`NPE Patent Litigation Insurance Coverage in San Jose USA
` + 1 (650) 999-0899
` info@uni䌭ㇹedpatents.com
`Facts about Uni䌭ㇹed Patents
`Tracked Patents
`Protected Zones
`Validity Challenges
`Unique Bene䌭ㇹts
`NPE Patent Litigation Insurance Coverage in San Jose USA
`Uni샬ﷵed addresses the risk and cost of NPE litigation by strategically protecting broad
`areas of technology, such as cloud storage or content delivery. Uni샬ﷵed's unique
`solution partners large companies, SMEs and startups to proactively deter NPE
`activity. The resources that we use include monitoring, market intelligence, claims
`analysis and USPTO challenges. By protecting important areas of technology, or
`Zones, Uni샬ﷵed mitigates NPE risk for its members' most important products and
`Protects Verticals
`Holistic approach to protect technology
`Changes investment decision of NPEs
`Willing to deter the largest NPEs
`Eects decisions of all NPEs
`Always Deter
`Never incentivizes future assertions
`Deters against assertions by invalid
`Startups Free
`Early warning against assertion programs
`Startups provide noti䌭ㇹcation before NPE
`Members can make better decisions
`Independent of law 䌭ㇹrm, NPE, or
`consultant bias
`All Inclusive
`All services included in yearly membership
`Leave whenever you want and keep any
` Uni䌭ㇹed “is ideal for start-ups and small
`companies that operate in a speci䌭ㇹc
`technology space, …”
`NPE Patent Litigation Insurance Coverage in San Jose USA
`— Stanford Law and EFF - Hacking the Patent System —
`technology space, …”
`Read Uni샬ﷵed’s latest updates, news, and information
`Uni䌭ㇹed Files Third IPR on
`Third Patent Owned by
`William Grecia
`Uni䌭ㇹed’s Docket
`11 Mar
`22 Mar
`Read More →
`Uni䌭ㇹed Files IPR on All
`Claims of Banking Patent
`Asserted by Ruby Sands
`09 Mar
`On March 9, 2016, Uni䌭ㇹed Patents
`䌭ㇹled for inter partes
`Read More →
`On March 22, 2016, Uni䌭ㇹed Patents
`䌭ㇹled for inter partes
`Read More →
`Uni䌭ㇹed Files Second IPR
`on Second Patent Owned
`by William Grecia
`03 Mar
`On March 3, 2016, Uni䌭ㇹed Patents
`䌭ㇹled for inter partes
`Read More →
`Uni䌭ㇹed Files IPR Against
`Grecia Patent Asserted
`Against at Least 20
`Uni䌭ㇹed Successfully Holds
`Unpatentable All
`Challenged Claims of
`Dragon IP Patent
`17 Feb
`05 Feb
`On February 17, 2016, Uni䌭ㇹed
`Patents 䌭ㇹled for inter partes
`Read More →
`On February 5, 2015, the Patent Trial
`and Appeal Board,
`Read More →
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`NPE Patent Litigation Insurance Coverage in San Jose USA
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` @unifiedpatents https://t.co/C2Nqmbu5wt is the link!
`1 week ago
`Protected Zones
`Uni샬ﷵed mitigates the risk and cost of NPE litigation by protecting broad areas of
`technology called Zones.
`Uni샬ﷵed partners with large companies, SMEs and startups to proactively deter NPE
`activity. Resources employed include monitoring, market intelligence, claims analysis
`and USPTO challenges.
`By protecting Zones Uni샬ﷵed helps to manage NPE risk for its members'
`most important products and services.
`NPE Patent Litigation Insurance Coverage in San Jose USA
`Frequently Asked Questions
`Who owns Uni䌭ㇹed Patents (Uni䌭ㇹed)?
`Management owns 100% of Uni䌭ㇹed. Members have no ownership interest of any kind in Uni䌭ㇹed.
`Does Uni䌭ㇹed pay NPEs to settle patent litigation or assertions?
`Does Uni䌭ㇹed purchase patents?
`When was Uni䌭ㇹed Founded?
`How does Uni䌭ㇹed achieve its goals?
`How is Uni䌭ㇹed Organized?
`If Uni䌭ㇹed 䌭ㇹles an IPR, how does it decide which patent to challenge?
`What control do members have over Uni䌭ㇹed’s use of IPR at the USPTO?
`What is Uni䌭ㇹed’s objective?
`Would Uni䌭ㇹed consider terminating an IPR?
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`NPE Patent Litigation Insurance Coverage in San Jose USA
`Kevin Jakel
`Shawn Ambwani
`David Potts
`Jonathan Stroud
`Gary Bender
`Olivia Becker
`Sam Jana
`Membership Tiers
`$35,000 and up
`Pledge to notify before selling to an NPE
`Annual Revenue of Company
`< $20 M
`< $20 M
`No limit
`Uni䌭ㇹed Secure Logo
`NPE patent prior art analysis
`License to any patent acquired or licensed by Uni䌭ㇹed
`NPE Patent Litigation Insurance Coverage in San Jose USA
`Invalidity opinion letters of counsel
`Lobbying for reducing NPE activity
`Deterrence against future NPE activity
`Patent landscape analysis
`Patent market tracking
`Zone Prior Art Repository
`First right to purchase patents from Uni䌭ㇹed
`Patent litigation/PTAB database and analytics
`Free NPE insurance (Supplied through IPISC)
`Contact Us
`We'd really love you to become a member so why not drop us an email
`and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
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`NPE Patent Litigation Insurance Coverage in San Jose USA
`Uni䌭ㇹed Patents
`2 North 1st Street. 5th Floor
`San Jose
`United States
`Phone: +1.650.999.0899
`© 2015 Uni䌭ㇹed Patents Inc. All Rights reserved.