR—27, (N 107424), Oct. 1993.
`Robertson, J.I.S., Janssen Research Foundation, Clinical
`Expert Report, Jan. 1995, 1—47.
`Related US. Application Data
`Rousseau, M.F. et al., Perfusion 10/97, p. 367—375.
`Continuation of application No. 07/325,181, ?led on Mar.
`16, 1989, now abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of
`application No. 07/172,747, ?led on Mar. 23, 1988, now
`Int. Cl.7 .................... .. A61K 31/35; A61K 31/335;
`A61K 31/18
`US. Cl. ...................... .. 514/451; 514/452; 514/602
`Field of Search ............................... .. 514/451, 452,
`References Cited
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`Primary Examiner—Russell Travers
`A method of potentiating the effects of blood pressure
`reducing agents in Warm-blooded animals, said method
`comprising administering to said Warm-blooded animals of
`an effective amount of a blood pressure reducing agent and
`a 2,2‘-iminobisethanol derivative.
`6 Claims, N0 Drawings
`Exhibit 1001-1

`US 6,545,040 B1
`Page 2
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`Van de Water, A., et al., The In Vivo Beta—Adrenergic
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`JRF, A Study to Investigate the Mechanism of the Vasodi
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`Volunteers, NEB—GBR—28, 1993, Ritter.
`JRF, Double—blind, Placebo—controlled Phase—II Study of
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`NEB—GER—9, I 1993 (N 106 599).
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`J RF, Synoptic Clinical Research Report NEB—BEL—42, Jan.
`1994 (N 106563), Goldstein.
`* cited by examiner
`Exhibit 1001-2

`US 6,545,040 B1
`This application is a continuation of our application Ser.
`No. 07/325,181, ?led on Mar. 16, 1989, (noW abandoned)
`Which in turn Was a continuation-in-part of application Ser.
`No. 07/172,747, ?led on Mar. 23, 1988 noW abandoned.
`In US. Pat. No. 4,654,362 there are described 2,2‘
`iminobisethanol derivatives having [3 adrenergic blocking
`properties. It noW has been found that a certain class of
`isomers of said bisethanol derivatives potentiate the activity
`of blood pressure reducing agents.
`The present invention is concerned With a group of
`compounds capable of potentiating the effects of blood
`pressure reducing agents, said compounds being represented
`by the formula
`or the pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salts
`thereof, Wherein
`R1 and R2 each independently are hydrogen or C1_6alkyl;
`R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9 and R10 each independently are
`hydrogen, halo, C1_6alkyl, C1_6alkyloxy, hydroxy,
`cyano, carboxy or C1_6alkyloxycarbonyl; or tWo vicinal
`radicals of R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9 and R10 taken
`together may form a —CH=CH—CH=CH— or
`—(CH2)4— radical.
`As used in the foregoing de?nitions the term halo is
`generic to ?uoro, chloro, bromo and iodo; the term “C1_
`salkyl” de?nes straight and branch chained saturated hydro
`carbon radicals having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms such as, for
`example, methyl, ethyl, 1-methylethyl, 1,1-dimethylethyl,
`propyl, 2-methylpropyl, butyl, pentyl, hexyl and the like.
`The descriptors R and S as used in the above formula (I)
`indicate the absolute con?guration at the respective carbon
`atoms. The carbon atom bearing R1 has the R con?guration,
`Whereas the carbon atoms bearing the hydroxy functions and
`the carbon atoms bearing R2 have the S con?guration.
`Preferred compounds of formula (I) are those Wherein R3,
`R4, R6, R7, R8, and R10 are hydrogen.
`Particularly preferred are those preferred compounds
`Wherein R5 and R9 are hydrogen or halo, particularly ?uoro.
`The most preferred compound is [2R,otS,2‘S,(xS]-ot,(x‘
`benZopyran-2-methanol] or a pharmaceutically acceptable
`acid addition salt thereof.
`The compounds of formula (I) can be prepared folloWing
`the procedures described in US. Pat. No. 4,654,362. Some
`particular Ways of obtaining the compounds of formula (I)
`Will be described hereinafter in some more detail.
`The compounds of formula (I) can be prepared by react
`ing an oxirane of formula (II-a) or (II-b) With an amine of
`formula (III-a) or (III-b).
`OH R,
`OH R1
`R8 —> (I)
`R4 —> (I)
`In (III-a) and (III-b), P is either hydrogen or an appropriate
`protecting group, for example an allyl group, or in particular
`P may be a benZyl group. Or, a reagent P—NH2 may be
`reacted With (II-a) and (II-b) in a one-pot procedure. The
`above described reactions to prepare a compound of formula
`(I) may be conducted in a reaction-inert solvent such as, for
`example, an aromatic hydrocarbon, e.g. benZene or methyl
`benZene; an alkanol, e.g. methanol, ethanol, propanol; a
`ketone, e.g. 2-propanone, 4-methyl-2-pentanone; an ether,
`e.g. 1,4-dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, 1,1‘-oxybisethane; a dipo
`lar aprotic solvent, e.g. N,N-dimethylformamide or N,N
`dimethylacetamide and the like solvents. In certain
`instances, in order to increase the reaction rate, it may be
`appropriate to heat the reaction mixture.
`If in the above reactions P is other than hydrogen, the
`N-protected derivatives of formula (I) are obtained Where
`from the compounds of formula (I) themselves can be
`obtained by a deprotection reaction. For example, Where P
`is allyl, by reaction With an appropriate noble metal com
`pound such as PdCl2 or Rh[P(C6H5)3]Cl, or Where P is
`benZyl, by a catalytic hydrogenation procedure, e.g. palla
`dium or platinum on charcoal in a suitable solvent such as
`an ether, e.g. 1,4-dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, an alkanol, e.g.
`methanol, ethanol, an alkoxyalkanol, e.g. methoxyethanol
`and the like.
`The intermediates of formula (II-a) or (III-b) are obtained
`by the reaction of the amine P-KH2 With (II-b) or (II-a) or,
`by reacting a reagent PZNH, for example dibenZylamine,
`With (II-b) or (II-a) and subsequently selectively removing
`one of the P-groups, eg when P is benZyl by a catalytic
`Exhibit 1001-3

`US 6,545,040 B1
`The compounds of formula (I) With the exception of
`hydrogenation procedure using one equivalent hydrogen.
`The afore described reactions to prepare (III-a) or (III-b) are
`benZopyran-2-rnethanol] ethanedioate(1:1) are deemed to be
`conducted following the same procedures as described here-
`novel compounds and constitute in an additional feature to
`inabove for the preparation of the compounds
`The starting materials (II-a) are obtained by an oxirane 5 the present invention.
`forrnation reaction from an aldehyde of formula (IV-a), eg
`The compounds of formula (I) and the pharrnaceutically
`by reaction of the latter With a trirnethylsulfoxoniurn halide,
`acceptable acid addition salts thereof potentiate the activity
`or from an ethylene of formula (V-a) by reaction of the latter
`of blood pressure reducing agents. In particular they poten
`With a peroxide, e. g. a haloperbenZoic acid. In the same Way,
`tiate the reduction of the blood pressure and of the heart rate.
`the intermediate (II-b) is obtained from the corresponding 10
`As blood pressure reducing agents of Which the activity is
`S-isorners (IV-b) or (V-b). The oxiranes of formula (IV-a-1)
`potentiated there may be mentioned agents having adrener
`obtained in the aforementioned oxirane-forrnation reaction
`gic and/or vasodilating activity. In particular such agents
`are separated in their stereoisorners, eg by HPLC or selec-
`may be the compounds mentioned in US. Pat. Nos. 3,663,
`tive crystalliZation.
`607 and 3,836,671, in particular atenolol; US. Pat. Nos.
`cH=o +
`(CH3)3SO r —>
`3,337,628 and 3,520,919, in particular propranolol; US. Pat.
`The compounds of formula (IV-a), (IV-b), (V-a) or (V-b)
`No. 3,873,600, in particular rnetoprolol; U.S. Pat. No. 3,511,
`are obtained by a suitable separation procedure, ie by
`HPLC, or by a reduction reaction of the corresponding 45 836, in particular praZosin; U.S. Pat. No. 2,484,029, in
`optically active racernic acids Whereas (IV-a) or (IV-b) can
`particular hydralaZine; US. Pat. No. 2,928,829 in particular
`be Converted to (V-a) 0r (V-b) by a Wittig reaction- The said
`guanethidine; US. Pat. No. 2,503,059, in particular phen
`Corresponding Optically active acids in turn can be Obtained
`tolarnine; US. Pat. No. 3,261,859, in particular veraparnil;
`by Conventional Separation techniques> i~e~ by salt or amide
`US. Pat. No. 3,485,847 in particular nifedipine; US. Pat.
`formation with an optically active reagent and a selective 50 NO_ 3,910,924, in particular Carteolol; German Pat NOS_
`crystalhzanon procedure or a HPLC sepafanon'
`2,458,624 and 2,458,625, in particular celiprolol. Aparticu
`The Compounds of formula (I) have baslc propemes, and’
`lar group of blood pressure reducing compounds are the
`consequently, they may be converted to the1rtherapeut1cally
`Compounds of Us‘ Pat‘ NO‘ 4,654,362 other than the
`active non-tox1c acid addition salt forms by treatment With
`Compounds of formula (I) and in particular the enan?omers
`appropriate acids, such as, for example, inorganic acids, 55
`of the compounds of formula (I), 1.e. the SRRR-isomers. A
`such as hydrohal1c acid, e.g.hydrochlor1c, hydrobrornic and
`particular Compound is [2S,OLR,2,R,OUR]_OL,OU_
`the like, and sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid and
`the like; or organic acids, such as, for example, acetic,
`prop anoic, hydroxyacetic , 2_hydrOXyprOp ano 1C,
`benZopyran-2-rnethanol. These groups of' active ingredients
`2-oxopropanoic, ethanedioic, propanedioic, butanedioic,
`are hsted Wlth th? Purpose of provldlng representatlve
`(Z) _g_butenedioic,
`_z_butenedioic, 60 examples but not With the purpose ofrestr1ct1ng the scope of
`2_hydr0Xybutanedi0iC, 2,3_dihydroxybutanedioic,
`the present invention. The said SRRR isorners and the said
`2-hydroXy-1,2,3-propane-tricarboxylic, methanesulfonic,
`particular compound can be prepared folloWing the same
`ethanesulfonic, benZenesulfonic, 4-rnethylbenZenesulfonic,
`procedures as previously described for the preparation of the
`cyclohexanesulfarnic, 2-hydroxybenZoic, 4-arnino-2-
`compounds of formula (I), but starting from the enantiorners
`hydroxybenZoic and the like acids.
`65 of the intermediates (II-a), (III-a), (II-b) and (III-b). The
`Conversely, the salt form can be converted by treatment
`latter enantiorners in turn can be obtained as described
`With alkali into the free base forrn.
`hereinabove for the preparation of (II-a), (III-a), (II-b) and
`Exhibit 1001-4

`US 6,545,040 B1
`(III-b), but starting from the enantiomers of (IV-a) or (V-a)
`and isolating the appropriate stereoisomers in stereochemi
`cal separation procedures. The enantiomers of (IV-a) and
`(V-a) in the same Way can be obtained as described for the
`preparation of (IV-a) and (V-a) starting from the appropriate
`enantiomeric starting materials and/or isolating the appro
`priate stereoisomers in stereochemical separations.
`The compounds of formula (I) and the acid addition salts
`thereof may be administered before, during or after the
`administration of the blood pressure reducing agent pro
`vided that the time of the administration of the compounds
`of formula (I) in relation to the administration of the blood
`pressure reducing agent alloWs the compound of formula (I)
`to be effective in potentiating the effects of the blood
`pressure reducing agent. Preferably the compound of for
`mula (I) and the blood pressure reducing agent are admin
`istered in the form of suitable compositions. Said composi
`tions are meant to also comprise products containing a
`compound of formula (I) as de?ned hereinabove and a
`blood-pressure reducing agent as a combined preparation for
`simultaneous, separate or sequential use in blood-pressure
`reducing therapy. Such products may for example comprise
`a kit comprising a container With a suitable composition
`containing a compound of formula (I) and another container
`containing a composition With a blood pressure reducing
`agent. Such product may have the advantage that the phy
`sician Wishing to administer blood pressure reducing therapy
`can select, based on the diagnosis of the patient to be treated,
`the appropriate amounts of both components and the
`sequence of administration.
`When administered during the administration of the blood
`pressure reducing agent, a composition containing both the
`blood pressure reducing agent and the active ingredient of
`formula (I) may particularly be convenient.
`In a further aspect of the present invention there is
`provided a composition comprising an amount capable of
`potentiating the effects of blood pressure reducing agents of
`a compound of formula (I) as de?ned hereinabove and a
`blood pressure reducing agent. In the said composition, the
`molar ratio betWeen the compound of formula (I) and the
`blood pressure reducing agent may be other than 1:1, but in
`particular may be 1:1. The amount of the active ingredient
`of formula (I) in such composition Will be so that a poten
`tiating effect on the effects of the blood-pressure reducing
`agent is obtained; the amount of the blood pressure reducing
`agent Will be so that When potentiated, a blood pressure
`reducing effect is obtained upon administration. In
`particular, it is contemplated that the molar ratio of the
`compound of formula (I) to the blood pressure reducing
`compound may be situated betWeen 50:1 and 1:50, in
`particular betWeen 20:1 and 1:20, or betWeen 10:1 and 1:10,
`or betWeen 5:1 and 1:5, more particularly betWeen 2:1 and
`1:2. Particular such compositions are those Wherein the
`blood pressure reducing agent is one of the agents pertaining
`to the patents cited hereinabove, and more particularly the
`agents speci?cally mentioned hereinabove.
`The present invention also provides a composition com
`prising a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier and as active
`ingredient an amount capable of potentiating the effects of
`blood pressure reducing agents of a novel compound of
`formula (I) or a pharmaceutically acceptable acid-addition
`salt thereof, as de?ned hereinabove.
`To prepare such pharmaceutical compositions, an effec
`tive amount of the particular compound or compounds, in
`base or acid-addition salt form, as the active ingredient or
`active ingredients is combined in intimate admixture With a
`pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, Which carrier may take
`a Wide variety of forms depending on the form of prepara
`tion desired for administration. These pharmaceutical com
`positions are desirably in unitary dosage form suitable,
`preferably, for administration orally, rectally or by parenteral
`injection. For example, in preparing the compositions in oral
`dosage form, any of the usual pharmaceutical media may be
`employed, such as, for example, Water, glycols, oils, alco
`hols and the like in the case of oral liquid preparations such
`as suspensions, syrups, elixirs and solutions; or solid carriers
`such as starches, sugars, kaolin, lubricants, binders, disin
`tegrating agents and the like in the case of poWders, pills,
`capsules and tablets. Because of their ease in administration,
`tablets and capsules represent the most advantageous oral
`dosage unit form, in Which case solid pharmaceutical car
`riers are obviously employed. For parenteral compositions,
`the carrier Will usually comprise sterile Water, at least in
`large part, though other ingredients, for example, to aid
`solubility, may be included. Injectable solutions, for
`example, may be prepared in Which the carrier comprises
`saline solution, glucose solution or a mixture of saline and
`glucose solution. Injectable suspensions may also be pre
`pared in Which case appropriate liquid carriers, suspending
`agents and the like may be employed. In the compositions
`suitable for percutaneous administration, the carrier option
`ally comprises a penetration enhancing agent and/or a suit
`able Wetting agent, optionally combined With suitable addi
`tives of any nature in minor proportions, Which additives do
`not cause a signi?cant deletorious effect to the skin. Said
`additives may facilitate the administration to the skin and/or
`may be helpful for preparing the desired compositions.
`These compositions may be administered in various Ways,
`e.g., as a transdermal patch, as a spot-on, as an ointment.
`Acid addition salts of (I) due to their increased Water
`solubility over the corresponding base form, are obviously
`more suitable in the preparation of aqueous compositions.
`It is especially advantageous to formulate the aforemen
`tioned pharmaceutical compositions in dosage unit form for
`ease of administration and uniformity of dosage. Dosage
`unit form as used in the speci?cation and claims herein
`refers to physically discrete units suitable as unitary
`dosages, each unit containing a predetermined quantity of
`active ingredient calculated to produce the desired therapeu
`tic effect in association With the required pharmaceutical
`carrier. Examples of such dosage unit forms are tablets
`(including scored or coated tablets), capsules, pills, poWder
`packets, Wafers, injectable solutions or suspensions,
`teaspoonfuls, tablespoonfuls and the like, and segregated
`multiples thereof.
`The present invention also concerns a method of poten
`tiating the effects of blood pressure reducing agents in
`Warm-blooded animals in need of blood pressure reducing
`medication, said method comprising administering to said
`Warm-blooded animals of an effective amount of a blood
`pressure reducing agent and a compound of formula (I) as
`de?ned hereinabove.
`Or alternatively, the present invention concerns a method
`of loWering the blood pressure in Warm-blooded animals
`suffering therefrom, said method comprising administering
`to said Warm-blooded animals of an effective amount of a
`blood pressure reducing agent and a compound of formula
`(I) as de?ned hereinabove.
`Those of skill in treating subjects suffering from an
`increased blood pressure could easily determine the effective
`amount from the test results presented hereinafter. In general
`it is contemplated that an effective daily dose of the com
`pounds of formula (I) or their pharmaceutically acceptable
`acid-addition salts Would be from 0.01 mg/kg to 50 mg/kg
`Exhibit 1001-5

`US 6,545,040 B1
`body Weight, in particular from 0.1 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg body
`Weight and preferably from 0.1 mg/kg to 1 mg/kg body
`All above cited references are incorporated herein by
`The following examples are intended to illustrate and not
`to limit the scope of the present invention in all its aspects.
`Unless otherWise stated all parts therein are by Weight.
`Whenover used in the folloWing examples “A” refers to
`the isomer Which Was ?rst isolated and “B” to the one Which
`Was subsequently isolated.
`Experimental Part
`A. Preparation of the Intermediates
`a) A mixture of 63.4 parts of 6-?uoro-4-oxo-4H-1
`benZopyran-2-carboxylic acid and 400 parts of acetic acid
`Was hydrogenated at normal pressure and at room tem
`perature With 3 parts of palladium-on-charcoal catalyst
`10%. After the calculated amount of hydrogen Was taken
`up, the catalyst Was ?ltered off and the ?ltrate Was
`evaporated. The residue Was stirred in petroleumether.
`The product Was ?ltered off and dried in vacuo at 70° C.,
`yielding 49 parts (83%) of 6-?uoro-3,4-dihydro-2H-1
`benZopyran-2-carboxylic acid (int. 1).
`b) To a stirred solution of 9.75 parts of intermediate 1 in 90
`parts of methylbenZene Were added 16 parts of thionyl
`chloride. The mixture Was stirred for 2 hours at 60° C. The
`reaction mixture Was evaporated. The residue Was taken
`up tWice in 45 parts of methylbenZene and the latter Was
`evaporated each time. The residue Was taken up in 90
`parts of methylbenZene. There Were added ?rst 10.5 parts
`of N,N-diethylethanamine and then a solution of 14.25
`parts of (+)-1,2,3,4,4a,9,10,10a-octa-hydro-1,4a
`[(+)-dehydroabiethylamine] in 45 parts of methylben
`Zene. After stirring for 2 hours, the organic layer Was
`Washed successively With Water, a sodium hydroxide
`solution 10%, a hydrochloric acid solution 10% and
`Water, dried, ?ltered and evaporated. The residue Was
`taken up in 120 parts of Warm ethanol. The product Was
`?ltered off and crystalliZed from ethanol, yielding 6.6
`parts (28.4%) of (A)-6-?uoro-3,4-dihydro-N
`[dehydroabiethyl]-2H-1-benZopyran-2-carboxamide (int.
`c) Amixture of 6.8 parts of intermediate 2, 75 parts of acetic
`acid and 36 parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid Was
`stirred for 24 hours at re?ux temperature. After cooling,
`the reaction mixture Was poured into Water. The product
`Was extracted With 1,1‘-oxybisethane. The extract Was
`Washed tWice With Water, dried, ?ltered and evaporated.
`The residue Was taken up in 1,1‘-oxybisethane. 5 Parts of
`a sodium hydroxide solution Were added. The product Was
`?ltered off, taken up in trichloromethane and treated With
`50 parts of a hydrochloric acid solution 10%. The organic
`layer Was dried, ?ltered and evaporated, yielding 1.1 parts
`of (+)-(S)-6-?uoro-3,4-dihydro-2H-1-benZopyran-2
`carboxylic acid; mp. 99.7° C. [a1D25=+14.88° (c=1% in
`DMF) (int. 3).
`d) To a stirred solution of 22.5 parts of intermediate 3 in 180
`parts of tetrahydrofuran Were added 18.7 parts of 1,1‘
`carbonylbis[1H-imidaZole]. The Whole Was stirred for 1
`hour at room temperature and cooled to —70° C. 136 Parts
`of a 25% solution of [bis(2-methylpropyl)]aluminum
`hydride in methylbenZene Were added dropWise during a
`period of 20 minutes. Upon completion, stirring Was
`continued for 20 minutes at —70° C. 40 Parts of methanol
`Were added and the mixture Was poured into Water. The
`product Was extracted With 1,1‘-oxybisethane. The extract
`Was Washed successively With a hydroch

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