`JULY 2, 1949
`Ken Murray and Nick Lucas join in a duct as Marie Wilson lends a happy car. There's more than one reason
`for the celebration-Lucas is marking his second year with Murray's "Blackouts" in Hollywood; "Blackouts"
`celebrated its eighth anniversary tune 24, and on the same day Miss Wilson completed seven straight years as
`one of the show's top performers, all of which establishes some sort of a record for variety shows. And speaking of
`records, Nick's latest Capitol release of "Bye Bye Blackbird," backed by "Don't Call Me Sweetheart Anymore,"
`is, in the opinion of Cap execs, one of the best pieces of work the veteran troubadour has ever done.
`Petitioners' Ex. 1003 - Page 1
`How- They're Se0,1ring Thema
`A SURVEY OF RADIO-PHONO-TV advertising along the Eastern
`Seaboart showed Admiral co-operative advertising getting the
`largest single portion of the newspaper space, with RCA Victor a close
`second. Third place in space and ,requencp of insertion were cut-
`price ads with the manufacturers' names not listed.
`In all ads, the
`price seemed to be the most important factor.
`table model Zenith radios were pic-
`Using Hallierafter -chassis only" TV
`tured In a three-coltunn ad that gave
`into a bon-
`Is broken on
`the price
`near-equal prominence
`dman smaller Identical ads spotted in
`the newspaper.-
`and the amount of reduction from the
`various sections of
`Sun Radio & Television Company,
`In price from
`to sores. -City Hall Hardware,
`Providence, R. I.
`upon a radio phonograph, particularly
`in the upper price brackets, was given
`fairly screams out from a five-column
`in a large ad by Detroit's largest de-
`ad that illustrated seven different sets
`partment store, promoting the Magna-
`made by five different manufacturers.
`vox model at 5360. No appeal to print
`A warning that
`Is a one-day
`cutting was made, attho the inevitable
`"extended payments available" Was In-
`Previous price, sale price and amount
`cluded, unobtrusively. Emphasis was
`"you save" were all prominently evi-
`upon the quality and furniture appeal
`dent. The ad also contained a coupon
`of the set, with considerabte attention
`"to have our representative coil at your
`given to the adaptability of the unit
`home."-Phillip's, Washington.
`fora television installation "whenever
`you are ready." The ad was unusual in
`10 per coat off? Would you chance a
`interest upon
`this centering of
`Rembrandt at hall its worth? Would
`standard set. making TV the deadhead
`you purchase a Stradivarius at afrac-
`passenger, in effect, in the
`tion of its value?" asks a half-page ad.
`J. L. Hudson Company, Detroit.
`large photo of an
`leads up
`to a
`radio-pliono combination at
`$149.95. Sold formerly for $750.-Hocht
`Bros., Baltimore,
`clear illustration of an Emerson AM-PM
`radio -piano console took up half the
`space of a hall-page ad offering the
`"Save 500" also received
`set at $59.00.
`good display.-Jordan Marsh Company,
`Is featured In a full-page ad plugging
`the clearance sale of TV sets. The
`atom points out It has access to "the
`skills and accomplishments of this fa-
`institute." -Lacy's,
`sales arguments to present market con-
`ditions were used In a three-column
`to meet a summer price market.
`low price" was
`the catehline,
`the Sentinel
`with a tag of 0159.05 on
`portable model
`$200.001,-plus emphasis upon weekly
`PaYmonte Of only $1.40.
`Even more
`prominent was the use of art, showing
`the sot rind cartoon
`large view of
`sketches etressing portable uses and
`adaptation to different viewing condi-
`tions. The use of a portable antenna
`was also given considerable spare. em-
`phasising sewing on Installation costs.-
`Boyer, Haunted Shacks, Detroit.
`The Billboard
`Radio Stores
`Double in 10
`Yrs. o 27,200
`WASHINGTON, June 25. - The
`number of radio and appliance stores
`in the nation nearly doubled in the
`last decade to hit a peak of 27,200
`the Commerce Department
`in 1948,
`reported this week.
`In 1939 the num-
`ber of such stores was 16,200.
`to year-by-year
`tistics, total stores. dropped to a low
`of 11,500 in 1943, then began a grad-
`ual climb
`the 1948 high. The
`number of radio and appliance stores
`going out of business has also been
`high in the last few years, tho out-
`numbered by new stores opening up.
`Riga period over the Iast.five years
`for the number of discontinued busi-
`nesses in the field was the January-
`June stretch last year, when 1,200
`stores gave up the ghost. During
`the same six months, however, 1,500
`and appliance stores were
`The average number of discon-
`tinued businesses has been about 800
`per year since 1944. The average
`number of new stores was approxi-
`mately 3,400 annually, with the high
`occurring in 1946 when 10,000 new
`stoma went into business. A year-
`by -year
`tabulation of
`total stores
`ir 0111
`13 000
`New Products and Prices
`July 2, 1949
`Du Mont Plans
`On -Spot Tele
`Via Cruiser
`I /einiaxistrftii011 Tout'
`NEW YORK, June 25.-Using the
`$25,000 Du Mont telecruiser, a mobile
`television studio, the receiver sales
`division of Allen B. Du Mont Labora-
`tories, Inc., inaugurates a new dealer
`promotion next week with a series of
`on- the -spot TV demonstrations in the
`metropolitan New York area. The
`firs' of the demonstrations will be
`held in Peekskill, N. Y., Monday (27),
`with additional New York showings
`scheduled for Scarsdale, Larchmont,
`Port Chester, New Rochelle, Mount
`Vernon, Yonkers and the Bronx.
`The telecruiser, a fully equipped
`studio on wheels, will be parked in
`front of the dealer's store and a closed
`circuit camera chain set up to tele-
`vise people in the crowd and the store
`itself. Two receivers will be
`stalled on the sidewalk and a third
`in the truck. People watching the
`demonstration will be able to view
`themselves on the receivers.
`Du Mont dealers in this area have
`been furnished special promotion kits
`containing suggestions for window
`displays, advertising and other pro-
`motional activities in connection with
`In addition,
`dealer co-operates by having his sales
`staff on hand to distribute literature
`and answer questions about
`Truck for Sale?
`While the promotion-minded TV
`industry looks upon thjs demonstra-
`tion as having all till elements of
`good salesmanship, they also feel that
`Du Mont looks upon it as a hopeful
`measure in interesting someone, per-
`haps a network, in buying the expen-
`truck-studio, designed by the
`television specialties de-
`the newly announced ap-
`pointment of Walter Stickel as na-
`tional sales manager and
`the ex-
`panded set production to result from.
`the new East Paterson, N. J., plant,
`the company would probably prefer
`to put the cost of operating and main-
`taining the telecruiser into more di-
`rect promotional and advertising use.
`Despite Du Mont's heretofore strict
`policy in administering franchises and
`trade-ins have become evident of late
`and trade-wise observers are of the
`opinion that Du Mont will have to
`hypo sales and promotion activities
`in an effort to move a large quantity
`of their present line of receivers be-
`fore introducing
`the new
`line of
`lower-priced sets. It in reported that
`Du Mont can go into large-scale pro-
`duction of the new line as quickly as
`the company's executives feel that
`the market, distributors and dealers
`can absorb the new models without
`"killing" sales of the present rbceiv-
`GE Issues "AC Sellerator"
`June 25.-General
`Electric distributors are supplying
`radio and television dealers with a
`new publication, The AC Sellerator,
`devoted to sales promotion aids and
`ideas. The four-page paper features
`window displays, consumer folders,
`envelope stuffers, truck banners and
`G. E.'s national advertising campaign
`for June, July and August.
`Crosley Products Double
`NEW YORK, June 25.-The sales
`volume of Crosley television, radio
`and appliance products in the metro-
`politan New York area for. the first
`six months of the 1.949 fiscal year
`more than 'doubled that of the same
`period in 1948, according to an an-
`nouncement made by Bert Cole, vee-
`pee and general manager of the Cros-
`ley Distributing Corporation. Cole
`Tele- Robot. Receiver Unveiled
`By Los Anodes Electric Firm
`(Confirmed frost page C)
`screen pix for less than the cost of
`installing high-quality, small-screen
`commercial receivers.
`For standard hotel installation, the
`basic set-up will consist of one mas-
`ter receiver for each local video sta-
`tion plus Tele-Robot sets for each
`room. Thru a relatively simple wir-
`ing installation (similar to telephone
`PBX switchboards) viewers can be
`tuned into any program emanating
`from a local telecasting area. Hotel
`guests need only to indicate program
`the central operator
`who would make station plug-in con-
`nections. For home use, an even
`simpler adaptation can offer
`viewing from any portion of
`home, with Tele-Robots
`with ease in secondary looking spots.
`Selling price of the unit is still
`undetermined, altho backers claim
`mass production will cut the cost well
`below all competitive prices of large-
`screen projection sets. A corporation
`to produce and market the product
`is being set up under California cor-
`porate laws, with Weinshenk, Riccio
`and film Producer Al Rogell as prin-
`cipal stockholders. Financial backing
`of film and radio personalities has
`RMA To Explain Simple Set
`Problems Via Min. TV Pix
`June 25. -The
`Radio Manufacturers' Association
`is ready to start production
`on a series of 10 one-minute TV films
`designed to brush up vie,. :rs on sim-
`ple set problems in order to forestall
`to servicemen. The
`nuisance. calls
`decision was reached this week at a
`meeting of an RMA committee. The
`films will be produced In co-opera-
`tion with the Television Broadcasters'
`Association (TBA), and are expected
`to be ready for telecasting in the
`early fall, the RMA said.
`also announced that May was
`ninth successive month in which Cros-
`ley dealers in this area took deliveries
`In excess of $1,000,000.
`been lined up and full-scale manu-
`to begin
`Personnel Changes
`Walter L. Stickel, newly appointed
`national sales manager for DuMont,
`takes up his duties upon arrival from
`California July 28. Stickel was for-
`merly sales manager for the RCA
`Victor division of Leo J. Meyberg
`. Bernard
`Company, Los Angeles. .
`(Ben) Holsinger has been ap-
`advertising manager
`Colonial Radio Corporation. He was
`formerly promotional sales manager
`. The RCA Service
`of Wurlitzer. .
`Company has named R. N. Beggs as
`sales manager of the consumer prod-
`. Joseph Schwartz
`ucts division. .
`has been named president of Har-
`monic Radio & Television Company,
`Brooklyn. Schwartz was formerly
`a consulting engineer with the Em-
`. The
`erson Radio Corporation.
`new general manager of
`the car
`manufacturers' division of the Philco
`Corporation is Martin F. Shea.... A.
`L. B. Richardson has been appointed
`genera) attorney for Sylvania Elec-
`. Larry Oeb-
`tric Products, Inc.
`becke, former president of the Phila-
`delphia Radio Servicemen's Associa-
`tion, has joined the sales division of
`the Radio Electric Service Company.
`. The New York division of
`Philco - Distributors,
`Inc., has an-
`nounced the resignation of John H.
`Hocter, sales manager of the Brook
`lyn division.
`Emerson Drops Speakers
`NEW YORK, June 2. - Emerson
`Radio & Phonograph Corporation
`the radio speaker
`withdrew from
`this week
`manufacturing business
`with sale of the company's wholly
`owned subsidiary, Radio Speakers,
`to the Jensen Manufacturing
`Company. The Radio Speakers com-
`pany had been acquired by Emerson
`to overcome the
`in order
`in 1945
`scarcity of speakers. The Jensen firm
`is a subsidiary of the Muter Company,
`The new Garod "Newport" model
`features a 16 -inch picture tube and a
`separate dial pointer for
`low and
`high frequency bands. List price for
`the mahogany table set. is $349.95....
`General Electric has announced a
`tow-priced table model AM-FM ra-
`. Interna-
`dio to retail at $49.95.
`tional Television Corporation has
`started production of a 16-inch con-
`solid:, TV receiver to list at $349.
`. Sentinel's new 10-inch TV set
`is priced at $229.95.
`. Stewart-
`Warner's first 1214 -inch table model
`. Air King products
`lists at $325. .
`has announced a 10-inch table model
`set to retail at $199.95. .
`. The new
`Vidcraft line of receivers is at the
`lowest prices yet offered. The 16-
`inch table model retails at $209,
`eluding FM. Other prices and models
`are a 12-inch table model with FM
`at $299, a 16-inch consollete at $350
`and a 16-inch console combination set
`at $399. All sets are being sold on a
`. Hal-
`factory-to-consumer basis. .
`licrafter's Model 512, 121/2 -inch con-
`solette, lists at $299.50.. .
`. Admiral
`has announced a 16-inch console to
`retail at $445. The chassis
`is the
`sa:ne as that used in the recently an-
`nounced 121/2-inch console.
`Mars Television's "La Salle" console
`lists at $575. The set features a 10-
`inch picture tube.
`Cox & Box To Sail for U, S.
`LONDON, June 25.-H. Elton Box
`songwriters and
`and Sonny Cox,
`chiefs of the publishing house of Box
`the United States
`& Cox, sail for
`Thursday. They expect to be in the
`States for approximately two weeks.
`Carry 'Em Up!
`WASHINGTON, June 25.-
`Production of automobile and
`May. FM and TV
`showed a slight decrease from
`April figures, Radio Manufac-
`tt rers Association (RMA) an-
`nounced Friday (24). May pro-
`duction totaled 181,803 auto sets,
`132,091 portables, 449,128 AM
`receivers, 163,262 TV sets, and
`28,388 combination AM -FM's.
`Copyrighted material
`Petitioners' Ex. 1003 - Page 2