`(12) Reissued Patent
`US RE44,815 E
`(10) Patent Number:
`(45) Date of Reissued Patent:
`Mar. 25, 2014
`(71) Applicant: TAS Energy Inc., Houston, TX (US)
`USPC ............. .. 60/728, 773, 775, 39.3, 39.53, 266,
`60/267, 39.182; 62/175, 332
`l't' ?lf
`ee app lea Ion e or Comp e e Seam 15 Dry
`(72) Inventor: Thomas L. Pierson, Sugar Land, TX
`References Cited
`(73) Assignee: TAS Energy, Inc., Houston, TX (US)
`(21) Appl.No.. 13/777,820
`(22) Flledl
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`?ledon Sep.24, 2001,n6w Pat. NO. 6,470,686, which
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`F02C 7/143
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`Ondryas, et al., Options in Gas Turbine Power Augmentation Using
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`Holman, J .P., Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill Kogakusha, 2nd ed.,
`Tokyo 1974, pp. 452-453.
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner * William H Rodriguez
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Haynes and Boone, LLP
`[A method for cooling inlet air to a gas turbine is provided.
`For example, a method is described including passing inlet air
`through a cooling coil that includes an opening for receiving
`the inlet air and that is operably connected to a gas turbine
`power plant. The gas turbine power plant may include at least
`one gas turbine, and at least one gas turbine inlet which
`receives the inlet air. The method may ?lrther include pas sing
`circulating water through a water chiller at a ?rst ?ow rate to
`reduce the temperature of the circulating water, the water
`chiller including a conduit through which the circulating
`water is capable of passing and passing the circulating water
`having the ?rst ?ow rate through the cooling coil in an amount
`suf?cient to lower the temperature of the inlet air. Addition
`ally, the method may include reducing the ?ow rate of the
`circulating water passing through the water chiller, passing
`PAGE 2 of 31
`US RE44,815 E
`Page 3
`the circulating Water through a Water chiller at a second ?oW
`rate to reduce the temperature of the circulating Water, the
`second ?oW rate being loWer than the ?rst ?oW rate, and
`passing the circulating Water having the second ?oW rate
`through the cooling coil in an amount su?icient to loWer the
`temperature of the inlet air.] A method and system for cooling
`inlet air to a gas turbine is provided. In order to maintain a
`desired level of e?iciency for a gas turbine plant, water is
`passed through a chiller to lower the water temperature. The
`cooled water is then circulated through coils disposed in the
`inlet air ofthe gas turbine, thereby cooling the inlet air to the
`gas turbine. The system may include a thermal energy storage
`tankfor storing chilled waterprior to circulation through the
`coils. The system may also utilize an air temperature set point
`selected to achieve a desired output or to meet load require
`mentfor the gas turbineplant. The temperature or?ow rate of
`the cooled water may be adjusted to achieve the selected air
`temperature set point.
`82 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`PAGE 3 of 31
`PAGE 4 of 31
`PAGE 5 of 31
`US. Patent
`Mar. 25,2014
`Sheet 3 M9
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`Mar. 25,2014
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`PAGE 11 of 31
`US. Patent
`Mar. 25,2014
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`PAGE 12 of 31
`US RE44,815 E
`Matter enclosed in heavy brackets [ ] appears in the
`original patent but forms no part of this reissue speci?ca
`tion; matter printed in italics indicates the additions
`made by reissue.
`This application is a continuation reissue of reissue US.
`patent application Ser. No. 12/661,265, ?led on Mar. 12,
`2010, now US. Pat. No. Re. 44,079, which is a reissue ofU.S.
`Pat. No. 7,343, 746 issued on Mar. 18, 2008, which is a con
`tinuation of US. patent application Ser. No. 10/206,856, ?led
`Jul. 26, 2002, now US. Pat. No. 6,769,528 which is a con
`tinuation-in-part of US. patent application Ser. No. 09/961,
`711, ?led Sep. 24, 2001, now US. Pat. No. 6,470,686, which
`is a continuation of US. patent application Ser. No. 09/369,
`788, ?ledAug. 6, 1999, now US. Pat. No. 6,318,065.
`1. Field of the Invention
`This invention relates broadly to cooling inlet air to a gas
`2. Description of Related Art.
`A conventional gas turbine system includes: an air com
`pressor for compressing the turbine inlet air; a combustion
`chamber for mixing the compressed air with fuel and com
`busting the mixture, thereby producing a combustion gas; and
`a power turbine that is driven by the combustion gas, thereby
`producing an exhaust gas and useful power.
`Over the years, various technologies have been employed
`to increase the amount of useful power that the power turbine
`is able to produce. One way of increasing the power output of
`a gas turbine is to cool the turbine inlet air prior to compress
`ing it in the compressor. Cooling causes the air to have a
`higher density, thereby creating a higher mass ?ow rate
`through the turbine. The higher the mass ?ow rate through the
`turbine, the more power the turbine produces. Cooling the
`turbine inlet air temperature also increases the turbine’s e?i
`Various systems have been devised for chilling the inlet air
`to the compressor. One such system uses evaporative cooling,
`wherein ambient temperature water is run over plates or over
`a cellular media inside of a chamber, thereby creating thin
`?lms of water on each plate, or on the media. The turbine inlet
`air is then drawn through the chamber, and through evapora
`tive cooling, the air is cooled to near the wet bulb temperature.
`This system is limited to cooling the air to the wet bulb
`temperature, which is dependent upon the atmospheric con
`ditions at any given time. Another system uses a chiller to
`chill water that is then run through a coil. The inlet air is then
`drawn through the coil to cool the air. This system requires
`parasitic power or steam to drive the chilling system which
`has the further drawback that when inlet air cooling is needed
`the most, i.e. during the day when the temperature is the
`highest, is also the time when power demand from the turbine
`is the highest, i.e. during the day when power users are in
`operation. In order to run the chiller, power from the turbine
`is required, but this power is needed by the users of the
`turbines power. On the other hand, when cooling is needed the
`least, i.e. at night when the temperatures are the lowest, sur
`plus power from the turbine is available because the consum
`ers of the turbine’s power are largely not in operation.
`Accordingly, a continuing need exists for a turbine inlet air
`cooling system which: would e?iciently cool turbine inlet air;
`would take advantage of surplus power available during times
`of low consumer power demand; and would not drain the
`system of power during times of high consumer power
`A. Inlet Air Cooling
`Described in greater detail below is a method for chilling
`inlet air to a gas turbine power plant, which may include:
`providing a system of circulating chilling water including a
`chilling system; providing an inlet air chiller for lowering the
`temperature of the inlet air being fed to a gas turbine com
`pressor through heat transfer between the circulating chilling
`water and the inlet air, providing a thermal water storage tank
`which is operably connected to the system of circulating
`chilling water, the thermal water storage tank containing
`chilling water having a bottom; during a charge cycle, remov
`ing a ?rst portion of chilling water from the thermal water
`storage tank, passing the removed ?rst portion of water
`through the chilling system to lower the temperature of the
`removed ?rst portion of water and to provide a chilled
`removed ?rst portion of water, and then introducing the
`chilled removed ?rst portion of water into the thermal water
`storage tank at a point proximate the bottom of the tank,
`wherein the chilled removed ?rst portion of water is intro
`duced to the tank in an amount su?icient to lower the average
`temperature of the chilling water in the thermal water storage
`tank; and during a discharge cycle, chilling the inlet air by
`removing a second portion of chilling water from the thermal
`water storage tank, from a point proximate the bottom of the
`tank and then passing the second portion of chilling water to
`the inlet air chiller to make heat transfer contact between the
`second portion of chilling water and the inlet air, such that the
`temperature of the inlet air is lowered.
`In another method that is described herein, the average
`temperature of the chilling water in the tank may be lowered
`to about 33° F. to about 40° F. during the charge cycle and may
`be raised to about 60° F. to about 70° F. during the discharge
`cycle. In another speci?c embodiment, the times of the charge
`and discharge cycles may be such that, before the temperature
`of the chilling water proximate the bottom of the tank reaches
`about 36° F. during the discharge cycle, the charge cycle is
`initiated. In another speci?c embodiment of the method for
`chilling inlet air, the ?rst portion of chilling water removed
`from the thermal water storage tank during the charge cycle
`may be removed through a top outlet. In yet another speci?c
`embodiment, the chilling water in the tank may have an
`average temperature that can be lowered during the charge
`cycle and raised during the discharge cycle. In a further spe
`ci?c embodiment of the claimed method, the discharge cycle
`may be carried out during the night-time and the charge cycle
`may be carried out during the day-time. In still another spe
`ci?c embodiment, the water level in the tank may remain
`substantially constant during the charge and discharge cycles.
`In still a further speci?c embodiment, the one or more chillers
`may be deactivated during the discharge cycle. In another
`speci?c embodiment, the discharge cycle may occur during
`peak power usage of the gas turbine power plant. In another
`speci?c embodiment, the discharge cycle may be performed
`after the removing of at least a portion of the volume of
`chilling water from the thermal water storage tank during the
`charge cycle, such that the chilled removed water that is
`introduced into the thermal water storage tank at a point
`PAGE 13 of 31
`US RE44,815 E
`proximate the bottom of the tank may remain substantially at
`the point proximate the bottom of the tank. In another speci?c
`embodiment, the ?rst portion of chilling Water removed dur
`ing the charge cycle may be suf?cient to chill substantially all
`of the Water in the thermal Water storage tank to a temperature
`beloW the temperature of maximum Water density. In yet
`another speci?c embodiment of the claimed method, the sec
`ond portion of chilling Water removed during the discharge
`cycle may be substantially all of the chilling Water in the tank.
`In a further speci?c embodiment of the method of the present
`invention, the thermal Water storage tank contains a volume
`of chilling Water that is su?icient to loWer the temperature of
`the inlet air to a range of from about 45° F. to about 55° F. for
`a period of betWeen about 4 hours to about 12 hours.
`Also described herein is a method of chilling Water deliv
`ered to the air chiller in a gas turbine poWer plant system
`having at least one air chiller for loWering the temperature of
`inlet air, at least one air compressor for compressing the inlet
`air, at least one combustor for burning the compressed air and
`providing combustion gas, and at least one poWer turbine
`driven by the combustion gas for producing useful poWer, a
`method of chilling Water delivered to the air chiller, the
`method including the steps of: providing the at least one air
`chiller With an air chiller inlet that may receive Water, and an
`air chiller outlet that may expel Water; providing a thermal
`Water storage tank, having a bottom portion, a top portion, at
`least one bottom opening proximate the bottom portion and at
`least one top opening proximate the top portion, and contain
`ing a volume of stored Water having an average temperature,
`and temperature of maximum Water density; performing a
`charge cycle, by introducing through the at least one bottom
`opening a ?rst quantity of chilled Water Which has a chilled
`Water temperature that is beloW the temperature of maximum
`Water density, thereby loWering the average temperature of
`the volume of stored Water, Wherein the ?rst quantity of
`chilled Water being introduced through the bottom opening is
`suf?cient to loWer the average temperature of the volume of
`stored Water to a temperature that is beloW the temperature of
`maximum Water density; and performing a discharge cycle by
`removing a second quantity of chilled Water from the tank
`through the at least one bottom opening and passing the
`second quantity of chilled Water to the air chiller inlet, to
`loWer the temperature of the inlet air, thereby raising the
`temperature of the second quantity of chilled Water and pro
`viding high temperature Water, then introducing the high
`temperature Water to the at least one top opening in the tank.
`In yet another method of chilling Water, the temperature of
`maximum Water density may be from about 20° F. to about
`392° F. In another speci?c embodiment, the temperature of
`maximum Water density may be about 392° F. In another
`speci?c embodiment, the temperature of the stored Water may
`have a temperature of from about 34° F. to about 40° F. In yet
`another speci?c embodiment of the claimed method the tem
`perature of the stored Water may have a temperature corre
`sponding to the maximum Water density of about 392° F. In
`another speci?c embodiment sodium nitrate may be added to
`depress the freeZing temperature of the Water thereby alloW
`ing stored Water to be in the range of about 25° F. to about 34°
`F. In another speci?c embodiment of the method of the
`present invention, the useful poWer produced by the poWer
`turbine may be consumed at a variable rate, and the charge
`cycle may be performed When the rate is at a minimum. In a
`further speci?c embodiment, the useful poWer produced by
`the poWer turbine may be consumed at a variable rate, and the
`discharge cycle may be performed When the rate is at a maxi
`mum. In yet another speci?c embodiment of the method of
`the present invention, the quantity of Water expelled during
`the discharge cycle may be less than the volume of stored
`Water. In a further speci?c embodiment, the quantity of
`chilled Water may be chilled by passing Water through at least
`one chiller. In still another speci?c embodiment of the
`claimed method, the temperature of inlet air may be loWered
`from a high temperature of from about 85° F. to about 95° F.
`to a loW temperature of from about 45° F. to about 55° F. In
`still a further speci?c embodiment, the high temperature may
`be about 90° F. and the loW temperature may be about 50° F.
`In yet another speci?c embodiment, the output of the gas
`turbine poWer plant system may be from about 50 megaWatts
`to about 250 megaWatts.
`Also described beloW is a gas turbine poWer plant system,
`Wherein the system includes: one or more air chillers for
`loWering the temperature of inlet air; one or more air com
`pressors for compressing the inlet air; one or more combus
`tors for burning the compressed air and providing combustion
`gas; and one or more poWer turbines driven by the combustion
`gas for producing useful poWer, and an improvement that may
`include: a thermal Water storage tank for containing chilled
`Water, Wherein the thermal Water storage tank has a bottom
`portion With a bottom outlet and a top portion, and the tank is
`operably connected to the air chiller such that the chilled
`Water passes from the bottom outlet to the air chiller to loWer
`the temperature of the inlet air and is returned to the thermal
`Water storage tank; and a Water chilling system for chilling the
`Water in the thermal Water storage tank, Wherein the Water
`chilling system is con?gured to receive high temperature
`Water from the top portion of the tank, and Wherein the system
`is con?gured to introduce loW temperature Water to the bot
`tom portion of the tank, such that the average temperature of
`the Water in the tank is lowered; and Wherein the Water chill
`ing system includes one or more chillers for loWering the
`temperature of the high temperature Water from the top por
`tion of the tank to provide loW temperature Water.
`In an example of such a gas turbine poWer plant system, the
`thermal Water storage tank may have a bottom, and the bottom
`outlet may be positioned at a height that is less than about 10
`feet from the bottom of the tank. In another speci?c embodi
`ment of the gas turbine poWer plant system, the thermal Water
`storage tank may have a bottom, and the bottom outlet may be
`positioned at a height that is less than about 5 feet from the
`bottom of the tank. In another speci?c embodiment, the ther
`mal Water storage tank may have a bottom, and the bottom
`outlet may be positioned at a height that is less than about 18
`inches from the bottom of the tank. In another speci?c
`embodiment, the tank may have a top outlet and a bottom inlet
`such that, in a charge cycle the high temperature Water may be
`removed through the top outlet and may be fed to the one or
`more chillers, and the loW temperature Water may be intro
`duced to the tank through the bottom inlet. In a further spe
`ci?c embodiment of the gas turbine poWer plant system, the
`tank may have a bottom outlet such that, in a discharge cycle,
`chilling Water may be removed from the tank through the
`bottom outlet. In still a further speci?c embodiment of the gas
`turbine poWer plant system, the tank may have a bottom outlet
`such that, in a discharge cycle, chilling Water may be removed
`from the tank through the bottom outlet, fed to the air chiller
`and is returned to the tank, bypassing the one or more chillers
`of the Water chilling system. In still a further speci?c embodi
`ment of the gas turbine poWer plant system, the top portion
`may be separated from the bottom portion by a ther'mocline.
`In yet another example, during the charge cycle, the bottom
`inlet may receive a quantity of chilled Water that is suf?cient
`to supply the air chiller With Water having a temperature
`beloW the temperature of maximum Water density for four or
`more hours. In another speci?c embodiment, during the
`PAGE 14 of 31
`US RE44,815 E
`charge cycle, the bottom inlet may receive a quantity of
`chilled Water that is suf?cient to supply the air chiller With
`Water having a temperature below the temperature of maxi
`mum Water density for eight or more hours. In still another
`embodiment, during the charge cycle, the bottom inlet may
`receive a quantity of chilled Water that is su?icient to supply
`the air chiller With Water having a temperature beloW the
`temperature of maximum Water density for tWelve or more
`In still another example, the thermal Water tank may have a
`height of from about 25 feet to about 70 feet. In yet another
`speci?c embodiment, the thermal Water tank may have a
`diameter of from about 50 feet to about 250 feet. In another
`speci?c embodiment, the thermal Water tank may have a
`diameter, and a height, and the diameter may be greater than
`the height. In yet another speci?c embodiment of the claimed
`invention, the volume of stored Water may be greater than
`about eight hundred thousand gallons. In still a further spe
`ci?c embodiment, the temperature of the Water in the top
`portion may be about 15° F. to about 35° F. greater than the
`temperature of the Water in the bottom portion. In another
`speci?c embodiment, the thermal Water storage system may
`include a plurality of thermal Water storage tanks, each of the
`plurality of tanks may have a bottom inlet and a bottom outlet,
`and each of the plurality of tanks may have a top inlet and a top
`outlet. In another speci?c embodiment, the bottom inlet may
`have a bottom diffuser, and the top inlet may have a top
`diffuser, Whereby the Water entering the bottom inlet is dif
`fused, and the Water entering the top inlet may be diffused. In
`yet another speci?c embodiment, the temperature of the Water
`in the top portion of the tank may have a temperature ranging
`from about 60° F. to about 70° F. In still a further speci?c
`embodiment, the temperature of the Water in the bottom por
`tion of the tank may have a temperature that is above the
`freeZing temperature. In another speci?c embodiment, the
`Water chilling system may include at least one mechanical
`chiller. In still another speci?c embodiment of the present
`invention, the Water chilling system may include at least one
`absorption chille