Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 1
`?K OFF C1
`?aten: 7,772,209
`JRE }
`"NC., USA,
`tent Owner.
`fifiOTAP1D DfiPOS T ON OE %RUCfi A.
`Thursday, November 10, 2016 8:16 a.m.
`Foley Hoag LL?
`155 Seaport Roulevard, Roston, MA
`Janet M. Sambataro, RMR, CRR,
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions
`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 2
`(By Ralph J. Gabrio, Esquire,
`Laura A. Lydigsen, Esquire)
`NBC Tower
`455 N. Cityfront Plaza
`IL 60611
`Counsel for Sandoz,
`Iov B. Grossman, Esquire,
`Adam L. Perlman, Esquire)
`725 TweljLh SLree-, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`‘or «1i Lilly and Company
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions
`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 3
`(By Thomas J. Parker, Esquire, and
`Charles A. Naggar, Esqiire)
`90 Park Avenue,
`;5th Floor
`New York, NY l00;6-l387
`Counsel for Mylan
`(By Patrick C. Kilgore, Esquire)
`6 West Hubbard Street
`Chicago, Illinois 60654
`Counsel for Apotex Corp.
`& Apotex
`vavid Patariu, Esquire)
`l200 Seventeenth Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20036
`Counsel for Wookhardt Bio AG
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions
`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 4
`By Paul Siiermont, Esquire,
`Sarah Spires, Esquire, and
`Mieke Malmberg, Esquire)
`2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 4800W
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`Counsel for Neptune Generics, LLC
`Cottler, Esquire)
`(Via telephone)
`Eighth Avenue
`New York, NY 10018
`Counsel for Fresenius
`ty, Videographer
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions
`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 5
`By Mr. Gabric
`BY Mr. Grossman
`Excerpt o: transcrip
`Dr. Chabner's triai
`from August 26, 20l3
`Article entitled "Trends in
`the Risks and Eenetits to
`Patients With Cancer
`Participating in Phase l
`Clinical Trials"
`Article entitled "Phase l and
`Pharmacokinetic Study of the
`Multidrug Resistance Modulator
`Dexverapamil With EPOCH
`lO67 Worzalla Demonstratives
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`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 6
`Document 3ates—stamped
`)PfiM2_OOO23l7 throigh -2322
`Article entitled "Diagnosis
`o: Cobalamin Deticiency
`Usefulness o: Serum Methymalonic
`Acid and Total Homocysteine
`?XCe?pv ”rom the May l6—l9
`Annual Meeting o:
`the American
`Society o: Clinical Oncology 254
`Drugs@FDA printout regarding
`Product insert for Neupogen
`Deposition transcript o:
`Bruce Chabner, dated
`April 23, 20l3
`Tf"LFY fiXH %
`Article entitled "Tissue
`Distribution o: Methylcobalamin
`in Qats Fed Amino Acid—De‘ined,
`Methyl—De‘icient Diets"
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`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 7
`T."T.T.Y *'.XH %
`ixhibit 2141 Transcript o_ -rial
`proceedings dated
`August 26, 2013
`ixhibit 2142 Transcript o_ -rial
`proceedings dated
`August 27, 2013
`I SAN 'O'.
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`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 8
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions
`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 9
`P R O C
`W G S
`{ere begins the
`videotape No.
`in the deposition o‘
`Rruce A.
`Chabner, M.D.,
`in the matter o: Sandoz versus Eli
`In the U.S. Patent and Trademark o
`before the patent trial appeals board, Case No.
`ZPR20l6—00240 [sic].
`The date today is November
`l0, 20l6,
`and the time is 8:l6 a.m.
`The video operator
`today is Steven 3aty. This video deposition is
`taking place at Foley Hoag,
`l55 Seaport
`Roulevard, Qoston, Massachusetts.
`Counsel please voice identify
`yourselves and state whom you represent.
`This is Dov Grossman o:
`"illiams & Connolly, on behal
`o patent owner,
`just to clarity,
`this is in
`I had the wrong
`Tifi V )fiOGRAPHER:
`Thank you.
`Paul Skiermont.
`representing Neptine Generics, LLC.
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions
`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page lO
`We'll just go around the
`%OGRAPHER: We'll go around the
`W8. MALM%fiRG: Mieke Malmberg o:
`Skiermont Derby, also for Neptune.
`W8. SP RfiS:
`Sarah Spires o: Skiermont
`Derby, also for Nep ine.
`MR. K“LGO’?:
`Patrick Kilgore
`MR. NAGGAR: Charles Naggar of Alston &
`‘or Mylan.
`Tom Parker, Alston &
`‘or Mylan defendants.
`MS. LY) GSfiN:
`Laura Lydigsen from
`Rrinks Gilson & Lione for Sandoz,
`And on
`the phone we have Michael Cottler from Goodwin
`Procter for Fresenius.
`MR. GA%R C:
`Good morning. Ralph
`<s Ho:er, on behal
`THfi V
`The court
`reporter —— oh, one more.
`And David Patariu,
`Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman,
`for Wockhardt
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions
`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page ll
`Tifi V )fiOGRAPHER:
`Thank you.
`court reporter today is Janet Sambataro o‘
`Would you please swear in the wit
`%RUCfi CHA%NfiR, M.D.,
`having been dily sworn, after presenting
`identification in the "orm o“ a driver's license,
`deposes and says as
`%R C:
`Good morning, Dr. Chabner.
`You've had your deposition taken
`fore. Correct?
`All right.
`And you are familiar with
`the ground rules.
`I get
`to ask some questions
`and --
`to answer.
`Correc .
`Any reason why you are compromised in
`your ability to Lestijy today?
`A husky voice.
`But you're not on any medication that
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`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 12
`"ect your ability to testi:
`Nothing else that would a
`ability to testify?
`No. Only my intelligence.
`Okay. Well, you've got plenty oz
`can tell.
`All right.
`ll me your first name.
`I'm sorry.
`My first name is Ralph.
`(Lilly ixhibit 9170 incorporated
`by reference.)
`I'm going to show you what has been
`<ed as Exhibit 2l2O in this matter and ask you
`-haL's a declaration you prepared for this
`It does look like it.
`I haven't
`at every page or it.
`I won't, but it does I
`like it, yes.
`All right.
`And have you reviewed that
`declaration since it was prepared?
`I have.
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 13
`Okay. And did you find any errors in
`it or anything like that?
`Some spelling errors and some --
`there are some errors in it. Yes.
`How about substantive errors?
`Not really.
`I mean,
`there was one
`place where the crcatinine,
`instead —— it was
`creatinine clearance instead o: creatinine and
`serum creatinine, which makes a di
`to me
`at least, but it's just an error.
`Okay. Where in that declaration?
`I don't know.
`I can't tell you.
`don't have the page number.
`"‘ we ge'
`I'll show it to you.
`All righ .
`And there are several other spelling
`errors and things. Yes.
`(Li11y ixhibit 7171
`by reference.)
`I'm going to show you Lilly
`ixhibit 7171.
`To you recognize that document?
`—— yes.
`is that a current copy o:
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 14
`It's a copy as o:
`last year.
`Do you have a copy
`MR. GA%R C:
`I'm sorry.
`Anything significant to add to your CV
`since last year that we should be aware of, as
`far as you're concerned?
`A number o: papers and a --
`maybe a significant honor. Yeah.
`Any o_
`-hose papers on pemetrexed?
`that's go— —— an interesting
`Probably not.
`Probably relative to
`some o:
`the issues, but not on pemetrexed.
`issues would those papers be
`to from your perspective?
`Approval process for new drugs.
`And one important paper,
`think, on —— on
`how to screen for antitumor activity using cell
`Any other papers?
`A couple o: others, but not
`to this,
`judging from your CV, you worked
`previously at
`the National Cancer Institute, NCI.
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 15
`That's right.
`For about 20 years?
`Almost 27 years.
`And the NCI,
`is that part o:
`National InsLi-uLe oj Health?
`It's part of the National Institutes o:
`It's one o_ _he institutes.
`And at
`the NCI,
`just generally, what
`did your duties involve?
`A. Well,
`I came there,
`jor training
`in medical oncology and then a period o: research
`in drug development and pharmacology. And after
`spending two years away, one year in the junior
`‘aculty at Yale in the pharmacology department,
`came back there as an attending in the medical
`oncology group, but also as a laboratory person
`studying anticancer drugs and I became the
`laboratory chie
`clinical pharmacology and
`then the head of the intermural clinical service,
`director o:
`the c'inica' oncology program.
`And then in ’98l,
`" was appointed as the
`head o:
`the division or cancer
`in an
`acting role, and then shortly a_ -erward became
`the permanent director. Add in that capacity,
`was responsible for the national program “or
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`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 16
`cancer drug development and cancer drug
`the programs _ha_ the Federal
`Government sponsored. Add the clinical trials
`network outside, plus intermural
`continued in that
`job for l3 years until l995.
`And then I was
`in the Public Health Service at
`in the period leading up to June
`the l999 time frame, what role, it any, did
`the NIH have in setting standards ‘or clinical
`A. Well, it was
`the major force in
`sponsoring clinical trials, wor<ing with
`industry, both in cancer and A )8.
`We were
`responsible, we were really the sole drug
`development program in the —— in the Federal
`Government for cancer, and then later ‘or A )8,
`drug discovery, drug development. And then we
`ran the clinical trial system that —— that tested
`these compounds that we came up with.
`And what is the clinical trial system?
`A. Well, it was cooperative group sys'
`and the intermural research system at
`the N:
`which was quite large.
`And 25,000 patients on
`trial a year,
`through that federal system.
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page l7
`I want
`to jump in a time machine and go
`back to June o:
`l999 time frame.
`Were clinical
`trials segregated into
`Yes. Certainly.
`So there were the
`typical drug went
`through three phases o_ -esLing
`and we were responsible, we had conLrac-s jor the
`first Phase l and Phase 2 trials. And then
`Phase 3s were usually done in the cooperative
`groups, which were also one o: our
`And you used the terms Phase l,
`Phase 2, and I believe Phase 3. Correct?
`What is a Phase l trial, as o:
`l999 time frame?
`A. Well,
`the —— Phase l trial was
`‘irst initia'
`trial ot a drug that goes into the
`clinic, where we're trying to determine what is
`the appropriate dose and schedule and whether
`there's any early evidence o‘ c'inical activity.
`And there are a number o: studies that are done
`in conjunction with tha .
`L999 was a transition
`time when di
`"erent sor
`_ drugs were coming
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page l8
`into the clinic,
`so they were called targeted
`And with those drugs,
`there was a
`somewhat di
`"erent approach to the Phase l trial,
`where biomar<ers were used and patients were
`highly selected to go into that —— that trial.
`And probably,
`I guess in the mid '90s, were
`putting maybe tour or ‘ive drugs into Phase
`coming from our program and there were some
`industry that came through oar program.
`And what would be the primary
`objectives o:
`the Phase l?
`A. Well, as I said,
`to establish a sate
`and e
`"ective rou-e o_ administration and to do
`pharmacokinetic studies and to look at evidence
`o: clinical activity and toxicity.
`And when you say "clinical activity,"
`what are you referring to?
`Tumor responses.
`Tumor responses.
`Is that
`e "icacy in --
`that's what you're trying to do.
`And it's your testimony that that's one
`the primary objectives o: Phase l
`in the June
`l999 time frame?
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 19
`Yes. Certainly it's one o_ -he
`objectives. Whenever you give a drug to a cancer
`:ient, you're hoping that
`the patient gets
`I mean, we wouldn't just give a drug
`because we were interested in what happened to
`the drug without knowing what happened to the
`I under— —— I understand what
`you're hoping :or.
`My question is a little
`though, Doctor.
`Is it your testimony that a primary
`objective in a Phase l study,
`in June of
`to evaluate --
`lt's always that --
`e ”icacy?
`—— in a clinical trial.
`You know,
`‘irst time you put a drug into the patient, you
`do a lot o: other things, certainly.
`And you
`to certainly establish the regimen that
`you're going to use is sa:e.
`And it gives you
`drug levels that are going to be, you hope will
`be e "ective. You're extrapolating from animal
`studies, but you're also watching what happens to
`the patient and the tumor.
`And there was a
`certain degree, at
`time, of tumor selection
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 20
`into the Phase l trials, based on what we
`knew about
`the drug in the preclinical
`These are therapeutic trials.
` marked Exhibit
`BY MR. GA%? C:
`I'm going to show you
`Exhibit —— what we've marked as Exhibit
`And I'll represent
`to you tor the
`record that this is a printoue jrom the Wayback
`Machine website from January o: 200l,
`a couple o:
`years after June o:
`"'1' give you a chance
`to look at that.
`And I want
`to focus on --
`MR. GROSSMAN: Counsel, before you show
`him this exhibit,
`I'm going to object.
`haven't established this as prior art.
`And under
`the rules you need to cure that objection.
`MR. GA%R C:
`I'm not representing this
`is prior art.
`I'm using this to —— I don't have
`to give any explanation, but
`I don't have to
`prove this is prior art to use this with this
`I believe this document
`is inconsistent
`with the witness's testimony. That's why I'm
`showing it to him.
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 21
`I'm going to
`object, based on your representation, A, it's not
`prior art.
`3, you have no documentation from the
`Wayback Machine,
`such as a declaration
`accompanying this showing that this is from the
`time period you say it is, which is not prior
`Your objection is noted,
`This is a —— are you familiar with the
`Wayback Machine?
`I'm tot.
`It's a service that goes back
`and captures website —— pages, website pages that
`existed at certain time frames. And we went back
`and captured a website page from the National
`"nsLiLu-e oj Health. Okay? And --
`This is --
`—— they discuss here Phase l trials.
`Do you see that?
`All right.
`And can you read into the
`record what it says with respect
`to Phase l
`trials in which researchers
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 22
`testing new drug or treatment —— treatment
`in a
`small group o_ paLien-s or people jor the first
`time to evaluate sa_e-y, determine a safe dosage
`range, and ideitify side e
`So on this —— on its website,
`the NIH is basically saying the purpose o:
`Phase l clinical
`is to, "evaluate i
`safety." Right?
`MR. GROSSMAN: Objection.
`It doesn't say "purpose."
`It says
`proceed through phases.
`It doesn't say purpose.
`Do you see where it says "in
`trials." Correct?
`I do.
`All right.
`And it says "evaluate."
`you see that?
`Okay. And, "Evaluate its sa:
`fety. Correct?
`Right. That's what
`I said.
`Then it says "determine a sa:
`dosage range."
`Do you see that?
`And it says, "identify side e
`Do you see that?
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 23
`It doesn't say "identi
`It says --
`MR. GROSSMAN: Objection.
`—— treatment, doesn't it?
`So is it your testimony --
`What is a treatment?
`I want
`to make sure I understand your
`So your testimony is,
`is the statement here
`"treatment" means evaluate evidence?
`So you always want
`to get a look a‘
`what it does to the tumor.
`I mean, you don"
`think people take x—rays when they're doing this?
`They don't do physical exams on patients while
`they're getting it? That's a very important part
`of it.
`It's a treatment experiment.
`So it's —— your testimony that a
`primary objective o: a Phase l trial is --
`One of the objectives. Yes.
`MR. GROSSMAN: Dr. Chabner, it might be
`easier it you let Mr. Gabric finish his question
`before preceding with your answer.
`wH« w TNfiSS: Okay.
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 24
`Plus give me
`time to
`Tifi w TNfiSS:
`Oh, okay.
`%R C:
`Now you see now the entry for Phase 2
`clinical trials?
`I do.
`Okay. And here they say, "the studied
`drug or treatment
`is given to larger group or
`people to see it it is e "ective and to further
`evaluate safety." Right?
`Yes. That's right.
`All right.
`So Phase 2,
`the Nil uses
`the term to see it it's e "ective. Right?
`And that's because you have a larger
`group o: patients,
`so you get
`some statistical
`idea or more solid statistical idea.
`By the way,
`this is a rather brie;
`description o: Phase l trials. What happens
`after a Phase l
`is we can go back and do Phase
`trials, which try other regimens or changes in
`the regimen that we've established for Phase l.
`And a Phase lb does have di""erent connotations.
`'1 get
`to Phase lb in a second.
`Thank you, Doctor.
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 25
`You said this was kind o:
`: summary.
`Is it inaccurate?
`It's —— it's not complete.
`Is it inaccurate?
`Do you disagree?
`didn't say --
`MR. GROSSMAN: Objection. Asked and
`I didn't say it was
`inaccurate in what
`it says, but it's incomplete.
`So it's your
`testimony that
`the NIH has
`incomplete discussion ot Phase l and Phase 2
`trials here?
`A. Well,
`this is a very brie: thing.
`don't know who wrote this,
`I have no idea who
`wrote this.
`It wasn't —— I certainly didn't
`write it.
`would say this:
`That when yo; give a drug
`to a patient, whether it's experimental or not,
`an anticancer drug, you're always interested in
`whether it has antitumor e "icacy. That's one o:
`the —— I mean, it would be unethical
`to give it
`You used the term "Phase lb."
`I don't see the Phase lb trial
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 26
`ted on this Exhibit 63 [sic].
`Is that a term
`t was used in June o:
`3y who?
`Ry all
`o‘ us.
`"hat is a Phase I
`—— Phase lb trial?
`What is that?
`It's a —— it's a derivative trial,
`which you change the schedule.
`You may focus the
`trial on a specific subset of patients, but it's
`the first Phase l.
`So a Phase l,
`the first time you put it into
`that's Phase L. You're mostly
`interested in safety and pharmacokinetics and
`yoi're also looking at —— at whether you get a
`tumor response when you get
`to a dose that you
`think is —— is reasonable.
`A number of trials wil'
`follow it you want
`to change the regimen.
`So let's say I want
`give intermittent dosing rather than a single
`large bolus, daily times five, or a —— another
`regimen, and it could be, you know,
`a significant
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 27
`But it builds on wha' you've learned
`from the Phase l trial. And tha"s called a
`Phase lb trial.
`And those,
`in fact, can lead to drug
`There are many examples now of drugs
`that go through a very shortened development
`phase because suddenly we understand who to give
`the drug to.
`And it's called Phase lb and then
`it leads into an early Phase 2 or you may not
`need the Phase 2.
`As you sit here today, can you identi:
`any publication, pre—June of ’999,
`that defines
`or refers to what you are calling a Phase Lb
`I'm —— I'm certain I can find the
`protocols which describe Phase lb trials. Yes.
`Is there anything in your declaration,
`those papers cite those protocols?
`—— I don't
`I don't know i:
`the issue came up.
`And was —— as of June o:
`there any definition of Phase lb
`I'm sure.
`—— on the Nil website?
`A. Well,
`I don‘: know.
`I can't tell you.
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 28
`:'s a rather large question,
`Is that a term that
`the NZ
`I used it.
`You used it.
`Q A
`All my people, all people that worked
`me used it.
`that a '
`rinition that
`the person that set
`the standard,
`MR. GROSSMAN: Counsel,
`just —— just
`‘or the record, you're required at a deposition
`when you introduce a document
`like this to cure
`any objections.
`I've objected to i- jor the
`grounds I stated earlier.
`You didn't cure it,
`we reserve the right
`to strike —— to strike all
`testimony concerning the document.
`So could you summarize your expertise
`with antifolates?
`In l969 I went
`to —— into the
`laboratory at Yale, worked with a Dr. Joseph
`3ertino, who was one o:
`the leading people in
`terms o: understanding the mechanism or action o:
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`anLi_ola-es and methotrexate, which is one o.
`firs- an_ifolaLes.
`And I worked on a projec
`develop a bacterial enzyme that would cleave
`folates and would produce fola-e deficiency.
`we did it, we
`took a Pseudomonas etzyme, pirified
`it, wor<ed with the people to New England Enzyme
`Center to produce large quantities of
`the enzyme
`and them actually gave it to patients.
`It was
`one of
`-he firs- —— I
`think it may have been the
`first examp'e o‘
`an exogenous enzyme given to a
`human for treating a —— a disease.
`The people I worked with went on _o found
`Genzyme, which is —— I was sad to see them leave
`the project.
`The drug actually proved to be
`in dealing with methotrexate toxicity,
`because it cleaves folates. And it's now
`approved for clinical use for that use.
`Q. Methotrexate?
`The enzyme.
`The enzyme?
`It's called glucarpidase. And
`after that,
`I went
`to WZH.
`I was working on that
`specific project at NIT.
`worked on a lot
`of other projects rela-ed -o antifolates,
`including pharmacokinetics, high—dose
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions
`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 30
`pharmacokinetics and how it related to the
`toxicity we were seeing with high—dose
`developed a monitoring system that was
`used to tol'ow patients and to predict toxicity.
`We discovered the mechanism o: renal damage
`related to methotrexate and developed a regimen
`o: alkalinization and hydration that prevented
`that —— that toxicity.
`It's a rather complicated
`regimen, and the toxicity was overwhelming in
`some patients.
`And so it was a very useful
`We also studied the interac— —— the
`interrelationship o_ me-hoLrexate and reduced
`‘olates that were used for rescue and established
`the principle that this was a reciprocal —— not a
`reciprocal, but a competitive relationship.
`We studied the process o: polyglutamation o:
`antifolates and showed that
`the polyglutamation
`led to enhancement o_ acLivi-y against
`thymidylate synthase and some o:
`the other purine
`And we conducted some studies with
`antifolates in people, one of which led to the
`approval of a new antijolate jor treating
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions
`- Chicago
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318

`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 31
`pneumocystis pneumonia, which was occurring in
`A )8 patients.
`And that's —— that's pretty much
`the summary.
`Than< you, Doctor.
`So is it fair to say that
`the bulk of your
`hands—on research activity was with respect
`Most o:
`And --
`There were a few other antifolates that
`we were interested in?
`Did you do any hands—on research on
`Hands—on, no.
`And if " understand your tes
`correctly, your work on methotrexate,
`pre—June of '999?
`A. Well,
`the laboratory work was certainly
`prior to l999.
`I: was
`l999 and below —— and
`prior to that.
`I: was probably mostly l995
`— and earlier.
`And is it fair to say that toxicity was
`a concern with respect
`to methotrexate?
`Oh, it's always a concern with all the
`cancer drugs.
`We were fortunate that, because we
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`- Chicago
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 32
`understood a good deal about it and had ways o:
`using antidotes and the enzyme that
`I described,
`that we could —— we could actually manipula'
`methotrexate much better than some o:
`the o
`drugs that we were working with.
`And so as of June of
`toxicity was
`also a concern with respect
`to pemetrexed as
`Yes, it was. Yeah.
`pemetrexed was mainly in the ha
`time, not with the NCI.
`I'm looking at your CV.
`Let me back up for a second. While you were
`doing your work on me_ho_rexate, it sounds like
`you have a fair amoun- o_ research experience in
`that area.
`I would say so, yes.
`All right.
`And did you make it your
`practice to stay abreast o:
`the relevant
`publications in that area?
`I tried.
`It would be important
`to keep abreast
`-he important publications in that area so
`that you knew what was going on with respect
`methotrexate. Right?
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`- Chicago
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 33
`And I had a more general interest
`in this because I was writing textboo
`So did you make an e
`monitor the publications in the area o:
`methotrexate prior to June of l999?
`A. Well, of course. Yes.
`Now, you have a heck o:
`publications listed on your CV.
`Most of --
`Seventy or so.
`Most o:
`them are authentic, yes.
`And so is it fair to say,
`I'm not going
`to ask you to count
`them all, but
`I mean,
`ballpark, you have about 200 peer—reviewed
`publications --
`A. Well --
`—— does that SOJDd about right?
`It's —— it's not really complete in the
`sense that
`the system in the university where
`am segregates publications into chapters, books,
`editorials and so jor-h so that
`they don't all
`there are probably, you know,
`in the
`200s in terms o: peer—reviewed publications in
`journals, yes.
`Those are the ones that
`university cares about, because when they look at
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`- Chicago
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`Bruce A. Chabner, M.D.
`Page 34
`for promotion,
`that's where they really look.
`Publish or perish,
`think is the term?
`Publish in peer—reviewed journals, yes.
`haven't perished.
`No, you haven't,
`Now, do you have —— currently have an active
`I have —— my primary role is clinical
`research, mentoring young faculty, attending
`patient conferences and helping in making
`decisions about patients through conferences, and
`then a brief period o_ a--ending during the year
`in the medical service at Mass. General.
`I'm a
`medical attending on the inpatient service there.
`And maybe of all the things I do,
`I enjoy
`the most.
`And if it's varied, you can let me
`know, but
`in the last five years, about what
`percentage of your time is devoted to

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