`United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,343,746 B2
`Mar. 18, 2008
`3,148,513 A
`4,244,191 A
`4/1962 Ewing
`1/1981 Hendriks
`(75) Inventor: Tom L. Pierson, Sugar Land, TX (US)
`(73) Asslgneez TAS’ Ltd" Houston’ TX (Us)
`) Nonce'
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`21 A l. N .: 10/894 453
`(22) Filed:
`Jul. 19, 2004
`C t'
`( on mue )
`Ondryas, Igor et al. , Options in Gas Turbine Power Augmentation
`using Inlet Air Chilling, Jun. 11, 1990, The American Society of
`Mechanical Engineers, Article No. 90-GT-250, pp. 1-10.*
`Primar ExamineriWilliam H. Rodri e2
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiLocke Lord Bissell &
`Llddell LLP
`Prior Publication Data
`Us 2005/0056023 A1
`Man 17, 2005
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application NO‘ 10/206 85 6 ?led on
`Jul 26 2002 HOW Pat NO 6 769 258’ Winch is a
`’ t.
`an f '
`’N ’ 09/961 711
`gndmuaslonggg 00 1O appplctallqon 6 4O7'0 686 ’hi I;
`. e Onfepf ’
`f ’ n1O.W fa ‘NO’ 0’9/36’9 78’8W?1Cd
`15 alien 1211211
`O appplcta ?n 60518 065 ’
`on ug' ’
`’ now a '
`O‘ ’
`(51) Int C1
`Foéc /00
`(2006 01)
`(52) US. Cl. ....... ...... ..; ....................... .. 60/772, 60/728
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................
`60/775’ 723’ 62/175
`See apphcanon ?le for Complete Search hlstory'
`References Cited
`1,781,541 A 11/1930 Einstein
`2,336,066 A 12/1943 Cain
`2,689,467 A
`9/1954 Verber
`A method for cooling inlet air to a gas turbine is provided.
`For example, a method is described including passing inlet
`air through a cooling coil that includes an opening for
`receiving the 1nlet air and that 15 operably connected to a gas
`turbine poWer plant. The gas turbine poWer plant may
`include at least one gas turbine, and at least one gas turbine
`inlet Which receives the inlet air. The method may further
`include passing circulating Water through a Water chiller at
`a ?rst ?oW rate to reduce the temperature of the circulating
`Water, the Water chiller including a conduit through Which
`the circulating Water is capable of passing and passing the
`circulating Water having the ?rst ?oW rate through the
`cooling coil in an amount sufficient to loWer the temperature
`Ofthe inlet air‘ Additionally, the method may include reduc_
`mg the ?ow rate Ofthe Circulating Water passing through the
`Water chiller, passing the circulating Water through a Water
`chiller at a second ?oW rate to reduce the temperature of the
`circulating Water, the second ?oW rate being loWer than the
`?rst ?oW rate, and passing the circulating Water having the
`second ?oW rate through the cooling coil in an amount
`suf?cient to loWer the temperature of the inlet air.
`7 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`PAGE 1 of 26

`US 7,343,746 B2
`Page 2
`------ -- 60/791
`1/1981 Stanke et al.
`4,244,517 A
`4,418,527 A * 12/1983 Schlom et al. .............. .. 60/775
`4,446,703 A
`5/1984 Gilbertson
`4,792,091 A 12/1988 Martinez, Jr~
`4,926,649 A
`5/1990 Martinez, Jr.
`4,951,460 A *
`8/1990 Prochaskae1a1~
`5,012,646 A
`5/1991 Speer
`5,065,598 A * 11/1991 K998119191 --------------- -- 62/330
`5,083,423 A *
`1/1992 Prochaskae1a1~ ---------- -- 611/772
`5,111,875 A
`5/1992 Hammarstedt
`5,191,767 A *
`3/1993 Kane et al. ................. .. 60/728
`5,321,944 A *
`6/1994 Bronicki et a1.
`5,386,685 A *
`2/1995 Frutschi ....... ..
`.. 60/783
`5,444,971 A *
`8/ 1995 Holenberger ..
`.. 60/783
`5,457,951 A * 10/1995 Johnson et al.
`.. 60/780
`5,465,585 A * 11/1995 Mornhed et al. ............ .. 62/59
`5,622,044 A
`4/1997 BIOIliCki 6t 81.
`5,632,148 A *
`5/1997 BIOIliCki 6t 81. ------------ -- 60/728
`5,655,373 A *
`8/1997 Y?m?shita et a1.
`5,758,502 A *
`6/1998 Ut?mufa e1 31~
`5,782,080 A *
`7/1998 Illbruck .......... ..
`5,782,093 A *
`7/1998 Yamashita et al.
`5,790,972 A *
`8/1998 Kohlenberger ............ .. 701/103
`4/1999 Temos
`5,894,739 A
`6,173,563 B1* 1/2001 Vakil et al. ................. .. 60/772
`6,185,946 B1
`2/2001 Hartman
`6,209,330 B1
`4/2001 Timmerman et 31‘
`6,318,065 B1* 11/2001 Pierson ........... ..
`6,324,867 B1* 12/2001 Fanning etal. ............. .. 62/613
`6,405,549 B1
`6/2002 Baffes
`6,408,609 B1* 6/2002 Andrepont ................. .. 60/772
`6,422,018 B1
`7/2002 Tisdale etal.
`6,470,686 B2* 10/2002 Pierson ...................... .. 60/772
`6,769,258 B2* 8/2004 Pierson ...................... .. 60/772
`American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
`Engineers, Inc., Chilled Water Storage; Design Guide for Cooled
`Thermal Storage; cover page; pp. 4-1 to 4-7; 4-10 to 4-18; 4-24 to
`Ondryas, et al., Options in Gas Turbine Power Augmentation Using
`Inlet Air Chilling, presented at the Gas Turbine and Aeroengine
`Congress and Exposition, Jun. 11-14, 1990, Brussels, Belgium.
`Holman, J.P., Thermodynamics, McGraW Hill Kogakusha, 2nd ed.,
`Tokyo 1974, pp, 452.53,
`* cited by examiner
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 18, 2008
`Sheet 4 0f 9
`US 7,343,746 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 18, 2008
`Sheet 7 0f 9
`US 7,343,746 B2
`Lo 0
`L0 L0
`6O 70
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`US 7,343,746 B2
`This application is a continuation of Us. patent applica
`tion Ser. No. 10/206,856, ?led Jul. 26, 2002, noW U.S. Pat.
`No. 6,769,528 Which is a continuation-in-part of Us. patent
`application Ser. No. 09/961,711, ?led Sep. 24, 2001, noW
`U.S. Pat. No. 6,470,686, Which is a continuation of Us.
`patent application Ser. No. 09/369,788, ?led Aug. 6, 1999,
`noW U.S. Pat. No. 6,318,065.
`1. Field of the Invention
`This invention relates broadly to cooling inlet air to a gas
`2. Description of Related Art.
`A conventional gas turbine system includes: an air com
`pressor for compressing the turbine inlet air; a combustion
`chamber for mixing the compressed air With fuel and
`combusting the mixture, thereby producing a combustion
`gas; and a poWer turbine that is driven by the combustion
`gas, thereby producing an exhaust gas and useful poWer.
`Over the years, various technologies have been employed
`to increase the amount of useful poWer that the poWer
`turbine is able to produce. One Way of increasing the poWer
`output of a gas turbine is to cool the turbine inlet air prior to
`compressing it in the compressor. Cooling causes the air to
`have a higher density, thereby creating a higher mass ?oW
`rate through the turbine. The higher the mass ?oW rate
`through the turbine, the more poWer the turbine produces.
`Cooling the turbine inlet air temperature also increases the
`turbine’s ef?ciency.
`Various systems have been devised for chilling the inlet
`air to the compressor. One such system uses evaporative
`cooling, Wherein ambient temperature Water is run over
`plates or over a cellular media inside of a chamber, thereby
`creating thin ?lms of Water on each plate, or on the media.
`The turbine inlet air is then draWn through the chamber, and
`through evaporative cooling, the air is cooled to near the Wet
`bulb temperature. This system is limited to cooling the air to
`the Wet bulb temperature, Which is dependent upon the
`atmospheric conditions at any given time. Another system
`uses a chiller to chill Water that is then run through a coil.
`The inlet air is then draWn through the coil to cool the air.
`This system requires parasitic poWer or steam to drive the
`chilling system Which has the further drawback that When
`inlet air cooling is needed the most, ie during the day When
`the temperature is the highest, is also the time When poWer
`demand from the turbine is the highest, ie during the day
`When poWer users are in operation. In order to run the chiller,
`poWer from the turbine is required, but this poWer is needed
`by the users of the turbines poWer. On the other hand, When
`cooling is needed the least, ie at night When the tempera
`tures are the loWest, surplus poWer from the turbine is
`available because the consumers of the turbine’s poWer are
`largely not in operation. Accordingly, a continuing need
`exists for a turbine inlet air cooling system Which: Would
`ef?ciently cool turbine inlet air; Would take advantage of
`surplus poWer available during times of loW consumer
`poWer demand; and Would not drain the system of poWer
`during times of high consumer poWer demand.
`A. Inlet Air Cooling
`Described in greater detail beloW is a method for chilling
`inlet air to a gas turbine poWer plant, Which may include:
`providing a system of circulating chilling Water including a
`chilling system; providing an inlet air chiller for loWering
`the temperature of the inlet air being fed to a gas turbine
`compressor through heat transfer betWeen the circulating
`chilling Water and the inlet air, providing a thermal Water
`storage tank Which is operably connected to the system of
`circulating chilling Water, the thermal Water storage tank
`containing chilling Water having a bottom; during a charge
`cycle, removing a ?rst portion of chilling Water from the
`thermal Water storage tank, passing the removed ?rst portion
`of Water through the chilling system to loWer the tempera
`ture of the removed ?rst portion of Water and to provide a
`chilled removed ?rst portion of Water, and then introducing
`the chilled removed ?rst portion of Water into the thermal
`Water storage tank at a point proximate the bottom of the
`tank, Wherein the chilled removed ?rst portion of Water is
`introduced to the tank in an amount suf?cient to loWer the
`average temperature of the chilling Water in the thermal
`Water storage tank; and during a discharge cycle, chilling the
`inlet air by removing a second portion of chilling Water from
`the thermal Water storage tank, from a point proximate the
`bottom of the tank and then passing the second portion of
`chilling Water to the inlet air chiller to make heat transfer
`contact betWeen the second portion of chilling Water and the
`inlet air, such that the temperature of the inlet air is loWered.
`In another method that is described herein, the average
`temperature of the chilling Water in the tank may be loWered
`to about 33° F. to about 40° F. during the charge cycle and
`may be raised to about 60° F. to about 70° F. during the
`discharge cycle. In another speci?c embodiment, the times
`of the charge and discharge cycles may be such that, before
`the temperature of the chilling Water proximate the bottom
`of the tank reaches about 36° F. during the discharge cycle,
`the charge cycle is initiated. In another speci?c embodiment
`of the method for chilling inlet air, the ?rst portion of
`chilling Water removed from the thermal Water storage tank
`during the charge cycle may be removed through a top
`outlet. In yet another speci?c embodiment, the chilling Water
`in the tank may have an average temperature that can be
`loWered during the charge cycle and raised during the
`discharge cycle. In a further speci?c embodiment of the
`claimed method, the discharge cycle may be carried out
`during the night-time and the charge cycle may be carried
`out during the day-time. In still another speci?c embodi
`ment, the Water level in the tank may remain substantially
`constant during the charge and discharge cycles. In still a
`further speci?c embodiment, the one or more chillers may be
`deactivated during the discharge cycle. In another speci?c
`embodiment, the discharge cycle may occur during peak
`poWer usage of the gas turbine poWer plant. In another
`speci?c embodiment, the discharge cycle may be performed
`after the removing of at least a portion of the volume of
`chilling Water from the thermal Water storage tank during the
`charge cycle, such that the chilled removed Water that is
`introduced into the thermal Water storage tank at a point
`proximate the bottom of the tank may remain substantially
`at the point proximate the bottom of the tank. In another
`speci?c embodiment, the ?rst portion of chilling Water
`removed during the charge cycle may be suf?cient to chill
`substantially all of the Water in the thermal Water storage
`tank to a temperature beloW the temperature of maximum
`PAGE 12 of 26

`US 7,343,746 B2
`Water density. In yet another speci?c embodiment of the
`claimed method, the second portion of chilling Water
`removed during the discharge cycle may be substantially all
`of the chilling Water in the tank. In a further speci?c
`embodiment of the method of the present invention, the
`thermal Water storage tank contains a volume of chilling
`Water that is suf?cient to loWer the temperature of the inlet
`air to a range of from about 45° F. to about 55° F. for a period
`of betWeen about 4 hours to about 12 hours.
`Also described herein is a method of chilling Water
`delivered to the air chiller in a gas turbine poWer plant
`system having at least one air chiller for loWering the
`temperature of inlet air, at least one air compressor for
`compressing the inlet air, at least one combustor for burning
`the compressed air and providing combustion gas, and at
`least one poWer turbine driven by the combustion gas for
`producing useful poWer, a method of chilling Water deliv
`ered to the air chiller, the method including the steps of:
`providing the at least one air chiller With an air chiller inlet
`that may receive Water, and an air chiller outlet that may
`expel Water; providing a thermal Water storage tank, having
`a bottom portion, a top portion, at least one bottom opening
`proximate the bottom portion and at least one top opening
`proximate the top portion, and containing a volume of stored
`Water having an average temperature, and temperature of
`maximum Water density; performing a charge cycle, by
`introducing through the at least one bottom opening a ?rst
`quantity of chilled Water Which has a chilled Water tempera
`ture that is beloW the temperature of maximum Water
`density, thereby loWering the average temperature of the
`volume of stored Water, Wherein the ?rst quantity of chilled
`Water being introduced through the bottom opening is suf
`?cient to loWer the average temperature of the volume of
`stored Water to a temperature that is beloW the temperature
`of maximum Water density; and performing a discharge
`cycle by removing a second quantity of chilled Water from
`the tank through the at least one bottom opening and passing
`the second quantity of chilled Water to the air chiller inlet,
`to loWer the temperature of the inlet air, thereby raising the
`temperature of the second quantity of chilled Water and
`providing high temperature Water, then introducing the high
`temperature Water to the at least one top opening in the tank.
`In yet another method of chilling Water, the temperature
`of maximum Water density may be from about 20° F. to
`about 392° F. In another speci?c embodiment, the tempera
`ture of maximum Water density may be about 392° F. In
`another speci?c embodiment, the temperature of the stored
`Water may have a temperature of from about 34° F. to about
`40° F. In yet another speci?c embodiment of the claimed
`method the temperature of the stored Water may have a
`temperature corresponding to the maximum Water density of
`about 392° F. In another speci?c embodiment sodium
`nitrate may be added to depress the freeZing temperature of
`the Water thereby alloWing stored Water to be in the range of
`about 25° F. to about 34° F. In another speci?c embodiment
`of the method of the present invention, the useful poWer
`produced by the poWer turbine may be consumed at a
`variable rate, and the charge cycle may be performed When
`the rate is at a minimum. In a further speci?c embodiment,
`the useful poWer produced by the poWer turbine may be
`consumed at a variable rate, and the discharge cycle may be
`performed When the rate is at a maximum. In yet another
`speci?c embodiment of the method of the present invention,
`the quantity of Water expelled during the discharge cycle
`may be less than the volume of stored Water. In a further
`speci?c embodiment, the quantity of chilled Water may be
`chilled by passing Water through at least one chiller. In still
`another speci?c embodiment of the claimed method, the
`temperature of inlet air may be loWered from a high tem
`perature of from about 85° F. to about 95° F. to a loW
`temperature of from about 45° F. to about 55° F. In still a
`further speci?c embodiment, the high temperature may be
`about 90° F. and the loW temperature may be about 50° F. In
`yet another speci?c embodiment, the output of the gas
`turbine poWer plant system may be from about 50 mega
`Watts to about 250 megaWatts.
`Also described beloW is a gas turbine poWer plant system,
`Wherein the system includes: one or more air chillers for
`loWering the temperature of inlet air; one or more air
`compressors for compressing the inlet air; one or more
`combustors for burning the compressed air and providing
`combustion gas; and one or more poWer turbines driven by
`the combustion gas for producing useful poWer, and an
`improvement that may include: a thermal Water storage tank
`for containing chilled Water, Wherein the thermal Water
`storage tank has a bottom portion With a bottom outlet and
`a top portion, and the tank is operably connected to the air
`chiller such that the chilled Water passes from the bottom
`outlet to the air chiller to loWer the temperature of the inlet
`air and is returned to the thermal Water storage tank; and a
`Water chilling system for chilling the Water in the thermal
`Water storage tank, Wherein the Water chilling system is
`con?gured to receive high temperature Water from the top
`portion of the tank, and Wherein the system is con?gured to
`introduce loW temperature Water to the bottom portion of the
`tank, such that the average temperature of the Water in the
`tank is loWered; and Wherein the Water chilling system
`includes one or more chillers for loWering the temperature of
`the high temperature Water from the top portion of the tank
`to provide loW temperature Water.
`In an example of such a gas turbine poWer plant system,
`the thermal Water storage tank may have a bottom, and the
`bottom outlet may be positioned at a height that is less than
`about 10 feet from the bottom of the tank. In another speci?c
`embodiment of the gas turbine poWer plant system, the
`thermal Water storage tank may have a bottom, and the
`bottom outlet may be positioned at a height that is less than
`about 5 feet from the bottom of the tank. In another speci?c
`embodiment, the thermal Water storage tank may have a
`bottom, and the bottom outlet may be positioned at a height
`that is less than about 18 inches from the bottom of the tank.
`In another speci?c embodiment, the tank may have a top
`outlet and a bottom inlet such that, in a charge cycle the high
`temperature Water may be removed through the top outlet
`and may be fed to the one or more chillers, and the loW
`temperature Water may be introduced to the tank through the
`bottom inlet. In a further speci?c embodiment of the gas
`turbine poWer plant system, the tank may have a bottom
`outlet such that, in a discharge cycle, chilling Water may be
`removed from the tank through the bottom outlet. In still a
`further speci?c embodiment of the gas turbine poWer plant
`system, the tank may have a bottom outlet such that, in a
`discharge cycle, chilling Water may be removed from the
`tank through the bottom outlet, fed to the air chiller and is
`returned to the tank, bypassing the one or more chillers of
`the Water chilling system. In still a further speci?c embodi
`ment of the gas turbine poWer plant system, the top portion
`may be separated from the bottom portion by a ther'mocline.
`In yet another example, during the charge cycle, the
`bottom inlet may receive a quantity of chilled Water that is
`suf?cient to supply the air chiller With Water having a
`temperature beloW the temperature of maximum Water den
`sity for four or more hours. In another speci?c embodiment,
`during the charge cycle, the bottom inlet may receive a
`PAGE 13 of 26

`US 7,343,746 B2
`quantity of chilled Water that is suf?cient to supply the air
`chiller With Water having a temperature below the tempera
`ture of maximum Water density for eight or more hours. In
`still another embodiment, during the charge cycle, the bot
`tom inlet may receive a quantity of chilled Water that is
`su?icient to supply the air chiller With Water having a
`temperature beloW the temperature of maximum Water den
`sity for tWelve or more hours.
`In still another example, the thermal Water tank may have
`a height of from about 25 feet to about 70 feet. In yet another
`speci?c embodiment, the thermal Water tank may have a
`diameter of from about 50 feet to about 250 feet. In another
`speci?c embodiment, the thermal Water tank may have a
`diameter, and a height, and the diameter may be greater than
`the height. In yet another speci?c embodiment of the
`claimed invention, the volume of stored Water may be
`greater than about eight hundred thousand gallons. In still a
`further speci?c embodiment, the temperature of the Water in
`the top portion may be about 15° F. to about 35° F. greater
`than the temperature of the Water in the bottom portion. In
`another speci?c embodiment, the thermal Water storage
`system may include a plurality of thermal Water storage
`tanks, each of the plurality of tanks may have a bottom inlet
`and a bottom outlet, and each of the plurality of tanks may
`have a top inlet and a top outlet. In another speci?c embodi
`ment, the bottom inlet may have a bottom di?‘user, and the
`top inlet may have a top diffuser, Whereby the Water entering
`the bottom inlet is diffused, and the Water entering the top
`inlet may be di?‘used. In yet another speci?c embodiment,
`the temperature of the Water in the top portion of the tank
`may have a temperature ranging from about 600 F. to about
`70° F. In still a further speci?c embodiment, the temperature
`of the Water in the bottom portion of the tank may have a
`temperature that is above the freeZing temperature. In
`another speci?c embodiment, the Water chilling system may
`include at least one mechanical chiller. In still another
`speci?c embodiment of the present invention, the Water
`chilling system may include at least one absorption chiller.
`In still a further speci?c embodiment, the Water chilling
`system may include at least one mechanical chiller and at
`least one absorption chiller. In yet another speci?c embodi
`ment, the mechanical chiller may receive chilled Water from
`the absorption chiller, and the mechanical chiller may fur
`ther chills the chilled Water. In another speci?c embodiment,
`the gas turbine poWer plant system may additionally includ
`ing a heat recovery steam generator and a steam turbine,
`Wherein the absorption chiller may be driven by steam from
`the heat recovery steam generator. Another speci?c embodi
`ment of the gas turbine poWer plant system may additionally
`include a heat recovery steam generator and a steam turbine,
`Wherein the absorption chiller is driven by back pressure
`from the steam turbine exhaust. In another speci?c embodi
`ment, the inlet air may be loWered from a ?rst temperature
`of about from 85° F. to about 95° F. to a second temperature
`of from about 45° F. to about 55° F. in the inlet air chiller.
`In yet another embodiment, the ?rst temperature may be
`about 90° F. and the second temperature may be about 50°
`F. In another speci?c embodiment of the gas turbine poWer
`plant system, the chilling Water being fed to the inlet air
`chiller may have a temperature of from about 34° F. to about
`40° F. In another speci?c embodiment, the gas turbine poWer
`plant system may additionally include a steam turbine and a
`heat recovery steam generator, and the heat recovery steam
`generator may receive exhaust gas from the poWer turbine
`and may provide high pressure steam to the steam turbine,
`and the steam turbine may provide loW pressure steam.
`B. Additional Methods and Systems
`Embodiments of the invention additionally include pass
`ing inlet air through a cooling coil that includes an opening
`for receiving the inlet air and that is operably connected to
`a gas turbine poWer plant. The gas turbine poWer plant may
`include at least one gas turbine, and at least one gas turbine
`inlet Which receives the inlet air. The method may further
`include passing circulating Water through a Water chiller at
`a ?rst ?oW rate to reduce the temperature of the circulating
`Water, the Water chiller including a conduit through Which
`the circulating Water is capable of passing and passing the
`circulating Water having the ?rst ?oW rate through the
`cooling coil in an amount sufficient to loWer the temperature
`of the inlet air. Additionally, the method may include reduc
`ing the How rate of the circulating Water passing through the
`Water chiller, passing the circulating Water through a Water
`chiller at a second ?oW rate to reduce the temperature of the
`circulating Water, the second ?oW rate being loWer than the
`?rst ?oW rate, and passing the circulating Water having the
`second ?oW rate through the cooling coil in an amount
`suf?cient to loWer the temperature of the inlet air.
`Additional embodiments may include providing a system
`of circulating liquid chilling Water including a chilling
`system that includes a ?rst mechanical chiller and a second
`mechanical chiller, the ?rst and second mechanical chillers
`being arranged in series and passing at least a portion of the
`liquid chilling Water through the ?rst mechanical chiller and
`the second mechanical chiller, the liquid chilling Water
`passing through the ?rst mechanical chiller being loWered to
`a ?rst temperature, and the liquid chilling Water passing
`through the second mechanical chiller being loWered to a
`second temperature that is loWer than the ?rst temperature,
`thus providing a staged liquid chilling Water temperature
`drop, Wherein the staged liquid chilling Water temperature
`drop is from about 20° F. to about 34° F. The method may
`further include providing an inlet air chiller, comprising a
`cooling coil through Which liquid chilling Water passes, for
`loWering the temperature of inlet air being fed to the
`compressor through heat transfer betWeen the liquid chilling
`Water passing through the cooling coil and the inlet air,
`Wherein the inlet air chiller provides a liquid chilling Water
`temperature rise of from about 20° F. to about 34° F. and
`chilling the inlet air by directing the liquid chilling Water to
`the inlet air chiller and passing the liquid chilling Water
`through the cooling coil of the inlet air chiller to make heat
`transfer contact betWeen the liquid chilling Water and the
`inlet air. Preferably, the method additionally includes adding
`potassium formate to the circulating Water in an amount
`suf?cient to depress the freeZing point of the circulating
`Water. In the alternative, or additionally, the method may
`include contacting the inlet air leaving the cooling coil With
`a control system, a temperature sensor, and a relative humid
`ity sensor to monitor the leaving air temperature and relative
`humidity of the leaving air and varying the How or the
`temperature of the circulating Water to maintain a relative
`humidity of the coil to beloW about 95% to about 99% RH
`for optimal e?iciency in a combined cycle system.
`Additional embodiments may include a system for chill
`ing inlet air for a gas turbine poWer plant including passing
`inlet air through a cooling coil that includes an opening for
`receiving the inlet air and that is operably connected to a gas
`turbine poWer plant that includes at least one gas turbine,
`and at least one gas turbine inlet Which receives the inlet air,
`passing circulating Water through a Water chiller at a ?rst
`?oW rate to reduce the temperature of the circulating Water,
`the Water chiller including a conduit through Which the
`circulating Water is capable of passing and passing the
`PAGE 14 of 26

`US 7,343,746 B2
`circulating Water having the ?rst ?oW rate through the
`cooling coil in an amount sufficient to lower the temperature
`of the inlet air to a desired air temperature setpoint. The
`system may further include reducing the How rate of the
`circulating Water passing through the Water chiller during
`loWer ambient off-design periods to maintain the desired air
`temperature setpoint, passing the reduced ?oWrate circulat
`ing Water through the Water chiller at a second ?oW rate and
`reducing the temperature of the circulating Water to maintain
`the desired air temperature setpoint, the second ?oW rate
`being loWer than the ?rst ?oW rate and passing the circu
`lating Water having the second ?oW rate through the cooling
`coil in an amount sufficient to loWer the temperature of the
`inlet air to the desired air temperature setpoint. The method
`may additionally include reducing the How rate of the
`circulating Water passing through the tWo or more sequen
`tially positioned compressors during loWer ambient olf
`design conditions to maintain a higher circulating Water
`delta T thereby alloWing Warmer Water to pass through the
`upstream compressor thus improving the ef?ciency at partial
`Certain embodiments include passing the circulating
`Water through a heater prior to passing the circulating Water
`through the cooling coil, in Which the circulating Water
`temperature is increased to a temperature that is higher than
`the temperature of the circulating Water leaving the cooling
`coil and higher than the temperature of the air entering the
`cooling coil to maintain the minimum desired leaving air
`Certain embodiments include adding an additive to the
`circulating Water in an amount sufficient to depress the
`freezing point of the circulating Water. Certain embodiments
`may further include adding an additive to the circulating
`Water in an amount sufficient to depress the freezing point of
`the circulating Water and minimiZing any negative perfor
`mance derating due to the additive effect on the heat transfer
`properties of Water. Certain embodiments may include add
`ing a salt additive to the circulating Water in an amount
`sufficient to depress the freeZing point of the circulating
`Water. The salt additive may be added to the circulating
`Water in an amount sufficient to depress the freeZing point of
`the circulating Water to a point that Would speci?cally
`provide for protection of the system during loW ambient
`temperature operation and to protect the system during
`shut-doWn periods. Certain embodiments may include add
`ing sodium nitrate to the circulating Water in an amount
`sufficient to depress the freeZing point of the circulating
`Water. In yet other embodiments, the method includes add
`ing potassium formate to the circulating Water in an amount
`sufficient to depress the freeZing point of the circulating
`In certain embodiments, the method includes determining
`a set point and reducing the How rate of the circulating Water
`passing through the Water chiller When the temperature
`difference betWeen the circulating Water entering the cooling
`coil and the circulating Water leaving the cooling coil
`reaches the set point. Certain embodiments include deter
`mining a leaving chilled Water temperature set point and
`increasing the setpoint at reduced off-design ambient tem
`peratures to maintain the de

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