`USUUGGUI 104131
`(12) United States Patent
`(in) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,601,104 B1
`Jul. 29, 2003

`James J. lutllon. Brtmxwllc, NY (US)
`(73) Aqsjgnee: Rmmme [jam ]J[‘C_ New Ymk‘ NY
`( ‘ ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`is extended or adjusted under 3:?
`U-S-C l54(b) byo days’
`(31) AFPL N0-3 0949559394
`Mar. 11. 1999
`Int. (31.7
`(S3) U.S. Cl.
`Fleld of Search ..................................
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`Systems and methods for providing accelerated data stttrage
`and retrieval utilizing losstcss data compression and (Incom-
`preseion. A data storage accelerator incluclcs one or a plu-
`rfllily of
`Spccd data compression cncudurs [hm an;
`cnnligttrcd to simultaneously or scqu-enttally lnsetlessly corn-
`pruss data at a rate Eql.ll\-"ll.1L'-Ell to nr faster than the LI‘ltl]Sl‘l]l.‘:‘u-
`sinn rate of an input data stream. The cnmpressed data is
`subetequenlly attired in a target mcrrtc-try or other storage
`device whose lI1]‘tuI data storage handwtdt I) Is lower than the
`input data stream batztclwidth. Similarly, a data
`retrieval accelerator includes one nra pluralilyuf high speed
`data clccnmpressiun deenders that are ccnligurecl to simul-
`tancously or sequentially losslessly decompress data at at rate
`réiiluivalenl to or faster than the input data stream from the
`tgrgct memory nr Sl‘(j)l'il.gl_.]:_it.\’t.f.‘C.Ti1l‘idCk:.'0rn!?1fE35l‘§Cd data It:
`1 L-[] output at rate
`ata 1 at is greater I an I
`‘la nutptll rats.
`[rum the target rnemory or data storage device. The data
`storage and_ru1rIc\t:tl accelerator method and system may
`In a disk storage adapter to reduce the Lime
`required to store and retrieve data from computer to disk; in
`conjunction with random access rncmnry to reduce the time
`required tn store and retrieve data from random access
`memory; in a display controller to reduce the time required
`lD[!15t.D(l -LllS‘pld}: tlttltt to the tltsplayueonlrtrllerl twrlprfieehettwrt
`an for in an tnputtotltput Lnntro er to recucu.
`required to store. retrieve. or transmit data.
`35 Claims, 20 Drawing Sheets
`Oradle 1 108
`Oracle 1108

`US 6,601,104 B1
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`1 _..J


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 2003
`sheet 2 of 20
`US 6,601,104 B1
`Receive lnitiai
`Data Block From
`Input Data
`Compress Data
`Block with
`~ 202
`Store Data
`More Data Blocks in
`Input Stream ?
`Terminate Storage
`Acceleration Process
`Receive Next Data
`Block From Input

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 3 of 20
`US 6,601,104 B1
`Retrieve Initial
`Data Block
`From Storage
`-— 300
`Decompress Data
`Block with
`—- 302
`Output Accelerated
`Data Block
`"” 304
` More Data Blocks
`For Output Stream ?
`Terminate Retrieval
`Acceleration Process
`Retrieve Next
`Data Block
`From Storage

`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 4 of 20

`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 5 of 20
`_HH__ _E__9+3H_mz2c_mE:r

`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 6 of 20
`US 6,601,104 B1
`IE2 HH__H_.__H_H_.H8_m23H_H;_8_muse.N._8_m2.5_N,_8_m£3_C_8_msun_.H8_mwas
` __H_____HH___H_H_..8_m28HHVx8_m98HN._8_m.23HN,_8_m23HH.._8_m53H,_8_m2.3

`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 7 of 20
`_________Moozpmz ___H.___:__fim+a_He+a_HH,_8_mEmaHH._8_mSan.Hx8_mmanH._8_mEma
`._____._______.norm: ______HHcHH3+;H:.+uH__v_oO_mmama_Hxoo_mEND_xuo_mEND_xoo_mENDHHo>m.5omHHw>

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 8 of 20
`US 6,601,104 B1
`Receive Initial
`Data Block From
`Input Data
`~ 600
`Time & Count
`Data Block
`Data Block
`'“ 504
`Compress Data
`Block with
`~ 606
`Time 8. Count
`Data Block
`W 608

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 2003
`sheet 9 of 20
`US 6,601,104 B1
`-- 610
`Compression Ratio ~ 612
`and Bandwidths
`Store Data
`~ 514
`Ratio and input
`Input Bandwidth Dr
`Compression or
`Receive Next Data
`Block From Input
`More Data Blocks in
`Input Stream ?
`Terminate Storage
`Acceleration Process

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 10 of 20
`US 6,601,104 B1
`Retrieve Initial
`Data Block
`From Storage
`~ 700
`Time 8- Count
`Data Block
`"‘ 702
`Time & Count
`Data Block
`N 708
`Decompress Data
`Block with

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 11 of 2.0
`US 6,601,104 B1
`~ 710
` Determine
`Ratio and
`*- 712
`Output Accelerated
`Data Block
`~ 714
` Modify:
`Output Bandwidth or
`Decompression or
`Ratio and Output
`Retrieve Next Data
`Block From
`Storage Device
`More Data Blocks
`for Output Stream ?
`~ 720
`Terminate Retrieval
`Acceleration Process

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 2003
`sheet 12 of 211
`US 6,601,104 B1

` .jL__..I......2n.._:um@Q=32\EE3n__E___M...__PII!IIIIIIIII1IIIIIOIlII!IIIIOIIII

`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 14 of 2|!
`US 6,601,104 B1
` U.S.Patent

`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 15 of 20
`US 6,601,104 B1
` U.S.Patent


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 211113
`sheet 17 of 211
`US 6,601,104 B1
`Select Initial
`Select lnitial
`Analog Data with
`Parallel Digital
`53:: ";:;tt':]l?:ta'
`Input Analog
`Data with Input
`Latch Parallel
`Digital Input Data
`Convert Serial
`Data Format
`Agifigeig g'g:‘a'
`Signal p
` Buffer Serial
`Buffer Parallel
`Digital Data
`Digital Data
`Buffer Digitized
`Analog Data
`Compress Input Data Block
`Output Encoded
`Data Block

`Jul 29. 2003
` U.S.Patent

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 19 of 211
`US 6,601,104 B1
`Receive Initial
`Data Block
`"‘ 1500
`Decompress Data .-.. 1532
`ata Digitize
`Analog Data
` NO
`ls Data
`Digital Parallel
`Data ‘?
`'~--- 1510 YES
`Analog Data
`Buffer Digitized
`Buffer Parallel
`Digital Data
`Buffer Serial
`Digital Data

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 29, 2003
`Sheet 20 of 20
`US 6,601,104 B1
`Digital to Analog
`Convert Data
`Demux Digital
`Parallel Data
`Output Analog
`Oulput Parallel
`Digital Data
`Output Serial
`Receive Next
`Data Block

`US 6.6il1_.l04 B1
`1. Technical Field
`The present invention relates generally to data storage and
`retrieval and, more particularly to systems and methods for
`improving data storage and retrieval bandwidth utilizing
`Iosslcss data compression and decompression.
`2. Description of the Related An
`Information may be represented in it variety of manners.
`Discrete inforntation such as text and numbers are easily
`represented in digital data. This type of data representation
`is known as symbolic digital data. Symbolic digital data is
`thus an absolute representation of data such as a letter,
`figure, character. mark, machine code. or drawing.
`Continuous information such as speech, music, audio,
`images and video frequently exists in the natural world as
`analog information. As is well-known to those skilled in the
`art, recent advances in very large scale integration {\/LS1)
`digital computer technology have enabled both discrete and
`analog information to be represented with digital data.
`Continuous information reprcsenterl as digital data is often
`referred to as dilluse data. Ditfuse digital data is thus a
`representation of data that is of low information density and
`is typically not easily recognizalile to humans in its native
`There are many advantages associated with digital data
`representation. For instance. digital data is more readily
`processetl, stored, and transmitted due to its inherently high
`noise immunity. In addition. the inclusion ofrcdttndancy in
`digital data representation enables error detection andror
`correction. Error detection andior correction capabilities are
`dependent upon the amount and type of data redundancy,
`available error detection and correction processing, and
`extent of data corruption.
`One outcome of digital data representation is the continu-
`ing need For increased capacity in data processing. storage.
`and transmittal. This is especially true for dilluse data where
`increases in fidelity and resolution create exponentially
`greater quantities of data. Data compression is widely used
`to reduce the amount of data required to process, transmit,
`or store a given quantity of inlbnnatiort. In general, there are
`two types of data compression techniques that may be
`utilized either separately or jointly to enco-deidecode data:
`Iossy and losslcss data compression.
`lios-sy data compression techniques provide for an inexact
`representation of the original uncompressed data such that
`the decoded (or reconstructc.-cl) data dilfers from the original
`uncncodedruncompresscd data. Lossy data compression is
`also known as in'evers1"hle or noisy oompression. Negent-
`ropy is defined as the quantity ofinformation in a given set
`of data. Thus, one obvious advantage. of tossy data com-
`pression is that the compression ratios can be larger than that
`dictated by the negentropy limit, all at
`the expense of
`information content. Many lossy data compression tech-
`niques seek to exploit various traits within the human senses
`to eliminate otherwise imperceptible data. For example.
`Iossy data compression of visual
`irnagery might seek to
`delete information content in excess of the display resolution
`or contrast ratio of the target display device.
`On the other hand, lossless data compression techniques
`provide an exact representation of the original uncom-
`pressed data. Simply stated, the decoded (or reconstructed)
`data is identical
`to the original uncncodcdfuncompressed
`data. I.ossle.~:s data compression is also known as reversible
`or noiseless compression. Thus, losslcss data compression
`has. as its current limit, a minimum representation defined
`by the ncgcntropy of a given data mt.
`it is well known within the current art that data. compres-
`sion provides several unique benefiLs. First, data compres-
`sion can reduce the time to transmit data by more elliciently
`utilizing low bandwidth data links. Second, data compres-
`sion econontizes on data storage and allows more inf'orrna-
`[ion to be stored for a liired memory sire by representing
`information more efficiently.
`One problem with the current art is that existing memory
`storage devices severely limit the pcrforrnance of consumer.
`entertainment. ollicc, workstation, servers, and mainframe
`computers for all disk and memory intensive operations For
`example, magnetic disk mass storage devices currently
`employed in a variety of home, business. and scientific
`computing applications suller from sigttilicattt seek-time
`access delays along with profound reacliwritc data rate
`limitations. Currently the fastest available { |0,0tl0) rpm disk
`drives suppon only a l'z'.1 Megabyte per second data rate
`(MBfsec]. This is in stark contrast to the modern Personal
`Computcr’s Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCl} Buss
`in putfoutput capability ol"Z'.6-1 MBr’sec and internal local bus
`capability of B00 Mlirsec.
`Another problem within the current art is that emergent
`high performance disk interface standards such as the Small
`Computer Systems Interface [SCSI-3) and Fibre Cltanncl
`oifcr only the promise of higher data transfer rates through
`intermediate data buffering in random access memory. These
`interconnect strategies do not address the fundamental prob-
`lem that all modern magnetic disk storage devices for the
`personal computer marketplace are still limited by the same
`physical media restriction of 17.] MBi'sec.
`1’aster disk
`access data rates are only achieved by the high cost solution
`of simultaneously accessing multiple disk drives with a
`technique known within the art as data striping.
`Additional problems with bandwidth limitations similarly
`occur within the art by all other forms of sequential, pseudo-
`random, and random access mass storage devices. Typically
`mass storage devices include magnetic and optical tape,
`magnetic and optical disks. and various solid-state mass
`storage devices. It should be noted that the present invention
`applies to all forms and manners of memory devices includ-
`ing storage deviccs utilizing magnetic, optical, and chemical
`techniques. or any combination thereof.
`The present invention is directed to systems and methods
`for providing accelerated data storage and retrieval by
`utilizing lossless data compression and decompression. The
`present invention provides an eiIc-ctive increase of the data
`storage and retrieval bandwidth of :1 memory storage device.
`In one aspect of the present invention, a method for provid-
`ing accelerated da ta storage and retrieval comprises the steps
`receiving at data stream at an input data transmission rate
`which is greater than a data storage rate of a target
`storage device:
`compressing the data stream at a compression ratio which
`provides a data compression rate that is greater than the
`data storage rate;
`storing the compressed data stream in the target storage

`US 6_.6(l1_.104 B1
`retrieving the contpncssed data stream from the target
`storage device at a rate equal to a data access rate of the
`target storage device; and
`dccornprcssing the compressed data at a decompression
`ratio to provide an output data stream having an output
`transmission rate which is greater than the data access
`rate of the target storage device.
`In another aspect of the present invention. the method for
`providing accelerated data storage and retrieval utilizes a
`compression ratio that is at least equal to the ratio of the
`input data transmission rate to the data storage rate so as to
`provide continuous storage of the input data stream at the
`input data transmission rate.
`in another aspect of the present invention, the method for
`providing accelerated data storage and retrieval utilizes a
`decompression ratio which is equal to or greater than the
`ratio of the data access rate to at maximum accepted output
`data transmission rate so as to provide a continuous and
`optimal data output transmission rate.
`In another aspect of the present invention the data storage.
`and retrieval accelerator method and system is employed in
`a disk storage adapter to reduce the time required to store
`and retrieve data Erorn computer to a disk memory device.
`In another aspect of the present invention the data storage
`and retrieval accelerator method and system is employed in
`conjunction with random access memory to reduce the time
`required to store and retrieve data from random access
`In another aspect of the present invention a data storage
`and retrieval accelerator method and system is employed in
`a video data storage system to reduce the time required to
`store digital video data.
`In another aspect of the present invention the data storage
`and retrieval accelerator method and system is employed in
`a display controller to reduce the time required to send
`display data to the display controller or processor.
`In another aspect of the present invention the data storage
`and retrieval accelerator method and system is employed in
`an inputloutput controller to reduce the time required to
`store. retrieve, or transmit data various forms of data.
`The present invention is realized due to recent improve-
`ments in processing speed. inclusive ofdeclicatcd analog and
`digital hardware circuits. central processing units. digital
`signal processors, dedicated finite state machines (and any
`hybrid combinations thercol’), that. coupled with advanced
`data compression and decompression algorithms, are
`enabling of ultra high bandwidth data compression and
`decompression methods that enable improved data storage
`and retrieval bandwidth.
`These and other aspects, features and advantages. of the
`present invention will become apparent horn the following
`detailed description of preferred ernbodiments, that is to he
`read in connect ion with the accompanying drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a system for accelerated data
`storage and retrieval according to one embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a How diagram oft] method for accelerated data
`storage in accordance with one aspect of the present inven-
`FIG. 3 is a How diagram of a method for accelerated data
`in accordance with one aspect of the present
`FIGS. 40 and -1b are timing diagrams of methods for
`accelerated data storage according to the present invention;
`FIGS. Sn and 5b are liming diagrams of methods for
`accelerated data retrieval according to the present invention:
`FIGS. 6n and 6b cont prise a flow diagram of a method for
`accelerated data storage in accordance with a further aspect
`of the present invention;
`FIGS. 7n and 7b comprise a How diagram of a method for
`accelerated data retrieval in accordance with a further aspect
`of the present invention;
`FIG. 8 is a detaj led block. diagram of a system for
`accelerated data storage according to a preferred embodi-
`ment of the present invention;
`FIG. 9 is a detailed block diagram of a system for
`accelerated data retrieval according to a preferred embodi-
`ment of the present invention;
`FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a system for accelerated
`video storage according to one embodiment of the present
`FIG. 11 is a block diagram oi’ a system for accelerated
`retrieval of video data according to one embodiment oi’ the
`present invenLion;
`FIG. 12 is a block diagram of an inputtoutput controller
`system for accelerated storage of analog, digital, and serial
`data according to one emborliinunt ofihc present invention;
`FIG. 13 is a flow diagram of a method for accelerated
`Storage of analog, digital, and serial data according to one
`aspect of the present invention;
`FIG. 14 is a block diagram of an inputtoutput system for
`accelerated retrieval of analog, digital, and serial data
`according to one embodiment of the present invention: and
`FIGS. 15:: and 15!: comprise a flow diagram of method
`for accelerated retrieval of analog, digital, and serial data
`according to one aspect of the present invention.
`The present invention is dtrcctetl to systems and methods
`for providing improved data storage and retrieval bandwidth
`utilizing lossless data compremaion and decompression. In
`the following description, it is to be understood that system
`elements having equivalent or similar functionality are des-
`ignated with the same reference numerals in the Figures. It
`is to be further understood that the present invention may be
`implemented in various forms of hardware. software,
`firmware, or a combination thereof. Preferably, the present
`invention is implemented on a computer platform including
`hardware such as one or more central processing units
`(CPU) or digital signal processors IIDSP), a random access
`memory (RAM). and ioputfoutput (U0) interface{s}. The
`computer platform may also include an operating system.
`microinstruction code, and dedicated processing hardware
`utilizing combinatorial
`logic or finite state niachines. The
`various processes and functions described herein may be
`either part 01' the hardware, microinstruction code or appli-
`cation programs that are executed via the operating system.
`or any combination thereof.
`It is to he further understood that. because some of the
`constituent syste-In components described herein are prefer-
`ahly implemented as software modules, the actual system
`connections shown in the Figures may differ depending
`upon the manner in that the systems are programmed. It is
`to be appreciated that special purpose microprocessors,
`digital signal processors, dedicated hardware, or and com-
`bination thereof may be employed to implement the present
`invention. Given the teachings herein. one of ordirtary skill
`in the related art will be able to contemplate these and
`similar implerncntations or conligurations ol‘ the present

`US 6,601,104 B1
`Relicrring now to FIG. 1, a block diagram illustrates a
`system for accelerated data storage and retrieval
`in accor-
`dance with an embodiment ct‘ the present invention. The
`system includes ti data storage accelerator 10, operatively
`coupled to a data storage device 45. The data storage 5
`accelerator operates to increase the eflective data storage
`rate of the data storage device 45. It is to be appreciated that
`the data storage device 45 may be any tonrt of memory
`device including all fonns of sequential, pseudo-random,
`and random ttcccss storage devices. The memory storage
`device 45 may he volatile or non-volatile in nature, or any
`combination thereof. Storage devices as known within the
`current an include all
`fontrts of random access memory,
`magnetic and optical tape. ntagnetie and optical disks, along
`with various other fonns ot'solid—state mass storage devices.
`Thus it should he noted that the current invention applies to
`all forms and manners of memory devices including, but not
`limited to, storage devices utilizing magnetic, optical, and
`chemical techniques. or any combination thereof.
`The data storage accelerator ll] receives and processes
`data blocks from an input data stream. The data blocks may
`range in size from individual bits through complete files or
`collections of multiple files, and the data block size may be
`fixed or variable. In order to achieve continuous data storage
`acceleration, the data storage accelerator 10 must be con~ .
`figured to compress a given input data block at a rate that is
`equal to or faster than receipt of the input data. ‘thus, to
`achieve optimum throughput, the rate that data blocks from
`the input data stream may be accepted by the data storage
`accelerator 10 is at function of the size of each input data
`block, the compression ratio achieved, and the bandwidth of
`the target storage device. For example, if the data storage
`device 45 (t:.g., a typical
`target mass storage device] is
`capable of storing 20 megabytes per second and the data
`storage accelerator II} is capable of providing an average
`compression ratio of3: t . then 60 megabytes per second may
`be accepted as input and the data storage acceleration is
`precisely 3:], equivalent to the average compression ratio.
`It should be noted that
`is not
`:1 requirement of the
`present invention to configure the storage accelerator 10 to
`compress it given input data block at a rate that is equal to
`or faster than receipt of the input data. Indeed, if the storage
`accelerator 10 compresses data at a rate that is less than the
`input data rate. butlering may be applied to accept data from
`the input data stream for subsequent compression.
`Additionally, it is not a requirement that the data storage.
`accelcralor 10 utilize data compression with :1 ratio that is at
`least the ratio ol’ the input data stream to the data storage
`access rate of the data storage device 45. Indeed,
`it" the
`compression ratio is less than this ratio. the input data stream
`may be periodically halted to effectively reduce the rate of
`the input data stream. Alternatively, the input data stream or
`the output of the data accelerator 10 may be buffered to
`temporarily accommodate the mismatch in data bandwidth.
`An additional alternative is to reduce the input data rate to
`rate that is equal to or slower than the ratio of the input data
`rate to the data storage device access rate by signaling the
`dttta input source and requesting a slower data input rate, if
`Referring again to FIG. 1, a data retrieval accelerator 80
`is operative ly connected to and receives data from the data
`storage device 45. The data retrieval accelerator 8|] receives
`and processes compressed data from data storage device 45
`in data blocks that may range in size from individual hits
`through complete tiles or collections of multiple files.
`the input data block size may he lixed or
`variable. The data retrieval accelerator 80 is configured to
`decompress each compressed data block which is received
`from the data storage device 45. In order to achieve con-
`tinuous acceleratcd data retrieval. the data retrieval accel-
`erator rnust decompress a given input data block at a rate that
`is equal to or faster than receipt of the input data.
`In a manner analogous to the data storage accelerator It},
`achieving optimum throughput with the data retrieval accel-
`erator R0 is a function of the rate that compressed data
`blocks are retrieved Erom the data storage device 45, the
`of each data block, the decompression ratio achieved, and
`the limitation on the bandwidth oithe output data strcant, if
`any. For example, if the data storage device 45 is capable of
`continuously supplying 20 megabytes per second and the
`data retrieval accelerator 80 is capable of providing an
`average decompression ratio of 1:3, then a 60 megabytes per
`second output data stream is achieved, and the correspond-
`ing data retrieval acceleration is precisely 1:3, equivalent to
`the average dccomprtssion ratio.
`It is to be understood that it is not required that the data
`retrieval accelerator 80 utilize data decompression with a
`ratio that is at most equal to the ratio of the retrieval rate of
`the data storage device 45 to the maximum rate data output
`stream. Indeed. ifthe decompression ratio is greater than this
`ratio, retrieving data from the data storage device may be
`periodically halted to eflectively reduce the rate of the output
`data stream to be at or below its maximum. Alternatively, the
`compressed data retrieved from the data storage device 45 or
`the output of the data decompressor may be bullerecl
`temporarily accommodate the mismatch in data bandwidth.
`An additional alternative is to increase the output data rate
`by signaling or otherwise requesting the data output device
`(5.) receiving the output data stream to accept a higher
`bandwidth. if possible.
`Referring now to FIG. 2, a [low diagram of a method for
`accelerated data storage accordirtg to one aspect ol‘

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