` Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Complete iflmown
`on 01
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`Document Number
`Name of Patentee or
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Publication Date
`Number-Kind Code 2 (if
`No 1
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Relevant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
` off et éiif
`‘:0 1 -20- 1 97
`, »_H _____.-
`» 4,021,782
` 06-28-1977
`_4V,_I_% O2,77_5mw_wwMWm_%_£:»_1_1»-_24- 1 981
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`W0]fi'un et al.
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`} O8-07-1984
`1 01-15-1985
` ....m._,..........u.........“........~§
` s15
`3 4,574,351
`1 03-04-1986 1
`06%-03-1986 “
`' 02-21-19f_S7
`1 11317
`1 USl8 1 4,646,061
`Mathes et 211.
`K Waterworth I
`mjTEN. El
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant ofCited Document
`}vflvI_DD_YYYY :
`‘ Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`1'1gures Appear
`‘ Rele‘/mi: Passages 0" Relevant
` T5?
`Texas Instruments Inc.
`‘ w
`Coun§ry'Code: -Number -Kind
`DP :1_1_27_5.,18 A1
`E__Ei>“0 1.621627 131
`i§15"0"185 098 A1
`3 09_Z3_1988
`“ “*“‘“““““““““-“1j:‘I“,‘“(;‘;;3“‘798j;;""‘“
`§ 12-18-1985
`01-02-1___9_9_i___“__ “1‘*‘Vl.l_j“1-1£>:l:l‘L1IIl1lt3L1
`‘_i_EiP_0__<_t__?_3 130131
`Ceinon KabushikiKaisha
`-iinternational Business Machines
`}fEPOS87 437 B1
`mlips Elect:-onics
`1 EP 0595 406‘i§rV1V_VVV
` Examiner
`,-’Cl1ristir1a Leiing./’
`*EX_+\M1NER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPE-P 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
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`ST.3). “ For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the year otthe reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind
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`”“g"‘“""'g”a’”}l53.'I“if“i?%‘E’§5‘9§“§'E¥\iC:ES CONSEDERED EXCEPT WHERE LENED TH ROUGH.
`Realtime 2003
`Oracle V. Realtime
`Realtime 2003
`Oracle v. Realtime
`> Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Complete ifKnown
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08a -(07-09)
`1NF9{}R%'EA'§1{}N BiS§:iE_1®S{J’R§§-
`ST1-KTERQENE‘ mi‘ :§*9A-'T};:N*'§‘
`se as man:-1 sheets as necq§§q«3_j__
`W W
`Examiner Name
`LEUNG, Christina Y.
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Code 2 (if
`Publication Date
`Name of Parentcc or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
`1 95-17-Iggg
`1 06-023298
`1 Maccrisken
`WV§{i[lis et a1. __
`_‘ _‘ _‘ “
`-— -; -
`§“0§314-1989 ,
`' US28 §4_,§_13;o40
`1 M
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`...................................._. 1
`09-12-1989" :u¥];uLa“(:u1::“t“a1.
`T 70,415
`09-26-1989 gvan Maren et a1.
`1 Storér
`12-19-1939 pm -121.
`1.1s:7g*“9“““““ ““““““““““
`“““““““““““““““ W
`1 U539 4,906,995
`‘ Fiala et al.
` u-w-F---------------u--------------------« -
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`ountry Code‘3—I\1umt‘>;r:“:‘I‘<‘i1i<‘1“§
`where Reltvam Passagas
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`5 _
`1 or Relevant Figures Appear :
`P 0 718 75] A2
`Internaticinal Business Machines
`Unwired P1ane_t, Inc;
`King Reg-i9919‘?*199d:_'If.fffffffffff.'[ff.'f.‘
`‘O:2? 997
`_ Canoh Inc.’
`'Toyo Commun Equip Co. Ltd.
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`fled, whezher or moi citaliam is in C-'>ni‘(:-rmance with M1’§:‘l’ 61.59.
`111C1EEeI1".‘J copy :31’ this farm with :1
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`1 .i\p§.9iicanr.‘s unique citation iiasignatizan number (-I)p‘Ci(SF12i§).
`3' See Kind};
`nut cunsidered.
`Codes o1"US:F‘T1‘) Pat:-:11 Docxirncnrs 211 www.:3si1tn_
`' MPH? ‘S-01.114. 3 E.-‘mar Office ‘.1121: issued the 21::-ssusmrae. by the mw-letter cede (WIPO Standarrj
`STC3). 4 F91‘ .lapa1':ese patent documents, Lbs in-ziiczaiion
`"('11: year cf the rcigrs Uftlm Empsmr must precede the serial number of (116 patent document. ’ Kind
`of clocaimcnt by the any-mp.”
`.. 015 as indicated 031 the dccuinent under W119-O Standard ST16 if possible. “ Appiican‘. is: to place 9. check rrzaxk here ii‘
`"“"’*”“““*”°Wifif‘“i9‘EF‘1§*fiE1\.11::Es CONSHDERED EXCEPT WHERE UNEE) TH ROUGH.
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`..... \'Idhrir>¥¥\-r>¥‘\V“\\\\\fi
`Complete ifKnown
`Eeuivalent of Form PTO/SB/08a (O7-09',“
`‘r.‘U-re as man:-;§h§¢_(§_g§_ngpg-i§g;§:§__,,__,m,W__
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`A ‘§§EBé¥"‘ ' "2‘i§"5'5f0'52"i‘iE3<‘i5
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
`Publication Date
`Document Numbe
`Number-Kind Code 2 (‘F
`. known)
`§ Exanuner
`5 4,956,808
`Aakre et al.
`Whiting et al.
`;i.._.“.c\e.e\»__@“~% .....
`Freidman et al.
`\--.-----\ w-«—w-—---,‘.--~—--»-7----m-----m----
`§ 09-0
`Mitchell et al.
`Taaffe et al.
`09-l7-M17991 _
`0 _
`9 02-25-192?
`’ Kr§}1§,e ‘?Ef€1_‘.:,
`03-17-1992“ iéingciéii, J}. "et al.
`_04-28-1992 i7iiotenbo6m
`gDinwiddie, Jr
`“ “
`H _&
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figires Appear
`T5 3
`9. .
`Name of Patentee or
`Foreign Patent Document
`Applicant ofCited Document
`iwo 98/39699 A2
`iSony Corpm
`§Nok1a Te1'?é<_:_E_$;
`.e..o..\. 1?
`_lYlac1'oi1ix International Co, Ltd
`06-22-2000 M
`Realtime Data LLC
`5509-2001 ‘D
`.E‘.?.%f‘.... §..YY.9..° _1../__5_.7.§.'.:’.?_..§2
`,9 .
`/Christina Leungx
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`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`EN§+“€}R‘VEA’§‘E€3N Bt5;<:Lost_1R§«~*
`S"§"A"§EP¢EfEN' * er §>A't‘r«*:N"s;
`as rre./:essa:‘s-*3
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`EL uivalent of Form PTO/SB/08a (O7-09)’
`‘ Examiner
`Document Number
`'~m~»‘\m Publication Date
`ii Number—Kmd Code 2 (if
`g 5,135,739‘
`12 ,963
`§ 06-30-1992“ =“Wh-iting {it
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
`; 09-03-1992
`c..»‘»-~y»--~»->wM>~‘ ‘*\",‘\
`10-13-1992Mugharnbers, IV V ____w_W
`Ria-biiin etal.
`1 1-24-1992
`‘ 5,167,034
`'5i;i7§,§‘4§“‘ :€
`‘ ‘_§‘,i 87,793 1 62:l6—1993
`Hiyarna et :11.
`05-l 1-1993
`wm~m—4mWm@»“ - ~
`"Normile etal.
`$07-27-1993 _ "1:5§£i§i'Ei‘':§i'.'W"W '
`Fouero, PATE_l}Ij§_‘__E3Q§_flMENTS
`1 D
`P t
`3 en ~. Pubgctauou
`Code, 6.52232)
`wo O1/63772 A1"
`WO 02/39591 A1
`Name of Palentee or
`Applicant ofCited Document
`Figures Appear
`Ch _
`1 1/1 /2033 _
`signatur ep “L3” “Q1
`*EXAMlNER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
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`ST3) “ For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind
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`; Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Complete ifKnown
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08a {D7,-Q9)
`Examiner Name
`LEUNG, Christina Y.
`5 C“° N“
`Document Number
`Number—Kind Code 2 of
`_ \ ‘V...V..;«.=.......“..‘......_.‘.
`Name of Patentee or
`Publication Date
`Applicant of Cited Document
`09-07-1993 Seroussiet
`‘‘3‘;2 ‘_’‘1 7"""""""""""
`“ 3',3£i7",B§8W'
`5 09-28-1993
`ll-16-1993' Tomsetai.
`.-.._\\t\.$.. ..w.....
`“ 15,270,832
` E‘5i'f"‘
`vaniviaren et
`§ 02-15-1994
`E §,‘2‘87‘,5}_2V0d
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
`, ,
`., 1i12..ii i 4 .. .
`J 1
`__9_§;03-L224 %
`Feigenbaum et al.
`Name of Patentee or
`Pages. Columns. Lines, Where
`Figures Appear
`Rclcvam Passages M Rdevam
`Applicant of Cited Docuineiit
`: Exammer
`Foreign Patent Document
`Country Code -Num er -
`b 4 K d
`C°d‘=5 <1“<"°W,“)
`11/1 /2913'“
`Coiisideredwfi W
`/‘Chfisima Leuflgt
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
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`’3“g‘““‘““g““g°%“fif“%E”%°E*§ENcEs CONSHQERED EXCEPT WHERE UNEE) TH ROUGH.
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`}?NF{}R‘;‘5-f§ATE®N osstie-oso‘Rs’:
`S’i“A’"i‘Ei§¢EfE1N"§‘ iw §w1it1:N"r
`-'4'-" ’3‘~’”§;9.
`E Examiner Name
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB,/078a” -‘OZ-09
`Com lete ifKnown
`Publication Date
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`Applicant of Cited Document
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`Relevant Passages or Relevant Figuies Appear
`1 0- 1 1 - 1 994
`i l
`Cm‘ N°-
`‘ 51,367,629“
`I 771”?>f7i?%—_19.9:1Tf.i‘.
`__W_,% s.§,§g,gg3,,,,,M_,_
`i 5
`02-14-193?‘:i‘'serq;g§:,gt_gi;, ,,
`02-28-1995 ”§wEt1‘1‘2_1‘if_9‘\‘N“f.§‘lf‘i:“E‘3‘t‘a1.
`03-07-1995 Eoarahi
`03-21-1995 Wasilcwski'etal.
`Belsan et a1.
`V_ W
`.4o6,__2,_7_§___‘W V_
`“ y
`. Elgarnal et al.
`‘ Examiner
`Foreign Patent Document
`Toni “
`App11camofC1ted Document
`,Col mis Lines Wheres
`u 1
`Rclevanfgigiiiggzgsgalfelevant§ T
`\ ..r..—.r.—..“\~.\w.w.»mm‘
`V, “
`"Ch“5“”3 Leullill
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`E“g“5“‘a“g““g°‘§:‘-\“tfif“l‘3£‘%“%”fiEi\it::Es CONSlDERElI'J: EXCEPT WHERE UNEE) TH ROUGH. /on
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`E”i"SB/089 (O7'°9
`g*§q§r{}R3g,§'A"§§QN‘ ‘§‘i;§Kg(jfgd,{}g§;;;j§;§§§
`LEUNG, Christina Y.
`Attorney Docket Number
`Document Number
`§ Number-Kind Code 2 (if
`Publication Date
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`Applicant of Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
`H N {}:5—3Ci—i99_.‘”:
`07“ ‘i“é‘:‘l‘§‘§5
`Cl7~25—l99S Wells et
`"?3§¥l'i‘E¥l'i‘§$§3 ",‘"t>sc:ecao eta}.
`: Ro§><—:i' et al.
`“‘““““‘ ““““‘""““““ '"“'
`5,461,679 TTT“
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`995 whirig et ai.
`C u
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`i 996
`E =;n—3o.i996
`F°'°ign Pamm Documem
`1 E--»--—---~-----------------««««-«~--«-~~v~»
`S Country Code3-Number4-Kind
`("t9 No‘
`____mLC_I_oc1Ve5 (iflgnown)
`F<:%Te£’e:N e}£'a7:.5:N‘I‘ ‘:3s2s§;§t;>§,t;1§;ir_s_.:::TT,._.
`Pages, Col\unns, Lines, Where i
`V 7
`E Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`T5 E
`/Christina Leungl
`E signature
`*EXAMINER: Initial ifreference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
`not considered. Include copy of this fomi with next communication to applicant.
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`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Cnmpiete ififnown
`§N§i"{}i{i‘i«’§.A"‘§‘§€}i‘€ DDESCSQGSEFRE
`S'¥‘.A"E‘EE/EENT BY §’A'E‘EN’.§‘
`gets as necessangs
`Named hiventor
`James 3. FAi...LON
`vamirter Name
`. Attisritégkie ,s:1stnr;1t;er
`L.i:‘UNCi, Cht'ist.ii1:a Y.
`Equivalent of Form PTO//j=
`......mK...Y;;;.;.s..\‘.....\ .........
`_ Document Number
`1»---- Publication Date
`Numbér—Kii1cl Code 2 (if
`Name of Patcntcr 0:
`Applicasit of
`ed Llotziimerzt
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
`Lane etal.
`06-18-1996 '
`“,..w;;w».»»....... ___»».....................-—___-_-----
`Kim eta].
`07-09-1996 i Wells et al.
`»e‘ .“...
`iniakke eta1.'"M
`W:-1996 goemiié
`Douglass et
`‘ 03-1 773-1996
`Bolle at al.
`- -----------------‘L-W-—--—------------»---
`Foreign Patent Document
`4_ -'
`Country/‘Code Number Kind
`:2 Code§__(A1_f_[grigwrQ______“__"___‘
`V W
`F{;RE§(‘“€7Ti’;:I;'EN'f 1}(}CU1\/XE-N'TS
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`‘ Examiner
`Ct N .1
`‘E 0
`..u....s......._«.se...\e......»‘... .7“
`11/7 /2013
`*EXAl\/IINER: lnitial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPl:'P 609. Draw line through citation if not in confonnance and
`not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
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`ST.3). “ For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the year of the reign of the Fmpernr must precede the serial number ofthc patent document. 5 Kind
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`‘3“g“““"‘"g“"‘g“‘A"tfli“EE"E“EfiE1\lc::Es CONSlDERElI'J: EXCEPT WHERE LlE\lE{) TH ROUGH.
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`. _.
`PTO/SB/08a <07-01
`Cmnpigre §;"Knrzw:z
`Control fiiimber‘;
`s'19e,£s§_§ _"_ec6m-“>~=?
`- ““““‘““
`L, .iiXrE1vT Do6pME1s6; ”5::::::::::f_________________________________________::::l
`Publication Date
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant ofC1ted Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Kelevant Figures Appear
`...,.,»,.,.,-.._.._.._....tt.5.-..-...,._..................,i.u...._....._- .,
`; Examiner
`, , ,
`, , ,
`Docunieni Ntiinber
`2 M
`Number-Kind -Code
`N‘ 5,561,421
`_______________I_j§__165 =3 5,563,961
`..... ...... ..¢m.._.. mu
`3 5,574,952
`- 5,574,953
`-~-~—v~--~--—~-.—-—~- —-----—~-vmwwrr-+
`S168“; 5,576,953“
`"US169 115,577,248
`~--.....-.....-.....,.......... .
`§A11en eta].
`, 12-17-1996
`§13e1knap et a1[
`‘ 12-17-1996
`Hasbun etal.
`i Watanabe et al.
`Bhandari et al.
`.. .. ....M.“.w« .....
`. ... ..
`""i"E"éE§EB'e11§t‘§1i‘ ‘
`Name of Patente-'.-. or
`MM_D]§f:YYY :
`Applicant ofCited Document
`Pages Columns Lines Wher
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appmr
`1 1 6 ;
`5 Examiner
`Cm No‘
`Fmeig“ Patent Documem
`k»..».. &
`5 COUNTY C0d53'Nllmb€T4'Kll1d
`’Ch”5tm3 Lei-mg’
`*EXAM1NER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation ifnot in conformance and
`not considered. Include copy of this fonn with next communication to applicant.
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`Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at www.uspto gov or MPRP 901.04, 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard
`ST.3). ‘ For Japanese patent documents, the indication ofthe year of the reign of the Emperor n1ust precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind
`of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. ° Applicant is to place a check mark here if
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`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Complete ifKnown
`S’i‘A'.§“T§El%'E'§+1N§‘ es’ PA”§‘EN'"E“
`i LBUNG, Christina Y.
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`WM_§ 03-18-1997
`03-25-1997 _
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`‘ t. L°b°dZ“‘sk‘
`:7 5,621',82
`05-064 997 _
`v BT92
`Miller et al.
`Moskowitz B‘[_‘2‘l‘i‘.m
`,63o,092 {'05-13“-1997
`Carreiro et al.
`__'§6-b3-1997‘ mliay etal.
`» 5,635,932
`Shinagawa et al.
`N. D._
`\-\\\\\ W... ‘.....~........................,....:.,.....,... m mt....
`ii Tyler etal.
`“ f::i,~‘§_{t0,15‘t§
`06-17-1997_§ Okayama etal.
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`35..-’se as mam» sheg
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`‘v_1»gMs‘.3.o2 £5,654,703,
`§Clark, 11
`us2’o3 3 5,655,138
`1 ______
`r 5,673,370
`1 1o-o7—1997
`: Bakhmutskym
`US212 3
`\. .wM..‘
`US2l§ l__5,692,l§S}_
`12-30-1997 Wviseetiali
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`1 5,717,393
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`Complete KIIOWII
`Form PTO/SB/083 (07-09)
`'E1‘%E?{'}'§€ii‘9’§z=k"E‘E€T}i‘%i §3ES{fL{)SEJR§3
`s't"A"i‘eii;‘19ir+:'a*9"r BY E"A"i‘E;N'£‘
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`1 12
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`Conntrol NEi}Ii};é:_
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`" 5,757,852
`. . ... ...-«mm- ---------------------------------
`1 L11;
`3‘ wangétai.
`ii Urano et al.
`i Troelleretal.
`, 06-16-1993
`nix ....
`\__Q6_—_§_(_)__-“I998 Madany etal.
`DeM0ss et al;
`_.....................§_...................... -‘W----------------------
`i 07-14-199..
`— — V.wfi.“~.».................\......._.... ...
`Hashimoto et a1.
`...9§:.1§:T.§é%{'.: ‘fciifihén
`in itials"
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`3 Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
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