`US007-’-ll 553032
`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45; Date of Patent:
`US 7,415,530 B2
`Aug. 19. 2008
`_. U9-
`OTI-ll3.R PUBLlC‘.‘5£l‘lONS
`l~.. "Some Practical Universal Noiselcas Coiling Tech-
`Rice. Robe.-rl
`niques". Jet Proptllsiun Laboratory. Pasrtdenu. Chliforniii. JPL Pub-
`liczttion T9-22. Mar. I5. l‘J’r"3'_
`[7-1} :'l.f."DJ"m.-‘_I‘. xigem, or Firm Ropes 8'. Gray LLP
`System; and methods for providing accelerated data storage
`and relrli.-val utilizing lossless (J;-itn compression and decom-
`press.io1J..-1 data storage accelerator includes. one or ‘:1 plurality
`oflijgli speed data conipressiou encoders than are configured
`to siniultancously or sequentially losslessly compress data at
`fl rate equivalent to or faster than the Ir.1nsmissiou rate ofzm
`input data stream. The compressed data 18 subsequently
`Smred inawrget ”‘eF'1°’5_’ °““he" Slomge defmfe Wlmseinpul
`data storage l3ElnCl\lr'ldll1 is lower than the original input data
`strewn l3."iI1Cl\\r'ldI1‘l. Similarly. a data retrieval accelerator
`includes one or :1 plurality of high speed data decompression
`decoders that are cuilfigurcd to z-3il11l.llIElllt3lJllSly or sequen-
`lially losslcssly deconlprcss data at a rate equivalent to or
`faster tlian the input data stream from the target ineruory or
`storage device. The deeumpressed data is then output at rate
`data that
`is greater than the uulpul. rate from the large!
`m I W rd M 1 r , dcv.
`Th dam t r ,
`Id 1.‘, I
`l;‘.l'llJ_D 8'5-O.’-.l1:L.‘
`accelerator method and system may employed:
`in a disk
`slum c ada ter to reduce the time
`1 uinccl
`to store and
`relriefire dalaplrom computer to disk; iii-:|111_i1tIictiL1i1 with rau-
`clnm access memory to reduce the time required to store and
`retrieve data l"ron:| raitdom access memory: in :1 display con~
`[roller to reduce the lime required to send display data. to the
`display colltmller or processor; andlor in an iliplilftiulptll
`controller to reduce the time required to store. retrieve. or
`transmit data.
`Oct. 26. zone
`J nines .I Fallon. Annoiik. NY {US}
`l_ * ) Notice:
`[21 ) APPL Nu’:
`llealtime Data LLC. New York. NY
`.Sul:I_]et:1 In any dlsclalnter. llie term ofllus
`patent is cxteiidcd or adjusted lnlder 35
`U'S'C' 154"?) by 0 days’
`Prior Publicafiun Data
`US 1"-007ml-)5-»"483 fil
`Milli 33- 2007
`R'~"“9d U» - -“PP“°a‘i"" Data
`(63) Conliituatioii of application No.
`l0f62H,795, [lied Q“
`JUL 28‘ 2003‘ mm. P“ No‘ 11301913. which is :1
`continuation of application No. ()9f266.3l}-1. filed on
`Mal.‘ I 1‘ 1999‘ new pat‘ Na‘ 6‘6m_104'
`[51 }
`1,“_ CL
`Gag]: ‘I3/go
`U_S_ CL
`(58) Field ul.Clussifimmun Search
`See ztpplication file for complete searclihjstory.
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 19. 2003
`Sheet 1 of 20
`Us 7,415,530 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 19, 2008
`Sheet 2 arm
`Us 7,415,530 B2
`Receive Initial
`Data Block From
`Input Data
`Compress Data
`Block with
`Store Data
`are Data Blocks in
`Input Stream ?
`Terminate Storage
`Acceleration Process
`Receive Next Data
`Block From Input

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 19, 2008
`Sheet 3 M20
`US 7,415,530 B2
`Retrieve Initial
`De-compress Data
`Block with
`Output Accelerated
`Data Block
` More Data Blocks
`For Output Stream ?
`No Terminate Retrieval
`Acceleration Process
`Retrieve Next
`Data Block
`From Storage
`Data Block
`From Storage

`Time Interval
`1 R
`Data Block 2
`Dala Block 3
`Data Block 4
`Data Block i
`Data Block 1
`Data Block
`MET 00 1
`Data Blflck
`I Data Block 1
`I Data Block 2
`Data Block 3
`Data Block 4 I
`I Data Block i
`1' Store Encoded
`Data Block 4
`: Store Encoded
`Data Block I
`store, Encoded : Store Encoded
`Data Block
`Data Block 1
`: Store Encoded
`Data Block 2
`Store Encoded
`Data Block 3
`I !
`Data muck
`Store Encoded I
`Data Brock
`Data Block 1
`Data Biock 2
`Store Encoded
`Data Bfock 1
`Data Block 3
`I Store Ended I
`Data Block 2
`I Data Block (I-1)
`: Store Encoded
`I Data Block {I-2)

`Time Interval
`a a
`d d
`3'‘: B13”:
`33 on
`Data Block
`I Date Black
`Istcre Encoded I
`: Date Bicck
`Data Block
`Daia Blcck
`Stare Encoded I
`Date Block
`gem I
`53*? BI‘-‘ck
`Data Block
`store Encoded
`Data mock
`Data Block
`Data Block
`1 Store Encoded : Store Encoded :
`Datc Block
`Data _Block
`I Store Encoded
`Data Block
`Store Encoded
`Daia Block
`Store Encoded
`Daia Block

`‘I”Irr.e Interval
`I Data Block 4
`Data Block 3
`Data Block 2
`Data Block 1
`Data Bmk
`Data Block 2
`Data Block 3
`Data Block 4
`I Date Block 1
`Dugpug Decoded I Output Decoded . Output Decoded I Output Decoded . Output Decoded
`Data mock
`Data Biock 1
`Data Block 2
`Data Block 3
`Data Block 4
`Data Bfock
`D 3
`Data 3|;-_.cI(
`Dutpug Decoded I
`Data 3105].;
`Data Block I
`Output Decoded
`Data Block I
`Data Block (I-1}
`Data Block 1
`Data Block 2
`Data Block 3
`I Output Decoded I Output Decoded
`Data Block 1
`Data Block 2
`Output Decoded
`Dela Block [I-2)

`Time Interval
`Data Block
`Data nBIock
` |
`Data Block
`' Decompress
`I DataI Block
`I0uIput Decoded I Output Decoded I
`I Datg Block
`Data Block
`I out
`d d
`gpauga I3‘-Tggke
`I M
`I Decompress
`I Decompress
`Data _Block
`Date_I Block
`oI_IgpuI Decoded :0uIputDecodecII Output Decoded I
`Data Block
`D8?-3 BIOOK
`13333 _B|DBI<
`Data. I3Iock
`Data amok
`I Output Decoded I Output Decoded
`Data Block
`Data Block

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 19, 2003
`Sheet 3 M20
`US 7,415,530 B2
`Receive Initial
`Data Block From
`Input Data
`Time & Count
`Data Block
`Compress Data
`Block with
`Time 8. Count
`Data Block

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 19, 2003
`Sheet 9 of 20
`US 7,415,530 B2
`Compression Ratio
`and Bandwidths
`Store Data
`Input Bandwidth or
`Compression or
`' ompression
`Ratio and Input
`ore Data Blocks in
`input Stream ?
`Terminate Storage
`Acceleration Process
`Receive Next Data
`Block From input

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 19, 2003
`Sheet 10 M20
`US 7,415,530 B2
`Retrieve Initial
`Data Block
`From Storage
`Time 8; Count
`Data Block
`Decempress Data
`Biock with
`Time & Count
`Data Block

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 19, 2008
`Sheet 11 of 20
`US 7,415,530 B2
` Buffer
`Data Block
` Determine
`Ratio and
`Output Accelerated
`Data Block
`Output Bandwidth
`or Decompression
`or Buffering
`Ratio and Output
`Retrieve Next Data
`Block From
`Storage Device
`More Data Blocks
`for Output Stream ‘?
`Terminate Retrieval
`Acceleration Process

` Bufferlcmlntet 1
`Bufierfcounter 2
`Bufierfcounhar 3
`Encoded Data
`Stream IIW‘
`Bufferfcountar :1

` zao£s‘s1v‘.«LSn01109!WIS8I10Z'6!'3“VJllawd‘ST!
`Data «In? Nut! Dasertpl‘/or
`FIG. 9

`Video Inpuus}
`Data Output
`1 020



`Dispiay Data
`FIGU RE 1 1

`Parallel Digital
`Serial Digital
`'1 235
`1 240
`1 245

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 19, 2008
`Sheet 17 of 20
`US 7,415,530 B2
`Select Initial
`Analog Data With
`Parallel Digital
`Data With Input
`' Mm‘
`Input Analog
`Select Initial
`Latch Parallel
`Convert Serial
`Digital Input Data
`Data Format
`Analog to Digital
`Convert Input
` Buffer Serial
`Buffer Parallel
`Digital Data
`Digital Data
`Buffer Digitized
`Analog Data
`Compress input Data Block Output Encoded
`Data Block

`Analog Data
`Parallel Digital
`Digital Data
`Serial Data
`Serial Digital

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 19 of 20
`US 7,415,530 B2
`Receive Initial
`Data Block
`Decompress Data
`1 502
`Data Serial
`Digital Parallel
`Data ?
`I ata Digitize n
`Analog Data
`Buffer Digitized
`Analog Data
`Buffer Parallel
`Digital Data
`Buffer Serial
`Digital Data

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 19,2008
`Sheet 20 of 20
`US 7,415,530 B2
`Digital to Analog
`Convert Data
`1 520
`Demux Digital
`Parallel Data
`Output Analog
`Output Parallel
`Digital Data
`Output Serial
`Digital Data
`More Data
`Blocks in Input
`Stream ?
`1 532
`Reoeive Next
`Data Block

`US 17,415,530 B2
`This application is a continuation ofU.S. patent applica-
`tion Ser. No. 103628.795. filed on Jul. 23. 2003. now U.S. Pat.
`No. 7,130,913. which is a continttation ol'lJ.S. patent appli-
`cation Ser. No. t)9X266.39-1 tiled on Mar 1 l.. 1999. now US.
`Pat. No. 6.601.104, both ofwhich are hereby incorporated by
`reference herein in their entirety.
`l . Technical liield
`The present invention relates generally to data storage and
`retrieval and. more particularly to systems and methods for
`improving data storage and retrieval bandwidth utilizing loss-
`less data cornpression and decompression.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Information may be represented in a variety of manners.
`Discrete infonnation such as text and numbers are easily
`represented in digital data. This type ofdnta representation is
`known as symbolic digital data. Symbolic digital data is thus
`an absolute representation o I‘ data such as a letter. Iigure.
`character. tnark. machine code. or drawing.
`Continttotts information such as speech. music. attdio.
`images and video frequently exists in the natural world as
`analog ittfonnation. As is well-known to those skilled in the
`an, recent advances in very large scale itttegration (V151)
`digital computer technology have enabled both discrete and
`analog information to be represented with digital data. Con-
`tinuous informa lion represented as digital data is often
`referred to as diffiise data. Diflitse digital data is thus a rep-
`resentation of data that is of low information density and is
`typically not easily recognirablc to humans in its native form.
`There are many advantages associated with digital data
`representation. For instance, digital data is more readily pro-
`cessed. stored. and transmitted due to its inherently high noise
`immunity. In addition. the inclusion of redundancy in digital
`data representation enables error detection andfor correction.
`Error detection andlor correction capabilities are dependent
`upon Lite amount and type ofdata redttndancy. available error
`detection and correction processing. and extent of data cor-
`One outcome ofdigital data representation is the continu-
`ittg need for increased capacity in data processing. storage.
`and transmittal. This is especially true for ditliise data where
`increases in fidelity and resolution create exponentially
`greater quantities ofdata. Data compression is widely used to
`rcdttce the amount of data rcqtlircd to process. trt-;Inst11it_. or
`store a given quantity of iiiforinatioii. In general. there are two
`types of data compression techniques that may be utilized
`either separately orjointly to encodetdecodc data: lossy and
`lossless data compression.
`Lossy data compression techniques provide for an inexact‘
`representation ofthe original uncompressed data such that the
`decoded tor reconstructed} data dilfers from the original
`uncncodedfuncontpressed data. I.ossy data compression is
`also known as irreversible or noisy compression. Negentropy
`is defined as tl1c quantity o finfortuation in a given set of data.
`Tltus, one obvious advantage oflossy data compression is that
`the compression ratios can be larger than that dictated by the
`negentropy limit. all at the expense of information content.
`Many lossy data compression techniques seek to exploit Vari-
`ous traits within the human senses to eliminate otherwise
`imperceptible data. For example. lossy data compression of
`3 I]
`visual imagery might seek to delete inlonnation content in
`excess of the display resolution or contrast ratio of the target
`display device.
`On the other hand_. lossless data cornpression techniques
`provide an exact representation ofthe original uncompressed
`data. Simply stated. the decoded (or reconstructed) data is
`identical to the original unencodedlurtcompressed data. Loss-
`less data compression is also known as reversible or noiseless
`compression. Titus. lossless data compression has. as its cur-
`rent limit, a minimum representation defined by the negent-
`ropy of a given data set.
`It is well kncrwn within the current an that data compres-
`sion provides several unique benefits. First. data compression
`can reduce the time to I.t'a1'isrttit data by ntore elllcierttly uti-
`lizing low bandwidth data links. Second. data compression
`economizes on data storage and allows more itnormation to
`be stored tor a fixed memory size by representing information
`more etliciently.
`One problem with the current art is that existing memory
`storage devices severely limit the performance of constttner,
`entertainment, office. worl>:st'ation. servers. and 1:nai|1li‘aI't‘te
`computers for all disk and memory intensive operations. For
`example. magnetic disk mass storage devices currently
`employed in a variety of home. business. and scientific com-
`puting applications stiffer liom significant seek-time access
`delays along with profound read./write data rate limitations.
`(.'u11'entIy the lastest available (10,000) rptn disk drives sup-
`port only a 17.1 Megabyte per second data rate (Ml3:‘sec].
`This is in stark contrast to the modern Personal Cornputefls
`Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI ] Bus‘ s inputfoutput
`capability of 264 MB} sec and internal local bus capability of
`S00 Mlifsec.
`Another problem within the current art is that emergent
`high perforniance disk interface standards such as the Small
`Computer Systems Interface (SCSI-3] and Fibre Channel
`offer only the promise of higher data transfer rates through
`intermediate data bttl'liering in random access memory. These
`interconnect strategies do not address the fundamental prob-
`lem that all modern magnetic disk storage devices for the
`personal computer marketplace are still limited by the some
`physical media restriction of l ?.l MB!-sec. Faster disk access
`data rates are only achieved by the high cost solution of
`simultaneously accessing multiple disk drives with a tech-
`nique known within the art as data striping.
`Additional problems with bandwidth limitations similarly
`occur within the art by all other tonne of sequential. pseudo-
`random, and random access mass storage devices. Typically
`tnass storage devices include magnetic and optical tape. mag-
`netic and optical disks. and various solid-state mass storage
`devices. It should be noted that the present irtvcntion applies
`to all forms and ntarmers. of memory devices including stor-
`age devices utilizing magnetic. optical. and chemical tech-
`niques. or any combination thereof.
`The present invention is directed to systems and methods
`for providing accelerated data storage and retrieval by utiliz-
`ing lossless data c

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