`(12) Umted States Patent
`not Patent No.:
`(451 Date of Patent:
`US 9,116,908 B2
`*Aug. 25, 2015
`References Cited
`(71 i Applicatlt: Realtime nm 1.1.(:, Arntonk. NY (115:
`James J. Fallon. Armonk, NY ("US")
`):’;;;;;k;t;‘,$‘ ""
`lb-"31’ A:;saig11ee: Realtlme Data I.l.C, .’\rmo11.l~:. NY HIS}
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term ofthis
`patent is extended or ad_it.t5tcd under 35
`u.s.c‘. l54(l:1}by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a ttznninal dis-
`[21 ) APPL Na: 1413039276
`_[.m_ 12‘ 20”
`Rt.-z1|tin1e's Response in Opposition to the Defendants‘ Joint Objec-
`tions to Report and Recotruncndation of Magi-snate ltcgarding
`Manon for Partial S11irLma.1'y Judgment oi Invalidity for Indefinite-
`ness. in R'£'(tt'.r."me Dam. U.-t" dXb.{w1’.’t'0 \-1 Par.-ketcer. .’1:r'. e.rr11'.. Civil
`Action No. 6:lJS—t:v—[Ji}l4e1—l.El}; US. District Court for the Eastern
`Prior Puh[icafi(m Data
`District of Texas. dated Jul. 2?. 2009. 15 pages.
`us 201sxo012507 A1
`Jan. 3. 2015
`Related U-5- APP“'=3“l"fl Data
`(7ontinLi.ation olapplicatiott No.
`1 lfS53.4l9. filed on
`01:1. 26, 2006, now Pal. No. 8,756.332, Wl'llCl1 its a
`continuation of application No.
`l0f628.':"95. filed on
`Jul. 23, 2003, now Pat. No. 1130.913, which is a
`continuation of application No. 09f266.3'9-4. Filed on
`Mar. 11. 1999. now Pat. No. 6.601 .104.
`(51 ,1
`Int. Cl.
`(206)? 15/16
`Gllfif-' 17,30
`(200601 ]
`(52) U.S. ( TI.
`(:'06F I 7/30.l5j' (2013.01); (:'06F 1 7/303 7!
`(201 101 }; mi“, 59/n4{2o]3_()1)-_
`[581 Field of Classification Search
`7(l9a’23L 247
`See application file for complete search history.
`Pr1'1r1ar_1-E.\'o1r11'm:r — Philip B Tran
`-‘I''‘'‘’'''‘''‘‘’.'''; “J3""""t 9" Fl’"1'’ _ Sterner Kesslerv G'5'ld*""‘ei3-l
`‘St 1”“ Pd-"I-'( ‘
`“B5TR"( T
`Systems and methods for providing accelerated data storage
`and retrieval utilizing lossless data compression and decom-
`prcssion. A data storage accelerator includes one or :1 pluralit_v
`ofhigh speed data cottlprcssion cncoclcrs that are configured
`to compress data. The compressed data is subsequently stored
`in a target meinory or other storage device whose input data
`storage lJ€t]](.l‘\r_\?l(Zlll]
`is lrtwer than the original input data stream
`lJt:111t:lwIt.l|.lt. bum larly, at data retrieval accelerator Lnclttdcs one
`ora plurality ofhjgt speed data decompression decoders that
`are configured to decompress data at a rate equivalent to or
`faster than the input data stream from the target 1'I.ier11or_v or
`storage device. The deconipresscd data is tl'1e_11 output at rate
`data that is greater than the output rate lrom the target
`memory or data storage device.
`30 ('.laims_. 20 Drawing Sheets
`txvann-in-tn. —.11I'a
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`< "3.-'.‘.1.£..'°"' )4‘ '3$"7_1."‘.‘.'.'l'
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`US 9,116,908 B2
`Page 2
`Int. Cl.
`HIHN 92804
`HWL 29/06
`Ht!-1N 19/1 76
`HMN 19/15
`1'l04‘N 19/H5
`H0-1fN 19/152
`H1)-IN 5/781’
`H0-JN 5/8-1!
`HUJN 5/85
`H0-JN 5X90?
`H04N 9/82
`U.S. Cl.
`(200001 1
`(200001 1
`(201401 1
`(2014.01 1
`(201401 1
`(201401 1
`(200001 1
`(200001 )
`(200001 1
`(200001 1
`(200001 1
`H0->I.’V 9/111042 (201301 )1 H0-1N I9/115
`I9/]52(2014.01): HIMNI9/I76(2014.01'];
`H0-IN5/781' (2013.01); H04N 5/843 (2013.01):
`H04N 5/85 (201301 )1: H04N 5/907 12013.01)‘.
`H0-iN 9.41227 (2013.01)
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