`Ally. Docket No. 1401029 - 140/03 1
`Ln re Application of
`CUitis Clark
`Reexamination Appi. Nos.:
`90/012,728; 90/01 2,789
`Patent No.
`Reexamjnation Filing Date: Nov 29, 2012; Feb 6, 201 3
`Alt Unit
`Sorelle, Eroll J
`Mail Stop Ex Pm1e Reexam
`Attn: Central Reexamin ation Unit
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 223 13- 1450
`tn response to the Office Acti on dated October I, 201 3, Applicants submit the
`Amendments to the claims begin on page 2 of thi s paper.
`Remarks beg in on page 20.
`Petitioners' Ex. 1032 - Page 1
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`The following listin g of claims replaces all prior versio ns and listings of
`claims in thi s applicatio n:
`(Pending) A telecomputer network system comprising: a redundant di gital
`microwave communicati on system; a wireless local area network (LAN); and a mobile
`hub statio n co nfigured to transfer information as a single no madic tran smi ss ionlreception
`point between the mi crowave communication system and the wireless LAN using an
`ethemel packet switching pro tocol.
`(Pendin g) The netwo rk defined ill claim I wherein the microwave
`co mmunicati on system o perates as a sec ured pri vate intranel.
`(Pendin g) The netwo rk defined in claim I where in the informati on is
`transferred using the TC P/[P pro tocol.
`(Pendin g) The network defined in claim I where in the wire less LAN
`co mpri ses a plurality of nodes with at least one personal co mputer at each of the plurality
`of nodes.
`(Pendin g) The netwo rk defined in claim I where in the microwave
`co mmunicatio n system comprises a plurality of hubs, wherein each hub co mpri ses a
`wireless router and a relay statio n to relay info rmation between hubs.
`(Pendin g) The network defined in claim I where in the mo bile hub statio n
`comprises an uplink to the microwave communication system.
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`(Pending) The network defmed in claim I wherein the mobi le hub statio n
`is configured to rel ay informatio n between the wi reless LAN and the microwave
`communicati on system, and comprises a server to control the re laying of infonnation.
`(Pending) The network defined in claim I where in the mobi le hub statio n
`comprises a workstation viewin g environment.
`(Pending) The network defined in claim I wherein the mobi le hub station
`co mpri ses an o mni-directional antenna.
`(Pending) The network defined in claim I wherein the mobi le hub statio n
`comprises a vehicle.
`II .
`(Pending) The system defined in claim I wherei n the information
`compri ses broadband infOlmation.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim II wherein the broadband
`information compri ses data.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim II where in the broadband
`information comprises audi o and image data, such that the microwave comm uni cation
`system, wireless LAN , and mobile hub statio n transfer broadband audio and image data.
`(Pending) A telecomputer network compri sing: a wire less wide area
`network (WAN) compri sing a redundant di gital microwave communicatio n system
`configured to operate as a intranet; a wire less local area network (LAN), w herein the
`wireless LAN compri ses a plurality of nodes with an individual personal computer at
`eac h of the plurality of nodes; and a mob ile vehicl e configured to transfer information as
`a single no madic tran smi ssion/reception point between the microwave communication
`system and the wireless LAN using the TCP/IP protocol.
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`(Pending) The network defmed in claim 14 whe re in the wire less WAN
`operates as a pri vate intranet.
`(Pending) The network defined in claim 14 wherei n the microwave
`communicati on system comprises a plul1llity of hubs, wherei n each hub comprises a
`wire less router and a re lay station to relay info rmation between hubs.
`(Pending) The network defined in claim 14 whe rei n the mobile vehicle
`comprises an uplink to the microwave communi cation system.
`(Pending) The network defined in claim 14 wherei n the mobile vehicle is
`configured to relay informat ion between the wireless LAN and the microwave
`co mmunication system, and comprises a server to control the relay ing of information.
`(Pendi ng) The netwo rk defi ned in clai m 14 wherei n the mobile veh icle
`co mprises a workstation viewing envi ro nment.
`(Pending) The network defined in claim 14 whe rei n the mobile vehicle
`co mprises an o mni-direc tional antenna.
`2 1.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 14 where in the information
`co mprises broadband information.
`(Pendin g) The system defined in claim 2 1 where in the broadband
`information comprises data.
`(Pendin g) The system defined in claim 2 1 where in the broadband
`information comprises audio and image data, such that the microwave communication
`system, wireless LAN, and mob ile vehi cle transfer broadband audi o and image data.
`(A mended) A telecomputer network comprising: a redundant digital
`microwave com municatio n system configured to operate as a sec ured private intranet to
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`tran sfer infOlmati on using a ethernet packet sw itc hing protocol; a wireless local area
`network (LAN) configured to transfer information using the ethemet packet switching
`protocol, wherein the wireless LAN co mprises a pluralit y of nodes with an indi vidual
`personal computer at each of the plurality of nodes; and a plurality of mobile vehicles,
`wherein each mobile vehicle is confi gured to tran sfer informati on as a single nomadi c
`transmission/reception point between the mi crowave communication system and the
`wire less LAN.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 24 wherein the information
`comprises broadband infOlmation.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 25 wherein the broadband
`informati on comprises data.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 25 wherein the broadband
`information comprises audio and image data, such that the microwave communication
`system, wireless LAN, and a mobile hub vehicle transfer broadband audio and image
`(Pendin g) A system comprising: a communication subsystem; a wireless
`local area network (LAN) that incl udes at least one computer; and a mobile hub
`co nfig ured to transfer broadband information as a single nomadic transmission/reception
`point between the communicati on subsystem and the wireless LAN using an ethel11et
`packet switching protocol.
`(Pendin g) The system defined in claim 28 wherein the broadband
`information comprises data.
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`(Pending) The system defined in claim 28 where in the broadband
`infolmation comprises audio and image data, sllch that the subsystem, wireless LAN and
`mobile hub tran sfer broadband audio and image data.
`3 1.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 28 where in the infolmalion is
`transferred using the TCP/ lP protocol.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 28 where in the wi reless LAN
`co mprises a plurality of nodes with at least one personal co mputer at eac h of the plurality
`of nodes.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 28 wherein the mobile hub
`co mprises an uplink to the communication subsystem.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 28 wherein the mobile hub
`co mprises a server to control the relay ing of information.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 28 where in the mobile hub
`comprises a workstation viewing env ironment.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 28 where in the mobile hub
`co mprises an omni-direc tional antenn a.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 28 where in the mobile hub
`comprises a vehicle.
`(A mended) A system comprising: a com munication subsystem to operate
`as a sec ured private intranet to tran sfer broadband information using a ethe ll1et packet
`switching protocol; a wireless local area network (LAN) to transfer information using the
`ethernet packet switching protocol, where in the wireless LAN com prises a plurality of
`nodes with an individual computer at eac h of the plurality of nodes; and a mob ile hub to
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`tran sfer broadband informati on as a single nomadic transmission/reception point between
`the microwave communication system and the wireless LAN.
`(Pending) The system defined in claim 38 where in the broadband
`infolmation comprises data.
`(Pendin g) The system defined in claim 38 where in the broadband
`information comprises audio and image data, such that the subsystem, wireless LAN and
`mob ile hub tran sform broadband audi o and image data.
`4 1.
`(Pendin g) The teleco mputer network system of claim I wherei n the
`mobile hub station is confi gured to tran sfer information using protocols selected from the
`group consisting of Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol, Lotus Notes, simple
`network management protoco l (SNM P), Multiple Internet Mail Exchan ge (MlME)
`protocol, Web Network File System (WFNS) protocol, File Transfer Protocol (FTP),
`Fiber Distributed Data Lntelface (FDDD and Reliable, Multi-cast Transfer Protocol
`(Pending) The te lecomputer network system of claim I wherein the
`mobile hub stati on is confi gured to tran sfer information as encrypted information.
`(A mended) The lelecomputer network system of clai m I where in the
`microwave communication system comprises a plurality of hubs, wherei n each hub
`comprises a wireless router and a relay station to relay infOimati on between hubs,
`wherein the relay station of each of the plurality of microwave communication system
`hubs [are] is connected by fiberoplic cable.
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network system of claim I wherein the
`microwave communi cation system comprises a plurality of hubs, where in one or more of
`Petitioners' Ex. 1032 - Page 7
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`the microwave com munication system hubs are separated by a di stance of six (6) to ten
`( 10) miles and are connected in a ring architecture.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network system of claim I wherein the
`microwave communication system comprises a plurality of hubs, wherein one or more of
`the mi crowave com municati on system hubs are separated by a di stance of up to twenty-
`five (25) miles and are connected in a ring architecture.
`(Pendin g) The te leco mputer network system of c laim 5, wherei n the relay
`station of each of the plurality of mi crowave communication system hubs comprises out
`of band management.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network system of claim I, wherein the
`wire less LAN operates as a secured private intranet and is capable of transferring
`encrypted infolmation.
`(Pending) The te lecomputer network system of claim 2, wherei n the
`microwave com munication system transfers encrypted infOimation and co mprises secure
`fU'ewall soft ware programs.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network system of claim I, wherei n the
`microwave communicati on system allows for user access to the World Wide Web
`through one or more web-based software applications.
`(Pending) The telecompu ter network system of claim 49, wherein the one
`or more web-based software applications comprises an electronic mail application.
`5 1.
`(Pendin g) The te leco mputer network system of claim 49, wherein the one
`or more web-based software applications allows for the transfer of information through
`File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
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`(Pending) The teleco mputer network system of claim 49, wherein the one
`or more web-based software applications comprises an Internet Relay C hat (IRe)
`appli cation.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network system of claim 49, wherei n the one
`or more web-based software applications comprises a vo ice communi cation applicati on.
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network system of claim 49, wherei n the one
`or more web-based software appli cations comprises a database man agement application.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network system of claim 4, wherei n at least
`one of the personal computers allows for the di splay of web browser software.
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network system of clai m I, where in the
`microwave communication system uses a spanning tree protocol to route informati on.
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network system of claim I, wherein the
`wire less LAN covers an on-site radius of up to 0.5 miles and operates at 2 Mbps.
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network system of claim I, wherein the
`mobile hub stati on comprises an omni-directional antenna, where in the om ni -directional
`antenna allows fo r the transfer of information from a non -stationary posi tion.
`(Pending) The te lecomputer network system of claim I, wherei n the
`mobile hub station transfers informat ion from a stationary position using an antenna that
`is calibrated throu gh a line of sight process.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network system of claim I, wherei n the
`wire less LAN has video conferenc ing capabilities.
`6 1.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network system of claim I , wherei n the
`microwave com munication system comprises a downlink to the mobile hub station
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`operating at 10 Mbps and the mobile hub station compri ses an uplink to the microwave
`communication system o perating at 10 Mbps.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network of claim 14 wherein the mo bile
`vehicle is further configured to transfer information using protocols selected from the
`group consisting of LEEE 802. 10 protocol, Internet Packet Exc hange (LPX) protocol,
`Lotus Notes, simple network management prolocol (SNM P), Multiple Internet Mail
`Exc hange (M LM E) protocol, Web Network File System (WFNS) protocol, File Transfer
`Protocol (FTP), Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FOOl) and Reli able, Mlllti~cast
`Transfer Protocol (RMTP).
`(Pending) The telecomputer network of claim 14 where in the mob ile
`vehi cle is confi gured to transfer information as encrypted information.
`(A mended) The telecomputer network of claim 14, wherei n the
`microwave communicati on system comprises a plurality of hubs, wherei n each hub
`co mpri ses a wireless router and a relay statio n to relay in fo rmation between hubs,
`wherein the relay stati on of each of the p!ural.ity of microwave communicatio n system
`hubs [are] is connected by fiberoptic cable.
`(Amended) The network defined in claim 14 where in the microwave
`communicatio n system comprises a plurality of hubs, wherei n o ne or more of the
`microwave communi cation subsystems are separated by a di stance of six (6) to ten (10)
`miles and are connec ted in a ring architecture.
`(A mended) The network defined in c laim 14 where in the microwave
`co mmunicati on system comprises a plurality of hubs, wherei n o ne or mo re of the
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`microwave communi cation subsystems are separated by a di stance of up to twenty-five
`(25) miles and are connected in a ring architecture.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network of claim 14, wherein the wire less
`LAN operates as a secured private intranet and is capable of transfening encrypted
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network of claim 14, wherein the wireless
`WAN transfers encrypted information and compri ses sec ure firewall software programs.
`(Pendin g) The teleco mputer network of claim 14, wherei n the microwave
`communicati on system allows for user access to the World Wide Web through o ne or
`more web-based software applications.
`(Pending) The te lecomputer network of claim 69, wherein the one or more
`web-based software applications compri ses one or more applications selected fro m the
`group consisting of web browser soft ware, an electroni c mail application, an Internet
`Relay Chat application, a voice co mmunication application, and a database management
`7 1.
`(A mended) The telecomputer network of claim 14, wherein the wi reless
`WAN uses a spannin g tree protocol to route informatio n to rOl:lle iAformatioll .
`(Pending) The telecomputer network of clai m 14, wherei n the wireless
`LAN covers an o n-s ite radius of up to 0.5 miles and operates at 2 Mbps.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network of claim 14, wherei n the mobile
`vehi cle comprises an o mni -directi onal antenna, wherein the omni -directional antenn a
`allows for the tran sfer of informati on from a non-stationary posi tion.
`Petitioners' Ex. 1032 - Page 11
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`(A mended) The telecomputer network system of claim 14, wherei n the
`mobile vehicle tran sfers info rmation from a statio nary position llsi ng an antenna that is
`calibrated through a line of sight process.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network of claim 14, wherei n the wireless
`LAN has video conferenc ing capabilities.
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network of claim 14, wherei n the microwave
`com municati on system comprises a downlink to the mobil e vehicle o peratin g at 10 Mbps
`and the mob ile vehicle comprises an uplink to the microwave communication system
`operating at 10 Mbps.
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network of claim 24 wherein each mobile
`vehicle is confi gured to tran sfer information using multiple protocols including TCP/lP
`protocol, IEEE 802. 10 protocol, Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol, Multiple
`Lnternet Mail Exc hange (MlM E) protocol, and File Transfer Protocol (FT P).
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network of claim 24, wherei n each mobi le
`vehicle is confi gured to transfer information as encrypted information.
`(Pendin g) The teleco mputer network of claim 24, wherein the microwave
`com municatio n system comprises a plurality of hubs, wherei n eac h hub co mprises a
`wi reless router and a relay station to relay information between hubs, wherein the relay
`statio n of each of the plurality of microwave com municati on system hubs [are] is
`connected by fiberoptic cable.
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network of claim 24, where in the microwave
`co mmunicati on system comprises a plurality of hubs, wherei n o ne or mo re of the
`Petitioners' Ex. 1032 - Page 12
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`microwave communi cation system hubs are separated by a di stance of up to twenty-fi ve
`(25) miles and are connected in a ring architecture.
`8 1.
`(Pending) The telecomputer network of claim 24, wherein the wireless
`LAN operates the secured pri vate intranet and tran sfers encrypted infolmation.
`(Pendin g) The te lecomputer network of claim 24, wherein at least one of
`the indi vidual personal computers allows for the di splay of web browser software.
`(Pendin g) The te leco mputer network of c laim 24, wherein the mi crowave
`communication system uses a spannin g tree protocol to route infolmation.
`(Pendin g) The te lecomputer network of claim 24, wherein the wireless
`LAN covers an on-site radius of up to 0.5 miles and operates at 2 Mbps.
`(Pendin g) The te lecomputer network of claim 24, wherein each mobile
`vehicle comprises an omni-directional antenna, where in the omni-directional antenn a
`all ows for the transfer of inform ati on from a non-stati onary position.
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network of claim 24, wherein each mobile
`vehicle transfers information from a stati onary position using an antenn a that is calibrated
`through a line of sight process.
`(Pendin g) The te leco mputer network of claim 24, wherein the wireless
`LAN has video conferencing capabilities.
`(A mended) The telecomputer network of claim 24, where in each mobile
`vehicle comprises an uplink to the microwave communication system operating at 10
`Mbps and the microwave communi cation system comprises a downlink to each mobile
`vehicle operating at 10 Mbp5.
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`(Pending) The telecomputer network of claim 24, wherei n the
`telecomputer network system allows fo r user access to the World Wide Web through one
`or more web- based software applications.
`(Pendi ng) The telecomputer network of claim 89, wherei n the individual
`personal computer at eac h of the plurality of nodes allows for the use of the one or more
`web-based software applications, the one or more applications selected fro m the group
`consisting of web browser software, an e lectronic mail application, an Internet Relay
`Chat application, a voice comm unication applicati on, and a database management
`applicati on.
`9 1.
`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherein the mobile hub is config ured
`to transfer informati on using protocols selected from the group consisting of [EEE 802. 10
`protocol, Internet Packet Exchange (lPX) protocol, Lotu s Notes, si mple network
`management protocol (SNM P), Multi ple Internet Mai l Exchange (M [M E) protocol, Web
`Network File System (WFNS) protocol, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Fiber Distribu ted
`Data lntelface (FOO l) and Reliable, Multi -cast T ransfer Protocol (RMTP).
`(Pendi ng - Amended) The system of claim 28 wherein the mobile hub is
`config ured to transfer infOlm ati on usi ng multiple protocols incl uding TCP/[P protocol,
`Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol, Multiple In ternet Mai l Exchange (M[M E)
`protocol, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
`(Pendi ng) The system of claim 28, wherein the mobile hub is config ured
`to transfer informati on as encrypted informat ion.
`(Pendi ng) The system of claim 28, where in the commun ication subsystem
`compri ses a plurality of hubs, where in each hu b co mpri ses a wire less router and a re lay
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`station to re lay information between hubs, where in the re lay station of each of the
`plurality of communication subsystem hubs is connected by fiberoptic cable and
`comprises out of band management.
`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherei n the communication subsystem
`co mprises a plurality of hubs, wherein one or more of the communi cati on subsystem hubs
`are separated by a di stance of six (6) to ten ( 10) miles and are connected in a ring
`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherei n the communication subsystem
`comprises a plurality of hubs, where in one or more of the communication subsystem hubs
`are separated by a di stan ce of up to twenty-five (25) miles and are connec ted in a rin g
`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherein the wire less LAN operates as a
`secured private intranet and tran sfers encrypted information.
`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherei n the communication subsystem
`co mprises secure fu·ewall software programs.
`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherein the system allows for user
`access to the World Wide Web through one or more software applications.
`(A mended) The system of claim 99, where in the at least one of the
`computel] allows for the di splay of web browser software.
`101 .
`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherein the communication subsystem
`uses a spannin g tree protocol to route infOlmati on.
`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherein the wireless LAN covers an
`on-site rad ius of up to 0.5 miles and operates at 2 Mbps.
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`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherein the mobil e hub co mprises an
`omni-directional antenna, wherei n the omni-directio nal antenna allows for the tran sfer of
`information from a no n-stationary position.
`(Pending) The system of claim I, wherei n the mobile hub transfers
`information from a stationary position using an antenna that is calibrated through a line of
`sight process.
`(Pendin g) The system of claim 28, wherein the wireless LAN has video
`conferenci ng capabilities.
`(Pendin g) The system of c laim 28, wherein the communi cation subsystem
`co mprises a downlink to the mob ile hub o peratin g al 10 Mbps and the mobile hub
`comprises an uplink to the communicatio n subsystem operating at 10 Mbps.
`(Pending) The system of claim 32, wherein at least one of the personal
`computers allows for the use of the one o r more web-based soft ware app lication s, the one
`or more applications selected from the group consisting of web browser software, an
`electronic mail application, an lntemet Re lay C hat application, a vo ice co mmunicati on
`application, and a database man agement application.
`(Pending) The system of claim 38, wherein the mobi le hub is confi gured
`to transfer information using protocols selec ted from the group consisting of IEEE 802. 10
`protocol, lntemet Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol, Lotus Notes, simple network
`management protocol (SNMP), Multiple Internet Mail Exchange (MIME) protocol, Web
`Network File System (WFNS ) protocol, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Fiber Di stributed
`Data Interface (FOOl) and Reli able, Multi-cast Transfer Pro tocol (RMTP).
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`(Pending) The system of claim 38 wherein the communi cation subsystem
`comprises a plurality of hubs, wherein each hub comprises a wireless router and a relay
`station to re lay information between hubs, wherein the re lay statio n of each of the
`plurality of communication subsystem hubs is connected by fibero ptic cable and
`co mprises out of band management.
`(Pending) The system of claim 38 wherein the mobile hub station is
`confi gured to tran sfer info rmation as encrypted information.
`111 .
`(Pending) The system of claim 38 wherein the communication subsystem
`comprises a plurality of hubs, where in o ne or mo re of the communication subsystem hubs
`are separated by a di stan ce of six (6) to ten ( 10) miles and are connected in a ring
`11 2.
`(Pending) The system of claim 38 wherein the communication subsystem
`comprises a plurality of hubs, wherein o ne or more of the communi cation subsystem hubs
`are separated by a di stance of up to twenty-five (25) miles.
`11 3.
`(Pending) The system of claim 38, wherein the wireless LAN operates the
`secured private intranet and tran sfers encrypted informatio n.
`11 4.
`(Pending) The system of claim 38, wherein the co mmun icatio n subsystem
`tran sfers encrypted information and complises secure firewall software programs.
`l iS.
`(Pendin g) The system of claim 38, wherein the wireless LAN covers an
`on-site radiu s of up to 0.5 miles and operates at 2 Mbps.
`(Pendin g) The system of claim 38, wherein the mobile hub is ho used in a
`custom fitted motor home.
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`(Pending) The system of claim 38, wherein the mobil e hub co mprises an
`omni-directional antenna and tran sfers information from a non-stationary position.
`(Pending) The system of claim 38, wherein the mobil e hub transfers
`infolmation from a stationary position using an antenna that is calibrated throu gh a line of
`sight process.
`(Pending) The system of claim 38, wherein the wireless LAN has video
`conferenci ng capabilities.
`(Pendin g) The system of claim 38, wherein the communi cation subsystem
`comprises a downlink to the mobile hub station operatin g at 10 Mbps and the mobile hub
`co mprises an uplink to the communication subsystem operating at 10 Mbps.
`(Pending) The system of claim 38, wherein the mi crowave communication
`system allows fo r user access to the World Wide Web through one or more web-based
`software appli cation s.
`(Pending) The system of claim 12 1, wherein the indi vidual computer at
`each of the plurality of nodes allows for the use of the one or more web-based software
`applications, the one or more applications selec ted from the group consisting of web
`browser soft ware, an elec tronic mail application, an lntell1et Re lay Chat application, a
`voice communication application, and a database management application.
`(Pendin g) The te lecomputer network system of claim I, where in the
`wireless LAN is within an on-site radiu s of the mobile hub station.
`(Pendin g) The te leco mputer network of claim 14, wherein the wireless
`LAN is within an on-site radiu s of the mobile vehicle.
`Petitioners' Ex. 1032 - Page 18
`REEXAMINATION NO. 90/0 12,728 - 90/0 12.789
`Ally. Docket No. 1401029 - 140/03 1
`(Pending) The teleco mputer network of claim 24, wherei n the wireless
`LAN is within an o tl*site radiu s of the plurality of mobile vehicles.
`(Pending) The system of claim 28, wherein the wire less LAN is wi thin an
`on~si te mdius of the mobile hub.
`(Pending) The system of claim 38, wherein the wireless LAN is wi thin an on-site
`radius of the mob ile hub.
`(Pending) A system comprising: a sate llitecommunicatioll subsystem; a
`wireless local area network (LAN) that includes at least one co mputer; and a mobile unit
`configured to transfer broadband informati on as a sin gle no madic transmission/reception
`point between the satellite communicati on subsystem and the wi reless LAN using an
`internet protocol.
`(New) A telecomputer network system comprising: a red undant digital
`microwave communication system; a wi re less local area network (LAN); and a mob ile
`hub station configured to tran sfer info rmation as a single nomadic transmission/receptio n
`point between the microwave communication system and the wireless LAN using an
`Intemet protocol.
`Petitioners' Ex. 1032 - Page 19
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`Ally . Docket No. 1401029 - 140/03 1
`Statu s
`a. Amendments to the claims
`The Patent Owner amends the claims herewith to include new claim 128. All
`claim amendments are made relati ve to the claims set forth in the Reexami nation
`Cel1ificate of U.S. Patent No. 5,960,074 C I.
`Clai ms 24 and 38 are being amended 10 add the lenn "switching" which was
`erroneollsly omitted from the phrase " the ethemet packet protocol." Clai ms 43, 64, and
`79 are being amended to CQITee l a grammatical error therein, i.e., replacing the telm "are"
`with the term "is", Claims 65 and 66 are being amended to add the missing "in" in the
`preamb le of these claims. Claim 7 1 has been amended to remove the duplicate phrase "to
`route informati on" therein . Claim 74 is amended to include the word "that" which was
`elToneously omitted from the claim. C laim 88 is being amended to add the letter "s" that
`was erroneollsly omitted in the tenn "Mpb". Claim 100