`TX 1495
`DPEM2 0002317
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1101-0001
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`DPEM2 0002318
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1101-0002
`Wolf, D.C., 3106
`Wolf, G.T., 18Q8
`Wolf, H.K., 3056
`Wolf, W., 4012, 4088
`Wolfe, L., 2558
`Wolfe, P., 742, 1432
`Wolfe, R., 1507
`Wolff, M.S., 3060, 3064
`Wolfson, M., 3549
`W611e, J., 198
`Wollenberg, B., 193
`Wolny, Y., 2781, 3647
`Woltering, E.A., 1379
`Wong; A.J., 1861
`Wong, A.S.T., 1959
`Wong, B.A., 3106
`Wong, B.C.Y., 617
`Wong, C., 2723
`Wong, D.T.W., 400, 1891
`Wong, E.C.C., 1932
`Wong, F.M.P., 48
`Wong, J., 1462
`Wong, J.M.Y., 2360
`Wong, K.K., 486
`Wong, L., 3820
`Wong, M., 3371
`Wong, M.P., 362, 365
`Wong, P.E., 1700
`Wong, S., 2522
`Wong, S.C., 1084, 1086
`Wong, W.T., 946
`Wong, Y.C., 3133, 3949
`Wong, Y-K., 829
`Wong-Staal, F., 1506
`Woo, C, 2013
`Woo, E.S., 2637
`Woo, S.L.C., 1392, 2546, 2548
`Wood, C., 1928
`Wood, J., 731, 1787
`Wood, K.M., 3534
`Wood, N.B., 1591
`Wood, P.A., 1342, 3179
`Wood, R.D., 275
`Wood, S.M., 3623
`Woodburn, J.R., 4251
`Woodbum, K., 695
`Woodte, M.C., 2129
`Wood]iff, J., 3278
`Woodman, W., 3004
`Woodruff, J., 1857
`Woods, C., !411
`Woods, J., 1412
`Woods Ignatoski, K.M., 3350
`Worland, P.J., 3159
`W6rmann, B., 772
`Worrell, R.A., 459
`Worth, L., 2138
`Worth, L.L., 2181
`Worzatla, J., 660
`Worzalla, J.F., 1516, 3198
`Wouters, B.G., 1095, 1655
`Woutersen, R.A., 751
`Woychik, R.P., 1697
`Woynarowska, B., 295, 2112
`Woynarowski, J.M., 1535, 2083, 2112
`Wrasidlo, W., 4094
`Wright, G., 3693
`Wright, G.L. Jr., 1863, 3528
`Wright, J., 434, 1482
`Wright, J.A., 3952
`Wright, J.E., 666
`Wright, K., 2980
`Wright, M., 31,809
`Wright, P.E., 2937
`Wright, W.E., 3373, 3385, 3386, 4219
`Wrzosek, C., 95, 110, 3250
`Wu, A.G., 1561
`Wu, B., 1103, 3429
`Wu, C.H., 2192
`Wu, C.J., 1205, 2625
`Wu, C.L., 1850
`Wu, C.W., 3454, 3483, 3704
`Wu, D.C., 2876
`Wu, F.Y=H., 1057
`Wu, FY.-H., 2132
`Wu, H.D., 1919
`Wu, H-H., 1890
`Wu, H-Y., 153
`Wu, J.J., 2962, 2965
`Wu, J.Z., 1956
`Wu, K., 3756, 3758
`wu, L., 2203
`Wu, L.J., 262
`Wu, L-Y., 175
`Wu, M., 710, 2834, 3304, 4145
`Wu, MF, 327
`Wu, N., 961
`Wu, Q., 1165
`Wu, S., 82
`Author index of Proffered Papers
`Wu, S.J., 2382
`Wu, V., 1980
`Wu, W-L., 1429
`Wu, W-Y., 2259
`Wu, X., 1127, 3059, 3332
`Wu, X., 4149
`Wu, Y., 876, 1825, 2737
`Wu, Z., 2895
`Wuerzberger, S.M., 104, 106, 117, 4188
`Wulf, G.G., 772
`Wullenweber, E., 2701
`Wonder, J.S., 1031
`Wunderlich, A., 1263
`Wunderlich, J., 2687, 4134
`Wunner, W.W., 2673
`Wunsch, H., 1103
`Wustrow, T., 795
`Wustrow, T.P.U., 1837
`Wu-Wong, J., 3564
`Wyche, J., 1552
`Wyllie, A.H., 3069
`Wyllie, M.G., 615
`Wymer, J.A., 542, 2476
`Wynder, E.L., 1998, 2277
`Wyrwicz, A.M., 1314
`Wyss, P., 2528
`Xercavins, J., 1425
`Xi, F.Z., 1024
`Xi, L., 823
`Xia, H., 151, 1404, 1410, 3248, 3707, 3770,
`Xia, H-T., 1384
`Xia, W., 2213
`Xia, W., 2586, 4233
`Xian, J., 3294
`Xian, W., 2492
`Xian9, Y.Y., 3791
`Xiao, G., 544
`Xiao, G.H., 1706, 2826
`Xiao, H., 2838
`Xiao, L., 1020, 1445, 2507
`Xie, B., 2992
`Xie, J., 1726
`Xie, J-G., 2458, 2464
`Xie, K., 1113, 1782
`Xie, M., 1828
`Xie, Q., 1457
`Xie, S., 1114, 3575
`Xie, T., 4145
`Xie, X., 2118, 2123
`Xin, H., 1617
`Xinarianos, G., 1015
`Xing, E.P., 3428
`Xing, G.X., 858
`Xing, P.X., 3641
`Xing, R., 2760
`Xiong, W., 3748
`Xiong, X., 2334
`Xu, C., 563
`Xu, D., 1649
`Xu, F., 1071, 1111
`Xu, F.J., 186, 546, 1670
`Xu, G., 1051
`Xu, H., 1696
`Xu, J., 35, 1125, 1532, 2118, 4120
`Xu, L., 1782
`Xu, L-h., 605
`Xu, L-H., 2203
`Xu, M., 693, 1923, 4083
`Xu, M-J., 2428
`Xu, Q., 2308, 2820
`Xu, R., 2226, 2625
`Xu, S., 3020, 4238
`Xu, T., 484
`Xu, W.H., 3472
`Xu, X., 1052
`Xu, X.Z-P., 2988
`Xu, X-C., 575, 3039, 3540
`Xu, Y., 710, 1368, 2567, 3503
`Xu, Y.J., 2058
`Xue, H., 1956
`Xue, L.Y., 1740
`Xue, W., 2267
`Xue, Z., 1810
`Yabushita, H-, 701,725,729
`Yacoub, A., 2567
`Yadan, J.C., 4120
`Yagi, K., 464
`Yaginuma, Y., 3397
`Yagyu, T., 2790
`Yahalom, J., 299
`Yahata, T., 224
`Yaktine, A., 1403
`Yalkowsky, E., 2067
`Yallampalli, U., 2497
`Yalowich, J.C., 136, 140, 3089
`Yam, A., 978
`Yamada, H., 149
`Yamada, K., 2471, 3989
`Yamada, N., 210
`Yamada, S.D., 1284, 1722
`Yamada, T., 541,983
`Yamada, Y., 93, 132, 319, 386,675, 787,
`1010, 1573, 2044, 2616, 3157, 3996
`Yamagishi, H., 3168
`Yamagishi, K., 3467
`Yamagoe, S., 939
`Yamaguchi, A., 3409
`Yamaguchi, D., 409
`Yamaguchi, H., 3475
`Yamaguchi, K., 1790
`Yamaguchi, R., 518,524, 3162
`Yamaguchi, S., 2194
`Yamaguchi, Y., 2385, 3380
`Yamakami, K., 2852
`Yamakido, M., 170, 2632, 3252, 3405
`Yamamoto, A., 3787
`Yamamoto, H., 1310
`Yamamoto, K., 51, 3223, 3813
`Yamamoto, N., 204
`Yamsmoto, R., 131
`Yamamoto, S., 357, 371, 1370, 2445, 3426,
`Yamamoto, T., 2204
`Yamamoto, Y., 1592
`Yamamura, Y., 1079
`Yamanari, H., 2809
`Yamane, T., 2448, 2459
`Yamane, Y., 87, 2940, 2945
`Yamano, T., 2790
`Yamaoka, H., 3276
`Yamasaki, H., 494,976, 1172, 1213, 3434
`Yamasaki, S., 4237
`Yamase, H., 2680
`Yamashiro, J., 581
`Yamashiro, S., 51
`Yamashita, K., 2366
`Yamashita, T., 3409
`Yamashita, Y., 971, 1683, 3262, 3679
`Yamato, H., 518
`Yamaue, H., 74, 3185
`Yamazaki, H., 2602
`Yamazaki, K., 1897
`Yamazaki, S., 2384, 3280
`Yamori, T., 3683
`Yan, J.M., 4133
`Yan, L., 730, 733
`Yan, S., 427, 3365
`Yan, Y., 2765
`Yan, Z., 952
`Yanagawa, H., 182, 227
`Yanagiya, T., 1295
`Yanaka, M., 409
`Yandell, D., 3065
`Yang, A., 2374
`Yang, B.J., 1889
`Yang, C., 1805
`Yang, C.S., 1810, 182Q, 2287, 2368, 2423,
`2456, 2457, 2463, 3428
`Yang, C-P.H., 3549
`Yang, C-S., 1447
`Yang, D., 114
`Yang, D.C., 2810, 4037
`Yang, D.M., 1476
`Yang, E.S., 1221
`Yang, G., 3685
`Yang, G-Y., 1810, 2368, 2456, 2457, 2463
`Yang, H., 916
`Yang, J.,80, 3861
`Yang, J.C., 2392, 4142
`Yang, J.M., 2580
`Yang, J-L., 4256
`Yan9, J-M., 542
`Yang, K., 2375
`Yang, L-M., 3042
`Yang, L-Y., 10, 34
`Yang, M-H., 1429
`Yang, N., 2666, 3538
`Yang, P., 1123
`Yang, Q-H., 3674
`Yang, S., 2203, 3266
`Yang, S.H., 1304
`Yang, S.X., 2317
`Yang, w., 1657
`Yang, W.K., 1476, 4116
`Yang, W-C., 1820
`Yang, W-K., 77
`Yang, X., 605, 900, 997, 2610, 3450, 3742
`Yang, X.F., 231, 3052
`Yang, X.P., 2362, 4151
`Yang, X-F, 243, 2963
`Yang, Y., 1906
`Yang, Y.J., 789
`Yang, Y-Y., 3051
`Yang, Z., 473
`Yanishevski, Y., 2903
`Yano, J., 2424
`Yano, K., 3591
`Yano, S., 182,227, 2041
`Yano, Y., 2197, 3433, 3500
`Yano-Yanagisawa, H., 132
`Yao, C.C, 959
`Yao, F., 3799
`Yao, J., 548, 3688
`Yao, K.L, 2811, 3292
`Yao, K-S., 3888
`Yao, M., 1848
`Yao, S., 1526, 2089
`Yao, S.Y.M., 404
`Yarborough, W.G., 535
`Yarbrough, W., 1858, 2928
`Yarden, R.I., 2907
`Yarema, K.J., 2899
`Yarosh, D., 2618
`Yashar, C., 1614, 1811
`Yashima, K., 2187, 3824
`Yashiro, M., 210, 999, 1958, 2743, 3679,
`Yasuda, M., 919
`Yasuda, S., 224
`Yasuda, T., 1736
`Yasue, M., 203
`Yasui, N., 3287
`Yasui, W., 1005, 1383, 1336, 3649
`Yasumitsu, H., 2718, 2770
`Yasumoto, K., 525
`Yasumura, S., 2383
`Yasutomi, M., 1370, 3668
`Yaswen, P., 3371
`Yates, B., 3182
`Yates, J., 241
`Yatscoff, R.W., 3993
`Yatsunami, J., 2519
`Yau, W-M., 2233
`Yawata, N., 3406
`yazawa, K., 732
`Yazdi, H.A., 2027
`Yazdi, M.H., 2094
`Ye, C.L., 3980
`Ye, Q., 2098
`Yeatman, T., 1578
`Yee, C.J., 1443
`Yee, D., 2807, 2910
`Yee, J.A., 730, 733
`Yee, R., 199
`Yegappan, S., 32~5
`Yeger, H., 1Q42, 1904
`Yeh, G.C., 1687, 3216, 3890
`Yeh, K.H., 664, 3995
`Yeh, P-M., 1454
`Yeh, S.H., 3995
`Yeh, Y., 2731
`Yen, A., 452, 1060, 1063
`Yen, M.S., 3454
`Yen, P., 2458
`Yen, W.C., 29 ..
`Yen, Y., t045, 3682
`Yenbutr, P., 1201
`YeowelI-O’Connell, K., 2365, 3085
`Yerokun, T., 854, 866
`Yeudall, W.A., 946
`Young, R.S., 1706, 2826
`Yi, J, 2729
`Yi, L.J., 2!14
`Yi, P., 2370
`Yi, T., 1052, 1871
`Yian, C.H., 1054
`Yim, C-Y., 2025
`Yim, J.H., 79, 2382
`Yin, J., 491, 1013, 1838, 2400
`Yin, M., 105, 2942
`Yin, M.B., 3250
`Yin, S-N., 4213
`Yin, X., 281
`Ying, C., 2711
`Ying, W., 2293
`Ying, W.Z., 4195
`Yl~-Herttua~a, S., 59
`Yoder, B.K., 1697
`Yoe, J., 1489
`Yokokawa, F., 3156
`Yokota, J., 3167, 3440
`Yokote, H., 108, 137, 194, 1523, 2647,
`3167, 3265, 4056
`Yokoyama, T., 2151, 2501, 4276
`Yokoyama, Y., 83, 272
`Yokozaki, H., 1005, 3649
`Yokozaki, M., 2632
`Yoneda, J., 358, 4245
`Yonekura, K., 787
`Yonezawa, H., 370
`Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research e Volume 38 o March 1997
`DPEM2 0002~J
`Sandoz hie. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1101-0003
`A55 does express a membrane protein which has a high affinity for folic acid, but
`a low affinity for folinic acid. Studies are underway to isolate and further charac-
`terize this protein.
`#654 Characterization of a human CEM leukemia cell line with altered
`RFC-mediated transport of relic acid, reduced folates and tetrahydrofolate-
`based antifolates. Mauritz, R.M., Kathmann, I., Peters, G.J., Pinedo, H.M.,
`Schomagei, J.H., Priest, D.G., Bunni, M., Drori, S., Assaraf, Y.G., and Jansen, G.
`Dept. of Oncology, Hosp. Vrije Universiteit, Neth. Cancer Inst., Amsterdam, The
`Netherlands, Med. Univ. S. Carolina, Charleston, SC, U.S,A, Dept. of BioL, The
`Technlon, Halfa, Israel
`CEM/MTX, a subline of human CEM leukemia cells is 200-fold resistant to
`methotrexate (MTX) due to defective transport via the reduced relate carrier
`(RFC). When adapted to grow in low folate (LF) medium containing only 2 nM relic
`acid, CEM/MTX-’LF’ cells overexpress (25-fold) an altered RFC protein that is
`characterized by strikingly altered properties (10-35 fold lowered Kin) for uptake
`of folic acid, folinic acid and tetrahydrofolate-based antifolates such as DDATHF,
`AG2032 and AG2034, but not for antifolates such as MTX, BW1843 or ZD1694.
`An 8-fold amplification of the RFC1 gene was observed in CEM/MTX-’LF’ cells,
`along with >!0-fold increased RFC1 mRNA expression. Wher~ CEM/MTX-’LF’
`were transferred to medium containing 2/~M relic acid, the lowered K~, for uptake
`of folic acid resulted in a 7-fold elevated pool of intracellular folates as compared
`to CEM cells. Under, these conditions, poiyglutamylati0n of ant!relates was abol-
`ished, resulting in resistance to antifolate drugs that are dependent on polyglu-
`tamylation for their biological activity (e.g. ZD1694 and DDATHF). (Supported by
`the Dutch Cancer Society, grant VU 96-1260.)
`#655 Augmented folic acid accumulation in pyrimethamine-resistant CliO
`cells. Assaraf, Y.G., Barr, H.M., Jansen, G., and Goldman, I.D. Depts. of Biology,
`Technion, Haifa, Israel Medical Oncology, Free University, Amsterdam, the Neth-
`erlands, Medicine and Molecular Pharmacology, Albert Einstein College of Med-
`icine, Bronx, NY, 10461
`We previously described a 1000-fold pyrimethamine-resistant CHO cell line
`(PyrR100) which retains parental sensitivity to MTX. This paper explores the basis
`for the 14-fold decreased folic acid growth requirement of PyrR100 cells. MTX
`influx via the reduced folate carrier (RFC) was identical in the PyrR100 and parent
`lines. The efflux rate constant was decreased 3-fold, and the steady-state MTX
`concentration was increased 3-fold in Pyr! 00 cells. After 4 h incubation with MTX,
`accumulation of polyglutamates was -5-fold greater in PyrR100 cells. Under
`conditions in which RFC activity and folic acid reduction were blocked (i.e. 20/~M
`MTX and 20 ~M trimetrexate) the initial uptake rate for 1 /~M folic acid was
`increased 2.5-fold in PyrR100 cells and there was a -14-fold increase in net
`[3H]folic acid uptake largely due to the accumulation of essentially nonexchange-
`able label. Folylpolyglutamate synthetase activity in PyrR!00 ceils was 2.5-fold
`greater than in parent CH0 cells. The data indicate that the markedly decreased
`relate growth dependence for PyrR100 cells is associated with at least two
`factors: enhanced transport of relic acid into cells via a RFC-independent route
`and enhanced polyglutamylation. Studies are in progress to clarify the basis for
`the nonexchangeable folic acid component in PyrR100 ceils which accumulates
`under conditions in which folic acid reduction is blocked.
`#656 Comparisons of ;the synergistic growth inhibition by trimetrexate
`(TMQ) + AG2034 and TIVlQ + Tomudex (ZD1694) of human ileocecal HCT-8
`cells and DW2, a subline deficient in folylpolyglutamate synthetase {FPGS).
`Faessel, H., Lu, K., SIocum, H.K., Rustum, Y.M., and Greco, W.R. Roswell Park
`Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY 14263
`Folic acid (FA)-enhanced super synergy between nonpolyglutamylatable dihy-
`drofolate reductase (DHFR) inhibitors and polyglutamylatable inhibitors of other
`relate-requiring enzymes, such as glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase
`(GARFT) and thymidylate synthase iTS), is a general phenomenon (Gaumont et al,
`Cancer Res. 52:2228-2235, 1992). We report here on the combined-action (96 hr
`drug exposure) of the DHFR inhibitor, TMQ, with the GARFT inhibitor, AG2034,
`and with the TS inhibitor, ZD1694. At 2.3/~.M FA, DW2 cells were 2.7 fold more
`sensitive than parent HCT-8 cells to TMQ, but 8.8-fold End 17-fold more resistant
`to AG2034 and ZD1694. The ability of 40 ~M FA to increase the Loewe synergy
`for the TMQ + AG2034 combination was 6-fold less for the FPGS-deficient DW2
`subline than for HCT-8 cells. The FA-enhancement of Loewe synergy for TMQ +
`ZD1694 in HCT-8 was absent in DW2. In both cell lines, at 2.3 and 40/~M FA, 10
`~M thymidine enhanced about 2-fold the intensity of Loewe synergy for TMQ +
`AG2034. Also, in both cell lines, at 2.3 and 40 ~.M FA, the combined-cytotoxicity
`of TMQ + AG2034 was only partially prevented by 100 /~M hypoxanthine.Thus,
`the effects of FA, antifolates, and combinations of antifolates are dependent on
`intracellular FPGS activity. [Supported by RR10742 & 0A16056.]
`detected using probes derived from the human FPGS cDNA cloned by Shane and
`co-workers (Garrow et al. Prec. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 9151, 1992). Protein was
`detected by Western blot analysis using an immunoaffinity-purified rabbit anti-
`body elicited to an FPGS-peptide deduced from the cDNA sequence. FPGS
`activity was assayed in extracts using the method developed in this laboratory.
`One subline resistant to MTX as a result of amplified dihydrofolate reductase
`shows no change in FPGS DNA, RNA, activity or protein relative to CCRF-CEM.
`An MTX transport-defective line, however, displays higher FPGS protein and
`activity levels. Several sublines, in which the only apparent meclianism of MTX
`resistance is decreased FPGS activity, have the same gene copy number and
`restriction map, and mRNA size and level as the parent; however, the FPGS
`protein level in these sublines is decreased similarly to their decreased activity.
`Apparently, in these sublines the mRNA is either poorly translated, the protein is
`tess catalytically active, and/or the protein [urns over more rapidly; these possi-
`bilities are now being studied. Supported by 0A43500 & The Buffalo Foundation.
`#658 Analysis of the ATP and Folate binding sites of recombinant human
`folylpoly-3,-glutamate synthetase (rhFPGS}. Sanghani, P., Sanghani, S., and
`Moran, R. Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA 23298
`An active site labeling approach using carbodiimide-activated methotrexate
`and iodoacetamide was taken to identify aminoacids interacting with the ~- and
`~/- carboxyt groups of the glutamate side chain of the folate molecule and reactive
`cysteines responsible for thiol requirement of the enzyme. Both carbodiimide-
`aetivated methotrexate and iodoacetamide inactivated rhFPGS irreversibly. The
`bond between activated methotrexate and enzyme was not stable to the condi-
`tions of peptide analysis, but enzyme activity was protected by excess metho-
`trexate. However, reaction of enzyme with iodoacetamide and subsequent tryptic
`digestion and microsequencing identified three cysteines distributed over the
`primary sequence. Modification of all three reactive cysteines was prevented by
`ATP alone, indicating that the peptides containing these residues form the ATP-
`binding pocket. The conserved aminoacids flanking the reactive cysteines are
`being studied by site-directed mutagenesis.
`#659 A novel posttranscriptional mechanism of antifolate resistance in
`L1210 cells decreasing synthesis of folylpolyglutamate synthetase. Roy, K.,
`and Sirotnak, F.M. Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Program, Memorial
`Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021
`The anabolism of folate analogues by foiylpolyglutmate synthetase (FPGS) is an
`important determinant of their cytotoxicit~/and acquired resistance in tumors. A
`decrease of up to 23 fold in the amount of FPGS in some edatrexate resistant
`variants was recently shown to be posttranscriptionally determined, resulting
`from an alteration of the cognate mRNA, itself, which impairs its translation. We
`now provide evidence to show that this impairment occurs from an alteration of
`progression rather than initiation of translation. No differences were seen in the
`variant versus wild-type mRNA nucleotide sequence in the 5’ UTR that is relevant
`to ribosome binding. However, base-pair differences were identified in the ORF of
`the FPGS mRNA from these variants. These base-pair differences represent
`either single purine to purine or pyrimidine to pyrimidine transitions. The most
`impaired variant exhibited two such base-pair transitions in its FPGS mRNA.
`Since some codons resulting from base-pair transitions did not evoke an amino
`acid substitution, the decrease in amount of FPGS cannot reflect merely in-
`creased degradation. This is in agreement with data provided earlier showing no
`deference in FPGS turnover in these variants. These data appear to document
`examples of altered translation mediated by mutationaliy determined differences
`in secondary structure of FPGS mRNA. Support: Grant CA56517 from the Na-
`tional Cancer Institute.
`#6{}0 The synthesis and biological activity of a series of 2,4-diaminopy-
`rido[2,3-d]pyrimidine based antifolates as dihydrofolate reductase !rib!bi-
`ters. Gossett, L., Habeck, L., Shackelford, K., Mendelsohn, L, Gates, S., Wor-
`zalla, J., Self, T., Theobald, K., And!s, S., Schultz, R, and Shih, C. Lilly Research
`Laboratories, Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, IN 46285
`Antifolates, such as methotrexate, that contain the 2,4-diaminopyrimidine con-
`figuration have long been known to possess potent enzyme inhibition against
`dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). As part of our continuing exploration into the
`SAR of 5,10-dideazatetrahydrofolic acid (DDATHF), we have synthesized a series
`of ant!relates which contain the 2,4-diaminopyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine structure.
`Thede compounds displayed potent cytotoxicity against human leukemia CCRF-
`CEM cells in culture with IC50 values as low as 5 nM. Enzyme assay studies using
`human DHFR show a span of inhibition from 6.3 nM to 10 nM. In vivo ant!tumor
`results, enzyme inhibition against other folate-dependent enzymes, and the ability
`of these compounds to act as substrates for folylpolyglutamate synthetase will
`also be discussed.
`#657 Folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS) expression in antifolate-sen-
`sitive and -resistant human leukemia cell lines. McGuire, J.J., and Russell,
`C.A. Grace Cancer Drug Center, Roswetl Park Cancer lnstitute, Buffalo, NY 14263
`FPGS expression in the methotrexate (MTX)-sensitive human Tqymphoblastic
`leukemia cell line CCRF-CEM and a number of MTX-resistant sublines has been
`investigated at the DNA, RNA, protein, and activity levels. DNA and RNA were
`~,~ H
`1,4-phenyl LY335518
`2,5-thienyl LY335580
`2,5-furanyl LY335738
`Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research e Vobr~2e ~i~31j~7
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1101-0004
`doses. The increases of lifespan achieved with F 12158, as assessed by T/C
`ratios, ranged from 200 to 457%, and proved markedly superior to those obtained
`with any other Vieca (129 to 157%). Against sc implanted B16 melanoma, multiple
`ip administrations of F 12158 proved active both in terms of survival prolongation
`(LogRank test probability < 0.001) and tumour growth inhibition (optimal T/C of
`25%). Tumour growth inhibition of human LX-1 lung and MX-1 breast xenografts
`was also observed with intermittent ip F 12158 treatments (optimal T!C of 23 and
`26% respectively), whereas the human DLD-1 colon xenograft proved generally
`non-responsive. Overall F 12158 demonstrated antitumour activity superior to
`that of vinorelbine in each tumour model evaluated.
`#1512 Novel water soluble paclitaxel derivatives: Evaluation of PEG-
`paclitaxel’s in vitro and in vivo effects. Gilbert, C., Conover, C., Pendri, A., Shum;
`K., and Greenwald, R. Enzon Inc., 20 Kingsbridge Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854
`This study was designed to assess the toxicity and efficacy of water soluble
`polyethylene glycol (PEG) conjugated paclitaxel prodrug derivatives. Initial candi-
`dates were screened for in vitro cell toxicities and rates of hydrolysis in water, buffer
`and human plasma. Lead candidates were then tested in vivo within a toxicity battery
`which included hematology, blood chemistry and histopathological profiles and for
`efficacy in both murine leukemia and human xenograft models. Lead compounds
`displayed in vitro cell toxicities equivalent with paclitaxel and delayed hydrolysis in rat
`plasma. These same derivatives caused reduced in vivo toxicity with significant
`survival over paclitaxel controls in our murine leukemia model and encouraging tumor
`reduction in pilot xenograff models. Thus, PEG conjugation may offer an effective
`methodology for paclitaxel delivery.
`#1513 Interaction of cryptophycin with isotypically purified tubulin.
`Prasad, V., Chaudhuri, A.R., and Luduena, R.F. Dept. of Biochemistry, University
`of Texas Health Science Center., San Antonio, TX 78284
`Cryptophycin, isolated from the cyanobacterium Nostoc, is a dioxadiazacyclo-
`hexadecenetetrone with strong antimitotic activity. We have examined the inter-
`action of cryptophycin with unfractionated tubulin and its isotypes in vitro. Cryp-
`tophycin irhibits microtubule assembly at concentrations of 1-5 /zM. When the
`tubulin-cryptophycin complex was treated with different concentrations of urea,
`c~/3~ appeared more stable than unfractionated tubulin as determined by trypto-
`phan fluorescence quenching. After removing the C-termini of the tubulin, cryp-
`tophycin still inhibits alkylation of the sulfhydryl groups which implies that C-
`termini may not be involved in the binding site of the drug. Sedimentation
`experiments indicate that cryptophycin appears to make aggregates of 13r-16s
`which differs from that of tubutin, which is 6s. [Supported by grants CA26376 from
`the NIH and AQ-0726 from the Welch Foundation.]
`#1514 Preclinical antitumor activity of cryptophycin-52/55 (C-52;C-55)
`against human tumors in SCID mice. Polin, L., Valeriote, F., Moore, R., Tius, M.,
`Barrow, R., Hemscheidt; T., Liang, J., Paik, S., White, K., Harrison, S., Shih, J.,
`Martinelli, M., and Corbett, T. Karmanos Cancer Inst./Harper Hosp., Detroit, MI
`48202 [L.P., F.V., K.W., T.C.], University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822 [R.M., M.T.,
`R.B., T.H., J.L., S.P.], Eli Lilly Corp., Indianapolis, IN 46285 [S.H., J.S, M.M.]
`C-52 and C-55 are gem-dimethyl (Carbon-2, C-unit position) analogs of Crypto-
`phycin-1 and -8, respectively; antitumo[.agents with broad antitumor activity against
`both human tumor xenografts and routine tumors and having no cross-resistance
`with Taxol or Adriamycin (J. Exp. Then Onc. 1:95, 1996). C-55 is the chlorohydrin of
`C-52 (an .epoxide). The in vivo efficacy at the MTD for a variety of human tumors in
`SCID mice is shown below and demonstrates that both compounds have broad
`anticancer activity although C-55 has greater therapeutic efficacy.
`in %
`Cell Kill
`in %
`Ceil Kill
`TSU-Prost. #
`PC3-Prost. #
`H116-Colon #
`# = Unstaged Tumors at 1st Rx. (100 to 500 mg).
`Supported by Eli Lilly Corp. and NCI-CA53001.
`#1515 Preclinical antitumor activity of Cq/ptophycin-52/55 (C-52;C-55) against
`mouse tumors. Corbett, T., Valeriote, F., Simpson, C., Moore, R, Tius, M., Barrow, R.,
`Hemscheidt, T., Liang, J., Paik, S., Polin, L., Pugh, S., Kushner, J., Harrison, S., Shih, J.,
`and Martinelli, M. Karmanos Cancer lnst./Harper Hosp., Detroit MI, 48202 [T.C., F.V.,
`C.S., L.P., S.P., J.K.], University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822 [R.M., M. T., R.B., T.H., J.L_,
`S.P.], Eli IuTty Corp., Indianapolis, IN 46285 [S.H., J.S., M.M.]
`C-52 and C-55 are gem-dimethyl (Carbon-2, C-unit-position) analogs of Cryp-
`tophycin-1 and -8, respectively; antitumor agents with broad antitumor activity
`against both human tumor xenografts and murine tumors and having no cross-
`resistance with Taxol or Adriamycin (J. Exp. Ther. Onc. 1:95, 1996). C-55 is the
`chlorohydrin of C-52 (an epoxide). The in vivo efficacy at the MTD for a variety of
`routine tumors is shown below and demonstrates that both compounds have
`broad anticancer activity although C-55 has greater therapeutic efficacy.
`in %
`Cell Kill
`in %
`Cell Kill
`" 9
`# = Unstaged 150-380 mg at 1st Rx.; C-52 = 1/5 CR’s; C-55 = 4/5 CR’s.
`Supported by Eli Lilly Corp. and NCI-CA53001,
`#1516 LY355702 and LY355703~ new cryptophycin analogues with antitu-
`mot activity against human tumor xenografts. Worzalla, J.F., Cao, J., Ehlhardt,
`W.J., Harrison, S.D., Law, K.L., Martinelli, M.J., Self, T.D., Starling, J.J., Shih, C.,
`Theobald, K.S., Toth, J.E., Zimmermann, J.h, and Corbett, T.H. Lilly Research
`Labs, Indianapolis, IN 46285, Wayne State U., Detroit, MI 48201 ~T.H.C.]
`LY355702 and LY355703 are new synthetic analogs of the marine natural
`product cryptophycin. Cryptophycins bind to tubulin and show potent in vitro
`cytotoxicity and in vivo antitumor activity against solid murine tumor models (G.
`Trimurtulu et at., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116:4729, 1994). LY355702, a chlorohydrin
`cryptophycin analog, is converted in vivo to the epoxide, LY355703. The maxi-
`mum tolerated dose (MTD) of LY355702 (i.vl bolus q2dxS) was 200 to 240 mg/kg
`total and 40 to 50 mg/kg total for LY355703. Both showed 90 to 100% inhibition
`of tumor growth against LX-1 lung, MX-1 mammary and GC3 colon xenografls. A
`single course of either at MTD regressed established (300 to 400 mg size) GC3
`and H116 colon, MX-1 mammary and LNCaP prostate tumors, with some total
`regressions noted in mammary and prostate tumors. Against these established
`tumors, groups treated with the analogs took from 2.4 to 9.8 times as many days
`to reach 1 gram tumor size as compared to controls; log cell kill values of 0.7 to
`4.8 were observed in these studies. Against wild-type UCLA-P3 non-small cell
`lung cancer xenografl, LY355702 and LY355703 were not as effective as taxol,
`but the cryptophycin analogs were more effective than taxol against a P-glyco-
`protein expressing variant of this tumor.
`#1517 Inhibition of microtubule polymerization and dynamics by two
`novel cryptophycins, cryptophycins 52 and 55. Randa, D., Williams, D.C.,
`Wagner, M.M., Paul, D.C., Habeck, L.L., Mendelsohn, L.G., Shih, C., Moore, R.E.,
`and Wilson, L. Dept MCD BioL, Univ of California, Santa Barbara, CA, Lilly
`Research Labs, Indianapolis, IN, Dept Chemistry, Univ of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
`Cryptophycins 52 (C-52; LY355703) and 55 (C-55; LY355702) are new syn-
`thetic analogs of cryptophycin 1. Both exe