`(.2; Umted States Patent
`Dye et al.
`REQUESTING .-KG]-3.-\i'l‘
`I11vent0rs: Thomas A. Dye, 6621 Candle Ridge
`Cove. Austin.
`(US) "F8731: Manuel
`J. .'-\]\"fll‘9Z.. II.
`Pi3'[Jp€l' ROCK Dl'..
`.r\1JSlll‘L TX (US) 73717; PEIOI‘ Geiger.
`[0407 'l_l'i3&.‘iL1n: Island D12, AL]SLl!'1. TX
`(US) 78730
`( "'
`) Nmice:
`Subiccl In any disclaimer. the term Ofllllhi
`patenl is extcxided or adjusled under 35
`Uibit I 1‘-“bl by 0 d lyb‘
`lg” MP1‘ N“" "M39559
`02> Filed:
`Reimd U-S- APP1i9=“i0fl Data
`(03) Cmliriuatiuall-in-Part nf'applicaLi011 N0. 0Rr‘916.4-6-'1.
`filed cu1Aug. H. 1997. m':\\-' 13:11. No. 6.173.381. which
`is a con1'iuuatio11—in—pzm of application No. (183463.
`O11 .ll.ll‘l. 5, 1995. l'i{'.|W‘ Elballdflllfid. \’v‘l1iCl'l iii
`0 comintualiun-i11-pan Mapplicutiun N0. 03;’340.6{'w7.
`filed on Nov. 16.
`.1994. now Pat. No. 6.002.411,
`Int. Cl.
`H()3M 7,39
`G061.“ I.-_a/00
`11.5. (.1.
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`333233.244: 710a’63: 709K247: 341151.
`.-'l4lr’372 7ll/l7U
`See application lile for complete sean:l1 liismry.
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`Data Cotttpressor. EuroMict'o 96 Conference. IEEE. Sep. 1996. pp.
`“ cited by cxzuniner
`.':‘.\-mttmezr-— Ilong Kiru
`An integrated mentory controller {IMC} including Memo-
`ryF."X Teciinology which includes data compression and
`decompression engities for
`improved perlonnance. The
`memory con1roller(lM(‘,l ofllie present invention preferably
`selectively uses at combination of lossless.
`lossy. and no
`compression modes. Data transfers to and from the inte-
`grated memory controller of the present‘ invention can thus
`be in a plurality of fornists.
`these being compressed or
`normal (I1t)1'l-Ct)t'tlprE.'SS6(1)_. compressed lossy or lossless. or
`compressed with a combination of lossy and lossless. The
`invention also indicates pl‘E!1iE:t'rEd methods for specific com-
`prcssiou and dccornprcssion of particular data lortnats such
`as digital video. 3D textures and image data using :1 com-
`bination of novel lossy and lossless compression algorithms
`in block or span addressable fomtats. To improve latency
`and reduce per1"orm:mce degradations normally associated
`with compression and decompression techniques,
`Menloryl".-‘X Tee-ltnology encompasses multiple novel tech-
`niques stlch as: 1 1 parallel losslcss t:ompressi0nf¢lecompres'-
`sion; 2) selectable compression modes such as lossless.
`lossy or no compression: 3) priority compression mode: 4]
`data cache toehniqttes; 5) variable compression block sizes:
`6] compression nsortdcring; and 7] unique address transla-
`tion. attribute. and address caches. The parallel compression
`and decompression algorilllut allows ltiglt-speed pawl]:-1
`compression and high speed parallel dccorupression opera-
`tion. The IMC also preferably uses a special memory
`allocation and directory teclmjque tor reduction of table size
`and low latency operation. 'l1:te integrated data contpression
`and decompression capabilities of the [MC remove system
`bottle-necks and increase perlormattcc. This allows lower
`cost systems due to smaller data storage. reduced bandwidth
`reqttirelttcnts. reduced power and !‘lL‘llf-I-.‘.
`16 Claims, 34 Drawing Sheets

`Cache E cpu
`Local Bus 1o5—-. H A
`Frame Buffer Memory 114
`Hard Disk
`HO Subsystem
`Audro DAG
`IIO Bus 113
`Fig. 1
`(Prior An‘)

`IIO Subsystem
`Video Display 142
`Fig. 2
` Keyboard

`Local Bus 106
`Local CPUr'RiSC IIF
`(lntegraterzi External)
`Audio 8. Modern
`System Memory
`Video IIO & Formal
`Memory Controlier
`Digital Video IIF
`wirh Mem§£yF!X Block
`VDRL En ine &
`Display F F0‘s
`2DI3D!video Graphics
`Eng. VGA
`Peripheral Bus I30 Interface
`Fig. 3

`_______ _ _ _R§'l“E5£3_"§’903153.31
`Address Bus 1 215
`Data Bus 1 216
`Address Bus I1
`Data Bus n
`Parailel Compression 8. Decompression Unit
`Control Unit
`_____________ _ _
`L3 Data Cache
`Compressed Data

`“* I
`_ Switcltny
`-I switch
`T L
`E""'"° E
`Engine E


`Fr9- 5
`— c
`T - Tag
`L - Length
`Ty - Type
`S - Status Iflt'8Z‘06l‘LSn

`Inpui Data
`Entrysi ss
`ssss 5:?
`. 6B

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 13, 2007
`Sheet 7 of 34
`US 7,190,284 B1
`Parallel Compression
`Maintain a history table
`comprising entries
`Maintain a current count of prior
`matches for each entry in the
`history table
`Receive Uncompressed data
`Compare a plurality of symbols with
`each entry in history table
`Determine match information for each
`of the plurality of symbols based on
`the current cc-untlzland compare results
`Output compressed data in response
`to the mattih information
`Fig. 7

`‘W U"°°."‘|’"’55°d 35'”"’°'3
`to Hastnnr window
` Yes
`Ft sh Ramainin
`Add Uncompressed Symbots
`to History Window
`c°J3§1'§c7aa53{1§§$ 21%”
`Output Previous
`Compressed Data Info
`Output Symbol
`Output Compressed
`r IS Match Include
`the '35‘ Symbol?
`araltel. Shown
`Performed in
`serially for e-age of Iltuslrahun
`Reset Counter to Max of
`Symbol Count In Match
`Increase Counter by
`# of Symbuls
`one match?
`Select Largest Match
`Inciudlng Pfimus Match
`Output Previous
`Compressed Data Info
`Fig. 8

`Entry D Data Byte
`Data 3
`Data 2
`Data 1
`Data 0
`Outputs to
`Entry D Counter
`Output Mask
`Output Count
`Fig. 9

`0 Count & Mask
`Entry 1 Count & Mask
`2 Count & Mask
`n Count 3. Mask
`Ent 0 Count & Mask
`1 Count & Mask
`Em 2 Cflunt & Mask
`n Count 8: Mask
`0 Com ress Mask
`Prev Count Index
`Output Stream
`Combined Comress Mask
`n Compress Mask
`Fig. 10
`Output Data Stream
`Reset Value
`Max Count Index
`To Results Calculation

`Fig. 11
`Saved +4
`New Counter
`0 |
`Input Matches

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 13, 2007
`Sheet 12 or 34
`US 7,190,284 B1
`Send out
`compressed block
`Adjust max count
`to 4 or less
` Yes
`Mask — 10000?
`Send out
`compressed block
`No Yes
`No Yes
`Send LZ12
`compressed block
`CCM(O) = 1?
`Send out data 0
`Send out data 0
`Send out data O
`Fig. 12

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 13,2007
`Sheet 13 of 34
`Us 7,190,284 B1
`cm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
`Input D3:U COF?F3F9
`sm1om mnflnmflnnflflfinnflflm
`cm @m@@m@@mmmmmmmmm
`Input D3:0
`smzvm Efliflflflflflflflflfiflflfifl
`Maskout |i'l|T_F||l'l
`were IE2!
`1 3
`Alternate Output


`Select Generation
`B 0 1 X X
`Fig. 1
` l._'%flI
`2 Way

`-...-..--._._-.._- .._....__......_.......................................................—..-........_............_........r
`Lossy Compression Engine fl
`Loasy Decompression Engine fl

`3 ?
`Fig. 19
`Amax=Amin = Dxfll]
`max = Amin .!= 00 or FF IEEEEIIEE
`—:EEI[EEE [E1313 413 "5
`Yrnax IEEIEEI 01
`15b1'f5 —— if:
`‘"3 bits
`_— HE Bbits EEEEEI 4f3 bits
`_ I@IID%_ 3?-9 B fies
`T WHERE 4:‘?! bits
`418 bits
`32 tilts jj
`T E Bblts mmmm 4!8 bits
`4i8bIts [Maj
`9H0 B 195
`—— 5bitS5bil8 5bit54!3bilS 32bif5

`Loss-"Les; Parallal
`Compres§_:%n Engine
`——————— — —
`Memory Bus
`Lossy Compression
`_____________ _ .
`Lnssy Decompression
`En Ina
`-—- - --uv Decornpressad Data

`5 3’
`g E
`— — —FrI'rnaryoompres5ion
`___ _ _ _ '"[9"T‘9°"3°9
`----------- Decompression
`Loss-Less Parailel
`Compressed Data
`"""""""""""""" "
`Fig. 20

`Hg. 21

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 13. 2007
`Sheet 20 of 34
`US 7,190,284 B1
`Compression of received data
`Receive uncompressed data
` Determine a compression mode
`of the data
`Selectively compress the
`uncompressed data according to the
`compression mode
`Store the data in the memory; store
`compression mode information with
`the data
`Fig, 22

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 13, 2007
`Sheet 21 of 34
`US 7,190,284 B1
`Access compressed data
`Receive a request for the data
`Access the data from the memory
`Determine a compression mode
`for the data
`Selectively decompress the data
`according to the compression mode
`Provide the data in response
`to the request
`Fig. 23

`Address (31:01
`Compressed Address Translation Table [GATT] Overflow Address Table {OAT}
`?2 bits per entry
`53 bus per entry
`1 entry per oompressed memory range
`256 entry max
`CATT not required for
`single address range
`['re frame buffers} Initiai Allocation Area
`Memory Block Equal in srze to Memory Range
`Srze Divided by Maximum Compression Ratio.
`Contains one compressed block for each
`uncompressed block.
` Ii]f78Z‘{Ifi[‘,’_Sf]H?J“U139115‘r‘.GOZ'€I"WINIIIIGJBJ'S'fl
` Overflow Area
`Memory Block Contains all remaining
`compressed blocks for each
`uncompressed block.
`Decompression Engines
`flf fl
`Add! (1110)
`Output Formal Switch
`Compressed Data
`Deoompressed Data
`F,"g_ 24

`Memory Allocation Fields
`Starting Addr
`20 bits
`4GB Addressabllily
`4K Boundry
`Ending Addr
`20 bits
`-3- SU!
`ala Plr
`0 bits
`OAT Ptr
`K Boundry
`Blk Size
`4K Boundry
`Overflow Address Table (DAT)-258 Entry Max
`4K Boundry
`ED bits
`24 bits
`8 bits
`‘_m E"i-v-
`axaoundw T
`lnllial Header Description
`1oA{2n no
`11 iA{a+20 bins:
`Last B|ocldUnusecl
`_Z The nexl block follows physically after this one
`10A (8 bits}
`The next block is A blocks before this one {or after?)
`110A [20 bils} E The next block is at offset A in lhe Overflow Area
`11 1 IA {a+2o bits]
`The next block is at offset A in the Overflow Area of DAT entry I
`Fig. 25

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 13, 2007
`Sheet 24 M34
`US 7,190,284 B1
`@Memory Allocation
`[initialized GATT)
`Allocate CATT Ent
`Arrange entry order
`(if required basedzofri gtartlend address)
`Set the compression type
`271 5
`A|locate% of the requested memory
`(Based on block size and compression type)
`Set the data pointer to start at the initial block
`in the CATT
`Allocate Overflow Address memory (DAM)
`(Set by IMC driver or BIOS)
`Typically 118th original data size
`Initialize the OAT pointer in the CATT
`Initialize allocated memory headers to zero
`initialize OAT entries, set overflow
`pointer in DAT
`Fig. 26

`US. Patent
`Mar. 13, 2007
`Sheet 25 of 34
`US 7,190,284 B1
` @Compressed
`Memory Store (Addr N)
`Cache for Hit
`While searching CA1T
`Calculate Initial Address I, continue to
`compress data (Validate present entry)
`H = Header
`from Address I
`Compressed block
`:>Btock Size?
`(531 Next
`Add,-955 (U:f(H))
`Store block of Compressed data at
`address I with header=LAST
`Store btock of Compressed data at
`address I with2t1?e:r3a9der(U) Set I=U
`Q H2=HeaderfromAddress H Set
`Store uncompressed btock and header
`at Add N in cache and set most
`recently modified bit for cache
`header of H to UNUSED Set I-i=f(H2)
`Fig. 27

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 13,2007
`Sheet 26 of 34
`US 7,190,234 B1
`Deliver dezztggom cache
`@Memory Fetch
`(address N)
`Cache Directory HIT?
`Solve for initial address (I) = (Matching
`GATT start address - N){)(
`(X is based on data type)
`Fetch from memory
`compressed block I
`Strip the Header bits, and decompress
`the remaining data from I
`Fetch the overflow block using the
`overflow pointer as base and the
`header as offset
`LAST Biock?
`Read compressed overflow blocks
`Send decompressed data to
`requesting agent
`Update Cache, invalidate LRU, mark
`new block as MRU
`Completed compressed
`read operation
`Fig 28

`Get next
`address §R=fiH]}
`Caiculate next trl-oak adtfress poinnar
`A = 1(H2?eoader N:
`bmck OAT En1ry{u||'F
`Read Ouesllovn Header @R
`New Overflow pointer from OAT
`@nex1 painter
`is next
`overflow pointer uaiid?
`R = R+B|ocI: S‘ e
`header ilidlcated Unused '?‘
`Next address painter = R 0 block size
` [HI78Z"[I6I"LSf]PE10L2-l33llSL003"El'-WWI|Il3Z|Bd'S'f1
`Atlocate new black afflverflaw memory
`and OAT ann-
`Store resulling poinier in
`next address poirler
`Set new OAT painter and valid bit
`Calculaua new ovadluw block address
`[Fll= ffUVI1Pn1.r, ofiset. block size]

`win OF
`1- 33%
`Fig. 30
`4.3% [HI78Z'[I()I"LSJ]ff1082.’133115L002‘El‘JENI|Il3Z|Ud'S'f1

`/- 251D
`Comgression block §256b[les)
`Intermediate Bfioclvr Seigrnent (32bytes)
`/- 2530
`1) Read compressed block from memory
`2) Decompress to L3 data cache
`New read address
`3) Store Position tag (@F) in table
`4) Re - compress block out of order
`/- 2520
`5) Attach header with tag (@F)
`' Header tag field is '0' indicating in original order
`6) Write compressed block back to memory
`Compressed IEIIEIIZE
`“ Header tag field is '5' indicating out of order
`Fig. 31

`B hasE
`Fig. 32

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 13,2007
`Sheet 31 or 34
`Us 7,190,284 B1
`Input Data 8 Bytes
`Stage 1: initial lnput Selector and Byte Counter
`Stage 2: Calculate Initial Selects and Overflows
`Partial Selects and Overflows
`. 15
`25501 —\,~
`25503 «X
`25505 \
`25507 —\
`25509 -\
`Stage 3: Calculate Final Selects
`Final Selects
`. 15
`Pie Reister 128 bits
`Stage at: Data Selection
`ata ut
`History Window

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 13, 2007
`Sheet 32 or34
`US 7,190,284 B1
`Input Data
`D9: D10:
`D63 D63 D63
`E10: E13:
`E55 E55
`Data Index
`Data mdex
`F10: F13: F25:
`4 T
`Data max
`Data index
`(39: G10: G13: G25:
`G39 G39 G39 G39
`Start Counts
`4 —
`J23 25531
`— K
`K15 25533
`Data Index
`Data |ndex
`Data Index
`Fig. 34

`2 F
`Fig. 35
`2% 2% 255$:
`4 T
`111 Generate

`IE IE IE 1C 00
`Figure 36a
`D1 :D3
`D2:D3+PC+2 D4:D6+ PC+5 D13 :D24+PC
`Figure 36b

`US ?,190,284 El
`This application is a continuation-in—part' (ClPl ol'Ser. No.
`tiled Aug. 8, 1997, and now US. Pat. No.
`6,17?-.331, issued on Jan. 9, 2001;
`which is a continuation-in-part (C'.[P] of Ser. No. 08.-’-163.
`106. liled Jim. 5. 1995. now abandoned:
`which is a continuation-in-part (_C'lP) ol‘Ser. No. US$40,
`667. liled on Nov. 16, 1994, which is now ll.S. Pat. No.
`6.002.411, issued on Dec. 14. 1999.
`The present invention relates to computer system archi-
`tectures. and more particularly to a memory controller which
`includes an cmboided data compression a11d decotnpression
`engine for the reduction oi‘ system bandwidth and improved
`Since their introduction in 1981. the £tl'Cl‘IilBCTtIDe of per-
`unclianged. The current state of the art in computer system
`architectures includes. a central processing unit (CPU) which
`couples to a memory controller interface that in turn couples
`to system memory. The computer system also includes :1
`separate graphical ihter1'ace tor coupling to the video dis-
`play. in addition, the computer system includes input!output
`(IEO) control
`logic for various l2'(J devices.
`including a
`keyboard. mouse. lloppy drive. hard drive, etc.
`In general. the operation of modern computer architecture
`is as follows. lirogratrts and data are read from a respective
`U0 device such as a floppy disk or hard drive by the
`operating system. and the progrants and data are temporarily
`stored in system memory. Once a user program has been
`transferred into the system memory, the CPU begins execu-
`tion of the program by reading code and data from the
`system memory through the memory controller. The appli-
`cation code and data are presumed to produce a specified
`result when tttattipttlaled by the system CPU. The CPU
`processes the code and data. and data is provided to one or
`more of the various output devices. The computer system
`may include several output devices. including a video dis-
`play. audio (speakers). printer. etc. In most systems,
`video display is the primary output device.
`Graphical output data generated by the CPU is written to
`a graphical interface device for presentation on the display
`monitor. The graphical
`interface device may simply be a
`video graphics array (VGA) card. or the system may include
`a dedicated video processor or video acceleration card
`including separate video RAM WRAM}. In a computer
`system including a separate. dedicated video processor. the
`video processor includes graphics capabilities to reduce the
`workload of the main CPU . Modern prior art" personal
`computer systems typically include a local bus video system
`based on the Peripheral Componcnt Interconnect (PCI} bus.
`the Advanced Graphics Port {AGP), or perhaps another local
`bus standard. The video subsystem is generally positioned
`on the local bus near the C‘ PU to provide increased perfor-
`:2: 'Jr
`Tlterefore, in summary. program code and data are first
`read l.l‘0l1‘t. the hard disk to the system memory. The program
`code and data are then read by the CPU liont system
`memory. the data is processed by the CPU. and graphical
`data is written to the video RAM in the graphical interface
`device for presentation on the display monitor.
`The systcnt memory interface to the nternory controller
`requires data bandwidth proportional to the application and
`system requirements. Thus.
`to achieve increased system
`perl'ormancc, either wider data buses or higher speed spe-
`cially memory devices are required. These solutions Force
`additional side-etfects such as increased system cost. power
`and noise. FIG. 1 illustrates the data transfer paths in a
`typical computer memory controller and system memory
`using prior art technology.
`The CPU typically reads data from system memory across
`the local btts in a normal or non-compressed format, and
`then writes the processed data or grapltical data back to the
`U0 btts or local bus where the graphical hiterface device is
`situated. The graphical itttet‘li3ce device in lt.n'n generates the
`appropriate video signals to drive the display monitor. It is
`noted that prior art‘ computer architectures autd operation
`typically do not perform data compression artdfor decont-
`pression during the tmttsfer between system tnctnory and the
`CPU or between the system memory and the local IEO bus.
`Prior art contputer architecture also does nothing to reduce
`lltc size of system memory required to l'1.1l't the required user
`applications or so liwarc operating system. In addition. soft-
`ware control led compression and decompression algoritluns
`typically controlled by the CPU [or non-volatile memory
`reduction techniques can not be applied to real time appli-
`cations that require high data rates such as audio. video. and
`graphics applications. Further. CPU soliware controlled
`compression and tlecottlpression algoritlitns put additional
`loads on the CPU and CPU cttcltc subsystems.
`Certain prior art systems utilize multiple DRAM devices
`to gain improved memory bandwidth. These additional
`Dl{.=\M devices may cost the manufacturer more due to the
`abundance of memory that is not fully utilized or required,
`The multiple DRAM devices are in many instances included
`primarily for added bandwidth. and when only the added
`banclwidllt is ttecded. additional cost is incutted due to the
`tttttltiplc DILAM packages. For example. if a specific com-
`puter system or consuiner computing appliance such as a
`Digital TV" set-top box uses DRDRAM memory and requires
`more than 1.6 tibyteslsec ol’ bandwidth, then the minimum
`amount of memory tor this bandwidth requirement will be
`16 Mbytes. In such a case the manufacture pays for ]6
`Mbytcs even if the set-top box only rcqtlirtzs S Mbytcs.
`Computer systems are being called upon to perform larger
`mid more complex tasks that require increased computing
`power. In addition. modern soliware applications require
`computer systems with increased graphics capabilities.
`Modern software applications include graphical user inter-
`faces [_GUls] which place increased burdens on the graphics
`capabilities of the computer system. Further. tlte increased
`prevalence of multimedia applications also demands com-
`putcr systems with more powerful graphics capabilities.
`Therefore. :1 new system and method is desired to reduce the
`bandwidth requirements required by the computer system
`application and operating software. A new system and
`method is desired which provides increased system perfor-
`’ mance without specialty high speed memory devices or
`wider data U0 buses required itt prior art cornputer syslcnt

`US ?,190,284 El
`As mentioned above, according to the present invention
`the McmoryI’)'X Technology embedded within the IMC
`includes one or more compression and decompression
`engines for compressing and decornpressing. data within the
`system. In the preferred embodiment the MeraoryF/‘X Tech-
`nology comprises separate compression and decompression
`In an altentate embodiment. a single combined
`compression/decompression engine can be Implemented.
`Tlte JMC preferably. primarily uses a lossless data compres-
`sion and decompression scheme. Data transfers to and front
`the intcgmted memory controller of the present invention
`can thus be in either two formats, these being compressed or
`normal t_non—cornprcsscd}. The IMC‘ may also include one or
`more lossy compression schemes for audiolvidcofgraphjcs
`Thus cotnpresscd data front system lr‘O peripherals such
`as the non-volatile mentory.
`floppy drive. or local area
`network ("LAN") arc decompressed in thc IMC‘ and stored
`into system memory or saved in the system memory in
`compressed format. Thus. data can be saved in either a
`normal or compressed format. retrieved from the system
`memory for C‘PU usage in a normal or compressed formal‘.
`or transmitted and stored on a medium in a normal or
`compressed l‘onnat.
`To improve latency and reduce performance degradations
`normally associated with compression and decompression
`techniques. the Memoryliffii Technology encompasses tutti-
`tiple novel techniques such as: 1] parallel lossless compres-
`sionfdecornpre-ssion; 2) selectable compression modes such
`as lossless. loss-y or no compression: 3) priority compression
`mode: 4) data cache techniques: 5] variable compression
`block sizes; 6] compression reordering; and 7) unique
`address translal ion. attribute. and address caches.
`The present invention comprises a memory controller.
`also referred to as the integrated memory controller (IMC).
`which provides improved data efliciency and batldwidth.
`The rnemory controller includes a compression!'decon‘tpres-
`sion engine, preferably parallel data compression and
`decompression slices. that are embedded into the memory
`control logic of the memory controller. Further. the present
`invention does not require specialty memory devices or
`system soliware changes for operation. The memory con-
`troller logic of the present invention preferably interliaccs to
`the system CPU either external or internal to the memory
`controller. Further. the memory controller interfaces to the
`main system mem

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